'-â- ."if v-* ' *V^Â¥^^Wr r ' Business ooals. ception provided minion preyions iary, to alter the y not be noticed id protest is not For Turnip seed of the finest quality try 51an!ey Turner, druggists. Xf;i Tea Tea â€" ^For the cheapest jcd best Tea go to Mercer's. Olfl Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. $5,000 worth of Goods to be slaught- ered at the noted cheap store, Rocklyn. Spisni^o and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills. JIekcer is offering some great bar- gains in Eeady-made and Ordered Clothing. Call and see. Wool wanted at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or joods. A GOOD single buggy for sale, cheap for cash or on time to good mark. Apply to John Whitby, Markdale. Great bargains in DretiS Goods, Prints, Seersuckers, Mushns, Parasols, Gloves, Ac., during July at Mercer's. Tremendious sale going on atRocklyn daring the next 40 days. Keep your weather eye open for bargains. A. W. Wade, proprietor of the "Boss Bread" Bakery, Markdale, is giving ex- cellent satisfaction to his customers. Wanted, 400 coeds Tanbark-. â€" I want 400 cords Tanbark delivered at Mark- dale or Berkeley. Price 03.25 per cord I cash. J. D. Morgan. Say, Jim, how is it Jackson sells so many machmes Because he sells the right machine at the right prices and the Farmers know it. Money to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Hello These â€" For a first-class Buggy, Democrat or Waeon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. Oil Oake is the stuff for calves IVTanley TrLrner*, druggistfi sells it. Mixed with HertageiaLiii it has no equal. Jacksox, our rustling bustling, hustl- ing, wideawake Implement Agent has jold ONE HUNDRED aud FIFTEEN maohines this season already. How is that for High? B l^anvaxice Suec- tacles are being sold at cost by Manley Turner, druggists if you dont beleiye it and want a pair come aud see. Hamilton, the photographer, is pre- liared to furnish a situation to all who will call on him and- comply with con- ditions, which are easy. Who wouldn't have a sit Notice. â€" All -watch, clock and jewel- lery repairs left at J. E. Richard's store, Rocklyn, vrill be promptly repaired by Breadner Cassou, the leading jewellers of Markdale. Markdale Carriage Works. â€" R. Mc- Xally has now ready a lot of fine rigs tor sale, prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call sohcited always glad to show my work, R. McNally. Ladies if you cannot determine just what you want until you see it, call at M. E. Douglass fancy goods store and ^ee the thousand and one articles at prices fully as cheap as in the city. Hdrrah for Rocklyn â€" J. E. Rich- ards has just purchased one ton of Japan and Black Tea, ana is, without a â- lioubt, the best lea that has ever been brought into this country for the money. A PIC-NIC will be held at Berkeliey on the 27th inst. by the Sunday School of Christ Church, Berkeley. Come and enjoy yourself. A good programme is being prepared for the OQcasion. F. E. David, Superintendent. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church will give a garden party on Fri- day evening the 27th inst. at the residence of Thos. Morrow (Beaton farm). All are inyited and a good time is expected. Admission 15 cents. The loon recently captured, mention- ed in our Rocklyn correspondence last week, has been stuffed by Mr. Fred. G. Stevens, Deputy Postmaster at Mark- dale, and is now on exhibition at Bread- ner Casson's jewellery store. Persons procurine birds or animals which they would like stuffed and momited can have their wants attended to by leaviof; their order at ^readner Casson's or H the P. O. Wapted, a lunited quantity of birds and qi;niTntt1«t such as Owls, Hawks, Wild Ducks and Geese, Eatgjes, etc., etc., for ii^ich cash will bd paad, also, vrill have a few in stock for sale Why allow yonplifelo he made nuMfable oy buzzing inaeets, when Wilaoa's tig Pads 'Jul annihilate 4iem and.idve yoa jpeaee? V7Uu9m. SoUfeyaU^nuKiats.' ' t Famun I Stop, see, and examine with year hands the Shedd patent fence on the following farms: â€" Wm. McLoughry, Assessor, Artemesia Sam'l Thompson, Artemesia Thos. Hill, near Markdale Oswald Walker, Markdale^ Walter Douglas, Euphrasia; Walter Taylor, Euphrasia. Then come and buy Town- ship or Farm Rights to enable you to make lawful fences out of unlawful old rail fences at small expense. Farms to rent and sell. Thousands of dollars to lend at lowest rates of interest. All can be had from John Whitby, Markdale. 