•^MaaM^aMitflla C. Vf. Ratledge, Proprietor. MAKKDALE, OCXOBEli IG. 1890. JJAIiKDALE SClJOOi.. are, aud in future will demoiutrrte the wiedom of that conrae. Look at what England is doing lor as io^day. Eng- land has no special intoest in tbefate of tUe seals, yet Lord Salisliory's maguificent GoTemment is insistiBg on maintaiLiuc and enforcing Can- adian iitflits 1)11 the seal fislierie^. What uunld Canada do in the Beliring Sea controvtTFy wituuut England at Uer biick " Euphrasia Fall Fair. The new seh ol biiiluiug ip being pubheil laijiilly towarJs c irap!etion. The pliit riu" \.i wAi forwar.l, ,. ., ° X 1 I Notwithstanding (he inclemeuey of tue nr,t coat hoia^ now completed. ,^^ weather this exh.biliou was. on T.e biihliu!,' preitula a mas.-ive ap- I ti^^ „iiole, fairly successful. We are Bejiiinuf, aiii th.i' anytliinx ia the I indebted to the Secretary, Mr. J. L. s'lap.: of urjauioiil f jr llie sake of ap- j Wilson, for a copy of the prize list, as jj'jitiMijct is c MUbiJJcaons'y absent yet j "" ' the LuiliiQg intsei-tb jiiit tiuch arcui- tj _. t i " ' ' t Team in harrea, Jas Robertson. Brcxjd tuctuntl beauty fts is consiateut with ' mare W R Louzlieed, j WHRrtman. Two .ood ta.io aud economy combi.ioa. It ^^^^^T^^, J^'Sa^l^S.if ^n^ "^^^ ^, ia tipictcd thiit the opeiiiug will take Wrichi. Sprinu colt or filly, i W Hartmao, works, rcceuuy upeced. Mr. Wui. j'Jixc ill Not-cn-ber. i BLougheed. Keune^ly was the engineer in cliarge Tliis school section has reason to i „ o*-'**^' â„¢'"'"'^*- „ _. I A vouu" man named Geo. Russell, Team m b imesf Tiios I)nUiUs, Boliert i ° i i ., „( c .iigrutulale itself for its i.resent .lis- L-uRl.eed. Hiood mare, Alei Cook, John «hile helping to raise an olu bnn»c at h-.cr.l cou.liiiou. Wc cau call to i ^rii-hi. Two year fllljorgeWing, Jaa K*e. Wiarton on Wednesday ol last week, jncmory inaiiv n'.rohg and pf'pulous ficcLioiis winch by reaojii of vilb^'e in- corporition. or the erection of new; ao4.,hiiB. „ I ,r -a .i i =• ii rini^n ' Team in harness. M BeynoUs. Broo.l Mrs. Beers, a lautdn ^^S at Uwcn srjioo! l)iiilJiii;js or other causes be I maie, Jas RoUertwu, John Irwm. Two year Sound, was dcliveriaa some work on DISTRICT DOTS. Mr. Jobo J. Long, of CoUin«wi9od, baa pntcbased die Meniton cotton mUls for $180,000. Day «iU be execated on Decrmber 18, nut Not. 18. as first named by mistake of Ibe jadge. The tSalvation Army barracks at Acton has bw-u converted into a general uiacbinery aud agricultural repair idnp. Mr. James Noble, Owen Soond, bas sold his good will and furniture m the Koss House lo Mr. B. M. Ness, of tbe American. The latter owns the Boss Uonse. The hardware store of Mr. A. G. McKeniiey at Oi-ange nlle was burg- larized on t'riday night and $75 worth of rcvolTcrs, knives and razors carried off. No duo. Messrs. W. Kennedy Sods, of Owen Sound, built the pumping on- ra Falls water One .year filly or gclJinR, Tloa Uonglas, Jno ,„g crushed to death under llio build Wriebt. Bpiingcoltor ally, Jas MoMuhau, 1 ji tlirough the props {living wav. Jno Wright. • Uis home was in Tort Eigii.. B0A.JSXKR. I Team in harness. M Beynolils. Brool Mrs. Beers came iliyiJel 'igaiiist itselT and split up i fil'v "r gtlilinB, D Eobertâ„¢n. J L Wilson. [^ j^^^, Q„g „igi,t i,ist week and j.:i sttcL a m iLi;er a« to utieily desiroy liie i»ro-pcct- foi- a ;^'ooJ scIid*.-! without Spring coU or filly, Jas Gardiner, Jno Irwin, i „*„„„, j «flF tlia Cairiace team, Jak .