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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jul 1890, p. 5

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 ' g? » pi'v^i^^' •l^^i- '"Wf/Tjm::-^ 'â-  ^\ ILAED OIL AND BOILEE PURGER VEEDS, ENGLISH S. TROWSEEINGS DEEWEAR, TIES, ttons; parties wishing itlemen, can haye them ^ATOBKS. ve careful attention. iOUGH THB AT Wat Pobts. Travel far Six »*y"' (corT«sponto« lo;^«^ ations by Mesiw^ D, electric-lighted, side- leasure steamew- I Wonder. £Bor Standard. I do not wish to be branded a chronic grniubler or even considered a pernickety specimen of humanity, "ont with your permission I will, from time to time, draw aittention to mat- ters which in my estimation call for criticism or commendation as the case may warrant. This week 1 wonder â€" Why the committee on roads, in town, are so slow in getting Mill Street into respectable condition Where those unfortunate whiskey suckers get their liquor on Sunday If the Methodist people will collect from the owners of the ten cows the amount of damasre they did to the iron gate at the church If not, why not. Why the choir in the above church sings so painfully slow Why the English church people bnilt their rectory m the cemetery Which member of the camping party will be able to spin the best yarn on thfiir return to civilization. tfthere is as much net fishing done at Bell's Lake as commonly reported. Who will be the next victim to matrimony. Peter. Editor Standard Dear Sir, â€" Allow me to make a few remarks m regard to citizen's attack on our correspondent, and the latter's very commendable silence in regard to the matter. It is evident that citi- zen must have been charged pretty heayy to make -such a loud report. His attack shows a very spleeny and contracted intellect, one who. being unable to contribute news himsell, would try to hinder others from doing 50, and just such people as citizen complain that there is not more news in the local paper, when as you know, Mr, Editor, our local papers have to depend to some extent on their corre- spondents for news, but citizen seems to be too thin-skinned to stand any news from home. I think if citizen would take his little borrowed verse to heart himself he would not see so many glaring defects in others. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your apace, I am, Yours respectfully, J. I. 0. KocElyn. Standard Correspondence. Wedding Bells. â€" During the car- nival week in Toronto Mr. BoDert Dnnlop, of the 9th line Euphrasia, and Miss Maggie Turner, of Smith's, Falls were joined in the holy bands of matrimony by the Eev. Alex. GUray at the manse. Miss Turner was one of Perth and Smith Falls charming young ladies, while Mr. Dnnlop is one of the most honest, enterprising young men in the country. May their pathway through life be ever baightened by the copious floods of God's golden sunlight is your Cor. best wishes. Master E. H. Greer is home for hie holidays. Jack Langman shot another large bear on the run at Beaverdale last week, sent carcass to city. Wonder what Crabtree and Eichards are doing no doubt waiting untiU they get in their holes. The bears we mean. Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin and daughter Leticia has just returned from Chatsworth, where they have been yisiting during the past two weeks, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Holmes, of Montreal, have been visiting Mr. J. Patterson, of Blantyre, also Mrs. Mcintosh, Meaford. BISTBICT DOTS. A large flonr mill is being built ai Dnntroon. CoUingwood is to have a Standard Chemical Ph:e Engine to cost $2,500. A new4*ost Office has been opened between Tara and Eeady named Derby MUls. Messrs S. Damade and Wm. Irwin, of Flesherton, left last week on a trip to Europe. Peter Fuller, manager of Molson's Bank, Meaford, died on Tuesday after a short illness. The Acton Free Press says that the oat crop is affected with something like rust m that district. A joint stock company of farmers is being organized to buy and operate Feversham flour and saw mills. The steam tug Mocking Bird was burned while at her dock at Cheboy- gan, Mich., on Saturday the 12th. The