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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jul 1890, p. 8

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 #: im â- % ^i^ «.AV«4 DR8. SPROUtE EfiO, FHTSICIANB, BtTBOEONS, ACCODCHBB8, Acâ€" •OflSce at Manley's Drug Store, where all calls day or night will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPROULE, M. D. A. EGO. H. D., Ac. I*. ^IcOiilloTifirhi, BARRISTBB, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER MeFMRLANirS STORE, MARKDALiE. ]\Ioiiey to Ltoaii. I. B. I-WCT^S. BARRISTER, SOIilCITuR, dec, of the firm of Bishop Lncas, Owen Sonnd, at office of â- Win. LUCA.S, Si. Co., Every Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of office during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. BolMlqr. It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simple* It's D^ safe to dye iiirith Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dy« vith Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest* wx. Bsowir. JVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, t. Commissioner; in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly -attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3EKLEY, Issue of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jfarma for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GBADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOIj of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of «. i « o „ each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ""f "** "o"" Successful Home Dyeing " giving ton, the day following the third Wednesday in foil directions for all uses of Diamond Dyes sent free each month for the practice of his profession.! on application. Diamond Dves are sold everywhere CommencinK on the 7th September. i ., "•»â- = sum every wnere, I or any color mailed on receipt of price, lo cents. Wells, Richakdsom A Co., Montreal, Que. It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye iirith Diamond Dyes» Because they are best. MONEY TO LOAN. I- low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Cheap ffonse Fiiriiitnre. â€" ^AT THE â€" LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J.S.DLA.CK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. E.Mars h, Proii' R. J. SPROULE I^LESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations m'adeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Applvto K. J. SPKOULB, Monev Lender Postmaster. Plesherton. W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. Markdale Furniture Wareroom, Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds BeddtQg, Sideboards, Tables, common; Extension Tables, in great variety Washstands Spring Mattress "Wool Mattrees of all kinds, and in fact everything that is kept in a first-class shop. Call and get quo- j tations. A.leo Funeral Furnishings â€" Coffins, Caskets, Kobes, Linings, Gloyee, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Thanking my numer- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectfully, J- W. SDrouie. The twelfth was celebrated in this village in a right royal manner and all passed off quietly and in order. About twelve hundred people and six lodges assembled here. The day was fine except a shower about noon, which, however, only served to lay the dust, thereby increasing the comfort and pleasure of the day. All appeared highly pleased with the way they were treated by ttae Berkeley people, who did all they could to accommodate the visitors. Mrs. Allen, of this place, and Mrs. HoUingshead, of Markdale, both deserve a word of praise for the excel- lent dinner furnished. Everybody was loud in their praises of tbe excel- lent dinner provided. At 8 o'clock a procession was formed ajud marched to the fine grove addresses were delivered by Messrs. Eev. Fydell, B. Jameson, J.Lyons, and P. McGullough. The speaking was highly appreciated. After the speechifying was concluded a large number repaired to a large platform which had been erected for those who would like to "trip the light fantastic," and where they entered heartily into that pleasure. Fruit stands were well patronized and the loyely watermelon consumed with a relish. Two arches had been erected at the corner by Berkeley lodge. Mr. Lund was to the fore with decorations, having erected a large arch across the street in frouc of his store which was elaborately dressed with flags and bunting and a large motto, "Welcome