mmm. YOTTSa FOLKS. Y TIS BEAUTITUL FAIfilES. BY ANNlh J.-AEKL WILLIS. " ' â- r--»:!i "ritiiis ot wlieat.* lai'l on a foiir- '.er, will eiirtbW 'i:« to "-^e t'tie rOEEIGU ^OTES- PajKi i.:til ie.\l tliis lo Kilty from jx-r oil' i:vf-iiiii;_' ainl il hail raught iicr (.hi- likf a ver.-e ol poelrv. ami clung in lifer iiifjii'iiv *:vt?r -iii'jf;. Kitty wii-4 not yet Xjt oiillo f--;i.-\t; ill tilt fii'-p-i*'^. SJ.f; lia.l soim.- Ie^utili.!ly l.oun.1 f;t!i y-t^^a-^ on the o;ik l)'K;. M,'l" m li-r â- l.Liiiiy wi'it'-iii.'i-trol.l I'.-.j.! Ill Ij' 1 f.i'l.-i ..uiilry i-'.u.-f. U'lit-L M,.- tun.iiy v.-nl l.,i. k to tli-r '..ty !i' Wo-iLl :;i 'â- Ui.';.i Uiri; i.'-t ,-ii' :^.lw.l.y.^ 'U'l. I ii.. -.1. v.- oil.- U.iiiiii in Kii^lit ';riiiis*jii,oii(- !i. L.-u ao.l 1.!..- k. 'â- iJ' 111 '[Ul^it«â- p^-a^â- o•-â- k IlceitjiiilV 'l:.l seem so, Kitty ca- a bet- I ter girl. She lMut scold when her hair j was pulk'l, avA was mere generou3. Then j -j-j^g (jiii,;ese Cotton Cloth Company o Hh" waa not s afrai'I when left alone. "Be- â- shangiiai is at last about to oomraence oper can.^e, you know the fjuries are near me all j^^i,,!.^^ althouK^i "inch hami»erea, by finan the lime," she wouhl say contjtlently. ^.j^i ajt[i^;ultieri^ Whether it was a dream ornot. IJeavej ^^^-^^^ are KXr/X» chil.lren with impedi- menta of spefe;h in the flen.-ian schools. The .lefectivent^S:- of speech in most cases be- â- .ome= rirsf perceptible in the second schw^l ear. Riv. r H»rw„...i_Pittj«n, wi.., .pent h« j,_. __..^^;_ j-^Hs a seaport have .,umM,er hah.Uy )„ .M„5k.,Ku, ""'l f "' |^,,.,, ,,' ,,^,1 ut -he llotel k- Ville. '1 he writes l.,!!..- fr..,n^r,., tne Kngll^h orL'an of 1 ^^^I^^^..^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^_^ ^,^^^^j ^.^^^^^ ,^j ,,^p_ tlie lls.ptl.'it .icn.jnu.uitinn â- !,„,.â- ., l.T, INiO.WP fnuiw. I,.-:;:; Si!...k, ui.."i".--. -3.- it [liv young rei'lei-s to juflge. â€" [Ladies' Home j ournal. ' An Amencm Parson's 'View. Hiirwoo't Pittison, wlio spent his Mm.-. ai,.l \l' il -..|.|.- Kit' ii. IJiit liUl.: row r.i.f.l wr.!, â- l.liji 1*JW Kit "' Ari.TlolU 'aiaoritis, one ot liie set-in. i,uu::i.l l.r.t ,: .-itir ....rii h.,.|...l .. .^^^^ p.^-U of ii.o.lem I Greece," is pre- ountry f.on, whi.:h .t 1., written. I,..t one I _--^ „ „„ ,,,,.1 is an epic, ".;rati;in.« ,:a„l-iHu oonntiy "â- "Vn^^nf r 'i* j ZoiH, ' on the re=i..tai,.:e.of the Leueadians 11. tie onl, a^i.l t iu» „..,,,.,, .ally t. â- 'â- '"-â- '" t„ ^i,; ,l„„ii„atio„ of Ve.ii.e in the Mi.ldle ad... I IK,- iinilikeli ^•â- o.ii.liiai!. wlifii lie wa.^ I a-,lie.l how- he L.'o; th l..ii^'ti, of the road ' -^ge,, wa,i,,o It,ol do lor Japanese ue«spa[*rs to ot lor 1 t .I'll.d up 1 ark l.lii â- .p.-lp .d. j. I. ' Iioi- lnw.;!i a^ the l.readtii i ' llial-tio.lhled iiiin. 'tiiada, .ill thee-.titra.-y. is ni'ire tr'mlile.l l.v i.;!u.i;;th tha.i its l.ri ..Ifli. All the- v, ay i'a.-.tie. 'Jlien the oils ati;i;;*.si: tJ'iH itie .rr\ str.ii.;:. in the ea'.t we have ti; Marit'iloe Pr.n-ili.;' and then .iji St." I..iwn:!j.;e the I'.ovjiiee of .ln(;i*e.; aii.l to it .r.i..-.J.M'1-s ijlitaiio ali.I tvvav «.;-tw.i..l â- fi'.ni Oiit.oi.i '-p. :js ],.â- ';::. a \..;iii-"» â- . '!.â- â- ni.i-l p. •â- 'h"Mrqi.'un-hil.;dy' r.-a.l I ffo... thelvtlant..; f, the iV.-.t ..•d~ -iMii 'â- 'rh';.e i„ a I ra'.e .listiii.rt;...;^ aii.i the re!.;.' WISEIiETS. FULL OP PERIL. Bismarck is going to have a brewery at .^ ,,^„, ^^^.^^ „ » Emplr, Sli^, I riefirichsrune. nl'-rffi i-in,' ^i t n! I it- r.-ii! I 1 i.q.i III' til. â- i,.- ..II K. ill- Nh.i.l i! ^ill I..-. It i i:i.'wu" T. -.M.-thiiM'i..' I J „-ii!u'.-.! .- llM-',a;-.l: Mi- ai.- will ,, .iit.iMi,U.-.I ;i h. l.:-.ik 1..0--.- ' I,.! ..nly^tr"M;.:!n-li.i-'hi.iI .Itji.ii" iiiii-ii..- lii--t...!_\ ill till- .-V.uiui, 1! evi.n of «k-ai[ nil'-r?i, liiufh les-? of thelivii::.' S._\f;nil.ftii;uit-!ee*iitor3hiiveljeeu .i-c-iiienced to lonr yciti^i" i-inprisoilinent wit' liiii4 l:u.'0!- fnr s[K.iiiiin^ di.-^re.spettiiilly of the KmiH-ror .linunu, who, if he everexisteil, liveaaio!:t OiM vear.s ago. 'I'll*: sto.jkhohl-!s MiihuKilTel tower eii- terpiJ-sv; are feeiin^i blii' just now iu consei â- 'iieui.c o-f lliu-.-t'jii'Iy «iiniiiiution of their re» i^tiptn. ill til â- '-.trilvll JI'iW L-losillg G(M,(MX) Ir iii,-^ -Ai-:-.- I,:...- 11 iu. 'Fill- 'i-st of keeping MMitr\, liohCit!;.- toner M|, 11 ua.- ::" ""ii fnin.s, uiul '^IHJ- I fr;uir Mi. :.- ••â- ;.;'â- sp-iit for lepiiirs. Xe\t ^â- ;t^:'ln ti" .-iniil! jt otit of thi^i year willbe \vi]H-.i out, il i.- t-\j»i_-r:e'!,;tiiii ;i on.-'i^terahle a'-Ilrit wili .ippiar in [.bu-eql il. Jji view ot Ihi:- p!i;I.;ti.i;!ly l(iJii*J iViiiua were le- i rvt-'l for f'linre i!:^ fioiii llie prolits of ;iir i:\-inl.ii i..h:..'.-ir. 'I ;.â- .-i..-;.t! I).-:;-.. :;d- in IScrlin Iia-l :ill -or! •â- ] (MI ;-,;[., !. ui-i'.s iinil trinkets prepar- n! I..I f )• i. I.!;.' ;ricofllie C'^piratlon of til. I. jiM -i c l.a\.s, '11. il ;L.i nf-cktit;.s Iwiuring iii.,ii;i' -il â- ])'.: I r.'il.- "i" [, i.:;,-.:uh' .r Mur.x, red ii;i';.!;:' i.iii'-f-. Lit lkii.r!it r,heve buttons, ;ui.l;i!ls'.!i.-so'-Mrh-tknifU-l;na(^k.-j.Aliviiien- .1..!;^, tni.l.; in 1 iist?s iiml i.!u.-^t(-r tigiiresof I Marx, til' iatiiii.-* of H-.jiiti .!.•- (All- ni-iit, and tlie 1 iirtpiui-.l to iiianu- iii opt-ralion day ami The Virginia peanut crop is estimated at 3,000 000 buahelfi. ' Canon Newbolt has been appointed Canon Liddon'a successor. The Bc ooner Caroline ilarsh was at Os- wego the other day. Fifty natives were killed and manj- wound- ed at the storming of Vitu. Eviction decrees have been issued against many tenants on the Ponsouby estate in Ire- land. Tlie American Consul-* General in Italy says the McKiuley Bill is favorable to Itiilian interests. The cotton crop in the Mississippi district is so heavy that lalior enough to gather it cannot be obtained. Henry Livingston, a farmer living on Hickory Island, near Kingston, was drown- ed while rowing home. Wni. Tnbiii, an employee in a Toronto shingle mill, had his body nearly severed '.y falling on a circular saw. Mrs. Wallace, wlio was tried at Chatliam on the charge of poisoning lier husbaml, was acfjuitted by the jury. I,a,,.|. •rhe(';,,.a ... ,|.;.. |..Iii.i,. the h., .- .â- ..lllltl V. 'â- .all ' O-.-all U._ ,1.1 li,i. iiL' pop.oa wii--...-.- t!.e-.\.a.!i Mi!l, r. -Kv:.i :.,l., .;.! .i. I,..'.- lO â- S..,,. ,1 l^...^u li.r liir !! [;,U I ..I lilC i,.,d.| i:|, iaiil-:. 1 I -pi I- j.- al hi.- .Tl ,1.11. -,|,,,ll-i.. Ih.alll..:. lh.' p.'..l I.. ,.| .l.t.-liM-..- I.- Mi:h III Ii,,,. .N .1 I! 'I'll.; I.'i' I,l,« 111" I 1.- aiiMliln; â- - Mil!, 11;.- â- i;..l,i,.l;i-I u ..vhi.-l, uttil.-..ili at.-f II. 1.1 ..-Mainly lin mail. .ll.yall.aâ- â- .- alI..l;. â- ( Ii.- .-.-ii..i.T .iti/i II ol ''i « not i-liji-v liii: .\l.|.|l.-ili Ii- II-. â- ..11 -Silii.Iav 'II,,-. I. -x. -I., pill. 1,1 of 111,- w.-i u-.,iii.i i„- i,:ii ,1, i.-.l. i„.l l„-li,.-.i, l.v tl„- li,-,l,lln-L' ,.i 111' |,|„.-.- 1,1,1:1, IS %.. l,,.-W.irillOlitf|,,.i, N'l.l.lli,,:: .\.-, ii'io'.iv I,,-. •i"!,.'sii,,pi,-sri,'i S.:.n.i n,.;,!.! I..- l.-.llilli- l.'.ll-i- .-.,|„I||._' al.illi.-l f..l.i 11, lli.-Stiif If l",l|.,l, pOliii.-aii- «..â- ,!. I .:,IIMI,:ill,,|l «il, ... \\,-,-i,,ii. .1 li..i jam 1- â- â- I I â- - l.ill-l h.i- 1.- â- -Iiil,.-. I I,. •|. ,.i .,!,! Wiiai I â- â- -. Iia-l 'l I, ,. i h.-i â- |;,i, iiM' .,1,-1 I i, .-1 -,I.!.|- M;..i'ii,-.i 'A Iiilauiiy. .:' i.- ll,.- l.i.illa-.- II I ,11 il„-ii I!r,.',d,'il, .l^.â- - .-II.. i.i..«.. -_-i,l- i- .|,.I ., III. y. Ill .-n:...-. -.1 a- ill-.. -I-. lull-- i,-!alili-_. 1., Ill, II,.- Iiiisl.a.1.1 ..fl.-ii I yM .|i,- and I.-, .- i':.- tal.- .,f I.|i ,-,- :,; i:i-,|. II i-ir lal rii.-\ 111, -II l,.-,ni.