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Markdale Standard (2), 15 Oct 1885, p. 1

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 Mi^qii VOL. 5.--N0. 266. MAKKBALE, ONT., OGT. 15, 1885. GOPUB or TRX SXANSABD Frvx CKBT8 KACH. |tqU; lleiÂ¥ Goods now in, |_\fflerican Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, Musical Instruments and Strings. IS* Warrants honestly kept on ffoods or work. f A. BROWN, The reliable Jeweller, W and Otheq terns. X011CE8 in tlieit â- cobimns intended to benefit hiif individual or Society will be charged ten Itfliti line for the first insertion and Jive futti a line each subsequent insertion. JcMBo's heart weighed 1,600 lbs, AiviKTisE stray animalg in the ISllXDASD. The Weekly Globe to 1st Janaary |1887 for §1. The Weekly Mail to let January 1887 for $1. The Weekly News to Ist Jsnnary imi for $1. ' Mourning goods in great variaty at iMcFarlard's. The Meaford Mirror ofQce pomesses 4 lb. potato. Skglb barrel gun lor sale, apply to l^nitb, the barber. TnlSiel appeal case is to b« heard [rat Monday, 194h. Tbe Imperial Parliament will be [wiolTed Noventber 17th. rent, opposite the Stamd- I offie*,^ apply at this office. The Standaed to Ist January 1887 |»inw Bubscribers for $1. cash. .^oi Bedsteads, Mattrasses, and |JpnDg Beds, go to Grant Co. LosDON, England, had a three mil- ""D pound fire on Thursday last. L18GE sales of Millinery and Dress poods this week at McFarland's. W copies otthe Standabd can I « lad any time at five cents each. I J^ ChrUtian Guardian balance of ^^mi free to ncT subscribers for I fifc" '5" *^^^y anim*!« have this ISS^I^^'^^byadverJisingin li.e C^ "«t flitting of the Division J8tj(w"*^eldin Plesherton the \^h ^^^V' Wilkinson, or McGffl ^G- HnsTEB, of Dundalk, is pre- «S?i?P f°' bundred hens audi "^rooBterg. Wii*"' ^^^° Sdlphbk Soap is Uiki^^ended for aU humors fiakii\ °* November has been ap- «it the I)oJ- '*»«»k8giTing throngh- lii»m^!l!'*7*'y oiMstnms to ih* N(W-P'f»8. We have not ™«»y ID this district. Kff£«*^»^Tes. An editor T Thk cheapest Horse Covers, Bed Blankets. Comforters and Flannels in town at McFarland's. Thb Weekly Star for $1. to end of 1 886. Call and leave your subscription for one or more of those papers. Freeman's Worm Powders are agreeable to take, and expel all kmds of worms from children or adults. National Pills are a mild purgative, acting on tbo Stomach. Liver and Bcwels, removing all obstructions. Left Ovkb. â€" Artemesia Show prize list, Waskada communication, and other matter crowded out this week. Look Eebs. â€" First class cooking stoves No. 9, trimmed and complete for $16.50 at Walker Bros, Markdale 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. All shingles warranted as re- presented. If you want to buy or sell a cow or horse, advertise in the Stamdabd. It cost only from twenty-five to fifty cents for a week. Mbs. Maby Thompson, of Toronto, wa«« afflicted with Tape Worm, 8 feet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. House and lot for sale on George Street, Markdale. For particulaTS apply to Peter McArthnr. Traveris- ton P. C, or to this office. 266-tf A watchhaeeb of a neighboring village advertises that he will sell at lower prices than any dealer can hon- estly sell for. What does he mean School Books. â€" A com- plete assortment of new Beaders and other School Books just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Pabk lot in Markdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to R. Free- born, Williamsford, or enquire at this office. 125tf For lame back, side or chest, use Shilph's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Mb. Jai. Nelson took 1st prize for 5 lb. roll of butter at Markdale Show, thereby securing W. A. Brown's special prize, viz., Silverplate butter- dish, vd.ued at $3. Cboup, Whoomng Cough and Bron- chitie immediately relieved by Sbiloh's Cnite. Sold by A. Turner Co. z If yon want pictures framed, call at Hamilton's photo, gallery and see his stock of mouldings, the finest ever brought into Markdale, and prices tiiat are sure to suit. Sbiloh's Couoh and Consumption Cure is Sold by A. Turner Co. on a guflrantee. It cures consumption, z Bobkbt Walkeb a prominent To- ronto merchant, head of the firm of E- Walker Son, and for more than half a century a resident of the city, 4ied on Monday 5th inst. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Sbiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Owing to not having a proper list, several errors appeared in the Glenelg Fall Show prize list last week. We bad to take it from the Secretary's book, which we did not fully compre- hend. Slbbplkss Nights, made miserable by that terrible eounh. Sbiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Mb. Boot, riirtimin. of Holland, took first prize at Glenelg Show, held in Markdale, fiir "Sir Colin" colt, also fo^ best colt (m the gcoond, any kind but. owing to eomo itregulanty in making his entriae, he was deprived oftheprues. Will You Sotfm with Dyspepsia and Lirer Complamt? Bhiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to enr» you. Sold by A. Tnmer ft Co. Av ImplamMt agant al Meaford, named H. Tottenham, was arrested kit weak OB* oharga of having g- tainad monay by )â- â€¢ FKrt«M«- admita to soma «M00, hirt ia imdari natar to «lia tBtto* »«• " **^ Ijutaooimk Bx sure and don't buy a dollar's worth of Boots until you have seen J. E. Trimble's very large and well assorted stock bought at 76c. on the ' Catabsh Cubed, health and sweet breath secured, by Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. Turner Co. 2 Mb. W. a. Bbown, treasurer of the Methodist church building committee, is prepared to receive October pay- ments on subscriptions. Those inter- ested ai-e respectfully requested to hand in their amoimt before the end of the month. Elgin Watches â€" ^New movements received this week; 11 Jewells, Pat, pinion quick train, slide dust bands. Warranted against defective breakages for two years. Ask for my cash fig«res on this grade, as it is to suit the times. W. A Brown, the reliable Jeweller. The ChrisUan Guardian is published in Toronto, under the authority of the Methodist church, and is an excellent religious paper. It is ably written, well printed, and gives a large amount of home and foreign cb:u'ch and other news. ' The balance of '85 free to new subscribers. £. S. RuTLEOGE, of the firm of Rutledge Bro's, general merchants. Fort William, arrived last week, and, after yisiting friends a few days went to Toronto and Hamilton to purchase stock and returned this week to Fort William. They are doing an exten- sive business. If there is one article of diet m the world really worth enjoying, it is a cup of pure, fragrant, beaut^ui Tea. Those who wish to be sure of what they get, should patronize W. J. McFarUmd, who Imports Direct from place of growth, and guarantees every pound free from impurities. The New Mill. â€" Mr. J. S. Plewes has made arrangements for the entire outfit for his new Roller mill now in course of erection. Messrs. Goldie McCuUoch, of Gait, have the contract for furnishing everything. One car load of material arrived last week. â€" Shelbuma Free Press. Wb are tickled to learn that Mr. James H. Little, editor and proprietor of the Owen Sound Advertiser, has taken unto himself a partner, "for better for worse." in the person of Miss Annie Howitt. We brother and eistor- in-law and ui^easing happiness. W. A. BaowH's jewelry Cbedit Sale. â€" Tuesday, October 16th. on lot 66. Srdooo. East T. S. R. Holland. Sale at 1 o'clock. Farm stock, implements, c., e. As the proprietor, Wm. Jackson, has sold his farm, the sale will be genuine. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. We regret to^ ieam that Mr. Blyth, (tf the Chateworth Newt, has been con- fined to his bed with a seyere attack of inflamation of the lunsts for this reason his paper has not put in an appearance for two weeks. We under- st^d he is now on the mend. Mas. Montgoueby has opened a well assorted stock of fresh candies, sweet- meats, aud canned fruit in Benson's brick block, and as the old lady is in a great measure helpless from bodily infirmities, together with increasini; years, we hope our citizens will render her their practical sympathy. Years of experience and Baccessfol tria have proved McGregor Parke's Carbolic^ Cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healing Old