\ Mvles. S^-lale horse, on returning to shoie stepped off the A O Patterson, M lleynolds. Gentleman j gang plauk in tue dark, falling luto riJer, Geo B Holmes. Lady rider, Mrs J A j the river. She waf rescued, but it an iiitolerahle heavy tax. Lmou is i jiyies. Miss Lib Mvles. Ladv driver. Misses sir. n-ll,, mmJ Malkdah- section haviu;. ^); Myles. Ann.e Bailey, Phoehe Gilray. Boy nd- r unJ'-T lo, A C Patterson. M Iteynolds, "'â- Jos"' "» louh- o| v pa:«:.V tl., ongh the i-r.-carious ordeal â- j w p„,tn,.. Team roadster stallions driven jii^j^t^,,- g„„s ^.^jje to the front iu (if iiKMii- ,( cifiaii ji-i \v*-ll ii-i t'lf flinrm- ' in- hariiisd, Jas Henrv, toll from eitiier i ,. i • w- i i (.! .uc'n..M.i.iri a. «c]l u= t ih choos ^^,^^,^,j_^^^ '^^^^^, ^,^ Lint-oln Wonder. W R the preat cnmn.al trial at \\uoilsU)ck. liiv n; -.i:-. .ui-l erecUoj ut u-i-A* biuht- i,.juj;litfd, \Vm Tliomton. Colt of IbyO, from i Mr. Osier is ti eon of the Kev. Cauou t telio.-l St'Stion t Lord Lausi:iwne, Alex Cook. CATTLEâ€" fcuaniii. Cnw jriviii^' milk. Jaji Robertson, D Itu'iurt- =on. T«(. year heifer, I Ruber t.'^ou. Our yi ar heifer, I) Ito'-crtson 1st Sud. Ht-iftrr calf, IHqO, D U.jUirtPcn IstdE^uJ. GRADE. 'i'.v givint* njilk, -Inhn Cunu, Joliu Eaton Two V jr heifer, jas Roltrtsou 1,-t A 2n'l. One yu.ii- Leifer. John Couu, D Vol'irtbon. Yoke of wuiliiiii,' cseu, Juo Wiight. T, «' IT o. I Mr. H. S. White, M. P. for Card- Knni 2 .-Iieur^ ami over, \\ m Ham. Shea'-- ,, " " ' ,, hog i:un, Wni Ham Lst A 2nd. liam lamb. «'ell. ** ft his home m Montreal some Will Ihini ist.t'ind. Pair ewes, aged, Wm i thiee weeks ago in orier t' hoM a Hmid ].-t A 2nd. Pair sheading ewes. Wm genes of pnbhc ineetiugs through his ;, 1 li'.i'.v a C'-Ii.Ji.ict \\: mU ::^.cs.siiiMit of l=;250.0C0. The lA. m'u 'u ij' Ibvl'.d to meot the tic- ' -U..- .- f.,r Mi.i.cv.- .«ch'.ul will only -i: .t to ;,l»'jKl ,S'i \u:\ vtur on tiie i ' (i.l " I!.i:s ;i-M.:-.:;-.b.siri.nt for' I'lj'y y. ii" .o tliut liO :a!.ftpaver Ju 1 II. A tir^t-cii'.ss jniiilic school ' :l M:i.,ir{:iMijhi; \vili tht.rtfure b:; j wf '1; â- ^T.i:il vciiilts of iTiiity an 1 was a close ca'l. i'he water is very â- Osier, formerly of Duudas. Mr. Black stock is the sou of a ittired Methodist miuiat^r. Mr. He'miith is a son of j the Will-known Episcopal divine rf ilj.it name. The old slander that raiiiisteis' 'Ous never amount to any- j thing is rot true oi Ontario. It never I was true anywhere. â€" Canada Pieshy- terian. BirclnvU is a s.-n of an Angli- can clerj^yman. on; MAliKET. That Mfiikdale IS a go jil raaikct g ' .. V. ^Lliiuil .siiyiu/. Th:; vtg(ro;is coiij ;-.Lii»i; \\ liicli criLst.-- between our tivo r.f;iimL'h niercljjiiit b.iy.rs, McFar- 1 md and lliT, tM;^i.Liur wi'li thu hirgo (J iutitiiit.ri of wlieat r'-quired by our t.vu ruih r iiiill.-i. is a sufficient gu;iran- t.'c t!iat fiirmcr.j will secure full value r»: CvJn- pr.jiincf. Tiicu thfr:; ii the i-;tl crior I'ariillie.s |.»r ii::iii;idi-ig ;uid r.;.'..:i„' iT â- .i.ii at our IV J at'-iro cl^-'va- t r -a;!!-:! ..r .- ij,ve;,:i. lit *.) the mur- 1;.' r.ur i aif tly t ;::i;4 il.iiii; .).! oUi" ni .1*1-: i|rivui U "f tliirlt i u tli )\\f. vv\ bushels i.f ||;'m:!. w.' • i-;Li\..,t«.d \v!ii;o acirej '-â- V b."' 1 pu VJiif;- 1 fi'JIil disposing of Llitii- !:;.i.u lur.iii--- if li:!' diiliiculty .â- ii; piuc'iiil.^' a i.i.tchujo to I.I.; r.a-ui r d' livt-n d Kistweek '.-• iiMjd.id b:i-.li-U oT giain .I.u.d'.-. tb.-Viit'.u- and is lut y.t. Tiiii i„:ir]y marketing, u aI prices ai arj buinn piild, i^s.