- .i,il.-a-ts, shun p..ll,i|,,l l„-iii-sl,y 111.- f.,iiiili,s .,f III i-,,.l,.ii,l, ih.-v uaii.l.-i- af.,,!.! «i:li siiav,-i li,,„l-. ,-l.,th,-,rill M|ii.,li.l ran., .Ii.-.,lll,-asl, .,t 1,-ty. liviii;,' a lif,. of ,i,-.;i-a,l ui,,ii, I. ul.i.l, ,l.-alli ils.-ll «-„iil-.l 1„. fi.r prefi-l-al.l,-. â- |i„- .-liil,!. I,v ill,- ,h-alli of h.-r ;.j;.-,l liiis l,;.l,.i. ..H.-n l,;-,-oii„-s .1 uiili.v. lief.,,-.- she ha i.-l;. i, -, ].,.., -11.^' Iiolilf pi-rliaps al Ihl- a._' ., .,,- 111. â- 'i'l,- ,|.-L.|a.l.,li.,ii ofi-.inali.i allii,- i.ii.l t!,. .-\ fr,.i,, .1,.- family i.^ al ,-li,-i- llilll.l.-.: pr. h, 11,1 t',,- -l-,!-\ ,^1,1- is I.. I |-I„-.I I...-, in.- Ill a | :. II.-.- sl,.- was .1 1,1,1 u :, :,,:;â- ,-. 1,1 l„:11.,ll is, p,-|i -.1 Kill III,,, III, r,-ll III, L. I K -.1 I ... |,...l.. lal ,.p .11,.- 1,1 ,-v,-i-l..-,ii 1-1 y 1 -.1 I l-:II. â- I l.v l! i-:ii-_.ii~ii i.'.. ..'ri,.-i' i.Ti.- Ill ,.,i, iii.-i,. .1-- â- II, .I.-.l â- .â- { ii.l -I ... »i... 1.. 1..- iiiii,,i i-ii-i,i.-,i I., f.,i-, 1,-1..- :,1 1 l..-l,.i.- -â- II! -I -III. ,.-.| I.. 1.,- ll, nil!-,. -1% :., Il, II ., .1 ..f ' ..uii.l h, r. -.-, ih,- 1 ,i„l l,.-i-v I.. -,'.-111.-1. .-.â- ,|h.-l-:,-|| l â- a;-l Kill\. .,1 111,- oil. U ll,; Mill II ..fill,- laliii-s;- ,.i hn,-.- v.. 11 1,11... ,-!. ul 1 l,i,| ll.,-, .1." Ill- al II. â- N- .]. W. II.- 1.. 1,.- -lalni-' l„lp I,,. â- â- I'.-l •â- I ,11 ,-.,i„l.iii •â- 1,1 ll,,-.,-.-, Al ..i. II.- i-lr, â- Kilu 111-.- '•! M-h ' .1 » h .,,.1 ri- i„ip iitii, -1,1.1 K.IU lii.lia I- Ilia Mlii,i,.,u..|ii, Is ,1,...:, |1„- l|,l,.|,,..s I ,„! ,,. v... I |i,li, 1 l.iii :.I,|,.- .,kl|,, l,i"'il lll.lll .lilli !i,l'I I ,,iris ,,f Ill I ..Til Wist; 'Kioiirlits f..v 'Wisi; \Vi)iiii-ii, ii i.,,..ul,-,K..-.,f ll„.,-liai-iiis,,i„-|,..-,.. Iipl- ,.|,.- I,, null,-.,- 111. -III. 1 ,-,,|||;,,: «.,|ii,-|i ai.- s,, ,1, .i:-,,ii„ ,.t iiiiii:-.: -\ \. ,11 » i,.-.- I iililiL' pass!,, 11 is ln a ki- wi, i M,-i, III,;,,- la«-. «.„,.,,|i I, ll,:i,l:.-.,lii,-!).||ii; ,,1 uOiiia Ih-ll pl,-,,-,-s. 'r,.-S|.- is 111,. f.H-1 ,,f 1|„- „|,|,,1. Ta-I.- is III,- i,ii,-i-,,s.-,.p.- ..f .|„- jii.l-iii, I, .\l,.,l.-,s|y i-i ll,,-,-oii.s,-i,-ii,,,,,,f III,. I„,',lv. I'i II, .rt o.-sli-oysfl-a,-,-. Ir. s.-iiaii;_'i-s ihi-'liiaiiia-is. ,iliil I Mills iiHiri- u,.li..-ii tlia'i !...'.,. W .- al«:.\ lliiil nit ,,i,.i iii,-,-ii il, II,;,, will, !,„,r, at IIS wilh a,liiiiia(i-,i -\ f,",l |,i«avs s.iii,- oil, aioi-,. fiiolj. ll,..lilillii-,lf t,.a,lli,ii-,. Jiiiii. I-'..1!\ ahv,i\s.!,-,s,.rM.s il,s iiiisl.,i-i iim-s. iLailiy I- llii- lil-sl .;i|'l iialui-e -i-V,-s I %v..iii;.ii .1,1,1 ih,. lii-.t s!i,. lakes fi-.,i,i h.-i-. \V,,|ia-ii ,l,-,.ss h-ssl., 1«. ,!,,!i,llil,.l u I\ -1- it llu'in 1,. iMiiul'U ,!. ,11 Mil. pi i.p.r. ...I, Is lil_\ lifts â- N.ill,." '.-,1 l-,iry -I--p|„-,I li-.,iii am,, la; lli,- â- â- Ihel :r..,i-1 1 K.-sj,!,- K,,:v. S|„. 1, „1 ,, pl.-as.inl f,„-,.. aii.l .ll.l ii,,l l,„,k as if ..!„• h.i,! ' »â- â- . I â- â- ! ..I l.-mp, 1 iir ii.-i- hi,-, â- â- \..u. ., ;,-,l Is,. -â- â- .,. li,,,l ,li.-,|i„,-i,. •â- I .[.. II,, I Ilk.- 1,, .111.1 1,, pi.-k lip l.,\ pi 1-. lliiius." s.,i,l Kiily. â- â- Fan;. Iii.liisliy " sai.l' llu- 'i.u-,-ii, an,l ii.,\.a i:,-,il. i.iiii, link- f.iiiy, u.-.iiiiii; an ,.pi,,|i ..v.-i ll, r pr.-llv i-,,l e. '..111,- I., Kir.v's ,,lli,.i sid,.. â- • Kairv i. -v,-, tl at wa.s'alui-.-l -if. ,1-1.! IS 1,',. h.. .nl sU-].p,-,l a -iniful ,is Ihe .\ii.l s., 1;,., ,-h.,ii-,. ut-iit ,,11. iiiuil ih,. fair l.s I'll^, Purity. I li-ntleiu-ss, an. I ..llu-rs wei,- sl.ui.liii^ anaiiid KiltM. Thv .pieeii a,!,l,,l s,,i,„. ,,: ilirs,.; fi'ir sli'e -saiil. â- â- Kyi-ii a lull,- ,liaiii.,.id nnii-h i«ilish ill-," Ivitiv .iid not in the loiist nii- •â- The I'.iirics w ill not l,e wln-i-e v.ui can -see Iheni, ".sai.l the kin.l liltle liuly'lo' Kiltv, l.ut Ihi-y « ill always K- ready to help yon when yon in-ed it. 'oii ni.ay now play with us awhile, hut we must snoii j;, Kilty slarle,! «p. when, all of a su.hlen, the shinini^ forms disappeared. She eried out after them, hut th.-y ,li,l not rt-tnrn, so after a time .she went slowly to the house, and the lov.-r leaf with the grains .,f wheat ii|Hiii it lay there forgotten. Like a wise Iitth" girl, Kitty tohl her mother all aliout if. Nlaiiima sai.I she had iteea dreaininj:, hut Kitty ilid not believe that. "I saw 'em just as plain, with my own eyes, niannn-i, " she said. '"And some of the fairies are to help me be good. You must watt and see if 1 am not better." I ' itli W..III..11 ihe .i,.sii,. to l.e,Ie.-k thetii- ., I\, s is III,. .1,-sii-e'jo pi, lis,-. In ,-,,11,1,-iii-iitii,. lii,, \,iiijtv of w,,iiu.ii, mi-ii â- olliplaili of tli,. Ii,-,, ihal' tlii-v lla-liisne, iav,.kili,n,-,l. \Vli,ii i,,|„l,.i-s III,, vanity of olli,-isiinl,ei. r- il,l.- to lis is llu- w, ,1111,1 il iiillivts on one ,M 11. Vanity is llie only iiiU-H.-ctual eiijovment .f..iiaiiyp,-opl,.. • • -â- • Oil.- siu-ers at eiii-ls uluii on,- lias no in,,.,- lair oiieslamU-i-sappl.-s « In-ii one has no l.,|-.-t.-e 11.- will, tir.-l iii\,.i .1 â- â- .-.1 l.,v,-. ll 1- hi-aiily Ih.i! 1 niph-les ll raliiaMU p,-!iiapsin- o pit-as.- aii.l ti-ii- ehaiiiis. ill. ll .,11 an.! rii.. has I,. p. I • Ji.ts :in:\f' from Uirnnutla ;,.- .:.â- â- â- .;j i!..- .\m.-i'iraii bri.i; Aiil-ic ,,.1, w'..: â- •A u, ur. â- kf.b.M :il^t. tiv.t .l._\- 1(1.- ,-iiii\vii-.-k'i cii-w were t I. II .1. i-.fT t.'-foie ti.ry \Vt.-l'l- [licked U|l, l):. 11 --Hli- lii.L." \;-.ii.- u-i;ri!ile_ Tiif iiur- ,1;.; .â- â- •.. ;)'.i-!:i.-i.l in â- _â- . Iiing away from â- -liii. li'Il lii- l^tjH- 1' .-..-i-iir.- any provi- ,, aiiil l!,'-\ u. :â- • ;iti:rly "itliout water. I imiv !â- ... I \\.i. a ti i,i rai.--in.-;. 'i'liey iiatl r.. .-..iat--ii'l iiuain.-t li«-avy weatlier. i; ' \\'\,[ \. lli(.-c,".-i vnfe wa.s Wiislied ;..i. ill- It-' -L'l-ain. .lat.-.l Moiida\, i\.,l l.ylil,- A '.Olivines J'lolecL- iiiii Dr. 11; i;iiii. who isadmin- â- ^;i-;\'-s Jamiiii- rdif^' funl-Out- â- •'!: v.r;-. .ii.iHilmtii.n of re- â- „'i\.-i i]i;. v..vli to :!(H«». IVe- 1- i,i r !ak. n ag.iin-t L-lioU-ra, ;.. li'a\.l Wrii- c\[K-lkd iincUrr â- .:â- â- ...\fnin;-iit on "-^aturtlay, ' ,-i;( oi 'l."k ]-'onr hull- :Li.! .:|^ lnvrbeen.'-hip- •â- . fi r, ill- no in our Zarcl.a in I. I ':.' til.- (M.v.-iMiiK-nL Hos- IN A POLICEMAN'S ARMS, .4nOlil.Hiiii Kv|»Ir«'s Willi** «ii IIIh Way I Bii WliLtki-y. ToRosTfi Xov.." â€" Athalf-]) ist sevenuVlot-k Saturday morning, while Constable Steele was doing iluty on fjneen near Jai vi.s street, he fonn.l an old man lyinir weak and helpless on the l»oulevanl. In, reply to fpiestions tl:e man stated that liis name was (Jeorge Mar- iliall, !)-â- [ yeais of a;;e, and that lie rcsidt-d it !0S llichmoiid -street eas*.. Steele earricit hi'ii as far as a him- on neen sired, uh'-ii lie bt-gged to lie taken K) hi.s hoi!--e 1-y tlie Ijaek way. Tlie services of a civilian were secureil, but just as the eonstalile anivtrd iit. the liack d«M.r of the old mm sud- tlenly expire-!. Dr. Kane w;i.s called, and after an exainination he gave it as his opin- ion that death had resulted from heart disease. The deceased' wife stated thai in-r hii-sbaiid had lieen drinking and had siartid out to buy wliisk«'y, taking witli him '2' cents, all the money they po.s.-:cssi-d. D.