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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Nov 1890, p. 4

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 C. W. F.utlgdge, Proprietor. MAi;Kr»ALi:, Nov. 13, if,co. THANKSGITING DAY. La=t Tliiusl'v was observed is a Lolid.^y liv Ma'kclJe citl/.ens cenorjUy and all -ii'.j.s were closed ia honor of the occaf^ion. Pnljlic FPivice was LcM in the Eng'_-u el.nrcli and was fairly well (ill.fcii'-:"l. Quito a ji!in:lj(r ahoiildcTed their j^nrjs and sprrjt the day in the woous. some r.;tTrinr_; in the o"e;iiu3 well JaJi.-ii w/.li â- /irist: wliilo others broii'-ht home rav'-tjo i;i./i ,0-- â- .â- : hy^l... 'J ;.' it I- â- 4' â- â- \i, t: sometimes called a T.I leu Wl'i; ll;.l i I. I'l'-.isiii(/ a.'i i-lii^l. i tlio- t I:.. hi IM uii. I:mI, veil I Wllkcl. (itiMv. ,, a:, It,, pi a I F,i 1.-1 1' Vh ,â-  t'-iii .â-  coutiactor, hoisted a ::â- /.â- ' .-.ciioiil building thei-e- ill- loviil'y. ' ..:i 1 heli ia t!ie h,.seraent â- .1;^' church in the evening, u-i jim:E of the Younj oiety i.T the chui-ch, iii ;t n.:: iiiiuiiVable iiii'.iir. 1 be !â-  t'.ilty decoi.i.eJ with l!'jv.'-r'-i, and other orna- ;,; .: tlu ht;"ul la^jjc "it I; ine U'i'j tip|jc..i*arice. .: 'Li wtrc t..ved in tlie :i' .-. yl.' liiitotrous Kraal! ' iji-rely e.'.ch at a 1 id y and grutlem.m '.vi; most as.sidiioui in i !.i- "]. bill of fr.i'O :â-  1 1 KL i.iMil of pi"j, anu !i;i' ,, your luunf.' unJ :i;oi: r. After tlli;-i veiy i rt2t.^u was con ii.iseiably was called to ' a roiiim ofuiii'iue vari..ty I. ':i" id ii.s follo'.vs OiJen- â-  -, S 1^. c!i'iir aoii pi'iiyer by '' .s ad'trcs.^, llev. i.' nrs, Mun Ih'c.idijer ' ' •.^'â- .â- a and ileoaou • ' t* l.' Address, M' I' Solo, ilLii U. lU on, Walter Hail. Ai, ' r 111' prugram Ihe chair- ' :i 'I'l Ihiit he jilacod in :i :. iiUiiiber of ball'its, J .1 -111-;, 't v.ritten thei-eon, II i':iK 'i ill'"ii W.lii to i ' t. .11.1 I il' a two or ' "â-  1 I.;: â- â- lll^^'^I ^p[eeh on :. 1 i,';i'n',:d â- .'j.h.iw. The I â- ...' v.*. RutleiUe, and t.v:; '.vuJ "IDUSlc." Nei.t l."-i-i, subject â- shams," 1' 'I I.' t. tu.xu ' ul 1 peoide" 'â-  I'll 1 li.-t \V. J. .Mci'arland ih-iw his favvuate.'*the li.i^ part of the program iii i.jJMd, each speaker (â- '111' ",1:1:; with the itivit.i- iil; il iiii^' jiistico to the uu- •: i- 'i. Tins most eiijovable :. 111..; iLllects much creilit II' I'o'oiilo who had the •. Mini tliey are lo be con- ;i :i toe enincnt succees i-.vii d t'ioir effjrts. Not UTK AND t'DMMENT. -I Will be '1 liaiiLii^iv- I !â-  ..; S.alcs. 1 I. piclor I'\ench. of â-  â-  .. lily ou I"riJ..y 'ast. ' id to introduce a bill I.' ;l^l.ilurc to provide ' I tiiii' i.i Pu'ilic f'ompauv'g I till' ^Vi'^tern division II i "iisl-tiiii,' o," K."),000 .1 1- 1 t l"iiday, and is 111 Ci'ur.cil lit Utt.iwa 1 i' 'I lliiit ihe l.iw n-UKt ill Ihe .if r.irch.ill. â- .vili ilifixfojo la^" iilace j-'il, h. Voiiii: 1." b c: and h,iu' tint ',u Sa!: iiding inutiuii L.i I'o: Citv r.i, th, w.fu oi Silviiti.'i .\r ill I'li.Ii.. Foily two iu itiade fur thii; crime 00 day.s. .-.'l of thi. li'te Ms. (.1 ' InuiLii of the liV. WIS por!iii;^'S the au.r. Ev" nun v,";l s t.ici 11 1: ' Ul n'li.iule tribut.' of ve-pc' I vC.ioii c.-er \râ- \^ tj an Em/.ish I. Th' procession fillowiug the OS I' th" cemetery was ue irly â- I, ill hii-'th, aud iu point of â- ^ WIS piobably llio greatest 'liiriui; th'J century. The liiil siivice at the "Olympi.i" iittinded by over thirty ve 11. i people. As Rev. llugli J*rice 's siii'l. her death is a l-'ss to the uiiivi'isiil (.'hureii. The !.»t number lit the War Ciy contains a full account, ei the. .-(-i'.ieu.i, ti'i,"'ther with a large unmber o( pre.-s opinions as to the work and chai'acter of M's ISooth. ".\rter all," writes one who '„*.is in attendance at the services, "the reaaou uf this remarkable tribntu is quite telf evident. Has not Mrs. Booth laid the whole globe under tribute Are uot the impulses of !ier glorious life at this mumeat permeating BniJ leav- cuiug humnn lives m everr cUme Aoit, like ihe everwiilening circles created by a tingU object upon the 6Uif.