VOL. 5.-N0. 250. MARKDALE, ONT., JUNE 25, 1885. CktPlSS Olr XHS SlAMDiLSD FrvxcnrasBAca. mM WiiK GOOD TIMEKEEPERS. /^ Genuine Waltham, Elgin and Springfield Movements. § Grades Key and Stem Wind- ers now on hand. 30 Swiss Watches $9.50 to $16, Very suitable for teachers, being close timers. 26 Watch Cases, 4 make}, 2 to 5 ouaces, Hunting and Open Face, "Waltham Screw BeazU. fl^rS DUST P^^OF KEPT IN SfOtK. Fine stock of Koll-plate Chains and Seals. Large line of Weddin j and Gem Bings, labics'Sets, Pwoll- plate Necklets; Bracelets, Bar Pins, etc Gents' Cuff and Collar But- tone, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Violin FitticRs. Best line Fishing Tackle in town. Agent Mcridan €o. Silver Plate Flat and Hollow Ware. WiVf WR TCH REPAIRING CAREFULL Y DONE All Gowh and Work Warranted, to be as Bejn-esevted. IS" Call and fee my stock how complete it is, and get my close quotations e're yon purchase; THE EELIABLE JEWELLEE, W. A. BROWN, Local and Other Hems. Notices in these cohinms intended to benefit my individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five eentt a line each subsequent insertion. The school vacation commence July 3rcl. The E. C. Pic-nic to-day (Thursday) at Irish Lake. Mb. Arch. Hill yieited his brother here last week. Okangs Sash Eibbon 6 inches wide at McFarland's. Mrs. Eutledge, Sr., is yisiting friends in Toronto. Mr. a. Hill, Tailor, visited friends in Stayner last week. The Huron Baptist Association met in Owen Sound last week. Statute labor iu Shelburne is comuted at 60 cents per day. 1000 Ladies' Collars, worth 1« cts. for 5 cts. each, at J. E. Trimble's. iiocKLYx, Fleshertou and Chats- ^orth will celebrate Dominion Day. Miss Beown of VV oodstock is visiting to brother W. A. Drown, jeweller. For Kails, Hinges, Glass, Putty, c, SO to \\alker Bro's, and save money. "6 bad a pleasant call yesterdav "om Mrs. Benson, late of Manitonlin. Cash for eggs at Curris'e egg depot, ,ZT' Block, near the Siandaed years ou Tuesday the i6th, aged 72 JT n "^^^^s shingles and lumber ililk° ' ^owc, Barrhead 146-4W C p^% ^^ffics around one of the ^aksa -* ^^'^^^^^^^ prominade deck ilarkdal7 '^^°" ^^ *» ^^^nt Co., vay to H ^^^ ^^^" ^y Pa^^ties on their oaTup.-^"' party »' Murray's ARfibuay evenina, .= ^Jthau?^-^-^^*^^'^^' "la^e miserable ^«tWrpt^^.*=°"^^• Shiloh'sCnre _Mt. Fokbst has voted a bonus of $7,000 to a wholesale furniture faciory by a majority of 133. Immense quantities of trout are still being taken from the streams sur- rounding this place. Fob Lath, Lumber, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Frames and Moulding, go to Grant Co., Mark^e. Mr. James Caupbbu. of Walter's Falls has accepted a silnaticu on the Toronto Police Force. A GOOD t^ buggy, nearly new, for sale, or trade for a horse. Apply to Walker Bro's, Markdale. Mb and Mrs. Joseph McLeod, Lron Mountain, Michigan, are visiting friends in this vicinity. 1 or Newel Posts; Stair Balusters, Hand BailLng, and Table Legs go to Grant Co., Markdale. Mks. W. J. MgFablakd returned last week from an extended visit with friends iu Toronto, Our respected townsman Mr. W. L. Youpg will leave early in July on a trip to the Old Country. Mb. Jambs Fobd, Miller, of Stone- wall, Maun., has been the guest of Bev. W. Casson this week. Mb. and Mrs. Mercer of Tottenham spent a few days this week with Mr. John McKenna of this village. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co. z National Pills are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pill in use. Cboup, Whooping Couaa and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Mabk Ceeasob received a cut over the right eye over two inches long oh Wednesday by the kick of a horse. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is Sold by A. Turner Co. on a guarantee. It cures consumption, z We hav'nt had a copy of the Mani- touhn Expositor for six months: won- der if our subscription has expired F»aris Grreen- â€" The only reliable potato bug antidote â€" for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Fobd Stinson of the 11th line Euphrasia saw mill has a large quant- ity of lumber and shingles for sale. Mb. G. H. Middleton, formerly of Dundalk, but now a resident of To- ronto, gaye us a pleasant call on Friday last. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Miss McColl is giving excellent satisfaction in dressmaking. Booms at Shanahan's residence, near Presby- terian church. Aembtbong Bbo's. of thislvillage are going into the manufacture of cheese boxes. They have orders now in for 11.000 boxes. Our respected townsman, J. E. Marsh, of the Markdale House, is recovering from an attack of Erysipe. las in the leg. Gband Summer Clearing Sale for the next 60 days at J. R. Trimble's. Special discounts on all lines of goods to cash purchasers. Use Pbof. Low's Bclphub Soap for Prickly Heat. Nettle Bash, Scaley Eruption, Itch, and all diseased con- ditions of the skin. I -C' Gabden PABTy.-^Th Preabyteoan garden party at Mr. Marray'a onTass- day evening^ was well attended and a very pleilprS»le.iime,q»ant. Will -You Soffek with Dysp^a and Liver Oomplaint? Shiloh's Vitalizef is guaranteed t6 cure you. Sold by A. Turner Co. » Notice^ All parties indebted to the undersigned are hereby ^notffied to settle the same not later thaii^the let July, at my old buBiDes. stwid ot my residence, MiUJfr?et, Markdale, W. H. Bntledge. Wbbkb has 800,000 Shmgles for sale at Sparling's mill nearVandeleur, A No. 1 tihingles, warranted to be first-class in every particular. A Kingston private of the Salvation Army has been fined $20 and costs for refusing to quit beating a dram when requested by thir poUce. 17 TEARS OLD. â€" The Meaford Monitor entered last week on its eighteenth year. We wish it continued success and many returns of its birthday. Thr Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove them. Paric lot in Markdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on z^aEOBftble term». Apply to B. Free- bdrti, Williamsford, or enquire at this office. 125-tf A steer was struck by an engine at 50 sideroad, Holland, on Monday and carried to Williamsford station on the cow catcher a distance of 2^ miles. The beast died. Catabbh Cubed, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Eemedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. Turner Co. z The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will hold their first of the season Garden Party ac the residence of Mr. Wm. Armstrong, adjoining the village, in July. Handsome Black Gro Grain Silk, city price $1.25. selling at McFarland's 95 cents a very rich Marvelleoux, city price $1.90, McFarland's price $1.50. Fever colic, unnatural appetite, fretfulness, weakness, and convulsions, are socne of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Parties who contemplate going to the Old Country should see Mr. Csssar, Station Agent at Markdale, he being an agent for two of the best campanies can give best rates obtainable. We are pleased to learn from a subsbriber near Walter's Falls that the Standard is very popular in that district. We would like tu hear firom our esteemed correspondent up there. Trains are running every hour in the day and a very heavy freight business is being done on this line. Over 60,000 bushels per week of Manitoba wheat is being shipped East. Mr. D. Squires, town line near WcQter's Falls, has erected tliis spring a fine frame barn 54 x 60 feet. Wm. Lemon of Walters Palls, the framei, did his work iu a most satisfactory manner. One case Shirtmgs 879 yds. Tick- ings 20 dozen Men's Felt Hats Checked, Spot, Striped Lawns and Ladies Belts, scarce and nob'oy goods, just received by McFarland, Direct Importer. A FULL line of samples of the At- lantic PubUshing Co's advertising cards, compri^ug over four hundred designs, at this office. We haye se- cured the agency for this distrist. Call and see them. J. B. Trimble has a very large as- sortment of Ladies' Misses' and Gent- lemen's Boots Shoes which he is offering to his customers and the pub- lic generally at wonderfully low prices for cash.. ',, 'r^.^Vi-s a f--. ,m: From Manitoba.