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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Jul 1890, p. 4

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 'U: 1% M im :fo i' i C. "W. Butledge, Proprietor. MAKKDALE, JULY 10, 1890. Walter's Falls. "Epistolarum Commercium." Mr. J E. Wickbam and family are borne for the holidays. [School closed for the summer holi- days on Friday last. Teacher and scholars will now have a "good time"' for six weeks. Eight pupils of the fourth class in our Public School wrote on the En- trance examination last week. It is hoped that they may ba as successful as former candidates from this school. Mr. S. Carney raised a large addition to his barn on Monday, June 80. The first of July passed off very well m the village. Although there was not as much competition in the sports as was expected, those present seemed to enjoy themselves. Some disappointment was felt over the fact that the football team was not present. There was no team to compete with the "Dauntless" here so the bojs went to Meaford and gave a good account of themselves there, scoring 2 goals to against Meaford ai-d 7 goals to against Griersville. The following were the prizewinners in Walter's .Falls Farmers' running race. â€" Ist, David Bonnell's ch. geld. "Hanlan " 2nd, Joe McKibbon's che. mare "Fly." 100 yd. race. â€" 1st, E. i'hompson 2nd, Arthur Phillips. Standing Jump. â€" 1st, E. Thompson 2nd, A. Phillips. High Jump.â€" 1st, E. Thompson 2nd, Wm. Conway. Putting Shot. â€" Ist, Jumes Morrison 2nd, A. Philhps. Boys' race (under 10 yrs.) â€" 1st, Louis Lemon 2ad, Charlie Taylor. Boys' race (under 15 yrs.)â€" 1st, T. Young; 2nd, Percy Brown. Bnudalk. pro- â- '^tandard Corresvondence. Farmers are pleased with the spect ot a beautiful crop. Your foreman, \V. T. Jaukman and )us bride passed through on Wednes- day last. "Will, looked happy all over, and we have no doubt but his looks conyeyed the feelings ot the heart. Your Cor. wishes the happy couple many happy returns (no. no) we meart to say long life and happiness. Rev. Cobbledick, M. A., B. D., was here on Sabbath last and his congre- gations were favorably impressed with him. On Saturday morning last the citizens of our village were awakened by the alarm of fire, at 1.80. The Bell Block was discovered in flames. Al- most superhuman pxertions were made by the villagers and the fire got under control after a long, fierce fight. The fire was a clear case of incendiarism, (r. W. Parson's druggist suffered the most loss all the losses are fully covered by insurance. At one time it was thought impossible to save tlie block. Had it been consumed. Old- field's drug store. Parson's drug store, tlie bank, Jas. Calhoun Sons, the Herald office. Lemon's law office and other business places would have been destroyed and the proprietors heavy losers. It is reported an inquest will be held, as the fire was evidently the work of an incendiary. Standard Corretpondmee. Eoad work has commenced. Berry picking is all the rage. Samuel McLellftnd died on Monday 80th ult. William Watson is up from Toronto visiting his friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Price were down to the Carnival last week. James Austin, of Gait, was up vieil- ing his brother, Eobert, this week. Eain fell very heavily here en Tues- day and hailstones fell the size of marbles. William McCutcheon, of CoUing- woodi was visiting his brother here, Eey. W. F. Waddell, of Toronto, will give a temperance lecture on Thursday. The First of July passed off very quietly here, the chief places of attrac- tion being, Markdale and Chatsworth. Miss Emma McEennett arrived back from Manitoba on Taesday last, where she has been for the last two years. Hymeneal. John Love and Miss McMulienwere joined in wedlock on 2nd inst. We wish the happy couple a prosperous journey through life. Alex. Armstrong is back for the holidays, from Eockwood, where he has been teaching school for the past six months. Kev. John Pepper, B. A ., of this place, having completed a three years' course in New Testament Greek in Cbautaugua school of Theology, has graduated with honors. Wm. Norton, Esq., raised a fine barn last Wednesday, ' which is now almost completed. Alex. Kirkton, Jr., also raised one the same day, and Jno. Hampton raised a very large barn on Tuesday. (Three