.i t!» HarMale Standard ..V Thursday, at the office. MiU -:r«t. Mark dale. :r in advance; â- inoDths. *1.50 if V ai,J buiDe8s cards one inch rti-f meats 8 cents per line firg* â- "f cents per line each subBequent ' n'oniareil measure. •fnowes, or notice! m local eol. „Bts per iinfc first inaertion, 5 cent. •niipnts insertion. rnals ic advertised 3 weeks for idvertisemeut not to exceed twelve -er discontinued nntil all m^B eieept at the aption of the publisher. jOrPRINTINC.-â€" riiaBi- oHico has a splendid eqnip- l te' as well as fine job type. 8pe- ^,„„ to orders by mail. Ordsrr .JiFIiatch. I ,rrOK AND PKOrKlETOB. fegal. 18, ECHLIN GARVIN, I.AUDEB k hands), Proctors No- :Cl,=S0V3 Tf. I. -i;TV];s. Solicitors, /r- Cviivcvnncers, die. Money to j'ii.4 rates of interest. 10 KiuK Street East, Toronto. Oibtes lissom MASSO?f, ISTKKS. SOLICITOKS, o. KAKilS ron SALE. in Viewer's Block O'-vuii Sound, Urinch oliici- in .Murkdale, over â- un Friday and batuiday o7-ly Urincli i a; Sl'Te, AV. Massos. 4l.n:iii«t'" Brown. |.,f Marrm^'e Licenses, Fire and i„'.,mi...-'-- Aj-'ent. Commissioner CiMivivuncer and Licensed tv o[ Orey. Farmers .tc. ,.;f„rtlieC"iinl, „ „.iL:md Siiles, I'unctunlly at- ,vs made verv moderate. 1-y i,l ;!t,pt.l7.1«W. «|B. Itrown. •|.|)I-\l\lU;lA(iKI.lCKNSES,c â- '„ic.^„u.-r in I!. K-A-e- ".iifir" in '!! 'ts l.rancl.cs promptly •,„„,„ir;ucfull.v executed. LlIiiMjto Lend on Ileal Estate ae MARSHALL, L.D.S. DKMIST, y rifATK 111' liillilNT" SCIIOOL li,.,..;,tiv vvili I" at the Markdale '.IirUile "'» tin. 1st and third Wed- ja^iimrmtli an 1 also at Munsha^y'H ne'i;«t"" tlii' diiy followint! the |iis|.r()fc!sioii. 122-47 LI. WAKDEI.L,, U.Wi.dKR.^NPDIULLEU. ALL i,kv [irmipllv iittcnde.l to. Eesi .i.mlaVlh!riwi-n S.uiud 122-3o .ucfaki.axd's store. r,F rn-iT(.r.\i;.\NTEED. C.RICHARDS, ,i!,,. I I'NTiiACTi.iU, A.AUCHI- • Mariiiliilf. 1241y |m\» »i-5'i\«o Her and Contractor p;.nt.f r.iii-k and Sl^nu ^^ork. iven. â-ºtnSTHIitcTil. â- uiiiil w.iiiiiiMv at"'nd"d to. MAliKPALK r. 0. 1 i Ornamental Plaster On, ;;â- â- til." hi-u- ilterian Church Mark- dale. i (Vntif F'l wfis. ami all -itiaRil nniumi iit;il pl.it('iiiiji ex- |CMif,l mus. ';ilsi'miiiiiij; Lime piRrpair? imiijii'lly attcniled to. GIBSON ONTR ACTOR. fnr ai! kind,- of (VHIOHE WORK, 'n:nvjtiita\ l"i:i-ti'rin^». f""'ail ShuiUi cni,l Ctilurs. â- "I'-iie and Fatisfat-tion fruar- 'â- â- ' «lt at iiii, Snsi.Ai;ii office "â- •"Ertjitfut^ou. 12n.ly. HOUSE, JRKDALE, ""sn. Proprietor. PllE HOUSE, aim: ONT. VOL. 5.-N0. 262. MARKDALE, ONT., SEPT. 17, 1885. (Con ga O F TB« Staxdabo I FlT» CUTS BACH. J HARKDALE Roller Mi Bran $9 a ton J. W. FORD. TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES, The nndersigned is mannfaetnring an ek- eellent assortment of School fixrnitiire. Consisting of SC:^OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tno Utejit design and most approved pattern. Blghly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactnees, whereyer tried. An assortment of Farm and School BeUs kept always on hand. Bend for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. X81 ANDREW McGILL. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.MATTHEWS,Proprietor NotLiug but good s^ock used aud the best mechanics emploj-ed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavv and Light Harness alwaj-s on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Yalises, Blankets, Eobes, o., always in stock. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GENER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAM WAGONS. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLaMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Crist' Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and BUls Filled on the sliortcnt notice. LUMBEE AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buf.jrnnt, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logi wanted 91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenham Street. MARKDALE. 