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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Aug 1890, p. 7

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 ^^? ^^a began to ,g^^ ""til at last i^" •e'l af lerwanl at a 'Pany, and for tw -ecKh^t she would ,avery short ti,„e. ' "^o other first. ;aMuih. Theseus • '^-'•â- t-ljedi.saolv- â- " ^^«^k, ifthey ^-er, they ^uii n\v." ims " yii liave 'JCt-ps tlifc ,.,o;:th :sti!;.i I'lico'-for- ^iyvith ^v^i,h ,„ -;"'^\vi.e.i their -V uie^iii. â- " 'â- ^"" giywj-iiie V" '--"iui-ieudeii ' -: i:igi!t. ^vitd •vj-ii cvei-. â-  i\ at night hy ker;yjne huup "'"' •="'*-';â-  ttic air ^|- tapen; whieh •f 'luiiiino, and If. l-'iv-c yraiii.s -Jiree ojiiiucs of '-â- â€¢: f'f iiuiiiiiifc is Lientil |,y imiiiy a'so used as a L'ia;i) oi (;iiiiiiue *-trcu ill n v.'iiie- ri-:ifi:l aflcr long iiad I'y hallirng ;lli;! (.1 s!.lt to a 'lit, i)rc.i)o;1i()n. cas; iie c-oini'ort- fec't iMid iliro'.v tlu: knees with ir hecotiies too â- sh towel. 'I'liis 1 'ucriii!)!.';. will ai)(;;;t liie 'I'"UU UlllltC, ;:.' in tiit pot." " a "n:peratiire \-(. r l)f used for easdus givci) for and siiiiifient. inaij;!.':, is iiy no ;il(iii.-)i wlio ai'e ind it not oidy uii;:f'.il. l-;;il)ics ]i;;t into their â- an Indian â- will J aflei (Ixinkiiig '.•ttd l.iy it iis an (lust Still, as ;â-  ctltei^ perid- gs ah(juta erav- 1 n. When tiic a (haiigiit of (•(•t'tl! "hy its anil, through ar pie.Kua is a e ::e;'vons .sys- ;;:;leiy heiniul iiii!iut.cil nnou may e;iuse al- siiilde'i slioek 1-1 has cxat-tly !i it (ioes noi- :-rsfny â- Ai\.ti\ a ;;t a!:l hui'onie i;'.inr lliat the ,K..lonly fpihu:- vjakenetl, ami 1 iini^MUit of â- ain-. Besiilei' flections, eold â- â€¢J lectii, c;ack- â- .;;igllieir lia- taste is also antitier^of ioe 1 is iiindercd, I -rfith other -i.ih-alv. ;re witii Otlie s. :i icnuirkable L;.an.l cKcitiug when he wants s fact was fov- .,.nt t'onnectctt unibeis case at witnesses of ... a negro ami ink was white- few feet away On the direct y in a pl»iU' evidence was nination pi'O- i and made a 'itness ingi"^- the facts im- le time of the asked Frank, ironmt reply- sk:' tlie chick- ^ppcaredwit^ someone «»« do thenV the chicken and when 'ounty, Ke^ ,t to interfere engaged iB I turned «P right on v/i-o what didyoa ing ss they [â- eniovi ed ashing. _» ators titter^ uiictly Uy ou vonld nof amp' YOUNG FOLK. AE ADVENTUKE TOPUS. The his heavy-headed gs^ in his hand, approach- ed the seal from behind, walked briskly up, and tapped him on the back. The animal WITH A STTMaA-t***?^ '»«"^*«r*»*^^ hood for an instant to ^e Ms assailant but in that instant, the sEserlMded gaff descend- ed upon the unprotected skull, and Hoody had fought his last battle. To Make Paris a Port. Political tension having ceased in Paris, BV EDMCXD COLLINS. fleet of great iron-clad and st«el- plâ- )\^ ed si'.Ips known as " sealers " leave Xi'w: )raiiUnd ever}' spring for those great ho.l!'is of compact ice. known as 9oe3, -which i^ ,, «, â€" â-  â-  ;,!,„;it li-.c 1st of March begin to move from J.'^^'" "'"'V .