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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Jun 1890, p. 7

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 |ien urope .^xpediJ ^^*tacoinple,a "^8 manner hj les to one En-^ s Publishe,j Q â- Â® accepted 1. '^^* the matte, circular 1,. thex)okw.rJ. "'"«g the woi't ii*l so that ii^ "Cted the Oeri to prevent the.' entering Cgan/' â- e pending l^.' relative to ter.L om Uganda of Ter, is shortly KREICHSTAi;. Uves from thij which is now ag on account Malehow, went ly to ask Prince latnre. He pro- 3 favorable con- Lo mean that he the Reichstag ince's presejice of a new par- sed of conser- s and a small iisinnige party. ly represent the irers and hank- ie pro-soeialis!. ire the support hus forming a effect that the nd more eurag- by Prince Bis- it he intends to laughed over in idea is dawning -that is, whether cial corres]xiu- :h the previous I of Chancellor rck'sstudiouslv Iready assisted rer view of the 1 and have also 's relations with is now perceiv- ;s reveals little (vernment. Ini- r States inohulo on Mittnacht, int vonFabrice. Dr. Turlan, smarck retired ntinople source â- ints a detailed about Bulgaria, conclusion, be- The scheme in of Stamltoul. retirement of lion "of a new the Prince of •les of Sweden, rlinistry drawn politics. An- would be the jjleof thepres- l)assadors, Neh room for men The degree ol 1 estimate. " :ircles are busy ing ra) roolie- ussia. lie, you-horrid, ou will very Ihink it ^vrong around where l;ace, and now you-11 keep at I have top of my ick I n*^ Ive a sanguin- very 1*^1^^ .withh«c^^^' with ^I OASIS IN THE SAHAEA. iniall Spo* WiOi a Crowded Ver.T iintl" r,.h and shady, Population. uot describes the first oasis he 'a little green corner, cheered by the song of ndenUveued ^^V the murmur of waters. ^.'iTtes waved their elegant plumes high '"•air- the pomegranites and fig trees ' "L 1 between the columns of the palms " ulieat and barley clothed the soil in â- -' jirection, and the humid vapors wn- "'â- ;, g jVjiiacre. One could not help tremb- '""fo.- the"little spot, it seemed such a '?, jy„c, in the immensity of the desert, '^.' undedby the desolate plains and men- '" 1 bv moving sand hills. 'r, 'jac.iuots description is slightly er- 0U3 it may do well for poets, but as a ?.,'» dest-ription it is wrong. An oasis is "â- 'an immense, wild garden, where numer- ipecie- of fruits and flowers crowd each â- -teTin wild confusion, but it is niggardly â- -jre cultivated almost to the extreme by '.jniiui industry. ^^,^ ^^ which refuses space to ,-e'V fruit or flower which does not aid to 'â- ^iin life. An oasis is usually about a 'S' and a quarter in length and ab^ut five- â- ,th3 of- a mile in breadth. In nearly â- ^^r\' case it occupies the bottom of some â- iv'ne, which shelters it in every direction. i-'i inclosed in a mud or Stone wall about â- 'L feet in lieight and about a foot in â-  knes;. At regular intervals about this 7j. are round stone towers these are sen- -V lioxi-s, 'on the fiat roofs of which are !-;-.i(iiied I'li.'htly guards to protect the place •â- - :;i pilhi'jeT The gardens of the oasis lie 'jii-t this outer wall, and are divided into .;. Jl iiiclo.iiires, each f)f which is the pro- ;,..;:y of i.:io person. Next to the gardens, •wlrd'tl-.f center, are fields of corn, barley, ,:i onions, ilivided into parts as in the gar- ;,h!. which are watered and tended like our :..,iiri!c riiiv.-er ijeds in the center is a lit- :;.. rivulet, which runs from springs near :., Ill the extreme ends. Till-- 111 ..:; raiuily in a separate dwelling, but in ;,v ;.u-,l;(; lioiue called a ksar, which is usually :,;.;: (il .itDnc. giving it the appearance of a '.