'u»Mff%^ MARKDALE. THIS NEW Patent Process Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the IVIost ^^\i*I»ROVEr plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, 'A Model Mill." 1 am therefore in .a position to gfvc the public a SUDOrior Article of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear but the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. AHGUS PLEWES. 219 ^i^la^l EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINeS supplied on the sliortea notice. A. Sulenclicl Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. MARKDALE We, the nudersigned, would respect fully intimate to our customers and friends that we are still here and pre- pared to attend to all who may favor us with a call in anything we can do in our line with t)ie best possible satis- faction. Also we will get yarn for those who allow us to do tbeir weav- ing. IS" All kinds of merchantable farm produce taken iu exchange for work at market prices. 248 4in F. J. RITCHIE. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. lABREE TO DUPUCMTE AMY MAKE OB SRADE OF WATCH IN 3. 4. or 5 Oz. CASE â€"AT ASâ€" Close Figures â€"ANDâ€" lOEiTkeftWMITS As any city firm, Grange Agent, or Jew pedlar tiiat tries to deal in tills section Grey Co. W. A. BROWN, The reliable Jeweller Tbaxp printen on the turt again no less than two ealled to see tu TneadaT and Wednesdaj last. For lame back, mde tx chest, nse ShUoh's Porous Plaster. Ptioa 25 cents. Sold by A. Turner Go. I Look Han. â€" First class eOoking stoves No. 9, trimmed and complete for (16.60 at Walker Bros. llMrkflale. Grottp, WHOOFota Couoh and Bron- chitis immediately relieTed by Shiloh's Core. Sold by A. Tamer ft Go. z If yoor child ii stubboru or hard to. administer medicine to. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appreei ated. SmLon's CoDOH and Consumption â- -Gnre is Sold by A. Turner ft Go. on a guarantee. It cures consumption, z HuoH Mebckb left here for Williams- ford on Wednesday last to take stocb in ihe store lately carried on by Henry Foster. 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandelenr, by John Weber. All shingles warranted as re^ presented. That Hackinq Couoh can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by A. Tamer Co. z Local and Otber Items. Notices in these eolumnt intended to benefit aTty individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subuquent insertion. Mk.G. iu Milton. S. Bowes is visiting friends ih, rrop AL HOTEL tljLiB, Ont, Lions Sample Booms tc. The Bar and larde I the best the market af and attentive Hostler's lATKINSON, Proprietor HARRISON, MANUFACTUEER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Fumitur* 'Garble, de. JUST BECEIVEP 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble IS" LarRCst stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries ia Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTIOM OUARAKTEEO. N B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stonis of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- aether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide 5i« imperfections, and caUed White ^nize. H. B. HABBISOff. HOTEL fALLS h ODt. Prop. |ely on receiving every as to Eatables, Drink e. 244-57 MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of =PUMPS,^ Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron inrmps SnppUed Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Agent for ^rgent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER jor Gienelg and Bentinck townships. IS" ()id«s by mail promptly at- twided. â- ai« lEVUfiOGERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a ChticM. Frtth vU Stitd STOCIt OF Which win be sold "VEBY CHEAP. I respeotftilty s«rfioit tiie pnUie'i patronage. i9» J. PU^IfKS. The Thombury Standard is twelve years old. Beaks are plentiful around Egerton, Melancthon. Fob pine aud maple flooring go to G. Grant ft Co. Nobby Jhterings and Dress Goods at McFarlaud's. Tbout fishing season was out last Tuesday, the 16th. A case of smallpox has been dis- covered in Port Hope. Garden vegetable thievos are numer- ous around Thornbnry. Mr. W. K. Fleshes, of Jblesherton, has returned to England. Fat cattle and sheep for sale. Apply to Mrs. Might, Gienelg. 