510-12 Euphrasia Coimoll. The council met as a Court of Be- vision at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 80th 1890. Members all present. The assessments of Joseph McMorris andof George Hucbinson were redaced $100.00 each. Several young men were assessed jointly with their father. A number of names were placed on the roll as tenants on real estate. Several peisons were assessed for property whieb had been placed on the Nou-Besident Boll by the Assessor. A number of other changes and corrections were made. At 3 o'clock p. m. the Ciourt adjourn- ed, until 10 o'clock a. m. on Jane*13th. Council resumed. Mmutes of last session of Council, read and confirmed. The petition of J. M, Thurston and others in reference to noxious weeds and black knott laid over at present. The petition of J. Kerr and others, re formation of a new School Section laid over. James Nelson was authorised to expend $5.00 in his road division. John Hutchinson, was authorized to expend $16.00 in his road division Mr. Paterson, was mstructed to get a culvert built on 27 28 sideline. B. J. McAfee was authorized to ex- pend $10.00 in his road division. The Beeve and Mr. McKnight were appointed a committee to examine the assessment roll, and report at next meetmg. The Beeve and Mr. Patterson were requested to improve Walter's Falls road. The Clerk was ordered to write to the London Canadian Loan Company concerning the obtaining of gravel for roads. The Keeve's orders were issued on the Treasure?, to pay as follows, viz: â€" Albert Press $4.50, building culyert John Hethers and, family $5.00 indigent relief Albert Press $4.62^. building culvert on town line, St Vin- cent, council paying an equiyalent J. Bennie $2.00, chopping on road James Stiuson $7.00, road work on Saugeea bridge; Thomas Hortop $3.00, work on 3rd line. Council abjourned until 2 o'clock p. m, 13th June next. ADSOUBNED MEETING. Township Hall, Euphrasia, June 13th 1890. The council met as an adjourned Court of Bevision at 10 o'clock a. m. on the above date. Members all present. W^ lot 19, con, 6, assessed to E. Parker as tenant to J. J. Johnston. Wm. Abercrombie assessessed jointly with John Abercombie. Edward Londry assessed jointly with Thomas Londry. Susan Bailey assessed as tenant of James Paterson, Esq. Miss Martha Davies and Morgan Davies assessed as joint owners with Mrs. Ann Davies. John Wiley assessed for S. W^ lot 6, cnu 6. Thomas B. Clark assessed jointly with William Clarke. B. Campbell assessed for E^ lot 12, con. 4. J. A. Myies assessed as tenant to Thomas and John Miliie. W. W. Hall assessed jointly with James Hall. On motion of Messrs. Paterson and Stuart, the assessment Boll was finally revised and confirmed, and. the Clerk ordered to certify thereto in compliance with Statues. The Court arose. Council resumed. Wc. Stewart was instructed to get 2 culverts built on 4th line. The Beeye and Mr. MeEnight, were requested to get repairs made on aide- road 18 and 19, and on the 401 line. The Clerk was ordered to write to F. Eerr respecting Statute labor. The Beeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay «s follows viz â€" W. P. Carson $18.00. indigent relief; Messrs. Boswejl Hatchinson $14.00. Hunson's Manual George Emery $8.00, payment iox stone hammer fteorge Orabtree $1:60.' reptuxini; windows of 'I'own Hall Jaates B. Fawcett $2.00, plank for Ixriage. GoaneU ifajouned until the flrtt l^^j in JviYhni.,^ «^ TO rland s I am running the following special seasonable goods, not in the new Driving Park, but over my counters. Dress Goods. A big drive in l^rench Challi Muslins 9 Satin Checked Strip- ed White Muslins... 