[â- ] mass, perforated here and there -with a s:...dl winih.w and diversified with jutting ih.'les. The halls are narrow, dark, ill- Eevoltmg Crime in France. One of the most revolting crimes ever perpetrated in pro-vincial France is now be- fore the Judges of the Department of the Herult Assizes. The accused persons are a woman named Enjalbert, her paramour Gely, a farmer who is sixty-seven years of age, .-uid the female prisoner's son, a boy of 17. Madame Enjalbert, aided by her son, murdered her husband in a most inhuman manner almost before the eyes of his little daughter. The deed waia done at the insti- gation of Gely, who wanted the woman to go and leave him altogether, promising to sup- port her and her family. The woman pur- chased a revolver and armed her son with a club, which she observed cynically was big enough to ' 'cave in" a donkey -with. Enjal- bert was then decoyed out of his house at an early hour in the morning, having been ask- ed to accompany his wife and son to the market at Gabian, near Montpelier. As the trio were crossing a bridge, Madame Enjal- bert asked her husband to fasten her shoe, and, as he was bending do-wn for that pur- pose, she discharged three shots from her revolver into the nape of his neck. The victim fell, and while on the ground his wife fired, three additional shots at him, while his son battered in his face and skull with the club. Tsot satisfied with this, the woman pulled a knife out of her pocket and hacked and mutilated her husband's body in an indescribable manner. The corpse was then thrown into a ditch, where it was found next day. The Woman was arrested, and admitted the crime, but wanted to exonerate her son, who, however, also con- fessed to participation in the deed. i CHRONIC Cough NOW!, j Tor If you do not It may btcome con- ' sunnptlve. For Cojisumption, Srrofula, Geneml Debility and Waatiim Jiaease», there Is nothing like SCOTT'S EMULSION I Of Pure Cod LiTcr Oil and i HYPOPHOSPHITES I It is almost as palatable as milk. Far i better than other so-caUed Emulsions. I A wondertul flesh producer. I SCOTT'S EMULSION is put up in a salmon color terapper. Be sure and get the genuine. Sold by tM j Dealers at SOr. and $1.00. I SCOTT 3C BOWNE, BelleTlUe. B EATER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing weekly between MOHTKEAIi and UVEKPOOL. SaloonTidcets 94), M,andf60. Return Tickets, $80, |90 and 8U0, accortUngto steamer and aooonunodation. Intermediate $20 Steerage $20. Apply to â- . B. MITKKAT, Gen- eral Manager, CaBadlan SUpplBs Co., i Cus- tom HousK Square, Montreal, ot to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. ARTIFICIAL Um For Circular Addresa J. DOANSON, Northcote Atc, • Toronto, SOLID Leather Address WHAIXT.BOTCX^CO., IMTvagc Street, T«remto. Send lor Cataloarue. PARISIAN' chilaren'sskirte or capes, 2.5c. India's Eailway Tunnel.- An article in the Allahabad Pioneer gives some interesting particulars concerning the tunnel that has just been completed through the Khojak on the railwaj- from Quetta to Candahar. The Khojak Pass is 7, .500 feet above the sea and alxrnt 2,000 feet above the level of the surrounding country. The PLAITIXGâ€" Skirts, 43c. a yard a yard. MISS STACKHOUSE. 427 Yonge St.. Toronto. I procured in Canada, U. S and Foreign Countries. ;i Vonge St., Toyaato and TUMOR Specialist. Prlrate Hospital. No knife. Book frss. G. H. HCMICHABL, M. D., No. 63 Niagara St., Buffalo, N.Y. CANCER •lling, uneven passages, ;â-  haildiiiiT. windint; about Till. .\i AKTMENTi ARE LOW-CEILED iv phicti, lighted by. a single jiperture in 'wall. The whole" place reminds one t of a iloi; kennel than a human habita- Ill some of the ksars about 300 or 400 woiulII and children, a sickly, scroful- I'liiuration, are huddled together in a ilinL' which would seem to a European llv al.iie to contain more than 100. The- only interesting thing about the whole si- is the marabet or sepulchral chapel, ;;; -li stands o.itside the walls. It is gener- iv square, surmounted by a cupola, the ;."'l.