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Markdale Standard (2), 5 Nov 1885, p. 5

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 'â- â- ^5^ 'j â-  ^T^!!"*?"' ;es the f»ll Assises. PfiisKWAiEK wa8 arraigned "'w guilty to the forgeries he I**" ^jj G. Gabdinkk.â€" The pris- ^â- ^ ' .,1 of malicioualy wounding ' The eviJcnce showed it to r* -.b, betv^eeu the parties. Verdict, not I""' frojt for the Crown. Jnd. 1^1 A. C., for the defence. "'Vaad Jury brought in a true bill ^°* t;,o= B. (iilliland for perjury, and 1**^' T^,i!ui Bell and Aaron Boynton r4di"" from tbe person. ' ^, r; TOTTEN HaYBS.â€" The .. hasft judgment agaiuSt John I e- a" s^"" "'" telegraph poles '^•Ve'rc claimed by ^Vm. Inksetter, the 'a Tiiis was an Interpleader suit to K whcm the property belonged. Verdict ,ff (Tea- or it Morrison for plaintiff. ,;-j,,,r ie'.fndcat Totten, I for ckftiulaut Hayes. •1^ min,g to the Im%. |1,|C0 ,* VrhMn bail al^taaJ. L- '.. v Which luddretdy been ^TO to In, „ottM7^rV»"^*?»:--;W««» «•!?««* andone-BixthofthennnLderwMior iS ""y* "» their .ction, thi. aeid u.»»Bar WM lor Bim. 1 „| gjjgg,, thrown into the blood, cftonng BhedmatiBm and other pain- fal conditions of blood poisoning. You may care this condition bj a and Masscn fri0 H. Ja- White.â€" The prisouer was .v!.jfor a nuisance in having aglandered f^'cn the highway. The evidence was ^cBflicii!;^' and the jury failed to agree. the Crown, J. M. Kilboum for but he was genwrouB, and gavig »270 tar an assignment of his ahare. At this point Hia Loidahip inteivened, and said that aa Uiwe was no evideifce of the value of flie mine, it would be impossible to show that thej had been defrauded, and directed an acquittal. Two other indictments against Connor for a similar offence were also dismissed. A. Frost for the Crown. D. McCarthy, Q. C,, and Masson MasBon for defendant, Obb tw. Fab«wem..â€" This was a case in which the Postmaster at Fajrmonnt and his wife sued the publisher of the Thombury Staiidard for libel, in a series of artidss against them in his paper. The eTidenoe brought out the whole gossip of the village but the jury came to the conclusion that the criticisms were not too severe, and brought in a verdict for defendant. Jas. Masson and J. Bimie for plaintiffs. J. Creasor, Q. C, and B. H. Evans for defendant. The Court concluded at noon on Saturday, several casses being left over for another Court. TMs Is an exosllent out off M. Rlphariloon"8 now Morcantilo Promlsos at Flosherton. prompt resort to the purifying, re- gnlatina; remedy Burdock Blood Bitters. iJWPOBTAirr. when you visit or leave New TMk City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and 8t(9 at the Grand Union Hotel, opposUe the Grand Central Depot. Elegant roomB fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re ducad at 91.00 and upwards per day. European plan, iUevator, Bestorant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand, Union Hotel than at«ny other first class hotel in the eitv. Thb Foub Cabdinai. Points of re- gulating the system are the storaaeli, the liver, the' bowels and the blood. With a healthy action of these organs sickness cannot occur. Burdock Blood Bitlers acts promptly upon these organs, restoring them to a healthy action. I«7 iij defence. FRIDAT. U. H. WniTBT, for receiving horse J ^.jJB^it to be stolen, -was sentence! to Luosthi in Central Prison and Almond •â- I'in'.er, for forgery, to five years in ritttntiaiy. Qe Grand Jnry brought in a true bill laiujij. P. Connor for conipiracy. (j-E£X rs. Jso. Bell xvd Aarok Botkton. -Ilie prisoiicrj were accused of robbing |:".,-iiilC!uijpliell, jr., of a sum of money in l.'ffitiasi. The prosecutor told a cireumstan • titoryotheins at Bell's Hotel Singbamp- Iftol starting home walking the two prison- |ffi»itJiliim, and of Bell putting his hand ;iijpccket and taking the money. After lasrjig two or thru e of the witnesses for the lce, His Lordship stopped the case and red thi; pri-ouers to be discharged, saying |;at iie charitably took Campbell's testimony ijirisiii!; from the vagaries of a drunken sn, or he would have him indicted for per- 1;- A. Frost for the Crown. Jas. Maseon i'Jieilefenee. I ErE?EE rs. McKae.â€" This was an action latsiit by the township of Burpee against iC.lIcRae on a bonl for §3,000, by which i'Mun.lhimself to erect a grist and saw 111! within the township. Judgment re- Jno. Creasor, Q. C, and S. Piatt fjriiaictiiJi. A. P. Cameron for defendant. THE EMMA MISE CASK. to !â- Â«. CossoRs.