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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jul 1890, p. 1

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 WW w^w i.ier3 for July.. »AIRY COMMte^ TSDer'sproviden- 'owing matters^ nllowauce of sac- prevenSed from jr and should be attentio»iis ofi ail be strained ira- diawu from the red by the use of )iug, pouring or loled to the tenii- pliere protected from j foulness- of im- sk and dnrabifr he attention of atters by sending lar and courteoue jonnection. there- if Milk by the' i, the temptation tit J in sorne other he Act passed by tneiu to proride supplying of miJk Goudeused millc ;ce of â- wholesorae ing to auy such ,ed with water, vay adnlterated, iich any cream 'jiilk commonly milk, or (o) milk ion of that part s strippmgs ha ;) any milk that .our. The pea- ice agaiust the upon conviction stice or jubtices I not exceeding that five dollars, ts ofprosecntwo- jovered shall W the informant or other half to the factory to wb*ch be distributed proportion f 3sts m the ^â-  aaker get a c^ shed iu the lo«J Pr.l^ ^^^.ft •urnislied ^^^^ iniat^HSe Xaxdwu* IK«r«luu!it, MAEKDALE. Agent for all kinds ^fandatd "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." TE:5fTH YEAR.â€" I^o. 515. MAKKDAXE, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1890. ^-i C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. SPECIAL UMMER ALE â€" OFâ€" WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, CHARMS, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, VIOLINS, STATIONERY. Local and Otlier Items. Notices in these columnsinteTided to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subsequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, dte„ must be in this office by noon on Tuesday toinsure publication that week. We have lately added largely to all lines of our stock, and are even better prepared than Deiofe to give perfect satisfaction to all. Our repair trade is increasing week- ly, and our work giving general satisfaction.. A call is solicited. BREADM CASSON JEWELLEBS, MARKDALE, ONT. TUENEE'S DRUG STORE, Markdale, Oat. DE. SINCLAIE. M.D.,M.A., L.C.P.S.O., M.C.P.B.M., The Scottish Specialist Specialist for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, Diseases of the Heart and Lnngs, and Diseases of Women positively treat^ snccessfolly. Consoltation free. DB. SINCLAIR WlUi BE AT MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, Saturday, July 26. Having purchased W^. J. Maniey's right and interest in the Drug, Stationery, and Fancy Goods business here, we would respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage so liberally given in the past and by personal attention to business, fair dealing on a strictly cash prin- ciple, do our utmost to retain all old customers and gain many new. The business will be carried on as usual in the old stand where you -win be able to se- cure Pure, Fresh Drugs and Chemicals, all the Stajidard Patent Medi- cines, a select stock of Stationery, Fine Per- fumes, Fancy Goods, Teas, and Spectacles. W. TURNER CO. Saumdebs Wbioht left for Manitoba about two weeks age. Mb. Wm. Walkbb returned from Berlin on Satnrdry last. I HAVE a quantity of comb Coanda- tion for sale. J. Aitley. Markdale Council meets on Wed- nesday evening next, .SOth. Miss Minnie Macaixum, of Toronto, is visiting at Mrs. A. McFarland's. Mbs. Caswell has returned from Toronto to reside in Markdale. Mrs. W. Campbell, of Wiarton, is visiting her parents in this village. Mrs. and Miss Boardman, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. R. L. Stephen. Mr H. Glendenning is away spend- ing his vacation among friends east. Maekdale Markets â€" ^No grain on the market. Butter 12, Eggs 12, Wool 20 to 23. J. S. EoDMAN returned last week from the gold regions of "White Fish, Algoma. Mr. James McNea and wife, of Toronto, have been visiting in Mark- dale recently. Miss Eombodgh, of Durham, was the guest of the Misses Mathews for a week recently. The Treasurier*s sale of land for taxes ie now advertised in the Owen Sound Advertiser. Db. Sinclaib, the noted Scottish Specialist will be at the Markdale House on Saturday next. Student Rhodes, of Presqu' Isle, vnll exchange pulpits vnth Bev. H. E. Bray, of Markdale, next Sunday. Messbs. F. W. Brooke, of Oshawa, and R. 0. Whitby, of Toronto, were in Markdale over Sunday. Mbs. S. Eaqlb left this week for White Fish, Algoma, there to join her husband who went some time ago. The PresbyteriaD church S. S. picnic on Taesday last was well attended and a very pleasant and enioyable day spent. Beuexbeb $1 will make you a member of Olenelg Agricoltoral Society if paid before the 28th July, after that date $2 will be the fee. Glenelo Agricultural Society held a directors meeting on Saturday last, and everything points to a successful fall show. The prize list will soon be in the printer's hands. Arm htbono Bbos., of this place, have their basket factory in full blast in Thornbnry, acd are turning out a fine article and doing » floorishing trade. Mb. R. W. Enkis and wife left on Monday last on a three weekfi vacation and will visit friends at Lakefield, Dnnville, Peterboro' Norwood, Buffa- lo, and other points. Miss Thomas, milliner,!