Sores, Festerings, Ulcers. Cats, Wounds, Burns, Frost Bites or Felons, and for keeping put tlie cold and to cleanse or prevent proud flesh, sloughing or decay. Insist on having McGr^ior Parke's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 25c. by Hill Bro's. 6 Seldom Out. â€" Mr. John McAleer, of the Eugenia Hotel, was in Mark- dale on Monday. He seldom leaves home, but his many friends here were pleased to see him. Mc sticks close to business and keeps a well regulated house; is very obliging and a man of unquestioned integrity. His better half is not a whit beliind in matters perteining to her department Fluid Lightning is simply a marreUonB Rheumatic Bemedy. I was for two months a cripple, unable to get out oS the hoaf e from Sciatica. One bottle gave me instant relief, and placed me on my feet again. I have driven fourteen miles to-day (something I could not possibly have done were it not for Fluid Lightning( for the express purpose of procuring anottier bottle. So s^s Wmi, Dixon, Gananoqne. Only 25 ceiAs fcr bottle at Hill Bro's. 6 wish our abundant store is a perfect jem. The quantity of fine jewelry and silverware, so tastefully arranged, is a credit to the villi^e as well as to the proprietor. An excellent selection can easily be made for wed- ding presents, o., and besides, you can rely on the goods being as repre- sented. Safe HoMB.-^Mr. W. L. Young re- turned Saturday eyening after nearly three mouths absence on a trip to Scotland. Our brass band met him at the train and gave him a hearty welcome. W. L. had a pleasant trip and looks well, but contrary to the expectations of many, he still enjoys single blessedness. W. J. Bbnson, our local yet noted comic singer, returned en Monday night last from attending « grand entertainment East of Toronto, where his services had been engaged. We understand his renderings brought down the house handsomely, and be was several times encored by the luge andience. Good for W. J. Two hundred pair fiva Specks and Ej^asses now in tlta0. Concave and Convex Crystal Lenses, Laiiarus A Morris $2.00; same in Boss. Adamantine Lense $1.60. Cases fnm- iahed. Other Imes weli finidied 25 iMute to $1.00, Near Sight and Bun Speeks. Etery pair optically fitted •nd wttfanted. W. A. Brown, The Bebable Jeweller. Smun's Vntton is liAat yon jMedforConsnmptkm. Lose of Ap- petite, IMniaaaa, aad aU sjn^toms Sn«iM«a FriMlOaiid7Sasiita per teSTsolithy A. TWBar A Co. • Chubch Festival. â€" On Wednesday eyening next, Oct. 21st, in Wesley Church, Meaford Road. Tea served from 5 to 7 o'clock. Program to con- sist of addresses by Revs. Casson and Grandy of Markdale, AuM of Eugenia, and the pastor, Rey, Mr. Ayers. also readings and recitations, and music by the choir. Admission 25 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Anothbb Fbaud. â€" If any of our readers receive a circular from New York stating an "Organ is to be sent to you in order to introduce it in your locality, but that $4 must be advanced to pay freight,"dou't send the money, for the organ is simply a mouth organ. Now, don't conclude that we've been mulched for we haven't, but we have heard that somebody else was.â€" Acton Free Press. Remove. â€" Mrs. Montgomery wishes to return thanks to her numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past twelve years, aud would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. She has opened a large and well assorted stock of Confection- ary and Biscuite, Canned Fish and Fruit, Ac., Ac. Bread and Cakes as usual. Remember the place, in Benson's new brick block. I had for years been a miserable infferer from Dyspepsia, and tried all known rsmsdies and the liest medical skill of my acquaintance. but still grew worse, until nnaUe to eat any thing without great suffering, or do any kind of wt^c I began to tlunk there was no hope for me. and that I must surely die when, like a drowning man catching at a attaw, I determined to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial. I at once began to Im- prove BO rapidly that in two months I was aa wdlaal had ever been in my life. â€" ^Wk. BvEBS liEAxniaxox. Sold Vy Hill Bro's. Fme trial boMki. 