-rirlly put into ciiculation a u t]ii;iniayuf cash, which if kept \\v\\ vi^^oroiisly will havo a salutary 1, oil bii-^iu 's, gcnorally. Keep xuvX .i. till li. oy. I' t w .»L M.I- .iL .-.Ui. '1 .Lill.-.t ill i\\ â- H;mi Ut .t 2ud, ' 1-t A2u' i COTSWfiLP'i. Shearliijg ram, A C Patter-cu Jtis Shei'hirdson. Pair ewts 2 sbeurs and ovir, Joi Sln-|.LerdiiOU. Kwe Iamb?, Jo-epli Sh phel davHi. I)0»VNS. Ram 2 .shears atd over. John Suskin, Jos SI'epheidsiiu. Itam lamb, Johu Buskin. Shearhu); ew«a, Johu Jaskiu. £we lambs, Ji'Uii lluskiii. bWiK£ â€" DCBESBIBE. Age'il b-iar, A. C Patterson. Sow, Chai Devitt. liour of 13^0, Jas Gardiner. POULITT. Pair Plymouth Kock, H Joliiiaton. Pair Buff Cochinia. Jas Brodiu, Fnir Bralimas. Jas Ihodie. Pair Le^rhi ins, Geo Crabtree. ,, I Pair Hamburgs, Wm Ham. Pair Geese, J lively trade I brodie.Jnolrwm. Pair Turkeys. Wm Ham. t. Last w-jck j '^^ iJucks, Goo Crabtree, JoUn Irwiu. Col- hction of p lultr}' Jas Brodie. Ult.UN. TiiK Ai'i'Li: MAiiKrrr. ipp ;;r/L ',r.i.ii!i: n .i -if up[dLS are being d !.. !h.- Old Country this sea- â- ^ Ml. ,a:i 1 i.-..v'd \)l':c' s iVidized. The I'jai k^L i./i; j\v tln^ituglily c.-^i ibUahed anil till' d«tii;iinl ajjpaiontly uulinuted. Pair e»e lamW, Wm Ham eonst.tnency, tut «ras seized with au I affection of the throat together- with Kara lamli I symptoms of diphtheria, and t.ms coq- Cned to his heJ at the Queens Hotel, 0â„¢ gpv.lle, for several days. His wife came to .wait on him anil Dr. llvnry pr-sciibed. A week ajfo he was so far recovered as 1 1 return to Mon treal, hut his (Jardwoil meetings had to be caucelleil. A PooB U.NFoBTr.vATE. â€" Oil Tupsday afternoon of tliis week, while Mr. J. H. Campaign was driung along the road leading nor.h from Lnck.s' mill, his dog began making a fuss. Upon dis- mounting and euttiiug the bush tofind tfce cause, he discovered lying between two cedar trees the emaciated Dody of a young woman, probably 25 years of age. At first impression be thought her dead, and went for Mr. Loucks' assistance. Upon return, and after cousiilurable effjrt, they succeeded io analdng her, when it was found that she was unable to walk, She was as Slated to the buggy and driven to Mr. Ijoacks' residence aud taken cure of. It is supposed that she lay out in the storm all night on Monday, as her clothing was completely saturated. Slie gave her name as Maria Irniu, of Walter's Falls, aud explained the cause of her terrible condition by saying tliat she lost her way, took sick and was unable to go further. 1)c. Curistoe is waiting upon her.^i'leshertou Ad- vance. Ilu-^lic'l fall wheat, John Irwin, Thos Qtiiu- toii. ljti..ili Kpring wheat, ;in,v liiud, Thomas tTihav. IJiisIi peas, llubl Crai^r, Ja.s BroJit;. liu^h hiirlcy. Jus liroilie. IStish white oats, Jas liae. Bush black oats,' ItoM Crai^' Jas Bro'ho. ilush timothy fieed, H Johnston, Jas Brodio. Half bush lias seed, John Irwin, II Johnston. ROOTS .ISH VKOETABLES. Bush Karly llosc potatoes, II Johnston, Jno Eaton. Bush any othor soi-t, Jno Irvtin, H Johnston. Si.x swede turnips, H Johnston, Itubt Craii^. Six iuangel wurzej, A C Patter- son. Itobt CraiK. Sis blooii beets, Piobt Craig, H Joliaston. Six sugar beets, J L Wilson. Sis field carrots, A Patterstn, Kobl Crajg. Sis table c-arrot.' II Johnston, Chas Devitt. Two ]iuinpkius. Geo Ptolemy. Three heads cabbage, .vira J Lowe, G Ptolemy. Three cauhhowers. It Gilray, H Johnston. Twelve onions, black seed" A C Patterson, Kobcrt Crai^. Twelve oniona, top, Itobert Cnlig. Peck potato onions, Um Ham, G Pttilemy. Qu.irt toj) onion seed, W J Black. S'x to- matois, G Ptolemy, Wm N"ortoo. Twelve eais corn, Itobt "rai;:, Mrs J Lowe. Peck j wliite beans, G Crabtree, Ji:s Brodie. Col- I Ii'ction VfK'.tablc.