^ on Satur- day for her home in Brodmlle, there to spend her holidAys ibaa Leooia Mathews ^eeompuued her and will stay some time with friends at Brock- vi]l#. Perth and other pointe. John Thibadeau shipped from this place yesterday 106 cattle. This is the largest shipment of the season so far. The Misses and Master Bowes of Stratbnairn spent a few days with their big brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. McLonghry returning this week. Mrs. Mc. accom- panies them to St. Vincent for a week's visit. We learn by Georgetown paper that Harry Dayey, son of Rev. R. Uavey, now of Markdale, passed his Entrance Examination, taking 505 marks, being the second highest on the list. He ii but 14 years of age. A GOOD fitting suit of clothes puts a man on good terms with himself and with the world. A man is at his best when well and comfortably dressed. If you want the acme of comfort, fit, style and quality, at the lowest figures, give Mercer a call. Don't forget the Good Templars garden party to-morrow evening (Friday) at Mr, E. Rntledge's, west back line. Free conveyances vrill leave McFarland's corner and Mr. Henry Hamilton's between seven and half past eight o'clock. Come. Fbed. McDiABiiiD, son of Rev. N. A. McDiarmid, of Oshawa, and for- merly of Markdale, arrived last week and will spend a month camping and having a general good time here. Fred, is a law student and gives promise of taking a prominent position in the profession. It is very convenient to blame the Mb. Thos. JEtmiNos, formerly of the Severe Hotel, was in town on Wednes- day. He is now travelling for a liquor and cigar firm. The lecture in the Methodist church last night by Mr" Allen was one of the richest intellectual treats a Markdale audience has ever been favored with. The subject^ "The Bible and Woman," was delineated in a comprehensive scriptural and logical manner while the lecturer exhibited an easy and graceful demeanor with superior powers of elo- cution, which altogether captivated the audience. The choir also acqmtted themselves very creditably. IKosioal Znstnunaita. The Bell Organ has held for many years an enviable reputation as a high class instrument and thousands of them are to-day giving satisfaction throughout the land. The Bell Piano has been in the market only a few years, yet it has bad a most remark- ably successful career and is now con- sidered, after being thoroughly tested by the best musicians of Uie day. unexcelled for quality of tone, beauty of finish, and general excellence. Til* ZKBt Is Found. One night last week a Markdale lady was about to dismantle for bed when, oh, horror was it a mouse or bed bug? no, it wasn't any living thing then what was it? "Mercy I've lost my watch." It was an exciting hour. A lantern was lighted search immediate- ly instituted. "Where can it be anyway." There was the vegetable garden and the house plants, and the tornado for certain calamities. One /long grass, where snakes are wont to hundred and twelve lives were lost by ' the "1 take Pepin" disaster, near St. Paul, Minn., on Sunday the 13th inst.. and the survivers testify that much drinking was being done not only by the excursion party, but by the captain j and engineer of the boat. It is believ- ' ed that whiskey was more the cau(:e f of the disaster than the storm. I AiOTH£K change has taken place in the proprietorship of the Medical Hall, by which Mr. Manley steps down and out and Mr. Walter Turner Co., takes full control. We can comniend our respected townsman, W. Turner, to our readers as being worthy of their con- fidence and trust, and wish for him a prosperous career. Mr. T. is courteous, careful and attentive to business, all important requisites. The Standabd is m receipt of a copy of the Prize Essay on "Piractical Sani- tary and Economic Cooking adapted to persons of Moderate and Small Means," by Mrs. Mary Hinman Abel, from the American Public Health Association. To this essay was awarded the first prize among seventy competitors, and the unanimous opin ion ot the able Judges of Award, and testimonials