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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Oct 1890, p. 1

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 ^mm m?r^ CAiyS ORGANS. y L. iiialerial is s'weet -and nish they are m. WORLD. JELPH, ONT. •: hn. E. c. Eng. A' S. f/ r •. Port Fi izdbeth. OiNTQ, OjSTT. €n Toronto. '\y^\de:v Oil â- OUnXTO 1-7;' ]:(lale. I Ml Ull â- ..,.!. ..f i-ji-ouie. i V, inter '.ill und I it and r£_^2--s. r s \nr^. ^-.f.LE :f?OFr;::T?. â-  .: cbu v.:, "â-  t. .t rist-rvo lit. â- f tlu S, lu ISO money t llii tiuw l-fl-Ut- to It: I • t f.l:- i I-.! IJ..- t.. ...1.1.1 r to V III one n- Kccared Mtl'Ieflve nst fronk It verly. (iEUKOB hv^ ,Vo/;' •ornery. • iv .Toronto. 4" â- â- ^,^44 5F W:^ M " 'fi rSLIEVE I'i7z:-:E?3, |l'v^V, liLbfTtfiiNG '" T!:r. HEART, ^â- .0,:.. r OF Tiir STO.MACH, '" THE SKIM, f -••-ny- prising 7 :«• il- tort. 2C-.JHT0, " i^jj^g? ' JcCiillongli Young, BANKERS. Not'" ilifconnte 1 IVpopits receiTed and int'jrtst aKo-ed. C--:!. auoui made and drEfta issutd OD all poiDtii t.f the DonuDion and "iiitc'l St/ttes. Private and Company fuuils to loan at low rates on good farm pnijuTty. v.*. U TOUNG, Manager, lousiness Qai^ds. Dim. SPROULE EGO, PLysicians, Snr* (/loii-. Arr-oncljers, iVc. ODicsâ€" I*r. Spronlp, in T'irjH-rV Dm;,' Store; J)r. Ego. in Dr. iJroiiii's fill .=tan'l, MatJiew's block, where all call-. 'lay or nij^lit, will 1« promptly attended ;... T.S Si-ROLLE. 3I.D. A.E«o..M.D.. Ac. 1) M.CTl.LOL'GH. ii:irri.-tpr; Solicitor, rfc. (inii- "vr McP'arlari '?; titore, Markdftle. J.i:CAK, X • I{;irri-t*;r, Solicitor, Ac, of IK.- t. til ..f lU-^hup L ca«, Owen Sound, li '.â-  iiE \\ni. i.-uas "j Co every Friday. \\ rii l-M-'u.^- ill charge of ofiice dnring week .It. i -/iu mattLiH wiji receive prompt yj i\ ry,. intowx, Division Court Clerk, J.~ ,. t ..f r;tiTia;,'e Jjicvn-eB, p. Commis- .-I iM I;, it., Ac. Coiiveyancing in all its i.;,i i lit [.loiupliy attended t' and carefully X' nil...!. :,. l:. M..iitrv to Lc-nd on Real Estate I I .\UT, KlMBKULKY, Isiiucr of Marriage M'.!:t y tt Loan on ileal Estate at A luw farm.s fur sale. Terms J M | ;c' i.j .1. w MAKSllAIJj. M.D,S.,D.I».S..L.D.S. Duntisl, ycaduato I.. uf leiitiatry, will be at tlio I • ',•' II' MarkdiUe, ou tlie first and (!./ hiv cI lat-hjapnt)!, and also at I... â-  il-.irl,yU:.Aiiitum,-th(: day fulluw- .M liiv.l.Utt viriits, for the practice of li I (li, reriiii citsh. M.V TO LOAN On real estate security. â-  i!. nf iiitirn-t. No couiiuiHsiou ' i.i; -liii-s-s slrictiV conSdt!liti;iI. 4. S. liL.vf.ii. Pomona 1" O. b;^-.**^^,-. 'HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' ELBTEXTH TEAR.â€" ]sro. 525. MAKKDAIiE, THTTESDAT, OCTOBER 2, 1890. C. W. RITTLEDGE, Proprietoi. m:: SAi.K.. Io: No. 2i. con. 4, N. ' lO'l ni-it'S, win he sold cheap .mis of pajiiitiut. For further ;ii Oil the prumisus.or by letter ,(!.. '..monaP. O. laO-tf ilKOALK HOIJ.SK, M Vi;!i!t.\I.K. OXT. â€" .^^\7.irr, Proprietor. .) A,., Ji. AV :. »; :.K, Fi.:;si:kutijn, Convt^vancor, '.u-;it..r and M'lney Ijt-udtr. â- â- '.-. f,-r;i'-.i.s and Will-* driwu ;, 'ti- lufi'li on «li-ortr---t notice. t ..V Apil to U. J. Sproale, :3i P....iuu:ister. FleiiUerton. The above is an enj^ravinj; of the noted Screw liescl Case, which has heroine so popular th»i last year. We have a full line of tbeui m Mickel, Silver and Gold-tilled. Our Btoek of CLOCKS, JEWELLERY. SILVEiiWAJEtE and STATIONERY is com- plete and ^vf;ll .assorted. Inspecti.m invited. Lar^e assortment of SPECTACLES, from the best Pebble to the 25 cent glas." All glasses carefully and correctly fitted. Onr maunfacturing department i" still in- creasing. All kinds COIN JKWELLEBY made to order. Stone- cut, i-oliahed and set for Rings, Tie pins, Charms, Hrowrlies, etc. ENGUAVIN^i carefully and art:tii-a:ly exe- cuted. In Watch and Cliork ri paiiirg, we. guarantee .^atisfactji-n in evvjr^' Citse. BREADNER CASSON Practical Jewellers MARKDALE, ONT. KiriiAUnS. llGilder, Contractor, tejaLS. Transit Go's 'f.r.IITEDI IQHAL aTPftMSKIP ROUTE. Owen 'Sound and Sau/f Ste. Marie. Pr.Esenfor an'l Past Preiffht Line, c.i.