MfiWli#^i;:j% gg|ipu â- â- w^v^^' â- !£«!?»r7^5e!'^i WALTER'S FALLS. G. \V. P-iitlfeclgr:, Proprietor. i'lKK-DAI.T.., .!;V. 27, 1890. i;c.j:.'.j:;v ':," jiJCATiNG.- HARKAWAY. EGCKLYN. '^piet'Aa im Commercium." i i^taridani Coyrfsj^urdencf. ' Mr. -JoliU Glnp^^'on Iias bnilt an ad- Onr old friend. Jack Frost, IS presE- \Vc onfjratulato the 11th line school ditiou to l;i ing his acqaaiutance upon ns agnin. ' L,oiir.l on Hccuriug tlie services of Mr. j Mr. E. L. Jcliiiston is erecting a In spile of baj roads and other tiis- i Djv.i 1 Ncly, =on f Mr. T. Necly, of nev,- frame bouse oi.po.-ite Mr. Jcbn advantages t!;cie is r. bomn in our this i, %vh^ i= aS prr£:nt attending ' Manarcy's. busiuesi circk-c. T.ue rnlier mill is, the Xunn?.l SchocI at Citawa. j Mr. \Vin. FaUs has nicha=od lot running on inti the i,,i/ht to supnlv l;^v -Mr Mfl.a'-,ii, of Tem"1e Hill, -â- "'" "' "'"^°" Mr. Stnrgc-,h., of Kiniiierlev, has nil Inie form- f-t,^.- \:'y' f.vA ii I f:;i â- tiiai; ;:..• c.;. Iiai-J" ':â- ' 1:; r JJills :irirr Wi « -t:il:i"iju..-iilo nr.,s. k (:â- ..â- :. 11,1! t-'ie ',r â- -â- l):,(j Ij: fine I,' v. 1,1.1 :: ii 'â- ! I 'â- :.!â- . â- . :, II GnriiLV !:,; 1 'â- . â- -, â- ;.;;; ;,r: cliincn ' ':,} V. V Ml .li r-i;. "ir-. i.,,..t )ll-, u.. ill l' â- 1. ':â- fr,r t;ii that a ti"i. soil rr:^ lb" j.lacc of Ti; the dtmaiid find oiir to C" ..-iiiiie'a U" â- '1 "-â- ill- v.-'jik r!.c I 1 ::. Jirs. i.Tu,:. .-f ,V ..w t,,.! .â- !ia. "â- â- y-- u--.\ i"\vc;:in ;5 ilji-ii I .; ' 1 ij^ -.i.l- "'â- . V it! -vr ' Ml. 'i. i -â- .. -J. J-i. 'i'reiijiJ, ' i:' â- â- â- -â- ' ..' -t, l.-;.H- put one in ^â- "' -^- • " â- _.ii':-j.ij in-.-rt-aniilo ll,:-- r.ll, tlie Cii.r, iii.L- ci' l'r.,.,tor., a: -/ â- â- • •' V\" J;., w!,' ^•:,- iir.;i,." .-i--,..:,! ..a" in l!n.c ^ir- s:nrgcr.n., oi i\in,.,eue u.» vi-!,^,-v ^-1 â- vv,., ;,:.%!-,;. I our "obool l^a-^i .t!:^ f'r:,i ..:. t",. in.i hne form- imiri-.fT's fiir rrâ€" r. ^,i and extra I ally ltni.:it..i I y ,..r-e Uicks. ,i;,,.,,. ,.„ " ' Tl:e i.;-.t.,r"'.-..i; :ii ,â- :•: t.; tii:- i-lJ home !l-':l|-.ine 1 " !• .M, ^V ll-.!:;;- rrr-l' V'J wn. a (.; m â- !â- fir:., r^v tf r:v .if- this yj'U.i, was of tlli.i V.rcy .i.!M-'-^; ,^^,.,.. ,.,;.,. i.,u„t Mr. •â- :• :£':;ii ',-!!.-- 1 !.."r:n -ij. .\ ilanKbtirr ,..,.., ,, •, ,.„„ .Jub. r^iaiiiii-' s iiout--;- i.n iruiay even- I!;-' 1.^ "'â- " a ,-l.i:iiI .--llcc^ss. Mr v ,:.-,!!.. fi.;::;!^^am-sd..niain, ^^j.^ ,. ,;, ;.^,,, ,.v, genial ar,.:.-nt of iia-,,: s .:no 'evenly ,.,^ j.;,;!.,,...,; ^^ ., ,^ Vir.patb.. y-;r- n-o, ir: v:-!!iii^ litre. M;. W !.:â- -. vviij '.o::tiic!i an ac- :Mr II. liiivcv. .-..;; of K.v. i:, i)av. y tiv • 'i; :;i luic^ a; tin- hut uleotion, o^ MarkJalf, In-- hc-'-n fii^/aged f,r I,.,., i, ,.;i cii^'.::!i-ii t.. i. acii in Kocklyn Ilark'i'.vay .-eiiO'.l ijr iSjI. j si--b" L Mi-. -avid No.iy will teach •••- the llth ]!i!i.. "1.1. during tiie coming Hov/ to ship Eggs to Great "â- 'â- • ,., r^^.^ â- lu bun :av ;a^l. a Uautilul deer hriiain. cnnc liou.'iJu.g across the road near i l;...chlv:i. 'i'lii: ut.Kl day Several of our J;i vlriv of a!- :iii.t..-l- in.g mad" on sp.iri.i btaried iu pursuit, and after a th- ar! ' f Cti.ii.lini: â- Np i:- i--:..f eggs, ],,,. ch.asu captun.d â€" not the deer â€" • :i .:;. U:i.v- wiili (jr...