â€" This was the cel- ^riidconsphacy case against P. J. Connors, liitWiiTe from the Pinkerton Agency, |ii£agu, which has created a great, deal of iitin this locality. He was charged â- "â- .i conspiracy with others to defraud Mrs. liiiC! aaj^uiemheas of her family, by ob- Ifcng tlieir interests in the celebrated |imMine,of which Mrs. Billings' first Mr. Woods, was one of the original liAWtreib, without adequate eompensotiou. llamainfactsofhowaMr. Moody, leam- '^2t Woods left a widow in Canada ••"tii from Colorado in search of her how isihersi.leletrmng what he was about, |?iiiietectiye on bis track, who shadowed sframChieago. and finally got to Owen ^:adana saw Mrs. Billings, ahead of him. Naders are aheady famUiar with.' The I'"'!! tnel to piove the great value of the J the first witness. Moody, who was **« at a trial m Colorado, and heard the I"statedoaoathby a person who., had f n( the books, but His Lordskip 'xi^ l^'feiind of secondary evidauOT was, not Tl;ie principal facts brought out were as follows â€" Mr. Moody, i;^**^^^ Attorney in Colorado, was em- j ..s thought ^^ tie lawitU widow of Mr. Woods, to f:«herinterest,andhi8 wife bought "er share for a very small sum. Then 5 flat there was an "original widow" [•"ida, he came hero with the intention r*^ her t« entrust her business to him ,f !^ a share if he gbt the property p^*7«"thed8tectiTe got ahead, .and Ife J. "" ^i«Dd8 got the confidence of â-  ^183, she asked ,$40,000 for -her 'j^'.^« information of value which giv«n her but on representation ^flaim.wag doubtful, and that they ^Paying her somethmg to ^event ' 'W got her to give a quit cbdm A SENSATION. An unparalleled sensation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and un- equalled manner in which Neuralgia. Tooth ache. Bheumatism, Backache,. Headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning. No offensive, disgusting drugs need be taken for days. It is an instant cure. Try a 25c. bottle f»om Hill Bro's. 3 WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to ' Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. Nov. 5, 'So-ly ioflie, HjtlJ 'f""ere3tfor?2,500, i^^Z her mc ""^awd by oihers to make a trust After signing Mrs. Billings BioT AND PiBE. â€" Last night about 10:80 the fire bell %larm was sounded, and a big rush was made in the dkee- tion of Bay street to ascertain the whereabouts of the fire it was dis- covered to be at ,thd Clifton House, wijere a riot was at full blast. Fred Atterberry, off the Algoma and two Americans by the name â-  of Holmes were having a free fight with stones, spitoons, bottles and miscellaneous weapons. Obandeliera were knocked down and lamps smashed on all side». which resulted in considerable damage to the hoase by fire. Constable Spense appeared on the scene, and in ills usual afiable way invited the rioters to aecsmpaDV him to 'Her Majesty's residence" for the night. There were three other arrests made at or near the Clifton House about the same time by Constable Fearce, Frauk Mitchell, Cadman, and Charles Murray, the first of whom had a set of burglars tools and about half a pound of powder in his possession. Two or three of the prisoners have been employed for some weeks past lathing at Knox Church. All the prisoners were brought up before the Pohce Magistrate this morning, and remanded for one week to await developments. â€" O. S. Adv$rtU$r. LIVER COMPLAINT. A faint, weary, sick and listla^s feeling, with aching back and shoul- ders, and irregular bowels, proclaim a diseased liver. Try Burdock Blood Bitters, which cfures all forms of Uver complaint. Rebellion. Claims. ,MB. OUIMET BAYS TE5 DAMAGE IS MOT AS OBEAT AS BEPOBTED. MoNTMAL, OcTi 9.â€" Alphonse Oni- met, advocate of the city, who has just returned fr^m the NorthWest, where he was engaged since July last as a government commissioner in assessicg the damage to prbperty by the reb^lip*, says the damage is by no means â- *». great as generally re- ported. At BtUtleford, Batoache and Fish Creek th^ loss is the greatest, and it was principally "'»**?"°^ through Poandmaker and his band. The principal applicants for damages are storekeepers, whose premises were nfled of goods of all kinds, meludmg firearifts. The effects of the rebelhou, Mr. Oaimet said, have passed away, and now that the Metis nbave had thtii land claims finaUy settled they are gou« to work actively. Mr. Onimet dpnies that the hrffbreeds are in want, as stated, of food, as the government agents have supplied them with abundance wherever, it was needed. He concluded by expressmg his opinion that the Northwest is a magnificent country and only reqmres tobe opened up by raUways to De quickly settled. ' STRAYED FROM the premises of Mr. D. J. Ijewis, lot i9, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the last of June, two ewes, one ram lamb and a ewe lamb. Any person giving information as to their whereabouts will he liberally re warded. 