^ce of a lake, shall the sweet and Jioly iulhieuces of lias sainted dead widen and eiteud till they compass Editor Standard Yoar correspondent of last week, who signed bimself "Agitator," has opened a subject of diBeii.'sion irhicb it will be »etl for the citizens of Mart- dale and. the srirronndios country to give their best conaderaliou. His arguments for ' cross country r.Mlway arc unanswerable .ind whoever he niay be. he deserves the thanks of the com- munity for the able manner in wbicb he has handled the subject. The rail- way he advocates w'.nld give us ;:11 the advantages of railway competition which we require ard would no doubi hcvfi a tenilancy to cause the Messrs. Moffat, who are our piincipal employ- ers of labor at present, to re-cousider their detcfm^nation to seek a place at which they woulJ be able to jet better rates of tran^porlation for their raw material aud m.anuf.;cta"ed goods and m addition would brine, more manj- facturers to our town and the/eby benefit it materially. Wo a»'e all aware that M. rkdiile is L'eogr.iphically situ- ated in ?uch 1 position in regard to j the neigliborin,^ town.- that it will always have the cooinioditius of a large tract of country to handle and it "-eats wi;h ourselves to mako it ihe pri-icipa! ' inland town of Xortheru Grey. One of its drawbacks at present ij that we ' have oo'l a'sufticient population to use the smiU wares of the farmexsâ€" such aa iippies, potatoes, etc. â€" on whoiawe ae dependent for suppnit and couse qaenUy they have to .ec' other mark- ets for the same thereby taking trade to those places which le;,'itimai.eK' .be- longs to oinvielv, s. To increase our nopulalio.i vre tho.'wfo.'e must be the object of all tr le citizens of JIarl-lale and any object which will tend m thai direction sh'juUi receive our united sunport Huacciaiiy and other'-y'se. The introduction of manofacturing imlustries is generally reeognir'cd as the Ljrea'cst boom a to'.vu cm have to that end, ami cheap icausiiort.ition is always !â-  oked ou by ir,;nufacturors as the princioiil inducement for ^tp.rtiag business in aplaeo. Tli' c -os? .oun'ry railway mcationeu by "Ag^tjlor' id mv o;)iiiiyn auiwers ihe parposss c' compeuil.ioa and as are. i!t gives cheap t"anspott'ion tty tiio"' • ' both 'hr leading raiUvpv.i? at niuoy poi'Jts anu having I ho C. P. K.-ia our own iowj with which io compe.e. Oar new school house shows a deleiminaliou to in the line of I'.ihjcatiOn .md by the rcsirtsol the 'ate i::amieii;:ons I am tliat our popul '.--'P wi' o.' sufTer on that ground if the s.uie care- ful, painstaking and .scholarly teachers as we have at present are engaged at all times. We next want more manu- factuici'S aud i:i order to get them we must ba stirring a'd to that end let every citiiien who Il.s .iijiy p- oposal to olTer give it to us lhf'Oti3li yoii.' eo'.un which J am happy lo say are always opiu for the advancement' of the ma- te lii I interests o' the viilaje. Yours truly, AnVANC-lMENT.- WALTER'S FALLS. "7i!^»i'.;(ii/arii;a CvmmiTCiuil'" The Social scn.TOn is commencing iu spite ol the bad roads. A So-, in con nectien with J'.bunezer Uf^tiioi^isl Church will bo held i'l .he house of Mr.Wm. Ilennic, lltb line Liiphrasiit, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mr'J. Howey of Tiiornbury visited at Mr. K. Oluistead's this week. Our wjgon ma'cer, Mr. J. I'iudlay, is home again and will doubtless be £lad lo see some of hii oldpatro'iscall around. Mr. irif'!.s, 01 the bvdeukatn Fire Insurance Cj., was here List week valuing the dauia.;e done rccoully (o the house of Mr. V. I'ox. Mr. Byron Smiili has mo^ed bi'ck to his f.U' u in tl'e vioi.'ily of the vil- l.i^c. He 1' 'S bi-Cn avvav iiboul a year, pait of which tiiui; lio sp'jiiG III Mailc- da'o and oail ou a IVo n ne.v.- Mr. .lord. Ml" ^^ -.1. l.\ino 1 h ujen ^-re*. i-ig a irtw lime bet.veen his ovn lo' aud that owned by Mis. T. Walter. The fence is both neat aud tubstaotial. The first annual meeting of the Walter's Falls Brnncb of the Upper Canada Bible Society wi'l be brld in l!ie Methodist Church hen on IMinrs- day evening the 20l!i in.-.i. V.w. 11. M. OroU, aj;ent of !bo ociely, will dt liver a lecture, I'.nd til' the miliiiters of the aiijoiuiiig c.ii^ixjjlious are ex- pected to be present. The Society, here has had an encouraging di'^ree of prosjieii'y during the past year aiid it is to he hoped that the we.ither may pi ove favorable on tile '2itih and that a huge nu-nber oi ].L0ple lUity show their interest iu tiiis work by being jie.-.i'iit at the meeiing. be st.ite of Mie ro 'ds in this I'.irt of '.ho C"-iiii'y is uo'.i' d" loi diie. 