-iyics' Her Majesty's Ualls. Local and Other Items. Noncxs in thete eolumntintended to henefit any tndtviduaZ or Society icill be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive cents a line each nub leqvent insertion. NOTICS. â€" CorrespfrndeneCy eornmuniea- tionsj. Advertisements, ^e„ must be in this offieeiitf noon on Tuesday tointurepuhlieation that week. "When in Markdale, it shows yon 'S Is the place to buy 'WW';,. Tttcs'.t.iy Of/A, S S. CAMSRIA. i !;\ CaiT NkIL CASIi'liKL.!. â-  IiiriM:; the; si-ason of IKPO from .â- â- tr-l I" Siiiilt Sti-. IMiirii' every Friday, t.n th*.- arrival of the fi.- r.Miimt; Tniin fvoni Toronto .1 lii:::^i |i iii.i, t-:illiii^ at KiUamey, s; â- â- â€¢juiiunljili, l.iltle Current. il'..i-., Spanish ];ivLT. Ituswcll's i:i\. r. .\!i;.-in;.. Mills. lUiml Hiver, .1. I'.nu-.. Miii.s, Hili..:i, Uii-Iiards un Ilivcr. tlifi..-.- to Snult Ste. .;; tSu- iilutvf ports on the return c j'jwr Hatfs cRii bcoltined \ril.lNLi A- IITVON. ftttlieir :i W ivt i.\v of liver, where all .vill 1.. slii('of wbarf- MliVf uf r.liW VUI) TOPD, »:.\ 'IllSHiH-M. Kiiil i'.t the inds and all prices. ,\i Wuii-i lii.ii â- r St; G. J. McCXTSZ. A now stock of ENGLISH CANDIES, Matte by Itobt. Gibson Sona, Loudon, line, from siipenor boiled supar. Tliey are tbe finest Ciimii.'S made. u:ul aro guaranteed ttbsolutel.v I'lne. We Fiivi! tiie feilowing flavors:â€" Htianlierry, Uaspbcrry. Vanilla, Untter Scotch. Lime Fruit. Kverton Toffee, •,i»e, Ea-st 1 ^„j Barky Suj^ar, alsi Ciiugh Dropi. ATLANTIO SEA S£LT. For bathlufi. If you have never usfid it. try a 1hx, only '27, cents. RAZORS. A completx; new ^tock at all prices from 50c. to Sl.-'^O, also Strous. tS- TF.EMS STiaCTLY CASH. Very few people covet ^ e-b* .k. j-» the experience. Many i W. TURN ER at CO. would far rather fall iniQ a pit. But the customers of "Will. Slo.idart covet the ex- perience of a fit every timet hey would rather not fall into the hands- of i\ Knight of the Scissors and: Needle who.~e turnout would fit them like rolling into a vAt. ij'its they want, fits they get, and he wants 1000 'men and boys who want fits. V^ILL. STODDART, Tailor, r...i 111 over JFeFarlantl'a store. PRESERVE YOUR SI6HT ;;y we.\bixo the onlt FRANK LAZARUS i lite .^f the firm of Lazarus Morris Seno^racd Sp.etaGlw and ZycGIuaas Tlusf Spictack'S and Kye Glasses have been »t.i tor lilt i.adt .13 years, and given in every in~:niu-c unhounded satisfaction. Tbeyaretbe liKiMN TiiK Would. They never tire, andlmat iiiiinv vci.,r vitbout change. F..1' ial.. by BSEASVEBkOASaOV.Iiraeti- cal U ntchiuakers. Jewellers EngrveTB,a..lfin in all l^iiuU of Gold and Silver Wstcbes. Clock. ami .loutlu-ry. Wall Paper, Stationery, Sohool llix.ks. .4-1-. l»articular attention paid to repair- ng liuo^v atL-hes. .tc, with neatneea and deqi«tcb ILiKKDALE, OKT. IMFEBIAl PKDMITHHT XTTIf T. jiri'sent an opportanity to extend VV 1 111" fame '.d Dr. Fowler's Eitraot of Willi Siiaul-trrv tbe uufailing remedy fpr • li. lii.t. clii.lcra morbus, colic, cramps, diar- rhoea dysentery, and all summer comi^aints, to every part of tie Empire. Wild Stiaw- berry never fails. The Toronto InJnstriiil Exlii- bition is agaiu past, aud it lias been a wouUerlnl success in many respects. Tbe local fnivs !!â-  w altriict at- tention anJ aru lii^ely to receive a larger patronage tbau nsual. Tlieie is many a profitable lesson learned by attending an agricnl- tiiral fair and there are also those who seldom go to such a place aud yet succeed in adding dollar to dollar and farm to farm. It 18 very important, however, to know where to boy yonr grocer- ies. Those who study economy and Iiave giyen "S a trial may bo foDDd tiiking a straight course for E. Batledgc's grocery. We bavn't time to write an ad- vertisement but will find time to serve yon when in need of any- thing in our line. Bemember, RUTLEDGE'S «roeery. Globious weather of late. A DETACHMENT of Capo' Croker red skins have been meanderinR about this viciuity recently. Wastkd â€" A good smart steady boy to learn tbe general store business. H. Mercer, Markdale. SuBscBiPTiofs taken at the Stancabd office lor the Mail, Globe, Empire, World, and