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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Oct 1890, p. 4

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 â- ^"S^PSWI*?^?^ C. W. Eutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, OCTOBER 9, 1890. AGRICULTURAJ. SOCIETIES. â-  The Fiesliertoa .\ilTance o! last â- week iiifoi:ae(! its readers that "ilark- dale sir vv is uot satisned, because Fleflicrton got ahead of it with the East Grey Exbibiticm this year." Wonder where the Advance editor got his iiif.jri^atiou. Even if it was a fact that the Kihibition of the East KidinR of Grey was s'.iporior to that of Glen- elg To WL ship, it would be bo just cause f'jr dissatisfaction, but such is not t). J c;i--:c-. V.'c WLtu unable to at- tend tin. E^bt KidiDg Exhiiiitiou this year, f vr tlie fust time in its history, hnt hiivf; been creditably informed by uisiiitTist'-d parties who were at both that tlie Gi'.nelg Sli jw was, on the the city will sell drags at Dniforin â€" The NocthwOTt Lipdatam wiB meet for basinesB on Oetober 89. â€" The Manitoba O ora ni nent vill^ open an emigration office in Eofland- â€" The London papers onaoimoosly endorse the Terdiet ii. the Bireball case. â€" Xbe assessment retama of Toron- to, complete last week, shbw an u- cicase of nearly (10.000.000 for tfae Tear. â€" The wife of general Bootii, com- mander in cliief ofihe Salvation Army died on Saturday last in London, England. â€" Sir John McDonald stated, in a speech at Halifax last ^eek, that there was not likely to be a general election Defore 1802. â€" Arthur Hoyt Day was foand guilty of mardering his wife, by the jury ac Welland ou Tiesday, and was senteaced to be hanged on Nov. 18, â€" The RetaU Druggists' Association of Toronto, has adopted a schedule of prices, and in future all; druggists m wh'.:!.-, superior to that at Fksherton, ".nd our guto receipts were some forty A'lVi-.trB aiitiid of theirs. There is aii- i,t!ier tli;ii-;;(-, however, which we con- sider t'-o Advance is not juslified in making; :i.":tiiist the Gloneig Agricul- tural S ';;! tv, viz., that its directors fire t' li'aii'.- f-jr having the show on the i-ai:.., .\.:y as that of the East and South i;iiiiiC!». \Ve admit that it is a m:..t:'.l:'j :h well as a misfortune to have ti,jS'j I'mrs clashing' in srch a iii.'ujiji !, i,;:t are uf't prepared to say just "i. to blainc. Gienelg fall show I--- !..:"':ri held on v.irious dates betv.' •.:.... ti- â- I'yji September and Snl Oct.i)ii f'..- il.e lii=t tight years, while til' Ea-st i'.: '.in" has been held on dif- prices. "Central" Fall Show. The second annual Fall Show of the Central Agricultural gociety was held at Walter's Falls on fhe 80th nit. and Ist inst. The weather was all that could be deiored, and alar^e number of people assembled, espeeially on the second day, and witnessed wbiVt was without atv doubt the best show in the county. The gate receipts amount- ed to upwards of f 250, which would mean an attendance of about 8000 people when allowance is made for membership tickets. During the forenoon of the first day a baseball match was played between Blantyre and Markdale, resulting in a victory for the former by » score of 1 2 fereut from the 22Ld Sept. to rm,g {„ §_ Jq the afternoon much .1: no .Si L-i. ly has a monopoly of any par diitf-, :iiid as the Directors of Glen(-];i Tuwu.-hip Society fixed the d.ite rn- tht; lioMi:i;j of its fall show for 18;j at tli Hiinuat meeting held last .lamiary, vliich took ])bico about a ,»ui.K- cunicr than the County Society's iim;ii;il -,01 â- â- â- 'i I:;;, and notified the liitti.r, wl' cannot tco the justice of iryii ^; to Khoulder the blame of li.-ivii. tw'-i shows on one flay upon tli'j !!i.-i-::ttrs of Glenolg Agricultural fj'Ci'ity. Neither will it mend matters to fliii.s .-li;;!!.,'aiid sliirli ri-Sjioiijibility. I'M-tt. r sii;-^'-.-st sonie sc'k nio whereby the ilit'jciiUy nv,\y be averted another .leai.ou. â-  A ISKGGKHTIUN. MailciIaU^ in.a central point in this â-  county Kiid of access, and we would sr;i-iMt that tlin Hi.crntaries of all the A;'ri;-ii'.tM: il Soclktii s in Groy C.iiitil y Ml et hero on the Gtii Novflm- ber T'l r !::,-iv:ng (l:iy) and arrange their ilj'.rf s f-r tiie coniinj year, and alsoiMKi^iiicr other important questions i tnXirgJ^fnf which nr' now fresh in mind, and whi"'h voiild farther the interests of all confTir-'d. The rriilway faro will bi; !-iiif.'l on ii,-.t liny, wiCch isould be :t r.'i v. lib ;.l ;..l '•â- m in fivor of that date. :â- ; Si'Ci'tu rt If this meets 1 l'pi-ov;il Kt the Standakd _• v.ill publiii tlio dtcision C'l'V '.( paper to each M-,; !:â- - •ri,';:lo tb.^ Viii 'l brio- I tllr l:l l.b, r-.d ti..r,. â- I- ..1 • li] tl â- .Vli'il ll -â-  1 ZUIJ.