- .t Ihitaiii, i^^i a cbii moi.k. the f "â- -[ .v.i::!.; li.":- f -iiuinii.y '.rL-pai-'.-d .i.y i.h-- j.-..:.' '!i, i--;:' i 111 1, c-.i!x-.-] ond- '-.:â- '.f Til!- ';:::,, ^iai; (irovr and ,[),, \i, ..:,,;; tli i -(Jri^in oMVoinen." BD! !â- ;â- i;.. Ml. I.! M. --..-. .i'.: ;ii(. 1' j!:'..-^ 'â- . ui. ].i--,t..ii.i iviiig s..t.,f..,;. 'A u. Ml;.:il .ii-: f.el ;!iat .ur. A i.'....i â- V. l;. ... ,i I; M. ,;i Itl (l^:.; M r. k. p I-, T. l.^;.!j ai.d Mciiii.!, ui!I IjL- 'f gnat value â€" L,M..:.s-, Nuv. N, ,l-.;_ii). .,, â- S-.' Ill Ki, t?t .-L'l-IM.V. eiit Till.' tr:i'li.' ll. r.. i=; '-.ip-'rly c.impi--t'..d Buy your Patent Medi- cines Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Soaps Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Perfumery Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Tooth Brush Stephen's Drug Store .Mr. Til ..-. iltiimie, of the 11th line, B-Qy vOUr CombS "iipii!;i-iii, will leoturi: in Owen Sound " 1-1 \i.- I, :i til -(Jii^in o! Women.' Mr. j'liiiii. Spailmg has be"U ap CASH AND RELIABLE CUSTOMERS Can al-n-ays count on getting good barjains at tho TORONTO As in the past our fall and winter goods will bo found cheap,, fashioraiilp and stvlish. and Ladies and (ientku en -wanting iino all woi.l Un.1ercIot.liing.will find with ns the iK.t valm-.s in the market, (irocirii-.s freehand crisp, just the thing to [.lease epicures, and cur Ti.AS will be much below ordinary prices. IN BOOTS SHOES we siiow superior Vi.Uus, bonglit for casli before the late rise in jTices, and our cnstciiiers ^lil reap the benefit in oart. MFI^'S BOYS' CLOTHING both in Snit.s, Single (iarniculs and Overcoats, c;in't be excelled, and we are deierinined to pluaso cash, believing them to be the pillar and ground work of prosperous trading. r:^s' Il'iuember the Toronto House, llarkdale. I' l..'.-u;i.r-tir at (.ioruig. Stephen's Drug Store ir. li;..,. 3!'i\i..w -uecLids Mr. Buy your Condition c. i.A!;';i;. i I.I ii. th. bi:li.:i.; lii.h i.; .\.,b: â- â- il '.â- ' â- .! f.r ,,, i,t til ,ijn- .11 Ii ' uairi' il" s â- ' ;;i-t ai;y; â- â- ati.-h...-L -r-. -..-, ;i-- ;.!! itMO apt arod ' l-y „, ,„i,.^: J I... ill ri ' r.i'-.i 10 till- ii.i- I'.j.tiiH -,1 :_ ,r';:i\, ill's l.:;r:i. neiir 'f 'â- ..; 'â- :â- 'i-r .-:,::- i;:-o.,!.i'..!;.lal.;. l^;-^ I-., i I piir-Lit ..f ii;.-, iij.], 1-, .i â- â- , â- ' â- ' i 1.1 j.iii.- .11, Wii, ili(.p.jn;.: ;-,;,:, .t. .; ' '.. â- V'i:u-; nuiii eli â- ly I. ;â- -t. W ' .„' ' â- â- â- M' !i,:.i •.. I' ' 1 -iri.; .vliysh'iuid 11"" """"',.' .1- â- ; i ' i ' If tilt sii],- ;,'/..: '^;, ",. ' " .â- y 1 i '-.iii'y, an. I i.i^itii.- ]\ â- .- .f I " h ;:;. i :-.lMit .., I ei.- .-...!!. ,â- â- li- arilVi. â- ' out vii; -In f'lr i.y 1 ni t u:;:i» .- iiir ai.'i i ' li (.., .r.iuvk 1, :l\ 1: 1... It 1,. i;-!.ii -ruig e-'i.'";!ii'iUiil ^-irii ,.., i'!-.i!.ee, 1! iihui.l. .! li !:, V. ly f;;i-i,iry iii pMiiit â- !;â- -; ;;tc!i ill; 1 eh.:.! frti.:lit:i.;. I.y ;i..- r j j:ive ia:!\v:i\s :. ;. e. i.;! ,:.:• .. y .-..,-â- â- - li.t ..'.t- g.;t Miti c .n .1,1,. Sparling :i.s mail carrier irom G' lin.