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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Oct 1890, p. 4

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 PI 1^ BP C. W. Eutledge, Proprietor. MAKKDALE, OCTOBER 2, 1890. BIRCHALL TO BE UANGED. the nintctercr of F. C. Beawell in thq lonely T;ls;ihciia swamps last Pebiiary has \ieeu traced with com- â- mentluule ability an.l tiiorongbneBS by tbe crown r»-sult:ng iu the conviction ol }. It. Bircliall who was. on Momiay night last acnti-nced ;o be hanged en the 14'h \oveinIier. The trial, which ti.'Ok place hi Woodstock, lasted over a week a-jd tlie ii.torcEt uairitaii:ed was univerasl both iii Eiirtjpe and America and the re.sult placca Canaila right iu the front as a country of uLwavering jnetice. Glenc-ig Fall Show. J h'j Bcathcr for tiiC fiii" was snnply pi„' ous imd the attsndance. judgiiiK fruio Jhf i^U: riceipts, was fully double tiiat f.f ari3' former year. Owii,;; vloul-t!€S3 to the second day of Kast Grey Fnir b^iiig same day as Markdak's !ir:-,l, the exl:ibit ivaa meagre lu the lluU, as a great portion Gl wlwit wj3 showij at fifcshertou v;i/iil.l i.thej '.vise liave been exhibited at liiuiaiiile a.s will. We tra^t this clabi.i^;,' '.i:ii bo guarded against in fuiUiO. 'J'.it quality, however, of tlie exhioit V. s very Tlie ]i'.;i;;.-_v ti! .-.'.â-  wa.i a graud saccess. Til-.- (.,.';;! it v. jih a .-Lperiur one iu poijjt oi" i.\-C' ilenej as v.- ..11 as niimber. Tii-"re van a grand turi:-;Mit of horse-** and ti;e iinj;.roveineiit stiU goes on from y-:ar Ij year ia tiiii class, Thi' speedi];g c -urso wa.^ iii excellent cm ditiou, iu;iki.;g it. a pleasure both for drlTers and spectatirs. In cattle the improvemcjit is even more ^ipparent than iu hor»os. Too oxliibit in tliis class was indeed accredit to tLe e.^liibitors and shows to a demonctiafion t!:e gie.rt interest which is being taken in of faiming. Sli'i|j a.-.d rigs w(re also well ro- prt.:eine' and nianv iiii spctitueus :.h..-.ui. Th.' dT» race was peibaps t!ie great- est ii..t.-![y. Th. rj were but two ' niiii:., %:â- /.., Charli..- I'otls and Wilfred ilalbert, the f tim r taking l^t prize. VtoL McNivtin, Highland rii)er, was liber.i! with his niiific:. while A. Carua- Iniii danced an endless variety of steps tliu tlir'ing apparently enjoying both, but the Highland tnen were delighted i» y"n.i ineaMirc '.vitli what to them reealleil [ileasiint /i;eiii' iiies of the "land o' caliis." r'lilli.wing is tlie prize li^t :. I'l.K A 1--II..KSKS (11 avy Draught.) Team, Win .Siirgeant, Wesley Kells. Mare with foal. James l!ra-.ley. Two )iar (.1-1 C'lt. Wi;i Hrriilc y, Kdwiu Clark,' Yi-ai-iii.g Coll, .Ic'lin Wright, Wehley IJowj.jr. Sp.riiJg Colt, James Jiraili V. Wisuy li wier, Clas.s 2 â€" GuNKnti, l'tr.P0SE. Team, I lerhert Purvis, Kdwiu Clarke. Jfari- with f a' iJolin Wright, Thomas 'amphe!'i. Two year old Colt, .Tames Ji'dl. J. [. (iraham. One year old Coit, Wm S^rg'-ant, Wm liaker. Spring Coit, Wm Lew-i-i, John Wright. Cl..\,'i3 3â€" I!0AD.STERa. Team, J W Sproule, Mat Kamage. Mare v.'itlj foal, Geo Noble, Wm Uong- las-j. Two year old Cult, Jas Bronan, Jas Nelsau.- Spring Colt, Jas Walters, Isaac I-'.lder. Driving Horsu, W N llaskctt, Li- X JlcCiiUough. 'l.\ss 1 â€" Cai:hi.\oe Horses. Te.ini, Wm Sln-il. Saddle Horse, Wm I'.iigla.s. Spi-eding in Iliiig, Mat ii'imagc, A IMewes. Special by 1 Cr iMil.iiin. sn-in Carnage iloises under li; Inu.d-i, I \V Sproule. .Special by 111 Eg( 1-. .,1 linviiig Horse, W N Iliisk' tt. by Wm Lucas, best Biig"y Uor..;.' Dr. T. Mcdillough. hy Dr. Spri'iilc, Speeding on Track, \V -N llaskctt.' Special by J K JIm.)i. Speeding on Ttraek (Farm- ers i. Mat Kamage. Special by W N lla.-;k'-lt, thiee year old, Di- T Mc- C-.ilh.iigli. Si.-Li-ial hy 1" (.'oleman,' two y, old Colt, Walter Taylor. Special by H Jlcrcer, pair Drivers, J \V Sproulc. Special bj' W I'ickell, Lord Derby Colt, Wm Hill, Jas Brady. ! by Wm linruett, Colt, J A Jlcl.ean, l-:dward Welsh. Special by Society, go as you please. Jas Walters, J W I'lawko. Trottuig Dug, Charlie PoltF. Wi'fred Ilalbert. • t'i.\s.i tiâ€" C.\TTi.K (Inirliam.) Bull three j'ears old and upward, James Hill, Dr Spruiile. Bull two year^ and uii.ler, llid.t Mercer. Cow, ei\ing imlk. Jiin J'.tU l.-.t,t-2ud. Ik-ifer oue y.-ar ul 1, -J I Craham. Clas.-: ti â€" AvasiiiaEs. Bnli tiireo yeais and upward, Thos Elliott. ISuH two y. ars and under, Archie C-iiiii.^ Cow giving milk, Archie Cairns, Thos Ellijlt. Heifer tw. years olil, Thos Elliott, Archie Cairns, iieiler oue yeiu- old, Archie Cairns. Ileifjr Call under oue, An-lie C.-'iins. Cla?S S â€" IIoLSTfclNS, Bull three years old and upward, John M Davis. (!l.\ss 13â€" Giudk, Cow three enr3 old and iipw.ard Walter Tayl.T, (leorgo .Noble. Heifer two years old. "Wm Douglass, Dr Sprotile. Heiitr oue year old, Robert Mercer, Alei Smith. Calf,.\lex Smith, J I Oraham. I'air Steers one year old, Wm D.iuglass. Special by F Barjeant, ftttest Bullock, Jas Bell. (Jlass Ji â€" Sheep (Long Wool Aged Ram, B Coleman, John M Davis. Pair!ing Ewes â€" B Coleman 1st 2nJ. Ram Lamb, B Coleman Isl ,t 2u'l. Pair Aged Ewes, B Coleman 1st 2nd. Pair Ewe Lambs, i; Celemau 1st 2nJ. Class 15â€" Shekp (Fine Wool.) Shearling Ram, John Buskin. Pair Shearling Ewes, John Buskni. Ram Lamb, John Buskin 1st Si 2nd. Pair iVged Ewes, John Buskin 1st 2nd. Pair Ewe Lambs, J' hu Buskiu. Class 10 â€" â-ºjwisE (UerksliirB.) Boar any age, W J Sbepberdson, B Coleman. Breeding Sow, AV 3 SUeph- erdaon 1st 2ud. Spring Sow, W J Sbepberdson 1st 2ud. Spring Boar, W J Sbepberdson. Class 17 â€" Suffolk. BrecUiiig Sow, J I Graham, £ Cole- man. Class 18â€" Poitltey. CoUection, 4 Hens and Rooster, B Coleman. John Hewitt. White Leg- hem Kerster, B (.'