â€" Mj. A. B. Scott of Holland retomod from Manitoba two weeks ago. He left here early in the spring with his two eldest boys and second oldest daughter, rented a larm ten mfles irem Minedosa, put in 180 acres of crop aad now retorns for the balance of his family. Mr. Seott is delighted with the coanity up there. He says the feeiling of the settlers in reference to Itiel is that he must die or tiie whole country will bJte up arms gainst e Govern- ment. Tke volauteen who haw gone up to pot down the rebdlion are also d«termHied to lay down, their armour and e«at thor vaaibmrnt "from them withdieraakifBieliiiiBipatflB aid Ma. H. Freeman of Walter's Falls wishes the farmers of the surrounding district to bear in mmd that they can always depend on having their grist hom« from his mill the same day they come to mill, and full satisfaction every time. Stallion Dead« â€" Jas. Bryan's harse, "Messenger Clyde," died last Wednes- day 17th. This is a severe loss to Mr. Bryan an he had accepted an offer of $1,400 for the horse a few weeks ago, but had not delivered him when he was taken ill with above result. Miss Morrow from Simpson's dry-good store, Toronto, succeeds Miss Logan in the Toronto House, Markdale. Miss Logan has proved herself efficient and popular in Mr. Brown's mercantile establishment, I and has, we understand, accepted t better eituation. Bocklyn will celebrate Dominion I Day with horse racing, athletic sports and cames of all kinds. The leading event of the day will be ifae Cali- thumpian Band, in which the rebels Biel, Big Bear and Pound- Maker will be represented. The day's sport to conclude with a grand musical concert in the Town Hall in the evenmg. Ma. J. Masson, Barrister, c., of Owen Sound, has taken his brother, William, in partnership with him, and the firm will in future be known as Masson Masson. J. Masson is well and favorably known as a barrister of ability, and looses nothing, but is strengthened by the addition of Mr. Wm. Masson. They will continue to visit Markdale Friday and Saturday each week. Bazaar and G-arden Party. â€" The ladies of Christ Church, Mark- dale, intend holding their annual Bazaar and Garden Party in Mr. Walker's orchard on July Ist. The Bazaar will be opened, free to all, at 2 o'clock, when a large amount of fancy work and children's clothing will be offered for sale. The Garden Party will open at 7 o'clock, when re- freshments will be served. Admission 25 cents. Victor Boler Mill. â€" Mr. Angus Plewes has completed the raising of his mill-dam, added improved machinery to the. mill and is now running full blast. Customers can depend cm. having their grist home with them without delay, A superior quality of flour to any previously turned out is now guaranteed. Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, c., always on sale. Chopping done every workmg day. The public are cordially invited to give us a trial. Plbasant Trip. â€" The Eoyal Templars excursicm last week to Toronto was a very pleasant and en- joyable afljair the weather was delight- ful and all nature appears at its best this season of the year. There was not a large turnout, doubtless owing to the excursion rates to Toronto having been raised. When people have business, the rates are satis- factory, but it is another thing to go solely for pleasure at such rates. We have been assured however that the fare tor excursions will not be reduced this reason. More New Ttpe. â€" We have just added new type and material to oar already large and well equipped office, and, notwithstanding the general satis- faction which we have given our nvin- erous customers in the quality of work turned out and dispatoh in filling orders, we are now in a better position than evet to execiite pnnting in all its branches that will compare with the best city work. It is not necessary to go from home to secure Leetter Heads padded, or Envelopes printed or any such iobs which some in onr midst are wont to do. We will do. them as cheap and as well 'and besides this, if you have an ounce of enterprise about you, you would spurn the idea of send- ing to Toronto and elsewhere fsr what you can have done at home. We are pleased to know there are very few who will patronize a foreign town in preference to home, yet there afe a few, and if we would ali do likewise, where would our village be with all its dnvenieuees. We "would say, stand out of your ow^' lighi lud stmport .. S/^iSJS^i; -i.5?