to all." The lodges drew up before his store and gave him a vote of thanks for his trouble and expense in making such a display. About six o'clock the company dispersed for their homes highly pleaeed that they spent their 12th in Berkeley. Mrs. G. S. Brown, of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. James Virtue, of Fort Colbourne, are the guests of their mother. Mrs. Allen. Mr. Thos. Scott, Jr., bid his many friends here good-bye last weels and took his departure fcr the Northwest, where he left about a year ago. We wish him a safe journey home. Burglars attempted to enter Qhnxdl of Bnffland SnnOay SdMol AMOolation. DEAMBBT OF OBEY. Allen's bar on Sunday morning about 8 o'clock by cutting a window sash, but the family were awakened by the noise and the would-be thieves made a hasty retreat. [The above came to hand too late for last week.â€" Ed. S.] The fifth annnal GonTention of this Aseo- datioa was held in Christ eharch, Markdale, Wednesday, July 16th. The officers present were. President, Bev. Horace E. Bray, Maricdsle YiceFresident, Miss Mockler.Darbom Cor.-Scx-retaiy, B. D. BiKg^, Esq., Markdale. There were also present, Bev. A. D. Dewd- en«y and 24 delegates, Durham Bev. T. E. Fairlie and 9 delegates, Meafard; Rev. W. A. Graham, Shelbume Bev. T. L. Armstrong and one other, Chatsworth Bev. A. (Jorbett, Dundalk 8 delegatss, Owen Sound 3 dele- gates, Beikeley; I delegate, Sarawack; Miss Kingsmill, Londou; also about 2i from Markdale. About 75 sat down to dinner at the rentoiy. where excellent â-  jjip ladies of the congregation had spared no pains to make a success, the large reception room where the tables were set being beauti- fully decorated with flowers and ferns, The service in the church at 1:30 p. m. was well attended, and about 50 communicated. The service was conducted by the Bevs. W. A. Graham, A. D. Dewdeney, T. L. Arm- strong, and the Bector. At 2: 15 the presi- dent called the meeting to order in the school room. The following papers were then dis- cussed: I, How to teach little childien, read by Miss Kingsmill, London. n. How to get and train young teachers, by Bev. A. D. Dewdeney, Durham. ni. Sunday School records, the best method, by Bev. A. D. Dewdeney, Durham, IV. Merits of the different Leaflets in use, by Bev. T. L. Armstrong, Chatsworth. V. The importance of teaching church history and polity in our Sunday Schools, by Bev. T. E. Fairlie. Meaford. YI. The duties of a Sunday School teacher 'trith regard to his or her class besides the actual teaching, by Mis. Gregg, Owen Sound. These papers, which were exceptionally good, called forth much praise, and also con- siderable discussion. Discussion also followed upon the subjects of "Pure Deconal Statistics' and "Catechis- ing," after which the appointment of next place of meeting and the election of officers took place. Owen Sound was the place selected and Mrs. the time of meeting the second Wednesday part, tieniy culvert. Robert Dunlop, Clerk, $30 on salary for current vear Lawrence $400. for buildb^ Kichard Braniff $6.25, work°ou tow line Artemesia. John Camack*8 1' building culvert. James r,l f ' $17.25. building culvert " Perry $5.00. to "" ' â- ^^^' gravel. William"chX^^l^ repairing road " $1.50 scraper. John n ' $4.95. building culvert Tn-^" SmitJ, $5.00, cedar for ulvefe Clark $10.00, to pay frii? gravel. Richard Shore. $15 00"^!"^, for W. Gilroy, indigen Vf*^ Champlin $8,50, buildfnT^ulver^ Fri^a^t/fe' ^^' " '-^ Robert Dunlop, Clerk. THE BEGINNING OP DEATH. Disease is the befiinnii.K of dpath v approach sbouWbe met at once bv ai" ate remedies. No better means efflf the use of .-^ardoek Blood Bitl^^s^.^ symptoms 01 any disease of the stoSb appear. B. liver, bowels or blood the best hfe preserver, T A CANADIAN PAVORITE HE season of green fruits and 'snmmer dnnks is the time when tbe worst K of cholera morbus, diarrhcea. and bowel 3 plaints prevail. As a safeguard Dr. FowWr Extract of Wild Strawber.j should be kl m the house. For 35 years it has hJZ most reliable remedy. ^^ A Bnrgrlary at Xhorabnry. GOVSBNMENT DEIECTIVE MDBRAY HAS JSS EXCITING EXPERIENCE WITH A C(^lr OF MAGISTRATESâ€" THEY WILt Ig BEPOBTED BIRTHS. Leviâ€" In Markdale, on the 13th July, Wm. Levi, a son. Mrs. MARRIAGES. Bbadt-Ibwinâ€" At the residence of the bride's parents, by the Bev. H. E. Bray, on July 23rd, Mr. Thomas Brady, of Euphrasia, to Miss Fannie Irwin, daughter of Chnsto pher