^, U Giiray. Six largest aud best shaped ^wedc turnips, H Johnston. l'.in;iiii'in :ipi'lcs eomniaud iho higlo-st j;iice in tlie MuL,'hs!i nujkot, while I'all apples. W J Black, Jno Pratt. Winter apples, ^y J Black, Ed Clark. Fall tear3, J j L Wilson. Jno Irwiu. Winter pears, John i Eaton, Wm Ham. Gravies, Geo Keekie, T .1 f .1 r /• L I Gilray. Plnins, S Gilmour, II Johnston, i tLosc f,on» the county of (.rey bungs j cmb apples. W J Black. John Irwin. Water «CT('ral cunts p'.*r bnsjicl more than j mulona. Rebt Craig. Musk melons, Robert .- .1 1 /T ' 1 Cruit' Citrous, Juo Prait, G Ptolemv I iruin any otliei county m Canada. I /.--- r^.' -.-. ,V .r..^*" J;- 1 Tliis i.s iKilii gratifying and euconrag- ing to our farratr.-i. ajid will doubtless havclh*- I ItVct of uiatcnaily ciicourag; ing frnir culture in' oar harders. ISur- i oUlbi., H Johnston, rols an- kit at the orcliai.l.s and the ,,,.,^^ „„ j,,^ j,^,,-^ ^.^^^^ „, ^^„^^^ ^0 frnit gntliv-rtd by teams pi the cxHnse 1 Iba., It Gilray. Crock of butter, 15 lbs., R ,»â- lb., biivr z,^ fb.it oni- f-irmi^i-K .»r/. "1"'3' Teu lbs roll butter, Robert Craip. â- I len Id.' roll butter, Kobt Craig. Five lbs roll now enabled to dispdso if their surplus ' butter, Itobt Craig. Eight lbs roll butter, f.utt n Ih' farm fur cash. I ""l"' V" '\/' " ""» °'^?^ '***"'^^t I John Irwiu, \\ni Norton. Box of honey, J f W Haitmaii. Sponge cake, Eobt Crag. H j Jiilinston. Jelly cake, H Johnston, A C Paiterso'i. CtHottion of cakes, A C Patter- son, Jii.s Bro'lio. Two loaves home-made brcn.!, Wm Norton. J W Pjitt. n. Ten lbs niaplu sii^'ar, Jas J^rodJe. Half galloc maple nii'lirsses, G Crabtrco, Thos Gilray. ICarkdale Markets. WEnNEsi..iY October 15, 1890. Fall Whfnt jO toSO qS Spriug Wheat yO to 90 iiark'y "45 to 50 Oat* 35 to 35 Pea?c 00 to 58 Butter 12 to 13 Eggs 15 to 15 Hay, per tou 5 00 to 5 W Potatoes, per bag 45 to 45 Wool 00 to 00 Beef 00 to 00 Pork 00 to 00 Cinueii fruit. Tho.i Gilray. J L \\ iUon. Col- I lection of huit, It GUray, Thos Gilray. n.MIlV .A.XD cTIIElt PBOnUCE. I Tubof butter. 50 Ib.i, H Johnston. Tub j of butter, 50 lbs. H Johnston. Tub of butter, 1 50 lb;i., H Johnston. (By tiome misonder- I HtamUn;,' thu Judges marked no B«cond -c;.trri:.\xi) COMMENT. i'|aa 'ouveii!i^;n t"ok place last p. â- flp in.-r Ciian -1.11 11! C.iU.lU \i â- t-'l. :â- iii'j. -TufM-y t-Mir thiin-unt linsluls of t!n.^ Wilt' !npputl fn»m Winnipeg to St. I' I'll in a wet 1; nvently. 'l h' vi»r"-d po.st arrangement bc- tA\'Oii ';in:ulii and J:ipan has been cnipiL'trd. and takes elT ct ininiediate- iy. Ir i-. â- .â- tU-;jlatod tliat llir McKuilcy inll will hav.' tii-; I'iV. t-t nf seriously damaging, if n.t cnmpletety killing, tlu' \V rl I's Fiiir tit Chicago as foreign C'luutrics arc theriby debarred from xhilitin^. â€" .U is cvi.h'iit Uiat l^ir Ji»lm Mac domtld IS no advocate of either An- nexati.7i4 or Canadian independence. As to annc-^ation, Canada, he believes, has nuiliuig to gain nnd much to lose. The lutnrc of the United States he f'ri-sees is full of trouble; for what \M.h the Intt-rogeneout; chnracter of the cit'zoiiship of that country, and what with the tloods of !oregm ignor- ing'-* and vice which are coming in np-:i tliom it would b.j no surprise if all the horrors of lite wide spread /L'Vidntion would yet be theirs. And vrhile ann:!xation would only inyt Ive us in tioublcs which by continuing as at present we are hkely to escape, so independence- would leave us a prey to our ncigUhois, who have shown that they covet our goodly heritage. As to indtpemlcTice he asks, "lluw long could we btaud as iU indef eud'ent re- public How long did Texas stand aa ibe 'L.