^, liil and football match, the results of which may be seen in the following prize list. The hall was open in the evening, and being completely filled and well lit up, was a rare treat in itself. There were so many entries in every depart- ment and the quality was so good that the judges must have bad considerable difScuity in awarding the prizes. The gram hulked more than last year and was really excellent in quality. The first-priie fall wheat tested 67 lbs. to the bushel. Boots and vegetables were of enormous size. The dairy produce occupied a great deal of space there were nearly 200 entries in butter alone and the butter on exiiibition woald weigh at least a ton and a ball. The fruit showed provoked perhaps more astonishment than anything else, apples especially, making a bandrome display and surpassing even the "In- dnstrial," Toronto, as admitted by those who had visited the latter exhi- bition. The Ladies' work occupied one whole side of the hall and it would in- deed be hard to imagine a sight more supremely grand than this department presented. The ladies of the surroBed- ing country are to be highly congratu- lated on their industry and taste and the thanks of the community ate due so kindly bringing out the frnit of their labors to decorate the building and add so substantially to the success of the exhibition. In this department alone there were nearly 300 entries. The second day was an extremely busy one. The Society's extensive grounds were literally crowded with people. Some inconvenience was felt over the fact that sitting accommoda- tion was rather scarce, and it is hoped that the directors will take this matter into consideration before next year. Largo numbers of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs were ou exhibition and were truly creditable specimens of stock. There were upwards of 300 entries in horses, and close to 100 in cattle. Previous to the judging on the grounds, the assembled crowds were addressed from the judges' stand by •Mr J. Cleland, M. P. P., of Meaford, and Dr. Sproule, M, P., of Markdale. Taken altogether the show of 1890 was ahead of last year and seems to predict success for all future exhibi- The management are to be ANk'.S- INSTITUTE. â- â€¢ JI-H-li-tnii-..' Institute hfls ly ri-n^ress ever since its "'., arul 1.-; now a credit to Th(^ library i;i t:irgc,.a!id I -in d frctjiK'iitly, so that '.!ri' ivi.' rradors have ii '.â-  of fit^h litrratui'u Tiion • i.-i i!M^ room department :iliii|;; daily luipi.-rs, maga- Uatt.l periodicals, and local i tions. „ â- .mil} f.iily in all â€" wlitro I congratulated on the unbounded sue- u-ravc and gav, may " i history of the Society, and it is to be ;iiit lustructiou, aiul •' yuiiiig ii'ul 'l.!, find aui:i.^i ill lit ic» et wilh their ii"ir;bbors who c jugre- Vate for a .--â- iiiibir jmrposo ami thus spond a p!t-...-;ait 'Mil profitable hour. Too iir.i.di i-rodit caiiiiot be given Mcssis. " E. M.iO'it, SecrL-t.nv, and F. \V. .MolTat. Librarian, lor their .systeiii;itic. [i-Tsevernig and successful ellorts ill tho manngeinont of the In- stitute since its itici'ption. 'J'he rort.litijt room will bo i*pen, un- til furlliiT uorice, trom 7 to 9.30 every Tuosday. Thursday and Saturday night. Every l:i:;i!y i" town and' f jr two or thrci' i.iil hoped that the present able directorate may long be spared to superintend tfae affairs of tho now famous Central Agricultural Society of Walter's Falls, The following is the prize list EXHIBITION OF SPEED, ETC. Local Kun, A C Patterson, B Well wood. Local Trot, JI R Duncan, .T E Marsh, R. Linn. Open Trot, W N Uaskett, M Ramage, A Plewes. JSnseball match, Blantyre vs. Mark- dale, victory for Blantyre 12 runs to 8. Football match, Owen Sound vs. Walter's Falls, victory for 0»en Sound 3 goals to 0. BOBSES GENERAL PUBPOBE. be donbli' what it new is. I Brood maro with foal by her side, ound should belong I y j^„ig;jj_ j Davidson. Two year old to the l;ili;iite. Just tliink of it. §1 (.-elding or Illy, J Howey, Jno. Thorn, will ciitillo a aienibcr to all its benefits i One year old gelding or filly, J Wright, and u :v:mtai,-.s fur twelve months. I ^lo^'^OD- Spring coit 0» filly, A iri 11-1 III ,] i Watson, U Bve. Yearling colt, entire The m.nibtr.ship IS large, but should ,. -n h ii m- • i ' ' ' (diploma), P Uonnell. Team in harn- ess, gelding or mares, V( Doherty, C Watson. Best animal of this class (di- ploma), W Doherty. AaBtODLTUSU. Brood mare with foal by her side, A Findlay, T Dixon, Two year old gelding or £Uy, N Beunie, S J Legate. One year old gelding or filly, Wright, A Findlay. Spring eoit or filly, A Campbell, M Moffett. Team in ham- ess, geldings or mares, T Heigbs, K Frizzell. I3est animal of this class (diploma), A Fmdlay. HEAVY DSAUOBT. Brood mare with foal by ber side, J W Hartman, H Moffett. Two year gelding or blly A Findlay. One' year old gelding or _fiUy, B Frizzell, J W Uartman. Best spring borse colt, J Davidson, A E Abra. Best spring mare colt,' J W Hartman, Best team, gelding or mare, J Bowes, J Bobert. son. Best animal of this class (diplo. ma), J W Hartman. OAJUUOE. Brood mare witL foal by ber side, M Bamage, J Melnnes, J F Henry. Two year old gelding or filly, J Bowes let A 2nd. One year old gelding or filly, J F Henry, J Lemon. Spring colt or filly. J Gatbrae. B MoPonald, J Godfrey. Single boggy driWr, geld- ing or piare. 