- t-.i l;-icklv!i. I -.. -,i^ EHEUHIATISM. l';-. !.:;â- :.;. ii i' l.i^lil::;:..; K. luc It f.'r -oi.l- Powders Stephen's Drug Store I UPRIGHT ^.ND GRAND 'y"::::'-^:^':.'n^l^,'"v":ri^\;Q-aYyouvSvectacies PIAMIOS, CABINET ORGAiyS Stephen's Drug Store j The Markdale M Is issued evui-y TiiurBii: '?,t, C.W.IiUTLEDGE.mrtia.,.t,^ â- Tkumsâ€" 51 per year in adujj. ' not paid withiu six aitniJis. ' *U ADVBETISING 1 iiK-li 1,111. Cmo. Ji, â- "S^:' â- â- ;'j *oo lij., ,,' 'â- "â- .»»-*«' insertion, S cents p, .- i..,c (imwI!' iu.iiftrtinn, niiniiareil ni»-n.--ur€ ^*- Ca.^ual'im ;it^ ., c.-n' ts â- eil E'iitoriiil notices lire. "l """'^« iiiW unm 10 cent*; per lin. 'ii-,\ ii,s.inioa^^^ each siibsoqai-nt ip^irl:..ii. ' ' Stray aninialt; A'c. u.l i j i-, ,] ;i ^^ No paper di..!C,nliHiic.l until ^]"" are paid except at ilim ,,ti,,M ..fthfj,^' JOB I'KINTI^G. The Standark ofnc*- J;r.~ a -plf^ndic ciiil attention ti, unkis liv mail L{ K tilkdwith (iisprticli., ' ' '£li..rki'.rtle ;^arkets. I AND CHURCH PIPE ORGANS, .1. 11-^ d hf. |.l. ,â- lit 1, v.. I. \V. p.- .; :.i,:. .f p;ti.i »,:|-,!,.r. v.! li.IIig th,, r. .hi. hiy ..1 piii I... â- p;y. t.ii:s t; Kill a A itiii :â- I:.' â- h.v. iinig ll.t ..ilti^l! !; â- - of ihe ....!- .,11 ii,;.i .,.-, Buy your Purses and l: iii.r II.; -1. h.l- r..i iii tht I'lV.i.-: e -• ii;;: til liiis mill ke:, 11, vhit i;...i lili.'li. â- ^ I. :- Hi H'l.-i â- \|i i.t.ih ' •.! T i 1 ,X UilJ ..iuiui.r. .â- \- niiiy be ioi.r' ';â- .,!. hi a" aiilry 111;.- ..ui- ..-.VI., v.-|i;i-Ii I'l-..-. i.'i; Iiiih; ;it t. '.!.:. II ti. iiiiirv eultlli.-. tii. rt is :al e\!.'!.-:v: -.-..p.- t- r fiT- i;.'ii .-ii; '{-lit.-. '"'iiPi'lit s" all li-i; I :t r.a iy iii-!:a;!il, 'i.i ir;.-. v;r\-i:iL! ilte'^ t.i tlie i. 'ii- I'-i: â- ' I'm â- 1- r â- I" " to â- 6n ' .57 â- t. i:i is •jii ill "-• 00 -li5 20 r, i-t 1. Oil 1 " 1 .i^ lO 1 "" -1 .;(! 7 H u 1 i;o An of pti'ictiy iirst-class quality in material wallets [and workmanship. The Tone is swcci: and Stephen's Drug Store powerful, while ni Design aii.i Finish tliey are " i without an equal. y.^ Buy your Hair and Cloth Brushes Stephen's Drug Store STANDARD IHSTRU^EKTS liFTHH WOPIO. M.inKDiI.K VII.; .1 Bceve, W. J. .Mi-Fii;,; Frown, J no. I.Mii-. i .. â- Plewes. ll.lj.'lir.iii. Treasurer; t'n-.i. S.i.^. Kelt. Ai-kiii. i.iili. i. Pul.lie Kchi.iil T,ii ;.. r,vi.iis. K.hriiiil !:â- .;:â- S! Hil, and W. .\. Hi riii-N IV ... .rih;.-, S..I. I,,;i'.i. SI.. i,!f. '.. II. M---1. ..f I'.il,-. \V. .^â- ; • C, rli, .l..l,ii hT' â- .t i T,.,i..;;,., ;k.:. im-;.- 'â- â- .-.; ;v W-u.i. !.. I i.- ;;.-.:-i;;.r. N.. ::. m. :: .s.. Tl ,.-. 1,- !-..iii-;. ;â- . :- On. I. S-.ui;h i;.ii-;i..' i;.i';- 1. 1. s .J,;iii.-. .i. I. :-. ;i;. i. M. 1'.. N-.itl.. .: .-. M 1, r.Kii-t.T ;- i .. 31 I'.. S. iilli.i.. ih.i ^Ircctonj. â- 'incui-. ' nilnciU^ i;-.-t.ttiuij3,; â- ;. w. L.f,~- â- i'..UliU.ktt-.." â- '-li.UKi â- - II. b. b ACKNCWriEUGECi Buy your Shaving Fi :: «' Ov:^T- Eci^n-a Zl.-.i-iicti l-'iitl WL.ii;-. 1'.. J. !•â- f.r .i :, 1' vviiit. r i.-l lii.i, f l:-^:i :iii. ilri .11 ef til.- traile. ".â- Tnpi-iirii.ei s. rves t.i kei p rioes at a n:o Lira!- level tlie u.",.' ' 1 let. al=.i, g. liave all t.i lie sold Put'.r Ill arriviih als.i ttuils tjloivir I';-.--^ ifr.-l.). â- 111 « ihrc r;ili th. .. far 111. 'il' cii'e.lii .-Virtali. u w. •2r. 2; ij 'ill CO I.'i I.-; l:i 20 it .10 111 ;-.