Bell organ and piano business of Gnelph has been sold to an English syndicate. The price is said to be $750,000. Hanover is a great furniture man- ufacturing town. Seven cars of furnature was shipped from that station one day recently. A gander and a bull had a fight at Ignace, near Fort William, last week. After a few minutes desperate encoun- ter the gander chased the bull. The proposed summer Carnival at Owen Sound bas been abandoned because the town council refused to grant $250, the amount asked by the committee. Thoknbuey Standard â€" The Thorn- bury basket factory is now in full operation. Armstrong Bros, are shipping large quantities of baskets from Thornbury. Judge Lane, of Owen Sound, took his departure last week for Europe where he will spend some months in order to recuperate his health, which has been very poor for some time. Armstrong Bros,, of Thornbury, have their basket factory in full oper- ation, and we understand they are turning out a fine article. This fact- ory should be a boon to the fruit ^rowers of this district. â€" :Meaford Mirror. The new steel barge Sequin was launched at Owen Sound on Wednes- day of last week, and her graceful baptism was witnessed by a large crowd. The vessel's carrying capacity is 900.000 ft. lumber or 45.000 bus- hels of grain. On Wednesday of last week Wm. Griffin of Toronto and his little grand, son while visiting at Bolton wert) both drowned. The little fellow was play- ing on some logs in a cieek when one of them rolled and be slipped into the water. His grandfather, aged SOyears, jumped in to save the lad and both lives were lost. Xiialildike. Holland Centre. Standard Correspondetue. Eev. John Pepper, B A., arrived here week before last and preached to a large audience on the following San^ day very acceptably. Miss Hester Fee is home from Toronto. Miss Jennie Erwin was home from Toronto for a few days last week. Rev. W, F. Waddell,,P. D., G. C. T. delivered a lecnre in Uie interests of the I. 0. G. T, on Thmssday last whijh was well received. Miss Maud Faux^g was down from Owen Sound on a visit last week. The Holland Geutre Orangeinen went to Berkley on the twelfth. Many of our citizens al^o went and spent a good day. Dr. Halqted and daughter were up visiting here recently. Haying haa commenced and it ehows^lieayy and plmitifid crop. standard Correspondence. Rev. Father O'Donald, of Arthur, is a guest of Rev. Father Maloney this week. Miss Ellen Foley, of Eocbester, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan. Miss Hannah Sullivan returned home this week from Mount Forest to spend her summer holidays with her parents here, Mr. Daniel McDonald visited friends in Toronto last week. Miss Mary Healey, of Arthur, is honse-keeping for Rey. Father Ma- loney. Haying is the work of the day now. Mr. Chas. Ryan had a number of men employed last Thursday cutting hay. They are hustlers. Mr. Thomas SnlUvan is busy hay- ing at Glascott this week. Mr. Timothy Ryan bought a fine tbree-year-old colt from Mr. Angas McDonald for $105. AccmENT. â€" While a short distance from home last week Pat. Snllivui was overtaken by a thunder storm. The lightnicg struck him on the foot, burning his boot but uot iojorms the foot. Again on Friday his team took fright and ran a^ay with the mower, domg considerable damage to the machine. TO arland s I am running the following special seasonable goods, not in the new Driving Park, but over my counters. Bress Goods. A big drive in l! rench Challi Muslins 9 Satin Checked Strip- ed White Muslins... 10, 12^ 15 Fast colored Prints 9 10 White ViiBtona Lawns 12^ 14 All over Black Sku-t Lace, all silk. $1 85 $1 75 P mSOlS W UHSH*DES.) A great variety, I start them 40c. Special value in a pure Alpacca Parasol 90e. Long handles, a great variety, at the lowest prices to start from. MILLINERY. The goods offered in this depart- ment are nobby and fashionable. I have labored this season to keep the style and quality away up, and the price away down. Ribbons, Laces, Plushes, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats in great vanetiy. Special Drive â€" 500 yards pure Satin Ribbon 5c. STAPLES. Shirtings, Cott-onades, Tickings, Seereuckers, Denias.Shaker