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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Aug 1890, p. 1

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 T?^ •~'""'~~'*^""*â€" "~*^""***'"~-^"-*"' """"""' â€" r â- r i --i i r iii ri n t imr r "mi* r i iim m i .h iih h i ' »ii i m r f i mi i i" »i K I r£*t|.*^ «1K*!*u£ :iiTics. 3 rim high bad feel- d are often caused, at when bad blood 368 the only satisfac- lod Biiters, nature's inded by the medical Lrs. to, September 8 Sept. 18 to 27. erton, Sept. 23 e, Sept. 24 and Falls, Sept. 30 Oct. 8 and 9. 'lUe, Oct. 8 and 9. yn, Oct. 7. MELITA. Melita, Man., states and two others be- were cured of the complaint by one Extract of Wild cLdc x'or all Bonuuer ken very bad with jhcate and got so low e, but a lady friend rf's Extract of ^ild h he couid only bear 3 got vrell. It saved Campbellville, Ont. 'arkda.e, Oi.t ire, lotices in local 001- t insertion, 5 cents WMfl w M Maactibmat, MABKDAXiE. Agent for all kinds KACKXySBY "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." TE:S^TH YEAKâ€" ISTo. 520. MAKKDAXE, THTJRSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1890. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. SPECIAL UMMER ALE â€" OFâ€" WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, CHARMS, JEWEXiIjERT, :SIL^EIl"WARE, VIOLINS, 'STATIONERY. We have lately added largely to all Hues of ciu- stock, and are even better piei)areci tban betore to give perfect Mitisfaction to all. Our repair trade is increasing week- ly, and our work giving general satiefaetion. A call is solicited. BREADPR CASSON JEWELLEES, MARKDALE. ONT. Local and Otber Items. Notices tn tliese eolumtisintended to benefit any individual or Society tnll be charged ten cents a line for the first intertion and five eents a line each aubiequent intertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspnndence, communica- tiont,. Advertisements, c„ mast be in this office by noon on Tvxsday toinsure publication that week. The days are shortening materially. There was a binder twine famine in Markdale last week. Ben. Colemaw, Jr., is gone to Owen Sound High School. The Canadian Mnsical Herald for Ansnist IS to hand as bright as a new dollar. Miss Em. Wright left on Tuesday for Owen Sound to attend the High School. Mr. James E. Matpon returned from England on Monday last after a three months absence; Messrs. Fred. Lyons and James Chesnut, of Ohio, have been visiting friends in this district for some weeks past. The weather has been very unsteady and poor for harvesting the past ten days, which has hindered harvestiag operations materially. The term "Abroad" until recently was understood to be, in a distant land, but now, if people visit friends in a neighboring county they are said to be abroad. Johnston's new dwelling and bakery is being pushed forward rapidly and will be ready to occupy in a few weeks. Thos. Watson is the builder and is hustling things. On Tuesday evening, 19th. after Bible Class at Presbyterian Manse, Mr. A. C. McFarland was. precented with an address and six volumes of Geekies "Hours with the Bible," ex- pression of the high esteem in which he was held and in recognition of the deep interest he took in all branches of congregational and Sabbath School work. Mas. Wm. Hanburv is down from Owen Sound visiting her mother-in- law, Mrs. John Stephens. She is in very poor health and her recovery rather doubtful. Mrs. Stephens is experiencing a heavy share of trouble, having been, only two weekii since, bereft of her son, Mr. J^sse Hanbury, who died suddenly of heart disease in Toronto. The Canadian Live Stock and !b arm Journal is unexcelled to-day as a farmers' paper. It is handsomely gotten up. beautifully printed, and well illustrated. Its articles and agricultural notes are pointed and practical making it altogether a general favorite among agricultural classes. Price $1 per year. Published by the J. E. Briant Co., Toronto. Messrs. Young McC'ullough both live business men, and well known in Markdale have decided to open a Bank in McFarland's block in the course of a week where a general banking busi- ness will be done. Mr. Young's long experience at Banking ought to give the institution the solidity which such an institution requires and we have no doubt they will secure a fair share of business. Who hasn't been delayed and annoy- ed while driving, by overtaking another vehicle whose driver tries to exhibit his smartness (stupidity and ignorance rather) by iockeying and hindering Mb. J. S. EoDMAN and family left )you from getting past The law pro- Markdale on Tuesday last for Chicago "vides that "Any person so overtaking The Stand- another vehicle or horseman shall turn in their out to the left so far as may be neces- sary to avoid a coUision with the vehicle or horseman so overtaken, and the person so overtaken is required to leave half the road free. BAI.ANCE of oar stock of baby carriage selling at cost. Thos. Mathews. For Sale. Sewing machine, second hand, good as new. H. Mebceb. Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. House and lot for sale, near railway station. Apply tQ Geo. lUtchie, Mark- dale. â-  '_.'â- _ Spinning and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills. AfABEDAUi Marketsâ€" No grain on the market. Butter 11, Eggs 14, Wool 20 to 23. Wool wanted at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. Thorouohbbed Durham Bull for ser- vice. Terms $1, thoroughbred cows O. B. Mercer. New Stock of Ready-made clothing to hand at Mercer's this week. Beats everything how he sells those men's smts so cheap. Call and see. Hello There !â€" For a first-class Buggy, Democrat or Waeon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit thei times. Mabkdale €abbiage Wobks. â€" R. Mc- Nallv has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right. AH work warrant- ed. A call solicited always glad to show my work. R. McNally. BUY YOUR FLOUR AND FEED â€"ATâ€" BENSON'S If yon want to save money. WB have in stock FORD'S FLOUR, PLEWES* FLOUR, STANDARD UATMEAi, GRANULATED OATMEAL, ROLLER OATMEAL, ROLLED OATS, CORNMEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, PlGFEED, HEN FEED, CHOP, c. BUY YOUR LONG CLEAR BACON "^. ' •- DISTRICT DOTS. from us. thereto make their home. AED wishes them success American home. Markdale, Ont. We haye iust received Burdock Blood Bitters, Manley's Safe Worm Lozenges, Collis Browne's Chlorodyne, Kellogg's Asthma Cure, faiie's Cdsr; Cuioislp Dalmation Insect Powder, Spirits of Ammonia^ Tincture of lion, DIAMOND DYES, Coarse Castor Oil. Rough on Rats, Ayer's Pills, Eit. Wild Strafberry, Cloves, Nutmegs, Low's Worm Syrop, Low's Bulphpr Soap, l.R. Bnttep* quantities tosi^ety tlie On Thursday last while working in Armstrong's mJH, George Munshaw got the first two joints cut off the first finger on his left hand with an edging saw with which he was working. Real estate is looking up in this district and a growing demand mani- fested for farms both to purchase and rent. John Whitby, the land agent and money loaner is doing a thriving business. Eead the advertisement of Wm. Lucas Co., bankers, Markdale, in another column. Mr. Lucas stands high in the estimation of the public as a man of integrity, after ten years business in the place. Euphrasia Agricultural Society has got out handsome posters announcing its annual fall exhibition to be held at Rocklyn, October 7. The prize list will be in the hands of the secretary, Mr. J. L. Wilson, in a few days. Every column in a newspaper con- tains from 12,000 to 20,000 distinct pieces of metal, the displacement of any of which causes a blunder or typo- graphical error. And yet some people lav claim to a phenomenally brilliant mind if they can discover an error in a newspaper. Wb are pleased to learn that Mr, Henry Hamilton and family have decided to remain in Markdale, until next spring at least. They were about to remove to Toronto, but have mad© other arrangements for the present- We can ill afford to lose such desir able citizens. The advertisements are an impor- tant feature of eyery paper. The wo- men, who are the financiers of every household, recogniie this so thorough- ly that they never think in these days of making any purchases without look- ing at the newspaper, to see where they can purchase the most cheaply. â€" Ex. The prize Iwt of the Central Agn- shitural Society of Walter's FfUs is inst ont anai8.w^ believe, ahead of any in the comity, no* only m «e. ohaoicalg«*.npl«iin V^"f^ oAaed. Bv«y iBtM»amg^«hilator flioiad seenrejoiwMonce^ bsmJ^^ Hohnes, As oWiffBg a»4 «»««•*»« J Hiring Teachers. â€" The customary time for hiring teachers for the com ing year is drawing near. Would it not be a good idea to go about this important work earlier than usual We think it would be an advantage to both trustees and teacher to have the matter settled