() i.i Chief European Branch. 5S h'clborn Viaduc' Aus ralian Branch, 6 Bridge sircci, i'.r." SoL'ih African Branch, Mcr-c.t S- ^v.v!;I:i:{l:)^:-â- I .: r ' ;i:i ;... 1 hv BLRKSHJRE i30AR, 1-1 ' I ,. hi:., 7-.i'.h tu ^-. i;h ;- â- '.;;. :eii:ii.. a- il iMvih .; i hiiv. r- :;- !iiL;Ii :i^ I.I-, 1 Inuht !.. ll ':â- â- A SNAP! '.â- ' â- -' •â- r.. â- ' .Siiul. ' 'l'i'..'ir'j- 1. ...;).; 1 i. lu^. I'.O â- ., .,- â- , 1 u.n l.e i iiC-ii' 1/i tl;. 11. ., nfll 1 f â- i; ' â- â- -- »?i^ s i"v "i i N t i 1 1 â- \i 'li.i t-^-'-j^- 'fe 'i; ' ^^Ay. '-»- ' *i I? ' U 1 v.ilii 4- HB^r^^^s^T^t^^^l I'ei Vol' '..vl'.m; PANTS P k i).i Viii \.i..\;; .V Coat Vest P â- i'ii V.ii -Uh. \i; .\N' OVUiKGOATP i Brushes Cups ;:o Stephen's Drug Store f ggLJ, g (!()_ 'il Buy your Razors and j .__„_ Razor Strops Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Japan and ;i,^| Black Teas "' Stephen's Drug Store 12KIN"GST "" ' ' -^ Buy your Pipes j HI Stephen's Drug Store â- Buy your Tobaccos Stei^licn's Drug Store ' Buy your Lad.'es and I Gents' Slioulder ' Braces Stephen's Drug Store Buy you r Note Paper I -and Enveloi:)es .Stopllen's Drugstore Buy you-r Turkish and I Diamond Dyes i Stephen's Drug-Store ' Buy you Malted Triple ' X "White Wine and Cider Vinegar Stephen's Dtug Store Buy y.ourMustard.G in- ger. Pepper Spices ' Stephcn'a Di'ug Store Buy your Essence of Lemon, Cinnamon and' Peppermint :: .«â- T I. « «; s: t • M. p. i'..s .!i;i..ii-.( :. I. p. p., Kii-:. Ci,! :â- . I M. p. p.. S.ull,, .1. II, 11 i.r. 1- i'.\ ... â- N...1. P,-^i Ai: -a. I- i. :;. I'iivil .ii » ... 1 •• 4. •ll;...-'.!. li. 1 11 :,. .1 ^v Aii..-ii. ••â- •; .;..!, i. M-ti • •• ?. l:il. .-i:i.e-i,ii;i:-- â- â- .S. V.'iii. !;;..-.Mi..'I .i]..l. â- (-1 IVii).. '..Miir.;: M.b..fc IMUL .. :An r.rricr: anj: uuijlril. Oni, â- u/on, E. C. Er.a. I'l.s.w: â- .M.i C. P. •^2t!,. 1 TO. OlvfT: yo«t-(Ofticc Bivcrtoti), MAllK!).\f.K. .. L' (). v.!;. i..- I'l,.-.; fl.-I.i -i 11. 7 y. 111. t VI IV- v.iirkiii;: iiii\ .is i-ii-^.-vi il- f'lll •w^. \i: 1;., .-^iiK N.'itl., ll;-lii a 111. ;ii..i 7 f^ bii.itli, 11.3.1 p 111. 6-. -i T f- liiAV ;:;si\ N r.Ai'Kis: ;. â- - 1 iy,'i'lrii«liiv !iii-l Si.-i:!.Iii_v ]_' 1!.\i;k,\\v.\y. "Piliiiv, lit;:;.! :,. .,,:;. c? i~v.~. V,. ,1. .M, l-'.Mi;..' â- ! p .-^f .^ ' ]i-" i^ai Vl' i: -;n" s.'ifl â- 'â- â- "' ' ' â- ' .11. i.i; i.iiM.i ... 1- 11 .,, K, M ::,l. â- .' .. N.-. 1- â- : il.,'.; f. 1" 'm"' .. â- Itlarktialr C"l)uvtli Tlin-rJur!;. pillNllVTPPlAN lUVV.' â- !."â- ::'-;:;,::;"' :. â- \.|\ W" !:â- â- .. I...r. .t .. â- ' -â- '.:.' â- - ...U..11 0, i. i.'i' 1.- 1 iiKi.,;- ' i; i.i. •â- ... h: â- 1,( lli "MarK J.;-;:.' Furniture â- â- • " â- -:.. -.iw-crootn. ?.i 1 ;l."ili; 111- Ken. Ills' ' â- "ior Siiits, Tp';,:'"'s' ,-, ..^, ;,, '"" " ' aJ-i â- ...'.L.ti L "J Ll i'uK ihcva Siuis.^ tXi Bedding, .1;.-.. !... II. S. .-^. S i-,.;i 1 ,.i:.. ;, V- 1, I-iihi. ii..,.i 1 I. I r Hi.!. S, â- i 1 i;..l i 'i:"\v I i.' ' .\, iiiL^-iboarcls. W- i.,ii:, 1;- V.i ;-i. ;,ii i. Oofiri'.i 3tvertorit .â- It 111 -; .|-i... 11 il i.t. M hi.-' \: â- A.J iii V,,; 1 /?â- 5|.i« ii.:.- A. (I. f. \v, X -l.-'i Hi.:!. ::,-â- , 1,1,,-:. ,.; " â- ,, -â- """ " M ^;,.y •v.,,i,;,;i„ .