**l' " "" scheme interesting Barna-.s Bay and other northern regions "" "^T *^1 ""H^^ ^^^ " France and t.v.i.a tlia south. These Hoes are often • "f*^^**^ There has long -been an. idea of iniaired.s of sT-w-e »nile3 in area, being com- ' """'S 'r^? Port oy a wide canal to the „osed of cakes, or "pans," as the sealers I ^®^ one or taose seductive schemes the very ' â-  Here and there ' S"Jideur or whicn indefinitely postpones lip a huge bercr, *^"'v"' ^^'" *h ""V"" "f ^^"'"S the time ° ° â-  "-nrt expense of breaking bulk in receis'ing con- hmf.^ sonip.fiiT^Ps nnri nff«„ i^^i- u!-^ I tinued to engage men's minus. Paris is a ca tiiio ,:'in, frozen together. ih tiie ti-ae towers r.-:,nl.'iil.Mit in gold and blue and green ax"^P^^^^^ lreaki:ig bulk in recei siHKi^o. Tli'jse bergs are of the most fan- g^^^'s trom aU parts of the world lias !i ipes sometimes, ana often look like castles, their clean-cut spikes risincH """' P.â„¢""""" '""' *^'""'""' •'^P"""^**" â- l-liy, like the spires of a Gothic cathe" i i'«?o"'i"S more than a dozen great portsput togetaer. It seemed, therefore, that the I .Sein= should be for Paris what the Thames is for Londoi ^Moreover, one hundred miliioiis have been expended in deepening it,;] ih il. An iateiestir.g denizen of the ice-fields off tiie n'eeulaud and Labrador coasts is the .-;!.â- !:. :,iatopus, or hooded seal. This is an o â-  i t. -• i -r. ,;„ ru!!lv Ijcast, often largerthauan ox. He ' ^„ ^®"' between Pans and Rouen so as t^ i: .I ;:i 1 great heap on the ice, and is much ' i'"' "^.f ' °^ °^ "*^, ^^" to reach •,1 .:â-  of soot. Or. days when the sun is ^%",^-. ^^" *^'^P^^' between Havre and Rouen â- -, as tlie spring advances, the oil fairl/ i i^ " I'-^et, but tiie depth of 10 feet between .out of his giisteninc' skin. I have "'" '"*^^'^^' ^^ ^-^"^°^^^'^* "^^ ^^' °°*®^- •t itue.i .seen him lying so still, and bathed '"' '^â- ""^- ^^ French engineer has devised â- . perspiration .foil, that I imagined ""' "'P-P*"""' i^-^^'e-er, enabling 1,000-ton d.-.a;l, and "rendering" out in the heat. .â- -i.-:i!-h!:;!r:.'r.5 call him the "dog hood," â- ; â-  h J l.,i.o a huge hood or ineinorauo P^"-5^ â- .â- nag of blubber and a tough tissue, :al iuci'es thick, which in the twinklin 1 L'V'J .^afi St; I I ). 1/'.: soil' i;i illlM •ii.-r:.! Rouen and Paris is sufficient for ing trade. an apparat vessels to come up to Paris with the present depth of water. A Paris navigation com- has been foVmed which intends to ijuild;' chie*'iy in England, thirty or forty vessels of 00J, 7'JO, and 1,000 tons, plying s!K till •i led '•y ' A, .c '!, iie seal-hunters' guns cannot parts. The i^reenhorn delights 5"' lunis and Algeria,. West Africa, and Paris, I Docks and warehouses will be provided, and a'l arrangements for rapid unloading. This promises a re"olution in the commer- ti.e u.l ••i' â- d :.rHl ii;;:ri!)e! â- : \\ U pe:t of a dog liood, but the i -, ,. ,1 â-  1 ^. 1 1 n•.^u,â-  Ja i,,^- o, „^„,„„T t^ ^^~ 'â- â-  cial relations between Pans and the world, Ui;:e is iusl as content to let r ..., ,.,,,. ' â-  -,, oi,-,„Q tor tiie vessels will oe increased as renuired. .-illrcaieiKberthefirst day that I^il- •"" ' *--^ outline of the scheme, which will wi-h t'le c^iptain .of a li; " .-trftching av.