'J'o say 'i.!i:u I 1 \v "e 'Ui'd-tly '., lo convey but a faiiii iiio.' " their truu co n'ition. Ill vjiii V j.laces lrnve'lei3 iliive in the ditch I' 1 I' iihe bide of 'he roail. choos- ing --.'tlier to 1 an tiie risk of I'pjelli'.ig ilii'n iio venture into the sftjif;i/i wheie th' r'ja'.i ought t) be. Surely this coujty hits now reached a shige when it is only leasonable to to. expect pas- â- bubU- roads at every season of the year and iu every kind of weather. One reason why bur r.iatls are not much moie itnprov id tiia'i tliey are our pieseiit Lvtie n of slatute labor is ir many cises a mere farce, the time is 'oTit in' but ihe work is done iu a verv uebjualaciorv w.i" TRAVERSTON. Standard Correttumdence. George Smith, of Gnelph, is spend- iog a few days with his bachelor brother Tom.. If he had waited liU X-nas he would have received s more home-like greeting. Miss Jennii Cook re'nrncd to the city last week, cirryinu with her the tender good-byea' of more than one. SaTJ. Jack took Dakota fever the other, day, and wishing as all a merry winter, he sped. Tom Noon built M. 3. Davis a fancy root house lately, for which M. J. IS lii^bly gle..ful. Jfrs. W. McN.'lly is yisding l-.r two d.'.ugbters at Del'oit. JIc. is going to iiav.' a sn pr'ss for his wife when she comes b ick, by bi-ilding a large horse st.iLle while she is aw.')y. Mrs. E. Hunt is enjoying her hob- days among friends at Brant. Will. Fallace and his blushing bride have relurned home from a trip down the couulry. Miss I'ollv Edge has gone to vii-it her si,ter, .^i s. F. Tufts, of Detroit. We are s,0Viy to hear ot the sad ai cident which befell T. MoAssey late- ly. Two of his lingers being taken off by his thresher. Jaoces McNally is going lo haye » big rjffle on JJriday night. Wo antici- pate such peisoudl results that we in- vite your Walter's Falls scribe down loa Xoias diuLer. In pj i.iiig by the old jdav-gronud of oiu- yoiilii the other d iv we ielded to our iiiilinaiion and wi.ut into Ihe ;;roiind3 of School No. 5. â-  We were ghid to tee bO many improvements made of la^e yeais it shows the loler- e-t parents are t;iking in their chil- dren; but still, as Tve liu'jered,. we noticed thit the wall needed banking up. and that o. lew load? of gravel â- vould' a clean walk from the ^ lo the chool also, bow conveu- f..nt a wood cbed would be. and the costs would be veiy little compared v.ith the b.ueiit our chil.iren would dL.i'.e, bo.'ti ttorally and mentally. A yoo.i..: ci'iipie bavi got into avery o id ha'vdfc of Uiinq I'fj in bi.i till a very !..te hour. The old gent coinplains bitlerly; bnt, :o keen the cuirent S'.noothe, our young gallant muffles ihe clock as toon as Ihe old man has gone io led, and since then all is lie-ace. LlLJ. Maxwell, S-f'tida'-d Corrc^roiiileitce, Any amount of mnd. some snow, a little fiost and n quantity of rain foim enoii^di information to show fio con- dition o! the road ut present. Oil Thanksgiving day a few of oar "d!.';^ers attendwid service also the tea- at i'lesheilon. They report h.M.i.; ii good time. A party washeld at Mi. William ., on thai, evcniog also. Mr. Williams Khipped a quantity oi butler loToit Arthur last Saturday. On a.ciiuat of the unfavorable cou- di'ion of the loads und also of the we.itlier iheie w.:s no service m the r.ej'jy,t.ri.ic Church last Buuday. ^Ir. l^ioAurid^e had his house re- Vwircd lately. We Ihcught Wo v.e.e U'ot going lo hear from the .steam thresher again ibis year, but madu u mistake as Ing- ster ihreshed for Field aud Preston lately. Mr. Geoige Gray, one of our tailors, intends moving to Mcliilyre shortly. The Be\ Biow.i's sisler-in-hiw is a ;.;aest at Jie parson. I'^e. D" Kerr in I wife have been visiting friends in aud around Maxwell. They seem to enjov a trip to their "Kaliye Village." When eone?iponilent3 are no more. And Rd'tor3 £.rn scarce; Tlii'ii niv^lit lie saiil with them o£ yore. The i^nill 1^ but a farce. Then let U3D0W ioiprce the time, AiiJ weep aiiil woik togetuer Tov eveivthiiig will uot be line, Iso do not stop for weather. Our teacher is engaged here for another year and no one is sorry. The baying of the hound, the noise of the discharge of the lifls and the whistle of the hunter form the chief part of Ihe music just at present When the boys come home the ques- tions corae thick and fast. The lirst quesMou being. "Johny did you shoot yourself to-day." DUNDALK. standard Corre^: vttdi-nce, A vciy successful Fowl Supper and enleitjinmf I't was helil in Victoria Hull ou the evening of Thanksgiving Day, under the auspices of the ladies of the Methoilist cbuxch. Speeches were g'veu by Bevs. Hudson and Biel- by, and a most excellent program of music by the choir, which elicited considerable applause and nuoierous encores proceeds $44.75. Monday evening was pleasantly spent at the residence of Jas. Calhoun, Esq., at a Social. Incendiary tires have been lieqnent between here aud Corbettoo rec. ntly. Ou Wednesday night of last week Broughton's barn was bnrqcd. On Thursday Irwin's was lired, bnt the Sames were put out before much dam- age was done, but on Saturday night the same barn was liied and burned down. Suspicion rests on a eertaia individual, and more may be heard thereof. A irial took place befiire oor J, P. on Saturday. 