â- ,:„,K " H,' i.i:iii:gs, 1-1' il.i. iii.l I,, ..i.i, .,;â- ;,.. ;,„;-. â- '-â- v;'--lt"â- ""^â- •„,1Iy::'^;:;-:,,Vâ- ';•,':-,i~;'^i;:' I n.y nurner- Vl ntlL-Iiini. i':,!- n. -,:'..-, 1 -!â- i-av-t f,i\.-rs ^.il-ti.v. When. ,:i.S:,,:i:,yl!.i,ig ill iiiy line ^STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE?] tf.-il„* Sh.Ih^^ f^sl^*. J- W, Soroule. X... p. I- iii,; !-:r K.,; -: \v 1'.; rii..-- r-. Tr., i',-,,iii ' .LY. 1.- (â- STRAYED OWKX SOl'M). ONT. Ill t â- p.-- 1 II i',\. i-,i.-, .- i I,.- a â- J.I 11 111 J..y,rs if Fa r li\ liiii i T'J. I lau. -I.i 'liS aiway from. ,,,„, WILL. STODDART, uiii.-ii n;'i,.-.\.s (,f the ciises i TSIIOr, i.L i...ilv. 1 :i arrivalâ€" this i Over McFarlauil's store. ;;._' liiii M ensnro safer! -^ â€" i;ii hihf of tiio case contains Etll^iilf^o l'.iEcl-:i:iii:. Rnndrcds .1 :.,iiii- iii, .i -.. I v. ij.i, ii,i,., • Uie: ii.,:h. n, the i.-hiii-i-. •; dui-;. i: v- ]•]. \. and tc..i.,.i::y. J^r re^ii, :: il.! W I e -a.-iiiniiiv i.ii 1-. ;. i 'II.. II.." .ll r, i-iil.i.i 'J'lie Iiulepmilenl i ' rilij i,l;ite:i., n' tlmt â- this week Olno â- '" I '.- liiekeil in lavers of about 1..:; i- Ii-,l.l.;rnO,i oiCK- ' 0. Mr.. Simpson and, otNKaAi. rnosPECXS. 1 M, r.- iriili very low. i .p li. V V. r. i-':,!..i, .1 bv llr. Spr iiile ' 1 rovuieil sliipicenfs of supply are a:.,l".,ieiu.Hiiui'r.,viii,-'"slo,vi'v Several ' '^°"""""" '^^' shippers generally eihers are sult'trin- from severe colds. *^'".*.' sliesving too great an anxiety to .lames Carrutliers and family leave • THE LATEST â- 1- [(.III llip pniiii.-.. s t,r ]». K. Kllis. lot f., c-ii. 7 Hii; !.i:i^: I. al" 111 t!' 1-t Jini.- 3 11 iiHiifi to aeifCt v.-ailiii^' h.'if.r-anl mif VAJ'-iiii: luil al! rMtlt-.V.-}! .,tK-li,-if^r. «liirii i Imf backed. â- iu.i«:a.. ,..-;Ti. r,~. iiiforiiiiitu.ii wlji^Ji wiil If a I to tlieir recovery Tl»e Buaincss Course •â- :-::. !., j n- ".. will be thaiikfully rtci-ivtii. j '""' 'l- 'â- ' ' -i â- ' " l -;• • ':â- : â- â- â- - â- Kimburley »-oll.i£tfh. The Sliortliaua Coiirse ;= ti;".nr^i, a:i'i conipJftc. RPPIfCUIpP ROAD Seud for a copy of tl: ADUual A.^i./Uiir--iii^- 1 K#^rftr«,^rBir\^ ^\^0\W\.% I containing lall particulars; it is s.-nt fitv; lo j.iiy address. V dy£h Wins i "" ' " '.rs. i-tr H'.i Ri.j Opatard, I JO \i Il-il. this in.i,.!, eiiiiiiiiiiiiity i- i; iw ili^t-r Ml. C;s brother- iu law accompanies them. We regret 'a-'iii.-; li-i ].,- ::i" i, ..-â- :, .:,-l i:iii:.a-:i, ll i-. is lliar Ih,- -i;;iiMi.i;_' ill i as.= s-.-^-iiieii\.. to e v, r t!io v'c a.lvi ---.•- ,.;" the,;c!Kir.e p ii.- 'If I '" '"•" ""' S"'-a' neighbors audvalu- ahle c.iK'eiis, but wish th,:m success. iniple ' cultivAte lusmess, wo have every reason to believe a trade can be effectually" worked up ou a sound basis. It is certain,, however, that before establishing their buBiness liere,Cana- (lian shippers will have to pay their foot. .,. Til- I'.iiit.-al •"^^."""'P'l! matt.r.sare looming up. i ing and proceed very cautiously in their ' 'â- A. l-.r^klne and 'f. Gih- ' " ' '^. •â- â- li ll:; th, fOl tov l-^ l.lil ^..^j... ii.^' for lleeve ;; competition against those other sup- ,, ri ii-'"' • ri""'""'"' -^i"l'iis'it and Stuart for pliers who possess a highly organized ,.:â- v.... lei-i hall Its lirst deputy. Tiie contest between the .