several months before the end ef the year. If a teacher should have a class studying for third class certificates for which the examination takes place next July, the teacher will work with more energy when certain to be witb his class right up to date of exam., than if kept in doubt until about Christmas. What is there more agravating than, after spending every spare moment all summer cultivating a vegetable garden, on rising some morning to find that the neighbors cows had bmken in during the night and completely de- stroyed the whole business This is what happened to a Markdale citizen one morning this week, and he ran out and picking up a hoe struck a cow making such a wound that it was thought advisable to butcher the animal as she was in fine condition. The cow belonged to Mr. W. J. Mc- Farland, Reeve of Markdale. This cow was among the ones which broke the iron gate at the Methodist church this summeri Tor Sal*. H est pt. of lot 1, MJll street soath. next lot to the Ci^ Hotel, having tiiereon a good brick building arranged for boeiness of toy kind below, and dwelling in second storey. For farther particularB apply to A. Uordop, Gorrie, or to Jofam Whitby, the money lender, Markdale. S18-21. w. Tun^mm^wo^ vw« .^i^^;-j|^ Goto Mathews' hameas stoe for yoftdr harvest mits. Laddb' sI^poB from Si ets. to 91^ a pair, aft Mero^s. '^^iT-] WeddiiigB;fitied ont ia«t«it{hft iy 4 W. Wade, the baker. Bead .qii«rti[ra n^ /j^utognph^ Tn- /^-;4i*w4^v«ii^f f:.\ \.f â- i',-^si"i^Am^ ;,-;;t.?;:^ J iS^^e* The CoUingwood Enterprise i.* build- ing a brick printing office. Hanover has now a Sprmg Bed and Upholstering Co., with a capital of $25,000. The Provincial Board of Health held its annual meeting in Owen Sound last Thursday. A Fleehertonian m a communication in last week's Advance favors a second hotel for that village. Rev. J. Chisholm, formerly of Osprey and late years of Kamloops, B. C, has recently accepted a call to Dunbarton, near Toronto, Mr. Benner, editor of the Mt. Forest Confed., together with his wife is up the lakes this week and the paper also takes a holiday. The Meaford Mirror suspends pub- lication for tbis week. The publisher of a local paper requires relaxation as much as other people. While our agriculturists are viewing out their largest pumpkins, choicest apples, c., the Manitoulin newspapers are indulging in an animated compe- tition for the largest fish story. Two shoddy peddlers from Toronto were arraigned at Lyon's Head last week and were obliged to contribute $79.60, including costs, for an infringe- I ment of the hawkers and peddlers act. Job Let. â€" The contract of making a new road around Adams' hill between this village and the station was let on Saturday last to Mr. Warlhig, of the Meufurd road, for the sum of $375. â€" Advance. We have received from the Secretary a copy ot the prize list of Glenelg Ag'l Society's fall exhibition. It wasprinted at the Standard office, and its mech- anical work reflects much credit upon that estabhshment. â€" Flesberton Ad- vance. Accidebt. â€" One evening last week while Will Armstrong and T. Clayton, Jr., were driving down MrKenzie's hill on the back line Qie breeefaing strap broke, lettmg the buggy oti the horse's heels. The animal was'roUed down-the embankment, and the bt^gy badly demolished, but the young men theni- selyes sustained no ihjory. The accident, oeijturlrsd afteVdrk, and it was not until next motiiini^ discovery wa»B9ad$ tha|(l^^ received io soniig ttkapilttr »'" on tlie finot «yii ii^ pMtik wm^Mrisi rt ii o h i s »ihMi|l^ r " â- : v :-' â- -,, .- *J5;g»w VAi} BENON' BOTTLED ALE, BENSON'S BOTTLED WHIKIE for the hot weather. If you want to save money buy from us and no one else. R. H. BENSON CO. Wholesale and Betail Grocers Merehants. and Spirit R. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. WHY NOT .P DEAL AT "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" AVTiatever You want good. "Wliatever You want close price.. "Whatever Yon want at once. Whatever Yon want a good assortment to select from. "W hatevei* Yon want that others haven't got» yoa can get at W. A. BROWN'S JEWEIiBY STOEE Above remarks apply specially to Americau Watches, Ciox, Jewellery. Wedding Rings 18 k. all sizes. Ex celieut assortment tfilverwam. Positively will not be audersold. Qoali^ of goods and price IrUy gntusmtaad^ WateU repamng imd fittio^r spiex

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