„ lemas, Tiios Syms. Wbitc Leghorn lieu, B Coleman, T Byrnes, iJilver Spangled Hen, Jamca, Brodw. Game Kooster.'^iii Duodaa. Game Hen John Heintt,Wm Dondaa. FWmetb Bock Booster, Wm Donglaai, W'N Haskett. Flymotli Boek Hen, James Brsdie, Tfaoa Bjmw. AVhite Brahma Booster, B O^omii, B. Ue- Nally. White Brahma Hen, B Cole- man, B. McKally. Dark Brahma Booster, B Culeman. Dark Brahma Hen, W N Hankett, B Coleman. Bnff Cochin Hen, James Brodie. Spanish Rooster, Wm Dnnglase. Spanish Hfn, B Coleman, Wra Douglass. Black Mmorcas Heu, W N Haskett Ist 2ad. Jjangshan Rooster, F Saijeant. Langsban Hen, F Saijeant. Pair tieese, Jas Brodie, B Coleman. Fair Ducks (Peking. B Coleman. Pair Docks (Ronen), Thos Campbell. Class 19 â€" Gaira. Bash. ClawEon Wheat, J I Graham. Bush. White Russian Wheat, James Brodie. Bush. Barley, Jas Brodie. Bush. Peas (Large). James Brodie. Bush. Peas (Small White). B Wright, James Brodie. Bash. Black Oats, James Brodie. Half fauBh. Timothy Seed, Hugh Johnston, James Brodie. Six ears Indian Com, John Weber, James Brodie. Gallon Beans, James Brodie. Cuss 20. â€" Roots. Collection Potatoes, four varieties. James Erodie, Robert Ertkine. Ear- ly or Late Rose, Hngh Johnston, Robert Erskine. Beautv Hebron, Hugh Johnston, D. McDaffie. White Elephant;, Robert Erskine, J. W.Ford. Potato any other kind. Hugh Johnston. Robert Erskine. Six Swede Turnips, U. Coleman, Dr. Sproule. Six Aber- deen Turnips, Hugh Johnston, B. Colemar. Turnips any other kind, Hugh Johnston, B. Coleman. Six Mangel Wurzel, W, N. Haskett. Six Man/el Wurzel, James Leslie, B. Colemaii. Six Blood Beets, Wm. Douglass. Six Turnip Beets, B. D. Biggar, George Noble. Six Field Carrots (Red), W. N. Haskett. Six Field Carrots' (White), Thos. Camp- bell, B. C'jieinau. Six Early Horn Carrots, .W. N. Haskett, Hugh Jolui- st"u. Six Carrots (Intermediate). Hugh .Johnston, James Leslie. Six V usni) 8. W. N. Haskett, J.imes Nel- son. Three ll'iots Celery, R. D. Big- gar, Wm. Douglass. Two Heads Cauliflower, B. D. Biggar, Hugh Joliusto':. Two Cabbages, R. D. Big- gar, B. Co'leman. Two Cabbagea Itedj. W. N. Haskett, Wm. Douglass. S'X T"m.Uoe3 (Y..dlow), W. N. Has- kett. Wm. Donghass. Six Tomatoes I'Ked). John Hewitt, Wm. Norton. Gallon Seed Onions, Wm. Douglass, J. W. Fold. Gallon Onions (Dutch So-). Wm. Flesher, R. D. Biggar. Six Salsify, W N Haskett. Two Squash, James Brodie. Two Pumpkins, John Hewitt. Six Cucumlars, John Weber John Hewitt. Class 21.â€" Fbuit. Six Winter Apples, James Bell, James Brodie. Six I' all Apples, Jas Bell, Thos McNea. Three VarieUes Apples, John Weber. Dr. bi/roule. Twelve Crab Apples, John Hewitt, B Wright. Four Varieties Crab Apples, John Weber. Six Pears (Fall). Dr Sproule, James Bell. Six Pears I Winter), Thos McNea, John Weber. Two Bunches Grapes, Thos McNea. White Grapes, Thos McNea. Six Blue Plums, Wra Douglass, John Weber. Six White Plums, Hugh Johnston, John Weber. Six Green Gages, John Weber, James Bell. Six Lom*)ard Plums, James Bell, Alex Kay. Six FJums any other kind, John Hewitt, Wm. Douglass. Clabs 22. â€" Daihv. Tub Butter (50 lbs), Hugh John- ston, Thos Syme3, Five tbs Butter (Rolls), Hugh Johus^.on, Robert Ers- kine, Johu Hewitt. Cheese (Home- made), Wm. Norton Cheese (Fac- tory made), Thos Elliott. Hundred lbs Wheat Flour, J W Ford, A Plewes. Two loaves home-made Bread, Wm Sargent, Hugh Johnston. -Five lbs. Maple Sugar, James Brodie, Wm Flesher. Haifa Gallon Maple Syrup, James Nelson, Wm Sargent. Heavi- est dozen hen eggs, George Noble, John Hewitt. Special by J. E. Trel ford, Five lbs roll butter, Hugh John- ston. Special by W. J. McFarland, Fifty lbs tub Butter, Hugh Johnston. Special by W. Turner, Three Cauli- dowers, Hugh Johnston. Special by II L Stephen, Swede Turnips. James Nelson. Special by R L Stephen, Field Carrots, Thos Campbell. Special by Wm Jackson, White Elephant Potatoes, Robert Erskine. Special by J Artley, Six i'ield Carrot3;(Redl, W N Haskett. Special by A Plewes, One Loaf Bread, James Brodie. Special by R. McNally, Globe Mangels, W N Haskett. Class 28. â€" Maxufactcres. Farmers Waggon. E McNally. Bug- gio. 11 McNally. Single Cutter, R McNally. Pair men's boots (coarse), S J Halbert 1st 2ud. Set Horse's shoes (unfiled), Wm Bush 1st 2nd. Pump, J. Artley. Panel Door, Thoa McNea lat 2nd. Wuidow Sash, Thos McNea Ist 2nd. Specimen Tinware, Haskett J'ros 1st 2od. Five yartVs FuUcloth (home-made), Thos Symes. Plain Flannel, John Hewitt, Richard Watson. Pair Horso Blaokets, Thos Campbell, John U Davis. Class 24.â€" Ladies" Wobk. Specimen Penmanship, Miss Julia Pickell, Wm Douglass. Specimen Penmanship, under Fifteen, Miss F Pickell, Wm Dundas. Berlin Wool (raised), Wm Norton. Berlin Wool (not raised), Wm Norton. Crochet in Wool, Wm Norton 1st 2nd. Crochet iu Cotton, Hugh Mercer, Wm Dun- das. Embroidery in Silk, Hugh Mcr. cer, Wm Norton. Embroidery in Cotton, Wm Norton. Darned Net, B Wright, Wm Norton. Fancy knit- ting in wool, Thos Campbell, Wm Norton. Fancy knitting in Cotton, Hagh Johnston, Wm Norton. Out- line wcrk in cotton, Wm Dondas Wm Norton. Macrame Lace, Wm Norton James Nelson. Braiding in cotton, John Hewitt W N Haskett. Braiding in Silk, Wm Dundas, Hugh Mercer. £r!ited or Crochet Conaterpane, Hugh Johnston, Wm Norton. Fancy Quilt, Wm Norton. Ijog Cabin Quilt, Wm Flesher. Wm Norton. Patch Work Quilt, Wm Norton, Hugh John- ston. Bag Mat, Bobt, Erskine, Sol- omon Hill. Gent's shirt (hand-made) Wm Norton, Thos Campbell. Wax Work, Wm Dundas. Crasy Pateh Work, Hagh Mercer, J E Marsh. Knitted lace. Win Norton, Wm Dan- das. Arrasene Work, Wm Dnndas, John Whitby. Wool work oo Canvas, Hugh Mercer, James Nelson. Pair Woollen Mits, Hugh Johnston, Wm Norton. Pair jsen's socks, W N Has kett, Wm