Irwin, Esq., Artemesia. ' C^IL,!., ..A-O? SPECIAL ATTENTION. Voters' List for 1890. Mnnldpallty of tbe Township of Osprej, Comity' of Grey. NOTICE is herebv given that I have transmitted or Tlelivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario I 'S and get agrist exchang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best Voters' List Act of I889, the copies required i e o +•; of o nfi rm r\f o -i-itt -rm 11 by said Sections to be so transmitted or de- j cxitiSiaCTilOn OI any 1711 li in the county. If yon intend pnrchas- in July, I89I, The following oflScers were then elected President, Ven. Arch. Deacon Mnlliolland Vice-President, Miss Mockler, Durham Cor. Secretary, Miss Gordon, Owen Sound Eeo. Secretary, R. D. Bigger, Esq., Markdale. The president then adjourned the meeting with the Benediction. Tea was partaken of in the rectory by the delegates, and the group afterwards photo- graphed on the lawn. The visitors then departed, expressing themselves as well pleased with their recep- tion, and congratulating the Mar.kdale con- gregation on the beautiful church, grounds and rectory which they possess. H. E. Bray, President. â- â-  livered of the list made pursuant to said Act I of all persons appearing by the last revised j Assessment BoU of the said Municipality to be entitled te veto in the said Mnnicipahty at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that said list was first posted up at my office at lot 61, eon. 3, N. D. R.. on the 24th day of July, I89O, and remains there for inspec- tion. Electors are colled upon to examine the • said Ust, and if any omission or any other errors are fdtind therein to take immediate proceedings to have tlie said errors corrected According to law. THOMAS SCOTT. Clerk of the Township of Osprey. Dated tliis 24th day of July, A.D., 1890.- ing JF'X-iOTTZe caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small msirgin. J. W. FORD. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT BV WBABINO THE ONLT FRANK LAZARUS [Late of the firm of Lazarus Morris.] B«noim«a Spectacles and Sye-OlaMes. These Spectacles and Sye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in eve^ instance unbounded satisfaction. They are tiie Bb,st Qt THB ,WoBiJ They -never tire, and last maby yeai^ititUont chaa(;e. For »le by BBXASSm^CASSOy. cal Watchmakers, JevelleirsAiSngtaverB, in all kinds of 6(dd and Silver Watches, doeka and JeweHery, Wall Bayer, StationMy, SciaM Books, C. Particala/ attention paid to repair- Jag fine watchea. Ae., witii neatnew and deepateb MASKDtAIiB. ONT. HIE KY TO HEUTHi TTnlods aS the dogged tcmaaen of fhe â- Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, caxrpa^ oSgtadTially witbont ^reakening fta^ys* tem, all the imtmiitiies aod fool bnmoia (d^ seeretions; at t|^ same thne COX^ rertlnjf Acidity 9S tbd Stomaeh. ^BttM Biliousness, Qyspepsla. Hw t eatf s Dizziness, Heartbnm. v^Upation, IhTness of tbe Skin! UN^syirJHimiiess of Vi^on, JamH £06, Satt Bheiun, 7si^^ Sero- nila» Ibititerbiff 43f fta Brart. Hei^ aad^edfieal Debility :aD it^thar rimilac Con^^mta ^mftMBCttotBTOPOCg The attention of our lady friends is respect- fully invited to our handsome display of crockery just opened. The latest designs in dinner and tea sets. Handsome gilt and printed finish such as- you don't see every week. Tho'they area superior quality of goods and highly at- tractive in pattern and appearance, yet the prices are astonishingly low for such goods just what will suit the times. Call and see them whether you wish to purchase or no. E. RUTLEDGE, The Grocer. SAVE YOUR CARPETS. A sheet of sticky fly paper will do more I an fveTinve*^t?rt« ^Tf "J" '^^' f^^tJ^^^g thro W the trio out Of ever myented. No careful housewife would have one about. Wilson's Fly Poison Pads will clear the house more quickly and surely than any other means. If placed near the hght where the flies are thickest, ^Mlson's Pads wiQ kill pints every day and clear the house va. short order. Sold bv all d.uggists. Enpbraaia CoimoU. tJBnilft(ill,I|VMBi,lMriiL THE tEsr STEEL ONLY PERFECT Â¥ES^ WOVEN WIRE FEttCmC 6*ctM.p9rRo4 mtt Upuari, iOlirtiai The council met pursuant to ad- journment, ou July 4th, 1890. Mem- bers all present. Minutes of last ^lon of council read and confirmed, ^^he Beeve was authorized to get a culvert built on 7th line, lot 17. The Reeve and Mr. Paterson were appointed to inspect the road, at lot 7 concession 9, and get repairs made Iiere if tuey deem it prudent. Mr. Patterson was authorized to get repairs made on 16 and 16 side line, in concession 12. The Eeeve and Mr. Paterson were instructed to examine the road allow- ance, of 9 and 10 side line, and get the road opened. 