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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1890, p. 8

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 â€" pHT8iBE|«a, toBamam, Aocovcmpu^ Ofiioe at Maialey'i Bmg Store, where all eaShl Jay or night 'will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPROULE, M. D. A. EGO, M. a.. «e. JP. -McCiillomfirli, 3ABBI8TEB, SOIjICITOR, o OFFICEâ€" OVER McFMRUWS STORE. MABSIBAliB. 3I!oney to ILtoa,ii. I. B. L-VCKS, BARRISTER, 801.1CITOR,*C of the firm of Bishop Loctw, Owen Soimd, at office ol WiA. I.UCA.8, Si, Co.. Every Friday. Wm. Lncaa in chaxse of office -during week and legal matters vnll reeeiTe prompt attention. D' BBOWV. JVISICN COURT CLEBK. Issnerof Marriage Licenses, (fkc. Commissioner} in B. B. e. C onveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- carity. WILLIAM STUART, K1M13ERLEY, Issne.' of Marriage Licenses. Money to *Loan on Eeal Estate at low rates. A few Jfarms for eile. Terms easy. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. -DENTIST,- OBADUATE of Dentistry, will be attheMarkdale House, AND I BADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOIi .."Uarkdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday gf each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesdajf in each month for the practice of his profession. •Commeucing on the 7th September. Grosi^ more of the Dia- 1 mond Dyes to hand. DIAMOND GOLD PAINT, DIAMOND BRONZE, DIAMOND SILVER PAINT. Also a full line of the Turkish Dyes. WE WANT MPIiEY. There is about fie* hundred doU Ian of our money acatterid through thi$ country f a accounts of/rom otu doUar up. This nice htUe sum we need by the 1st October, and would hereby request every reader uf this notice to stop and ask ftimself "do I owe the Standard anything f" Look at yaur address labe' and if you owe 0ne dollar or more jtlease let us hare it before tlu above ilate. We hate been very lenient during thepast ten years, and noir, wishing to make importanttmp"ovementsin the paper and office equipment, would urge a prompt response. Don't say your indebtedness is so small it is not worth while making an effort to pay but decide tight on the spot that you wUl square your little account and ikus enable the Standard to aecompiish its contemplated improvements. Gome now for a general rally. If there is a pronpt and satisfactory re^onse during the next three weeks we will let gov know by the first paper in September what the pro- posed improvements consist of. IISTRICT DOTS. Darlmra is to Iiave a new sWi rink, sure. sKatim The ThoruouryStauaHri fcau, holiday tbis week. *^* « • Mr. Thc8. Brown, one f.f n„ t "••'-- " " -^ "^^sJ Seventy-five jicres of Fort Win; land bH8 just been sold bytheO P T for 120,000, â- '"eL.p.i{_ Elora and Fergus A. 0. U W i an excanjiou iast week uo Owen ^; wheu 960 took in the trip a'd 1V pleasant time. ' " '«1 a IBg, 000. LoBB $85,000. Oweo Sound is Insu tt.Vtaorn. ranee Ui, weekly paper and a daily in conne S nextmontb. TlieehaucesforsS^ of the latter does not appear o/, encooraijing. '" •â- " d» The Presbyterians of Dixie and Cooksville, near Streets^ille, had lawn party two weeks ago at which one thousand people attended, and $200 was taken m. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate secority, at low rate of interest, no commission charged, fiasi- uess Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. lOKTHE IFtBla) iImbsT^SiXIS) FARM FOR SALE. T" QTNo. 24, con.^4, N. D. B. Glenelg, *100 acres, will be sold cneap and on •easy terms of payment, for fartherFarticulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J, S. BLACK, PomoDia P. ffest for the Merchant Toilet articles and Per- farriery. RELIABLE GOODS, HONEST GOODS, Gomeln MiRKBALE EOnSE, MABKDALE. OUT. J. E. Marsh. Prop R. J, SPROULE FLBSHEKTON. Conveyaucer, .Appraiser, Valuator and Money •LeiKler. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and -SVills drawn ui) andValuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPROUIiE, Jlonev Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. There is one merchant iu Markdale who never rests, believing in the proverb, "If I rest I rust." I keep, therefore, hard at work all the time, and in order to make the machinery go a little faster at this time of dull- ness I have it oiled with HliiFBICES. f( f« W. G. RICHARDS â-º UILDEE, CONTEACTOE, ABOHI- TECT, Markdale. It is wonderful how it makes things go. It can only be compared to the Selt-Binder in the rapidity with which it makes my men cut oflF goods and tie up parcels. SPICES SPICES • Pickling Spices, Catsup Spices, Sweet Spices. A cordial invitation is extended to the pub- lic to call and examine our handsome stock of crockery. The latest shapes and patterns to- gether with high grade material. Then an- other important con- sideration is the low price at w^hich I am selling. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Come right in and see for yourself. Smoked and canned pork, spiced roll and hams at right prices, E. BUTLEBGE, Markdale. Mr Fawcett, editor of tbe Streets- viile Keview is this week v,s.tin. friends at Flesherton, together with his wife and family. He doesn't publish any paper this week. The saw, smngleandciioppina mills at Damascus, five miles fro-n Arthur were burned down two weeks ago' They were owned by Dt. Eobinsju of Arthur. Loss $5,090. No insarauce. ^SoLD Oni.-Mr. A. P. CampbeU, M. -, P. for.Algoma, has sold tbe Brampton Conservator to Mr. Thoma* Charters, late foreman of tbe Woo*. stock Sentinel-Eeyiew. Mr. CampbelB • will start a new paper in Sault Ste. Marie. Ont. Thos. Mann, bus driver for Somere Hotel, Chatiswortlj, w^« I no* week fined for overstepping the rules laiddown br the railway agent for soliciting pasen- gers coming off the train, and for assulting the agent who tried to hinder said breach of the rules. The fines and cost amounted tc $U.Qo. An exchange says it is said Mr. John Blyth. the defeated candidate at the election for the Legislative Absembly, is to oppose Dr. Lauderkin for bouth Grey if he will accept that nomination. Should he decline either Jas. Alien of Egremont or Victor Lang of Neustadt 18 the second choice of the CoEserva- tives. PORE CREAH TARTER 'S PRESERVE YOUR StfiHT BY WEAHrXG THE ONLT FRANK LAZARUS [Late of tbe firm of Lazarus Morris.] Benewsad Spectacles and Sye-Glasaea. These Spectacles and Kye Glasses have been used fer the past 35 years, and given in every yistance nnbouuded satisfaction. They are tbe U£ST d'TBS Woitu). They never tiie, and last Tnany years witUont c hange. For 3 al e by BKBADHSX tt C ASSOV. practi- •cal Watchmakers, Jewellers Engravers, dealers in all kiods of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Wall Paper, Stationery, Befaool Books, c. Piirtlealar attention paid to repair- ing fine watches. Ac, with oeatneae and dea{atcb MiKKDAIiB. ONT. EVERY DOLLAR of Sumoier goods in my store have slid through the Keduction machine this last few days. These goods are as good as they were two months ago. The process they have undergone has not altered the value, but it lias brought the price down to the point where it more than pays you to have them. tiKB MK mm FHJiig i Baking Soda, Ginger, Peppper, (Ground or whole) Allspice, Cinnamon and Cloves. IF YOU WANT Wyeth's Beef, Iron Wine, Milburn'g Beef, Iron Wine, Stephen's Beef. Iron Wine, Burdock Bloud Bitters, Warner's Safe Cure, Chase's Liver Cure, Shilo^'s Vitalizer, Paine's Celery Compound, Fowler's Extract cf Strawberry or a Box of Carter's Little Liver PHls. and get a grist exchang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best satisfaction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- iiig :F'IL.0TTI5 caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W. FORD. PLA^E .1 a«%.;w ^fil -; si' ":*,». vS3*Mv' W»Ui. CURS o« Ri^usyE DYSPEPSOt iNDlGmm MU BRQPSV Bon'ibay^Bjtfaiog at the black ink or bkeK fenea ptioei. JSee tint you get tlw Bed wlaeh mettit Drig StOR DRjFOWLEKS •EXT: OF • TI^BEIffiY CURES flpLERA nplera Morbus BAMPS The Streetsville Eeview is now two years under the present managment and is one of our brightest and best gotten up exchanges, Mr. Jawcett has made a vast improyemeufc in the Eeview since he took the reigus and also excels in job printing. Tlie StaSd- ABD is pleased to be thus able to epeak of the success of a former next- neigh- bor. On Wednesday week Mr. Wm. Cnrrie, in company with his brother K. B. Currie, and James Morrison, cf this town, caught three dozen of very fine trout, which averaged a poaDi and a half. They were on exhibitioa at Scott Morrison's store during Thursday forenoon, and visitors say they were the best lot they have seen. â€"Mt. Forest Confed. [The Confederate doesn'tsay whether it was the above trio or the fish which were on exhibition. E. B. C is a rare exhibition in himself at the present time. Ed. S.] -*- r.^ id^UffiMi Careftil attention giv- en to ]Presbiiptions and Familf: gaeceipts. W3 ask yoiar patfona^ ami Sadden Death. YSEHTERY ^^^*^^^ COkfPUIIIW «"A«s rwt e£\' n Mr. Jesse Hanbury, formerly of tta* place, and brother of Thos. Baobnry, Esq., reeve of Dundalk. dropped aeW while playing a game of pool in Benedict bUliard haU, Toronto, on Monday last. Mr. Hanbury jw roeentlybeen to British Columbtf' returning this summer in poor Jieaiw- He stayed with his brother JoM« Brandon for a time and fi^^^^lZ covered and came down 8^*7"' "L days with friends here only a ' weeks ago going on toToronto- a^^ disease was the cause « '%.,.gg. The body was brought nP »;%, tiay'a noon train and interred m*" EnS^h obnrch cemetery' TROUBLE AT MBW^ ^^ Mn. W. H. Brown of MeHte, IJ^ j,. ihat two olliar chfldsm Mi t*«Tof th^ imlbm to a aeishbor, ware f^,^ o» of Dr. Fowliff-i .ExWf*-" H|8T0BX0P15^^,^ frnMsmhsm-v^^ii* mi 6ord( Manle} Co Pain'i i)ahnat Si dia; Cottse U M t

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