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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Jul 1890, p. 8

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 iMMk â- to ilj; â- ^;ll i i i 1 i i I ir t: DRS. SPROULE A E80, â€" FHT8ICIAN8, 8UBGEONS, ACCOUCHXB8, e.'â€" Office at Manley'8 Drag Store, where all call8 day or night will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPROULE, M. 0. A. EGO. M. D.. e. I*. icCraiougrii» Barrister, solicitor, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE. MAKKDAL.E. IMoney to ILoa.n. I. B. L-UCKS. BARRISTER, SOL.1CITUR, c, of the firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Sound, at ofiSce of -yVm. LUCA-S, Co., Every Friday. Wm. liucas in charge of office during week and legal matters mil receive prompt attention. WM. BBOWV. DIVISICN COUET CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner} in B. B.c. C onveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses* Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few D arms for ede. Terms easy. It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so siinple* It's safe to dye with Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dye with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest* J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. Q.BADUATE -DENTIST,- x,atyuAx^ OP TOBONTO SCHOOL .^ of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale Honse, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Plesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesdajr in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes* Because they are best» MONEY T0_ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM^FOR SALE. LOT No. -24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easj' terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J, S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. Our new book " Successful Home Dyeing" giving full directions for all uses of Diamond Dyes, sent free on application. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere, or any color mailed on receipt of price, lo cents. Wells, Richardson Co., Montreal, Que. MARKDALE HODSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. E. Marsh, /Vj»/ R. J. SPROULE FLiESHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgasos, Leases and Wills drawn ui) and Valuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPROULE, Monev Lender Postmaster. Plesherton. B W. G. RICHARDS UILDER. CONTRACTOR, fe ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. Flesherton Greenhonse. To our customers around Markdale â-  We take this opportunity of thanking you for your support in the past and hope for a continunuce of yonr patronage this year. We h.avo a good variety of greenhonce plants, also Bedding and PereniJals for i garden pliiiiting. In vegptabl^s we have Cahbage. Celery, Cauliflower, Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper ' Plants iu their sea-on. Please send in your orders they will be promptly attended to. I have the honor to remain Yours truly, 501-14 JAMES BEECROFT. Hnirali for Spring Goods ^AT THE Markdale Furniture Wareroom, Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, common; Extension Tables, in great variety Washstands Spring Mattress Wool Mattrees of all kinds, and in fact everything that is kept in a first-class shop. Call and get quo- tations. Also Funeral Furnishings â€" Coffins, Caskets, Robes, Linings, Gloyes, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Thanking my numer- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectfully, J- W. Soroule. iIL. -^T FORD'S and get a grist exchang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best satisfa,ction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- ing E"X-iOTJ"I5 caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W, FORD. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT BY WEABING THE ONLY FRANK LAZARUS rLate of the firm of Lazarus Morris.J Benowned Spectacles and Sye-Olasses. These Siiectacles and Tyc Glc^ses have been used for the past So yepa-s, and given in every Uistance unbounded satisfaction. Thev are the liEST IS THE WoKLD. They never tire,"and lost igaiiy years withoat cha nge. For 3 ale by BBSADNSB ft CASSOXT, practi- cal Watchmakers, Jewellers Engravers, dealers iu all kinds of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Vi'all Paper, Stationery, School Books, c. Particular attention paid to repair- ing fjuo watches. c., witli neatness and despatch MABKDAIjK, ONT. THE KEY TO HEALTH. TIMJE TABLE. â€" rai*li:lale Station â€" jrOIXG Sot Tn. %rOU:0 N BTi2. 6.-if a. m. 11.J6 \x.ui. 4.5.