- iioiuL' built of stone or brick, executed -,iiiisaiis"biought from Moi-occo for that ;p:c5s jiuipoie. Oooasionally the princi- DIT Bookkeeping, Banking, Penmanship. Dl^ Shorthand, Tn)"«Titing.etc., at Canadian Business Universitj" Shorthand Institute, Public Library Bldg. Toronto. Circulars free. Tho^. Bengough, Manager. Agei^ts Wai\ted Throughout Canada PORTHE PhiEiiixInsuraiiceCo. OF HARTFORD. COXN. ' ESTABLISHED 1854. Caslk Capital • 9«.0M,M*.0* Assets • • â-  5,3O.V0»4,O0 Xeti^urplas .... l,301,-J33.39 Estd.â€" CA5rAD.4. BK.1XCHâ€" 1890. Head Office, 114 St James St., Montreal CEKALD E. HART, General .Manager. h;i.bitants of this oasis do not li-^'e j tunnel pierces the range at right angles, and """' its course is therefore due east and west, and it enters the hill about 1,0IX feet below the crest of the pass. The length of the tunnel is ll!,000 feet, or two and a half miles approxi- matelj" and it will carry a double line of rails. For the first half the floor ascends about 1 in 1,000, and for the second half of the journey it descends at an incline of 1 in 40. There are two main shafts, one 318 feet and the other 290 feet deep, which were sunk in order to facilitate the construction of the tunnel. The chief obstacle to progress arose from the flooding of the tunnel at more than one point. A large spring was cut and the Candahar side to the depth of ISO feet. It took ten weeks to pump out the water, and in the western heading as much as 500 gallons a minute were constantly rushing out of the west mouth. In order to overcome this ditfi- 1 culty a side cutting had to be made. The ' magnitude of the work is testified to by the I banks of shade and rock at the mouths of the tunnel and at the pitheads, which are 1 said to be quite altering the landscape in places. One ciiri-JUS discovery made during 810.00 «i»L3 «of • AiMaidb AOtatmt. M.acaunma, THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP cm TUHSSASSM CABSOUC ACID TOILET SOA Is pleasant to use. It heals the skin, and da stroys insects and firermt on th« hair of man « b«Mt. The Best €kods â-  „ Sold, by the Principal Boot and Shoe Dealers. Ifiyery Pair Stamped. ;:u ciipi.k-. i.i flanked by four smaller ones, the progress of the work, as the result of an ::.t ]ntL'i-ior presenting a court, nUfronntkd ' investigation into the cause of certain mys- y a pillery, supported on Moorish afc»le3. {grious explosions, was that it was proved in :ii"it cases the ostrich egg cro^\-ns the ' |hat "ecrmbustion had arisen inside a ca3§ .:.pjl.i. 'nut occasionally a atone or metal ball of blasting gelatine." "y lit- fi^und occupying the exalted position, j m i:. inhabitants of the oasis choose to reserve .! '.he- luxury and magnificence of their i; -hitocture to adorn the little temple around whi. 1 they excavate their resting places. i:.fy ivre "not, like the habitations of the .:v:iii:, subject to the ravages of foes, but are ur.;vr.sally held sacred, and the conqueror, i..-.\n,-d with blood, approaches here with re. trcnee and prostrates himself in lowly wi:liip. Life is so uncertain, when the .ir:i; of the enemy combine with the elements " Ti.r.ure to threaten its existence, that it is no -.voiiiler the inhabitant ot the oasis cares t" l.ivish all his wealth, not on the dwelling wh:, h will probably shelter him but a day, I'u; ..n the place which will shelter him for- ever ii-oni the stoms of life. Iti the gardens near the outer wall of the o.ii-.s are gro^^^l the date palm, which is the pr:ii -ipal f^xxl all over the Sahara. The tr;:nk of the palm is usuallj" about fifty or sixty feet in height and is crowned by a tuft â- ; i.uliatiiig leaves. The calyx has six iivi-icms, anil the fruit is a drupe, some- » larger than the acorn it is a red color ^â- -.