261-G3 Mr. S. J. CoLEHAN leaves this week to visit friends in Leeds Co. About 75 left Markdale on Monday last for the Toronto Industrial. Fob Bedsteads, Mattrasses, and Spring Beds, go to Grant ft Co. We are having some fine weather now â€" just what theiarmers want. New Velveteens just to hand at Hiil Bro's â€" all colors, selling very cheap. ' See McFarland's all Wool Flannels, Black Cashmeres and Tailor Made Ulsters. It is estimated that 40,000 person were on the Exhibition Grounds Monday last. McFarland has the cheapest Laces, Silk Plush and Velveteens north of Toronto. The next sitting of the Division Court will De held in Flesherton the 23rd October. Ladies' Dbess Goods in all shades and all styles, great valne at J. B. Trimble's. A NEW roller skating rink is being built in Owen Sound, and will be com- pleted next month. Fob the best value in Tweeds go to Hill Bro's, nothing in Town to com- pare with them. WoKMS cause much sickness among children that Freeman's Worm Pow- ders will surely cure. Miss Pktch, of Georgetown, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Batledge, of this village. Gemts' Underclothing in good variety aud wonderful cheap for spot cash, at J. B. Trimble's. Mbs. Db. Spbodlx returned from Owen Sound last week where she had been spending a few days. A roller skating rink, m a conveni- ent part of this village should pay well. Who will erect one iKwhaiiewaet (km • axutkaxA. fulfil the imitimrc f* the Mnr Ceatap ment 1 He love* hie MMiny. Mas. Da. â- Wabhii»kh aud her thar-in-lawhaT» bem viaiting tnmi* in Markdale the pMt bm days. JuSr arrived at J. B. Trimble's large lines of Booto ft Shoes from tht The date of meeting of Centre Grey Farmerb' Institute Directors is changed from 22ud to 29rd Sept., same time and place. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cou^h. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy tor you. Sold by A. Turner Co. 2 A GtiEAT number left this station on Monday for the Toronto Industrial ye editor and his better half among the number. Will You Soffeb with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by A. Turner ft Co. z There is a fall of 844 feet at Eugenia Falls iu a distance of 183 rods, the main fall being 79 feet perpendicular. Haseett Bed's aro havine; thcfr new hall painted by Mr. Mabee. When finished it will present a very credit- able appearance. Every man, woman and child should call at J. B. Trimble's and e,et some of the wonderftil bargains he is offenng to cash purchasers. OuB village is nearly deserted, so many ar^away to the Exhibition in Toronto. No doubt some of the boys will return with "sore heads." Scliool Boolzs. â€" A com- plete assortment of new Beaders and other School Books just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner ft Co. The Editor has gone to the Ex hibition and has let the care of the paper go to the "devil." But he is clever and can turn ont a good paper. Pabk lot in Markdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on DoKT miss the C. 0. 0. F. concert ia Haskett's Hall next Monday evening Bol's council has appealed to the Frivy Connctl against the legality of hw trial, and the execution is adjoisn- 6C1* M*. J. p. Mamhau.. L. D. S., of Shelbume, fell from the loft of a stable on to a manger while attending to his horse one dark night last week and broke several of his ribs. He is recovering nicely, being able to fill his appointment here yesterday (Wednes- day.) OuB Bbass Band played on the streets last Saturday, and disconraed some very fine pieces. Quite a num- ber were m from the country for the express purpose of listening to the music of the band, and showed then- appreciation by an occasional clapping of hands. VoLUNTEEBS