2 rods wide, if they deem it prudent, and also to get im- :S:n.hL"°^° "â- ' "" «"°"«- The Reeve and Mr. McKnight were appomted to inspect 3 and 4 side line concessions 5 and 6. with a view to theopenmgofihe same, for pubUc travel. ' The Reeve and Mr. Stuart were authorized to get side line 6 and 7. in mu *T?°^ ^^ concessions, opened. *u m ^®®^«'8 orders were issued on n/^^fo"""*^ '°"°^«. viz:â€" Mr. Stuart $3.60, to • pay for w..rk pn vauey road. J. Paterson, printer $20, lv«TK^*^*°* f^ contract. M. *oy76c, for cedar. Mr On Dec. 28, 1889, the store of W. C. Myers, a merchant of Tbornbury,' County of Grey, was entered by burg-' lars and §700 worth of plushes, silks, furs and other expensive goods carried away. Detective Murray was in- structed by the government to mab inquires, and searched the residences of several suspected parties in the village and at Clarksburg. Tbe officer strongly suspected that the bonse of Myers' father-in-law, Henry Ball, would reveal the presence of some of the goods, as one or two ot Bull's sons did not bear the best of characters, but Myers strongly objected to the search and it was cot prosecuted. Detective Murray kept his eye on the parties, however, and recently learned that Ed. Bull had a suit of clothes made by a tailor about 20 miles away, the goods of which the suit had been made answering the description of a piece of tweed that had been in Myer's store for several years, owing to its odd pattern. Tha detective visited the scene a week ago and laid plans and returned aga^iu last Monday week and swore out search warrants for the premises of Mrs. Parsley, temperance hotel keeper of Clarksburg, where Ed. Bull was m the habit of hanging out. Mrs. Parsley, who is a large powerful woman, showed fight when the detec- tive, a constable and Mr. Myers putic appearance, and threatened to he window. A search of the bedroom disclosed a piece of myrtle-colored cashmere, which was identified by Myers. Detec- tive Murray then drove to Tbornbury and arrested Ed. Bull. The bouse of his father, Henry Bull, was next searched and a large quantity of dress goods, silk plush, undercbtbing and another suit which Henry Bull, Jr., bad' made up. The detective then started on the lookout for tbe latter, who was arrested about 15 miles away while peddling pumps. Tbe prisoner said his father had bought the gooj in Barrie, but the old gentleman denietf that he had ever seen them. Ihe accused were brought before Mayor Raymond and S. Webb, J.P-JJ Thombury. The proceedings Is^tw from 8 a. m. Tuesday until H JVejh nesday morning, when Ed. Bull committed to Owen Sound jail »"" the magistrate discharged Henry.lJ"' The greatest excitement reigned in w" village. „. Henry Bull will doubtiess be je arrested, together with several otne^ believed to be implicated. Mr-MJ^^ and his clerks positively i^eutibea b|^ goods as having been stolen from store. As a result of the "li^cbarge Henry Bull Detective Mur»y. arrived in the city last nigh^ report the magistrates to the w ment. TE] LITTLE QU4BRBLS BEEEDBI^ You just bring a couple of J'^^iesP*' into your family and they ^^l^i^r^ WAT •C JEWl We have lines of our prepared th :sati8faction Our repai ly, and 01 Mtisfactiou. A call is s BREAD] MAItKI TD Mm TOWS, and you Juat bring a bottle" -^ ^j. TheBbfiive) OTMilllO WIRK QMBfa,«rte •«WM»; •at Kt\ "' â€" ~*' â- "**• Pe-terson ***.'» luia^ugm in Ms Mn../ f »i.«0. w pay men for work on roads. James Nelson $6.00. to pay for work llJ^r"-^" Artimeeia, thJ connoU of f^meein paying equally. John FENOINO 00. TinliiMlii AgatM, yj^ag ^WlwCo,, Jm. Cans Blood l^ittersinto your house »"-- ^86, quickly health and strength fouow Nothing excels it for strengthening. ing and pun^ng power. ^^ WASTE NO PBECIOTS TOff|^^ Be quick. Yon can use » ""'"Tjji.j tin* make the most of it. ^^^^^ When Buffering from dyspeP«*;,;^of*» en9tipatiou. bad blood or a" " \^ •tmnanVKi liver or bowelil. 'â- Â°' ..Mfa tff^^ Havini •J. Ma] interest! StatioiK G-oods We woi askaco] Patronai ^ven ty per£ *o busing on a stril «iple, dol detain and gaj carried the old I you curepi ^d CheJ Standai cines, a Stationej it^ttlttes, an4 1PU iliiHiiHHa.:

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