^ p. m " tTnlocks all tlie clogged avennea o£ the ^wels. Kidneys and Liver, canjing off gradnslly vritiiout weakening the sys* tem, all the imparities and foul hnmoza of the secretions; at the same time CoiS reeting Acidity of the Stomaeh. cuHng Biliousness, Dyspep^ HeadaehM. Dipiness, HeartbmS Constipatton, Dryness of the Skin. ^P^., Dimness of Vision, Jaun- mce. Salt Rheum, EiTrsinelas, Scro- flda. Fluttering of thoTSeart, Hotu vousness, and General Debility ;all »h»» and many other sirailar Complaints ^W© BWlE^'"" BoaSJOCK OOBBty OmuMlt. Tnimsi^AT Session. Coancil met at 2 o'clock. Minutes of Wednesday were read and approved. The Warden presented petitions agaipst formation of new school section in Sydenham, signed by U. Beid and 62 others, and by Thomas Leonard and 46 others. Petitions referred to committee on Education. Also an account for $50 expenses incurred by special committee in the matter of a house of refuge, wfaich was referred to the committee on Finance. An account from Mr. J. H. Little for SberifiTs advertising, amounting to $18.45 was referred to the Printing Committee. Mr. Gilray present report No. 1 of committee on Education. Mr. Lang presented report No. 2 of Finance Committee. Council went into committee on roport No. 2 of Finance, Mr. Clark in the chair. This report recommended the striking of tbe rate to meet the current expeuses of the county for 1891. The amount required to be raised according to Treasurer's estimate, is $86,000 but tbe Finance Committee recommended the cuttmg down of seyeral items, re- dUceing the amounts to the sum of $25,406.94, and recommending the issue of debentures for $6,000 to cover a part of the amount cut down. When council resumed the report was adopt ed without amendments although sev- keral amendments were presented, to reduce tbe equalized assessment of St. Vincent and of Meaford c. The yeas and nays were recorded on the adoption of this report, resulting in 84 yeas and 12 nays. Council went into committee of the whole on report No, 1 of Education. Mr. Staples m the chair. After some time spent in committee, council re- sumed, when the report was adopted without amendment. This report recommended the appointment of arb- itrators in tbe matter of a new union school section between Owen Sound and Sydenham, the arbitrators to be Judge Lane, Inspector Gordon and James Bowes, Esq, Eeeve of St. Vin- cent striking of rate for school also equivalent. A by-law to amend By-law 895, passed at January session, in reference to Meatord high school, was introduc- ed on motion and passed a first and second reading. A by-law to confirm report No. 2 of Finance and Equalization Committee for the year 1891, was read a first and second times and numbored 402. By- laws No. 899 and 400 were read a second time. On motion of Dr. Christoe, Messrs. Kilbourne, Smelser, Lang, Brown and the mover, were appointed a Railroad Committee. Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Jno. Thompson, that the $2,000 mentioned in report No. 1 of Finance Committee, June session, 1890, set apart for bridges and their approaches, that the same if not expended for that purpose, be applied to the payment of county rates for the municipalities according to tbe equalized assessment of the municipalities concerned â€" car- ried. Ou motion council adjourned till 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. FsmAT Sessiok. Council met at 2 p. m. Minutes of Thursday read and confirmed. Mr. Lang presented report No. 8 of Finance Committee. Mr.McFarland presented report No. 8 of County Property Committee. Mr. Gilraj presented report No. 2 of Education. Mr. Bowes presented report No. 1 of Printing Committee. On motion council went into com- mittee on report No. 8 of Finance. Mr. Messinger in the chair. Some time was spent in committee, when coancil rose, tbe report was adopted on a divisionâ€" 88 yeas to 6 nays. Council went into committee of the whole on report No. 2 of County Property Committee Mr. Sullivan iu the cbair. report was adopted without amendment on rising of council. Council went intu committee on re- port No. 2 of education; Mr. Mcin- tosh m the chair. The report recom- mended the appointment of arbitrators in the matte of a new school at Bog- nor, also the pnnting in the minutes reports of the Inspector of the various school districts. Report of the Printing Committee was adopted with slight amendments m tbe committee of the whole. A by-law was introduced to amend i an order to the Clerk 1 „_ nt\i\ _j ant _i_-v t»- 1.