Norton. Pair Ladle's Stock- ings, Wm Norton, Hngh Johnston. Crayon Drawing, Miss Pickell 1st 2nd. Pencil Drawing. Wm, Dundas. Collection Paintings, Wm Dundas, Collection Honse Plants, J £ Msrsh. Boquet of Cat Flowers. J E Mwril Ist 2ad. CoOactijn Fancy Woik. Wm DaudM, Hugh Mei»er. Otf* Canary Birds. Wm Donglass, W N Hafkett Oil PaintiDg, Wm Dnndas. Cone Work, Sotomoo BiU. Special by U J Halhort. Knated QIoTas. Tbo* OmpbdL Bpeeial by. Winter Tomer WooUoii Boekf Hogk Jtdmston. Special by B. D. Biggmr, Specimen Fenmanalup, Wm Dooglas. Special by Ocean Wave Baking Powder Com- pany for jelly Cake, Wm Dooglas. THE COSCEBT in the eveuug, held in the Boiler Bink, by the Agricaltaral Society, was a grand sncoess financially and other- wise. The chair was taken by Dr. Sproule, M.P., who gave a very pleas- ing address, congratulating the Society of the success attending the day's pro- ceedings, also for procnnng snob re- nowned foreign talent as the friends who had contributed to the evening' entertainment, after which he called upon the Misses. Benson for an instru- mental duet who fnlfilled their part in an ftble manner. Mr. W. A, Brown did justice to the solo he rendered, as also Mr. John Cffisar. Mr. Dorrmgton and Miss Bella Benson gave a vocal duet which delighted tbe audience, their voices blending so richly togeth- er, and hope before long to hear them 'again. Miss Pickell gave an instru- mental solo in a pleasing and masterly manner. Mr. Jas. Fax, of Toronto, carried the house by storm and was a whole concert in himself, keeping the audience in roare of laughter, and was repeatedly encbored. The assemblage was highly pleased with the solos rendered by Mrs. Bennett, of Toronto, who merited tbe applause so heartily given. The entertainment closed by singing "God save the Queer," tbe artists of the evening coming forward and leading in the same. Thus ended one of the best concerts ever given in Markdale, tor which the management deserve the thanks of oar citizens. NOTES. The baloon ascension took place just as the concert was over, but the majority didn't get out in time to see it. The ascent was handsome and complete. The Fair Ground receipts amounted to §203. Tbe concert receipts about $70. aOnt. SVeaia. Cdeiy. xrf. JJtam*, J ftnH ifl Ti â€" B**** "^^ '»â€"*~' J MiMMMn AJtes. Long Mood bMti. D P"" " ffltmr. T^mpmouabaat*,;! East Grey Prize List. HOnSCB, Pair dranf;Lt geldiQfts or mares, Tbos KcUs, Ja.' Stewart. ' Uroud mare, B Fatton, A Madiil. Two year old geldiug or fiU.v, A S Modill Ist 3nd. One year old gelding or filly. J MUner, W !•' Chard. Spiiag foal, E Patlon, W HiU, OSNEBAL PUBPOSE CLASS, Pair geldings or mares, N Purvis. J Hill. Brood mare. W G Orr, B Fatton. Two year geldings or filly, \V Brewster, K-Patlou. One year gelding or filly, Wm Hill, J Welier. Sprmg foal, £ Walsh, W Bndiauan, jr. BOADBTEB CLASS. Pair geldinr^s or mares, Thoa Stamba^lty, J Boland. Brord mare, T B GiUiland, S Irwin. Two year gelding or fillv, J Bnland. D McTavish. One year gelding or filly, J Hill. W Meads. Spring fool. D McJ/oUen, W (i Orr. Pair caniagc geldings oi marcs, D Thompson, 1} Clayton. Swingle driver. It A Porks, C Irwin. Saddle horse, J U Cam- paign, G Hawke. cattleâ€" nUBBAM CLASS. Durham ball, aged. S Frook Durham ball 2 years and under, 8 Frook, R McGruth- er. Durham one year heifer. ,T 1 Graham. J Buchanan ,£ Bros. Heifer calf, Buchanan Bros. Cow, Durham grade, jadged for dairy purposes, J Bucbanan Bros, W F Chaid. AYRSHIBE CI ASS. Aged bull, T Elliott, Geo Stewart, sr. BoU 2 years and under, A Cairns. Cow, A Cairns, T Elliott, Two year old heifer, T EUiott, A Cairns. Heifer calf, A Cairns 1st 2ud. Cow, Ayrshire, grade, U McTavish, J Os- buiue. Herd, one bull and fcur females, A Cairns, DEVOX CATTLE. Bull, aged, R Oliver. Cow, B Oliver Ist 4 2nd. Heifer calf, B OUver. Cow, Devon gra-lo, W Meads Ist Jt 2nd. Herd, one bull and four feuiales, B Oliver. Holstein gide cow, I Bu'-lianan t Bros. Ist 2nd. Pair oxen, D Thompson. Three year old ste'er, Jas Stewart Ist 2nd. Two rear old steer, Jas Stewart Ist 2nd. Two year old heifer, Buchanan Bros, WBuchnnan, jr. One year old heifer, J Stewart, R Oliver, Heifer calf, Buchanan Bros, J I Graliam. COTSWOLD SHEEP. Bam shearling, B OUver. Bam lamb. B OUver Ist 4 2nd. Fair aged ewes, B OUver 1st 2nd. Fair shearUng ewes, K OUver Ist 2nd. Pair ewe lambs, B OUver Ist 2nd. LEICESTER SHEEP. Bam shearling, J Stewart, Wm Meads, Kam lamb. Viva Meads, J Oliver. Aged ewes, J Stewart, J Oliver. Shearling ewes. J Oliver, J Stewart. Ewe lamb, J Ohver, J Stewart. SOCTH DOWN. Shearling ram, B Oliver, Bam lamb, K OUver Ist 2nd. Aged ewes, J Worts, R Oliver. ShearUng ewes, K Oliver Isi 2nd, Ewe lambs, B OUver Ist iSe 2nd, snnopsmBE sbeep. Aged ram, 3 Buskin. Shearling ram, J Worts. Bam lamb, J Buskin Ist t.2ud. ' Pr aged ewes, J Buskin Ist Si 2nd. Pr shearling e.wes, J Buskin. Fr ewe lambs, J Buskin Ist 2nd. Best pen sheep, J Buskiu, diploma, SWINE â€" BEBKSniHE. Hoar aged. W CasweU. Sow aged, Geo Stewart, sr, J Woits. Sow pig, I89O, J H Heard, G Stewart sr. SUFFOLK. Aged sow, J I Graham, D McMuUen. Leghorn rooster white, J McGee. Leghorn ben white, J McGee. Leghorn rooster brown, J Smith. Leghorn hen brown. J McGee, J Smith. Hamburg silver penciled rooster, T Ferguson. J Beecroft. Hamburg silver penciled hen, J McGee, J Brodie. Game rooster, none. Game hen. J Smith Ist 2d. Flymoth rock rooster, J H Heard, J Brodie. Flyinoth rock hen, J H Heard Ist 2nd. ^^yandotte rooster, J. H Heard hi 2nd. Wyandotte hen, J H Heard Ist 4 2nd. Ban- tam rooster, W H Thurston, J Holly. Ban- tam hen, J Holley, W H Thurston. White brahma rooster, J McGee. White brohma hen, J McGee, Jas Brodie. SuS China hen, J Brodie. Pr geese, J Brodie. Pr turkeys, J A Lever. Pr ducks, Peekin, no first, J Mo- Gee. Pr ducks, common, T Ferguson, R Graham. OBAlH U(D SEEDS, 'White fall wheat, B Bathvan, J Stewart. Bed faU wheat, B Graham, J Stewart. Spring wheat Glasgow, W Buchanan }r, J lOisham. Spring wheat, Rnssion, J Brodie. Spring wheat, other variety, J Brodie, J Stewart. Six rowed barley, J Brodie, D Thompson. Two rowed barley, J Boland. D Thompson. Oats white, J Brodie, J Stewart. Oats blaek, J Brodie, J Stewart. Peas small, J Brodie, D Thompson. Peas hu^te, B Bnthvaa, J Brodie. Indian oom white, T Feignaon, J .Beecroft. Indian oom yellow, J Boland, D Thompson. Bean ec^lection, J Br .idie. Timothy seed, J I Oisham, J Brodie. 