'X'he charge wjs asainst Mrs. Loyd, of Osprey, for assault. The case grew out of a Ironble that occurred some time ago, when Adnirs, the plaintiffs, were taking some horses to the pound. Mrs. li. interfered, and the lesult was the horses were taken This is the season the year to of (f*U()jiviBCO*TSJ {|UY yOVEBCOWS,: i â€" AND- iSH RoVEBCOtfsi) etct."iit\ s ore PASISIUr BAZK. A deliKh'ful pcrfuiue pri:pared for Chspped H»n,U, Ciack.'J Lipu and Ronghnesa of the rkiji. Only 'i' c at uU dcnggista. and tear of harness and vehicles, to say nothing of the severe strain put upon the exasperated traveller's uervoas svs'em. Do you want an Overcoat McFarland has a bic room full SPLENDID GOODS, LOWEST PRICES Wlien we cay lowest prices we mean it. Come in and kok round for yoar- eelves. If not an Overioat perhaps a Suit; McFarland has them by the cord. He can Boot jou into the bdi .;ain with the bent Man's Long Boot m the DomiuioLi. That is a big si retch of country to coyer, bat we can show the Boots and convince the most skeptical. Have you ti-ied our new RamLal'spure India Tea grown on the Himilnyau Mountains in India. Nothing hke it ever before introduced into Markdale. Absolutely pure. Do you know what that means? No dirt, no adulteration with poison- ous drugs. The following well-known citizens have used it and can speak of its excellent qurlities Mr, John Whitby. Mr. W. A. Brown. Mr. John Pickett Mr. Donald McDnffia. Mr. C. W. Butledjje. Mr. Fred. Sarjeant. Mr. Jarnes Campbell, License In- spector, Tiiornbury. Mr. P. McCullough, Barrister. Mr. George Swanton. Mr. John Orr. Mrs. Wm. Greenaway, and many others. TryH! Try If! Try II I ASK FOB Ram lal's India Tea. The wide awake merchant is never afraid lo take hold of a good thing when he sees it and Bam Lal's India Tea is the Tea that is going to knock nut Green and Japan Tea. My com- pelitois will loilow the lead after a little while when their little brains can see it, they will commence talking up INDIA TEA. Now they are very busy tnlking it down, bat they can't it has couie to stay. Try a pound package. Who will be the tiist to a"i ate a eform in this line? We undertake V^ s.iy Ihitt if some as- pirant for muuicipal. honors will take for his "platlijrm"^di ijct tr.- alien for road improvemeufs instead of the pres- ent system â€" his election will amount to a ceitanty. Free discussion on the iinestion will do good iu the meanlime. Let us bear in mind ihat raoney spent on bettering the condition of our high- ways is really money saved. Bad riads cause loss of time, extra wear' from the wonld-be-ponnders This ri -_j .1 :_,_^ ._ pg^f (. of j],g jjsg jg no^ peajing in the Division Court. For tue asaanlt, the lady was fined $1, and costs aboat Itl7.75. Key. A. Corbett exchanged polpita with Bev. Bray, of Harkdale, last Sabbath. A Free Home. A cn'tage «oilh 5.7jO will be eretl eu, or iti; e|iliv.dei]h iu cnsh will b^ jiven t-o ihe pc.oo.i detecting ihe greatest number of tynog eriorsin ihe December iia.'-ae of our monlhlv joU'-aal enli'leti "OUB DOMES." Tfaiee hundieuand. iiriy additional cash ptizes. amonuling to $2,S00, will a'so be awaided io the order men ioned in lales ^ovenmig compelition. P'i .es payable at par in â- nv part of C.iuauu oi" ihe United Stales, genu 15e in staniM, for com- plete rules and sample cotivoi "Our Homes," which will be i«aed aboat Not. 20tn. Address, Oca HoHss-Pue-uisaiiia Co. Bbockvili,b, Canada. JuilS-91 HEAFORD ROAD. Staniard CorreftpondeTKe. As noticed in yoor ednmiu last week the most startling •taut that has occurred here for some time was the sudden and unexpected demise of Mr. Stambaskie. Our Sch-jol Trnsleee have adver- tised for a new t«.M:hf r, in eouseqaeuce of the reeignatiou of Mins Ford. After the short winter we have had those who had their root crops sill to harvest are Bestirring tbemaahres.with alacrity beinK afraid of a sodden re- turn of the beaniifal snow. Mi. W. Heath's flook of shssp wM visited by dogs last week, aa4 gaa of the number killed. 1000 yards Colored Cashmeref, 88 inches wide, only 20 cents a yard. The biggest uargain ever laid ou my counters. They are a special Impor- ialiou direct from Manchester, Eng- land. Ask to see our 20 cent Casli- mtre aud 12i cent Amezou cloth, specially new. Jacketing and Cloakings much under regular prices. 10 doz. Women's aud Children's Wool Hoods a great job from 25 cents, 490 yaids Bich Brocaded Satin Bibbons, 10 cents. 