IN Gamp. â€" No. 6 Com- pany of the Slst Battalion left Flesh- erton for Niagara camp grounds on Tuesday morning last where they will drill for two weeks. Mr. R. 0. Whitby, clothed in his uniform, left here on Monday evening to join No, 6 at Flesherton. A NEW kind of coal oil lamp has been introduced in the Owen Sound Methodist church, six of which gives as good (if not better) light as 82 of tne ordinary lamps which had done service in that church. The new Methodist Church in Markdale is to be ht with the new kind of lamp. John McNassar, Bondhead, writes I "Whenever I feel ont ot sorts, biUous, or my liver not working right, or racked with a headache, I take Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure. There is more real beueSt from one dose of yar Liver Cure than in' BMiny bottles of some medicines." 9ept. Kationai. Pp-T.^ will eu« tttnttiiratrt bewds and r^^Iate the liver. One hundred and twenty-eight Veifle disd with smallpox in Moutreci la-^t T-.-coii, in-; st;!' t}io .â- '.r"ail.a au-iasi- comiuui's its ravaged. A VEKT COIOEON GcGUaaEMOK.-â€" Tb« Emg of Siam hat 8.000 wive*. aa4 when the norse sofUy opens the doof and whispers "It's a boy, sir ma* pounds," his majesty is apt to wtkj "Well don't bother me Pm hoMj." HcObMW fc Pabu's Carbdie Caste k invalaabU f(» Wonnd*. Sores,. Salt Cats, Barns; Scalds and Festers, as abaiiiH and purifying dressing. Do not be inipoMa on with other oseless preparations, rsiiiiw mended to be as good. Us* only Me^mof fe Park's Carbtriic Cerate. Sold by His Bro's. f The outlook was not a very bright one for many of the visitors in Toronto who arrived by the late trains ]Iob day night, as they paced the atrcete revolving in their minds some aekemtf whereby they might procure for them- selves a night's lodging. AH the principle hotels were filled to over- flowing, and many ladies were turned adrift to do as best they could nnder the circumstances, the parlonr#f which were filled with camp beds, re- sembled more a ward in a hospitaj than a hotel sleeping apartment. Tbe diseoTcry of the instantaneous procwM of taking photograplis has bAen qnisUy followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantaneous remedy for all acuta aches and pains, an Neni^lgia, Toothache,' Kheomatism, etc. This valuable remedy if called Fluid Lightning, and is sold â- ! l6 cents a. boUle by Hill Bro's. f Not a Dbunkabd. â€" A paragraph has been going the roun^ of the papers concerning Mr. DeLisle, Frenchman, who was buried on thf 4th line of Collingwood Township some thirty-five years ago, and was found in a complete state of preservation on his grave being opened. It was stated in the paragraph that the deceased was a confirmed drunkard, and died while nnder the influence of liquor^ On Tuesday Mrs. Ehzabeth Gallowaf who lived next tu aud new the deceased for a number of years called on thtf Enterprise to deny the statement, which she characterises as a false- hood. She states that the deceased was not a drunkard, kept no liquor off his place, aud as he was not off it five times in a number of years preceding, his death it was not possible for him to dnu6 much. He was 80 years olJ when he died, and was univertally esteemed in the neighborhood m Me. S. M. Smtthe, salesmaa in Mr. which he lived and testimony to a W. J. McFarland's store, ksKVes for similar efl'ect is born by many of ki* B^inghampton, New York State, next [neighbors. Parties who snp^y" _«-i. ,. i. -.1... uiformation to newspapers should be particularly careful about their facts,- especially where the dead are conoorn-- ed. week, where he has accepted a situa' tioB' as salesman in a large dry goods establishment. We extend to him onr best wishes for his success, and hope tliat we may see his smiling countenance again. The C. O. 0. F. of Markda'e will ^ve a grand concert and literary entertainment in Haskett's new Hall on Monday evening the 21st inst. The committee are determmed to make this n grand success, and ire sparing no