^ne Star republic Canada and the United States, as the lion and the lamb, might lie down together, but the 'amb would he inside th*i Imn. If Cinadiar.s are true to themstlves and 1 heii prstcrity they will remain as tbey ImMUSTtr M.VNCFACTCBE3, j Fulle.l cloth. Thos Quintou. Plain flannel, hinni'-niadu, Wm Legate, Thos Quinton. Piiir horse blanketa. liouie made^ Mrs J Lowe. Coverlet, home-made, U Gilray, Kobt 'ra\g. Set liorsc shoes from hammer, Wm ' Guthrie'" Fancy flannel, liome-maclf" Robt I (- raij^' Hfos (^uintoo. Pair of blankets, ' lituni' made. 11 Craig. Mr Legate. Pair of tine bouts, pi-ggt'd. Alts Cook. Jacob Prentiss. liet-t sawi'd, edmnl nnd packed bunch of shingles, A McGili A S .u-s. I â- T.VMEsi' WORK. Best made la lies' drtss. H Johnston. i Bet ina*le underskirt. K Gilray. Patchwork I quilt. Thm Ktlls, H Johnston. Crazy qnilt, I K Gilray. Knit or crochet quilt. H Johnston. WJliUick. Kmbroidery CD cotton or worsted, I U Gilray, llobt Clark. Embroidery on ailk, I Thos KelW. Johu Pr.att. Crochet iu wool, U Gilray, Wm Norton. Crochet in cotton, Thos Kells, Robt Craig. Feather flowers, R Gilray. I.ehther work, R Gilray. Tidy, knitted or crochet. R Gilray, H Johnston. Pair woollen stocking*!, home-made, Robert Clark. Mrs Jiiowe. Bag or wool mat. hOoked. W J Black 1st A 2nd. Fancy knitting on cotton, Wm Norton. Wax work. R Gilrar. BerUn wool work. Jaa CmikphankB, Itobert Clark. Feather wreath, B Gilray. Arrasene ff-ork. R Gilray Ist 2nd. Fair pillow shamn, Wm Norton, W J Black. Collection of cut flowers. R Gilray. Mrs Gilray. Pencil draw- ing, R Gilray. Oil painting, Robt Clark. Pair woollen socka. John Irwin, Wm Norton. Pair woollen mitts. W J Black, John Irwin. Pair woollen socks. H Johnston. Thos Qnin- ton. HISCXLU^NEOCS. Best pcnmacship by boy ander 10, T Gil- ray by (till ander 10, Annie Gilray. Best cumpiised article descriptive of the township of Knphra-ia, Laura Dotlson. Best drawn portraits by any scholar cnder 1-S Looin Lnngheed. Best drawing book, by any pnpil in Euphrasia schools under 1.^ years, Samnbl McConnell, A C Patterfor. TXIUIiT WISDOM. Grrat and timely rnsJow is showr by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strsw. berry on hand. It bss no eqoal for eholwa, cholera motbos, diarhoea, dysentery, edie, crampft, and all summer complainty or 1oom uess of tbe bowelft MARRIAGE^. Sbvabsâ€" KiKKBTâ€" At the reudeoee of tba bride's- pannte, Blmnehanl Tp-. near St. Mary's, on tbe 1st October, br BeT. J. Keui;er. Mr. John I. Shemn, o Eaptmsia, tu Mia Aniiie Kirkb;. It has permanentl v enred thousands of cases pronoaiiceu by doctors hope- less. If you have premonitorj' symp- toms, such as Coiijjh, Difficulty of Breathinp, Ac, don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION immediately. By Driiggisla. SSceuta. For Sale or to Rent A good farm adjoining the corporation of Markdale in good state of cultivation, well fenced, well watered, good orchard and com- fortable farm buildings. Tbe pr(pretor wishes to retire. Apply to GEO. DREW, 527-30 Markdale, FOR SALE A thiee-y ear-old Ayrshire Ball with regis- tered pedigree. A flue animal and sure stock getter. THOS. ELLIOTT, 52C 9 Markda!e. FABMEBS And others who require