-ay from " /r ' Tl'.e crew, about three hundred ^Vthat I sail- ' •^"" ^^ "â- --= '"-Lii"^- "i i."c oi^nL-mc, nim^u y iii in" iron-clad â-  excite interest in England, for the heavy fj ,.,„ .J ' i goods trattic bet^sveen the two capitals will •;!., white-coats ad been killing J on ti'.e ice, and I was reeeivinL' s.^-n3 i:i killiiig and "skulping," Ccrm tueanirg liie stripping of the :.f fat from the body of the seal. !:i as well as a gaft' w'ith me, for I i'.wi of the birds that went wlieel- r:ja'.r.:;rg ar^ituud the tops of the i)e brought together on the best of all foot- ings, mutual interest All MoQ yonng, old, or aiddle-aged, who find them resulting in many of the lollowing symp' toms 2d!entaI .depre^ion^ prem^t^re old »ge, losa of yitjaity, \cifa 7oi meraacj, l»d ^eama, dimaess of sight, p«^pitatkii of the Iwsrt, emissions, lack Of cnei^, pain in the kidneys, iieai^he, { thece or body; itehing or pecnliiir sen^ioQ bout the scrotma;' â- wa8ting_ of the oi^an^: dizziness, specks before. ^5e eyes, twit»ing of the miiscles, eye lidtf and elsewhere, bashfulneas, deposits in tha^iirine, loss ajL-Tvill power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failnre to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of heari^4Ci»«liir«$ee,d^riBtp« solitude, ex- citabmty «at!!tfedpfir, jBunken ijyte surroimd- ed with i£jiO£s OEECLE, oiiy looking skin,- etc.,a;resll syttptoms-ofQetvAis debility that lead~to inaaiiity and ctestfa nnless cured. The spring or vital force hivj^g lost ita tension e'very function waSes m consequence Those who through abuse committed in' ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address fear book on all dieases peculai'r to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free scaled. Heart disease,thesymptomsof which a^re faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUEON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto. Ont. Bicyclers agree that it is harder to balance on a low than on a high wheel. A. P. 515. I^took Cold, I took Sick, I TOOK â- (â- i:er4s. in tin- a- 4 .-lid, tv ..ernoon, as we were making th.e ship, r.%eing lamed from tig- over the ice, the captain â-  ..,, ,,,;,, ,-, • fj 1 1 ,,.;fi, 1 :, 1 and around aiiiiu.g me icc-neii.i v, itn iiis 1 ""Tiiere J. fel'.ow 3 a hcoil over tliere, too." â- l, ea-erly. lie replie rjq-er, lie ;s a mile dis to da..:' iiou! '.our .--tai ii'i jimI u: As ,l,"rd .III lliO I replied, Jiot at all •aplain shrugging his to say, "Tlien take out for the ship. I till carrving mv f'uii ii. ::it I, an ..1 ' ;•";) ill I i n â-  i"iii y\\\-\\ vi aiinli^M.ih iiiiiii.'diatt'i' .Hill il u :-'i;;'a-.' ;i..:!i=;t('j' a •â- , a.= it h .;:'â- .'.â- :; Mil --il' ':â- - )â- ;:; in V,\; I: ' t ;rv: any so \.