pains to accomplish lat end. See programs fur particulars. Admission 25 cents. Shoddy Boots Shoes have about had their day in Markdale, aud the public have learned that it is money saved to purchase good solid goods. McFarland has opened and marked off upwards of 2,000 pairs ot Solid Leather Boots ft Shoes which will be sold at very little more than some merchants ask for shoddy goods. It is probably not known that children not vaccinated are lawfully prohibited from attending our public schools. How many would be feft in Kev. J. G. FalUs, Dutton, certifies "For' some years my wife has been troubled with Dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after" another recommended but with little or no' effect till advise to give cOregor's Speedy Ctke a trial. Since taking the first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement, and can with confidence recommend it to be nie of, if not the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. This invaluable mediefne 'Ibr' Tiiver Compbimt, Indigestion, Kidney COD-^ plaint, is purely vegetable. Sold at WBr B»o's. Trial bottles given free. reasonable terms. Apply to R. Free- *onr school if this law were carried ont born, Williamsford, or enquire at this [At this time, when smallpox are rag- tf ing so fiercely in many parts of Canada, it is the duty of every parent to haye his children vaccinated. 1251 u a hm maker*, cheap iaec spot cash. Pwjr. Low's Smowra Boap cheap and handy form of obtainmg the healmg viriaas at a ni^mr bath. W» have ieo«iTi«l oopiea rf En- phraidA A«. Soo-y prise Krt for 1886. Thanks to the Bee'y. Mr. WitooB. ICatBivDnaaoftlMeityofLaadon Out., ia esgMAtA to tnka " IfeFhdaod'l Ifillioaiy tUa dia^g» of office. Mb. Madill, of Corbetton and Riverview, exchanged pulpits with Bev. Mr. Wilson of this place last Sabbath. The latter dispensed sacrement at Corbetton that day. S3 car load of old iron rails of the T. G. ft B. narrow guage has been lifted and shipped to Manitoba to make sidings on the Manitoba and Sonth-Westem branch of the C. P. R. Catabsh Cubed, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. Turner ft Co. z Mb. Abch. TTtt.t. of Stayner, is visiting his brother, Andrew Hill, tailor, of this place. He will likely be permanently situated here' as his brother is talking seriously of leaving this part. The season is fast approaching when farmers and others are looknig for Fall and Winter Clothing. J. B. Trimble has the largest, best and cheapest lot of clothing ever offered in Markdale. Thk Dnndalk Herald has entered nponits fifth year. It has made steady progress in the past, and bids fair for valuable service to Dundalk and vicinity in the future. We wish it every sneetis, Thb Secretary (Mr. T. J. Crawfwd) of the Great Northern Kxhibitiim in OoUiiqprood. wffl ji l wn s wt thmto lor invtelion taa.. •tm tMn tieket to the fdl ayTinntwit to be from 29tb S^ to and Oeb gHtbOH'a yRiUzas is vAat yon need for (^ramptaon. Loss of Ap petite, Dis^ess. and all symptoma of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 76 cents per botae. Sold by A. Tomer ft Co. « Tmc trial of Big Bear was eonolnd- edmiSatazday last. Ha was fonnd gna^oftraasonlvtlMJaiy. with • (trang raccwimnwdatiwi to maroy. Jndge BiehazdaoB seBtenaed hun to three yean in Ae pe nit atitia t y. NoH^ «^ f*«* **^ •" Cotton Baits hmlpoa armmd JMt^aiaaBL Tfmjai^i keep Hill There will be sold by. public auction at the Revere House, Markdale, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 1885, that vtry valuable property on Toronto street, adjoining Hill Bro's block, containing one-half acre, suitable for either busi- ness site or private dwelling. For ttrms and further particulars see posters, an advt. of which appears in another column of this issue. A Babe OppoBTUNrry for our town and country people, Chas. Cluthe, 118 Kmg Street West, Toronto, which name is familiar with everyone as the best and most experienced man for relieving and curing Rupture and