â- ^u ripe, and is inclosed in a hard kernel. NETER FAILING ST. LEON. Up to tliree years age Dyspepsia, that liorrible sensation, wretched pain and choking.^^The very tuOtiKiiixs Ciliu Ult;. A friend got cured with St. Leon urged me to ____^ drink. I did. Tiie chok- ing lumps got softer and softer. I was cured and remain in tiie best of healtli. St. Leon Water will cure when all other mixtures fail, i^..^ ,(xEOBGS Gi Wli-so.v, Victoria Souare, Montreal. Retail Ppiee 75 Cents COMPLETE WITH CLOTH It saves Labor, Time and C'lotblng. As the hands do not come in contact with the water, chap- ped, scalded and sore thands are avoided. The mop' being wrung at arms length there is no stooping or straining of the back or shoulders. The hands are not soiled or disfigured by the wring- ing of a filthy- greasy cloth. As the cloth- ing is not drenched or disfigured as in ordinary mopping no special prepar- ation is required. The use of scalding water is " another impor tant advantage impossible with the ordinary hand-wringing mop. The floor wa.shes easier, cleaner and quicker, and dries quicker. Agents write for prices. Tarbox Bro§., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto ANADIAN '1)AC1FIC Deloraine tA. $28 /cw Moosomin, â-  28/' Glenboro' 28/S Saltcoats,- 28 /»-^ MoosBiaw,30/S^,*: CalgaryrSB^^y; SPECIAL COL- ONIST EXCUR- SIONS will leave all points io Ontario, Sharbot Lake, King- ston and West thereof, on JUKE 17th Batuni untU July ZTth, 1890 JUKE 24tlL Betuin untU Augiut tth, 18M JULY 8th Bettun until August 18th, 1890 For full particulars apply to nearest Station or Ticket Agent. •'11 wlucli it is easily separated. It '•j'v. firm. esL-ulf nt and sweet, with a sli^ ".nireuc-v^ :.iE Ti:i:E I.- r.Ais :D KP.OM ^HO0T5, .-.-ii arrive at maturity in about thirty â- â€¢i:' and bearing for alxiit j â- :iiy snore, producing yearly about fifteen' Wfuty clusters, which weigh usually! •"â- :;: i-ighteen pininds ea-jh. j " iiru line wishes to create a date sarden There w^s alilpped to the Globe, Pfififiilg Co., of Toronto, last Week, by the Waterous Engine Works Co., of Brantford, a steel boiler 66" in diameter, 14 feet long. The bottom of the boiler was made of one steel plate 14 feet long x 7 feet wide, and the top of two platt s only. This is probably the first boiler in Canada made with the bottom of but one sheet, and marks a new departure in the manufacture of return tubular boilers. Users of steam are fiinding out that it is a great advantage to have no seams or joints overtlie fire, and the demand issteadily grow- ing for boilers made with but one sheet on the bottom. The Waterous Company are to be congratulated on the advance they have made in this direction, and no doubt it will lead to a ver j- large business to them in their boiler department. We might mention that this department is one of the best equipped in Canada, having all the latest improve- ments for boiler makers, and the capacity for turning out the heaviest work. They are just finishing six boilers 60" in diameter j 16 ft. long for tlie Xorth Pacific Lumbei' Co. each of which is made of but two sheets. ' Also two 66x14 boilers for the British Amer- ican Starch Co. of Brantford. Anj- person requiring boiler, work will do well to consult them. If you haven't anything but your troubles to talk about, don't say much. AU Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from exces sor overwork. Never Travel Without a Supply of furnishes FOOD and DRINK* makes DELICIOUS SAND- WICHES, «OOD BEEF TEA. Convenient, Palatable, NutFitious* PLATE Delivered anywhere in Canada. Stock. Lowest Prices. Lai^est McGausland So Son, 73:to 76 King St. West, Toronto. Is the best. All Machines guaranteed. Ma- chines sold on tlie CiBADl'.4L PAÂ¥JIE.