- vy ;: sjichi! tire late.' latter three j'romises to bo interesting of losses, 'i'iie I lU'l cioto. M r. Faweett was consider- it out that r^ "'"".f '" '" ,*'â- ' '" 'â- '^« o""f two until iliornbury paper exposed system for lighticg fresh comers. A $750 Cottage or its eqnivaleut in cash will be given :i: 1. r (.1 a g.ueral bij connection with sliodily cloth men i " ^^^^ person detecting the great, st on!; i-'i,..i:;. a; the l.i.iiiiinfs iu tlie i and Home Knowlclge agents. Farmers i â- '"'"""" " errors (words wrongly;iin iir. ;,:i i..i„a;ed that there i "'"'f s^'-pport a man who c-:ll assist ^peHed or Uiisplaced) in the December .â- ouldben..e^iracâ- ^tf..rnlauaKraent str.angers to gull tnem, not they, issue of ••01.^ K HOMES." In addi- uagraent, ,, :, â- ^, â- in.l rb-if ti oi-,.f,,-, »i.,t „. 1- ,1 I â- -'""â- ^^" 's the. commg second deputy. ,auu tiiac, iiiC! "lore, ine township could I • • /-. -n i_ • tl .-^ "'t *â- ""'" I r or Councillors wo hoar of John m-iiri' i:;e rvp-jrty of its citizens j Davis, John Vickers, W. J. Black, T. cheaply, ati-.i e-i ;h... seeuriiy would be McAfee and others, the assci-i c I v.thic- of ch'-ij town.ihip as a w!i'.; ' liie polic-i-j.- yivcu under the sclionic vionlj Ic abtoluttiy s.-ife. The pri.p,i.-al is an it.ttrvating one, auvl if the schenio is carrie-.l into ell'ect llie cxx'-ii'-uint wilt be a niiial important one. fur if Oa'way can insure .iti-elf, so can eseiy coii.iiy. tJV.uUiip or mun- jujality lu Canada. "WHaT'S TEE MATTZB WITB TOU" a lirU col.l all Well don't b.- a fiml -anil let it i;o t-'O loTic. "a stitcli mtim "13 better tHan 1 doc!i r's bill, a serious piokuoss, coui--ump- tion, itutl (io,iituow-3 wbiit.poiin.tget a bottls of iV.iitlt-i/'i- TAriiiif arit? Limjj St/ a bottle of Mafitcy'f Good Samaritan Oil. Rub till. Oil ou your back and chest and cover with fiiumepanj take the Syrup as the congh is troublesome and you can get rid ci the worst cold evcrjnortal had. Inquire o£ "W. Tniner Co., agents Markdale. 513 tion wi'l be given two cash prizes of 5200 each, f"ur of $100, eight of fSO, ten of $2-5, tneuty-Iive ot ^ilO, fifty of $5, one hundred of §52, ami one hun- dred and tifty of §1, distribu^-e-l' iu the order meiilioneti in too rules and reguiatioHS. whieh -,vill be sent with a of DvciQiber i.-sue on receipe of 15 cents in ttiimps. tpeeiiU casii jtrUes gieya away almost every day during competition which closes Ftbuary 1st, 1891. m FOR CXTCRN^L AND INTERNAL USE. The Quickest, Surest and Best Remedy for Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Lumbago. Sere Throat, and all StifTness, Soreness and Lameness. It stops all pain, and cures Sprains, Bruises. Barns, Frost Bites, Chil- blains, Penrnc-ss, ChaSne-, etc. For Cnu-i, Colds, O.uinsy, efo., from 10 to 30 drous Oil sukar taken Intep- nally, jrives quie-: relief. Price 26e. Eirklevington No. [892] '.red by George Bnsell, Aurora, Co. York, and recently own- ed by H. Piper, Fleehertoa Station, is nowlfor aerrioe on lot 120, 2nd east of T. B. road, Artemesia. Xhia is a superior animal. TTia pedigree can be seen by applying to owner. Terms $1 at time of service. THOS. 