1^ hands and apwaida, A Ward, B Frizzell. Pair of ponies in faijpiess, nnder 14| bands Iwt. J Sword. J Walter. Best animal of tbit class (d^lom*). J Bowao. Al'l'LE MARKET. lr. KuUs ships to-day (Thnrsday) 180 barrels of apples from Markdale station, tlio greater portion of which go'S to England. He reports the frnil bs b j'uT a good quality genoraUy ex- cept snow apples, v.'hich are much j'.liotted owing to tho Might which struck them. The orchards are, how- ever, small as a rule, which adds to the cost of collecting the fruit for ship- ment, and thus reduces the profits to 'he producer. The Old Country market is now fully established for i^ apples and it will pay to give attention to that branch of agriculture. XOXE ;ttND COMUE^^r. â€" Ilaici' ton's population is 43,523. â€" Kingston has a populatiion of 18,172 souls. â€" The JIcKiuley tariff bill went iu- ,to effect en Monday 6. â€" trench newspapers all denounce the McKiiiloy tariff bill. â€" The end f the first quarter of the fiscal year shows a surplus in the Do- minion treasury of $3,866,097. Brood naie with fnl by ber side, H Bonnell. L Bowes. Two jeta old gelding or fiUy, L Bowo^ J Mjiwor. Uno year old gelding or filly, L Bowea, W I«mon. Spring eol* or fiUy. Dr. MeLellan. L Bowes, J Bowea. Team m baraese, gelding or mare, under 16} hands, A 'niompatfn, E Clark, MBam- age. Single buggy driver, gelding or mare, nnder 16J bands, W N Haskett. Dr. McCnllongb, L Goldsmith. Sad- dle horse, gelding or mare, E Haubery. A C Patterson. Best animal of this class (diploma), A Thompson. Lady driver, in buggy. Miss Matthewson, Owen Sound ' Miss Connell, Owen Sonnd (highly commended). Miss Somers. L^y rider. Miss Matbews. Boy rider, under 14 years of age, A Patterson, J Sutheiland. SPECItl. PHIZES FOB HOESKS ASn COI.TS, c., c. Boy under 14 years old, that cm lead this year's si.ring colt with baiter in the quickest time, once round the track, P Walter, G Bowes. Fastest walking team, attached to a lumber waggon, twice round the track, L Bowes. Si'ring colt or filly, got, by Mr. W G Pickell's Imported Clydes- dale Stallion, "Lord Derby," J Wright, T Douglas. Spring colt of filly, got by Mr. Jacob Shank's Canadian Heavy Draught Stallion, "Young Modern Type," of 'Woodford, J Anderson, J Jack, J Bobertson. Spring colt or filly, got by Mr. Donald Koberlson's Imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Prince of Westfield," of St, 'Vincent township, J Burnett. Best spring horse colt, got by Messrs. Nichol and W J Shepherd- son, Imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Modem Type." A Campbell. Best spring mare colt, got by Messrs Nichol and W J Shepherdson's Imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Modern Type," M Moffett. Best spring colt or filly, got by any Imported Clydesdale or Shire Stallion that was owned in the County of Grey, the season of 1889, J W Hartman. Best spring colt or filly, got by Messrs Sinclair MoMurchy, Carriage Stallion, "Ned Jefferson," of Hillsburgh, Dr. McLcllan, J Young. Best sgpng colt or filly, got by Mr. MatthevS^Ramage, Carriage Stallion, "St. liiwrence," of Strathaven, J Cathrae, J Sutherland, J Clark, CATTLE. â€" THOBOUCHBRED DCRCAU (with reg istered pedigree). Bull, aged. P 3rown, GeoBowes. Ball, 2 years old and under. W H Smith, S S Carney. Bull calf Willi age attached, W H Smith, E Batty. Cow 3 years old and upwards, giviag milk, or evidence that she ia in calf, W H Smith, J F Henry. Heifer 2 years old, D RobertBou, JF Heury. Heifer 1 year old. D HobertBou iBt A 2ai. Heifer oali nnder 1 year, with age attached, B BattVi ^V Smith Boll, of any age, diploma J Itobertsou. Fe- male, o/ any age, diploma, W A Smith. Herd, not leaa than on* male and three fe- males, diploma, W A Smith. OIUDE. Boll, of anyage. A C Patteraon. Milch cow over 3 years old, V^ Milson let 2nd, G Carrie 3rd. Heifer two years old, W Milson, a Carrie. Steer, two years old. J Uobertaon 1st 2nd. Heifer one year old, J Deleree, W Milson. Steer I year old, J F Heniy, D Bobertson. Bull calf, G Carrie, J Walter. Working oxen, A Kixkpatriok, R McDonald. Best