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Markdale Standard (2), 26 Nov 1885, p. 1

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 Mi Maa. ']^^ 907" 950' 10 Os- lo 17.. 1045" UlO" 11 36 " 11 51 " 12(i3pm i2 12 â- . 12 28 " 100" Exp. 620aiD"o 5 50" 6 05 " 614" 6 27" 6 42" 7 05" 7 3i" 8 00 " S 12 " I 8 35 " i 9 07" :10 40" recAy^^ plew •OL. 6.-N0. 27:i. MAKKDALE, ONT., iSOV. 36, 1885. Conn or thi Stahsaxd Fm curai xaoh. I-i-M-S! TO THEMIBLIC. I ijany tiianks for your g€fr- .-.,5 support during the past ifo years. By straight deal- [, honest representation of wdsr ^air prices, and satts- jtory work, 1 trust to mdrit Jccntinuance of yo'tir pati'on- I U, BROWN, The reliable Jeweller. m m al and Otheri teis. i';ii:;s in M/'-.-r cohimn-i intended to benefit tiiinibiii] t:r ^icioUj lerll be charged ten ViVnie iitr the lirst insertion and five y^illnmadi iubiequent insertion. hHiLBiKNE has now a roller rink. liiiisEs booniiug at J. Pi. Trimbles. \bn ::,'un for gale, apply to Smitli I iil'uer. \k.i. Cipher of Alleuford yisited u3 in Markdale this \veek. iGiBEiri. Dr.MdNT is roporteu to haye |5-.t I;i£t Suu Jay in ]\Ioutreal. The Scott Act was defeated in St. blarmes last week by 578 majority. 1-1 Lows WoE?.i Sykup will r«move L:r.(lg of Worms froni children or |iri colts wMe killed on the R. R. r«K« near Melancthoa station |£ttt!y. H. Eldee of Flesherton has- feasfed -Jimmie Puzzler" from W. lumpaigue. I^ssrs. Beuson talk of erecting a ?f roller, ritik along side their brick fssonMillSt. 'E2M will be no f^hronicU this: a. owing to the removal of the; "itiOHew prtmises. Tj^bshoes and Rubbers in graat r"f ^iMcLeod's, and cheaper than fJplitce else in town. Pt Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, V'Mi, Lounges and Cradles, go puti Co., Markdale. l|^E3:.w's WoKsi Powders tre safe [-cises. They destroy and r*- pViorms in children or adults. L'^^'-K Notes put up inbodis of 20., r'f 50, suitable for auctioneers! r«=n?r5, at the Stansaub office.^ pu Hoass and lot for sale on George b:-. »tre«t. Markdale. For particalars *f= -PRvto feter :MRArthur, Travers- â- u.. or to this office. 266-tf P^=scpipxioK9 received since, last T'/l^f- ^iil :â€" A Plewes, $5.00; ^â- ^-iskett, $0.00 Wm. Guthrie, fe£?'" package, of Rejn- t J ^^"«" sold in foHr years bv LJ '""^ts. Sold by Smith, the K'2 ^^^^°?^e8 for sale at Spar- Tt., â- ' f«ar Yandeleur, by John Nted ^^^"°'^^ warranted as re- F.g'h^?'*^"^^^' for S. Section i tioiknd, for '86. Apply to Axes the leading makes at Haskett Bro's. Tenders will be rtceived for Sexton for the new Methodist church up to Monday, the 7th, instead of Tuesday, the Ist Dtc. J?ur lined Mantles, tllstera, and Men's fine Pur Caps in Centra, Per- sian Lamb, and Seal, jitst opened at McFarland's. Mk. Wm. Aemstbong sold 60 acres, being lot 104, 2ud West of T. S. Road, Glenelg, to Mr. C. Littlejohns for $2,000 scash. Pkof. JjtiM\ Mloic Rui^HER Soap; â€" Healing, -soothing a cleansing for all eruptive diseases oi the skin. De- lightful for toilet use. Natio^tal Fills are unsurpassed as a safe, ui^d, yet thorough, purgatUve, acting upon the biliary organs promptly and efectuafly. Mb. Miller, of Allonford, has in- vented a boiler cleaner and is securing a patent in the U. S. He thinko he has a fdrtune in his invention. Keep your waather eye open and your left ear pet for Dramatic p;er- formance at WiUiarasford Station on Friday evening, Desember 4th. Two YEAR old Bull, with pedigree, for sale, cheap for cash or good mark. R. Freeborn, one mile from Williams- ford. Also two good Colts. 268-tf Found â€" On the sidewalk near Sarjeant's butcher shop on Tuesday last, a bunch of small keys. The owner can have them by calling at this office. One of the highest class articles we have had the pleasure to taste for a long time is W. J. McFarland's Tri- umphant brand of pure Tea, packed in perfection cans. Me. RoSebt Kelxs, who arrived last Monday from the North- West, expects to remain over winter. He likes the N. W. Tery well, and thinks it ahead of Ontario for a young man. The Mt. Forest Index man is a peg estray about the new Church at Markdale being opened last Friday, just one month estray, the 20th of December being the date, also 27th. At a meeting of the congregation of Erskine Prasbyterian church, lield on Thanksgiving Day, it was decided to accept the resignation ot the pastor. Rev. J. T.Paterson.