10, 12^ 15 Fast colored Prints 9 10 White Victoria Lawna 12^ 14 All over Black Skirt Lace, all silk... $1 85 $1 75 P mMSOLS W UIISHIDES.j A great variety, I start them 40c. Special value in a pure Alpacca Parasol 90c. Long handles, a great variety, at the lowest prices to start from. Waggon loads of Turnips off the acre to your credit oyer and above any other by buying your seeds at Drug Store A FACO? Which has been proven. -WE HAVE- Tbe Best Varieties, Tlie Newest Seeds, AND TRUE TO NAME, -couprisimo Sutton's Gliainpion Purple Top Swede. MILLINERY. The goods offered in this depart- ment are nobby and fashionable. I have labored this season to keep the style aud quality away up, and the price awy down. Bibbons, Laces. Plushes, Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats in great vaif'iety. Special Dkive â€" 600 yards pure Satin Bibbon 5c. Bangtioliii's ImproYed Purple Top Swede. Carter's ImproYed Purple Top Swede. STAPLES. Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Seersuckers, Denin s. Shaker Flannels, Table Linens, Towels, Hollands, Crash at rock bottom phces. Extra 1,200 yds. Shirting 5o 600 " Seersucker; 6^^ 400 ' Scotch Ginghams 7i SIMg's IiproYed Purple Top Swede. Marshall s ImproYM CURES DYSPEPSiJt., CUBES DYSPEPSIA^ CURES OrSPEPSM. PROMOTES DIGESTION. Mr. Nen McNal, of I.eith. Ont., irrites: Deab Bibs,â€" For ysazB and yeazsIsaDeredtrom dyspepsia, in its vorst foims, and after trying aU means in my power, to no purpose I was persuaded by friends to try B33., which I did, and after using 5 botfles I was completely cured. Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION ACTS ON THE BOWELS. Dbab SiBa,â€" I have tried jfoor B.B.B. with great success for constipation and paia, in my head. The second doee made me ever so much bwttor. Hy bowels now moye freely and ttie pain in my head has left me, and to everybody with the same disease Ireeommend B. B. B. MiBB F. WUXJAHS, 445 Bloor St., Toronto. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BIUOUSNESS^ Cures BILIOUSNESS, RE8ULATES THE UYER. Sms,â€" I was troubled for ftvai years with Iiiver Complaint, t used a great deal of medicine which did me no good, and I was getting worse all the time until I^md Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I am now well. I can also recommend it for fhe'Care of Dyspepsia. Mlar A. E. Dxaook, Hawkstone, Ont. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE. REBOLATES THE KIDNEYS. A ^Vcmpt Cue DxAB Bibs,â€" I was very bad with headache and pain in my back; my hands and feet BweUed so I could do no work. My sister-in-law advised me to try B.B. B. With one bottle I felt BO much better thai I got one more. I am now well, and can work as weU as ever. AmoB BtntGESB, Tilsonburg, Ont. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Bad Blood may arise from wrong action of me Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. B. B. B., by regulating and toning these organs, removes ' the cause and makes new rich blood, removing all blood diseases from a pimple to a scrofulous sore. ^ATIND MILLS Purple Top Swede. Aberdeen Yellow Purple Top Turnip. Cool Goods. Men's Light Coats Vests $1.75 to $5.00. Boys' Light Suits, wasninf;, $1.76. A great variety of footwear for the hot season, suitable for old and young of both sexes in pmoella and kid. All these lines are goers and are away ahead of anything competing^ this season. w. J. immm. â- yl Aber^n Yellow Green Top« MproYed Grey Ston For the creeping, erairiing jbloomieg insects that habitate your cncraots and gooseberry boshes feed thein^a little of PURE HELLE60BB and â- !• ipluit 4 power, of good yon Having purcuased the Markdale Pump busi- .ness I^isb to announce to the public that I am prepared to flU orders for all kinds of pumps. 'Oa Well. Pampa, Foree Pumps, Olstam Pmnps, ate. Wind XCiUs: Will also continue to manuiacture Wind Mills, either for power or pumping purposes. And, being a practical mechanic, I feel confident of turning out work that cannot fail to give satisf^tion. Bepairing done. All work guaranteed^ Orders from a distance will receive particular and prompt attention. Call on or address, JEFFREY ARTLEY, Markdale. FeiinioaFi 111 Veay few people covet t^ experience. Many -wcmld far rather faU mi/o a pit. But the, ^e^stomers of "Will. Stoddart covet the ex-! iperience of a^ fit every time, they wouldr^ther not fall into the hands- of a Knight h the Scissors and Heeplle whose turiioiit, i^buld fit themjifee rol^g intsp a Bit. th^ goti Andkei W^9 iPlfef* b Vi 1 i S T â- I- f m 1 ""^i m â- ' 'Hi I m h m m Jjg., .^Arf»af^-^1 .,â- »-. -i.i»»t^ ^i^jiiittiiiy^^ii^ititfiiUIlM