female, of any age, diploma, W Milsou. SUEEP. â€" COTSWOl-D. Shearling ram, G Carrie. A C Patterson. Bam lamb, J Shepherdeon.'W J Sbepfaerd.':oa. Two ewes, raised lambs this year, J Sbcp- hcrdson Ist 2nd. Two SlJeriing ewes, H Norton. Two ewe lambs, G Carrie, J Shep- LerdsOD. Pen of Cotswolds 1 ram, 2 ewes 3 ewe lambs, diploma, J Bbepberdson. LEICESTERS. Aged ram, "W Ham. Shcrling ram, W Ham Ram lamb, \^ J Snepherdson,.W Ham. Two owes, raised lambs th'syear. W Ham 1st 2nd. Two sherling ewos, W Ham. Two ewe lambs, W Ham, J Clark. Pen of Leicesters, 1 ram 2 ewes and 3 ewe lambs, VV Ham. SHBOPSHinR OB OTHEB FUBC BRED DOW^fS. Aped ram, J Buskin, J Shepherdson. f^herlJng ram, \V H Smith. Earn lamb. .J Buskin 1st 2ud. Two ewes, raised lambs this year, W H Smith, J Buskin. Two sherling ewos, J Buskin. Two ewe lamb^, J Buskin. Special, best pair of ewes of any breed, W" Ham. aWlNE. â€" BEBKSHIRE OB OTBERBLACK BREEDS. Aged boar, W .T Shepherdson, AC Patterson Agtd sow, \V J Shepherdson, U A Taylor. Sow pig, I890, W J Shepherdson 1st 2nd. Boar pii7, ItigO, W J Shephesdson, W Niion. Imiroved Berkshire, diploma, W J Shep- herdson. scrrocK or other white bbeeds. Aged boar, W Mi son. Aged sow, J Walk- er. Sow pig. I890. J Walker. ISi ar pig, IS9O, J "W'allier. Improved SufTock or other whito breeds, diploma, J 'Walker. Special â€" Best Berkshire, or other black breed, W J Shepherdson. roCLTBY. Pair turkeys, W Ham, R Sparling. Pair tolouse geese, G Gai-bntt. J Bowesr Pair geese, any other kind.W Eeid. J Squire. Pair ducks.white, J Bowes. J Sutherland, ar. Pair ducks, colored, E 'Walter, T Campbell. Pair 'orahma fowls, E Taylor. Pair plymouth .-ock fowls, T Campbell. Pair white leghorn fowls. S S Carney, W Duon. Pair black Spanish fowls, 3 V/ Sanderson, J H Sea- brooke. Trio game fowls, E Haubury 1st 2nd. Pair wyandottes fowls, J McNaughton 1st 4 2nd. Pair Hamburgh fowls. J W Sanderson, W m Ham. Collection of this year's chickens (pure bred), J W Sanderson, E Hanbury. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Two bnshels fall whedt, democrat. A Tor- rie. J Sutherland, sr, J Lemon. Two bnshels fall wheat, red, Jas Lemon. Two bushels spring wheat, glasgow. Jo^g Adams, Jas. Adams.' Two bushels spring wheat, any other variety, N McEachem, J Lemon, G Carrie. One bushel oarley, J Cameron,' "W Beid, J Thom. One bushel peas (small). A Phillips, A Thompson, Jas Hammill. ' One bushel oats, white, C K Hammill, J Adams, E Sparling. One bushel oats, black, B Ford, N McEachern. One peck flax seed, N Mc- Eachem, H Johnston, J W Hartman. One peck timothy seed, H Johnston, A Thomson J Sword. lOOlbs flour, R Clarke. BOOTS. Collection potatoes. 6 of each kind, not less than i varieties, named, J Atkinson, P Ballard. Half busnel rose potatoes,H John- ston, T Dixon. Half bushel beauty of hebron H Johnston, W J Seabrooke. Half bnshel any other kind, H Johnston. P Ballard. Six swede turnips, W Milcon, "W J Rennie, J Lemon. Six mangels, "W Findlay, N Mc- Eachem Six field carrots, J "Walter, T Dixon. One squash, "W Findlay, J Bowee. One pumpkin, G Ftolomy D Connell. TBOETABLEB. Six blood beets, P Ballard, A Thomson. Six table carrots, "W MilBon. B HoKetaock. Six parsnips, J Howey, W Horton. Three roota celery, J Lemon, T P Leonard. Six tomatoes, "W J MeTjean, J Howey. Peok seed onions, A ThomBon,T PLeanord. Peek potato onions. J Bowes, T Dixon. Peok top onions, J Baxter. Three cabbage, winning- stadt, J Howey, "W Ncrton. Three cabbage any other kind, J Howey, "W Finley. Two canliflowerB, If' Beid, IP Finiey. Two water melons. T P Leonard. DrMcCullongh. I'wo mnah melons, D Connell. Two citrons. B McKessock, B Lsyeock. Three enonmbera, long. W J Metjean, J waiter. Six cue" mbers, pickling, T P Leonard, T Barker. Collection of beans, not less than i varieties, one pint each, P Ballard. J G Carrie, white beans 1 pint, J Seabrooke, A Thomson. Six ears white corn. D Beid, w McKiuley. Six eat* ellow com. J Atkinson, T Barker. Beat eoUeetion of vegetables, T P Leonard Seat collection of 00m, 6 ears of eaefa,J AtkinBon. rauiT. Collection of apples, S of eaeh, not less than S varieties, P Ballard, D H Soamans. Twelve winter apples, J Cathrae. w J Bennie. Twelvefall apples, O Morrison. B Moffett. 5 baldwin apples. J McQaaker, T DouglaaF. Five northern spy ^iples, B HcKes^^ock, T Thom. Five greening apples, R Moffett. J w Hartman. Five msset apples. C £ Ham- mill, A ward. Twelve ciab apides, 3 Ue- Pheism. D Cowwl), Six fall pews, J Clark. A J Carmichael. Five winter pears. J FllMlii. F Bowser, Twelve plmns, C E Um$tlM^ C Fox. Frn qninces, T P Leon- ia£^^bree bnodisa grapes, any wiefy, A Ali%4rAitleT- Oofleetiou of apples, six Nwj|l^a^,liT Bwittnry TtnBSs«s,Bl Itelll nam tMB OTsaa noBUis. Tt* of butter, contaiiiiiig not iM* "â- *â-  W lbs, w Beid. w Milson, J Moo" T ^??