872J yards very wide liibbons, 12J cents, usually sold at 80 cents. W. J. M'FARLANDs Dii^ect Importer. TENDERS win be receiveii until Dee. lat, IH9O, for choi- ping nnd drawiDq five haatlred cor^s of bard* wooii toBerlicloy Station, C. P. R., from a lot distant 2^ to 3 miles from the'sttition. Adiiress Box 461^, 531-2 Deseronto, Ont. Chester White Boar. for service on lot No. 9, con. 7, E.np1irasia. A fine Chester White Boar. Terms SI twentv-five pel cent ofT if paid at time of sejvice. JACOB LONCHEKD, F'op. oJO 5 F.imberley, MARR I AGES. BuBBow â€" McoBE â€" At Coldwater, Co. Blmcoe, on Not. 6tli, by Bev. Mr. Bedford, Mr. Alfred burrow, of Coldwater, to Hiss Elizabeth Sarah Beid, third daughter cf the late £. W. Moore, of Holland. JtaikOal* Markets. WsonsDAT Norember U, 1810. Fall â- Wheat » 9O tolO (5 Spring Wheat 9O to 9S Barley *« to 65 Oats 36to 36 Peace 00 to 56 Butter tto 13 Eggs.. .,. 16to 16 Hay, per ton ...' 5 00 to 5 OU fotatoes, p«rb3g 35 to 40 Wool OOto SO Beef 6 00 to 6 00 Pork 4 60 to 4 «0 Hides 6 00 to 6 00 QeeM,peTlb. 6 to 5 Tnrkm " 7 to « Docks, per pair 40 to M Aeples,pnbig 60 16 50 Fkm ...W Mtol* H FaU Wlieat 88 M SprinsWlieat 85 gO oSa... 00 n Barlfy M iM Peaa.: 00 65 Potetoeo ' S5 30 Hay 6 50 6 50 But'ec IS B SB.(fir«A).... -.S .H Hides 6 60 (50 Wool 00 Ig Ftek... 4 75 6 35 Beet 6 00 6 50 Iniekt M CO Qeeee ..•..«.'...... 60 QC Ta^nCtearlk.)....... B • ^n/kmffmlati...,..,,.... 00 40 I... • â-  Buy your Patent Medi- cines Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Soaps Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Perfumery Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Tooth Brush Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Combs Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Condition Powders Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Spectacles Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Purses and Wallets Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Hair and Cloth Brushes Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Shaving Brushes Cups Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Razors and Eazor Strops Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Japan and Black Teas Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Pipes Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Tobaccos Stephen's Drug Store Buy yoTir Ladies and. Gents' Shoulder Braces Stephen's Drug Store ^uy your Note Paper and Envelopes Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Turkish and Diamond Dyes Stephen's Drug Store Buy you Malted Triple X White Wine and Cider Vinegar Stephen's Drug Store Buy yourMustard,Gin- ger, Pepper Spices Stephen's Drug Store Buy your Essence of Lemon, Cinnamon and Peppermint (STEPiJEH'S DRUG STOBEJ^ STRAYED From the premises of D. B. Ellia, lot 6, con. 7 Eaphrasia, about the 1st Jane. 3 yearling heifers and one yearling bnl! all red except one heifer, which Ls line backed, information which will lead to their recovery will be fchanhfull^ received. J B. ELLIS. JKimberley BERKSHIRE BOAR. EirklerinKton No. [392] bred by Oeorge BuBeell, Aurora. Co. York, (»nd recently own- ed by H. Piper, Fleshertou Station, is now|for aeivice on lot 120, 2nd east of T. S. toad, Aitemeaia. ThU is a superior animal. His pedigree can be seen by applying to owner. Terms 91 ai time of ferrice. IHOB. WHITTEN, 5a9-3. Froprtelor. STRAYED To the premi!=«a of the nndersighed, lot 35, cson. 11, EaphrmBia, about the 20th of July last^ a pail- of two-year-old steers, one red and the other a f trawberry color. The owner is requested to provf property and take them. JOSEPH SHEPHEBDSON, £89-33 Oaring. TEACHER WANTED loi Section Mo. U. Enpkraaia Townsliip; Second or Third class; most hare experience. Applications rbceired up to the latter part of MoTdnber. Address, D. B. Bixis, Seo.,-Trea»., KimberleyP. O., Ontario, Trusteesâ€" B. J. McAfee, 3. Bnaldn Vv Wiley. 2303. TEACHER WANTED for School Section Ko. Ig. Eaphiasia. iâ€"i. or female, balding secood or third dass ngrT tificate. Dabes to commence Jany. 3rd lijiil Apply to Sunn, Wuuk, sec: A. Ba^ln» B.Bhe«,Tr«teei,M., M.l. P. 6.^." BERKSHIRE BOAR~ For aarvioean lot US, 3rd laan East of Toronto «,d Bydenhun Bead. 2^,3? Terms (1.00. â€" â€" -•â- Â«iâ€" «. a0 8 W.J. DAVIS, Pwpiietor, CASH AUD RELIABLE CUSTOMERS Can always eoimt on getting good bargains at the TORONTO HOUSE. As in the part onr fall and winter goods w.U be fo^^ ch«f P; fashionable and stylish, and Ladies and (ientlenen wanting fine all wool rn.ierclothing will find with us the best values in the market Groceries fresh and crisp, jast the thing to please epicures. and our TEAS will be found much below ordinary prices, IN BOOTS SHOES we show superior values, bought for cash before the late rise in prices, and our customeis will reap the benefit in part. MFN'S BOYS' CLOTHING both in Suits, Single Garments and Overcoats, can't be excelled, and we are determined to please cash buyers, believing them to be the pillar and ground work of prosperous trading. rS" Bemember the Toronto House, Markdale. Tbe Markdale Staiii Is issued every Thnrsday, i, C.W. RUTLEDGE. Markda.t, n^ Tebjis â€" Jl per year iu auvanet. not paid within six montlis. ' "^â-  Professional and businosa cardson, space and auder, per year, 24 1 inch 2 " 3 " 8 â- â-  ADVERTISING Rates ITK. C5I0. 