•mm M m ' 1 â- I F â- n C. "W. Eutledge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, AUGUST 7, 1890. A PKOSPEKOUS ENTERPKI5E. Moffat Sons, Pearl line of stoves, is becominsr well known through west evn Ontario, and Lighly popular wherever used. This firm V3 pushing the stove business with commendable enterprise, and tho' doubling its cap- acity during the last two years is still much hampered tor room and will be compelled to enlarge the premises. Over five hundred stoves have this summer been manutactured, and twelve hundred is expected to be reached before New Year's. Their traveller reports greatly improved prospects from that of last year. This is partly owing to the improved state of trade through the country and part- ly because the Pearl line of stoves is taking so well and giving such satis- faction that people wnj. have them. It could not otherwise be as the firm is composed of a famUy of superior mechanics each member having not only a branch or specialty to ttianage in the manufacture of the stoves but also having an interest in the business each will thus naturally en- deayor to excel. "We are highly pleased to have such a prosperous business in our town and trust theplace as well as the Eailway Company will treat it in such a manner as lo establish its per- manence. Berries li«re been 'sold hcJt *ror 2 a pound. Tue abondance aeeoants fcr it. Mr. Wm. Cooper has opened np a jewellery store here, and seems to be doing a fair business. .BUssWilEams, by falling from a horse, received such injuries as to render Uim unable to walk. Mr. Geo. Crowther is suffering from sore leg, which he hurt last fall. The doctor says he will have to go to the Hospital. The quarterly election of officers of Albert Lodge, I. C. G. T., resulted m the following being elected â€" C. T., F. H. Walker V. T., Mrs. F. Oliver Sec, Miss Emma Norton Fin. -Sec, Ell Anderson Treas., Miss Jennie Norton; Chap., James Shae Mar.. John Greenaway S. J. T., Mrs. Shunn Guard, Miss Blades Sen- tinel, Miss Sutliff; As. Sec, Willie Spears; Dep.-Marshal, Miss Agnes Erwiu. WIND AND WATER. JEFFBEY ABTLBT, Mfgr. of Wind Mills and Pnmpa, Markdale. Ont. If you need a pump of any kind, and will favor me with your order, I will guarantee to give satisfac- tion every time. I can suit you iu either Iron, Brass, Porcelain, or Galvanized Iron. Termsâ€" Kepairing cash new work short date approver notes if desired. Below I give a few testimonials Dear Sir,â€" The two pumps yon put in for me are giving me sclendid satislaction (one of them 66 ft deep, the other 23). I am well pleased with them. John Eoeteous, Flesherton. Mb. J Aetlet, Dear Sir.â€" In reply to yonr's of the 12th inst., I would say that the pump you put in for me has proved very satisfactory, it being durable and very easy lo work. Enslosed please find $5, balance for pump. James Johnston, Flesherton. Karxaway. Standard Correspondence. MuBDER OB SmcffiE. â€" One of our citizens, on looking out the other morning, beheld swinging in midair at his gate a something. Wild with excitement be ran to its rescue and found neither murder nor suicide committed, but a common wagon wrench suspended to a pole by seyeral feet of cord. Naughty boys to play such tricks. Basset, our professional stacker, has been in great demand of late. Mr. McMicken's stable was struck by bghtning, shattering it somewhat. Fall wheat cut promises a fair yield. Take a drive six miles north-west on Sunday and vou will be convinced one of our young men is enamoured with a lady of the Baptist persuasion. isocsljm. NOTE AND COMMENT. on m â€" Crop reports from Kansas, are decidedly gloomy. â€"Chicago had a $300,000 fire Thursday morning last, â€" The average yield of wheat Elgin county will be 80 bushels per acre. â€" In bome parts of the Soudan the deaths from starvation number one hundred daily. â€" Seneca Falls, N. Y., suffered to the extent of §245,000 from tire last Wednesday week. â€" Hanlan has issued a challenge to Gaudaur to row a three-mile race for from $1,000 to $2,500. â€" Eev. F. W. Boughman, of Bom- auville, was drowned in Stony Lake while bathing on Friday last. â€" An Ohio company is seeking a site for a factory at West Toronto Junction that is to give employment to 60fl men. â€" Farmers in western Ontario pro- nounce the growth of the two-rowed barley seed unported from England by the Dominion Government a ^rand success. â€" ^Italy has ordered the study of English to be added to the curriculum of all Italian universities, and has en- dowed the necessary professorships for the purpose. â€"On Tuesday, the 29th