267-3in For thie Fall And Winter* Seasons* M. RICHARDSON CO., -:- FLESHERTOK,. Show a superb stock of Dress Goods, Mantles, Millinery, Wool Goods, Furs, c., also Mens Boys Clothing Hats,Caps, Boots Shoes c ' A visit and inspection convinces customers that in this establiphment they c^n supply their wants at lowest prices obtainable, while having one of the largest stocks in the Coui^ty to select from. TEACHER WANTED. FEMALE, holding 3d class certificate, duties to commence 1st January, '86, for S. S. No, 15, Euphrasia, State salary. Applications received up to noon the 14th November. JAMES ELLIjOTT, Sec.-Tr«Mh, 268 70 Markdale P. O. SavE MoneY By buying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Pipes, c. -AT- Shropshire Ram E^ox SeXTTioe, THE undersigned having purchased frojoa Mr. Thos. ElUs, Qiieen'a Valley, one,^ his thorough bred Shropshire £ams aged, wiU hs^ye him for service on lot No. 4, cga, 7, Euphrasia. Terms, 75 cents cash. This ram i? an excellent stock getter. Also for sale one first-class Bam Lamb from above sheep, and a thorough bred Leicester Â¥wa. Will sell reasonable. JOHN BUSKIN, Proprietor, Taudeleur P.- O. Euphrasia. Nov. Ist. 1885, 268-70 I'take this means of inform- ing the public generally^ that I have; opened in MABKBAIiE An Agency for the sale ol the famous JAS. G. RUSSELLS FLESH ERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. rooooooooo e c o o o o o o o PecksSun MILWAUKEE, WIS. CEORGEW. PECK Editor and Proprietor. The Funniest Paper in America What V9c«jiBation is to Small-pox Pkck'b SuK is to the Muee. it DOHERTY ORGAN" It IE a fact, as every one says, that RUSSELL is the man^ .to repair your Watch or Clock] Iproperly. Vo oooooooo ooooooooo _-, •-• â€" â-  GIVE HIM ATRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction. ' JIS. 6. RUSSELL. 217-269 FARM FOR SALET And world renowned "SiijirSeiriislIaeliiie." top of the list as either a Par lor or Chapel Organ. For strength and variety of tone, f\rvrv 4.CRES, within one mile of ^Wil- I^oyle, the terms of which were ,jj 'I "'^« agi«ement, by which it ^.r' ^°'*^y ^as to get half for re- property, and he was to giye r;«eent. for his servicesâ€" lO p-r Thb Paws or Lohbaoo, aching back and hips, with aU weakness and sore- nese. will speedUy â-¼ani.h ^nnder the SSedy which o«y be tak«n »nt«^y ISappUedextaniaDy. Itisapoabre read andpopular piH?ere in the country to-day,, andi^tands without a peer in its specialty.. Tlie Originator of the celeb«»ted3^ BOI PAPEBS. Sptcimm Copies Free To Any Adireu. Bear in mind that by sending a Portil Card to this office a Sample copy ol reors Sun will be mailed you Free. Dont neglect to send at once, and teU yoor neighbors to. Worth of Fun for ic. Addres^ GK0EOEL.LOBD, PBC»s SUN is one of the mort ^^1 las Well as beauty of finish and """ " durability, it stands without a peer. The Singer Sewing Machine, is known all over the continent as the most perfect and dur- able machine in the market. Those who anticipate purch- asing anything in the above line will consult their own best interests by giving me a call before closing a bargain else- where. OfiEice in Dunlop's ol4 stand, Markdale. $1 BaaiiBt Manager^lClw Mto^Wi.. efthe liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 4.? 44, first con. East TorDii to Sydenham Boad, township Holland^ Co. Grey. ' On lots 38 39 there is 9:) acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 z 24 ft., well finished; good fiaftie bam, ^driving house, straw liouse, concrete stable, cattle The Doherty stands at the staUe; open sheds, and all necassary build- _r*V,-, i;^4. ic »,«.t,^.-o Por. ings; two gcod wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all beanng. On lots 43 (St 44 there is 20 acres cleared. well fenced, with gocd stream running through it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and rcdar. Good title and poeseeaion given at ono^ For particulars apply on premises if b3r. letter " ' JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Stotion, Co. Grey, Ont. FARM FOR SALEv' LOT 20, eon, 10, Eiai^unMis, nine milea frdm the fionrisfaing village of Markdale, aad one lot from Pott Office. This farm is wdl watered, solid di^ loam, eontains 100 aen» 46 of whieh iaclearadanilvader cultiva- tion and the balanee fine bariveejt ttmher, also a Ynune bam S6 x 56 fte««M, Tenns easy, for part'cnlars apply to THbs.MrXLOW, • OorinffP.O. 36S.72 AdJoiainfEthepremiseii.. HMH WHUAIS. UHEHOM iWeiLTIIIST; f^Rl^JSSS^^ \9% Cotamnfi •« 1«0 tag* ta eaek ftwae. Said three 2-eeat atampsfcr Bamide CoRf HIGH SCftOOL ERTBMMJUpUTWI. VrOTICRiaherAy given that the, next IN Biitra«eKiari.i«^toHi«kMi«)la lor the CetODty of jStaajw wiUTSa field on • sW %«ie4 »«* •»»« *fj[» ••^ 188^, at tK* Townof Owem â- li '-a :| 1 ' â-  a ' i â-  H'^l Im'M 1'..i5' ' 1. â-  fill i ;i -yxir i mumi J:i:

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