100 lbs flnnr, P Loaska, BOOTS, Potato assortment, V Stioson, J Brodie. Potato Beautv of H^ron, D Thomiiwo, 'W Meads. Potato white elephant, D Thompson, D Stinson. Potato white star, J B aiUiUod. Other variety, D Stinaon, B Porteooi. Toniip swede parple top, J Bndian A Snm, J Mo- Gee. Tomip swede, green top, 3 Awluuian free, J I Graham. Tnniip, white gtofaOf 3 I Graham. Tnm^, abeideen, J I OziJiBin. Turnip, grey stone, O Stewart, W Chaid. Carrots, red field, 3 I Graham, B GnhsiB. Canots. white field, J I Oikham, S tt Ssnth. Man^ wnrxelB, looji, 3 Fenis, 3 1 Qf^iam. Hmx^cA wnmeb, ^obe, J FttiiF, 3 1 Otaham. Sqnaahes for eatUe, Mrs Ailmer. 3 A I^ver. Pompkins. eommon yellow, D Thompson, J P Ottewdl. Pumplana, otlur variety, J I Graham, J Aodie. AnMrtmeBt loota and Tff^Xtlmt, 3 Jiaeenlt. 3 1 Qrabam. Cabbage, dotdt, J Fanii. Cabtaca, dram- head, Mn Bvlmn, B Mart. OabkaflB. other variety, Mn Colnwr, B Xast. Caaliaonn. J •eeemft, W *liohanan jr. Caimta, itnap root, JlOrabam, 3 t f t o t CoDeotioa MinU. T FasaMw, J I QtataMk Fsmv*. 3Tetm.llOnlmm. Criay. adf kIweMac. Jtfcsn^ifftn*- Cdi7.1aiaiikb«a.:B Fczris. (Khar varietr feeeti. Q Oniea from Uaek aaed, lJl iu« jiâ€" B Oiabaa. Onkw, Dntek His, UHumpMn. J-H Heaid. Oakos. potaio, B QUfV, B Bent. Con, swat. 3 tttmlt. BeA Badidm, Usek winter,' O Stewvt. ' Ferns. Badiahea. other erior, J Ferns. BadUiee, other eolar, B liest, T Fe^gI»oB- CoOeetioo beibe, JBeeeroft- Cttrons, B^Onham, F Munahaw. 'Water melons, B Gnhsm. rSCIT â€" FALL APPLBS. Astrsehan, B McGruther, 7 Btnart. Dueh- ees of Oldenbnrgh. J McGee, C 1 Leitoh. St Lawianoe, J Clinton, D Thompson. Oiaven- iteia, B Bnthvan. Alexandria, J Webber J Boland. Other variety. B Bnthvan I A Lea- ver. C-oUectian, J Stuart, B Gilray. WI«TSB APPLBS Northern Spy. B Buthvan B Gilrav. Bald- win. 3 M Thurston. B Gibay. Spitzenbiirg, none, 2nd J I Graham. Golden mssets, J Webber, J 1 Graham. Roxbury russets, J I Graham, J Stuart. Pommegrise, J Beecroft, B Bnthvan. Snow, D. Thompson, B Graham. Other variety. J Webber, D Thompson, Col- lection, J I Graliam, D 'Phompsoo. PEABS Bartlet. J Webber, B Gihray. Chipp's favorite, J Webber. J Erode. Flemish beauty, J Stewart. J I Graham. Lonaid bonne de jerry, J Webber, J Beecroft. Col- lection, B Gilray, J I Graham, PLUIIS. Lombard. S Stokes, G Stewart, sr. Smith's Orleans, J H Heard, R Buthvan. Coe s golden drop, J Webber, J H Heard. Victor las, C J Leitch, J Clinton. Reine claude, J H Heard Gages. J H Heard, A B Madiil. Other variety B Buthvan, J Worts. Col lection. B Gilray, 3 Brodie. Collection of crab apples. Jas Stewart, Geo. Stewart, ar. Grapes, white, B Gilray, J H Heard, (irapes. colored, J M Thtirston, J I Graham* PAIBT PEODUCE. "ilbs butter, Mrs Wm Meads, Mrs J Abbott, Mrs B Best. lo lbs butter, pail or crock, Mrs J Abbott, Mrs Wm Norton. Mrs B Both van. SO lbs butter, tub, -Mrs J Abbott, Mrs J Olivar, Mrs W Meads. Chi ese, not factory, 1st Mrs S Stokes, 3rd Mrs Wm Norton. Cheese, factory, G Stewart. Aa-^ortnient nonoy, J M Thurston, T B GilUIanJ. Bread, Miss A Stewart, Mrs J Feni*. U.INUFACTUBES. Pumps, H Bull (feSoti, diploma. Furniture. J E Moore, diploma Stoves. P G Kurstedt, diploma. Fanning mill, Jas Fl!tchor. highly recommended. Harrows, W Mitchell, highly recommeniled. Be^t exhibit of waggons. Duggies and eutteie. J H Heard. Bes^ exhibit of saddlery goods, D Claytou. Gent's pair sewed Loots, J Smith. Gi'iit's S^oga 'ooots, J Smitll. Ladies' boots, J omlth. DOMESTIC M.VNUFACTCBES AND LADIES' WOBK. Flannel, union, J Abbott, W.Bacbanan, jr. Bag carpet. J Abbutt. J Barclay. Stocking yarn, Mrs J Abbott. Mrs S Stokes. \\ oolleu mits. fancy, Mrs W Norton, Mrs S Stoke.-t. .Woclleu mits, plai:*, Mr.s W Norton. Ladle's mits Mrs W Norton. Woollcu Socks, Mn W Norton, Mrs J Abbott. Woollen etockiugs Mrs 3 Stoke.? Mrs J Abbott. Piano or tabic scarf, Mrs it Gil.ay. Mrs F Muushaw. Quilt, patchwork, Mrs W Norton, Mrs J A Luvur. (juiltlog cabin. Mrs W .deads, Mrs W Nor- ton. Quilt, knit or ciochet, Mrs \V Norton, Mrs F G Karstedt. Quilt otuer kin,l, Mrs T Eells, Mrs W Norton. Quilt, rag mat, Mrs C J Leitch. Mrs W Buchanan, jr. Co-lcctioa Berhn wool work. Mis J P Gadd, Arrasene work, Mrs A Muashaw, Miss. A Glbi.oa Brading in c;)tton Mrs J A Lever, Mrs J Farris. Embroidery in silk. Mrs A Mnushav Mrs T Sells. Embroidery in cotton, Mrs B Gihay, Mrs J Ferris. Drawn work, Mrs R Gilray. Crochet in wool jirs W Norton, Mrs H'm Fetch. Ciochet in Cotton, Mrs Wm Fetch, Mrs W Norton. Point and honiton lace. Mrs B Gilray. Fancy knitting.' in wool. Mrs W N'orton. Mrs R Gilray. Outline work Mrs T Kells. MiB.'i A St«wart. Dariiel net. Mrs T Kelts, Mrs K Gilray. Wool work on cnavas. Mrs W Nprtou. Miiu's shirt, baudiuinle Mrs J A Lev- er. Mi-s W Norton. Mau's shirt, Tuachiue-made, MrsJALov-er. Macrauie laco, Mrs W Norton. Workeit slipi)..'rs. Mrs W Norton Sofa pillow, Mrs P M Muiiyliaw. Mrs J P Ga,ll Siuuking cap Mrs \V Norton, Mrs V M MuDshaw. AuLimacas- sar, Mrs W Norton. " Applifiue work, Mrs W Nor- ton. Feather wreath, Mrs