fiom members of the American Public Health Association prove that it is a work of great pract- ical value, and that it would in many cases assist in securing to famibes health, comfort, ana happiness in Ufe, if it could be placed in their hands. CMdltSal*. On Saturday next July 26, at Mer- cer's block, Markdale, a large quantity of furniture comprising, parlor suit, a number of bed room suits, dining room furniture, kitchen furniture, carpets, mattersses, bedding, dishes, an organ, c., o. Sale at 1 o'clock. George Noble, auctioneer. On Wednesday evening of last week about dusk, John Langman, who works in Martin's saw mill, 9th hue Euph- rasia, saw a bear walk out on the road and taking out his gun took deliberate aim and dropped his bearsbip. The carcass was shipped at Markdale the following morning to Toronto. It was very lean yet weighed 228 Sbs. Good for John. Ouuff*. To enable me to attend to my interest InTheDrommondMedidneCp. Toronto* I have decided to remove there and have disposed of my entire stock and right in the Drug business, Ibrkdale, to W. TnmerCo. I now desire to thank the poblio for their kind patronaoe is, the past wad cordially reoaaameod the^ ineiw firm to all pesaoos reqoiiiiiK kbj' hide themselves. "Dear me what w-i-1-1 1 do."' All at once she pressed her hand to her side and exclaimed "I have it " It had slipped down past the pocket and lodged just above the belt. Annual Drill. The exposure and privation, together with autocratic discipline experienced by volunteers while on parade,, may be submitted to with reluctance, but when a party of young people start out on a camping expedition, they enjoy the hard- ships incident to camp life, burst forth from the restraints of parental discipline and throw aristocratic etiquette to the winds, while all hands lay themselves out for a vigorous health-giving jollifica- tion, and of course they are successful and why not Following are the names of a party low camped at Bell's Lake Miss McFarland and the Misses. Lucas, of Markdale Misses. Armstrong and Richardson, of Flesberton Messrs. Will. McFarland and I. B. Lucas, of Markdale; Mr. Fred. McDiarmid, of Oshawa, and Messrs. Armstrong and. Richardson, of Flesherton. Ye editor and his wife have received a pressing invitation to visit the camps, which we will endeavor to do. Snsineis locals. Fancy goods. Fancy goods, Fancy goods, at M. E. Douglass. Cash buyers, go to Mercer's to buy your goods, and save money. Spinnino and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills. Wool wanted at the Watler's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. Get rich. How By saving money. How By buying cheap. Where? At Mercer's Did you see those handsome scroll cabinets at Hamilton's art gallery If you have not you should. Bbantfobd. Binders and Mowers, the leading Machines, sold by Jackson. Easy terms and prices right. Hello Thebe I â€" ^For a first'-class "Bnfsgj, Democrat or Wapon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. A GOOD cook is a valuable adjunct to the domestic circle A good baker stands in the same relation to the citizens of the village. A. W. Wade is unexcelled in this line. MARgn^Tj Cabbliob Wobks.â€" B. Mc- Nally has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, pnees i^t. All work warrant- ed. A can solicited always ^ad to tbiim in their hne. W. Manley. 61S-i7 ifaow my wodr. KMeNalty. BUY YOUR FLOUR AND FEED â€"AT- BENSON'S If you want to save money. BUY YOUR LONG CLEAR BACOV ' from us. BENSON'S BOTTLED ME, BENSON'S BOTTLED WHISKIES for the hot weather. If you want, to save money buy from us and no one else. R. H. BEjS^SO:N CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Spiiii Merehante. R. H- Benson. W. J. Benson. "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" siG^ BIG SPEX. JDWCIODS BDYERS Will find it to their interests to inspect my fine stock of mTCHES.-:- CHAINS Wedding Rings â€" AND- Wedding Presents. I have new goods in all lines, and at "PRICES" that insures "VALUE" to eyery customer. A call solicited. Spex carefully fitted. Fine watches honestly and practically repaired. Telegraph and Daily Papers. Bottom prices and liberal terms. W. A. BEOWN. iSWELLEB,, MABEIULE. i-i^ WE HAVE IN STOCK • T FORD'S FLOUR, â-  r • PLEWES' FLOUR, 1 STANDARD UATME^Ii, ij' 1 GRANULATED OATMEAL, i .." " ROLLER OATMEAL, i ROLLED OATS. ' CORN MEAL, ;- Sft-" â-  BRAN. *^- SHORTS, PIG FEED, I HEN FEED, CHOP, c. f â-  ^- â-  ^1 l: -• I' .â- '.,»J,v "p-i "â- fiffl'ftiif'" i^^i^fei. '"'*â- "'*- .:...:.- -^ yA^'.i:...JL.,:,:r ..-....â- . .....A^:.,,,.^!^^:^^^^!..^ ^^^^^amsjimiMmt^^

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