anything in the Har- ness line will oonsnlt their best interests by callinR at the new harness store. You wiU not find rae on the street, but if you will kindly fiire us a call yen will find me bard at it â€" ion't stand quite so close, friend, or you might get jabbed with the all â€" I am prepared to serve yon utd hope to make ycnr call matnally profitable. Dou't forget tbe stand, opposite the Uatk- dale House in Hill's Block. I am very bu^y but will take time to talk business. D. B. ARROWSMITH, Markilale. FARM FOR SALE. 200 acres, 'ogetfatf or operate, mile from Markdale, ou grsTe! road building, new and first-class. Will sell on easy terms or wonld takd small farm in art pamunt. For par- tienlars apply to THOS. HILL, Markdale, K38 30 Arteme-ia Tp. STRAYED To tba piemiaea ol B. Wii^t, lot 117 .eon. S, Artemena, dioot the l.t Uflptflapber, foor s]ring ealraa. hdtes and 3 i iiiun The owner ia nqnaatel to pror* iKufcrt; pay ex- penees and take tham. eM.8 MnUatoP.O. This stove takes 30 inch wood, has 26 inch oven PEARL STOVES. If you want a first-class cook or heat- ing stove get thePEAEL. For'^uality of materials, durability economy in service, per- fection in fin- ISn design, rj,j^ ^^^g^ complete Family Cook Stove made in and cooking Canada. qualities. They have already ob- tained a hous e h o 1 d r e p u tat ion throughout Ontario. If your dealer does not keep them write or call on the man- ufacturers, T.L IS MARKDALE. The cheapest Stove for the â- weight and style we make. 28 Years in IN MAEKDALE, ini a Sumessful Siisinsss Cosyiylsrsasiiis. EVER CLIMBING UP. Have yoa ever â- topped to tlimk what brain worry tliiiikinf; and planum^. Thiiiliiijg sometimes away into tlie rarly mnrniu^ huur.s wiiile yotl are asleep, how. wlicu and where • we i-hall buy qualities, qiiautilics aud prices to please you. DRESS GOODS, Our iirt conaideration. Tbey must be ni all qualities and prices. We have fbem in Plain Meltons, (Jbecke, Foule dergts, Amazon Clitlis, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Black and Colored Silks, Satius, Velvrt-s aud Plushes. You have the largest stock to select from by comiu!.' direct to McFARLANDS. We have taken great pai;is to select our Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies Oioskings aud Walkiug Jacket Cloths are mostly worn this season iu plaui cloths. We- have tlie correct goods and extremely u-oderate pi ices, frrm 60 cents per yard up to the finest Sealettes. Miss Muffat, who so successfully pleased our lady frieuds two sea- cons ago. will have charge of our MILLINERY fiHOW RuOJI this ' season. It is a guarantee of au elegant assortment, correct m style, aud prices moderate. Hosiery, Shawls, Gloves, Laces aud Wool Wraps. A special line of Ladies' Tweed Water proof Garments, §2.50 each, sold in the big Toronto stores for $3. We now come to the warmer goods, you will want them, and soon. FL-ANNELS. Our special All Wool Greys from 18 cents are selhng fast. Ladies' and Men's Woollen Underwear iieyer had such value to offer. ')nr Men's 50 cent All-Wool Shirts and Drawers will keep out the keenest blasts of winter. 