K Gilrav, Mrs F G Karstedt. Toilet set, MrsTKellsMissAStowart. Collection photos, Sirs Bulmer. Collection paintings anl drawings. Miss E Oamude. Oil paintings, Ist 2uit Miss E Damude. Crayon Mrs Gilray. Miss K Damude. I'eucil drawing Miss E Damude. Painting on satin or velvet. Miss M Ferguson, Mrs 11 Gilray. Painting on plush, Mrs 'r Feri^uson. highly recomtnouded. Poiuting on felt, Mrs P M Muushaw, highly re- commouded. PLANTS AND FLOWEBS Table bouquet, Mrs J Beecroft, Mrs P M Mun- shaw. Foliage plant. Mrs 3 P Ottewell. Mrs A Munshaw. Geraniuiu, Klrs P XI Munshaw, A.lrs J Osimrne. Fuehia double, Mrs P M Munshaw. Hanging basket, Nirs P M Nlunshaw Calla lilly Nlrs A MUnsliaw. his P XMunshaw. Amarilla, Mrs C J Leitch, Mrs A uum'shaw. Be- gonia. Mrs \V Meads Collection cut flowers, Mrs Beecroft. Collection plants not green house, Mrs A. Munshaw. Collection plants green house, Mr J Beecroft. Special by W Irwin for freehand drawing. MPjy Neil. Special by N Campltcll for penmanship, Gertie Bulmcr. 5 entries each. *qVAL BIOKTS. All have equal rights in life and Uberty and the pursuit of happiness, but many arc handicapped in the race by dyspepsia, bil- iousness, lack of energy, nervous debility,, veakuess, constipation, etc., by completely removing these complaints Burdock blood Bitters confers untold benefits on aU sufiercrs. TnmtT' insDOii. Great and timely wisdow is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'Wilil Straw, berry on hand. It has no equal ^or cholera, cholera morbus, diarhoea, dysentery, coUc, cramps, and all summer complainty or loose- ness of the bo wels. Blanketing Horses. A great improvement has been made of late years in liavinj; blankets cat to fit properly. There is still room for another improvement, in order to have them fit more closely to tbe body and prevent them from beoomiog displaced hanging off tbe quarters and getting torn. Oar experience is that a coaple of flank straps, backled underneath tbe belly, is a great assistance to tbe surcingle in keeping the blanket in its place, and is an effectaal preyention of tearing from the blankets getting ander the bind feet. Horses that stand in the stable a great deal are apt to get sore on tbe back, from the constant pressure of a tightly buckled sarciogle. This can be satipfactorily and effectnally prevented, by using straps ander tbe chest buckled iu the same way as tbe flank straps. In fact we think that surcingles can be en- tirely disp.}nsed with, if this much cheaper and equally satisfactory sub- stitute be used. Care should altra}s be exercised iu having blankets thorougbly dry. as a damp one is worse than useless and they should be brnshed, shaken, and. beaten occasionally in order to keep them clean. The object of sufficiently clothing a faorse is not only to laiprove his coat, but there is in addition a wonderfol savingof food, vigor, condition, and animal heat. The chief loss of the heat of the body is from radiation from its snrface. 'X'liis waste can be lesson- ed and controlled very largely by jod- icions blanketmg. The onreasonable exease for scanty blanketing is often made, that if a horse is well clothed in the stable he shivers on first coming into cold air, bntthis is only motoentary, for as soon as he begins to moTe, and tbe cirenU ation is aroused, no chillinesa ia felt. â€" Dr. Grenside in Canadian Live Stock and Farm Jonmal for Septem- ber. Waaon't WM Chmj bas been mnared by Arahdde 'Wilaoa Co.. Wbafaaal* Dniggiita, ef Hamilton, lor ii«at|T tmo^ â- ttmn. Ice th» Can of CooiAa. Oolds, Cnap, etc. It has no afoal. Take no *iiWtttiit» bat get the ReEaina in white wappen. THE OLD VSLlKBliB.â€" Inlheeedajisllnimbiigitis a relief to heal c eo metlriag (bat ean be depended up- on. 'Wibon'a Wild CheRTliu ben laded a* a lemedr for oie eon of aD (Gaaaaea c( Um Tfarpat, CHwataadliugs, texoai^ twen^ Tear*, with smfc mte tm a» le earn lor HmU thefitleetTheOU BiBaUeennorCoaKha, -Colda. Croup. AaOuna, Bionefaies and other afcetiwie al fta n sp iiatuij tfrian See nieellTnrHiir- "'"• •?«Si? â- (vtaotooeta. -toOet.S. OeLUaadU- I)Kl7-SlIlj«b.0el«*nI 10. 8aliv«n-4)«^omOet.T. .... Kntb Oravâ€" Owen Bouid. Oet. a ana a. WaoniDAT October X, 18S0. FaU Wheat • 96 totO 9? Spring Wlwat 9S to 97 Bariey *S to 6* Orts -â-  *5lo SS Pease "Oto 57 Batter 12 to 12 Eggs ISto 15 H7,perton 5 (Klto 5 00 j^otatoes, perbag *0 to 40 Wool OOto 00 Beet OOOtoOOO Poik 00 to 00 XBS psona'S kistaxb. People make a sad mistake often with ser- ioOB results when they neglect a constipated condition of the bowels. Knowing that sar- dook Blood Bitters ia an effectual cure at any stage of constipation, does not warrant as in neglecting to use it at theright time. Use it now. Miuine emUi â- Â«Â«Â« ttot ohto» Mm* attaekale bowel, of fli«-rth, lw"g;|^ ini«n»alfadit » ii n s n ytD«««arJi»risgs IliSSel wfl* BtrM*«»T5» *??2.^ THAIIK8. OurHuiHlaaredite o««l herebjf temdtrei to those tciohatertipcmdtd to our e^pealfor thepaymentofar- rian of mbteriptiotu and aeeounti. We may say, however, that the majority of those whom we wiA to reach have at yet paid no otXeKtion to our very reasonable request. Now vhen an mditidujU will neUherpay or let us hme some reaeon tchy, it shakes our confidence in Mm very seriously and prompts recourse to tlte Divieion Court. n'e will give to the IStk October before adding costs to any, so kindly â-  let us know what you purpose doing. C; W. BoTLIDOE. 