6 y"lBM following is the Honor Boll of S. 8. No. 4, HoUand, for Sept., tiie names being arranged m ordnr of merit :â€" 4tii Class â€" Mi^gie C. Farley, Eddie Troughton,. Annie C. Hannah. 8rd Class Janie MeAnky, WiUie McAuley, Maggie Quinn. 2nd Class, Sr.â€" Thomas Fadey, Annie Givens, llmnie Shnto. 2nd CSaaa, Jr.â€" Bobert Minnioo, Grade Garimtt, UMggm fflrate. Joaior CivisioBisâ€" BJeha rd Hannah, Joeeph WoMe, WSBtaui MeT ia n a ad Jaiay ^vans, Aania Mirwiott. Ahaa U. fiorfcon, Teaehcr. FlesiienoB. iVojR our own eorrespondent. Explosion at tf old Dubham Cobn- EBs. â€" An explosion, which created no little sensation, but fortunately did Uttle harm, occurred in the dwellmg of Mr. Thos. Omelia, 2i miles east of this village, at what is known as the^ "Old Durham Comers," on Wednes- day evening last. Mr. Omelia states, having a short time previous bought some stoye wood from a neighbor, they had commenced burning the same, and on the evening in question, about 9 o'clock, they had put some blocks of wood into the stove and quietly seated themselves around the fire for the evening, when, with a ter- rible crash, the covers on the stove were blown off and the doors burst open, and in an instant the house was full of smoke and ashes, and the floor strewn with burning wood and coals, which fortunately they were able to extinguish before much harm was done afterward among the ashes on the floor was found some cartridge shells, the ball of one was afterward discovered to have passed through an inch board in a partition about 12 inches from where Miss Omelia was at the time sitting. Upon examina- tion of other pieces of the wood, in a soft or rotten part was found other cartridges imbedded in some dirt and leayes which Mr. Omeha thinks was placed there to do serious harm. We cannot think the neighbcrjfrom whom the wood was purchased would do such a diabohcal act. The case as yet is a mystery. The Rey. Mr. Ayers delivered his popular Temperance sermon, entitled "DoUarsand Dimes," in the Methodist ehurch here on. Sunday evening last, selecting for his text "Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfieth net " Isaiah 55 and 2. As space does not permit a synopsis, to be brief, the rev. gentleman's discourse was a choice production very ably and feelingly delivered, and altbo' the church was crowded almost to its ut- most capacity, was listened to with wrapt attention by all. At the close of the sermon, Mr. Ayers called upon Dr. Christoe to make a few remarks on the Temperance question, when the Dr. very briefly delivered a few well chosen remarks. At thjs close of the service the choir sang "Where is my boy to-night " the congregation join- ing in the ehorus. Considerable repairs and an addi- tion is being made to the Methodist church. Messrs, Moore Whitteu secured the contract at $760. The many farmers who sold their grain on this market last season will be pleased this year again to sie the pleasant countenances of Messrs. Elder andNeilson to greet thern again both here and at the Statio We understand other buyers are ;oected to be on this market this t^v :on as well, whicb, no doubt will ' nd to make this as good if not be/, than any other grain market in tlu nntry. Indimns SeMteaced To '?aUi. THE MUBDEBEBS OF PAYNE AT TO HANG. Battlbfobd, N. W. T.. Oc trial of the Indians charge' murder of Payne and Fr. been concluded, both l. i ,, guilty on the cleareK: Judge Rouleau, in pasrin^r v::- sentence, told the pri£0:ier.:- h hold out no hopes of :i^.r; sentenced them to be hai;^cl 27th of November, the day n the unfortunate men piev;'ou^ demned will meet their fai: v The three councillor.^ wl: the celebrated Poundinak...' were sentenced to two yuars penitentiary. The murderer of Dill .w.-u- p trial to-day, and Uie care wil; i be condnded before tho coui though aa the evidoncs ir- to he voXominooa, tbe^n number of witneaaas, it ma; go over till to-mmnrow. •*P" ennpany, Infantry for home on Saturday. mkmont â€"The b the t has., found tence.. death ' could He n the ^hioh :] con- signed letter th in ;.'jed on i ibarbly t ciaen, xpectesi .log ijdve t--? SebooL SK! m II N 'a. /I' â- A].- Im !l ^in^ii^iir^i^ i^-'i 'i^i St. ' â- m" ' :!â- ' :^^ H 'i f| ..Mr â- J; uMiiiii n

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