75 dozen in Fine Ties, l!iue Sox, Fine Gloves and Fine Silk and Wool Mufflers, imported direct from tbe makers. Did you ever stop to think that McFarlaud buys the bulk of his goods direct from the manufacturers and f jr spot c.ish Wliat does that mean It moans a sa.ving uf tbe wholesalers' profits, and cash means the closest bed-rock prices. BOOTS SHOES. Some leather is mean. Some workmen arc mean. Some boot- sellers are mean^ That's how mean boots get made and sold Six out of every ten pairs of boots are shams, pasted stock, shoddy pan- cakes. Never wai a time when shoes looked so well aud wore so badly nntii the shoeing of a whole family bas come to be a serious taik. A poor pair of boots is s bad investment. If yon want good, honest, solid foot wear just drop into McFarland's. His stock is lull; complete from the finest to the coarsest. Women's, Men's, Girls' and Boys' READY-MADE CLOTHING. Isn't it a comfort to have your Coat, Pants, Vest, and Overcoat ready- made to yoar baud No worry of measuring and waiting for the making and fitting. Jnst a little looking in a light, roomy department npstairs filled with choice, new goods from the best manufacturers. A perfect fit gnaranteed and aboat half less to pay than if you bad gone to a uilor. A FEW CRACKERS. Men's Overcoats, f 4.00 up. Boys' Overeats, $3.00 up. Men's sniU, $4.60, $6.00, $7.00, $8 00, $9.00, and the finest, $14.00, eqnal to any tailor-made. Boys' from $1.50 np. We need scarcely recom- mend onr teas, they are so well known lor excellency of flavor, strength, and cheapness. We shonld like to have said a word abont onr carpets, For goods, English and Seotcfa sailings, and a host of other goods, bat the pnnter says my spaca is fiilled. Come m aud see as when in town. We will take yonr cash or prodoce and give ynu rattling good valae in exchange. Come in anjway aud look arnand and see one of Uia biuie;it stores north of Toronto. W.J.MCFARUIND, s Idjrect importer, Life is Sliorl! Even if you do live the alloted. time, 3 SCORE AND 10. Then ^w^hy live the life of a groveling, growling despotic, dyspeptic, ohi you peevish, snappish, pettish, cross, crusty, fretful, crabbed old heathen who has all the ills that flesh is lieir to. ear MaD Do get rid of it, the bace^ vile, servile, slavish, frowning, sneaking, earth-born diseases, by drinking nature's LIFE-GIVISG ST. LEON MINERAL WATER, It Eevlvefies, Rectifies and Electrifies, adds new^ charm to life. TRY IT, TRY IT. ^Why buy a Box Stove when you can get a l^arlor Stove as cheap, same as this cut. G/iSH m RELIABLE CUSTOMERS Can alw."i\s Count on gelling goiid !;[ir.;aiiib at Ihe X- ill I'ii. \M^ iri.V iMii Mini wiulcr g"i.,'s will li.' Icjiiiil clir.ap. :;;.si;iMi:ai'!f .i\A I\ ';,!â- . :i!.-i J.jnii- iiiiii (i-iilKir c !i Wiailintx tin.- all vvomI L'li.li rc:oilii::_- •â- i I liini witli ':s toe li. ^t valiKs in ihi' u;arki^t-. tiioccrii s iVc: h -Ui.i ciisji, just iIk; tliiii'i to jilpasi: I'l'icnris. alio ui;r 'rK.\S wiil i f Ui.;' iimcli ht'i-w oioii.aiy i'Iiul'.-.. IN BOOTS SHOES -, 1" iitjlit f«»r cash i;( f.tn. tli.' t'e rirc i;i \\'\\\ ivan llic Iw.n-, fit in -urr. MFiy'S BOYS' CLOTHING and we uro ikt'Tiiiiuuit t" liUyis^" car^ij ui.;vL-i:~. '.-cli.-viijj,' Wivui lo K- lliC piC.a inul ij'r.ii!nl worli of ]nGs|)L-r»jr.f tr.i.iin^' .. V:^:' iu.iiitmher the Turoiiio Hoii.-o, Mailulalc, The I'lunous Heavy Ijoilied Oil Mr all llachiiiery, Made only by McColl Bros. Co., Toronto. Those wiio use it f lice use it always. McGoll's Benowned Cylinder Oil Has no pq'nal for Enyino cyUiili-'rx. Tryit an^l sec for j-iurselC, iii-wan. i,riiuiiaii..i;si.f i..^vjjii;i.:. McCOLL 15ROS. Si CO., TOUOXn For sale by J. E. TRELFORD, Markdale. R. S. RME, T .1- Tail.M- ami Clothier, is fully vreiiarcd to Euit y.ia iu all kinds of A larce vanfty of Suit-.iigi to'selcc; from, cli.ap ami i-tronn, or fine and han.Koii,. Splendid Ovi-ramlinKS sm tlii-ni, lliid.rcloSliiiii;, jun wka! is iv^uitoj for Full aud Wiiil. r wear. OOLL.