«r +,» I «„« /«- U^li; t«_ ., By-laws 890 and 891, also a by-law to j pay for Polling Booths for th^n amend By-law 878. Several by-laws Elections for the year 189n ff°"'i were advanced through difierent stages when the council adjourneutill 9 a. m. Saturday. Satdbday Session. Council met at 9 o'clock. Members all present. Minutes of yesterday read and confirmed. Mr. McFarlaud, chairman of County Property Committee, read report of town Engineer respecting drainage of county buildings. Moved by Mr. Cochrane, seconded by Mr. Brien, that the chairman of County Property Committee be in- structed to have the gaol and county court house placed under a thorough and efficient state ol drainage, and for that purpose he be instructed to employ an efficient Engineer â€" carried. A fey -law to provide for the opening, repairing and maintaining of all county roads by the several local munici- palities in which such roads are found, was on motion read a first time further action upon it being deferred till De- cember sessions. Bylaws 899 levying the rate for 1891, was read a third time, passed, signed and sealed, and otdered to be engrossed in the by-law book. Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Totten, that the Reeve's of Nor- manby and Sydenham, and tbe second Deputy-reeve of CoUingwood, be and are hereby appointed each far his own locality or electoral district, to make enquires as to the probable price per acre of land suitable for an industrial farm and house of refuge, and report at the December session. This motion to the surprise of many was voted down. Moyed by Mr, Armstrong, seconded by Mr. Bowes, that tbe chairman of Finance be hereby authorized to have the by-law for borrowing $600 as re- commended in report No. 1 of said committee prepared and published in "Meaford Mirror," under the provis- ion of section 845 of the municipal act â€" carried. Moved by Mr. lang, seconded by Mr. Hanbury. that a grant of $250 be made to each of tbe three Riding Agricultural Societies, but only on conditions that these societies send in their annual reports as by-law provides â€"no payment to be made to any so- ciety until this condition is complied with, by fyliug same with carried. Moved by Mr. McFarland, seconded by Mr. Gilray, that the thanks of this council be given to the pubUshers of the Owen Sound Times newspaper for their thougthful kindness in lay- ing a copy of their publication on the desks of the members of tbe council â€" carried Moved by Mr. Sparrow, s'econded by Mr Jas. A. Thompson, that author- ity be given by this council to the chairman of the County Property Committee to purchase what coal and wood are required for the county buildings for the year 1890 and 1891 â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Garvey, seconded by Mr. Preston, that this council do now adjourn, to meet at the council cham- Ber Owen Sound, on the first Thurs- day in December, 1890. at 7 80 p. m. â€" earned. The Warden left the chair, and the council adjourned, 12 noon Saturday. June 28th 1890.â€" Owen Sound TimM irtheyearl890-._P "" Hamptonâ€" Sbuteâ€"Ti.of *,.- ^f«4. .1 Garafraxa Road as SuiS^nTf ou '" share of the amount.â€" Can Hamptonâ€" Galbraithâ€"Th cil grant an order to John w!w ' for $9.50, being Holland's ^ir"' £l„r::"^..^' ««^ring bnd? ' paid its share of the amount Carr h" Hampton- Galbmith-Th-li lat this for the year as ward appropriation 189Q.â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Posterâ€" Tl.nt i, No4bereadMhirdC,'^« sealed and engrossed ja tbe ' book. â€" Carried. %-law Shute -Fosterâ€" That Wm H,r, ton get an order for $l.oo fort,? and inspecting bridge on GarafrS Road.â€" Carried. ^^^ Galbraith-Foster-TLat we grant an order to the Reeye and Cl^rk w $2 00 each for committee work nn Assessment Roll.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Hampton-Tliat llegsrs Foster and Galbraith get an Older for' $1.50 each for meeting Sydenham committee on Townliue.â€" Carried Foster-Hampton -That we grant- an order to James Batton for §10.00 balance of salary as Assessor for thl year 1890.â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" That we give a special grant of $25.00 on 30 sideroad, east of 2ud concession.â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Shuteâ€" That we exempt Ruth King and Edmund Steer from statute labor tor the year 1890.â€" Car- ried. Galbraithâ€" Fosterâ€" That we giye a special grant of $15.00 on George Walker's hiU on the extension of 50 sideroad.â€" Carried. Hamptonâ€" Shuteâ€" That this coun- cil give a special grant of $15.00 to be expended on deviation between Glenelg and Holland providing Glen- elg grants an equivalent to the amount, and the Clerk notify Glenelg to that effect. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Fosterâ€" That the Court of Revision be now finally closed and the Assessment Roll handed over to the Clerk. â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Shuteâ€" That the Clerk's salary be raised to $150.00 per year as he has applied for it and we con- sider him worthy of a raise.â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" That lots 18, 19, 20 and part 21, con. 8, be detach- ed from road division No. 14 and Clerk â€" placedJn division No. 13. Also lots 27 and 28, con. 2, W. T. S. E., and lots 18 and 19, con. 4, G. E,, betaken from No. 66 and put iu No. 5. Also lots 70, on the 2nd, 70, on the 3rd, 30, on the 4th, and E. and W. of 30 on the 5th, to be put in division No. 26. E. and W. halves 30, on the 5th and 6tb, and the whole of the Eager pro- perty and W. i 29, con. 6, to be in No. 2, and a by-law be passed to that efi'ect. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" J^osterâ€" That this council adjourn to the 10th day of July. â€" Car- ried. James P .Hare, Clerk. KoUiua Conaoll. Holland Ckntbe, June 9tb, 1890. Holland Council met on the above date for the transaction of business. Reeve m the chair. Members ail present. Minutes of meeiin? of May 27tb ^*'I,e read, approved and signed. The following were then read:â€" TT '^^"^^^""Jcatiou from Sec.-Treas. i â- ^' i' HoUond and SuUivan, asking for $11.37, being the amount lackmg from Holland's share of the Requisition for 1889 report of com- mittee to review Assessment Roll • report of committee on Townhne,' Holland and Sydenham; account of ^. J. Bly„h, printing mniutes and advertismg Court of Revision, $34.50. bill ^*^^^^ VS"°?P*°^-T^»' the S?4 So K •^•-.^^yJ?' '^^oa^ting to $84.50, be paid,â€" Carried, Shute-Foster-That tbe report of the committee to meet the Sydenham committee be adopted, and that W^ supplement the former grant by Jv! mg $25.00 and our share of th^ â€" *^.*nun,TOo yji sue- wnoie, I "•" "'" ""' "" ounre oi me eur- Dr. ChristcB presented report ofr'T"' ""'^V^^^^'-Carried. special committee on Wardens address .J„?!"r.*S."'^T-T^.t .we issue an which was on motion adopted, aft«r passing committee of tbe whole. This report recommended the appointment of a committee to -^ttle various school qoestious referred to in tbe Watdeu's Jin 4' «"«* especial committee to settle Bylaw .174 between, town of l^orhnm and toimship of Glenelg. order to the Trtist«es 5 S. 8 l Hol- Stb\°Hrr/'""«7 -d tnat the Holland side provide tor this m then: next estimate.Lcarried. ril^;°' "~*^°^'^-That this coun. sin 2f *° ""^^' *° W. h. FoHter for ?«).00 as part payment on bridge %.iL"""S?'« Lake.-CHrriedT Court of Revision. Court of Revision for Township of Holland met at Holland Centre, on 9th June, persuant to adjournment and took action as follows â€" C. P. R.â€" No. of acres reduced from 187 to 182 and valuation reduced from $8300 to $3255. Tbe following changes were then made in the roll lot 15. eon. 12, taken from N. R. Roll and assessed to Thos. Neely lot E. J 47, con. 3, taken from N. R. Roll and assessed to Jas. Martin lots 44 and 45, con. 1, W. T. S. R„ assessed to A. Kmnur instead of John Whitby lot 48, con. 1, W. T. S. R., taken from N. B. Bol and assessed to John McKennit lot 28. con. 1, E. T. S. B„ taken from N. R. Roll and assessed to Kobt. Erwin. Court then rose. JamesP. Habb, 0erk. A CANADIAN FAVORITE. THE season of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the worsf forms of cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and bowel com plaints prevail. As a safeguard Dr. f^"' Extract of Wild Strawberry sl^ould be Kep_ in the house. For 35 years it has beer. most reliable remedy. WHAT SAY THEY? In population increasing. I" the standard. In merit the first. -- the best remedy for all summer co'^P' jg^^ diarrhcea, dysentery cramps, «°"'"^^tof rfilisbihty In' merit 'the first. f»«" er cor untrrnces, aysenrery crambo. C'^r,' ,._a»* of infantum, etc.. is Dr. Fowlers E"^%jt. Wild atrawliflrrr. AH medicine dealero bBu its Wild Strawberry. THE BEGINNING OF DEATH- Disease is the begiuoiug of l^" „„„. approach should be met at once by aPP ate remedies. No better means e^!;' ,«• the use of Burdock Blood Bitters '^^e, symptoms of any disease of the s .^ liver, bowels or blood appear, o.o- the best hfe preserye' LITTLE QU4REELS BEEEDBK^ Yoa just bring a couple of "^^^i^w into your tamily and they will "^*®'^, gardoct rows, and vou just bring a bottle oi ^^^. Blood Hitters into your house a°" j.^ ose- qoickly health and strength foU"" \^ Nothing exoels it for strengtbeBing. " ing uid pom^ying power. all kinds, t school books, from. Prices Liberal di lines for cast itt^ia

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