Montreal Star. Mr. Hall, of the Herald, Datdalk, preached in the Methodist church last Sanday. His evening sermon was an able discourse. The Treasurer's sale of lands for ar- rears of taxes takes place on the Cth of November next, not the 16th as stated in error last week. Thebe is a directors* meeting of Glepelg Agricnltnral Society in Has- kett's Hall to-day at 'i p. m. To wind up the fall show affairs. Mas. Kdwin Ewaet, of Holland wishes to thank Mrs. John Brown, her neighbor, for a squash, which measures 60 inches in circumference and weighs 52 lbs. Messes. George and Wes. Littlcjohns have purchased the Bsid farm at Barr- head mills, Glenelg, one and a quarter miles from town, for $1,000. If indus- try, ecomomy and perseverance will suc- ceed these young men will get there. Messes. John and Herb. Purvis, of Orange Valley, Artemesia, have purch- ased the Jas. Mercer farm adjoining this village for 43,300. This is a choice farm and the purchasers are two of onr most respected and enterprising young men. I. O. O. T. Open Temple.â€" On Monday evemug next, Oct. 6th, the I. 6. G. T. Society will hold an open meeting in Haskett's hall. An excellent program is being prepared aud a good time is anticipated. Admission free. All are welcome. The bear and the lamb lay down to- gether, but the lamb was inside. On Friday night last a bear killed a lamb belonging to Thos. Symes of Glenelg carried it to an adjoining field and took his supper from it. The following night brnin returned taking what was left over into the woods and finished. If any of our subscribers would like to send the Standahd to a distant friend, re- member it will cost you fifty two cts. to forward your own copy for a year,«fter you have read it, while another forty eight cents will secure it direct from this office, and then they are sure to get it promptly every week. Twenty five cents will pay for the Standaeo the balance of this year, or $1 to the end of next. Nearly 16 months for a dollar. Those who are already subscribers will tell their neigh bors, who arc not. There are scores who only require to know in order to accept sQch an offer. Cash in advance remember. A NUMBEE of Iowa men living near Des Moines have become so far imbued with the Edward Bellamy idea of co- operation that they have formed a colony, and hope to found a community near Lake Charles, Louisiana. Here they propose to live the ideal life, test- ing the advantages aud possibly the fol* lies of Mr. Bellamy's dream. BoLLEB Rink â€" Messrs. Geo. Mathers and Will. Dundas have leased Markdale Boiler Bink for this coming season and opened on Monday night last. The rink will be open from 8 to 10 o'clock on Tuesday and Saturday evenings through the season. They purpose keeping everything in connection in first-class order. The floor is being made A 1. Came along and have a whirl. My Millinery department will be opened on and after Oct. 1st, where all the litest novelties will be found. Miss Breadner will take charge and be pleased to meet her old customers and all who may favor her with a call. Fashionable goods and low prices the rule. Other branches of my bnsiness will be found well stocked with seasonable goods. All classes of produce handled as usual and highest prices will be paid. Thanking my customers for past favors I would ask a continuance of same. S. Hill. Mr. James Staples, Deputy-Beeye of Glenelg, gave tbe Stahdaxt a call while attending ooi fair last week. MrSt Bray, mother of tbeBev. Horace E. Bray, and her two dangfaters, have come as TeddentB to Markdale. Mrs. W. B. Thistle and two children, of Owen Sound, have been visiting the old home two miles out of town. Mr. Adam Irving, of Manitowaning, called oS to see hriends at Markdale on his rutnm from Toronto this week. Mr. J. T. White and wife, of Hamilton, have been visiting friends in Markdale for a week, retnming on Tuesday last. Mr. James Skene, late of Glenelg, left on Saturday for Knox College, Toronto, to enter npon a second year in the pre- paratory course. Ur. C. C. McFaden, of Glenelg, spent a day and night in Markdale dnring fair time last week. He favored onr