-. I'owell, who w;i.s notiried, pronfmiiced an iiKjuest nnncti ssary. Abont as tight a place as I ever into, said a CkHnatock miner, was some vears ago at the old Empire Shaft, Geld HilL My- self and another man were down in the shaft for.the purpose of trinimine; it\ip, as the swelling ground was s:[ueezing iu the sides and it was a goml deal out of stiape. W'e were-not on a cage, but simply on a platform of planks, with ropes going up from the comers to the main cjible, which was of hemp. When we reached a tight place in the shaft we stoipd and trinuued but the guides, then went on till another such place was readied. At one pouit, having given the signal to lower, we went down some distance, when â- siuv Traveller. we finally stuck. W'c reached for the bell- rope in order to give the signal to st«p, Imt we found that it had wouimI round ' nail some distance aljovo, and we could not use it. The engineer knew iioijiing o*" our trouble, and coiitiuned to lo^er away. There was no stiitiou near, and on all sides rose the smooth walls of the sliaft, Uaviiig ussuspeufled over the honildc ch;isni. Down upon us eanic the heavy eabU A\ e feared every moment that the platform would turn over or would Ijc pi-es^eed thioughthe t.igiit place and drop froin;uider us. All we xjrmid do wa* to get lioM of the cable and keep the coils of il under our feet as it came clown. Shoidd tiie plalfon.i lui- over or di-op in- n un-le: !;â- ; we nnL.-til 'â- â- I able to siive our lives by banging on l-i tlie A Very CoiioiiB Family, ** Yas, oum wuz er sorter cu'ifi fiunly," said an on old negro. 'It wuz er fiamly. Hat didn't match somehow." " All of them different, eh " " Yas, sah, all mighty diffuut. Dar wuz Brudder Jake. He wux de talles* man yer eber seed. Dat man W'y, sah, he wuz so tall dat h e neber eat at de table. " "Didn't?" ' No, sah. He all nshad ter eat offen der shelf. Bou dar wuz Ned. "Was he tall?" ' No, sah, he wuz de shortcs, man yer el»er seed. He wuz so short dat de slack ob his bri'ehes dragged de groun' Yas, sah, so short dat he couldn't eat at de table." ' Too high for him, eh "' " Yius, sah. He wuz so short dat he had ter do all his eaten in de cellar. "â€"[Arkaii- IBALM A EEMAEKABLS BOOK. Itla ft «cttBin tad ivMdr enre far I Cold la tt« HmiI «»4rl»rrti la «um y lta««s. SOOTfONO. Cleansinq, Healing. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Uny tosalled di!,eii.|« arc simply iymploms or Catarrh, bu.:, a. iii-ud- aihe, partial di-alKi-..,.. I -ms ss-ute.-f miill.!teul brcail,, l.a.-,_le,K aud splc biUly, etc It ja-,. ' r., ir-^,i-.-J wiili 4 iit- dl thine £r lu J....1 .....ptoia. yonrliavc Catairh. a.-id sUoii.,l !a-c 11 Balm. Be »-anird in mii.' ..ii-..l.s.tti coid in head i-va.lm m eat,"' lawcd by ccascniioi" ,.^ad c.J o»wmhe»«ot,p..stpt,iJ.wir««ptj^ I JlitstW t»au akd Sl-1«0 by •ddieeaas I FULFORD II CO., Brockiill*, Ont yi.U. \\\ tri.-^i a wliilea;,'o to â- ' Ml I (â- i--^i;Liii! of 1 eriraiido • \IV\ H, h!,-;..i. thehoise. h:,! !!:.â- rii.iiiiit;;;' iiie of .sugar .1 1,. :. \fV\- i.rotitaltii- iiidus- ip.rM.i :\. s'.Miii eiiL'iiie from t:.,l all ready to. Tth^Mll â- 1:1 .1 lluiraltenlion to l.;-,i.-n. 'â- â- :â- . i;ai;ii;aiiii.tiifAfrt- lii.ii.i-n l.iiuftl troni l-.Tiiando Oil â- â- ilLM V i- iiov.i i'.--;t vand use-" i l-'-l â- â- â- n;: P.lil to do. t»r its :-,'\ere !, vrry niurh to their sii-ar •â- : Ml- tliics thrive on I iia-^nii. 111 -A At i\i.-\v. il sh' jilifi'd wa-' tetlding-his lioi-k-^ aii.i l:-i.!',. v. iicn-.-:iidiU-iiIy he was at liy -t Ik.u. "(.'oiin" vviis unequal t( the t.i-k ftf eojiing v.itli .so jiowerful an an tau'oiii-:. a:id soiii; tin; bear iiore his victim to til.' eiiiiii. .\I this moiiu'uta line bull, gia/iiig ii.tid iiy, hfl the grass and joinel t!ie 'jriiiiat:iiit.s. liriiin eea.scd ti torment l!i' .-litplRrd an-l eonfrfjiited the new com.-r. Xnt liking llie appearance of tin !oiniidaIiIe pair of horns, the bear, witli .u-:-.. iiiiule i»!l".s (piickly as his shamblin* â- j,{i,\ w^twlA iiLliiw. 'i'iie siii-piierd, nteanwliile iiLi!.i.;.il " r:i\vl lo l!ic village, wliere a !;L.-.-ra- I s-'ilp jitiii other woniid;^ received ;!i ihf riiiiMaLre '.-Te -urgicaily treated .\ \,- â- •.â- â- â- ' ':\ 'i-:':i;i of ll.e l*rii-isiaii -sy.stci] of [,:i.--„-ain!:;i,i liceii pi. lou d l.y i-'ituiii-e .M iniH !. r .M...iM-ia:.,i wiil" ,; ;.;:-il Led do-m to tlie 'i;i. .a:i !^ p,. ;;,â- ,. *!'i..- iii':Mcipuiideas..f th i 'â- f.illiiat' t he .-losr:- t ,-titiMU; of the- inroiues â- .t tavpiyiis, the !:'avi.-r taxation nf funded iiiioiiic in â- . iiMpiijson \i it li salaries or-wage= ,tmi liiv cM. it.sioii of in- inheritance tax t .-liiMli'!!, l';.iit.--,;inil I \:t: widow or \V idiW- r-r. ili'ri' .\'.i,iji;.-t ids.. ourpoM-sl-i inli'othu'i ' ' .1 ip;:!!- ;i.-w iiro\ isions coi'cernuii; tin Miii:,l-.-r ni rhi'dr.-i: aii.l other d.-pi-ndant tn noil ffoi; ^. l;o|.l u it h a ir*v.- to li:/hl.-nini io.'oni,. ;.. V il!' d.-'-KM-..- i'ei.Lii\--i;s fioinin Til" Bo Eevelatious- wiih thii'i I 1 ' D. loi li.or.lii,..:.. I id \-.\^-A\\v â- ,. Onp,,.: 1 lU-^rllt Oil! r a ^.I'col.d u l.v li..' V.y c.TkiMi nitt, writes, ;: 1. 1 how .M. (Vjustana ijtili-n I irii. ilMtiiangtr out of riiis, Itiii:;: ;iti awiiWiild sjtiia- ;\, i'lii- ViiniUrrt.f the Intnior ;;ors klL w that one nf his \i..-i ill .i-dly ttiiiiiiiunieatiou i-,ii.:nMi:;i:..n,iedhimofVvery- â- â- â- .! a! tin- -Ministry. Knowing â- ! v.iis n.ll.-s. .\'j. '-.nslans -iipof p:.p,T, •Avv^^l 1;., K., i-hl." lie lluii .-alh-.l his ' :_'i\,' him soiiir iii.-,lnk-lions, il l!u -i:p of pajier whih- la!k- \l oll.eiii,' oi.|i;-.d lo give rr, ihi Minister !--ft his desk lad the tri.k wa.« done. He Mll.o, 1^.â- ^M an III .-alfiilal.' Ihe.noul tli-hl w un.h-r of !ii.; M. ' ;:-h:.r ploy. tliiit li. I ad Ih.-n totil Ills the.mi.s.ti„n he had iin_' lo i:ii.i, aii.riie h-ll. Half V Ihr .-mploveiiaii told tiie Cen- wa 10 1..- ii:!i!e.l that liigiit, .1- ;ii-.iii. t- don'.ly sure, .M. Coii- h.-d noi;- ill the evening papers iiH rci-^e I in- appreiu'iisioiis of i1. Karly in the evening M. s ;-. r.-iv. d a i.â- ^it fintii niie of (iener- ii-:. i's dojof^lie.-. uho, by the way, .\y ;v::ieiole:il the Ministry of the 'IS M. "oii-iaiis unfaithful snbor- M.tyeil at t'l.- IJueltiimonl dTrville, Lien ii-inir.l that lii.-- t^tnitagem had (!. and tii-i r\('ry preparaliun for as lOiiipUtt.I. l^-Milanger thus left tie i-ves ui tlie othtial dcleelive.s, !.; iif course have arrested him had I snmcot lint thought tlia! he woult' his iiiihieMie t.v Ins iMght. Live "Stock in Ireland. \\ I icret" ;y drew attention ti tlie large iner.a,-" ihiii li;is taken place in the live s^oi-k o! Ivehind. A h-tier to the Montreal //.â- ;7'/f/ ".;ieai-s to throw pnnie light on the car..-.- of tnis. (tn the Ponsouby estate t was .oi.THi iin]H)s.-^ible to inluce farmers _o t.ike, ;;i;oii I lie icrnis exacted, the farms Horn which former tenants had Ijecn evicted. The ivsult is liiat I \m head of cattle and H» shetp are now graxing on lands which eeently were the farms «n from llKK) to l."i'JO ptv].ie,. whose homes were rendered 'al.!i;-.Me. On the estate mentioned, .â- imuioL'r t)f cattle anil slieep is to be in Eest Cometh After All. Though friends deseil yii in the race for fame, • Thoi: -ll fortune leaves you for some other .1; '^il Thou_ii vou are blameless, yet receive much htame, Tl' -iigh sorrow dwelleth deep within your soul, Th ngb, life has In.'cn a failure, and ycut (dod i'ootsore atul weary o'er this earthly liall. Still if you liavi- a faitii, a trust in tJod, Rest ctttneth after all. Uest conietb after all, then higher climb Rest conieth after all, llunigb .wealth de- parts. The worhlniay blame you, yet rest siddiine Shall drive the sori'ow froii'i your heart of hearts; Though life's sad failures make yosi onward jilnrl. Sin siek and weary till you reiudi the prill. Still if you have a fiiilh.a trust in liod. Rest cunielh after all. Rest ronielh after all. then let u go Forth to the duticrj of this fleeting life. Rearing our .Master's burdens, for we know In lliui is eomfort and a itsi fioni strife And worldly sorrow let onv faith heshod W'itli love and meicy, while we ever call Our friends to an eternal, inigiity (iod. Rest Cometh after all. Rest conieth after all, then as M^c seek A higher life a better. grand'r load 1^4 us of .lesus as a '^avionr speak. For lie will iiel}) us bear life's awful load Of cares and sin, of (hnibt and unbelief. Of eaithly struggK:-, be they great or .small. We thank Thee, ind, that life and trials are â- brief, Rest coUH'th after all. We shouted up the shft till we wt^re hoarse, but jio one heJir«l our cries, au'l -steadily down came the e ibh- eatising us great troulde to keep on loji oj its i nil ;. We felt ijiat the great i\. i|.