3,.' J.^ (JO .t:; uj 5* â-  10 1)0 UPRIGHT AND GRAND PIANOS, CABINET ORGANS AND CHURCH PIPE ORGANS. All of strictly first-class quality in material and workmanship. The Tone is sweet and powerful, while in Design and Finish they are without an equal. ACXV0WI,EDOED TO BE THE STANDARD INSTRUMENTS cfthe WORLD. SENDFOR VATAI..OGlIi:S XO W. BELL CO., ^^°s?i^^ GUELPH, OHT. Chief European Branch. 58. Holborn Viaduct, London, £. C, Eng. Aui'ralian Branch, 6 Bridge street, Syd.iey, N. S. W. Soufh African Branch, Market Squae, Port Elizabeth. WAREROOINIS 12 KING ST. ^WE ST, TOBONTO, ONT. R. S. RKE, The Tailor and Clothier, is fully prepared to suit you in all kinds of Gents' Furnishings. A-larpfi variety of Suitings to select from, cheap and gtronff, or fine and hand.^ome. Splendid OvfrL:'ati!ig^: see thnii. Vud. iclnthintz, ijost wliat is wjintt!,! for Fall and Winter wear. COLLAUS, CUFFS, TIKS, SUSrKXDERSl HOSK, und all the rest. Call and examine for yourself. Should you coutcmvlate matiiiuonj' be turo and leave youi order, and get a neat aud comfortahle suit. U^ Apcnt for Parker's ije \york-*. MAIUCUALE. FO-^ ^^ fM, It has pprmanenU V cured TnorsANDS of cases piononnt'e*! hy ilocLoi-s hope- less^ If you have pienionitory symp- tOMi^t snch aa Coutrh, Difficulty df Breathinfi, Ac, don't (Telav, Init nse PISOS (TTKE-FOR CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 centa. Cidrojf TO ATTEND- lortkii Biisiess College Clieap House Furniture. Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, J±d.._ cloth Suits Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, ooiiimou Extension Tables in great variety Washetands Spring Mattress Wool Mattrc's nf all kinds, and iu fact cverythiug that is kept in a first-class sliop. Call aud get quo- tations. A.lso Funeral Fiirnisliiags â€" Coffins, Caskets, Kobes, Linings, Gloyes, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Tbankiiig my numer- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectfully, J- W. Soroule. OWEN SOUND, ONT., If yon desire to get a good ItUMlnoss Edni.aiion. ATUtdredx of young men and women bave taken a business t;ourse during the past ten years who are now suct^^ssful in business or are nUing lucrative position.*. Tlte BnslneSB Course of study is by far the most thorough and compreliensive in Canada. There is as much in the Junior Department as in the entire course of many so-called business collegae. â-  The Sbortluuid Conxse is thorough and complete. Bend for a copy of the Annual Annoiincement containing full particulars; it is sent free to any address. C. A. FLEMING, PnlHcn'^i. rHE ONB,Â¥ PEBFECT FEIfl^ WOVEN WIRE FEKCINC £4 ct^. per Rod and Upward. FARMERS •who require thing in the HARNESS any- line will do weU to visit .Ajrowsmith's mule jewellery and harness â€" 1 Wire Rope SelvaKeu' AJll wMtluandslioi Sold by aU deslen la Ihll Use. Freisfat eiiaid. InfonnatloD free. Write â- "» ONTARIO WIRIi FENCINQ -CO., Ffctoo. OnUTio, or to our Wholemle Agwls. Tlie B. Creenine Wire Con JM. Cooper, OMTell Broe., Chariottetown, P.K.I. "«««ljjdfa«tedfor ertremce of 'oold ud heat A llu vlete bvtler siaiuA all uimali. No tau^totoeieA EMPORIUM before purchasing. Opposite the Mark- dale Houfie ia Hill's block. P. B. ARROWSMITH. BERKSHiRTBO^^ "Western Ring," Mtoen m«.th« old. bred b, J. o. SndlA '•™*-S '•'*•**'•"»«»• o* ""rTiee or Mtooâ„¢ tohe «ith pi(, forpedipw JOBS BCBKIK. P.O. ITnloda ril the cloBRed srences of the Bow^ Kidneys and Uvep, tamjim cagtadnaUy xrittoot ireakeniiig the nib ta^aU the impurities and foal bmoa elOenoMtiou; at the eune time COF- reeUigf dlty cf the StomiSC Ignngr Biliousness, Dymqnda! HMto^M. Wzzin^. hSS^S: Onnstlpagpn. Dryness of the Sk£ .~..«»i^ and General BebiUtr sail ftfi^ and nisnj other smulAr r ' fliaDBIC0 .,Ff3pi!MBB,ftBaa. "W li 1 CU â- Â« Bjr Ruanuiteed NDMBre SmcK. ftaW «J^mmia«lon, pud veaUj. Oatfit free, "{â- "â- â- latteiitian given to baii^Bnen. Work, en nerer bdl to make nood weaklr mulee. Write me at once for partieiilen. ""â- " (Thie house \t leUable.) Tobohto, 0»t. 0(10 liffl ;s i' IPO ill iji) u is â- â-  wj :.