\T SYS- TE.H. Liberal discount for cash. T. FAflE CO., K|anufacturers, Toronto. '.n:unons the neighboring date gardeners ^^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^ ^j^^ following sj-mp- a...,.tance, and thus he accomplishes ^^^ ._ S^^^^j depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the 'v ,i-^c with economy and dispatch, for â- -;: services cost him nothing, except the â-  U'ltion to return the same when demand- -â- 'â-  The sand is first removed to the depth '--â-  sweral feet in order that the roots may re:i,ii the water besides, a trench is dug 'r"-.:nil tlie tree at a regular distance, and 'â- 'â- 'â- '•' this, when necessary, water is poured, -s 'u-Jer that, sinking through the soil, it n.^iv etfectually reach the fibers which re- •"â- "â-  I' '-â-  it. This irrigation is chiefly com- " ;tteil to the women and children by those ^:i""have no slaves, and the precious fluid is 'iri ied in skins of animals or baskets of 'i]]io flouted so closely as to be water-proof. w most cases canals are cut in every direc- -- '11. communicating with the springs which ""I'ply th3 oasis, and when restriction is pt^-fssary each -gardener pays so much per '^•'-â- 'dT for the use of the water in his garden. in some cases each proprietor has a right to "'fie springs for an hour or two," according to "â- ie title deeds of his estate. The time is •'}6asured by a rude chronometer held by ^-^le officer who opens or shuts the conduit. In the above imperfect account we have ^S'leavoured to give our readers a descrip- 'â- on of the oasis as it is, and not as the poets '•'• runiancers would have us believe. Wonldn'tDoatAlL wir® itVJl* i on the t e"*- It " Mrs. Rambo," said the pastor, as he f-'ok her by the hand after the services "'fcre over and while the congregation was '"J^ly filing out. " I have long thought of "JjingonMr. Rambo and having a serious ^^Is with him. Would it be advisible, think â- ["•^, for me ec«ne â€" let us say^ â€" to-morrow "•tfemoon '" I am afraid yon could hardly make any '•^'pression on Absalom if you should come "• time," replied Mrs. Rambo, timidly. tie a going to hang the screen doors to- "'ctrow afternoon." 3 i scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of -will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, 1^ of voice, dfesire for st^tude, ex- citability of temper, sunken- eyes surromid- ed -with liSADEK circle, oily looking skin, etc. are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every f imction wsuies in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Seed' your address for book on all dieases-peculair to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent firee sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness' palpitation, skip beats, Iiot niasbes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart Withbeats^atrong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than ^e first, pain about the breast bone, etc., canpositively be cured; No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address Mi V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto. Ont. A. P. 507- TO TBE SJniTOSiâ€" .^^e isfera yaa. .ea^fs flict I BAve a {Msitiire remedy iox H»» above named disease. By iti tloSely use Ibfiiisaiids df Mpeiesa .sases bave been pemtanently cr,nl. I shall be vlad to send two bottled 6t my reedy PftMt to anjr o yoitf readers who havr ooi^ sumption ifthsT will send me their Express isd P6sf Office Address. *teMectniIlr. Tii A» •kOOUIfc MsCm I8» ytlnmt «tf olside at.. T QBONTO. tfKTAmO. " ' The Alliance Bond and Inrestjnent €ompaoy of Ontario Limited, Incorporated February 27th, 1890. CAPITAL Sl,000,000. 