O. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, AUGUST 14, 1890. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Winnipeg has a population of 25,000. â€" Cardinal Newman died in London on Monday last aged 90 years. â€"Silver ore valued at $36,000 was shipped from Port Arthur last Friday. â€" An Ottawa press says it is cur- rently reported that parliament will meet Nov. 15. â€"The U. S. Congress will spend $5,000,000 in needed canal improve- ments at Sanlt St. Marie. â€" The general conference of the Methodist church, of Canada, opens at Montreal, on September 10. â€" The amount of exempted property iu Montreal is $19,745,210, and a crusade against tax exemptions is to be instituted. â€" While last year Manitoba had to import several hundred thousand dol- lars worth of oats, this year she will export a couple of millions worth. â€" Eimber, the murderer, paid the penalty of his crime at the Auburn state prison on Wednesday of last week by the new proceiss, death by electricity. -â€"Two by-laws were passed iu Gait I'll Tbnrsday last, one to raise $125, JOO fo: the construction of waterworks find tlie other for local iinprovements. â€" Editor Commins, of the Spring- Hold, Ohio, Buf,'et, was drubbed one day last week by two muscular women whom the editor had scandalized in an article in his paper. ^A vote was taken in Toronto last Wednesday on seven by-laws to raise in all $729,263, only two of which were carried, viz The Boys' Indus- Irial School $20,000, and the Girls' Industrial School $20,000. Abont 1000 people came to town m Wedneaday on the A. 0. U. W. ex- euTBioii tnm. Elora and intermediate points. Owing to the lock at the "Soo" canal being broken, the lake traffic has been consideTably lessened this week. Monday was an unusually quiet day in town, it being civic holiday a large percentage of the citizens went pleasure seeking out of town A large crowd took in the firemens' excursion to Midland, while steamers, yachts and skiffs were in great demand. The usual thunder storm came duly to hand about 3 o'clock. A third paper is to be started here in the near future. The Wawboose camping party have returned from Barrier Island. The compan;y numbered over sixty. Your reporter judges that the youthful swains of the company improved the time and expects that the ministers of the town will reap a bountiful harvest in the near future. [The above came to hand a day too late for last week's paper.] THIS week's contribution. XBZSH £AXE PXCHXC. The annual picnic at the Irish Lake came off Tuesday. The day was as perfect as i:;olden sunshine and cooling breeze could make it. The attendance was much greater than it has been for some years. Good order prevailed andall seemed to be biim full good ciieer and bent upon a day of real old fashion- ed fun and enjoyment, the only drawback being the lack of shade. Father Maloney is justly entitled to much credij for the com- pleteness of his arrangements which resulted iu such a splendid success. The receipts -were something over 700 dollars. The affable and oyer welcome Father Casson was present, also several other rev. gentlemen. The political world was ably represented by Dr. Landerkin, Wm. Brown, P.MoCnllongh, Dr. Ego, Editors Thurston and Mitchell ana other dimmer luminaries. The rev. gentle- men and some of the politicians were arrang- ed in a stiff row, forcibly reminding us of a long class of big overgrown boys in the old log school house, and had their photographs taken by a dreemy-e^ed, i«m1 headed artist with a pink wart on the left side nf his roman nose. The picture ia 'bound to be a success and a valuable souvenir of the event. The jfine boats which the management had brought from Owen Sound proved a valuable acquisi- tion. Haikdale, Flesh erton and Durham were well represented. Tbere was one un- happy man â€" immediately upon entering the grounds was mistaken for a Proton cattle dealer by a wild eyed, horny handed son of tQil who threatened him with severe punish rnent unless he woald return a certain volun- teer sheep. He was frem tne village of Toronto and a lover of peace, and not comir g to disturb the good order or inflict an injury to the angry farmer he