-iil inns; soon start the platform, when b.iSii would most likely be Imrlcd to ihe bottom oi th.^ .simft. Finally, to our great iilief. the r.ible ceased to descend. Fu- a long liiie v.\' waited in .-us[iense. not Lno\i ilig wiiat would be the next move of ihoac altove. A' last, however, wt; Iieaid th*:' voie-- r.f a iimii sl.oiu- iiig ilown 1(1. us from* liie neari,-.-l oLati'.;. alHive. We explained our jM-riioiis ]i,.;dtioii in a few woid.s, aiid at leiigtll tliC rahh- 1 •â- - L'an to .:rawl shiwly up- ih.- shiifl -.g:iin. Still lieiiig afraid "the pl:it form ' won! "-i '.â- way. we were obliged to- 1ifep Isold of i'.- rope and dance .iUjuI oih l,'ie eoi!:s a.-- ituj unwor.nd. It was a ti'iliotis husincss. ;iii.' uasali the time a matter of th toss of a c-.nt v/liellier we got out ali\e or went to tin- bottom o-at atlaat the platf.'rm tightened U[i under ns. aiulwe legan to ascend. Our work v. as over then and w.- fell s:ife. On arriving at the surface we fouii.l tiiat the engineer had ctnclnded tiiii ^ve win going too far, and hailing, or sto|)p'i/ hi- .engine, liail sent a niiili down tolhe slalien to iiml out if.anything had "one v .oug i m;iy have ln-eu in ni.»r,- daii::,er;!- pla.-.s in the inines, but wa.s never in a ]i!ri.'" uh.rt the dangerlastedsolong, i^nd all the linu' lip to fever heat. It wa.s loo long a lioii- foi any inairs hair to stand on. end. B Kev. T. leWllt Talniasc. D. D. This is said to be a year of remarkable books, imt doubtless the most remarkable tliat will appear for some time to come is :;ev. T. DeVVittTalmage's !!ew work on tiie •â- Life of Ciirist" and "Fale--=tine and its People." Some idea of what the book con- tains and how it was piepared my be ob- tained by leading the following extiuct from tiie Doct^u's preface â- In iiivUin'-riean home, on the Atlantic, on Me.Ii:-i"FAii-an, on -;iiiiei s bifk. on mule's hai-k MM lior-^el^k. un'kr â- lian-ielier. by dim candle in tent, on Lake iiaiHce. iir.-onvcnt, at Bethel wii. r.^' .1:1' ..h-: oiljo.v was sttiifed with dreams. .mi :â- â- ,;â- \xu.L.^ of !:i.- lad'ler landed at the!; Kiah, from whiiii liTlJe Davia iiieked up thi- :itiiiininition of live smooth stones, Tour nil re than were neeih-d for crushing like an ,â- â- -â- -- i. Ill tlie skill; of CoIliiLh in Ihe valley of Vi.ili-n ^)\e^ width. :it .loshuti's command, '^ir.i!Mmv h.dlvd on lilt' iilain of Ksdraehm. Iii.l;!liie-lu-ld ot ais-es its long red flowers sng- U'-riveol Ihe l.ioud d-tshcl to the oils of the hnr-i-.. Iir;dlt,: amul lIn- ^aattered masonry of .lerieLo in .l.-nisalem that overshadows al! !:ir.-iiie^ in leminisrrii. 1- at- eaiai. uliere ain u • erlitv;i me test. ilI.ivr!a--,-e; on Calvary hi..;i- jislanl ami inptiii-ed rocks ,-iill ?^^lOw ll. !ic!-of Ihl' carlh.pjake althirawfiU hemnr- la-eof llie live wouimN purcha-^ed tin.' .M.ii-^ iv.-cuc :aiiil uiihiuy -ACEMTS S^e?^-.^?S?!^W •«FROM BIAMGER TO THRak Embracing a Sew LIFE of I'Hfchrt^ Story •€ ralcatlHC and IIn IVopir ^f; with averM* wonderful •â- â- iiKr.iv Vsn? " in Holy Land, copies of oltl iubvIh: *^ mouH pictures from ibf Lnnd HBdTi"^:. fh- l*avle«r, aL^o a grand pleturo of Ar*" unlhcdav of the crueilixion. inUfn-" ten leet in length. This is Dr. Til »^^ life work andhis gr.eute.-t book 'or?*^ now pouring in from all part- \^" â- rvrr have unsthrr like li. .Atrtni- i' dropalJ else and secure lerritorv. ^^^.l,?L'â- come Old:, onee in a lifetime. Kxtlu^r.^- torygivenâ€" full protection, 'll,,- niuMi!'^: able and wonderful of all honk. al^^-. I.jind, Times, and I'eople of ihc UiMe (â- " \vork»«M, and you will make im,,,,.,-' tory going with a rush: ;i,[ i,ou ny J' needed. Name territory j on uaiir aid^" at Once for particulars lo YYIlLLItk kmu' rabU»lier, Toronto, Ont, â- •H.. STRANGE] A Thrillii^ Story -j^- CHAPTER XV. B.\Fn.Kn A Cool Murderer. M. Teste, ill! artificial feather maker, liv- ing in the Rue Montinarlre, Paris, had for some time livetl unha])jjiry with, his wife, whom he susjicctcl of earrying on an intri- gue with the h.clor in the neighhonrhoo.i, who wa:j a friend hefore her laarri.ige. .On I'hur.sday night the ill-;ussortei[ eoii|ite tjuai- relled at the dinner tahle. Tlie \\ ife rose, and went intt liei\room and lay down on the lied, stating that she suH'ered from head- ache. Tcslesent thi'-siTvant out for a '"bock" of beer, then went into his wife's room, lock- eil the door, and, ilrawinga re\olvcr from Ills pocket, fired five shots into the liead of tlu! unfortunate woman. He then lighted a cigarette ani walked t' the police station, where he fohl what lie had done and gave him.self.. up. The w'xiv was taken to' the Hotel Dieu, where the doetors Mere able t-i e.x:tiaet four of the live iuilUrts in her head. Slie is not expected lo recover. On l-'riday, 'I'esle, examined by the diige d' Instruction, made a complete avowal of the act, narrating in detail the sad life, he declared, iiis wife had ted him. "Ouiltotine me," said he in â- .dnclnsion, "tliat is ail 1 want, (ict it oyer as ipiickly as yon ».'aii, f(tr I liave had emuigh of life. Tile existence 1 ha\ e led eouhl not last." .\ curious aecidentis rep-.rled f:-- son, on the Xortheni, Raiiui-.y oi Vr. Mir- • 'v iiiiol- di'Ui.k man nani'd \.i: .servetl lo iiioniiL unn a !olâ- â- â- .!!...!i^â- e l'-:' .a,' tin; momentuiiatleuiletl al. ll.c .-laiion in tliat town, am}, turning on ih-.- sicai.ti. r lari- ed it down the line at a cjuicL pace in t hi direction '.f iliiiie. P.ciiig igiit.' ./i luc [tractical uo-kiiig of rht; ci; ^im.- ;!u- i:;;..:, \\a.~ powerIis.s lo ,«to]i ii, ar.d tiie |! Iv.-. eoiuiiig into eoliision with an ciiip. 4 i â- : ria-e. tlaslied i! to pieces. in li;, li:.' h â- motive was somehow luriud iiiii. a --r'!.:-. wiiere, coming into (.'*i!ii-io' with ll.c hnlb-rs, il was Itroiiglil to a ,-luii.i. (hilv five iiiinutes later an eAju-rss 1 rain \v,. -i .i d(iwn the line. TJu- strangest jiaii of the incidenl is lliai Ihe druiikcii cii.iirif diivcr S reported lo h ave U'l jn'i-sonal injury. LADIES' JOURriAL RiMe Coipetitioii The MA Rt'Siiihlonpihi fi» Hi "(•re. A sii?«'!»?al iisl »!' Jtovanis. Don't Delay Senil at Once Massacre in the Caroline Islands. in Fi-anciseo mail advices just reec ring further details fnnii the i'hillippine " vcr i'iatcd Tea .-^crviee U piuc ViiU. id Caroline Islands nf l he terrible massacre -^""'l ""•"â- ""wtrity iJoIIiirs in casii. A.i.M.o. in;., ii.^i f i»..„ ;.. .1... Nextfive.ani»k-Kant('liinaInnicrScrvit- fV)noi. tition Twi :i;\ .-^).\ oo .si- nowai iiui ^oiiuiiatioiiof Ihoi- nuls oflh-- friemis and coUincllior.- in-fi-. im r .-n- ' Tlie Kditor of TiiK L.iniK.-.' .)..;-; \i. iia.- neailj forty thousand testiui-iiiiaN ;.s i.i ihi â- fairness with Avhieh these IJihlo 'ompcti- Uons have heen conduclcd. This com])etition is lo he sJiorl and tle- cisive. It \\\l[ rejuain open only till tin lotii d.iy of Decemher iiicbisive. Theipic.tionsare as follows --Whetc in tin- nibleaiclhefo!!..wingvrrrds lii^' I.:.;;,!. 1 H::-.i. -J Roui:,';! OAimr.vT. 'J'o the ih-s! per.son s.;!:-:i:ig in the .