strong men,) The entertainment on Thursday evening was witnessed by a goodly number. Eey. Mr. McLaren, of Eocklyn, gave a lecture on "The find- ing of the body of Pharaoh," which was illustrated by a magic lantern. Proceeds $11.75. School closed on Friday last, and the holidays have commenced. Our teacher, Mr. Frizzell. bas been very successful in teaching the children. We think his success was. mainly owing to the patience exercised in training them without the use of the birch. ZrlAak*. Standard Oorretpondenee. Rev. Father Maloney arrived here last Saturday and is going to take charge of this parish for some time. Miss Maria Feeney took her depart- ure for Gait last Friday. Miss Nellie Quirk left for Glascott on Monday last to spend her vacation there. On the eve of her departure there was a very pleasant time spent at Mr. Eyan'e. j Mr. W. H. Martin left for Toronto Gore on Monday last. Mr. Thomas and Miss Nellie Moran and Miss Kate Quirk, all of Glascott, spent Sunday last visitingarouudhere. Quite a number of the youths of this vicinity spent the first of July in Markdale and after they returned they Ed. spent a Walsh's home in the evening very pleasant time in Hall. Owing to illness Mr. Alexander McEae was unable to be on duty at statute labor last week, but put m.Lis alloted time this week. Eyan and Henry Company are pay- ing the highest cash price for logs and tanbak. Mr. Timothy Eyan sold one ot his mares last Monday for one hundred and thirty dollars. Very heavy hail and rain storm last Tuesday, but no damage done around here. Miss Johannah Conner returned home from Toronto on Saturday last. Mr. William Keating gave the folks around here a pleasant call last week. ' We hope the young couple we saw protreuading the roads last Sunday evening in the midst of the heavy rain were none the worse. Since the statute labor has been done the roads are much better for driving upon as we saw one young man last Sunday evening driving with four young ladies in his single buggy. What we may expect â€" Some of our Irish Lake boys to be soon taking a trip to Glascott. Our fourteenth annual grand picnic to take place in the course of a month's time. The public are interested to bi where to supply their wants at iDriopt°? suit the times. ^WeU then at the Tor.' to House we sell Gents' nice sumi^^" suits $5 Gents' Dres« suits, nobbvoS stylish, $8 to il2 Boys' suits $2 to gS nice fashionable Dress stuff 8, lo lof 25 cts.; Prints in great variety, fast an^ durable colors Tweeds 35c. to $i 59 1 suit taste and pocket Boots, Shoes ai^ Slippers, a large and well assorted stocV at bottom prices, to suit all sizes and conditions; Ducks, Dennims, Cotton ades and Shirtings, specially good values; Hose and Gloves, all kinds and prices Teas 20, 25 30 cts., claim at tention of close buyers who want a good article at reasonable price. Call, see and be convinced. We rQean business. (1890.) WM. BROWN, FARMERS THRESHERS iHILLMEN WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING Bleaforcl Boad. East IXoimtain. standard Corresvondence. Strawberries, are ripe on our mount- •ain. â-  School vacation has commenced. The frame work of Mr. Jno. O'Brien's house is being constructed. The statute labor has been perform- ed on the Town Line and also on the third con., Euphrasia. Several from this vicinity visited IMarkdale on the first, and report hav- ing spent Dominion Day pleasantly m spite of being treated to a thunder shower in the evening. There was no amusement near home except a picnic at Duncan, which passed off creditably. Many are the complaints heard against those little stinging insects â€" i losquitoes. MiKZA. Standard Correspondence. Statute labor was the order of the day last week. A barn raising came off at Mr. William Buchanan's last week. No casualties. Mr. J. Magee and Mr. G. Bowes were the captains the former was the winner of the race. The annual garden party in connec- tion with the day school was held on the school grounds last Friday evening and was a most decided success. The Flesherton band was in attendance and contributed largely to the even- ing's entertainment. Dominion Day was duly celebrated here by a picnic at Mr. Adam Hislop's and a double wedding at Mr. David Graham's, the venturesome parties being Mr. A. McBeth and Miss L. Bowler and Mr. W. Stoddart and Miss