28 Years in Busines IN MARKDALE, ^1 a limM hm Ctstutlykeasij. EVER CLIMBING UP. Have you ever stopped to tliiuk nbat brain worry thinking and plauniug. Thinking sometimes away into the early morning hours while you are asleep, how. when and where we shall buy qualities, qnantities and pricee to please you. DRESS GOODS. Our ijiot touoiileration. They ii; be ol nil qualities and prices. We have them in Plain Moltous, Checks, Foule Serges, Aiiirz »i Cloths, Csshmerep, Hchiiettas, Black and Colored Silks, Satins, Velvpts and Plushes. You have ibe largest stock to select from by comiuL' direct to McFACIjAND'S. We have takcu great pains to select our Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies Cloakings and Walking Jat ket Cloths are mostly worn this season in plain cloths. Wc have the correct goo3« and extremely iroderate prices, from 50 cent? per ;yard up to the finest ticalcttes. Miss Moffat, who so successfully pleased our lady friends two sea- cons ag3, will have charge of our'SIILLINERY SHOW BOOM this season. It is a guarantee of an elegant assortment, correct in style, aud prices moderate. Hosiery, Shawls, Gloves, Laces and Wool Wraps. A special line of Liic'i^s' TweeS Water-prool Garments, f 2.50 each, sold iu the big Toronto stores for §3. We now come to the warmer goods, you will want them, and soon. FI-73[NNE1-S. Our special All- Wool Greys from 18 cents are selling fast. Ladies' and Men's Woollen Underwear never had such value to offer. ')ur Men's 50 cent All- Wool Shirts and Draw'ers will keep out the keenest blasts of winter. 75 dozen iu Fine Ties, tine box, Fine (iloves and Fine Silk ami Wool Mufflers, imported direct from the makers. Did you ever stop to think that McFarland buys the bulk of bis goods direct from the manufacturers and for spot cash What does that mean It moans a saving of the wholesalers' profits, and cash means the closest bed-rock puces. BOOTS SHOES. Some leather is menu. Some workmen ore mean. Some boot- sellers are mean. That's how mean boots get made aud sold Six out of e-/ery ten pairs of boots are shams, pasted stock, shoddy pan. eakes. Never wa-i a time wh';n shoes looked so well and wore so badly until the shoeing of a whole family has come to be a serious task. A poor pair of boots is a had iuvestmeut. If you want good, honest, solid foot wear just drop into McFarland's. Ills stock is fully complete from the finest to the coarsest. Women's, Men's, Girls' aud Boys' READY-MADE CLOTHING. Isn't it a comfort to have your Coat, Pants, Vest, and Overcoat ready- made to your hand? No worry of measuiingam! waiting for the making and fitting. Just a little looking in a light, roo:nr department upstairs filled with c'.nice, new g')ods from the best ininiiftcturcrs. A perfect fit guaranteed and about half l'.]ss to pay than if you hod gone to a tailor. A FEW^ CRACKERS. Men's Overcoats, $4.00 up. Boys' Overeats, $3.00 up. Men's suits, $4.50, $6.00, §7.00, §8 00, $9.00, and tlu finest, $14.00, equal to any tailor-made. Boys' from $1.50 up. Wo need scarcely recom- mend onr teas, they are so well known lor excellency of flavor, strength, and chcapLtss. Wc should like to have said a word about onr carpets. Fur goods, English aud Scotch snitings, and a host of other goods, bat the printer says m space is fiilled. Come in aud see as when in town. We will take yonr cash or produce and give you rattling good value in exchange. Come in anyway aud look around and see oue of the busiest stores north of Toronto. W. J. McFARLAND, DIBECT IMPOETEE. GASH AND RELIABLE CnSTOMERS Can always eoimt on getting good bargains at tite TORONTO HOUSE. As in the past onr fall and winter goods irai be ibimd efaeap. fashionable and styUsh. and Ladies and GenUenen wantine fine â- "J!?',?"""'°?"',S will find with as tbe best valoes m flie " rSr?^"" ^f^" «™P- j»«» ""e thing to please epiearei, and onr TEAS will be fonnd mnoh below ordinary pnees. ' IN BOOTS SHOES *• show raperior valoes, bongbt for eadi before tbe lata rfwin pnees, and onr enstomers will nap the benefit in jart. MEN'S Sl BOYS' CLOTHINQ fcatti in Snito, Single GarmenU and Ovenwat*. eari'tS ewBad. Md we ur. ^tetmmed to please cadi bnyers. bdievin^ thmto hi tbB pular and groond worS rf ptowrone tradi^T^ yS* Bemetnber Hie Toronto Honae, Markdale. IcCnlloj The FamouB Heavy Bodied Oil lor all Machinery, BA.| Made only by McColi Bros. Co., Toronto. makkj Those who nse it ^^nco iide it bJway^. Kotee discoifl interest aliowd^ dnlto issued oul tad United Ute-^ PriTftte and rates on good nil McOoU's Eenowned Cylinder Oil Has no eqrxal for Engine cylinders. Try it and see for yourself. 11 -ware of imitations of LA-RIillVE. McCOI^L BROS. CO., TOHOXlo Forsaleby J.E. TBELFOED, Markdale, gusil R. S. RKE, The Tailor and Clothier, is folly prepared to rait yon in all kinds of Gents' Furnishings, A large variety of Suitings to select from, -cheap and EtronR, or fine mid liantlBooK, Soleudid OvercoatinRS see them. Underclothing, what is wanted for Fall and Wint*. wear. COLLARS, UUFFS, TIES, SLTSPE.VDERS, HOSE, and all tlio rest, (.all „j examine for yonrself. Bhohld 3'ou contemplate matrimony, be snre and leave youi order, and jrfjt a neat and comfortable anit. fS" Apent for Parker's Dye Work^. D RS. SPRO MAKKOALn. geoiu« Accouclie xn Tnmer s Dn Brodie's Ul sta J Cftlls. day or ni^'l to. T.S. Spboi'I T OIBef â€" Over mI Money to Loau.l T B. LUCAa tba firm of Bisfl •t (iffiee of \\ ni| Wm. Lucas in and legal uiaf attentiou. By-Law_No.3l A By-law to raise tlic eiini of Tive thouBand five hundred dollars for the puriwtin of eiectinc a School-house iu the Villa4'e ol iiarkdali*, iu the County of Grey, and to authorize the- isBuo of de- bentures therefor. Whereas the lioard of Piil.lie Sclionl Trustiics of Union Schojl Section No. 1, Rlarkilale, Imvo applied to the Alunioiija.1 C'ouncII of the Village of Markdale for tiie issue of debentures for the erection of a School-house in tiaid village for said School Section. And Whereas the Municipal Council of the sai4 VUlageof 3farkdale deetu it expedient to pass this By-]B.vr for the purpose of raiuing the said sum of five thousand five hundi'ed •lollars and interest, for the above mentioned purpose. And whereas the amount oi the whole rateable firoperty of tlie said Villape of rarkialt! accord- ng to ifie last revised assessment roll, being tho assessment roll of the said village (or the year 1U90, amounts to the sum of onehnudred and forty-oil' tJioii'-^md throe hundred and forty-five doUurs .