-Aiiv-; answci- to ipiestio-:.-: will oc :ivc:i nuiii- ber'one of thcst^ewanls -the J'iaiio. 'i,, the ncTct per.^on, the $UMt.tH) in cu-h. and So on till all these rewards aie given away. FIRST PKWARD.S. First one. an Klegant Upright Piano by celebrated Canadian Firm. ^.'jihi Secfuici ono.Diie linntlred Hollai*^ in ca-^!i I'Ki Xextlifteeii,ea(lrasuperljly bound 'i'cach- ersHihlc. ^3 41 Nexl seven, ea.'h a's Fine (in!d Open l-'ace \\ alc|,.-oo.i niovcnani 'iwl Next eleven, culi a l-iiic Qiiarlrii|ile l'la'..c Individual -Sail and I'ejiper (i ^jct --. N'cxt live, each a hfaiilifiil yuaitniplc .-^;l- ' to 1 ll Tl bc(^l ^vet fn n,orj,'linni:f n*\ niitleiHii he .lordaii. ir er smooth table, anil Iv he wtirth reading ami â- â- -111-. Hisoiilvalife ol'Cfirist trom an I'luiiilv iic-wsianil]ioini.|ini it isaUo a very in- l.'i-. ii..,rl.. -lorv oi'a coiiiiJiv and pia.p!' wl o. .-Lir. .1 iiWiiifiiMMi' J. lace in the tlioi:;;!! i\-.-;iii-- I. fall ;â- [;!â- : -!Jan nali^'U-. TIk' ;j'!ail 1- -.â- Cfcllciit |Picliii-.j-; I.J* jilaccs anil -t aci ill Ihe M..!.\ L.n.l with uliieb the -, o-:ii'.- i- iila-lrali li, --'ixe il a ineial ilile-'e-l :•}:â- [ ^ahic. \\ c ca-iiiin! a'l u'Olci I'ah'siine, but lis ' :.-i,MUI look. lli!-ou^'ii I'lc aiil ofitspii- lin-i -and itr. 'laltoage's womlerfnlde-.. nplions ai -^anpiiiivin^' llutn. t-riie^ Palestine lo our Ml-;. lio.Ti--, Till- hoak i- iiuh'-d :•â- po:-itiv.- â- M ie^--ii lo a uniiernndT~taiHii!:;;nr' tlie HilIc acciMnil iii.i'es am! eVelii-. We can unib-r- -ia!ahn"i-l:'!i!.r--.alcl{iblcliis:(:ryalltbebe:ter wlivn Ut---,-' ^iljoio.'TMpliic" n-]ire-'-enlalion of tlic i.'a-- \-v ben Tlii- ai-;orv wa-made. â- â- Kl;0'\i '.\l.\Xi.i:;; I'O i'M i;ONK' m .rlis a new iia in !b.- ii- i'aM!rco!-i:;ole l,:(U..-. i.iul \\c are i.ol -i:r!'i:--.i io ic.nH b.;l t In- ib laaiid for the b.-tik i Mla'tiiiiJiraa:. H i- --o.ii on the e\('Iu~i\ e ter a, ;iii-- â- .,\ ill liiid Lbt; I'nhli.-iier's announce- GOOD HEALTH as, SRSI!rt,'„-"";,';,\*i»'jl.- t *- »^J HKAI,TII IiKJ,l'KR. ,„„.., tsUtor^Dr.jjKO. H^OYE, Buffalo, ii,^»"y CATARRH t'URKJ) â„¢KE '" 'ITii"'?,",!' afttrciire. Atirtress THE GKRMU lUK CO., Toronto, Ont. WORMS rfTCTfAV two â- jrCrjONt-ii, f OP A^L V\ WOOD ENGRAVER 'i'DvFRl^â„¢'a^'°'"'^s^?^^^-?3" PMPPnSf.^-/-" TO 1I.4W SO.X'.S CHOCOLATE CREAMS. l!Mionilii..n..i-il by lll!yii-iiin!.. il.-iii.u' in llu- form of n L-liotiohitf trciini llit-.v-iin- jili-.iiiiil tt.the t.i-lf. (â- |iilili--iiii..viirri-ltii.L- it .-li.Kj.iliili- i-n-anu Boq«iri-s iiitarii-r iiH-tiSrl'it-. .\sk I.u- Iiittv.^on'sniiil liikf no iitlu.r. .Sol.l fvi-rywlu-r.-. i;.~l'fiil.« a Bov. Uawson Medicine Co., Montreal. "agents wanted l-'iir III.; I'al.-nl PIWLESS CLOTHES LINE, wit-., lin,- » ilii liii-l, i iVs* i,ri. i.-,|.iir.-ii: llliisli-.ili-il i-ir.-11'.iii-.i FKICK. AiMfii-J-. I.Vll llil\ itl:.^.^.. 711 -\tlfi:ii.lf SI. U(-..I. 'I',,r,,iih wmmm ISVIC'fiiRIA S TORGXTO. ^A' How 'I'o .M.VK-K It." oil: iMiin. '11 Iiifiuviince Amal^Limation. usim'.. of' L 111' dasgow and Londr-n ill. sn.iiac t'omp.i.iiy has been trausfened lo ll.c-' Ci'.!/. â- !!:-,' "I v.hic!] coiuiiaiiy Hon. d. 1. C. .\!.;.,.;l, tht; h-Luier of the Senate^ i-= prcMdeiil. an.l Mr. K. P. Heatoii. trjn.ial ll:;.-: I" i-. 'I'liifi i^â- iiot SO niiKli uu a:iialga- !,-Koii 'i-ao;'..'1ui! p'urch;---: by l!a.- ' iti- â- â- â- :i ' â- â- ' the Masgowand Lindon 'onipriiiy':, I.'i'.iiie--. 'Ihv '-(â- i[,i:u:ns"" assiiineall liabil- iV ;- i-iivM-,'w-i;ch will ]k^ settled and paid «ii 's i:...*T!"o .11.1 .-e.-s c.â- .|il,anv li I'ud fi'v-iT-aolv known thimiLdi-Ki't tiie 1' I!- :,iioN.. 't ii."iii/.-is w'A' abo .ss:;uom.' -â- ;â- iair own j.olicic-^ fi'r eveiy policy in foi ee in liie t;!aâ€" ov.- and London tnsina'uce foju- M ;;;; :•â- â- a i,(i,..ii!ec.-l in an-lhcr ]iart of tliis i.'-iic. Thi-; is 'ill" iirsi f^me in the hislor\' of i!,r |!.=n,iMioii iha; a "ndy 'anadiajieom- pai) litts iriKviia.-^eit ii i •.^sine.-^s of a IJi iii.:^h otiii c. a;M t:.-,' c.vjtcrinM .it i- worthy of si;.-- cess :irid the result await*. d,' wit !i interest. 'GOOO BUTTER! Sii^P b\: le.iiiitii; ',laii;yiiieii. liilll-r irade lids plan now brini:nig "-••: per lb. ^tcAiblv in eoiiiiiry inarke!. Price Me. Send lo .--nM:' tU'id 'v ^•â- pn. M-ntiri/. Ucnrrew, Ont A e;!AT*i -iii-.a! 'iron everviliin.? mil sell ^\ Tai.mvoks I.iki: »r t:iii:isc. entitiei. Fi-Kiii .rt.-iiiKi-f Jo 1'Jir:*lii'" )\criHii| iiuarlo pa;.;es 10.1 liinstraiion-; from i^rc;,i p iinliii'.r and a Paiior.iuij* pi'-iiire in cobu:-. ten I'ei't in length, of .li-ru-ai. m on I he day or CnniiixioLi.. Sold i'iii\ !o .-a;i-:.-rijii ioii. K:ciu^.ivc li-rrihirv toa^^i-nts. "Ad.ivc---. fo term-; W.M. Rich;os. Pnbli^rier. Tar.intn, Out. SAUSAGE riSlNCS. Imporl.ilioni.if lim-i Ki Mi --^beci. '.i-iii-- arriioi-- weekly. .M-o sun .\nicncaii Mo-- I a -lugs in lot-; r viil pnrelia-ers •LAS. i'AlMv iv Si\. Toronto, " :d bv Ab \-. Tvrei-. ero. (!•.: ;; â- â- el \\ .r. .-ircn::. |--' it laia-- -ir. W S. I'ati-v.ell. LCs !.;id.:- ;â- ( rl C. .Mc Ciiluni It ill -I.'i :i-) on August 10 in the town of I'unape, in tl Caroline Islands. Rebidlionsand massacres have been numerous of late years in ihe CaToIincs, and only a few months ago an insurrection occurred, during which a nnin- her of lives Were lost. The nias.saele on August Id resulted in the death of "il* per- .•-ons, and tin- injury of many inore. Panape Settlement, where the trouble occurn'd, is five days' journey from .Manila, from which port .several Spanish men-of-war were at once despatched to assist in resttu'ing peace. The Spanish soldiers were building a large fort just '.Mitsidc Panape, and had stored in the untinished fortress a number »f rilles and guns. On the night of August 9 a solitary sol- dier was left to guardlhe fort. During tlie night a crowd of natives, v.hich included a large number of Malay wi»incn, attacked the fort, killed the guard, and took p*is.session of the riHes and guii.s. Then the armed mob made an attack on the town at ilaybreak, and before the rebelliiui Wiis (juelled N'i Spaniards were massjicred. No foreigners, except Spanish mis.sionaries, were injured. Several. American missionariea have been J) I ibliely rewarded for saving the lives of of prominent Spaniai-ds, wh- took refuge in the homes of the missionaries. Mixed Marria^s. ,La St-maiue IhlvjieM-te, of Quebec, publish- es the following iu regard to mixed mar- riages â€" If is ascertained that mixed marriagesâ€" tliat is marriages between Catholics andPro- testantsâ€" have deplorable conswpiences al- most everj-where. At the time of marriage the Protestant husband or wife promises all that is demanded by the Church, namely, the Catholic education of their children. I ...~.^ 111. VI 1 oiM|.,eics 1 at- enanns, .i.i\ ioiuo-l-i oi cin te .iiiu sneeii is lo oe in- -,, ,, ,, 'he i.rofe-.ion of women is ver% ii vrd .Teast-d, and il is stated that Knglish syn- V^\ promises are hardly ever kept. ocietv would be :i L-hannin.' t-lm.-' i: we i 'bcates .ire forming to take other Irish lands ' "^er through negligence or bad faith on â- r- ^vhich tenants! '^P^'" ^^^V^""'^^'^*^"^^"'"^*""^g^ lock cannot bc y**^*^^^ly "1 i" the Protestant education niy inivre-ltd in one anoiiier.' j f'"' F.MJoy lurd give enjoymeni without injurvl •'â- " lolbvselforotiai.-. This is moniUtv. ' ' l" 1 he urt.