â€"Meaford Mirror. J*s. Noble of the "Royal Hotel" shipped off on Wednesday, about 60 em^y beer and whiskey barrels. The largttr number (we should judge), 36 galldn capacity. Who drinks all the beer. â€" Meafcrd Monitor. Save Money.â€" S'arties wishing to secure a loan at a low rate of mterest in order to pay one off which bears « high rate shodld consult us at the Standard oflSce. All such business strictly private and confidential. Eejuvenatob Bittebs assists nature and removes the caupe of diseases from ;tbe system by ieepmc the Kidneys, liiver. Stomach and Blood pure and nature's channels free, then you have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. Many of those who have been vaccinated recently in Meaford com plain of the seventy with which the vaccine penetrates thfr system. In many cases persons innoculated have to quit work for a week or ten ^ys.â€" Mirror, Eemoval.â€" Mrs. Montgomery has leased Mr. Dunlop'a ehc^, next door to the City Hotel, where fhe has a lajge and well assorted stock of Oan- diea, Bisouits, c.. from the best manufacturers. Bread and cakes always on hand. Sad Accident.â€" A httle daughter of Mr. Josenh Beatty fell down the steps J. R. Tbublb has just received a large consignment of the celebrated New York Electric Lamp which he is offering for $1.50 cash all complete, a Better Lamp than those sold by other dealers at from $4 to $5. OwiKo to increasing amount of busi- ness done in this village by Masson Masson, Bairristers, their office will be kept open all through the week during fall and winter months. Mr. Wm. Masson will be in attendance as usual on Fridays and Saturdays. Grip's Comjo Almanac. â€" This publi- cation, for 1886, is to hand. It is brimful of amusement, containing â€" besides its other attractionsâ€" a double-page car*6on,"AncientNur8ery Rhymes for Modern Politicians." For sale by all bookss^ers only 10 cents. Latest Arrival.â€" Albert E. Rutledge of Fort William, DaVe Burns of Port Arthur, Robt. Kelts ot Moose Jaw, N. W. T., and Thos. Bates of somewhere up the lakes, came down per last boat of the season and arrived on first train 'Ikst Monday. They are all hale and hearty. ^HE firm of Rutledge Bros, of Fort William, lost $1,100 worth of dry- goods by the Algoma disaster, but fortunately they were insured, so that the loss will not be their's. A. E. Rutledge, one of the firm, is now down to Toronto purchasing a stock to re- place that lost. Mr. H. B. Harrison of Owen Sound Marble Works, left Monday for the United States quarries to select his stock of Marble and Granite for the coming season. His business is in- creasing so rapidly he finds it neces- sary to visit the quarries annually. Look out for big bargains next year in every variety of stone. Years of eiperierce and successful trial have proved McGregor fe Parke's Carbolic Cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for heahng Old Sores, Festeiings. Ulcers, Cats, Wounds, Burns, Frost Bites or Felons, andfor keeping out the cold and to cleanse or present proud flesh, sloughing or decaj Insist on having McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 25c. by Hill -Bro'B. «» Enquire at A. Turner A Co., Drug- gists in reference to the extraordinary merits of West's Cough Syrup. It is incomparable for the speedy cure of coughs, colds, consumption m its early stages, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, whooping congh, and all throat and lung diseases. Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Nov. 26 The building committee of the new Methodist Church in this village anticipated a first class job when Mr. Richards secured the contract, but their most sanguine expectations have been more than realized. The mateiial used is the best that could l»e obtamed, and the workmanship is pronounced by the architect as first- class in every respect. Dec, let â€" My fine lines of Xmas Cards from W. J. Gage, Toronto, and Atkinson Bros., Hamilton, will be open for inspection. Every card shown will V be new, as I only had. a few small cards left over last Xmas, and they will not be offered for sole. Call early and secure the choice ones. Marked in plain figures at list prices. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. BuBGLABY.â€" On the night of Nov. 8th, some parties broke into Mr. Bliss, mill at Traverston, and stole about eight hundred of chopped feed. A number of farmers in that vicinity have also had grain in small quantities taken from their barns, and one night recently, Mr. Cook's new house was entered by some parties who either maliciously I burned some wiadow sashes, or used them to keep on a fire and slept there. There must be something bad in the neighborhood.â€" Grey Betiew. Fluid Lightmng is simply a marveUooB Bheamatic Bemedy. I w4s for two months A criDDle. unable to get out of the home from The stained glass windows were put in the new Methodist chuich last week, and the .plastering was completed this week. The furnaces were also put up this week, and all the carpenter work trill be complete next week. The whole edifice is pronounced "a moder* by its numerous foreign as well as local visitors. Convenience-^" yoa ^^^ to subscribe tor or renew your sub- scription for any of the following papers, yen can do so at this office and thus save the trouble and risk ot mailing â€" Globe, Mail, Nfuoi, Daily World, Montreal Star, Farmers' Advo- cate, or American Agricultarisi. The balance of this year free to all new subscribers for 1886 for any of the above weeklies or monthlies. The great majority of subscriptions expire at the end of the year there is but one month until that time, and during that month (December) is the best time to renew for next year. Those who have not yet paid for the present year will require to bring along an extra 25 cents, unless they pay for next year at the same time and that time must be before New- years in order to secure this discounu. I had for years been a miserable sufferer from Dyspepsia, and tried all known remedies and the best medical sldll of my acquaintance, but still grew worse, until unable to eat any thing without great suffering, or do any kind of work. 1 began to think there was., no hope for me. and that I must surely die when, hke a drowning man catching at a straw, I determined to give McGregor's Speedy Cure atrial,! at once began to Im- prove so rapidly that in two mouths I was as well as I had ever been in my life. â€" Wm. EvERS Leamington, Sold by Hill Bro'g. Free trial bottles. 6 Improvements Still go on. â€" During the long winters with their attendant long evenings, it is well and highly proper to have some harmless and beneficial amusement for our young people, and this want is; we are glad to learn, to be supplied in the form of a roller skating rink which is to built at once by J. E. Marsh others. We have seen a plan of the rink and it appears to be such as will combine all the comforts and conven- i«nce3 that the loyers of this com- mendahlb sport could desire. The contract is let and work already com- menced. Stbange but True. â€" On Friday last about one o'clock, a man from the vicinity of Maikdaie was driving along the road in Sullivan township, near Desboro, when his attention was suddenly attracted by an object by the wayside, and on coming forward it proved to be a German girl Just after giving birth to a child. The man hastened to the nearest dwelling and secured the services of the woman of the bouse. The girl picked up her offspring and walked to fiaid bouse where she was cared for. It appears she had been stopping with relations at Desboro who, on learning her state, force^ her to leave on the above day. The names of the parties we withhold. The wisdom of inflicting capital punishmea-t upon persons convicted of the grav« political offencesofinoitiDg to rebellion and occasioning loss of life being, -cenceded, the Feueral Government acted wisely in not ar- resting the action of the law in the case of Louis Riel. The misguided man had a fair trial, and after the sentence his cooneil and friends were allowed to exhaaist every legitimate means of showing why the death penalty should not be