sanctum with a pleasant visit. Mrs. Boss, of tbe Boss House, Owen Sound, was the gnest of Mrs. J. E. Marsh for a t^tr days last week. She gave the Standabd a friendly call. Mr. Will. Ford dropped oS to shake hands with bis friends and acquaint- ances on Tuesday. He was on bis way to Treherne, Man. from Chesaning,Mich. Chas. MoSat, Esq., County Warden, was present at Markdale Exhibition, and gave the Standabd a pleasant call J. S. Black, Esq., township clerk of Glenelg accompanied him. Bev. Mr. Davey officiated at the an- niversary services of Bethel church on the Duudalk circuit last Scmday. A teameeting was held in connection therewith on Monday evening, whish was a genuine success. Mr. A. J Patterson, of Mobile, Ala., has been spending a couple of mouths on the old homested with his brother, Mr. A. C. Patterson of Blantyre, Euph- rasia. A. J. came oyer to get rid of the Alabama heat and at the same time make a visit, which he enjoyed very much gunning, fishing ka. Uis brothers Messrs. B. W. and .son, of New York W. S. and J. W. and Mrs. J. W., of Moutreal, came on Tuesday and will remain a short time to enjoy boj-bood memories and rural scenes. They are a family of high respectability and position. BUSINESS LOCALS. Splendid machine oil at Trelford's. Salt I Salt !â€" Go to Mercer's far Salt. Wade right inâ€" that's the way W^ade makes such good bread. PicrnBE framing done neat and cheap at the photograph gallery. Salt, Salt â€" Car load at Benson's. Boots Shoes, Ac. Bead ad. Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Fonndry in exchange for cash. Spinning and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills. Wool .wanted at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. Foe sale, a good young cow, in calf, 4 years old, apply to John McKenna, Markdale. A DWELLiNo house on Toronto street to rent, recently occupied by Miss Burch. Apply to Joseph Lamb. 5*23-5 500 Men "Wanted, to Buy Plows. â€" Jackson sells the genuine Fleury, Wilk- inson, Gowdy aud McGill Plows, and don't you forget it. For Boots Shoes, which have no eqnal Call on Mi^s Booglaas and learn the sequel. Her stock is large and. well selected. And cheaper than yon e'er expected, T. F. Bbown, L. D. S., will be in' Markdale from Oct. 4th to 20th. Filling and plate work warranted. Call at W. A. Brown's jewellery store. Mabedale Cabbuoe Wobks. â€" B. Mc- Nallv has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call soUcited always glad to show my work. R. McNally. DISlteCT DOTS. Orangeville is to have a Board ot Trade. Prof. Dike is "boldmg forth" in Thombary. Kingston penitentiary is now light- ed by electricity. The Bank of England rate has advanced to 6 per cent. Charles Bobson has been re engaged for 8. S. No. 9, Glenelg, for 1891 at $800- Tbe sale of tbe Wauzer sewing machine factory at Hamilton to an American company has been complet- ed. Judge Lane, of Owen Sound, and Mr. Jas. Natter of the same place re- turned last week from a trip to Europe. At Ti eswater the 2 year-old daugh- ter of W, B. Thompson, lumber mer- cbant, fell into a tub of water and was drowned. Mr. James Inkster, a farraer who lives near Maxwell, had his hand so badly crashed in a threshing machine over a week ago, that jt had to be am- putated. The case of the Grange Wholesale Supply Oo:, against W. W. Harris, H. B. Bant and Toronto Importing Company was conchided last Thurs- day in Toronto. The Grange Co., won th3 suit. While in town one day last week a horee belonging to Mr. Archie McLean, of Glenelg, ran away, smashed the buggy and falling upon a piece of the broken shaft was pierced in tbe side and died.