-i â-  :ii wntiuai, an • t iiii.v. 1. trc'ate 1 t ^it. t'ur M'luii; was ailfrss heap of fat Oiiurcass Made Dens of Tliieres- Agents of the suppressed and illegal Paris- iliituel must be hani pressed by tlie police in their usual haunts, for it is now found that thej' are actually using the churches as jjlaces I in ^^•hich to carry on tiieir illicit betting 1 tratnc. It has been noticed during'the last week that between 11 and 1 o'clock in tlie j morning several of these sacred eiiifices in he Faubourg Montmartre â€" especially Notre Dame de Lorette â€" -have been frequented by' groups of men whoso acquaintance with the internal economy of a place of v^'orship seemed to be meagre, and their interest in the relics and images of the saints even less. They selected the dark corners of the building and stuck to the oil they first took up. Some of tiieni les in their hands, but no I Prayer Books, for every now and again their owners, after whispered consultations with j individuals in tlie throng, produced pencils I and made entries in riiem. After tlie results of tlie dav's racking became known tiie same B EATER LIBIE STEAMSHIPS. ;um Tickets, $85; $90 and" Mio; accorfltng to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate $^ ta ia all Towbb ju|»d O^ties.* NA/.e. R £ H O U S E 'Wm: USaSSS^ Send for catalogue. WAITED Salesmen Newest Choices COMPLETELY CURED. Tbovsands Declare it •• Gents,â€" It gives mo prcs- sion to certify tEat your 1j|T2L.i^0K WATER has cbnipleteTy cured mo -^,^-. JOf fihcumatisDi. Hcad- k£.Q^iR ache and Indige.stion.from .which I suffered for many )ycars. a cure which no I other medicine or drug jRLSi. I could effect. Publish this if you desire. M.4n.\ME LEGER.Montrcal The Pa-aco Hotel is open at Springs in I'rovince Quebec for the reception of visitors. For particu- lars address The St. Lron Slinmil Water «'o., l.l«L. Toronto, or to St. I Leon Sonnsis, Quebec. BEATS Seat .Trees. Best Terms- Best Plan, ^est Oqtfit Free. Special Aids for Beginners.. Ho. Nurgery €«, LoHimna, Ho WESLEYABf LOIES' COLLEGE HAMILTON, ONT. Will Reopeu Sept. 1, 1890 (SOth year) The ar.=it of the Ladies Colleges. Has Uni- versity affiliation, graduating course on Liter- ature, Music and Art, followed by Diploma in each. Rooms may be secured now. For terms GREAT EUROPM 1) VT7 address the Principal, REV. A.BURXS.D.D., LLD. Street, Toronto. Send ror Cataloarue. posi RESULT: I take My Meals, I take My Rest, AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANVTHING I CAN LAY MV H.\NDS ON; ;;cttiii^ Iht too, FOR Scott's 5 Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver OiJ and HypophospliitesofLimeand 3 S0da^"OT ONLY CURED MY .IllCip- J ECIlt CollSUmptiOll BUT BUILT ME UP, AND IS NOW PUtTlNG FLESH ON MY BONES AT TIIE R.A.TE OF A POUND A D.VV. I TAKE IT J 1ST .\3 EASILY AS I DO MILK." Mtt*3 Eniiilsioa is put up only In Salmon â- );ir Trrapi)crs. SoM by all Druggists at J jOo. and Sl.OO. i SCOTT -- BOWyE,Bi!{Mp.e. SOLID Leather. Vnsqnallel fcr Siehsess tad Beaat7 ef Coteiia^ They »re the oslt dyes tUat WILL NOT WASH OUT I WILL NOT FADE OUT! there is notbiug like them for Strength, Coloring or Fastness. C£rSFaekas«£aVAIiSTWOofaB7CtlierS7ehtb3a»k9t, If you doubt it, try it Your money will be re- funded if jou are not convinced after a trial. Fifty- four colors are made in Turkisli Dyes, embracing all new shades, and others are added as scon as thej becorae fashionable. They are warranted to dy« more goods and do it better than any other Dyes. Same Pries as Inferior Dje, lO csisii Canada Branch 4S1 St. Paul Street, Montreal lit7\dpoiUil/or Sample Card and Bock qf Itutructij:* OHDStXTRACT I Mu:-. a that he was ni- t â-  .., I lie lav in an uiJ-'y hea' groups reaasenioled in the same places, wiien wJro ueai I. Ho wu s liaV- i """" v-liispcre J consultations took place, anil -Siiuiethnes money pa.sseil from one t;) anotiier, Tli'i regularity of the attendanot TREE tiie sua, I hail no ana he i!ea at ;al of t'aese seutlemcH aroused the attention of SALESMEN " ^^'!i " ' Root "s. p;ece .ST.