- Cro bottw. containing not less ftM 10 Its J HeQnker, w Milson, T JizcD. J I^nmt- 5 lbs rail batter, J Camenn Moon, w JOi- son,wBffld. One lb roU butter, tiaat Moore, w Milson, J Clark, A Battatson. tleeae, not less than 10 lbs, and npwards, (bome-mada), w Ncrton, J Uowf.J Caaer. on, M Bsmage. Home-niado bied, S loaves, w Morton, L Bowes, B Clarke, J Botherland. Honey, in gl«»s jsr. (eztiwsted) G OatbnU.H Smlth,w Artley. I lb comb honey 'n seetiona J w Hartman, w Artley, H Smith. Eztraetsd granulated honev, in (Uaas jar, not less than 3 lbs, w Artley Ist 4 2nd. Pie, fro«ted,,R 8 McLaughlin let R McLanghlin 2nd A Srd. Fioit cake, plain, not iced, J Cathrae, D H Seamans. Preserved pears, D H Bearaans. Cinb apple jelly, T Barker, A Torrie. Piekles assorted, twoiars, M McMillan, w MeKinley. w Milson. Canned cherries, D H Seamans, H BonneU, w Milson, Canned plliims, C E Hammill, J Deleree, w Milson. Collection canned fmits. named, T Barker, w Milson. One dozen heaviest freJiheu eggs, B Taylor w P«id, J \dams. LADDzs' woax. Knit qoilt, Dr McCnllough, w Norton, S Connell. Fancy quilt, J Sntherland, w Nor- ton, E Fnzzell. Patchwork qnilt (»ny other kind), w MeKinley, J Moore, w Norton. Log cabin quilt, B Gilray let, F Bowser 2nd4 3rd. Crazy patchwork quilt, E Gilray, T Barker, w A Dayman. Berlin wool, raised, F Bow- ser, w Milson, S Connell. Berlin wool, Jiot raised, J Baxter, E Clarke, S Connell. Ber- lin wool, fancy, S Connell, (i waiter, w J Mo- Lean. Berlin wcol worked motto, B Sqoire, T King, w J Rennie. Table scarf, E Gilray, D Cameron, J G Carrie. Beaba«een work, G waiter, w HcKinley. Cotton embrbilerv. B Gilray, w J McLean. Darned net, R JJu- ray. J Bryans. Crochet in wool, B t}IBky, w Norton, O Brown. Crochet in entiiii; Gilray, S Connell, J Sutherland. Maosiqe lace (or twine work), w Norton, w Milson. Hooked mat, 8 Connell, T Barker ,w Fjfldlar Rag mat, J Coleridge, T Barker, M McMlliai Airasene work, J Sutherbod, J white R Gib ra y. Pair ladies' fancy mits, J G Carri^ B Clarke, J G CaiTie. Pair gentlemen's wool, len socks (home spun yarn). D Robertson. J Cameron, J Baxter. Pair ladies' stockings, S Connell, B Clarke, w MeKinley. Pair worked sUppers, T Barker, R Claike, J Sutherland. Piir brackets, on flannel or cloth, D Cam^-ron, w J McLean. Best ont- line work, E Banbnryi B Clarke, J Coleridge Specimen of sewing machine work,on cotton B Gilray. Berlin wool wreath, T Barker, T King. Farmpjs' wreath, w J Beimie. Pair woollen mits (home spun yam), D Bobertson J Cameron, w MeKinley. Pair woollen gloves, FI Johnston, J Sutherland, J Camer- on. Gentleman s fine white shirt, S Connell Gentleman's flannel shirt, E Hanbury. Speci- men darned socks or stockings, G Brown, J waiter, J Cameron, Specimen brading, J Cameron, R Gilray, S Connell. Pair pillow shams, J Cameron, S Connell, G Garbutt. Sofa pillow, S Connell, w NortoUj f Bowes. Painting, on satan or velvet, w MeKinley, B Gilray. Five yards rag carpet, w J McLean, T Campbell. Toilet set, complete, (home- made), J G Carrie, J McQuaker, E Hanbury. Macrame work, A Shunk, R Gilray. Pair corsets, B Gilray, D Brown, A J Carmiohae]. Fancy work, not mentioned in list, J Cole- ' ridge, B Gilray, G Brown. Special â€" For the best quilt, of any kind, that has previooaly been awarded a. prize at any Show in the County of Grey since 1887, J Sntherland, Dr UcLellan, B Connell, poxzsTic vAHnrioTuaia. Six yards fall doth, D Cameron, w J Long Six yards fancy flannel, B Ford, D Cameron. Two lbs yam (home spun) J Clarke, J Bowes. Pair home-made blankets, B McKessock, D Cameron. Pair gent's fine sewed boots, bals, T Barker. Pair gent's kip boots, T Barker. Pair ladies' boots, sewed, T Barker. Organ (diploma), S Connell, PniE ABTS. Oil painting, MUb Pepper 1st d:2nd Special prizes given by Mr C A Fleming, N B C, and open to pupils of public schools. Drawing. Miss Corke, B A Olmstead. writ- ing (by a pupil tinder-ll years), J Moffett, S Sauderson. writing (by a pupil over llyrs), Nellie Morrison, Maggie Cathrae. HORTlCCliTUHE. Collection of foliage plants, named, T Bar ker. Ccllection of geraniums, not less than 3 in bloom, named, Eev J w Socdersou, J Coleridge. Fuschia. in bloom, named, B Clarke. Begonia, R Clark, H Norton. Lily, J w Hartman, J Sword. Cactus, J Sword,H Smith. Hand boquet, J G Carrie, J David- son. Table boquet, J G Carrie, J Sword, Hanging b;iskot of flowers. MANuriCTUBXS. Farmer's waggon, w A Dayman. Sod plough, w A Dayman, J Coleridge. Stubble plough, J Coleridge, w A Dayman, Euphrasia Council. The council met pursuant to ad- journment on September 26tb, 1890. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. The Treasurer was instructed to re- ceive from Michael Dillon the sum of $5, he having received said amount at last meeting of council, on account of being unable to work owing to a hurt and being now recovered. Mr. McKnight was authorized to get a culvert built on valley road between the Srd concession and the 4th. The sum of $5 was granted to repair the hill on 15 and IG side line, con. 6. The Reeve and Mr. Peterson were authorized to get repairs made on side line 3 and 4, concession 10. Mr. Fawcett was authorized to get some repairs made on 12 and 13 side line, con. 1; Mr, Stuart was authorized to get repairs made on 6 and 7 side line, cons. S, 4, S and 6. Mr. McKnight and Mr. Faterson were eppointed to get repairs made on Quinton's hill, 7th line. The clerk was ordered to notify all persons running traction engines throughout the mnnicipality, that they will be held responsible for any dam- age done by them to bridges or culverts throughout the township. Stuart â€" McKnight â€" That Joseph Manary be appointed ooUectorof Bates m the 7 westerly concessions, of this township, for the current year at a salary of $60, and that Christopher Knott be appointed collector for the 5 easterly concessions, at a salary of $60, and that the clerk draw np the necessary bonds and get tbem exeeint- ed. â€" Lest. Faterson â€" Fawcett â€" That Jos^h Manary be appointed coUeotor of latea in this township for the cnnent yew at a salary of $110, and that a By-law be passed confirming said appoint-, ment. â€" Carried. The Beeve's orders were iesned on the Treasurer to pay as follows, vis John Baby $1.60, work on town line CoUingwood and Enpbrasia, GollinK- wood conned paying equally; Benjamin Smith $4, building cnlvert on 4th line; Bubt. Nixon $7.02, grading swamp on 9tb line; Tbos. Donnelly $80, part payment for work on 18 and 19 side line; Samnel McCallMi $80, land taken for road John floble $4, re- pairing road scrapers Dongsld Oamp- bell $2, bmldiog cnlvert Jas. Boyd $4, bnUding cnlvert; John GlagBton $8, repairing bridge John MeEnight $1.40, repairing bridge Campbell Weir $8.46, work on Srd Kne at lot 13, (this order to be held by the eom- missionernntil the work be completed); Joseph Best 91 cents, spikes and re- pairing mad semper. Conncil adjourned ontil tbe last Friday in October next. B. Dni)i,op, Clerk. FOR aALE A thiee-year-old Aynhin Bon with tt^is. tared pedifftM. A fine smmal and sura stoek gsttar. TH09. ELLIOTT, 28 Years in Business "IN MAEKDALB, M I kisshl Mm Cnstuily kmi. EVER CLIMBING UP. Have yon ever flopped to thmk what brain worry thinking and planning. Thinking sonietimes away into the early morning hours while you are asleep, how. when and where we shall buy qualities, quantities and ' prices to please you. DRESS GOODS, Our first consideration. They must be ol all qualities and prices. We have them in Plain Meltons, Checks, Foule Serges, Amazon Cloths, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Black and Colored Silks, SaUns, Velvets and Plushes. You have ihe largest stock to select from, by comme direct to McFiSRLAND'S. We have taken great pains to select our Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies Cioakings and Walking Jacket Cloths are mostly worn this season in plain cloths. We have the correct goods and extremely moderate prices, from 50 cents per yard np to the finest Sealettes. Miss Moffat, who so successfully pleased our lady friends two Bea- cons agJ. will have charge of our MILLINERY SHOW RuOM this season. It is a guarantee of an elegant assortment, correct in style, and prices moderate. Hosiery, Shawls, Gloves, Laces and Wool Wraps. A special line of Ladies' Tweed Water prool Garments, ?2.50 each, sold in the big Toronto stores for $3. Wo now come to the warmer goods, you will want them, and soon. FLHNNEI-S. Our special AH- Wool Greys from 18 cents are selling fast. Ladies' and Men's Woollen Underwear neyer had sjieb value to offer. Our Men's SO cent All- Wool Shirts and Drawers will keep out the keenest blasts of winter. 75 dozen in Fine Ties, *ino Sox, Fine Gloves and Fine Silk and Wool Mufflers, imported direct fmm the makers. Did you ever stop to think that McFarlaud buys the hulk of his goods direct from the manufacturers and for «pot cash What does that mean It means a saving of the wholesalers' profits, and cash means the closest bed-rock prices. BOOTS Sc SHOES. Some leather is mean. Somo workmen are moan. Some boot- sellers are mean. That's how mean hoots get made ' and soKl Six out of every ten pairs of boots are shams, pasted stock, shoddy pan- cakes. Never wai a time wh'?n shoes looked so well and woro so badly until the shoeing of a whole family has come to ho a serions task. A poor pair of boots is a had invostraent. Ifyn; want good, honest, solid foot-wear just drop into McFarland's. Uis Ktock is Inlly complete from the finest to the coarsest. Women's, Men's, Girls' and Boyi' READY-MADE CLOTHir^G. Isn't it a comfort to have your Coat, Pants, Vest, and Overcoat ready- made to your baud No worry of measuring and waiting fur the making and fitting. Just a little looking in a iitjlit, roo.ay 'iv;H'.it"""i* upstairs filled with choice, new good.