â€" Durham Chronicle. A. E. Fawcett, of Ihe StreetbviUe Beview has added a No. 2 Gordon job press. This is perhaps the best press of Its class mauafactured to-day. Mr. Fawcett evidently has lots of faith in his biz and determined to keep in the front of the battle. At a cjngregatirtual meeting of the Methodist church on Monday evening it was resolved to purchase the brick residence at present occupied by Dr. Stone on Collins street and convert it into a parsonage. The price asked is $2,000. â€" Meaford Monitor. Owen Sound recently opened a new school building with four departments ind even then had to engage an ad- ditional room elsewhere, to accomo- date the rapidly increasing school population, and yet, they are obliged to prohibit pupils from outside the corporation from attending ic order to accomodate those at home. North Grey Liberals convened at Owen Sound on Saturday last result- ing in the following nominations for M. P., yiz Dr. McCuUongh, J. W. Frost, Owen S3and J. Clark, Kep- pel; J. McDonald, Chatsworth H. Beid, Sydenham, and Jos. Cochrane, Derby, were nominated and briefly addressed the convention. At the conclusion of the nominees' speeches a motion to adjourn the convention for one month was carried. OWfN SOUND BREEZES. Standard Corretpond^nee. About 2,500 people availed them- selyes of the opportanity of seeing tbe far-famed H'ild IFest Show which waa afforded yesterday. Their exhibition of horsemanship and firing while at fall speed was simply wonderful. The capture of the mail coach by the Indi- ans was also very interesting. The first annual athletic sports of the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute were held on the pleasure grounds on Friday, Sept. 26th. In the morning the management thought of postponicg them on account of the extremely die- agieeable weather, bat towards noon the rain ceased, a large crowd assem- bled, and each event (25 in all) was keenly contested for by the student' Tbe mile race was run in 86 sec, and the hundred yard dash lasted exactly 11 sec. McArthur was the star if the day, being beaten in only one event. About 6 o'clock the ball was faced for the Walter's Falls vs. Owen Sound lacrosse match. Both teams got to work in good shape, but O. S. proved too fast, their opponents winning the match by 4 to 0. The teams play at the Walter's Falls Show to-day (Wed- nesday), when the boys from the Falls will no doubt put up a much better game. WALTER'S FALLS. DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •NA^ILD* iTRAWBEIfflY CURES LHOIxERA lolera Morbus RAMPS li [E lARRIKEA rfSEHTEffif AND ALL SUMMER COtkiPLMHIS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CtMLPR^N Oft VOMITS. SOCIAL and PERSONAL. Mr. John Dundas is up from Hamil- ton visiting; Mr. Edward Davis was over from Hanover last week. Mrs. H. B. McCay is yisitiiig the homestead in Albion. Mr. W. E. Southgate visited friends io Markdale this week. Dr. Christoe, Beeye of Artemesia, was in town on Saturday. Miss Williams retamed on Saturday from a trip to New York. Mrs. T. L. MoSat retamed on Sator- day from a \isit in Owen Sound. Ht. Herbert HcCay left town on Toes- day to take a situation in Owen Sound. Messrs. Tboe. and Bidiard HcFadden, of Mono, have bean paying tbe dd home a visit. Bev. J. F. Ucliaien, of Eopbraaia, gave the Staxdabd a fiiendlr call on Tneaday. Doc. Hofanes, of Walter's Falls, lit np OPT aaacfann by his g Mi ial pt ea o n co last Ihnraday. Mr. A. H. Bhodea, stndent in diarge rf Sarawak, will oondnot the services in Christ chnieh next Sanday morning and •nainK, as Uie laetsE, Hocaoe £. Bray, DUNDALK. atandard Corretpondeiue, Basiness is increasing, tbe stagna- tion caused by harvest operations and tbe Toronto Exhibition is passing away grain is coming in large quan- tities, aud prices are better than last year. Proton Fall Fair, to be held here on the 7th and 8th, promises to be the best in the history of tbe Society. All that is required for a saccessful exhi- bition is fine weather. A continuation of the kind we have at time of writing would be acceptable. Bey. B. Dayey, of yoar village, preached anniversary sermons at Bethel on Sabbath last his sermons were much appreciated, A sacoessfnl tea-meetug was held there on Mon- day. The chnroh erected a year ago is free £rom debt with exception of about $60 unprovided for. Oar market is good this fall plenty of competition in baying. Farmers are getting good prices for their stock, and yet ask for more. Bayers find their margins small. The railway station has ondergone a lenovatmg process, and tbe interior is veiy eomfortably arranged and neatly finished. On aeeonnt (we presome) of the passage of the MeEinlay Bill, Ur. Sanmeiog hw leeeiM orders from tiie States to pnrahaae no more tele- Rtaph polea. PoasiUy, tbe objeet may be to confine attention to getting the â- ereral thoiiModa now on lutnd in the yard here 'shipped before the tanff takes eSeot. Tbe concert by Fax on tbe evening ofthe Sth is ran to draw abig crowd. ^^EpUtolarum Comnurcium." Preparations for the "great" Central Show are completed to-night (Monday) So many entries have already been re- ceived that it is doubtful whether even the commodious 0. 