'WHlTTIftJ, S29-32. Proprietor. C. A. FLEMING, I'liLVcr-At. FARMERS 'Who require any- thing in the HARNESS TEACHER WANTED for Section No. 16. EnpLrasia Township ,_ SecondorThirdclasBjmusthaveexperience! I* line "Wlll dn -OC-aII â- ^/-. I Apphcations received np to the latter part of ^T^.. " -Jr^" '"'â- "' ^^ *=â- }-'â- bO November. Address, "' "'"" " D. E. Ellis, Sec.,-Trea8., Kimberley P. O., Ontario. Trustcei).^Il. J. McAfee, J. Buskin, W. Waey. 230 3. twisted Wire RopeSelvaTo. freight epud. lolmm.-.U.a fr^e. Write â€"••"» â- ""•W ON1ARIO WrUli FENCINQ CO.. ™™. -Z*""" Ontario, or to o-jr WhoIcMlc Agents. Tie B. Greening Wire Co., Ju. Cooper, Carrell Bros., Charlotte town, P.t.I. n.TfecUyaaiu,t.-dtor exlreiaes of cold and helt i PRESERVE YOUR SiBHT BT WZABISa TBS OITLT FRANK LAZARUS [Lute of the firm of Lazuna A MorriB j BcBownsd Sp«ctaelea mad Xjm'Olmmmtm These Spectacles and Ky^ G-lassea have been nsefl for V.jc past 3.) years, and given in every instance uubouudcl patisraction. They are the Best in thk Woexd. They never tire.'and lest many years witliout change. For iaie by BKEASnES ft CASSOa*. practi- cal V/atchmakers, Jt-'-weiiers Encravors. dealers i ia all kinds of Gold aiii Silver Watch-.-s. Clocks TfeiACHER WANTED tor School Section No. 18, Enphrasia, male or female, holding EeeoQd or third elaa's cer- tificate. Dnties to ivmmence Janv 3rd l.Sul Apply to Sahcel Walkee, aec A. Bo j-Vor B. Shore, TmBtees. Markdale P. 0. 530-3 BERKSHiREBOAR~ lot 115, Srd niniie East lenham Road, Artemeeia. vr. J. DAVIS, Proprietor. For service on lot 115, Srd ranre East of ssoa â- Regulates the Stomach, Liver andBoweis, unlocks ,. .. -- ""'Soc'-etlons.Purincsthe Visit -AjrOWSmith's I M^'°°d and removes alllm- mnle jewellery and fui-ities from a pimpie to harness EMPORIUM before purchasing. Opposite the Mark- dale Honse in Hill's block. D. B. ARROWSMITH. the worst Scrofula..^ sore. Chester White Boar. mn.7.Enphra«i« oar. feims SI paid at time o£ For service on lot Ko 9 enn 7 t?- t tWeoty-fiTc per ctnt ofl il •erviee. Address, OCS IIOXS.t rOBLISHDiO Co. l and J.-«-oUi!rT. Will Paper, StatioDerv, school nT(ni-ir--irTip Taxada j Books, c. Prticolar attention paid 'to Tepair- UE0CK.1LI.E. VA-NiUi. Bgfiaew»teheB,c.,withne»tne8«anddespiJ3, I jArOR Tjim/am,, Jan 16-01 I MABKDAiB, OUT. ^^ ^0.5 *^^" LONOHEED, Prop. .1 Kimb^ejr. BERKSHIRE BOAR, "Western King," ^.^^ ^.^^"^^ to he with pig, for pediKre^ oi- -p* CUREIS ' SALT RHEU/vv SCRO?^^ a «ee small bills. JOHN BUSKIN. Proprietor, Vaoddetu- P. 0. Mi-.,N, local or traveUni 10 sell my Rnarantecd „„ â€" .^J^SEST Stock. Ralarv or Comniissiou, pnid ,7eclly. Outfit bS Special ci cntiou given to bef^nncrs. Work' cir.- nc-rcr fail to make Knod weekly wrtl.j ine at i.uce [ov fiarticnlars. i^ftges. E. O. OSAOAK. HnrsaryiaM (Thie liouse is leliabte.) Towmto, Okt Wlifii AIllrMllslA. Kei-vi,,... lifiS.--\,! -J.iiiii Mi-.\rtl.;i- C'll'ind. CiitiLcillorsâ€" Wiii.SiKirii m i â- .. sou,.Ir. rrea^iirerâ€" J. W. .Unn-tr'a, Clerk^W. J, B.-lI.iii.v, Kl,--,., ;• bl'l-lIUA-lA. Eeeveâ€" Tho.s. rjiliav. Dep- llecve-Win. jmicut Oouncill.rsâ€" Win. Stiuii-t. i" ana S. McKni^ht. Treasurerâ€" W ui. Mr Cunn. li Ckrkâ€" Bohert Diinlop, Uii,.r.v. tlI.ESELG. Eecveâ€" Chas. Moffat. lep-Keevoâ€" Jas. Slapats. CoanciUorsâ€" I'hos. Davi?. Al, and P.Neil. Treasureiâ€" Job. Edg«. Clerkâ€" John S. Black, Pomona. BulXAHD. Reeveâ€" Wm, Norton. Dep.Reeveâ€" Anthony Shuto ;Oancillors-.1a.i. Galhraith. Wm. l'.