-st wa\ lo pK-ase is ii forgot one's i thiy can ahvay.s be readily and well sold in ll and to think only of others. Kngl.ind. Throughout tlie south of Ireland Iheoidy way to please Cod is to follow t'^lyu^ive tnicts ^»f agiicultural land which ic :,ood im linatioirs of our Tiatuie ' havi- been rt:ec-':tly or are n(»w lived upon 1 he K'^t lesson is that of e\ampie. -lud tilled by thrifty- fanners ai-e to be -- â€" " t 'ic-iited to grazing purposes, and the fields \\ is a singular e-nnnienlarv on the* Im^-i- winch supported luiman beings arc to le iiadc tosuppfir: cattle. .Tolin Morley. the r.i/iug purposes from hcen evicted. Live-stock cannot be i -,^, -,.,„, ;ted cattle can live otf tlie land, and "t the young famdy, .Such examples are not eil inteiligeiuv and o i -, lie niiielccntii iiutury lo find so many of tho smailer towns and villages negleetmg lo pro- vide proUvtiou acains: tire, Jspecially .sjuo" a perfect system can be had at so inw ;i cosl. The \\ atert'is Conip:iny. of Krantford. (^nt., are nuinufacturing a sieam tire engine which IS more especially adapted for the smaller conininnilics whic!i eaiinot afioid loparehase the I.;irge and e\pe;isive engine. Tin-- Water oua Company, having in view the m-eessitj- f r CLonomy in the vilhiges. liavc built their engine so that if required it can le run to the fire by hand as well as liorse power, and yet while it is so light as to m^ke this to be done easily, it throws a streani larger than many engines of double the cost. There is scarcely a municipality but what takes some steps to secure protection aft*r a disastrous conflagration has taken place. Why not act the part of wisdom and prevent the possibil- ity of sueh a disaster by purchasing m Water- ous engine now. Fall information as to cost, capacity, etc, will be gladly furnished by addressing the manager at Brantford. ttle. friend and iuv;Uuablc aid of Mr. tWadstone, writing of the distress m and alwut Tip- pcraiy. declares that it id both serious and pressing, nnd that "it is impossible to imagine the destitution which prevailsamong the poorer classes." Snoh a statement coming fit'ia one uho has had lifelong faniil- iarily w:lh llie destitution of the poorer classes of KngUand, suggests degrees of 'suf- fering which it would be ditUcult, if not mpossiblc, for a Canadian unfamiliar with Knropeau poverty to comprehend. scarce even in oar own country. There is but one remedy to the danger of mixed mar- riages â€" there is more severe matrimonial legislation, and it is not improbable that we may have it ere long. Rome has asked all the bishops to give the exact nnmher of ndxed marriages .iu their dioceses, which leatls us to believe that the matter is under coDsideration. Nowadays neither (he energy of parents nor the good faith of married couples can be relied npon. The niHnent parents know that their children can no longer be allied to Protestant families with- out apOBtatizing, they will be more vigilant and more cantioos. It is probable that a few will not heed this, bat the majority of !Ul)icccs. r."rf| Next live, each a lino Kreneh Cliina Tea Service of tSS pieces 2iN) Next seventfien, each a coniiib-te set of tlcorjje Kiliot's works, Ijound in ekilli, 5 vols., §15./. T5 Xcxt .seven. eiU'h a Lidies' Kinel !o!(i Oinn i'aee or Hunting Case Watch. ^\',^)..... 21U MIDDLK REWARDS. To flic person sending the middle eorrert answer of the whole competition from Jiixi, ii la-^t will be sriven the lifiy doll.uN in ea-b. To the .sender of the ncxleorreel answer ludowiiiLC the middle will be given oneof the ten dollar amounts, and soon till all liic middle rewards are distributed. First. Fifly dollars in rash .,. ,».^i Next live, each t^lU in easii ^i Next tbn'c. each a line Family .^^ewin^:; Machine, -*.«t. " â€" ir»J) Next live. eai-U a Ladies' Fine t:oid Watch, Sou ... 2h\i Next ten, each a Fine Triple Silver Plated Tea Set. a pieeest.s.-)ii |n i Nexl. Iwenty-oue. each a slI of Diek.n--' Works, iicauliiuliy bound in Cloth, IJ vols.. S:;o \-l.) Nextfivcan elegant China Dinner. 'Service of im pieces., by i*owell. BLsliup X Stonier, llamley, Kngland â€" 'Z.^) â- . Next livc.j.-acb a ti'ie Freneh China Tea Scrviec, of 68 pieces specially imiicrl- j od, $iO 20i) Next seventeen, each a complete .-et of j (jJeorge Eliot's works bouud in cloth. ' *5 vols..Slo .. 7.T Next eighteen. e.ach a handsome Kilvcr Phited Sugar Bowl, $5 :.. HO ' Nexc five, each a "'Ladies' Fine ' Gold Watch. SiO. ilJU Next fifty-five, e.ach a hnnd-omc Ions' 1 Silver Plated Button Uook 35 â- CONSOLATION REWARDS. I For those who arc too laic for any of tlie above rewards the following special list is ' ofTered. as far as they will go. 'i o the sender of the last correct answer received at I..,v!rr;s' Jot-'U-^AL office postmarked lata iJeeemlier or earlier, â- will be given number one of l!ie-;e loti- solation prizes, to the next to llie last, numhur two, and so on till these rewards arc all j;; away. First one. One Hundred Dollars in cash Next fiftecn.eac]! a superbly bound Famii.^ Bible. bcautifiUly illustraleii. usually sold at $15 Nextseven, each atientlcnian's Fine Gold OpenFiicc Wateh.gooilmovementsSiiU Next nineteen, each a Set of a Dozen Tea Knives, heavily plated, Â¥1" â€" Nextttve, each a Ladies' Fine Gold Watch »50. .... Next tiftecn.cach a Ladies' Fine Gold Gem King.lT Next forty-one, each an Imil.ation Steel Engraving, Itosa Bonheur's Horse Fair £c'";or:u!i:r.fIfid to Su.Teii?.';. -â- i'l oihache tJuia Pric-j l.'j ct-nts. lil.Kii THI:^. i o!]jh :..-,i .-.;\iay- !â- â- â- .-â- oy using â- 'Ue holltc o[ \-.\: Ha.'rveyV: .--.^uiiieni Uci Pine. For s li' e\ fr wiiere. Price 'J.'ic. We clieei fiillj' roconi)i.end any prcjiara- lion tha: s; .nds as h^-h as SLOCl'MS iiXVOK.M/KDKMrLSIu.Nof PL'i:KCnD \A-\ i:i: (ii!.. It has euj.l into the contid- â- â- â- â- ol 1 he pi.i.;,.' Mil-ely tiiKHigJi ils ineiit~. "o,- V a,--;iug d'-i-a.-'es of liiro;;? or iung.s all â- ll ii-;L:i^l-- ui!i ie-;i!'y to its elh.. u'V. All ilea â- y. â- in;:, old. .M--!i,id.Iie-agLd, ^vi;.. ilu;m- ,-e?\. s J.- 1' I '.=, v.iak an e.\i!;iusled, wla,' a:e 'h .hen d tu :i f,-oin excess or overwork, .-.o;-i ' '.\i :i.,i!iy of ilie foilowil.g sVUip- 'i '.i -M. I dejMi ;sioil,- inem.aiure old a._' i-.s.- oi x-'Mlity, loss of nieni' ly, latf .,,-, ,,,. -, (i.M .... ,s •â- • sigiri. pfilpiLatioli of liie ),' ,.r etni-:o.,^,. ku k i i ;n-!gy, pain in tlie !- :.rn \s, hi-.'d o-he, piiiiid----- on the face or ijody, iuhing or peeidiarseii.-yition about ihe ^^.. â- â- .â- .^[\ 'i-.j S'jridU'ii, wasting of ilio organs, dizziness, -^pci-k.s before the eyes, Iwitcbingof the Miuscle^., eye lid.^ a:; I elsewhere, baslifulnrs-s, ileposiia in the urine, toss fif wilF jiower, leii'li.-:'i!ess of tho sc;(.Ip and spine, weak and â- l.iMvy itia- -il s. sleep, failure to Ije ;â- ; A' ll by '^\r- p, C'nst:|):il ion, duUncs-, -of iit.M'ing. iii-s oi voice, (leslrc for solitude, â- M_'i: I'.iiii ;, oJ leiniM r, sunkeiieyessurromni- â- •d v.iMi Lr\:!.N .â- li;c!.';, oily looking skin, â- .â- '.c, are aii sympt oins of nervous debility edmal ion i.e â- e---iirv to tna liial Ivad lo i.-..inii\' a.iid death unless cured, can be so rca(iii\- a'-ipiired Ch;- r-j.iiiig or \it d foice having lost its t.'iision \eiy fuiieiion wanes iu eonsefpu-nce. llic^e who througl) aunmilied in igiioriini-e may be ]icrmanently cured. Send \-onr' adiliess lorbook on ail discL-res peculiar" io m;in. Addrefs M. V. LUBON, "U FionL S(. K,, Tuionio, Chit. Rooks .sent freesealed. Hi a: I disease, i.i;e syn.[il.jns of which a:e faini sjii-lS-;, pin pie lip.-:, ntiinhness, palpiia- liun,skip Vieats, hot linsh.-s, rush of bli)fd '.o the tit\'(l, diiiLpain in 1 iie iieart with beats sit:ii-.' rrpid and irregular, the second heart iR'ai «|uieiiOr the Jirsl.jjain about the brr:;..-; It.,;ie, ei.e., e.ui posiiiveiv lie enred. No â- .lire, no piv. "'nfi fr.r Ujok. Address M.V. bUr-N'i ;y. Front .street, E;ist, T.t- onto. Out. A. P. r,27 :: ARTiFICLIL \E^ J. DOAN SON. For Circular Address, 77 XorHu'dir Avo.. TortMili ;;AVi:i: Lfl.