0. 0. F. Hall will hold all the inside stuff. Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead aud ' their daughter, Laura, arrived home from Parry Sound on Wednesday last. They had a pleasant holiday of about four weeks. Mr. Olmstead reports a good time duck shooting. We regret to record the loss by Mr. and Mrs. Biram Bonnell of their infant daughter. She died on Sunday morn- ing and was buried on Monday, Mr. H. Bonnell, sr., came home on Monday. Dr. McCullorgh had a nasty ease of surgery last week. Mr. Geo. Muxlow, of Euphrasia, fell head-first off a build- ing, alighting on a stone and receiving such a severe gash in the face as to completely expose the upper teeth and part of the jaw bone. The wound was sewed np and at last accounts was doing"well. At the football match in Owen Sound on Friday last the Dauntless were beaten by a score of 4 goals to 0. The game was a lively one, forty minutes being spent before ihe scoring of the first goal. Miss Squire conducted the school here on Friday last in the absence of the teacher at Owen Sound. Mr. W. A. Dayman is bnilding a large implement shed and office ad- joining his present building. He means basiness. Mr. A, Scott, of Sydenham, is the contractor. ROCKLYN. Standard Corretpondmce. Hnrrah for the World's Fair, to be held at Uoeklyn on Tuesday, October 7th. Mr. Mathew Patton, Sr., is recover- iag slowly from his late illness. Willie Neely met with a painful ac- cident while jumping on his horse he slipped and fell, the horse tramping on bis knee. tir. Hagh Carry has his blacksmith shop painted and a beaatiTol ugn pat np. J. E. Biohaids shipped 100 tubs of batter last week. This is the sioond shipment this woson. Markdale Council. Minutes of 18th meeting of the. municipal council of the village of Markdale. held the 24th day of Sept., 1890. Members all present except Mr. Haskett the Beevc m the chair. ' Minutes of last meeting read ' aud confirmed. Communications â€" Petition from M. Armstrong and 58 others to prohibit milch cows running at large within the municipality. Account from registrar of South Grey for registration of By- law, c. Accounts from B, Askin and D. G. McLean, and the clerk's acct. for the third quarter. The petition of M. Armstrong and others was left over. Lyons â€" Plewes â€" That the accounts of B. C. Bryden and T. Lauder, regis- trar of South Grey, bo passed and paid. â€" Carried. Brownâ€" Lyons â€" That in the opinion of this council, it is expedient that the members of the council rhould ^oin with the trustees of the public school in assisting them to raise the sum of $2000 immediately so as to meet the contractors demands. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Plewes â€" That B, Askin be paid his acct., $1.90, for sweeping hall and taking Mrs. Caswell to Owen Sound, also that of D. G. McLean for lodging four men on Beeye's order, $1.50.â€" Carried, Lyons â€" Plewes â€" That a committee composed of the Beeye and Councillors Brown and Plewes be and are hereby appointed to examine the telegraph poles as to their proximity to the trees planted, and report to next ueeting of council. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Plewes â€" That the clerk of this municipality advertise in the Globe and Empire for tenders for tbe purch- ase of the debentures now to be issncd, the same to be in Saturday's issue. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. B. C. Bbyden, Clerk. Hampton â€" Shateâ€" That By-law No. 6, to amend By-law No. 8 of 1888 be now read a first time. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" FoFter â€" That By-law No. 6 be read a second and third times, signed, sealed and engrossed m tbe By-law book. â€" Carried. Foster â€" Habipton â€" That we' ap- point Bichardl Shnte as collector for the year 1890'at a salary cf $76. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Festerâ€" That Wm. Hamp- ton receive a,n order for $7 for special services. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Shute â€" That this coun- cil pay Thos. Sargent 86 cents as over- paid taxes for the yearl887. â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Galbraith â€" That the Beeve receive an order for $4 for special services. â€" Corned. Fosterâ€" Shnteâ€" That By-law No. 7 for appointing a collector, be read a first time. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Galbraith â€" That By-law No, 7 bo read a second aud third times, signed, sealed and engrossed in the By-law book. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" That the bill of G. J. Blyth, amounting to S30,45, be pa-d.â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Foster â€" That we pay James Galbraith $4 for letting and in- specting a bridge on No. 3 side road. â€" Carried. SLute â€" Hampton â€" That David Beid get an order fur $1.50 for repairs on blind line between Holland and Sydenham for the year 1888. â€" Car- ried. Hampton â€" Shate â€" That this coun- cil adjourn till the 8th day of October. â€" Carried. Jas. p. Habe, Clerk. WM LUCAS A CO.. I BANKEB1 GSTABLISHEO 1«8«. Markdale, Wm. Lucas, MaaaffJ^ Dundafk^ L G, LueaSi Agmtt, A general bankiDR bosiucu tnnasel DniftB iaMed and o^ecUtMu madv-on punts. Depoeits reeeiTod and inte allowed. AaSVTS: TBSKOUKM Prirato fnadi to lend on farm morl at loweat rates. SET, SALT Car load of To hand at BELFAST HOUSE. LI is U! Even if yon do live the allotedtime, 3 SCORE AND 10. Then •vyhy live the life of a groveling, gro-v^ling despotic, dyspeptic, oh! you peevish, snappish, pettish, cross, crnsty, foetfol, crabbed old heathen who has all the ills that flesh is heir to. BOOTS SHOES, Bubbers, c., in endles^ variety. Large stool to choose from, 20 pei cent, cheaper than anj house in the county. Fresh Groceries, New Labrador fferriDgs] Flour and Feed, Croc key Glassware. â-  WINES AND LIQUORS. Call and see for your- selves. BENSON'S, BELFAST HOUSE, Holland CouncU. WHY NOT DEAL AT "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" G » A »AV«»«BaKt iBEd^rawiKkteBliHltkrllrcris to Hcrels Ome and • half pomda al Me. Central Fair. The first day of Walter's Falls bir was a grand soecess- The weather wrs •11 that eonid be desored. The speeding contest witnessed by a large gathering, and well eondooted, a« far as we have learned. The exhibit in tbe hall was large and TCiy fine. Tbe second di^ -was ahc a gctgeeu day and thooaaods were pre8«n| acd eiqoyed this spleadid lJio« ye^ imeh. W« expect noxt vaak to give «h* nu*.. liat fc u js th e r InSifmfmt. Holland Centre, Sept. 5, 1890. Holland council met on above date for transaction of business. Keeve in the chair present, all tbe members. Minutes of meeting of July 10th read, approved aud signed. The iollowing were then read: â€" Petition of Geo. Elder and twenty-five others, for a sum of money to put No. 1 side road in a proper state oi repair. Accounts from Messrs. Walker aud Wilson for repairing bridge on Allen's sink hole, $3 John Csesar, damage to garden, $10 John Searle, gravel for road, $8 G. J. Blyth, printing and stationery, $30.45 C, Priae, balance of salary for 1888. Bepcrt of equalization of assessment of U. S. S. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Holland and Sullivan. Coaimnnication from Co. Treasurer re arrears on lauds occupied in Hol- land in 1890, aud from County Cl"rk, giving estimates for 1890.- Hamptouâ€" Shute â€" That the prayer ol the petition of Geo. Elder and others be granted by giving $20 on No. 1 side road, E. T. S. B.â€" Carried. Hamptonâ€" Foster â€" That tbe bill of Jas. Walker, amounting to $2, for re- pairing bridge at sink hole, be paid. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Galbraith â€" That John Searle get an order for $5 for the use of his gravel pit fur a number of years. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Fosterâ€" That the clerk ask Mr. McEenuit for the correct acre age he gave in on the equalization of U. S. S. 11, Holland and Sydenham, before the next meeting of council. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Foster â€" That By-law No. 6, for levying tbe rate for tbe eorrent year, be read a first time. â€" Carried. Foster^Hampton â€" Tliat a rate of S3ven mills on the be strack on all the rateable property in the township for the year 1890.â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Shnteâ€" That By-law No. S be now read a second and third times, signed, sealed and engrossed in the By-law book. â€" Carried. H. CoUins and several other resi- dents of Chatsworth complained that the ditches in that yilhige failed to cany off e water. Bainpton- Gnlbraitâ€" That $25 be expended in Chatsworth, and that tbe Pathmaster expend the same. â€" Car ried. Shnteâ€" Fosterâ€"That we adopt tbe report ot the Assessors of Holland and Sullivan is regard to the eqoalisation of U. S. 8. 1 2, S and 4. HoUaad and %U«ili, and that this award stand (or three years. â€" Carried, ' Shnte- Foster- That tbe bill cS Ik. Piice lie uvt^r for the present, and that we ask him to give as a statemaiit «jt fb* ^laqee ift hk Uuda.-'fjhKnid. Do get rid of it, the base, vile, servile, slavish, frowning, sneaking, earth-born diseases, by drinking nature's UFE-GIVm ST. LEON MINERAL WATER, It Revivefies, Eectifies and Electrifies, adds new charm to life. TRY IT. TRY IT. EXPi£RIENCE TELLS In Fine Watch Repairing. Over 18 years at the Trade. I am using fine tools, best materials and doing warrantable work, at live aud let live charges. Those needing Spex will find my stock complete, and mellioild of fitting ou the line of SIGHT PRESERVATION iTonr work and patronage will ^c appreciated. Prices right, cash or credit. W. A. BEOWN, High grade Watch Specialist, MAEFDALE. VINEGAB, VINEGAR, VINEGAR. To have good pickLes you must have good Spices good Vinegar. We claim to have both. White Wine Vinegar, Triple X llinegar. Cider Vinegt^^ Malt Vinegar. GXTARANTZBD. Yours, t^L STEINKH. WIND AND WATER JEFFREY AUTLEY, Mfgf. of Wind Mil] and Pump!), Markdale, Out. If you iieod pump of any kind, and will favor mv. wit your order, I will guarantee tu give satisfai tion every time. I can suit you in eith* Iron, I3rasi, P(ircclain,or Ualvauizcd Iron. Tequs â€" Bepairiup; ca^b new work shoi date approved notes if desired. Below I give a few testimonials Dear Sir.^The two pump.^ you put in f me are givinK me snleudid satisfaction (or of them 66 ft- de«p, the other 2'}}. 1 am we pleased with them. JoDN PouTEOus, KlesLertoQ. Satisfactiom at Last. â€" This ie to certi that I have had great trouble aud expen with my well (55 feet deep) in regard to pnm; until I got Mr. J. Artley to orerhaul i since then I have had entire satisfaction. A little buy, six years old, can pomp with nicely. Akthdb Jobbston, Yandeleor. June 16tb, Xmo. Dear Bir.^Your favor to hand iquiri how we got along with the Wind Mill, might say we had no difBcolty in patting together. It is working i^plcndid. The pui dMt its work all right. 1 like tbe working the Victor Wind Mill very much. It govei itself nicely in a high wind, end I tUiuk it more durable than a wooden mill. N. DcxBouT, Me^ord Jane 33, 18gO. To JerrsET Abtlet, Markdale: Sir, â€" Tbe pump I parcLased from yon 87 foot well gives oooiplete i-atisfactioa. works with t^ greatest ease, for the quant of wmter delivertid. of any pomp I have o testnd. I beiierc it is ounstrooted on a«ia and durable prinoiple and not liable to out of order. I eould not wish tot bel pomp, and can, with the utmost eonfidei reoommead it. Wubing yon every saecess I remain, 70 Ac, Ae. J. W. BFB0U1.B. MarUah lb. J. AATIiST, pMT Sir.â€" In zviply to roar's of tbe 1 iiut.. I would say that the pump yoapai ior me has proved very satisfactory, it be Parable and very easy to woii. ' Ea.^ ptsam fiDd $5, faalanee for^mp. " s- .^ _:*â- ;...;

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