quietly withdrew to the fnendly shelter of aQ adjaqgpt brush pile. Later on he emerged ^om his retreat and mingled with the multitude bat only to meet with farther disaster. As he was quietly standing in a side doorway of one of the booths gently nibbling at a huge piece of dry ginger bretid and a tear trembling on the tip of his robust nose he was again mistaken for a toui^ and was caught .iroia behind by a muscular rev. gentleman and sent flying out upon the green grass much to the delight of his friends who were wicked enough to laugh at his calamity.' Explanations again followed. Mr. Mitchell, of the Durham Chronicle, drew the binder, after which the people began to disperse highly pleased with the pleasant day they had put in. â€" Com. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Herb. Brown, of Markdale, who has been attending the Collegiate here, has carried o£f the honors in the re- cent Matriculation Exams., taking two scholarships. Mr. T, K. McEenzie and bridoj of the Gravel Road, spent their honey- moon with friends iu Qaen Sound. The District Meeti Aof the Meth- odist Church was held in the Scrope St. Church on Tuesday. Lake trade has so increased that the C. P. E. find it necessary to call the Manitoba into service and she is being refitted for the purpose. She is the largept steamer on the lakes and was built at the "Poison Works" in this town. The C. P. E. Slip is nearly com- pleted. The tracks are being laid along the new v.hnrves, and soon Owen Sound will have the beet f-bip- ping facilities of any port on the lakes. Mr; J.'G. Banuercaaun, Dentist late of Bradford, has removed to ou^ town and will open in Butcbarfs new block, corner of Baker and Poulett Sts. Mr. Lang, ' Enight of the Quill, of the Kincardine Eeview, is in town. He is making the necessary arrange- ments to open out here, and expects to begin the publication of a new p£.per, the "Owen Sound Sun," in about two weeks. Besides the regular weekly, he will issue a tri-weekly sheet, wUch he intends to convert into a daily at as early a date as possible. It will differ from the "Solar Orb" in this, viz A small consideration will bo charged for the rays of light which it will disseminate. A lacrosse match on Tuesday after- noon between Owen Sound and Ches- ley resulted in a score of 4 to 1 in favor of Owen Sound. Ladoer'8 Luiding. B. G. Aag. V '90. Editor Standard: The wMther in this seo^n baa been xnrat favorable of late for the ranrbers, tor the haying operations, of which they are in the midst. Hav is a very good crop in this part and will average abont three tons to the acre. Grain crops are also exceptionally good. Oats and hay are the principal crop here oats will average about 70 bus. to the acre. The Salmon Canneries are busily engaged at present in canning salmon. There are abont fifteen canneries on the Fraser Biver, These canneries give employment to a large number of persons each one employs about 30 white 2uen besides 100 Chinamen and about the ^aine of Siwases. Lumbering is also earned on to a great extent here. Fir is the principal timber th.'tt grows in our raaguificeiit forest. Messrs. Grant Kerr cut in their saw-miU the other day a pair measuring 110 ft. long, tor the barn of Mr. H. Benson. Fir grows to an immense size a number of them are 8 ft. in dia. at the butt. Cedar also grows to a great size. Mr. Abercrom- bie cut from one tree 600 rails and burnt six cuts 12 ft. long. Mr. Andrew Beattie who came here some time ago with two fine Clysdale horses from Markdale, Orit., left for his home a few days ago. After mak ing a lat go- season with his horses he has aold both for a good figure. "Just in Time" we believe for the sum of $2,000, to Messrs. J. McCallum I J. Gilchrist and the other "Lucky Lad" was sold for a sum uotlar short of that amount. Mr. Beattie made many warm friends during his short stay here and all feel satisfied that we will see him back again in the near future. Joseph Lanktree. ^^y^? The public are interested to Ishq^ where to supply their wants at prices to suit the times. "Well then at the Toron- to House we sell Gents' nice surainer suits $5 Gents' Dress suits, nobby and stylish, $8 to $12 Boys' suits $2 taS4 nice fashionable Dress stuff 8, 10, 12 to 25 cts.; Prints in great variety, fast and durable colors Tweeds 35c. to $1.50 to suit taste and pocket Boots, Shoes and Slippers, a large and well assorted stock at bottom prices, to suit all sizes and conditions; Ducks, Dennims, Cotton^ ades and Shirtings, specially good vaKies; Hose and Gloves, all kinds and prices Teas 20, 25 30 cts., claiin ai tention of close buyers who want a good article at reasonable price. Call, see and be convinced. We mean business. (1890.) WM. BROWN. FARMERS! THRESHERS! MfLLMEII! WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING There is more fun in a sheet of sticky fly paper than in the averace negro minstrel. Watch the kitten playing with it on the new carpet; the latter is ruined for ever the kitten goes into a fit and all the women and childien rush out of the house in terror. If j'ou want to rid your house of flies, buy Wil- son's Fly Poison Pads, and use as directed. Nothinpr che will clear them out thoroughly. Sold at 10c. by all druggists. CYLINDER, ENGINE AND Wool Oils. SEE LABD OIL AND BOILEE PUEGEE THAT BAEEELS ABE BRANDED rauraixs. Industrial â€" roronto, September 8 to 20. Westernâ€" London, Sept. 18 to 27. East (Jreyâ€" Plesherton, Sept. 23 and 24. Glenelgâ€" Markdale, Sept. 24 and 25. :entralâ€" Walter's Falls, »nd Oct. 1. Protcmâ€" Dandalk, Get. 8i^ 9. Art«mesiaâ€" PriceriUe, (te(.8i»4^^ DttuOalk. Standard Corresvondence. Harvesting operations enc^age the attention of the farming community, hence business men are not over- worked. Mr. Tbos. Han bury, Beeve of our village, received the sad intelligence on Tuesday of the sudden death ot his brother Jesse, in Toronta He drop- ped dead, bat particulars are not to hand. Bev. Cobbledick's sermon on Sab- bath evening la^t was an excellent one the subject was "The new birth." Dandalk'a civic holiday will probab- ly on the 29th inst. An effort is being made tu have a nniou of the fraternal Societies for an excnrsion, but details are not decidjd,n. Dnndalk's rate of taxation for this year will be as follows. School levy and debentures 7i mills county and railway rate 2 mills village rate 6 mills; total fifteen and qne half mills on the $. The new parsonage is being pro- ceeded with rapidly. Proton lall Show will be held on October 8th and 9tb m Dundalk. The Prize List is ready for distribntion. The implement dealers are having a boom five self-binders left here on Tuesday morning thwr destination, the harvest fields of Proton and Mel- ancthon. An Important Decision. Mr. Justice McMabon delivered a lengthy judgement on Saturday last in reference to the injunction against the removal of Victoria College from Oobourg. The case was tried at Cobourg without a jury on Nov. 8, 1889 at Toronto, Nov. 12, 1889, and Feb. 26. 1890. His Lordship decidcR that compensation must be paid the town bf Cobourg as well as the sub- scribers to the institutioL, but that there has been no agreement that the College should remain iu Cobour-j in perpetuity. College Federation is now assured without further litigation. McCOLL BROS CO, TOEONTO Sold by J. E. TBELFOBD, Markdale. PARIT POUTICS. WHEN party politics run high bad ifeel- ing nod bad blood are often caused, bat all parties agree that when bad blood arises from ordinary causes the only satisfac- toty cure is Burdock Blood Biiters, nature's blood porifior. Beoommended by the medical profession. 86^1- 30 "WILSON'S FLY POISON PADS. One of these pads will kill more flies ererr day for a montii than can be canght upon a larRA sheet of sticky pa{ier. Aine.packetof Wilson's Fly Poison Pads w^U last a whole aeaaoa. Sold tytil droggists. THE BOOT OP EVIL. Bjrpepaia and oont^tipation are ibe Boamm of 'Various diseases, but root and btanch may be removed- Lr using Bordook Kood ^tten •MfwdinR to direetions. Ititi endomdliv ilie pran. tbe paUia «nd tbe ^ntvnoa.Mud, canndt be exomed fy thecurec^pqut^alion. Tbe larkdale Standard Is issued eyeiy Thursday, by C.W. RUTLEOGE. Markda.». 0,,i. Tkbhsâ€" 91 per year in advance; 91.50 if not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch spaoe and under, per year, 94. 1 TB. 6 KO 3 MO. Whole column 950 00 927 50 916 00 Half column .... 