^ fr im tiio boat manufacturers. .\ perfect fit guaranteed and about half loas to [i.iy than if yon had gone to a tailor. A FEW CBACKERS. Men's Overcoats, SI 00 np. Boys' Ovorcr-ats, S3. 00 np. Men's suits, $4.50, §G.(!0, §7.00, §8.00, ^Jfl.OO, ;in,l t'u' riii.-si, .^^ILOO, eijual. to any tailor-made. Boys' from §1.50 up. A\i; need Fc;ircilv recom- meudour teas, they are so well known for excellency of flavor, t-lrciif'th, and cheapness. We Bhould like lo huve eai.l a word about ciir carpets. Fur goods, F.nglish and Scotch niiling^, and a ho^t of otliet goods, but the printer says my Rpaee is fiillid. Cumo m and us when in town. We will take your cash or prodnde I'.iid £;ive vou rattling good value in exchange. Come in anyway and ko'i; nrinn.l and see one of the busiest stores north cf Toronto. W.J.MC DIRECT IMPORTSK. CASH AND RELIABLR CUSTOMERS Can always count ou getting good barcains at the TORONTO HOOSE. As in the past onr fall and winter goods will be found cheap, fashionable and ttylish. and Ladies and Gentleaen wanting fine all wool Underclothing will find with us the best values in the market. Groceries esh and crisp, just the thing to please epicures, and onr TEAS will be found much below ordinary pnces. IN BOOTS SHOES we show superior values, bought for cash before the late rise ini prices, and onr customers will reap the benefit in part. MEN'S BOYS' CLOTHING both in Suits, Single Garments and Overcoats, can't be excelled, and we are determined to please cash bnyers, believing tbiem to be the pillar and gronnd work of prosperons trading. tS" Bemember the Toronto House, Markdale. 3fl£7V5. BROifiiN. FARM FOR SALE. 300 mcree, together or seperate, milo from Ifarkdale, on graTel road bnildiiiga new aod fint^slau. Will sell on easy terms or would t«k» null lum in put paymeDt. For par- ticular* apidy to THOB. HILL. Markdale, fiSS-SO Artemesia Tp. STRAYED TotbainviniMeof B. Wrijht, lot 117 eon. i, Aitemens, about the 1st September, foor â- priog ealvea. t beifen and i steers. The owner is requMted to prove property pay ex- peaws aod ake them. B. WEIGHT, 526-8 Markdale P.O. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley OaU Psaee Butter JBggs Hay, per ton ..."' I'otatoes, perbas .. wooi....r:„. Bief.. ^wa*........._ Vaifeaale Mukcta. WxsnssAT October 8, 1890. • gOtoMsS goto go 15 to So SSto 8fl 00 to S7 18 to IS 15 to IS 6 00 to 5 00 40 to 40 OOto 00 00 V 00 00 to 00 FABMERS And otbera wbo require anything in the Har- ness line will (wnsnlt their best interests by callinK at the new harness store. Ton will not find nie on the etreet, but if you will kmdly give ns a call yea will find me hard at itâ€" lon't stand qnite so close, Jriend, or you might get jabbed with the allâ€" lam prepared to serve yon and hope to make yonr call mntnally profitable. Dont forget the stand, opposite the Uaik- dale House in Bill's Block. I am very baay bat will take time to talk Inudnesj. p. B. ARROWSMITH, Markdale. STRAYED tram the premises of p. B. Ellis, lot 6 eon. 7 Eophrssia. about the lat Jnne. S yeariing beifers and one yearling Bnll all red except one faeitar, which is line haded infoimation which will lead to their taemrv wiU be thaakfoUy jeeeived. I.B.EU,9, .Knifieiley LARDINE OIL, The Famous Heavy Bodied Oil tor all Machinery, Made only by McColl Bros. Co., Toronto. • Those who use it once use it always. McGoirs Renowned Cylinder OU Has no equal for Engine cylinders. Try it and see for yourself, inware of imitations of IL.A.IflT)I^JE. McCOLLBROS. CO.,TOR()X l() For sale by J. E. TKELFOBD, Markdale. R. S. RME. The Tailor and Clothier, is fully prepared to suit you in all kiucU r Gents' FurnishiMs, â- ome. A, large variety of Suitings to select from, cheap and strong, or fine nud h:w.h Ssl^ndid Overcoatings see them. Underclothing, just what is wanted for Rill au.l W we^. COLLABS, CUFFS, TIES, SUSPENDERS, HOSE, and all i!,o rust. CiUaod examine for yourself. Sbould you contemplate matrimony, be bure and leave your order, aiid ncl a neat and cbi4]^f*'6'« ""• •** Apeut for Parker's Dye Works. JESim S« ^S.