inflicted. The highest courts m the realm found no reason for interfering with the death sentence. In his death justice has been yindiested, and the inherent ill-desert of cnnte has met with its jnst reward. The action of a portion of the French speaking population ot this country in stirriag race-hatred over Riel's punishment is gresAly to be deplored. ' It is to be hoped that tbey will see in the execution of Riel both a lesson and « warning. The action also uf such party newspaperii as have made the execution of Biel a lever for party purposes seem to us The right place to procure a good chopping axe is at Haskett Bro's, Markdale. CoNCBBT. â€" A concert in aid of Mr3. Gill, whose husbuid was lost on the ill-fated Algoma. was held in Haskett hall on Wednesday evening and was a grand success. The house was crowded and the programme was ex- cellent, and very impressive, the selections being chiefly appropriate for ihe occasion. Receipts $100. If yon are after a cross cut saw that will beat anything in the country, go straight to Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. Habvey Safety Lamp.â€" We have been favored with a view ofthis new petroleum light, and we are strongly convinced of its superior- ity as a coal oil burner oyer any lamp yet placed on the market. The air chamber in which the wick-case is suspended has openings at the collar permitting a constant circulation of air downward around the wick-case^ thence upward through the wick-case, thus giving a direct central draught. By this arrangement the wick-case is isolated from the oil, a small tube conveying sufficient oil through' to the wiok. This lamp is constructed upon thoroughly practical and scientific principles, and the result attained is a beautiful, soft white light, which for economy, brilliancy and steadiness is not surpassed by either gas or elec- tricity. J. H. Hull, agent. See adv. in another column. Chubch Opening. â€" The new Mark- dale Methodist church dedicatory services will be held on the 20th and 27th December. The Rev, Dr. Wil- liams, Chief Superintendent of the Methodist Church of Canada, will con- duct the morning and evening services on the 20th, and Warring Kennedy, Esq., of Toronto, the 2:30 p.m. seivico- Qj ,of the same day. Rev. Dr. Griffin of jjg j Guelph, the morning and evening and services on the 27th. and Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., Superintendent of Owen Sound District, at 2:30. A grand tea-meeting will also be held on Christmas Day. This church is a very handsome red brick edifice with basement, heated with hot air, has seating capacity for about 700. The design of the exterior is very imposing, while the interior is a perfect jem, and reflects great credit, not only on the architect, M. B. Aylsworth, Esq., of Toronto, but also the contractor, Mr. W. G. Richards of Markdale. The church complete will cost $8,000. [If our neighboring exchanges will give the aboye one insertion, we shall esteem it a favor, and will reciprocate when an opportunity presents itself. â€"Ed.] EIGHTH WONDER WORLD, It is demonstrated by many OP THE the Ancients in history of the that arts, notably arohiteeture, far excelled the present age, but it is reserved for the present ^ade to produce the eighth wonder of the world, i. e., West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment, which is infallible for Rheamatismt Sprains, Cats, Bruises, Sores and all diseases requiring external application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A, Turner Co. Nov. United Workmen. The membership in Ontario has mcreased 1.276 during the present year, .A Legion of Select Knights is to be organized in Brampton "Covenant " is the name of a new lodge recently organized in St. Catharines witli forty-nine charter members Thirty new lodges have been opened in Iowa during the past few months At the recent meeting^ of the Select Knights at Topeka, Kansas, J. R. Millar, of Goderich, Ont., was unanimously electe.t Sapreme Yiee-Commander. \\i^U !?â-  â-  i 11- •â- â€¢^â- . j â-  ,s ;i :;i. V I'.lri: iv ^1 W r1 â- :ii' i T 1 i i m t 'â- m â- 111- ff'l INFLUENZA.

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