\RK KURSERir.S, Loui.-iani, Mo A GEXT.S WANTE D-Bg monej-. Choicest X3l boo'.i.s. Control of torritorv. Applv at pace E. ^. r.IoYEit Co..lJOY£n.^e^S^,Tor"outo P.VRISIAX PLAITIXG-Sklrts. 40c~~a~'arcl children's skirts or capes. 2-5c. a yard The Best CJoods. Sold by the Principal Boot and Shoe Dealer.^!. Every Pair Stamped. WE WOMDER OF HEALING! SimES CATASEH, EHETJMAnSM. 1TS7- RALIA,SOr.E THE0A7,FIL£S, WOUNDS, BU51T3, FEMALE COMPLAIITTS, ANI" HSMOBSHAaSS or ALL SINTS. Vs'AIntsmil'v • Externally. iJces50c.$l,$l.t. POND'S EZTP.ACT GO. NewyorkaLonSoa •kill v.- 1^ ,.„ .,;,,,i I 01 taese geutiemeH aroused tiie attention or i A ciumren s skircs or capes. 2-5c. a yard i IS i.v 1 Jiur" h ' ti;e vergers, who; rinding that their churches MIgS_STACKHaL-SS. -127 Yonge St., Toronto as for Iieiuij iu 11 lea witu mere ,0^1^^/, le !)ir were used for betting and were in danger of ""l,i',ir=r. ' earning the anathema passed unon anotiier ciu.u..^ I ,.,1: „..^.,.,u:,, f K„..^„,:„,* i.,l„,.o. ,^( .ir worshio iiiu place thieves,' was Lioiii jecomma hear in of! li:)' a [.;â- â- :. il.Mti H- .! i:ii';!, DJl.-." id, ill! t!u. I'M" i;!,arge L'to li:-!ag lud L iired 1 â- .;â- â- Â». il dens of t went" *)aces o' so of the ' 'â- ""•""' iiif-^"i^ed the authorities of what :v,- mv 'arF on 'h-; ice a^'d ' ""'-^ o^"'o "5" â- ""iiould the bettiug men coii- tico'Tilrit tl'i- animal iirew 1 tiiiue to abuse tlie '•opeii-church" sj-stem H^i.:k'ierk," o%-er " his Iiead, • "'« '"'^y "' ^^^^^^ probabl, '..-if ':;t nil th" i:e cak I po^i*^© raids upon these sacred retreats. f seal-shot m my gun, ry little smaller" than the load at close range f tiie monstor. I ex- "Fork over your money," said the footpad iiim v.-rithe and Www i:i his ' •'^-'""y- ;t lie did iiotliin-' of tlie kind, j The belated pedestrian reluctantly coin- ed "im"k his hciixl iv.-o or three ' P'isd. 1 take .1. l'V)k at me. th.iu com- I "Here is all I have," he said, handing over ;:â- . ,ui i:-;.!iti'ereiit ii.^;iTi vrnin 1 a tv.enty-doUar bill, "and 1 am a hundred 83 A Tp W XQ Pi-of "'â- Â«-l ' Canada, U.S. V^e^ I bl^ I W and Foreigu Coantries. W. J. «;K.4IIA.'}I. :1 Y«»iisc St.. Toronto WAXTED iu every tcivn in the Dominion reliable men to rcprosunt the Dominion Bicl* and Loan Asso'n, 65-07 YougoSt., Toronto, SQ Cfl| TEK 1AYâ€" Good men and women. UpWU Fa.-it .so ling article. J. E., The Gnilsless Victim. !!\lcn and walked leap again. luii'ir hi.lIlU!: :•: tT .if stripping ot â-  1, up wita his pelt after U;' loi- Oft' i head (UK .; tin Willi-' li i had be.ea tau^lit morning; iiut v.hen I reached I'.ed su', and. I "ail to spring • ai! instant only I sav,' liis face, i.i.od wont tlown again.. Thi.s ill a l.