Deformity. Mr. Cluthe sells from bis PBINTED Fbicb List, serves all alike, rich and poor, exce^ in case of charily, which ((/ so) has never been refused See advt. iu another column. The editor of the Grey Review endeavors to make his subscribers believe that his paper is larger than ita less pretentious neighbors, tlie Standabd among the number. We just took the trouble to put the tape line over last week's Renew and Stamdabd and find there ia a difference of 66 inches of reading matter in favour of our paper, making it fiye feet six inches the best paper per eek. Canadian PadfioBailway Com- faKpajweeat^added^me magnifi- aaweoaebes «Ht ^wiEi«» .«m eqoqpmant, whieh are to run hetweot Tomnto and Mentrad. The new coaeheaaiefii^-aixfMtin length. They are finished in aolid mahagany, higbly decorated, and have donble-sash windows. They will each seat sixty- fbor peraons. The aislec an eazpeted, aud the seats are upholstered in olive- green cohmrod plush. The coaches •re heated by a patent heater, and eaeh contain anloon, waab-ioom, and lanch bnffiit. The firat-eUf s sleepers ace sixty seven feet in loigth. There is an electric ball in each Urth. by which thaoeeaputaaaaBll the porter. Both inside aid ootaida an ficiahed oSin BoM mahogaoy. elaborately JMorated. Thatmoks an nx wheeled S^aiy tUa tmuSa. ISt^at^B. TSv So^t keep «ah dacoratod, Thatn»to«i«wDa«ea. -r=r- if'^S^^S^vSSTJrS^Tw^S^ *** wa-h-room w4 ioiJat ae- Escape of Prtsonerat London, Sept. 1^.â€" About MtW o'clock this evening while SherifTs officer, Ben Young, was about to ascend the steps leading from Dnndac street to the private entrance to tba- county jail, having iti charge the two coloiced men know as the Henderson brothers, who have been serying a tejrm* in the penitentiary, and who ara- wanted at the Middlesex assizes, the' prisoners made a bolt for their liberty and succeeded in gaining it. Young, and an assistant walked side by sid*: witb the men until the steps were' reached, when Young stepped ahead fay lead the way. Just then the Hender- sons took it into their heads to ron, and they did so, almost instantly, taking a due westerly course over Ken- sington bridge and down the bank of the river. When about 300 yarda down they waded across to tbeoppositO' side and were soon lost to view.. Young secured a revolver and fired at the men, who was handcuffed together^ but it is not thought he hit them. They are a desperate pair, and were sentenced to Kingston for stabbing:, Constable Nichol and others oi London, east at the spring assizes. It will be remembered they were extradited at Detroit, and were to be used as* witnesses in a case to be tned at the assizes here to-morrow. â€" News. LOST I How many people of both sexes aitr- suffering from lost vitality, all broken down, and on the verge of Consumption that might be restored, as many have been when given up to die, if tbajr would use Burdock Blood Bitters^ which restores los^ vitality and givaa new vigor to the debilitated system. Bid's Syaspatiiizera. A. PXTITIQK IN HIS FAVOB ADDl UMITSD STATES SECBBTAST. BooBESTXB, N: T., Ang. 80.â€" A largely attended^ and enthosiaBtia- ^^^ng of French-Canadians of th^ ai^ :««m'1nU-4« aftaraoop in bahav of Biel, tba oondamnad OsaadiBKsaM. Addresses were made by iiinailiiaat Frenchmen of this city and a patitiaa, addiewed to Secretary Bayaid,aakiaK for the interposition of the United Slates government, was nnanimons^ adopted. The petition states Rial u a citLsen of the United States and that bis trial was not a bur one. Tba petition is signed by all the VnaA residenU of the city. CEQiCAlli CUBE. A GuKK roB Choleba Mcmwos. â€" A positive core for this dangarons ean- plaint, and for all acute or efaropio forms of Bowel Complaint ineidant to Sommer and Fall, is fonnd in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wfld Strawbany [to be procored from any ^^ig^ak. "•â- â- ^^ W â- ;ii;ljiiic; *.;«sg SI *»•- •(•S. •â- ""?%" 3**^^"** â- •W-, ,iji,^-iSi^1^ ^r-^s _.r f rJ^-^fS^i