-, uo a Casual advertiseni"f.tF.H c. n insertiou, 3 cents per lin*: en insertion, nonpareil measure, Editoiial notices, or imtici? iclooi omn 10 cents per line first ins.Ttion, 5 each sabsequent insertiou. Stray animals »Src, advertisi .1 ?, weeks fp,t No "paper discontinued- nitiil all am, aTe paid except at tlie option i,f ihepnS .ongli Young lg â-  Ptrimi^ " «obse;^ Cfl^ JANKEKS. IKDALE, OKT. diacoontei. IVposits received an ellowed. ColLctioni made an iieued on aU points cf the Dominic l^-Qaited States. B and Company lunds to loan at lo ^n 6°°^ "" property. ^^ V.-. L. VOUNG, r^ Manager. gusiness G'=i'l**s- I'pnblitli JOB PKIXTl^G. The Standabd oflSce lias e s^l, ndid «-; ment of poste" as well a? I;;.* job t^-pe. j cial attention to orders by lujil. All o^ filled with dispatch. ^irrctofi). UABEPALE Vll LACE OFFK'Ir.LB. Beeve, W. J. Mcl-'-nl uid int^-Tfj, Brown, Jno. Lyons. Geo. h.i-l i u.mJijJT Plewes. K. C. Biydeii. Clc ' W. \..\a^^ Treasurei; Ji'ied.. Saijeinji. 'â- ku[..: Eobt. A.-liin, pol'oe conslj',..! Pu'.jIj'c Schon! Tinslee.. \Vu.. l.ncai, Lyons, Edwaii: rmU-cl-e. ^i. li. 1..,^ S. Hi 1. ar.d W A Brown. :c COUSTT OFI'K'IAIS. Jul'je. S. J. L me, Owen H â- â- â- â- ! 1. Sheriff, C. H. Mooie. Ov. :i S.mvil Clerk of Peace. W. Arvw.'..; -, ;i s.,),,.; Cleric, Jol.u Kiit!i,rfonl. (!â- .!, S„.t;„i. Treapoier. S. J Purker ()«• n Si. .i,J. Comity W:iultii. CIi:is -M-I'v M;t H: Kegitrar, N., 1".. McKl!i^'l^t. 1 1 a .^uo; •' S., Tlios. UtikIct, lliMhaii!. Bevisin;; B.uriater, Noilli. 'iu'i;!' !«, Owen Sound. EeviFing liarristur, South A Kas!. i-^i-. Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., i'Jortli, .Tas. Masson. O.veu .Soniii m! p., Eiisi. 1 S. bi);oide, M.l',. llarkdt M P.,Sontli.CiiiO Landerkin.M Ii.,Ke; over. M. P. P.. North. .!!.=. Mc-idord. M. P. P., Erst. C:i} t. Kmi.c Ciurksba: M. P. P., Soiuli. J. H: Hujtu. liiirLut, DIVISION" COUr.T CI-KIlftS No. 1. Bon Allen, Owin " 2. David Jackson. I);=r]i;:in- '• 3. Tlios.Pluakett. MciiFoi.l. '•_ 4. Thos. J. liorl,c, Il.-atlir^; â- . " 5. J. W. .irmstrnnK. 1' ii- 'â- â- â- â€¢' " 6. .Tobn'McDoualJ. Clia:^v.oiti.. '• 7. Duncan Chmpliell " 8. Wm. Brown. Markdale BBS. BPBOULE A EGO, Phvsicians, bi __- Accouohers,Src. Offices -Pr.Sprou Sixer's DrUB Store Dr. l-t'O. m I £^£•8 old stand. Mathews block, where SSday or niKht, will be promptly atten. JbTT.S. Sfbouij:.M.D. a. i.oo., M.D., FMcCULLOUGH, ' â-  Barrister, Solicitor. OAto^Over McFarlands store. Jtarkdi Igoiiey to Loan. bT LUCAS, Barrister. S.ilicitor, (•â- â-  the* firm of Bishop L tas, Owen Son JTrfice 0( Wm. Lucas A to every l-ru Vm Lucas iu charge ..i oflic.- during w ,Bd' legal matters will receive pioi ettention. WM. BROWN, Division Court CI Imer of Marriage Licenes, •â- â-  C.iui Boner in B. B., i=. CouveyanciuB in al Blanches promptly attended to audcaref N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Ea oaaarity. MAKKDALE. The P 0. will he opened fioni K celicki. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails cl'ised as follows, viz C. P. It., (;"ing North, 11:J0 a m, auj 7 f r South, 3:30 p m. ai.J 7 1 •_ TRAVEPiSTuN and LACRISTOX, Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday l'2:i'inocE HAEKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EltSKINE. Wednesday aud S;;turday 2 p. m For registered letters and money order fifteen minutes earlier than above. TLeP O. will be open on Holidays fiom 'J to'ii;3( a. m., and half an hour after mails iirrire. W. .T. M' F4iu.iM V. Jl. NEIGHBOBINO MUSIOPAI, COUNCIL B" M TM STUART, KiMi'.Kiii.Kv, J Issuer ot Marl lioenses. Money to Loan on Ittal Esli;' low rates. A few farms for sale, ii eaey. X i^MABSUALL,'.l'.S..l.. l),liti^l, ;•!..â-  of Toronto School of lk.llli^lry, will !«• -â-  Markdale House, on tlu- m-^ third Wednesday -f iii.iLtli. .ii.l iil lllinshaWs 11.:1-1, FK-li. rln„, iI,.' ..:..v f â-  ing the Markdale v:sll^ tlie l..;;e :i liis profession. 'Joiins ,;.i-!;. MONEY TO LOAN iJ,. ,,.:,K-t:,t.â- -..â- ' »^ lowrato »f irt.u't. N" ""â- â-  charged. Business sti ietiy coiili.l. i;ti:.l jcjg J. S. Ill .. li. romo:.:u 1 FABil roil SALE. L*»t Ko. 21. coji. U. K.. Glenelg. 10.1 iii-r.'s. "ill be s..l.; an.I uneasy t,.rius of paxoui.t. l-r fi particulars apply on lb. pi.iMi-s oi l. JU i. S. Black, P.iuoua 1' I.' 1 ' I. o. a-- a?. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 1 'S, moH.?et.r! Monday m Hasketts Hah. Maikilale. a; 8. J. E. Matson. W. C. S. McDrui,' .Set. Ittarlt^nle ^\nwcs\x ptrrrfortr. PKESBTTEKl.iN CIJUHCl! "Services ever\ Sabbath at 10:;^*i a.m. Sabbath School at 2.:S0 lu k Prayer Meeting every Wo.inesdav e\i i^inpai 8 o'clock, llev. L. C. Ernes. Piist.r: i McFarLmd. U. S. Superiutendent. CHRIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. ni. an: 7 p m. Rev. Pilr. tirabam, Iiietiinlfei;: Sabbath School2;3U-, B. Coleman, Siipeni. teudt?nt METHOPISr CHCr.CH. Services every Sunday at 10::i(t a. in an' 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:3(1. Wau Meeting every Thursday evening ii oi;i s :*. â-  Rev. Geo. Bllfgin Pastor; IX W V.v.v:-- S. S. Superintend'-iit.