^ltS, CCFFd, TlliS, SUSI'ESDEUS, HOSE, and all tbe rc^t. Call an i examine for yourself. Should jou (inuteiniilatc matrimony, be fcure and Iravc voui order, and "e a neat iii comfortable suit. I^* A^'cnt for Parker's lire Works. ' ' " ' ' ' ' VTNEGAE, VINEGAE, VINEGAR. To have good pickles you nmst have good. Spices good Vinegar. "We claim to have both White Wine Vinegar, Triple X Vinegar, Cider Vinegar. Malt Vinegar. GUARANTEED. icinpiiEi. 15, S, I3-A-I=:, markuale. rHE ONLT PEKFECT rElir«B, 'sKELfl WOVEH WIRE FEKCINC RopsSalvamL- .^â- - BoM bj III dMkn In tUl line. rntOA i(dd. Intamtflog bn. Writ* '"â- • ONTAmo «niK FENCINO 0O Flctaa, Ontario, OT u flor WhoUnle Acom. **» B. CnenlBc inre Co., Jim. Cooper, "•""o" MonruL Carrell Broa., Charlottetown, P.E.I. bSLS'^J!^. '" I^â„¢I«1 lirfore wesT-nc. t^erfeeUr â- djmted for estmna ot cold nod heat. A » pMe baiilcr Bceinet sll uUmtU. Notrauble tovtecL â€"IT PArtf TOâ€" AMD THAT IS THE Ivlki Mffi ColeH â€" c»â€" O-WKN t«.OXTlVI Tba hi»«id mw» pcMticaleoam of study. The ben toaeblnc talent. Tb» beet a4;eaaudodkton for Btcdente. Tbe beet metbode of tnetroction. Tbe beet â- reealti bmn tbat inetnction efter stnaentHQradiukte. ' IMneannal unoanoement glviiig pirticnlue nnraiOK the ODOne of etuly. termi cceddieee Cheap House FiirrKure. -iX THE Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, Hdi- cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, commcn Extension Table in great variety Waelistands Spring Mattress Wool Mattrers of all kinds, and iu fact everything that is kept in a firstclass shop. Call and get quo. tations. Also Funeral Fumisl.ingsâ€" Coffine. Caskets, Bobes, Linings, GloyeB, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. ThankinR my uamcr- ous customers for past favors. Yours rsspectlully, J- W. Soroule. p. 4. FUEIfIKO, Psccoru^ yiA l|T|m ^^'^- local or trRvclinK "**ll I KU [» sell my guaranteod â€" ^^â€" i^^^ms NcasKUr Stock. Salary or Comini8(lon.«paid weeklr. Outfit free Special atcenUoii given to boRinneni. VVoik- m never faU to make ucod wecily wages. « nte me at once for particalare. a- O. aKAXUt, «unryB. (Thw hoou i. leliaUe.) Toeokto, Gst. MqIIc MAllK l^olCB discol interest allowl dtt ftu issueii oi »ad United StJ Private an. I I rates on goo^l IW Bus! X-vKS. snii-l peom' Aceouelii in Turmr's Hil Brodi.'s ol.l -t^r call«,iav or nil to. T..S.SiB -r M. cn.i Officeâ€" Ovrr â- Mou.y to l.oanl T B. I.VfAl tbe linn if HisJ at ..llio of W O'ni. I.u.i-,- .1. and It-ijal ni.i| attention ^M. 1:K Issuor of .M;irr| BioniT in U. branelu-s proiii)| n.vntiil. N 11. M n Beeuiil}- â- m'l-'M. ST1-\| I.ie.nses. M'.n| low I:lliS. .\ -T i' M.VUSH.I of â- l..i.nlo S.l:. Mulk.lalo Hou-.l tb.r.i \V,.,lii.~i.il Mmi-li^l» 11'1' iut; (!»â- Mwrk'i^j M at e4») t'NI-V Tul rut*- of 1. y- L ,iai:m F..'i; 11. i; (il.-i..';;. 1 jiifi ..II o»y t.rii jiiinif ilar^ Rpi" to J. S. Ui.icl,, 1 -a ir AiiKiiAi.r. LOCAL ST Oiven Sound i PasBenger .-.t S. S. CAAUONi Tuesday i-i.i i'l I-:.;. .i:iii. l'«-.l|. Hll.l i...hlt^il::l-l'|l M:r:iii..v:iiii!i;:. ' K.i- -.;. •â- •â- II .\hJ .s. rj..i.I 1:k â- I-., -.il"!! li 1 Fell Very f' the exr/: -would i into a custom^ Stoddai perienc time.'thi not fall of a I Scissors -whose fit them a. pit. Fits 1 they ge JOOO n -who "ws WILL J"Xocim over ' PRESE FRA [Late of r„ wite4 1 These KiK'ct oaaA lor tlie Bbst in the n a a iy years w F*r aalo by cal Watch in s.k in all kiods of aoAJewelltirv So*a. c. P 484sevatcb