-aavier charge I loa. ting my barrel at a safe distance), and" re- nuaiii t^) attaciC. •d .s.iaarelv at tiie Fror i;iile3 from lionie, don't know a soul iu this city ami haven't hail my supper yet. It you Iiavo a spark of humanity," he implored ti eiiibling]}' "give nie a dollar to get liome on." The footpad toiscd liini a coin and vanish- ed up the (InWi alley. The next daj- he discovered tha^ his inno- cent victim from Upthe:reek had got a 13 Victoria .-itrect, Toronto. CPBIVATE HOSPITAL FOR THE 6URE OF «kM«k«kM STUMORS without tha knife 23 II l*Hr Bnoli n-M. i.Il.llr:.IICIUEL,a.D. mi VVl 63 Masaia St., BUFFALO, N. X. ALBERT COLLECE, SELLEvTLLEToNLy" Loads .all other Colicsc? in Canada in the iiuni- b-!r of iiiatriculauts prepared aniiaaliy. ^B" -Spociai inducement-! are offered to those re.}uiring a ISji.sinivss t':ili3o.'it3ou. .Send for c^i'.oa lar. PitisciPAL DviiH, M.A. LEATHER BELTING. Best value in the Dominion. F. E. DIXOX CO.. rIakers, T'O King .street East, Toronto. itS'Send for Price Lists and Discounts."5Ei ten jiaces r.r.'.st l;ave lceii. Tiie dig creature diil •veil ii-.'-ive tl'.is time, so 1 felt convinced T must iia-.-e tinisiied him. To make il.)a'ily sure, however, I move dose of shot â€" this time in T5:.V'lIEIl.S can make money during vaca- tion by can-.-assim? for one or more of our ollar iu good money out of iiim in exchange ^â- J-'v""' ""'?,"'"•';â- * S-"^,^.^^"' especiaily History • •' of -.nada, by \\ H. »v uhrow, D.D., latest ;.,nd best edition ever publislicd, prices low, terms liberal. Write for illustrate 1 circulars arid terms. WM. B«IGGS. Publisher, Toronto. place whore the ' "' counterfeit tW'enty-dollar biU. list ;la^â- e nss'ir.iii'ie (biublv iiim t. on: t'.ie bodv she:itiied my tii'.ife •uce again and walkeil up t J take my rr,-,pliy of fat an»i hide. H;' made w) move as I ai)!)raaciied liim. He Feared a Trap. "Vi'ould you mind holding my babyamo- rcated j nrent," inquired the j^oiuig matron, sweetly, an.i my Oil had .;;.)ii'i I "while I go iuto ti;e next car to get a drink oarely moved, I tin- i f,-,.. y-Ao " The eldeiij' but well-preserved traveler shook his head suspiciously. "Please excuse me, ma'am," he said, pol- IS ME STRENGTH RUN DOW? Ee^'ain it bv takiiiii: JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF Confe6eration 3Lffe ORGANIZED 1871. HE-iD OFFICE, TORONTO REMEMBER, AFH-ER THREE YEARS Policies are Incontestable- Free from all restriclions as to rcililcin'C. travel or occnpation. raiil-ap F4»Iicy auit t'asii Surreiitler Value Ciiiarautccil iu cacli Policy. THE NEW ANNU3TY ENDOWMENT POLICY. AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST :-: EARLY DEATH. :-: Provides an income in old age, and ii a gosd investment. Policies are non-foricitable after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Profit.' wliich are unexcelled by ;iny Company doing business in Canada, are allocated every Ave years from the issue of the policy, or" at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. I'rolits so Allorateil nrc .4sluje and not liiiMc to be rctlnced or recalled at any foturc liuic niider auy cire^iiiissaiiccs. ParticiptUinij Policy Holders are entitled to not than 90 per cent, of the profits earned in thQ class, and for the past seven years !iao actually received 9s per cent, of the itrafiis so W. C. MACDOXALD, J. K. MACDONALD, Actuary. Man^.vgixo Directob his side.'