^ L.adies' Aid n ci: nection Mrs. T Hill. Secretarv. Strnngeisnnd \isitors always wdn v •. Parties desiring sittings vrill ai'ilv :, W- liutledge. Pew Steward. f!«t\ttxt 9irert«»rq. Markdale C. 0. O. F. No. 7.S, n;, ,.;- veri alternate Monday evening at So'cii-el imI.t.i Hall, Rae's block. Visil'ig but.i.'eE welcome. Markdale A. O. U. W, No 141 nic" in their Hall, llao's bloc';, every ii!;-;:iatt Monday evening at o'clock. A visit Ji')iii bretliren of iieighhoring lodges solicit, â- !. MABKnAi.EL.O. L. No. 104.5 meets in riit:: Hall on Friday on or licfore full niuim arfi Month. J. H. Carson, Master; II' J. IJlui.l,' Secretary. Victoria R. B. Precepto'ry. No. 'J-^ meets in Lo.lge Room of Markdale I.. 1 1. 1. No. 104.1, first Friday in eacii moiitli,. i-il ing Sir Kuiglits alwavs welcome. Jas. 1'.: jJ:t W P.: Thos. Elliott.'Registrar. AB-rEUESlA. Reeveâ€" Dr. Christoe, Dep-Beevesâ€" John McArthnr an 1 J-'"i Boland. ConnoiUorsâ€"Wm. Sharp and Geo. Ti. .: if- Bon. Jr. Treasnrerâ€" J. "W. Armstrong. Clerkâ€" W. J. BeUamy, Fleaherton. EUPHBASia. Reeveâ€" Thos. Giliay. Dep- Reeveâ€" Wm. Fawcett. Councillors- Wm. Stuart, A.C. Talt. ou mi S, McKnight. Treasurer- Wm. McConh.-ll. Clerkâ€" Robert Diinlop, Gri..rsvi!L OLEHELO. Beeveâ€" Chaa. HoSat. Dep-Keeveâ€" Jaa. Staples. CoonciUors- Thos. Davis, Alei. Beaton andP.NeU. Treasnrerâ€" Jas. Edge. Clerkâ€" John 8. Black, Fomona. HOLUIKD. Eeeveâ€" Wm, Norton. Sep-Reeveâ€" Anthony Shulo. Conncillorsâ€" ,1aa. Galbraith, Wm. Fosta end Wm. Hampton, Treasurerâ€" John Cameron. Clerk-J. p Hare, Holland Centre, OSPBET. Beeveâ€" Thoe. Gamey. Dep. Beeveâ€" D, K. Preeton. floauoikreâ€" John Bpeara.VVm. Monagliw andj. Tavlor. Treaaurerâ€" Josiah Gamey. Clerkâ€" Thos. Seott, Mclntyre. fflTnnthlr Fairs. "8BTin6-Theiecona Thnrsday in etel â- MBtn Pandajk-Tneeday before orangeviUe. â„¢J«tonâ€" Monday before Orangeville. i^r^*?^'?^*y •»'"« Orangeville. g£J?^*^ Tneeday in e.,eL monm, y»»»»Mthâ€" Monday before Dnrha m B^dCentoe-Satnidaybofore Ohatswortk ™«vilIe-^onday before Dnrham. Mnowrâ€" Monday before Dnrhatp 6i!i!l!!! P iciFic r. t TIME TABLE. â€" Miarlidale Station M.ABKD.\LE HOUSK. _MAaaii.ii-i:, '^t.- J. E. MAKsn, 'â- ' 3. SPHOULH, l'i.:.--:n;:.i-N. [â- .iii.-i Appraiser. Valii:U..r i..:! M; ';•. â-  'â-  aecds, Mi)rtgag.'s. L.a-i-s ai. 1 W 1.- iopand Valuations iu:id. cm sl, i (Charges v..rv low. Api'l.v to '.. .! Jloney Lcr der and P. .st m r. 1- i. -b. i WG. lilCH.Utl'H, liuild-.r. Coia »nd Architect. -Markdale- Canada LS. Transits (limitkh) lOCAL STEMSHiP ROU Owen Sound and Sault Ste. h P»««en»«r an4 rast Preight Z. carryiJiS Her Majesty's Mal'l S. S. CAAMOrlA. S S- CAM Capt. F.X. LaKuami'.- Cai-i Nj.ili WILL sail .Im-ini; tlu- s.-as..ii "11 Owen S.mml t" r!OllI M-- M-" 9no«daT aud Friday, on th.- iirru C»o«iian PacLl.o Kv.-io)v; 1 wi" tV"" »nd ii.,Liit8 Kast llo::«) 1' i" â-  '" i ,,, Mauitowaiiing. Sli,:fiuian.lHli. i-'|i" K»(!a»"iia. «"â- ;â- â€¢â€¢"'"â- â- , 7"""'.," AI i i- 'i Mills. Ser,..-llt Kiver. .AI;.- .. M '-^ Thessaluo Uivcr. Hrncu- Ml'i.-^. u .1 n. landing. (Jir.leu liiver. 'â- ""â- ;;' ' Marie, calliag lit tlu- iili.n.- 1 '.1- â- '" *rtp- TIOKKTS auil l'iii:l.;ii :â-  llA -â- ;â- ,â- ' ' »/• applying t.) MAlii.AM' â- â-  'â- ^-^" mow warchtius.-. on A\i-1 ~i "â-  "I I'y • "-i.V.'l: â- ',•' igc: also at 11..- "!â- â-  'â- ' ',•' ' rSuiett Str.-L.t. .lOHN UlMi.; .M 5ompanv's 0;h.-.-. M" â- " t v\ii.... «lde of river, on lir. .i r^i i-"' G. J. McCiUK fiave you a Cuiu"i ' I^.k.- \-*!l- Cberrv. ... Have you a CM " 'l-'k- " i' *^'""'"" .,. w ' Have you Uroneli:.:- ' In,' AA u^ "'"'"â- y" ' Ai" Haveyou lost your o:c ..' 1 -ilsi- aa i Cherry. Have yo",:;.Vslb!ni' Tiio- -V. â- !- AJhrrry" Have you a C- 1.1 in tlu- 11 au ' 1 ik Wild Chirr â- â€¢ The Oi,o U::i.nio.i; r i" f-r mi .. the Throat, (.ln.'t â- â- i-i Lima's dru^Ris^s. er^T! 1 RAM LAL'E Cb fair trial for tin 1st. They are a 2nd. They are ©state by the mo machinery that Teas are picked distances befor( market. 3rd. KarnXjal' and prepared es always be the s hence. 4th. 'Tischea; package â- which vhina or Japan When giviug Bam LaV try a second one weaker 4rink Bam Lal's Turo Iu. For sale by w, Oonio Sooth. 6.49 a. m. 4.50 p. »• 8J.0 p. » ?e bave appointtd W. J merchant, Uarkdale.ot! agent in Centre Grey eelebimted Bam Lal's ^. Ju».e 1, 1890.

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