^^^w, -MAU.K.lAT.r.. Even if you do live the alloted time, 3 SCORE AND 10. Then why live the life of a groveling, gro-wling despotic, dyspeptic, oh! you peevish, snappish, pettish, cross, crusty, fretful, crabbed old heathen "w^ho has all the ills that flesh is heir to. Do get rid of it, the base, vile, servile, slavish, fro"Vvniiag, Gnsakini^, earth-born diseases, by drinking natiire's LIFE-GmW MINERAL WATER, It Eevivefies, Beatifies and Electrifies, adds ne-w charm to life. TRY IT. TRY IT. VINEGAE, VINEQAE, VINEGAE. To have good pickles you must have good Spices good Vinegar. "Wq claim to have both. White Wine Vinegar, Triple X Vinegar, Cider Vinegar. Malt Vinegar. guaeanteed. Yours, R. L STEPHEN. nns VHLT pjnnoT wwant. K^m WOVEN WUE FDicnw miE §^ a« g*.. .» ...I -^ I/. â€" .. 11â€"^ t^txda. m lo Mr. Whniiwli A^emu .iOliwMMMn,KEJ. sttlislnisHiyiliiiliMi t»^«et AND TH.Vr IS THE Wm Imw Collets owKX f*;oi'i ..! -: idv, The IjfHt ami lunst iirattica.! c Tliu bi-st tciiL-liiiii; l.ii«-iit. Tim bi*?.tai;cou»iJio:l.tL:(Hi-ftr stitil. i.l Tiiu bc^t methods i.l instriM-u.iii. Tlie hest rii.ultB from tlmt nistiii(.-ti n after fitiiduuts ^;rJl;ill;tttâ- . For iviiiiual- ii.iiii'r.!R(.-)iii-it i^ivinr I'lrti' ..^htb rogardiuy tho course nf stuiiy, t-iuis Ac ,ii mri-w C. A. FLEMING. ritlSCIiAL. Cheap House Furniture. Markdale Fii'-nsture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, l-±c±^_ cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Eeddinrf. Sideboards, Talilis, comuicu K.\ti'il.sini; Tnl.!. in great vaiii'lv Wiisiiijiauds '-^iirii.: Mattress Wool .Uattrcfs "f.all kiin and in f.ict cv.rjthii;^ tlist i.s k'.iit a first class ^iiop. Oill auJ i,'it â- :! tntiiiu!;. -iiso I'uiK-nil Fiiriiilii:it;i- CulKi;;!,'-t:s, KiMu's,- Liiiiiii GloycK, Crapcii of ail clt.-rfcri[i!i"ris â- .vaj's ill steel;. Tlip.iikir^' w.y i;;iui one customers for past favors. Yours rcsppctlully. l^, J- W. Soroule. WILL CU.'^.E OR RELIEVE BIMO'JSNESS, DIZZINESS, DY'JPEeSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, FRYS;PEL/(s, ACIDITY OF ' SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS '"'"â- '"• HEADACHE, OF THE SKIH, ^TKf ewry spticies cf disease arising T.MILBUENCO., '-x'^iSHTo. AUCTION SALE OF mm mm. J't^^^^.tS^^^iS'"" "' Po^^rs of M-Ie contain- ed In a certain Mortgage which will 1,0 prodiicjoj at the time of sale, there will be sold on Ttmnday, asrd day of Oetolwr, ISSO, at 1 JO o;olock in the aJtemoon, at tho Markdale Bouae in tho VilIaRe of Markdale. the followruc valuable property u^iwiiowiug TnS„Ml^,'"5^}? pai-cel ot land aitnate in tho Township ol Holland, in the County of Gri-v, and Ko mT,f.?l°'M.^'r-""' "cjterlyHO acres if Lot II^„ 'ij; " ^V^ Concession of said Township. '{S^ i"^, "" property there are said to lie ^\S^:,^ " »• â- T"' "' »»«"' â„¢ be'SST;;2n tf°^1'^?' "" "OKhaM money to torSSii»~^fl'i?*"?°?'"'«- IJ'J""" terms Sf, (Stw^i.^ ""^^ """ »' 'iiue ot sale. For furthe r particulars apply to BOBimWH, O'BKIEH' k OIBSOV, 'endors' Solicitors, _, „ ' Church Street, Toronto. Or to 0. W. KUTLEDGE, Esq., ' Markdale, Oat. 1VA||TC|| MEN. local or traveling â- Iflll I CU to sell my guaiaiitecfl ^^T^^^â€" ^^â€"^H NcRSBKY Stock. Salary or Commisaioa, paid weekly. Outfit free. "peeiu atKDtioii given to beginners, vv ork- m never fail to make good woekiv wages. nnte me at once (or particulars. (TIuu hoiue ia leliaWe.) Toeoxto, O.nt. 223 32 KrMik WakiDson ijrain bnii-r at Hamil- i^'5*^' '""' "-e'eral roalicinea ami fonnd no relief untU I tricj Wilscn's Com- P"""" ",?"»?• Wii.i Ch.rry." Loss than om bottle cored him of. long standing and SlSl^a?" "• I'Kl'tne" of cheat aud IcCulU MARI Notes liisccl interest ai;o\^ dH fta itssnoii f. and United Stl Private an J I r»t« on G**oil D Bus peoiif, Accoufll in Turner's I 'I Brodif's old "tl c^l?, day or nil to. T. S- Sruol Monov to I. nail I. " '^Z the tiniit'f I'i at.»llicr t.r ^vJ Wm. Lucas ii.| aikd l.s:il »"1 nttentirtii. Issuer i'i Miiiii piom-r in 1'.- it F tiranclics I'roiuJ i-xecu It'll. N. It. :M' •ecui'ttv w" "â- ' â- â-  low i.ii. A I easy. ,.( loioiil.. S.-l Maik.i^il. ll-'i I third \V.-.lii. ^.Ij .Mmi-li.iA^-ll ll nil; ihiM-iil..... ll*is*rt'l»-'^-i" M ON in 1' at l--:i 1 'â-  â-  i i; 1...I. S. l; ,,, ,, M ai:KIi\1 I 1 ;;. M,ii-ii. .*,.:.,.o-.r V,l 1.:. -I â- .• lip .1. I .iM.l Mot. 1,. 1 .1. nu.l \v.liit--l Canada I laCAL 31 Owea Sound] yassenffer n carryiuff ' 1 S. S, CAHMOI, cai-i 1 I.-: Tuesday â-  i'-i I â- â€žâ€žÂ». i,.ii, l-.i. ;.. a,,.l |...n.-,- r.ii-i M„i,iS.v, .lii.:.- •n. hi.T-^ .111.1 1 Ijj i ptilviii;; t' J,. IV ..Kl.-li-.l.--. • ...I- 1..r tl.i^l.i tui.ll Slii.t. â- IH! iu: ^» !!• :l.-„r n».-r. Mil Very ft the ex)- would into a cusloi-n Stodda perienc timctl not fall of a Scissor â- whose fit then a pit. Fits they g( 1000 3 -who AW WIL Iliim nvtr PRESI 1 FRi XLate ..( â-  iwned These Kpt; naad fur thi uct; mil ns Tlit naay vt-ars For .lali; I •â- 1 Watch nil IJew..)!.- •M. Ac ftne wat

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