0«nera.l Offices, 27 A 29 Wellington Street East, 34 36 Front Street East, Toronto. This Company Undertakes sigencies of every description, and trusts, such as carrjong out issues of capital for companies and others, conversion of railway and other securities, will give care- ful attention to management of estates, the collection of loans, rents, interest, dividends, debts, mortgages, debenture«,lohds, bills, notes, coupons and othei^ecurities; willactas agents for issuing or countersigning certificates of stock, bonds or other obligations. Receives and mrests sinking funds and invests moneys generally for others and offers the best terms therefor. Every -dollar invested with or tlirough this Company earns the highest returns and is absolutelv safe. All investments are guaranteed. THE ISfVESTMENT BOXDS of the Company are issued inamounts of ?100 and upward and offer unparalleUed inducements for accumulative investments of small amounts, monthly or at larger periods for terms of years from five upwards and the investor is not only absolutely- protected against loss of a single dollar but can rely upon the lairgest returns consistent with securitv. Correspondence solicited and promptly replied to. WM. ;»TO.VE, President. €,. F. POTTEK, IManaglnfc DlrectOE First-class General and Local Agents can obtain remunerative contracts by applying to WILLIAM SPARLISie, SaperlntendesU Confe6etation %i{c ORGANIZED 1871. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel 'or occupation. Pald-ap Policy and Cash Surrender 'alne Guaranteed In each Policy. AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST THE WONDER OF HEAUNQ! CVBES CATABBS, SBETTICAT^^JEV- BALaiA,SOS TSaOAT,FILES, W0Ulil9^ BUBHS, FSICALE GOKFLAIHTS, Aira BEHOBSBAafiS OF AL^i ZZHSS. r««fA«fnMiryftJMfnMffy.iHa»aOe4l4L«i POlilS'SEZTBACT CO. XT«w?orkjfeLoxito_ ProTldes an INCOME in old age, and Is a good IBrÂ¥EST9IEIirr. Policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Profits, which are unexcelled b^ any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated'every live years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. Profits so allocated are absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at amy fftatnre time under any clrcnmstances. â-  Participating Policy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per cent, of the profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years have actually received 9S per cctU. of the profits so earmed W C. MACDONALI), J. K. SiACDONALD, ACTUAHY. MaNAGINO DiKECTOB nooKs, FENCE HOUSEMAIDS, IfimSES, GBK- ), EKAL SEKVANTS. Good places. â-  I highest wages. Canadian-' BonMstlC %0 Employment Agency, 91^ King West, Toronto. Write for circular. The Cheapest, eitrongestand Bes Fence f orlFarm. Ganieni Orchar('t ror town lots. Prices froin^Sc. per foa'(16ift4 Send for price list. Torente Picket Wlie*^ Femee Co., til Mtrev St., Ter«mt»' They atetheWiLT STB that Wi LL n^'f WASH OUT t V»illii MOT FADE OUT I O^eie laniotbiiig like't^emfbr'^tieiigth, Coloriiig orVutMn.- ' M yoa doob* II. toy »»^»« â- i«M» 'r tfaided U »m f not cooTfaioedBftsra tMt- fooreolon »»• Biade In T«l*M» »ye««M •B new ihMlci, and othatsan adMaalooa a become fMUoaabIa They are wan ffi^ood«anddoitbet»eT.than«ny( fioMFxieeasXafttiorfisr^ XO^Xflk Canada Bmneh 481 Bk Paul Btraet, HontiaaL I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Curs I do not meaa •_ ..,. _^ I .^-.„.-.- merely to stop them for a time, and then UTethemretDnurain. I MEAN ARADICALCURE. I hav* made the dUea^ of Pitah Epilepsy or Palllns SicknMa a llfe^ag study. I w«rr«nt my remedy to Cur* the wont cases. Becanse others have failed I* no reason for not now receirinsr a cure. Send at once for a treatiae and a Frâ€" Bottto of my infallil*!* Rmnedy. Gi Post Office. It cost* yoa nothiaK_for a trial, and it will core yon. Addres •raaeh Offle^ ISS Wnr AOBUUOK STRRET, TORONTO. iy. Give Express and on. Address :â€"H. Q. RO ROOT. Eigiaw, Balltra Statlonarr and PortaM AU sizes. BestqtuUtyo^ |material aad worit Planers, Matchers andMooIdenk Saw Gomman ana Saw SwafP*- Send for CiicalaA Waivout 1 1 I J 1 I i; '5 .-.I â- ' ' "â-  .5- ' If timia

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