%K sTii.uii^aai'.-^ .^ailip'f?" weekiv beiwc-n »B.C»TStK.tE, .and M'CrSCraOl- ' T: â- 1:c-. stn. '^ia:,d $t?i l;cnrnTic;el-^ r:.SIi.'$:Hii,,ai .-1 Lfi. ar.-ordiiig t'l -tea nil rand a.;-cu;iin!.idaiion..-]iM--rti!edi,ii ..; il;-"), r^leera'.;c;-'u. App;i !-i u: ::. .^11 Gen eral .Manager 'iili;iflf;»ii Shl'iitlru' Co., i Crs -roM IbH sr. S;m A);i:, _\;o\Ti,i: \l, or to i.oea! A^^enls in all Towns and *.'ilic--. !i!i; riMVVKur' «o\- %l"'l( i~ .â- ai!-in;r ai; ^i-" -5 Ibe iioi-^c a.nd demand /f;,S.':-.,-'f foiS:. !.e-.n Water. Tla '-^ rea.Miii' ;-; ]a. iA r^ â- " V/^M^'t- I'lii'i' natuial lifc-i-iv in:,' ^â- ^ r"'l\ !-^i:^^S-' iiiineral water i- prc- ^A-^'^-;.. eniinenliy ad„oIcd' m y:-/"^^ F --'â- I'crreiM riie oi^'ani-m. il N^ a'i*.^?- 1 regulate-. t^ent!\ liuild- " 2^!V 7 ,n up. sleadilv vou reach t, '.,".- A ' â- . thai evaii.-.i pit.nacle. Y â- ;- liticsi beait,;. full of en^ ' ,Vp'"x V ioynieni, and mi friend CN; X â- n",^ V urije.- frit nd to drink St X^uM^'" N 'â- *â- "" ^^â- ""â- - '*â- "â- ' ^^"' ---i' â€" ^JO^^-^ find il so pood, more ^^1 than jon can imagine. V Such conAincin;^ lesti- Jly niony explains wiiy tin.- f' r St. l.ion n-.-ofasi. '-^^ Address »Htl.K\.IEI»l€:AMI., 1,-Mi 7 .lii-rel, "'r«ii!" ciid ii|i- 1 a:.,,;, m,, "" OYOU WANT ACOLLEOEEDUGATIOK Or lotuke~^)L--ialco:i.v:eori.i. i..o.,tt,n .uu-.,. .anoniC If -so. you slioiihl a^iaian vuu-^ vvilii the ci.|-i-e-,'oni(cii"i- iiieiaini- ilst-j' I haul u.pia tol!c-e. .UHl\ li. l»-iMi:L IEr^|-, -Nl w Mi.'..-i, i-(,,„i B B ^^lli plcp.UJ.ti ml. i iil;l wjij lilt Ittu â- EPItEPSY OR FAttiNCSICKNESS in «!Vf*rfl caies -wh^re oilier icmcdi M.' i.-iwn fur semliiiiT a frc« Imtilc i,i/, itii- to be ils owii recoin- ,i«.,.!i-.tin. It cosii you iwih.; ill ' i..r .1 trial. a^A o raiiical cure is"c[itiin. Give Exjitcss and I'pst L'lii'-e. AJOress H. C ROOT M. C.t 186 Yiizt Adelaide 8t Toronto. 0^i. J.RATTRAY CO WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, MONTREAL, Miuiiif.iciui-t.-rs of nil kinVs li.iiii. -â- : I'iiirs, iii.-liuliiiL; Ceidiraic!) Criisinler iiiiil Hem ilraiiils One trial i.s guarantee for conliaa.d ii^r. MffSiMiT B 1- ?flcc5i THE WONDER OF HEALIHG! CUSES 0.1JABEH, EHETTIIATISII, irSS- nAI.SI4,S3?.3 THEOAT.PILES, WOTOD^ B^"?,NS, FEJi.4L3 OOHPLAIHTS, AlO HSiiOSEK.'iSES or ALL EOTS. r-Y " :e:-,a'iiAElU:maB]i. iWxs50c.Sl,$l.' PC-illi'S 325'EAOT CO. ITe^Torki Lonia ii:,,' t,',,iii.; Ill, -I i;.l..|,t;«iii-l .\,,ii. Til,- ci.r,,-.!.- ,,r (â- ,,. V.iiiK" .V ;l.-rn,i,l. i- I .-illi,,!' oil til.- III..-.! iiii i,ltiiii,i:;iii,ii i-v,-".i 1.1 ml lir-l-t-!itK- It .,---~ t-tllK-.ttit llio,i; 11 ill Ihi- 11-,^,- I Willi Ii.ilii ,-,11-1.111 SOLID Leatfier Tlu' Best (floods Sold by tiM! Principal Boot h-h1 SIhm- 5^ia!ors. h\iT. I'sih- Staiii|vd. M.-l,|,i • 1-, â- i-lll„ 1,11- Ullill III ki- till III iiiiii-ki.titbli rngymrramM Dyri AGENTS WANTED. pioN \^i^ r-EmsE^ â- '"'" ^::r^'-S^^:. g.i-ii. A nl... Toronto Boiung Biiii and! SaniePricssslLlei::rj;r!!.~ '"» c»t:»3 tTteqjjIUt. fsf EchiK: aii Bcatj of Cohtlif, Tlicy are tile ONLY iiviis tliut WJIL NOT WASH OUT I WILL NOT FADE OUTI ri...t-isii.i|l jjf li!,e 1I..i.if„rKlri-itKtli.Coluni,j Ll- r.: ,ll;,,.ss. â- K^ TicUg: E4CAI2 ';7C ciarj o'.hcrrjels themarlet. If l-ou ,!.,i.l,t it, i,y it I y„„, ,|n ,„, ,^ Iii.,l,-,lifj-„.i6r,..ii,,tc ,i.1ti,-..laf.. t.iul. Vitiy. I.ilit,..„rai.r nia.\- l.i Ti:l-Ii»li lIv,-!.. ,il,ni ii.J sha.1.-3,»t;,l.iiu-r^;.r,.,u,i,i,.,i- ,,M,uastl,.y ,. t„ di. Iic-r Dy l,.«.ii,e fitniiijiiaii:, KO,.i!im:tI(i„itli Toronto, Ontario. Tt-li iinoii i^QEB CURE OOHSeiPTION j In its First Stages. i P««.2atable as Hilk. It?, sure yoii r;ct Ihe geiiiiine in Salinnn wrappL-i-; soM by ail 1 )--ti i, s, at I 50-:.-ai!-l .Sl.evi. J a;oTT fc iviwv: :,^-i; .-iiie I â- il latlu. Emrch 481 .St. Pnul Sir, [, Montreal. I Sindpostal/uriCaotplc CardatidSoi /. t/ Jiutructii/iu |^# a14 -sjc' -^j^ v*..4 'ov^- 5, a il"ai;e Lifrrm â- "I"' '.--T- I Iiave a Tiositivp rem.!dy for the iip ^^ t-.ises 11,-ive het-n perm.-inently curel; siitnption i: thoy t..;:i s?nti iiie their P.'spres;' ti'dl'i-vOHT-lT *.. 1'^.-°"' "r. '°"' '^Z^"" wliohavc coit. I.e.. 186 W eft Adelaide St.. -TORONTO. ONTAKld. '" -..resi, liospKClfuliy, T. A. 1 fiM-n rpOllOXTn fUTlIN); SCHOOL. Gmn.1 I B. c ;a- c I for j ouii.; men to iiciuire a rii-sl- Slim t III.-.,-- tmili" IcrniB mtitlcrate. Sc-ntl for li-irli- ly 1 tiiliu-.. till KiiiK Slrttit West. The EMBODIIEH of ^™™ Ms ROBUSTNESS FLUiP BEEF J J ISTISS and VIGQB. Citizens' Insurafice Co. oTOanada '"'£^1:""' HEADOPFIOE: MONTREAL '""°S ffiH" FOR TllilSTlSiif. OF Fiui: KKIMH POLICY-HOLDERS EXCEED $1,16/,1li7 42iJ «. J. .U 51. »«Bje s,., Tonini, 250 cS Vieioria street. Toronto. °- 'â- ^- ^LQ^E, Next twcnt^'-nine. each a Complete 8et of Dickens^ Works, Handsomcl}' Bound in Cloth. 10 vol.s.. 320. Next twenty-oDe, each a Fine Vui-vdrnple IMate Individ oalSaltand Pepper Cruet new dotiiifn Next live, each a beautiful Quadruple Sil- ver Plated Tea Ser\'ico tf pict'i^) W Nexttwentr-tive, aTeachersi' Fine, Well Bomid Bible ir^th conoordance wancersiii?iK||| 4 llHNTs^OlliNKWBOOK A GKNuivi^ ,\Nri-;ii-i.iu]ii.,.,„ luaniiKC a profitable ii,„™t.."K:r'i;^sv;;ir3r^""i^--" NOTICE Ixn^rfPP" ^^1^ """'^^ i;«i"' t'oiuDaiiv uf. 1,r..-„K, Ji 1 ' • A olicy-Hcilders of i i.ii .-III !; '«?^ THor-? c'ostI """ "*:"°w«»„»iii i»- " General Agent for Toronto, MALCOLM GIBBS, 4 WeUiqgfen St. Bast. E. P. HEATON, General Managrcr will submit to the ecclesiastical law and '"!;!!3T^v., K l^^ J^^'f-M- The thereby preserve the CatlioUc faith of many ^^ Jo^xAi has been greatly enlargetl â- â- ' ' "J^ij ,mj improved and is in every way equal at children. Canton exported last year SO,XIO poonds of human hair. When the face is usually p«le, bathe it in J ^ThepriiM^wiUhe'diatribttted in time for tepid water, rubbing briskly with a Turkish towel. Then apply every tuiy the following Cbri«mas ft««u to frienirif y^^'^S to BW them in that -^ ' " yon wisii tw«y. w'.iJSS"'â„¢ *â- '" •« in the hand, of Anxious Mother â€" "Are you quite sure, pet, you caa^t along without 11)3- assistance to-night?" Fair Young Convalescent â€" '*0h, quite, .... „ mamma." -preparatieii Four ounce* of roeewater, two "ion know, dear, I willsit up yon ounof.! of ^ywrine, and one ounce ol diliit- dinnteroted parties and the nrizea „-i-. if it is necessary." ed Mmiid anmonMi. Eub it well into Uw; "trlotlyn th. order letters aiirivr,frt° "I couldn't think of asking you todoit, skin for abointairiie minutea. and then wipe J^iBip Joohnai. office. Over 25,' nm ~1 mamma. Besides if I need any atting â- »' offwhh »«ofttowe!. H any imtation M felt "on. have received rewai ds in iireviV.^ "^^ with,why-«râ€" ahâ€" Mr. Pednncleisconung' ^» Utti« "ore glycenae totlie.prei»m.]^uâ„¢a^^ Address, Editor Ladik-j this evening, mamma." " «- Each person competing uiusi send One.' J»| h. -,t7 trJ^rf" " cuftinK tauijl Dollar with their answers, f,., ,„e year's Mar o.4Yotv.c.^"i;.';- i'"'-^^" A«.:ntf?ra ube^ripMon to the Lames' Joiu.s.^l. The' â€" .^-^ .;j^f|â„¢^t/roronto^nt. •3Wi3IQ3)| Hann-i this price to any of the pnbUcatioiis'issuetl i for ladies on this continent. You there ' fore, pay Bothingatall for the privilege oi competmg for these prizes. j md, Toronto, Canada. â- per- com- 'Ms' JoUB ^EATHER-ilLflNGr C0^1^lSS,%'£SS»;S©-feaI-.^^^°" «^«U tor Price Usts and Diseom.t.;«Tl Watson's CougT^QMl ^^heT^'^-s-sa?- OTTIi FiictioDtiiipPiilley ^^"^^jl'iME-Qnieker than a shifting â- SAVES BEIiT-No wear belt .sla.uiH idle when not working. SATES «0*J|-On shaft. '^^"f.j'I'OBfEY-Tnasmuch as all tlm aDoTB coat money. worb Co. Itt., Brantfori, Canada -5^ Of all the numerous ills that huit our pm T^^ That press the soul, or wrinii: tin; uiiml^i â- ""â- ^-^ cTiish, Beyond conniarison, tlie worst are tho-^t; ^Ji- Which to our folly or our i;uiit ueouo. .