Flannels, Table Linens, Towels, Hollands, Crash at rock bottom prices. Selling Goods at Cost! on IVO We sre not selling goods at cost. In fact (excuse me) "we don't bave to." We do a straight legitimate business, and the business man must get 25 or 33 per cent, profit or he goes to the wall, and the business man who sells at cost and pays expenses is known by no otber name than that oi ^^oG-int37' We are the sole agent in Markdale of the celebrated B. Lanrance Spectacles and Eyeglasses. They are the only genuine English articles in the Canadiau market. Having bought a large stock at a Grand Cash Discount thereby insuring our customers 25 per cent, less than any other house can possibly do. Come in and examine Steele, Nickel and Gtold DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •NA^ILD- Note â€" They are recommended by and testimoniala have been received from the President, Vice-President, Ex-Piesident of the Medical Association of Canada. The President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec, Tlie Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval University. The President and Ex-President of the Medical Conoeil of Nova Scotia. PABIS GREEN. 800 lbs. INSECT PO^\DER, PABIS GBEEN, 300 lbs. HELLEBOBE. PABIS GBEEN, 300 lbs. Extra 1,200 yds. Shirting.... ........6o 600 " Seersucker .6J 400 " Scotch Gingbams Til Stnctly pure (tested). The Potato Bug must go. Tours, CURES HOliERA holera Morbus. RAMPS lARRHCEA YSENTEfff AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AMD FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Desirable Business Opening FOR SaLe"0B TO LET, The Lome Hotel Bhck, Rocklyn, Comprising Hotel. Store, o. Wei! knoirn to l^eoce ol the best-paying country locations in Northeni Ontario. The hotel is the only one withiu a radius Of many miles, and is the Duly licensed one in Euphrasia township. The P.ocklyn post office is kept in the store. The premises are conveniently arranged in every respect, and the buildings are substan- tial, comparatively new, and in first-class couJitioh tbronghoQt. I PREFER TO BELii, and offer the property CHEAP. There is no eucnmbrance, and terms- of payment will be made tc suit- purchaser. If sale is not effected within a reasonable time the hotel and store will be leased separ- ' ately or together, as may be desired. Early application, either to buy or rent, is re- quested. Further information cheerfully furnished, and personal inspection invited. Apply to W. H. DODSON, 508-tf Postmaster, Eocklyn. â€"IT PArs TOâ€" AND THA.T IS THE Mkeri lasiiess Cif, OA^^EIV JSOXTIVJO. The best and most practical course of study. The best teaching talent. The best accommodation for students. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that instruction after students graduate. For annual announcement giving particulars regarding the course of study, terms c., address C. A. FLEMING, Pbincipai,. WILSON'S FLT POISOK PADS iif(va an enormous sale tiuoughont Canadav and are kept by all dniggiata. Kothing IciQi Hooae Fliea. Airtv. at Ceakioaahea Hka yttfi' Boa'B Pads. One |«f Int late a kuR time sodldUaiDiMl^tiheqnvEt. A toi owt.^CM' «u (cnind en, the a»ia street the other cbr. thk;wM^|it«)ioaglt better STkrt y««r. F^MtiaiteJl*^^^ tiful wd \vi9 "ii^e ij^lpf iiid^'k .Jloyg,^ tfiaijmmma^ iMM Cool Goods. Men's Light Coats Vests f 1.75 to $5.00. Boys' Light Suits, washing, $1.75^ A great variety of footwear for tiie hot season, suitable for old and yoimg of both sexes in |«uneUa and kid* All these linea we goert aoiud are away i^ieaa of anytiiifig eoapeting this season. B. Lj. STEPHEN. â- eiinloaFil Very few people covet the experience. Many v70Tild far rather fall into a pit. But the cnstomers of Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a. fit every time, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle whose turnout would fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits tl^ey want,, fits they get,, and he v?ants 1000 men and boys who want fits. WILL, STOCmART, Tailor,, Boom over McFarland's aiore. ..'T^ t -.- -,iC_4*ujj^toeL„ X ..^Ma£t^^Jw:^£^.j«^£^;^,

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