^111.340). And whereaT; thoifxistinp debcntur^i dobtof the said village of M:irkdale for pr.i L'i ;.I i;, Nil., -uid for interest is nil,. Wherefore the Municipal C:::^(*il of 'Jie cor- fioration of tbe Vi!!:,;, of Maiki.u..,, eii:iet. ks ollowa 1st. It shall be iii,-.vful for the -ifnui'-ipHl (Coun- cil of the Village of llarkdi: le. ,-..r !,!•'â-  purpose aforesaid, tu i-aiS" il'-- '•â- .mu i-f n.\.i- l}i.":s i':.l ivo hundred doilaiTM -â- 'â- "'â- " cn'l tj' i â- -!• â- ' i--:ttin s of the eoriK)rrtio:i tf ;aid villi.i^.- to t'l ainotii.t of five thousand five h:in'ir*'d .hillr-rs i^5/00'iu sums of not l',*ss than oue huii:lTyd dollws ea.-h, payable in the manner, and for the amounts, mid at the times respeetive'y s» t lot Mt h(*ri*uttdi* 2ud. The said debentiireK, a?; to pi m-ij-itl Hnd Interest, shall Ik; payable at tin- olij'.-e ol li-i- Treasurer of the sai.rviliace of .Markdalo. 3rd. It shall be ii,.\. lul toi' the Ueevt- ..I th.' said village.Aiid beishevt^by aiiLh-riztviuntl iti-'.rut-t- edto sifiu and i;;si;e tin- s:iid d-..l,H i.tuii-:- h.-iehy authorized to be ih.-ued, ind fj 'MU;:;.- the Kp;iie, and the iuterest coupons cltach-d thereto, to be signed by the Trea^iirer of the said vi11u;:c) and the Clerk of the said village is he.-ebv aulhorizcd to attach tiio ^eal of th;' said village to the said debenturi-s. 4th. There shall be levied and collected in each year by asjMjcial rate on all t.ietaxab:.!priiper:.y ID said villHgp, a sum snft'eient t « â- b-^i-h.-ltie tlie several ii'sfjilnients of prini*i]:U aud iiiti-rerft accruing due- on said delit, aeei.rdm;; ;is }ie;e under set fortn. 5th. Tlie ;nd debenturcfvom] i::tere.-l s'r.Il be made payable i:; aiuiual iiislr;:mi;nts v,-ith;n twenty yeiu-H from the dnte oi ;,. u;i tiiereui, it theolriceof Ihesaiii Tv :-.^ur.-l-^' th:; \illagejr Marktiale. Su(!]i iurtuhiiJ-nts s'lall be of such amounts the n;i^.rfg'ite aiiKimt I'-iyablo for prineiiml and interest in any vcai- during the said period OI v.wnfy years. :;S.alI be • qiial -s nearly as may be to what is payable tor lu-ineipal and inti-rest during each of th:: other years of such period, a.« heriiinder. partieularly. st-t lorth. The said debt !.tiire,s sliall hear iiitereKtat the- rate of five i»ereeijtimi p.-r annum from tiio dnte of issue thenof. v. hich said 'nieuts tuid interest-shall be pjiyableon the lutli day of He- ceuiber in each year at the said Treasurer's office In the Village of Markdale, and sueli debentures shall be in the form provided by the Act respect- ing Public Schools, v,iiii cinipon*; attaehed,signt;d by the lieeve of the srad villyge and the Treasi;r- er thereof. 6th. Thut during the twenty yeare, the currency of the debeutures to be i!-.suet Hinder the author- ity of tliis liv-Iaw, the r.uni ol" ffjur hundred and forty-one d illarp iiiid tliirty-:!.ree cent.' ^slU---*' shall be levied and collected iu each year on all thetaxftbhi propeity in the said village for the payment of the priiieipal and interest on tlie Raid sum of live thousand five hundred dullars in the years Ij^reuiafter mentioned, namely â€"IT PAYS TO- W*' 1. liUONj iBifOer of Harri| sioner in U. K.. branches protup| executed. jj, li_ â€" Mone siscant;. STlAl AKD TII.\T 18 THE Tho best and ii:n-,t m;-tu-Hl c;n;i i,f tiidy The best teiu-iiii:;: ti.I.-i.t. The bcM ;;-,.. Mil::. ..â- ,!:!. i!i for stii 1, i,t.. T!^. hi;! „..!-,, ;:.ol i-;tr; •-â-  .:,. The l.e.-it n-snJi-i from ihiit i:irtn:i-,iMii Rfigj studt iits grad'.iiLie. roiiiuiiual aiMiouiiccnjeiit ;.'ivin- on;!, .,!]„, rc';a;-d:i:' t!:e â- ^â- ^ us.: '.f-fuly. vi-ri-^ " • 'drtu Ijicenscs. Mnml low rates. A f| T P. MAUSHJ of Toroutti SchoJ Markdale Huu el third WeJiK-sdayl Muusliaw';; Uoi.ll ing the MHrkdaUf bis pcofesiiiou. M ONKY TO I C..\. KLKMING.Pi iiAL. at icw fate -»f charged, liusiiu F ARM FOR 1). K., (llrlu-Ic. 1 and ou cjisy torm partieuUr.^ al'i'lv to J. S. Ulack, r. â- Â»yrARKDALE J. E. Miasn, R. 3. SPliOl Years Princiir.l Interest Totil 1.S91 .?!«; Si ..r275 00 c^li 33 iwa 174 G5 2G0 S 441 -W 1S!I:| IKi ;js 257 95 i!i -.a IWM 192 !» 248 78 441 :t3 1S9.' ;!02 IS 239 1.5 441 :o lH)i! lil-i 29 229 01 441 33 1S97 •22! 90 218 4:1 441 :» 1H9H 2;« 13 207 20 411 ai 1K99 •2J.i 7.5 195 58 441 3.1 IWIO 2.M 01 Kj -Jl 441 :a 1901 270 91 170 39 141 ;« 1902 2,^ 49 15l 81 411 :I3 11*0 29rt 73 142 fil 441 :n 1901 13 «i 127 68 111 :« 19ai 3-29 33 112 00 441 :« 1900 :«.â- ) 79 95 54 441 aa 1907 ;j63 08 78 25 441 33 1908 3S1 23 00 10 441 33 1909 400 30 41 m 441 .33 1910 420 27 21 OG 111 SI 7th. That the debenture.^ to be issued licreuii- der may contain a proviiiion in tlie follo'vvinu words: "This debentun; or interest thereon, "shall not, after a certiticate of ownersliip lias " been endoi-sed thereon by the Treasurer of the "Village of Markdale^ l.)e transferable actjept by "entry by the said Jl'reasurer in the deU;iiture "Il3gi8try Book of tho corporatii:n of the said " Village of Markdale." 8th. This Uy-laiv shall take effect aud come in- to operation from and after t' â- â€¢ Tenth day of September. A. I). 