-witli tiie stock of! GA]^fcylJM^iH^^ R AWSr ST) â-  M'5wTf?EAi: at rn! i x'stiiig on t'ne ice, while I deli'Oc :i the easiest way of stripping him. I H t !.)ri.^ ;o thin'k, as old Hoody, with a ' I itelv, "I can't do that but I will â€" er â€" take Send for e ataioguc. mo'v eir.eiit as ;uuck 'ir'lr ni a be; ir, urned and d lay gun somewiiere about the centre le barrel, taking it frnnlv iu Ids mouth. dragged his huge carcass orer tha not be seen it. I- liad on "skin" boots, ing to the ice and keep you fairly i.elie'eil bv anv one who •cl- ot till Hati my U'g been nearer to his headtlianmy gir.i u;s, I .-~Itoi"-l not have waltzed since, I M :is duml'foup.ded, but this v.-as not all. "'itl; luN- gun in his mouth, the monster maile :if!er ir.e, .and the rate of sneed at which h, ' ice c^mli! h^id not «-hicll c! weli fiom slipping, but I .saw that the hood's s[ecd vas fully e.[ual to mine. To my left was a stretch of rough surface, as ii the blocks and cakes had been beaten up in some 8t')rm, and then lecanie frozen iu this manner. Here I had the advantage, and a fev- ir.inutes put me out of danger! I returned to the si-ap withuot either ijiy gr.n or my gaff, and when I went 'oelo-w- I •lould see tliat the veterans in the cabin knew my story about as well as myself, although the J- liad not seen the encounter. The ne:Lt day an old hunter said to me "These hoods are not worth bothering with, as Iheir blubljer is not as' profitable as the white-eoats, but we'll dnd that fellotr of fours and get your .guu, Besides, I'll show you how he caa be got without firing at him at all." â-  We ^und him not far from where I, had escaped from hifl; toils, and lie, lay. there, positively lookipg just as comfortable as if I had only be|n,jwjppi^g,-p§a^ aii(un tjie. day before. My giin.jwas'a(fwj«^aw;|iy«And ti was bent ^g^"r^ ^H^^^^, yith pleasure in holding Fido while you go and get the babv a drink." Singers and public spea -ers all chew Adams' Tutti Frutti Gum, for the .voice. 5 cents. It is said that there are 50O ways to cook a crab, but two or three ways are enough. XOTHF. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine will in- stantly relieve, as well as stop, a severe fit of coughing. The Summer girl's masciiline shirt is be. lieved to be en its last limlw. MISS ALICE OILMAN, a graduate in Music (\ ocal) of Abna Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Ontario, after declining a SI, 000 salary for singing in a popular Canadian Church went to Chicago near which she now holds a lucrative situation as teacher in the public schools. She has a brilliant future before her. Alma's graduates seem to carry the inspiration and success of their Alma Mater with them into after life. Any of our readjBTS so desiring can secure a 60 pp. Cal- endar by addrossing Peixcipal Austik.B. D. .