^- 'Moore,"sii*ltlieMajor â€" "1-Uiint 1 •'•nS' down here. !*o you niin»l driving lln' V^ round for me t" " "Notabit.Sir.'answtTodMoorepni ly. So tlic Major got down and llif otli. " the reins and drove oir. Major IKnnis ,. eil eagerly to Trevor, who was waitini: '*i^ an ilipassive face to hear what \v014ld next. »a- " Who is it, Trevor:: Anytuit.- you Ui iv the Major asked. "Xo, Sir -I have never siMken t- ' lady," the other answered, then addod know lier by sight. She is not au Ki woman."' ' " And sheâ€" is it Valeric V lio. gaspci ' Yes, Sir, 1 believe it is." Ti ever a-. ed-. He felt an unutterable and nier conteuipt for hit* superior, nor ilid hcl-i ' " for a moment that this Maileinoisclle neitlier w;ui nor ever ha*l 1h-.;h an\ Uu liiiii. Kor I Kumiss own sake !«â- --i:!' ,laek Tlevor would not ha\ â- liil.d a tin. 8to|) the iiiost sc;indali;us scene in the v He Jiarfl acted a.s he bad done iilirc!; Kthel, for Klhel only, wholly an-f "U I cause she always shrank with snclt ii from the very ide.a of a scandal and .1 and bec:inse he fell that witli h. r .t 'ri â- in hei i.edriHUn as slie was. thc^it uatmi line which might be.-.nne^i daligeioii- .â- any -nioineiit." -And Klhel r â- *' 1 was silting with liei' "^ir. w Imh 1 ^he lady eaiiie and I A\!iis|.cred L- i get into her and lock li;c do.. Ittdieve she is liiere \4't." •â- 'And that uonuui in the.ibav\ iiiu !â- • the Major cried. " 1 left her there," letuined Tm^oi hart! witoden voice. "Then she must !«• l'o! away. Sin- Iw txirned out ot the c.iiii|i,!' M ijoi U -exclaiined. ' Hadn't ym better see her. Sir. an it over ' ' " Not for the w..lld." " She may want nolhin v*-iy inii" i. amcrelrillo," Trevor urged. "More likely slieV uot a:i interna chine or a Itotlle ol \ilriol ].. ilm-w 1 faee." ivtoiied the otlier slialjdv. '• ever, I'll lio ronn.t an.l unv ordei self." He strode away lea\ iii;,; 'rie\it --l.ii lookiMg afler hllii lli.n iic ?vi.ddenl tbou-hl himself tlial l»- uould likcl. the end of it all. and toitJiMitli ^ct oti 1 direction of th.- Majm.-H .[iml. r^ a- -ih ju- Wiis jtossiblc w it! I 111. akio-j nil" Major Dennis had di-.q.ilc-u. d in time that Trevor l;--! uiihm -~i lil .â- quarters so that he .Ii.l no" h.-ju tin ijueiit alteivatioii bctvi.. n the .â- ami the solili.T s.-r\ant. .1 iiIg«\ Thai stolid i»er.-^n, after h;i\ ln^ .• his orders from his ma-^i.-r. .,1 into the tiny dr.awinu i-o.iin ai:.!' ilu dressel hinis-lf to the iad\. *-if y.m id.-ase.Muni, .Vl a joi n.nio- me say that he is iiol aid.; lo -â- \-. day." "1 will w.iit,' sai.1 liie hul\ \virij.ia: 1 ing. " Major Uennis will nH bf lioiaei., 1 Mum," .luilgea.ldevl. " N.) matter I'll uaii till Ih'^Lk-- â- " IJcgifing your ]iardiiii, .Mum. Imt can't wait here," said.ltidge. niih.ieii- eivilitv. "Oh '.yes, I shall." " Ilcggiiig your jtardoii, Mnni. bii: 1' luy orde:-s an.l 1 ciui'l let youw.oi hei, repeated. "â- " Imleed ' .\n.l lnw i',,n Voii pi.-v. 1, " I liave bnl ;.• -l p in. l. 1 lie â- ^iL.j.r to have a liie "I ineii don 11 in 1 â- m ;u.. ut'cs." aiiswvr.'d .liii'.i:.- v\ lilt :ji. ill iiiii "andllniugli IM be ^..,i lo i,,.-! a with any .lisr«-peci. ' -..i iii\ •â- •i Mum, and I've ;^.'t i.. cai ia •.liem -1 :. Thus eoruered lli-- la.iy \ei\ i'.:.. ros-e fhin her se:it on KiIhI r,\..; nt ti'e. " Well," ".-he .u.l. •â- I ha'.. ;i. great d.-al abont tin- clii\,iliyot ;\-.i.i lish siddieis, and wn.n I coin. i.. English olli.-er, I am Iiiin- d ..u: •â- • house." lint it was .ndv w.i--tinu biv.un ;â- alMMil chivalry loa-i.di.l i]..,L oi servant, vho irid ;.'ol Ins ' cany them .tut at an\ co-i. M...i- 'n' Valerie did not ie;di/c till!. lliCu^'i w.onld have piotnptly Uii...U.L .io-a thraslie.l almost toajeil y aii\ niai. ih..! ill-using a wdinan, yei In- liad no â- ,.iii tion w liatev.-r, in h.r ae. ..t i-oii\",:i m.tster's n:essa:je In h.r in id! its plait, and uncomproniisni;,' iigline.- -i,.- ont i»f tlu-buL ther.lore w it h.-iit. f il 'i and from ;i diviance .i,\v ,n i in the direetiem 'f the t(t« n. " lleaten again," siie mutli-K-fi .. passed tin- great Liat.- " I siip[H.^i why lie eliooso 1,. Uve In ti-al U:- little wooden cabin lie know â- Ways esciipe in among lii- -â- â- • a-.i, sol.»is. Ikdiil hev.-r thon.jiit l-..,i ballled bya ^leat f.».5 Hkc l». imis." When the stranger liad tail ly j4'»"'-- Dennis .sent .\iu\-^i: ai-ros- to " Mr. i ' quarters to ask liini to con n- ov â- â- I " w.-nl to Tn(-ss. And when In- w.i- d Trevor did so and fonml the M:. -.r .,1 the liltle drawing room. "Trevor, my dear ft-Ilow,'" sai.i th- with boisterons In ,.! t iiie-.-i. '• 1 'in ycMi enough for lia\ inu' spirci m.- ing ill niiawarcson w oiii;in t In-. jioon -I'm awfully ol.h:.fe.i i.. you." " ron't spiakoV il. Sir, 'said .la. I. Sliilly. "1 wish.d 1.1 .i'.e .\h-. ll.l 11 amiovaiice lliat waaii.*' " i!n-nsli.-li;di:h-.nk o,i h.-r-.!!. 'here's one lliin:: i want lo sa\ i wiial y.iu miil lliiui. -i linr- ui\y.- lady who is pa^iti^^ me ~ii. I. .uiinioi now â- "' "I have no ri-bl 1" tlunk aboul il Sir,'" put in dack lii-idly. "Hull wish.yoii I.. ii. .... â- I. join Major "iKieailse yoii oidd fioui .1 kn.'.\ledge only ii.i\.' on.- ..pi .subject, lint I gi\c \ol| that she was iievet aii\ enemy to me -never." '.Sh(: dops seem bill'i; i,ii;^t' rela\ing an.l yet in a 1 t ..i nit;: â- "i'.y,yes.-"Vaid th.- \l .1 'pOIil!l W«»nl. if she tollow-^lii.- lip -tai my lit" a bunhn l.i ine in l.oii.i..i; .. â- doae here, 1 shall bav.- to iuiy a a. i.r only Mife wav of -.^e! I inu 1 i-l • !â- 'â- ! he'w.Mit to the door ol llie i..d!.... cafb-d, "HUliel.Ktlel, I uai.t yy. .. 1.1 "'es," slie answered, and ..u ing V. ith surprise wiieii sli.- saw 'i i.-\oi "Trevor tells nn- lie only ,aiii.- lo 1 1, and warned me '.iiat h.- niig!il-sav.- _\ noy.-uiee. So perliaps you will thank yonrstdf. " Mvii, Dennis w.nt w it h ..u1:lP i. !i.i to Trevor. ".lack, yon weiev.;;. g*.i said carn.-rilly. "Thank \oU r-o mi miich." She knew a.s well what his .-\. -; m if In- had spoken in jilain w.Hd Mi sai.l "i'liin man is not tiue lo yn. iU-n.-,cs you. you carr\ lie- iiiaik ot lence on your boily at thi inon.t nl do m not set y(nii?-elf fn.- Ji'oio bin have the jKjwcr, why do ^.m noi n She e;ist a piteous hok Iwick .it him say "Do put su.di an iileaint.. v â€" don't tempt me "" "Trevor," said the Major .at that 11 **yo!i"re a good sort. Ill never foi gooil turn you've done nic- to-day. ber, whether it's a Hat or a yaeht, y wa.s be welcome in it- isn't tl Elhtl ' "Always," -said Ktliel faintly am wHO word, Trevor's ahort-liveil hope ' pines.! in the near future, did. Kor s m those few inoments, he r.ali/.eil tb would nev* r willingly go in for a against her husband. It was a tet toher, jusLas his first proposal tl â- houhi go away together, ha.l bee ihc had leuu brought up with a Ij anything approat:liing to a publii; azidtven in the face of oven.vlielminj; tion, the shrinking from the very ft vorcc clung to her still. So in the ' of a look he gathcie.1 that, -in spit k'c dragging alwaj's nt her heart •he would, unless Major lenbis more violent and his iiilideliti!S 1 parent^ can^* the burden of her m the very end. After this the iennises were si and their place in the Fifueenth kn no more. There was a sale of the aafl fittings of their hut, which a: re^l^' the one apporti»uel to the 'o ing*uUicer, wasjin nn^.isually g'xxl tfam, as the Cobuiel was still livln*: tbejiext senior married officer ci ision of it. This happened to i-Stratton, and Mrs. Stratton nl over the change. don't like to say much, Mr. .1 ol I lull .,. liH â- m i::^^