July, Sagi- naw, Mich., had a terrible fire 19,- 000,000 feet of lumber was burned and a number of saw mills, planing mills and other property to the value of $875,000. â€" The bouse of Eev. David Plumb, a prominent Methodist minister of Cole, Indiana, was burned early ia the morning of the 29th July. The minister, his wife and three children perished in the fire. Standard Correspondence Miss Maria Dodson, of Toronto, is visiting the parental home at Eocklyn. Miss Sewell and Miss Murray are the guests of Mr John Irwin. Eev. Mr. Anderson and sister are the guests of Mr. J. D. McArthur. Mr. Anderson will preach in the Pres- byterian church, Tempk Hill, next Sunday. Miss Sophia Breadner is home for Satisfaction at Last.â€" Tbis is to certify that I have had great trouble and expense with my well (55 feet deep) in regard to pumps until I got Mr. J. Artley to overhaul it since then I have had entire satisfaction. My little boy, six years old, can pump with it nicely. „ Abthtjb Johhston, vandeleur. •Tune 16th, 1890, Dear Sir,â€" Tour favor to hand enquiring how we got along with the Wind Mill, I might say we had no difficulty in putting it together. It is working splendid. The pamp does its work all right. I like the working of the Victor Wind Mill very much. It governs itself nicely in a high wind, and I think it far more durable than a wooden mill. N, DuxBUBT, Meaford. June 23, I89O, To Jeffbey Abtley, Markdale Sir, â€" The pump I purchased from yc a for 37 foot well gives complete satisfaction. It works with the greatest ease, for the quantity of water delivered, of any pump I have ever tested. I believe it is constructed on a simple and durable principle and not liable to get out of order. I could not wish for a better pump, and can, with the utmost confidence, recommend it. Wishing you every success I remain, yours c., c. J. W. Sprocle, Markdale. UPRIGHT AND GRAND PIANOS, GABI NET ORCAr^S ANDGHURGH PIPEORQaNs AU of strictly first-class quality in materioi and workmansliip. The Tone is sweet t^R powerful, while in Design and Finish they atp without an equal. ^- ACKirOWSDOBD TO BE THS STANDARD INSTRUMENTS ^m tOBLD SEND FOR CATALOGUES Ta I. BELL CO., KBAD OFTZCfi AVD FACTOBISS. 6DELPH, ONT. Chief European Branch, 58 Hoi born Viaduct, London, £. C., Ena. Ausira/ian Branch, 6 Bridge streei,\ydney, N. S. W. South African Branch, Market Square, Port Elizabeth. WABEROOMS 12 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. bblic ayi- Air. S Hill's daughter accompanied her. Timothy Breadner- has resamed farming on the old homestead. Miss Adame, of Toronto, is the-guest of Rev. Mr. McLaren. The much talked of base ball match between Redwing and Rocklyn club came off on Saturday last after 6 innings Rocklyn club defeatett Red- winji-s by 5 runs. Onr Doys feel proud over the victory owing to the hard team they had to encounter. Mr, W, H, Dodson by way of recre ation went out picking berries he did not succeed in getting a pail of money but captured a pail of berries. Mayor J. J. Johnston, of Meaford, and Ex-Mayor Grier T.hornbury P. S. I., was in town on Monday, It is understood that coancillor Pat- terson will oppose councillor Stewart for second Deputy, and councillor Mc- Knight for Deputy. J. E. Richards is coming out for councillor. Rocklyn fair Oct. 7th, Our Marketsâ€" Eggs 13, Butter 11. E XCUSIONS TO THE BOCK OZBT FAIBY ACKINAW THBOUaH THE BKarkdal* CSomuil. KoUaud Centra, Standard Correspondence. Miss Green, of Toronto, is visiting friends near here. Marter John Telford was up from Sheibume on a visit, last week, Mr, Wm, Oliver is pisitinw his brother, Mr, F. Oliver, station agent, Mr. Geo, Henderson, of Barrie, paid his father a visit recently. V The thunder storm on Monday was very severe, and rain fell very keayilj in this part. Minutes of 9th meeting of the muni- cipal council of the village of Markdale held the 30th day of July. 1890. Members present â€" The Reeve and Councillors Hasbett and Plewes. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communicadons â€" From Jas, Henry re dog, left over from last meeting from Clerk of the Peace re Magistrates fees from County Clerk, giving notice of amounts to be raised for County purposes. Requisition from Pubhc School Board for $550 lor school purposes for current year, and for an issue of 20 year debentures for $5,500 for new school house, c. Account froui R. Askin for con- stable's fees. Petition trom M. Armstrong and 53 others, to prohibit cows running at laige, Haskettâ€" Plewesâ€" That the dog tax charged agamst James Henry be taken off the roll, â€" Carried. Plewesâ€" Haskettâ€" That R. Askin's 30,000 ISLES OF fiEORGIAN BAY Stopping at Wat Pobts. Bed, Board, Waililng' and 850 XIil«i 9a llffbtfta Lake Traval for Biz Bays, From Owen Sottnb, (corresponding low rates from all other stations), by the staunch, swift, npper-cabin, electric-lighted,. side- wheeled pleasure steamers. OAMBRIA CARMONA â€"OP THBâ€" Canada L.S. Transit Co's (LIUnED) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTL Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. ViwMiiffar and Vast Fraiglit Zdaa, oazryinff Bar ]bda«t7' Kails. The public are interested to ]mow where to supply their wants at prices io suit the times. Well then at the Toron- to House "we sell Gents' nice summer suits $5 Gents' Dress suits, nobby and stylish, $8 to $12 Boys' suits $2 to $4 nice fashionable Dress stuff 8, 10, 12 to 25 cts.; Prints in great variety, fast and durable colors Tweeds 35c. to $1.50 to suit taste and pocket Boots, Shoes and Slippers, a large and well assorted stock at iDottom prices, to suit all sizes and conditions Ducks, Dennims, Cotton- ades and Shirtings, specially good values; Hose and Gloves, all kinds and prices Teas 20, 25 30 cts., claim at- tention of close buyers who want a good article at reasonable price. Call, see and be convinced. We mean business (1890.) WM. BROWN. FARMERS THRESHERS! MILLMEN! WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING S. S. CAAMOMA, Capt. F. X. LaFbance. 5 S. CAMBRIA. Capt. Nxn, Cakpbbij. "VXTTIiIi sail during the season of 1890 from ' » Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Harie every Tnoidaj and Txldajr, on tiie arrival of the Canadian Pacific Evening Train from Toronto and points East (10:30 p.m.), ea3£ng at Killarnev Mamtowaning, Shegiuandah, Lfltle Current CYLINDER, ENGINE AND Wool Oils. McOOIili'S LARDINE OIL. LAED OIL AND BOILEB PUEGEB SEE THAT BAERELS ABE BRANDED McCOLL BROS C0, TORONTO Sold by J. E. TBELPORD, Markdale. lading, Oarden lUver, ^eiioe to'Sanlt Bte Mane, calling at the above ports on the retom tnp. TicKBTB and Fbkioht Bates can b« obtained by applying to MAITLAND BKON, at their new warehouse, on West side of river, where all goods for this Line will be shipped, free of wharf- age; also at the office of EDWABD TODD Ponlett Street, JOHN CfflSHOIiM, and at the Company's Office, Maitland's Warehouse. Ea«t side of river, on Biver Street. O.J. SOl-00 lEcCIiVXE, Managiiig Agent. THE BOOT OF EVIL. Dyrpepsia andconfitipation are the aoarees of "arious diseases, but root and branch may be removed by using Burdock Blood Btttera MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CAHADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FRENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS, TKOWSEKlJiw^ m all the leading grades. SHIRTS. SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, 1^^" COLLARS, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, Ac, Ac. ^. ..yng Spedal attention is invited to the mannfactnre of Battons' P^f"^^g tlie» can buttons of same material as their garmaits, either ladies or gentlemen, made in a tew minutes whUe waiting. AGENT FOB PABKEB'S DYE WOEKS. ^^^^ Tailoriag dune as osnaL Cnstom work will receive careful atten Good work and neat fits. _^ Plewesâ€" Haskettâ€" That tlie Clerk get a dehentare book, if it can be got for $6.00.â€" Carried. Requisilion from P. b. B. and other matters left over for a full meeting of Council. Council adjonrnfld- R. C. Bbyden, iCferk. cannot be excelled for the cure of cimstipation, dyspepsia and all diseases arising herefrom. â- ^t^ â- TROUBLE AT MELITA. Mrs. W. H.Brown of Melita, Man., states that two of her ehildrm «od two others be- ItHiging toa neighbOT, were emed of the worst form of summer osmplaint by one bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract ot Wild Strawberry, natnxe's epeeifie Cor ttll nunma •oinplaints. BIRTHS. Cubsâ€" In Markdale, on tbe Sgth July, the wife of Mr. Bobt. Clark, a md. HiUi^In Aztemesia, on the 29tk /nly, wife of Mr. Thon. Hill, a datm^ter. the ONLY A SI8TEB. 'My sister and I each trifd I bottle of DEATHS Ibktohâ€" In Qleaeig, on ttM 8»d Aiq!Btl» WiUum. yooDgeat Mw of Mr. G«o. Intai, aged'S yean. t â- -i" ., • •.â- ^ Burdock Blood Bitters witii great snce».^ bUious headache. We recommeno as a specific for headache." Qnt. Miss Cabbib Schbbeb, Baden, HISTOBYOF 15TBAB3. ^^^ OR fifteen years we have used ^. ler's Extract of WUd Strawbg^^j family medidne for summer comprjeqnrf diterhoM, and we never had anythwB ' it. We hk^ reoonunmd it. q^. -â- e. F ***:.:.:•. JjV. --ia^^:;^ '""•"n-jliliftftfi-^^r â- jiaeeim 'm,-