- Foe table-uaa »]jtJiaek;igla8aeaare.colac«d now, and in a few instances claret glasses. Of all t!ift*er(m!il;Ms ^epared from Cod J,i"er Oil there is'iione tliat equ^s SJLO- CUM'S OXYGENiZBD EMULSroN" of, pUBii COD Jii^R. PtL, ka cfrn^i^ sell this vali^aUe pr^paratiott abd.t4ie CttlraB ^^S^SPiSSB^Sffitii^ii ;i'ADV£R-n31'5lG--"' ^- PUR-FOSES. 'i. T^RdNTO; CANAl ARTMCUL LIMBS J. DOAN SON. For Circular Address, 77Northcotc Ae., Toronto Incorporated I88«. Hob. C W. a Ilan, Pros. ijijw^ajjcog: tjy^|Veff rTws. T*o .••;.i--if?I OF MUSIC Over 1,200 pupils l."st three years. Fall Term Beslu" Hraday, 1st September Send for 90 page calendar containing an- nouBeements.f oc comii^ se^soa EDW^AROnSHEft.^fnslcal Director, .Cor. X(»e^ street imd WiltianaT^iue, Toronto I'for V'^BB BOTTIA B9 an nudi^ I win vaanuit it to cwf in- sevezv cases trh^e other Mjr reason for sending a free medicine to be its own recom- mendation. It costs 3rou g^c^S* â-  Fost Otate. ROOT â- i.e., MO mixm WMt ArtalaM* m] TJie Alliance BoM aUd Investment Go. of Ontario, Limited. Incorporated February ^Ttli, 1990. CAPITAL Si,000,OOa General Offices, 27 29 Wellington Street East, 34 36 Front Street East, Toronto. This Company underlakcs ageucie.' of every description, and trusts, such as carrying outi is.sues of capitrd forconii)anie.-;ar.dother.-.. onver.sion of railway andotUcr t^ccurities, will give cp.-e- ful attention to iuauagoinoa. of estates, tiie coilection of loans, rcnt-s interest, diridends, debt*, mortgages, debentures, bond.^, bill's, notes, coupons, and other .securities will act as agents for i.5su- ing or counter.-iigning cortitic;vtes of srock. bonds or otherobligations. Receives and invests sink- ing funds and invests moneys generally for others and offers the best terni.s- therefor. Every dol- larinve.sted wither throu.?li this Company earns the highest returns and is absolutely safe. All inve.«tments arc guaranteed. THE ISi VEfST.W EXT IJO^ Uti of the Company are issued in amounts of $liJ and upward and otsr unparallellcd inducemen s for accumulative investments of small amounts, monthly or at larger periods for terms of years from five upwards and the investor is not only absolutely protected against loss of a single dollar but can rciy upon the largest returns consistent witli security. Correspondence solicited and promptly repiied to. WM. STOXE, Frwldent. «. F. rOlTEU, Managliig 35 rector. First-class General and Local Agents can obtain remunerative contracts by applying to THE ALLI.t\( E BOXD AX» INTESTJIE.NT CO., OF O.VTARIO, IT».. TOROXTO. OXT. TO THE EDITOR:â€" Please infonn yoOi eader* that I have a positive remedy fo) th abova sESJsed disease. '""ByltS'Hinel? uS: thousands of hopeieb. cases have been permaBently erred laoers "" " â€" I shall te jtimAloittM nri bottles of my remedy FREE to any a. your rea •nmptioniftii67Tvii!»eBfl-me tiieir Express and Post Office AddrssSi •iespectfiiUjri Tt il â- i. iM wtMtt -mBta:ste-9ta Toronto. ontariOi who hav ooa FIRE-PROOF CHAMPIONS With Upright or Horizontal Boilers. 12, 16, 20, 25 Suitable for all worlc and 30 H.P. |Thr..hin^^Sa ^^^^^^^ Traction Engines ' 3t2^ 16 and 20 Horse-power. .imttW^BURNINQ ENGINES '_»v;r.-'Forthe:Nofth-West,

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