L. Woods. May success attend them. The annual Sabbath school picnic will be held here on the 10th inst. Your Eocklyn correspondent toid us in last week's paper that "potato bugs are on the rnn." They won't even walk around here. SAVE YOUR CARPErS. A sheet of sticky fly paper will do more damage to carpet and furniture than anything ever inyented. No careful housewife Trould have one about. Wilson's Fly Poison Pads will clear the house more quickly and surely than any other means. If placed near the light where the flies ' are thickest, ^\ ilson's Pads will kill pints every day and clear the house in short order. Sold by all d.uggists. CYLINDER, ENGINE AND ^^ool Oils. AND MCCOLKS ILAEDOIL LARDINE OIL. BOILEE PUEGEE SEE THAT BABKELS AEE BRANDED McCOLL BROS GO, TORONTO Sold by J. E. TEELFOED, Markdale. Markdale Fnljlic School. The following is the result of the recent Promotion Examinationb held m Markdale June 26th and 27th, 1890. From Senior III. to IV. Class. (Marks lequired to pass 350.) Frank Mc.Farland i55. Herbert Armstrong 371. Leason Whitby ..435. Henry Kay 406. Willie Glendenning 418, Charley Armstrong 388. Guy Pickell 375. Eddie Sullivan 378. Gertie Glendenning 3q4 Violet M'Duff HIS. Susan Mathews ..850. Ethel Cffisar .36l! Enie R, S. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH and FEENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TEOWSERINS in all the leading grades, SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR, TIES, COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, e., c. Sj^ecial attention is invited to the ITIailufacture of Buttons; parties wishin? buttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, can hare tlien; made m a tew minutes while waiting. AGSNT FOE PAEKER'S DYE WOEKS. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention. Good work and reat fits. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. _. Under the power of sale contained in a certain Mclntyre ,350. ' mortgage which wiU be produced at the time of WILSON'S FLY POISON PADS i. ive an enormous sal^! throughout Canada, ;. id are kept by all Jiu^pists. Nothing kills Louse Flics. Aut" or Cockroachea like Wil- (ioa's Pads. One packet lasts a long time and kills flies by the quart. A ten cent piece was found en the main s ,reet the other day. This was ju^t enough to buy a packet of Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, and could not be put to better use.. For ex- terminating Flies. Ant.i, OocKrpacfaes. Etc.. Nothing equals Wilson's Pads. Hold, by all ^rng gists. Take no imitations. JCocxlyn. Standard Correspondence. "Hurrah for the 12th 0' Ireland " A gala day is expected in Thornbury on the 12th where the neighboring Lodges will display their colors in the usual manner. If at first you d:m't succeed, try agaui. Not being discouraged with the defeat on the previous Friday, the Griersville school returned the match but only again to be defeated. Again did Miss Louise Dodson "down them all," for epelling and deserves great praise for the interest she has taken m it. She is a credit to the school of which she is a pupil. The out \^-' for an abundant harvest is brigi. jr than has been for a number of years. An unusually large crowd attended the Township council last week. Quite a number fram around the capital attended the laying of the corner stone of Meaford High School on Wednesday. A pic-nic in aid of Victoria charoli was held in Mr. Perry's bush on Tuesday last. A good time is reported. Charley Moffat (On trial 314. Maggie Bowler (On trial.) .304. Fbom Junior HI. to Senior HI. (Marks required to pass 240.) Fred. Fydell. 333. Arthur Dnuglas Fanny Cox V.316. Sadie Plewis 268. Leonia Mathews .203. Fboh 'Seniob n. to ni. (Marks required to pass 240.) Vanda Elliott 24q HiUiard Elliott 246! OUie Askin 255! Annie McLeod 278. Richard Noble 268! Jessie Duncan.. 261. Bertie Cnmmincs 2-3q. James McGregor 302, Bella Brown 353] Edith Cesar 220! Maud Ford. !!..!!! !220* Sherred Henry !!!!!!!! 23o! Fbou Juniob n. to Seniob II. (Marks required to pass ]60.) Charley Pickell, |gQ Wallie Lucas "!!!!!!!!lq3! Annie Bush.. ^^ ^T'^iST-,;-Y i«5- iiSther McCullongh 154 Charley Potts. *.".*.*." ' ' 146 JohnNoble ... ' \\' '147' Lena Butledge !!!!!!!!!' 15l' Passed Into 2nd Division,â€" Kobert Brown! From V. to -VI. Form.