/l 't^«^6 I 'â- . Mr. Edward Lomas, a prosperous ' farmer 8^ miles out of Markdale, was approached recently for a subscription to the brass band, then being organ- ized, when he offered them $5 if they would come out and play a tune at his place. On Friday evening last the band drove out and played several popular pieces to the great satistaction of Mr. Lomas and bis neighbors. Mr. L. treated the boys in a very hospi- table manner and frankly paid the V. Prof. Johnson, who arrived in town and stopping at the Bevere House, is doing a Uiriving busmess in Phre- nology. The Prof, is also noted as being possessed of curmg propensities through faith. It is openly admitted that he has been very successful with quite a number of cases. Bheumatism and indigestion speedily cured. Bun- ning sores cured by rubbing over few times with the naked hand. He is apparently busy night and day. He makes no charges. He will be leaving here in a few days. MiBAGULous Escape. â€" While Mr. Wm. Brown ci this village was driving home frcm the garden party at Mr. Thos. Murray's on Tuesday night, with his wife, Mrs. Trimble and Miss Morrow in the carriage, the horse stopped suddenly on Orr's hill and backed down when the buggy dropped over the embankment, turning the whole load over with passengers fast under the buggy. Miss Morrow was carried to the house of Mr. Orr in an unconscious state, but was not seri- ously injured more than a spra,ined rist, the other ladies escaped with a severe shaking up and considerable excitement. Mr. Brown and the horse also escaped injury. On Monday evening last a garden party was given by the^. members of the Bible Army at the Glenelg Agri- cultural Hall, at present used by the above society as their barracks. Al- though the evening was very cold, having been inclement all day, a good- ly number were present. The brass band was engaged and rendered some pieces very nicely, after which a vote ot thanks was tendered the band for their kind assistance during the even- ing. A very sociable and enjoyable time was spent by all, most of whom entered into the various games which generally attend such occasions. The eatables, which were provided by the ladies, were abundantly served up and were of a very toothsome nature. The proceeds we beUeve amounted to $17. Sbbious Accident. â€" On Friday Morning last W. J. Nobis, a youug man of this place, got his leg broken in the following manner. He has been hauling lumber from Ford and Stinson's saw mill, 11th line Euphra- sia, to Markdale Station and on the above occasion he had finished puttius: on his load (about 1,000 feet of green birch) and was standing beside the wagon when the horses started before he was quit« ready he attempted to get hold of the lines which were among his feet and tripped hita, he then stepped on a green root and slipped falling and the hind wheel passed over his leg breaking it above the ankle and bruising the leg badly. Dr. Carter was sent for and dressed the limb. Mr. Ford kindly constrain- ed him to remain at his place where he is doing as well as can be expected. Good Old Age. â€" Mr. John Whitby of Arteinesia has a mare which has entered upon her 81st year, and is sound iu wind and limb and withait » blemish. We had the pleasure of a carriage ride after her on Saturday last and was surprised at the activity and high life she still possesses, in fact Mr..^W^tby was obliged to leave the carriage and lead her pael. the radway and into the village, she being so skittish. Mr. W. spaaks of this ani- mal as one without u fault (accept of course her age). He always owned her, and to his knomledge she never received 80 strokes of the whip. She is^tting quite de«rf/yet is likely to live many years/ btit is' allowed to re- tire from active service. He had her phot^aphed on Saturday by Hamil- ton, the artist. Mri IVbitby jwould like to know tf teri4#aiiotter"iiorse owned by one peta6hibM ttii^.^ars^ iM H J: i^