-i--:.t and Wm. Hampton, Treasurer -John Cameron. Clerkâ€" J. p Hare, Holland Centre; OSPBET. Eeeveâ€" TLoe. Gampy Dep. Beeveâ€" D. K. Preston. Councillors- John Spears, " m.,i -l.aii and J. Tavlor. Treasurerâ€" JosiaL Gamcv Clerk- Thos. Scott, iiJcIntjrc; Iji-iilon niontlily Fairs. Oiangerille-The second Thursday in ^eb month m»^w~'^°^'^»y '«'°" OrauKeville. S^^^rto^-Monday beforVorangevillc. ^n,^°";^-ir-?*-' •*'°"' Oran^cviUo. r W TTP^ Tuesday in e»cl. month. ^^^°J^^~Ti^oni^y before Durham. Hanover-Monday before Durham iJWiiDIW P flCIFiC B .^ TIME TABL^. â€" ^TarUrtnle Station Gorao Booth. 6.« a. m. 4.50 p. m. Jnllougli Yo ^BANKERS TTtABKDALE, O] ]fbteB discounti-.l I'oposits recc 'ikietest allowod. C.-.lcrtioiu ms ditlta issued ou all iviiuj if the D â- ol: United Stitti's. i^J^vate and Coiuj'.-iiij- to loa BOn good fiirm i»r.-i[icriy. W. L. YOUS( Ma business Gcn^tJ' T-vES. srnori.i: ,t icgo, \_^ Pliysicil geonp, Accoucliors, ivc. i)i'iicf-sâ€" Pr. in Turner's DriiK Stun' I'r. F-go, Biwiie's old stiinil. M:ithi-\\'s 'ulock, i calls, day or ni^'lit. uiii In- jiroiiijitly to. T.S. Si-EOVLE.M.II. A.Kiii.,5 PMcCULIiOl'Cin, 'â- ini t.T. Solir Office â€" OvfT ^^e^H^i.iIl..'s .-t.irt-. Money to Loan. IB. LUC.-^S, }5 II li-ur. S.'Iicitoi the firm ot l!i-!i..i. .V I. i.i-, O-.v, r atiiflliie of Will. I.!K-;IS .V I'.i .l-Vfll Wm. I.ucas ill ciiiiri-.- .^f I'ii-i- dun and lej^al iiiHtuis will rwi ivc attention. 1 i -TTTJI. liROW' Issu. of Marri:ii;i- I.;.-, ii-. .V-. I eioncr in 11- il.. .v." fii;i. y;ini-;n;; brant'lii'ii iiroiiii'ily iill-ndc.l li iin.t executi-il. N. H. -Moiirv to 1..-I1.1 iin l;,-.i seouritv. -l-TTM, STU.MM' Kl•.lMKâ- .,^, VV Is-ii. r.f Liceiisi- M.iii.y ir.I.,.,i:, o;i l;.-il I low rat..s.' -V f. tt- f iilii- "r siilf. easy. Jl' Jl.\i;.--11AI.I.. M. U.S. .11 ll â- olTciriiiil.i Si-i:.«.i.'l I' -iit-.-ni,i»ili Mark. lull- II..ii-i-. .\I ,n.l..'..-. ..ii lii.- thirJ W,,lii,-ii,;- â- u-i: -n .i,i;,. :i-, Muu-l:il«'-ll ••-1. 1 !â- II- ;; â- : .-IIH- -.1 in--tl..-;.!..- '.-â- ; â- â- â- ih. i" his (H.'I. --. :i- 1 1 .11 I MCNKV I'll I-ll.\N nil ui!.-;i.i;. lo-.v nil.- ..I r-i-.l. l;i. i; y.i IT-.VKM I'l'iL S.M.i' • I...: N .. -J I, .â- II.' 1( (.'.i-ii.:,:. III! 1.1.-. « .1 1- aiifl ...11 I I. nil- .-r .â- .-..!.â- I.t. r p'lrtii-iliu-- :i;ii'l,-."ii ll. I.':.!- -r to J. S. l.;Tuk, i' It. ..1.1 ' 11. M.vK'Ki)."' ' 11- 11 .-';. Mv.i.. .1 ,:, .,sr.- J v.- ".iAji.-ll, 1:..^. .1' Sl-KI-"'!.!;. 1':- -.1 ;.. â- .. at lo'.v r.ll.. '-.f ehar-.-.l. Im. iiu- ii ..-iIv ,-..i,;i.1,.i, ]y,l .1. s. ::,.., i.;.r,.i,...i.. Ai'i â- 1 (â- â- 11 M..I A^ 1 CJS t^xz CX= 5-«^|.-. A SURE cure: Fon BILIOUSNESS, COnSTIPA INDIGESTION. DiizlNESS, HEADACHE, AND disuascs C STOMACH, LIVER AKD BOV They (irc iwii.D,TMGnoucH and p IN ACTION, AND FOPM A VALUAB TO DuRDOCK Blood Bitters i TUCatuent and cunr c CHF AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. DO Vol' Wi'.All PANTS DO Vur â- \v:-;.\i; Coat Ve DO YOU WEAll A OVERGO A When wanting anytliiug i giTe me a trial iib I guarai elaa* work and perfect fitting evaty time. THE LATEJ Fuhions always ou hun^ from. riLLi STODDi fcFarluud's atorc. |jj|llgg£,_^^gj|