â€" Hugh ConneU. Rennie Richards, Farrell Sullivan, David Morrow, Bernice Glass ford. Tir^p" ^^- *° .,y- "fâ„¢â€" Ina Lamb. Jane McFadden Willie Cummmgs, Gertie Cole- man, Effie Irwiii, Charlie Crow. From m. to IV. Form.â€" Sarah Scott, Eva Bush, Randle Munshaw, Bale thei-e wiU be offered for sale by public auc- tion by George Noble at the Markdale House in the Village of Markdale on SATTTBDAT, 12 tb DAT OF JVIiT, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following valuable farm property situate about four miles from Markdale and one-half mile from a school in a tlrst-class section of the Township of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, containing about 55 acres, and being the west half of the south half of lot No. 4, in the eighth concession of the said Township. Hoil good and nearly all cleared and under cultivation good well. Buildingsâ€" Frame house and kitchen barn part frame and part log. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Terms. â€" Ten per cent. -of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale sufficient with the said 10 per cent, to make one-third of the purchase money in one month and the bal- ance to be secured by first mortgage over the property sold, payable five years from the date of sale with interest at seven per cent, per an- num, payable yearly. For further particulars apply to Gko. NOBI.E, Auctioneer, Markdale Chab. Kxrs, Burlington, or Mu/ock, Miller. Growther A Montgomery, Vendors' SoUcdtors, 99 King Street East, Toronto. Dated June 7th, 1890. 5U-S *^' F XCURSIOWS TO THE BOCZ GIBT TAIXT MACKINAW THROUGH THE 30,000 ISLES OF GEORGIAN BAT Stopping at Way Pouts. Beff, Board. Washing and 850 "Hlw »«' UffbtfolXake Travel for Six »»y«- $12,00 ^=r^oth^rs^tS!^cM|" swift, upper-cabin, electnc-ligbted, siae- wheeled pleasure steamen. CAMBRIA aCARMOI^A â€"OF THE â€" Canada L.S. 11 MORTGAGE SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERH. Boyce, Robert Arthur Smith. H Glendenning, Principal. WASTE NO PRECIOTS TIME. B® »*" J°° "'*° ^^ â„¢'nato bat onoe make the most of it. Especially time when suffering from dyspep^. biliousn^s aftomache, liver or bovelB. Ton eannnc tltl tot lasted delaytf ponged for cure. Under a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auc- tion by George Noble, Auctioneer, at the Mark- dale House, in the village of Markdale, on 8ATUBDAY. lath BAY OF JVt.T, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following valuable farm property, situate.about five mUes from Markdale In the Township of Holland, in the County oi Grey, and being lot 69 in first concession ot said Townshipâ€" about 50 acres. This farm is well cultivated, and about forty acres cleared soil, good clay loam. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Tebms.â€" Ten ner cent, of the pundiaae money to be paid down at the time of sale, •nfDcient with the said 10 per cent, to make one-third of the purchase money in one month, and the bal- ance to be secured by first mortgage over tbe pioperty sold, payable five years Irom the date of sale. With interestatseven percent, pec umom. pa^ble yearly. For farther particnlan apply to «i»«wK Hi NoBM, Auctioneer, Markdale; Cbab. Kimo. MOrUngton; or Mu/ock, Miller. Growther A Montgomm. VeuOoxe' goUoiton. (limited) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTE. Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Mark, TaaaeafTor and Part «^««J*Jf ' oarrylBff Her Majesty' »^- CAFr.NEttC*iffB«* .ago fn"' -TTTILL sail during the season o^ ^^y W Owen Round to Sault^Ste.^^^^„f tbf S. S. CAAMONA, Capt. F. X. LaFbance Tnnday and Trfday, on «e f^' Toro«^ Canadiai Pacific Bvemng Train in-^^ey RTiH nninte Kast (10:30 P.m' '"V°P..i« CnrreBt; and points East (10:30 P.â„¢' ^^'rittle Manitowaning. Sheguiandali, w Kagawong, Qor» Bay, Spanish »ve. ^r MUls, SerpenlMvor. AlRoma Mills.^^^ jj^ ^«^^. cm Buf Thessalon Kiver, Bruce Mines.Jii' '^^ the ijanding Gterden Biver, -- „„ ' Marie, calling at the above pore « *^P- nee TicKiwaand Fbeig=t Rates cw j^eu by applying to MAITLAND K^^^j, wh««^. nSwWehSuse. on We8t8ideofnj^oJ«»S, goods for this liine will ^e ^n^ABD %c age: also at the offl^SA'oHOLM, »'"' j't^t ^lett Street, JOHN CHISHCH-w^^ose, B** Company^ Offloe. MaiiUand » «"» Side of livj^r. on Biver Sttee*- ^p^ iii â- â- ^â- â- ti riiiiii

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