1B90. Dated at the Village of Markda iu the County of Grey, this Tenth day of Septenilier, A. D. 1«90. W. J. McFAliliAA'D, ' K. C. BRYDEN, Heevo. Clerk Notice is hereby given tliat a By-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Village of Mark- dale on the loth day of September, A. D. 1H90, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of g5,.'5O0, for the purpose of erecting a School-house in the said village of Markdale, and that such By-law was registiered inthe registry office for the South Kiding of the County of Grey on the 13th day of September, A. D. IbM. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or anv part thereof, must be made within three months from the date of registration, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the ICth dtif of September, 1690. R. C. BKYDEN, Clerk Village of Markdale. THE ONLY PERFECT FEBTf^ WOVEN WIRE FENCING M etf. per Rod and Upward. ^-jAMeiiijIam. Sold br aU dMlen In thta line. FniiM itU. latomattoo tree. Write Th* ONTARIO WIRIi FENCINO OO., Flctao, Ontario, or to our Wbokule Agcots, ttsn â- . eninlnc frire Co., Ju. vaper, " â€" " â€" " itreal ChrrcII Bros., Chariottctam, P.e.l. ^oHlM t»iiti. Wins obaalKd beton wtxthn. nrtMUradJvtedlnr eitieiiKe of oold udheat. A BapMe bHifar •â- â€¢lait aU aidnBla. Kotniible toeiKb FARMERS And others who require anythiDg in the Har- neu line will consult their best interests hj MllinR sX the new harness store. You w^ll not find me on the etreet, bat il you will kindly fgire as a call yeu will find me hard at it â€" don't stand quite bo cIobo, friend, or you miRht get jabbed with the allâ€" I am prepared to sam yon and hope to make ycureali mntaally profitable. Don't iett^ei the stand, oppoaite tho Uuk. dale Boose in Hill's Bloek. I am Tecy baiiy hot will take tinu to talk D.B.ARROWSMITH, Haikdale. STRAYED Pram the pnaisaa a( D. B.EIIia, lot 6 aoa.TSoidinaia. abootflie 1st J'nna, 8 yaariingbaitesaiidane nartinK boll; all Ml czerpt one bdf^, which ia line backed, infotmstion which win lead to tteir neor e rt wOlbsthanUallynciTad. •»"'«"««» D. B. EUJ8, ^aberl^ f°' ""' nlJ. Tt hsis porr.irinentl.^' cured thousands cf fiisifs pronomiccil l»y dodor-s hupe- 'Icss. If you have premonitory symp- toms, piu'h Tva C'oniih, riHiPiilH' trf lJri-:'thinfr. tt'.» don't delnv, Init use iMSOS flTKK FOR CONSUMITIoN iu'.iaediittel^' ^y Druts^stss. 2j (.-eni^ Clieap House ForDiture. â€" 'T TIIE Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, ±±a^- cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, commcu Exteusiou Tiilli.i, ill grf-at Viuitty WaslistanJt- Spring MaLlross \Vo(iI Miittrefs '»f all kincl..;, aiiJ iu fact everjtliiug tliRt it kciit iii a first-class sliop. Call ami get 4110- tations. .\ i'uucral Fiiruishiiiysâ€" Colhiu!, Caskets, Robes, Jjiuiii;;?, Gioyep, Crapes if .ill (]iFcri;iii"ii» ;il- â- A:iys ill stock. Tliaiiking luy iiuiU'r- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectluUy, J- W. Soroule. AppraiNcr. Vahi.i Ueedp. MoitKHi," â-  up anJ Valuali' Charges \*-i^- !â- Â« Money Lerder an and Arihitect. Mi Canada L. LOCAL STI Owen Sound i Fassenfrer an carrying K S. S. CAAMONM CaIT. F.' l.Alâ- IiA.^ WIM. ti: .Inn (I .. -..iiU'l Vn}m'h. l':*'-iri.- I and \H.ii\i~ Must '" Manitu\v;ii.iML' SI KaUti.v...ii;^. i r.- Hi Mills. S.T|..-iil It'v. Thessalim !livij-. 11 juaiidi â- ;,'â-  'i-Ai^fii .Marie, .rjii j:if; ai ti trij). Tu-KI;t.s iti.l Kii l.y H[t|liiii: t. M' Joud-; l..r t:i; us-- »tlM at tl! i'ouIt-U Str.-L-t. .) (â- iiriiiiariy s tmiin-, siLlcof river, oil U Unlocks r-Vi fV..- cTorn^ :vv--r'ic3 oi t]"i Bowels, Viaivjvj and Liver, oan-yii-i; olIgiadLiaily vlihjiit \7c:iL'-ri..g the £^- taai, all tlic'.uritica an I x^ul hmnoi -i of tho seciution-i; at the l*;iii:c lirno Cor- recting' Acidity cf tho Stomach, curing' BiliOiisnGSS, Dvspepsin, Headaches. Dizziness, Heartbun:, Constipation, Dryness of tlie SKin. Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipeia?, Sc; .v- fttla. Fluttering of the Ii'cc r, i;:-- voosness, and General DcMilty ;-' these and many other Bimtl.:i- Cr^n-.pln'-.i'.i ^eld to the happviufiueacoc* E'JiiX-Oji BLOOD BITTEkS. For Ealo btj all DxUcv, T.]aLBDBHCO.,PicpE£tcrs,Tongto. AUCTION SALE OFâ€" vuum mn. Under and by virtue of powers of safe eanMin- ' a Mrtain Mortcage which will Iw produged at the time of sale, there will be sold on Thnraday, 33rd Oaj of Octobar, 18SO, at 1 JO o clock in tbe afternoon, at the Markdale ?X1;.fp?o°peTyT°""""«-'^«'°"'^« T,^.S^' %°S^i? »reel of land situate in tbe Township of Holland, in the County of Grev, aud hBing composed of the westerly 140acrmo( l.ot Sâ„¢ â-  Ji' ^i"" Concession of said Township. FJK? i""" ^^ property there are said to be «rS*=n^!e^*^»- There are abiu, T« he^?°H7w,?tft?l"'.?' *» Du^h«M money to SS.'K.i iO'^.ff^e time of sale. Liberal terms .55°° 'I'i' made known at time of sale. Por furthe r particulars apply to BOBIVTCV, O'BWBT k SlxaOS, „ Vendore' Solicitors, 74 Ctanrcb street, Toiuntn. Orto C. W. BUTIiEDOB, Eki., Markdale, Ont. Very fe^ the expe â- would fi into a custome Stoddari perience time, the not fall i of a K Scissors -whose t fit them a pit. Fits t they gel 1000 m who "vra: WILL Boom over "H pieseh I(Y PRAI CUte of the 111 A 11 TC II HEN, local or trarelini! â- â- mi I Clf to wU my RnaranteeJ ^~^^^^^^^ NcBsiKT Stock. Ralary or Commuaion, paid weekly: Outfit free. Special atcentioii giTen to bafpntiers. w ork- m nerer faO to make good weekly wages. wnte me at onoe for particiilarg. *• O. •BUUM, VaiMtrmaii. (Thi« home i* reliable.) Tokohto, Ont. 223-Sa I'ruik'WakinHin, grain bnjer at Bamll. •oo.wya: "I oiscd Foveral modidnes mid tonnd no rehef until I tried Wilson's Com- ponna Byrar, -Wild Cherry." Less than "°? » eared Mm ot a long sunding and •JUDfdcoD^, with tighta... of cheat and Aortbw«th. BoUl7aBd^lg5l.^, ;..:i^,i •i^

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