27 GO 15 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. 15 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Threeinch spaoe .... 10 00 5 00 Casual adrertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, S cents -per line each subsequent insertion, noniareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals o, advertised 3 weeks for 91 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. 1 JOB PRrNTCSTG. The Stasdasd office has a splendid equip, ment of poster as Tf ell as fine job type. Spe- fflal att^ti^to orders by maiL All orders filled with dnpatch. R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS, TEOWSEBINGb' in all the leading grades. SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES. COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, c., c. Special attention is invited to the manufacture Of Buttons; parties wisliing buttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlimen, can have them made in a tew minutes while waiting. AGENT FOE PAEKEE'S DYE WOEKS. Tailoring done as usuaL Custom work will receive careful attentoii. Good work and reat fits. l^«(irti| ^\aettUvn. Markdale C. 0-0. P. Na. 78, meets evm ^ternate Monday evenii^ at 8 o'clock in their Haa, Bae'8 block. Tisitirg bretbcen welcome. Markdale A, 0. U. W. No. 141 -meets ia *ett aui. Bae'a Wook, eveiy aHernate MonAiy evemngat o'clock. Ayisit ft«m breuiren of Peighbming lodges Boliiitedi „ MAKKftOaL. O. L. No. 1046 meets in thair g^Uonfiwayonorbaforefull moon each JtaaO. J. H. Caison, Master; IF, J. Blafcdy. 8eeretatT« Tietoxia B. B. ..Preceptoxy, No. :3aC WIND AND WATER. JEFFREY AETLEY, Mfgr. of Wind Mills and Pumps, Markdale. Ont. If you need a pump of any kind, and will favor me with yonr order, I will guarantee tu give satisfac. tion every time. I oan auit you in either Iron, BrasH, Porcelain, or Otdvanized Iron. Tebhs â€" ^Repairing cash new work short date approved notes if desired. Below I give a few testimonials Dear Sir, â€" ^The two pumps yon pat io tat me are giving me splendid satisfsetion (one of them 66 ft. deep, the other 83). I am well pleased with them. John Pobteovs, Flesherton. Ma. J. Abtuet, Dear Sir.â€" In reply to yont's of the 12th inst., I would say that the pnmp yon put in for me has proved very satisfactory, it beiiig durable and very easy to work. Bnslosed please find 95, balance for pomp. James Jchnstoh, Flesherton. Satibi-achoh at Last.â€" This Is to certify that I have had great trouble and expense with my well (56 feet deep) in regard to pumps until I got Mr. J. Artley to OT«riiaal it; since then I have had entire satisftustion. My Uttle boy, six years old, oau pomp with it niedy. Abtbub Jobhstox, VamMeor. June 16th, 1890. Dear Sir, â€" Yonr favor to Iiani en(}innng how wo got alAg with the Wind MilL I might say we bad no difficulty ia. patting it together. It is woriting splemdidi'Thapnmp does its work all ri(^ I like the wvrkmg of tlie Victor Wind Mill very mudi. It governs itself nicely in a high wind, and I think it more durable than a woodeii mill. -,"';V"' " N.DtiXBtjar, Meafiwd, 'wr«from. WP^ShoilEaioii^B^^ ;: ;.^Miiiiiaiei"' '^-â- - Sir,â€" Th^ rarnn f purf^Mtid frmii yon for 87 foot weU gitas complete aatisction. » irerks»i|ih ^e ftaa^ ease, for iha qantity «f w^ delinnaied, of any paiipp I Mave e»er- «ert«4. 1 beiieyo it S jBwstraeM,m s{m]de ^ttt:9l «i4ar. .I«9al4iiot,iHa| a'1)eifiMP MoommfDiS:;it.'.:. V ' T-i -oL.^ 'Wialrii^J!oaeT8i7 8t»e««8tr«iato.»^ â- â- Hit. g XCUSIONS- TO TKE BO(S GIST TAXBJ MACKINAW THBOPOH' THE 80,00Q ISLES OF fiEORfiUilAT STomso AT Wat Pows- $12,00 rrom OwKi SoTOT). (coiTMpondii* to«^ from all ottier B^t'^^'iri^^K^^. •**«• CAMBRIA CARMOliA .â€"or THEâ€" Canada LS. (limited) LOCAL mhtm? BOIITt Owen Sound and SaultSteH^- ywHMBffer «.„,ta»KTK.jerty'i mill. S.8.CMMMOMA, CAPT. F. X. liAFSANCE «,« during the «a|«J/^ji^ oi^r^ Xk/U^ Bali a""UB "" jj Ste.;^;;7,{ ts» yV Owen Spnn^i?, on the STiSo"" O^Sm Pacific Evening ^^»t iX^ts East nO-.3?.Rjeir 1^0 lltOW lUnt Biver, Mson;^ -*gato». »?V ItnitowaninS, Marie, calling at the above v trip. "•a* ft*' Tm«T8 and FBEIOBT B*^»;Jg street SSSSSss^" fcfl»*. -s m. Mtt^iiili^ aU Si^ti