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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Jun 1890, p. 1

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 nr. U k • prMioM of irhMt baslMb. le M it «t orop • «eFretib sometimes stencywiU ighi dum- me all ob OB tkeyfltr prt^tably ler ao^og. adyertise* le it is and into oae'a nt to 8«11 D blanket» ^asonable, the felloir d you th# Ivertise iee 20 degrees IS is quiet lore, tbqr lore clo8»- BbiQg At crowded persistent geofba?' rominent For those nts I will torn Pop* persistMit i miflB aemhROfn a^of tBe- village of V at7:» â- heBeeve* irl bal, br lis, B.B. ^toddart, Spro«l» the dog usedfrook not hii- No. IP* Toronto' sedtoT- tei^enSr nded by jaBM •* H. •»? ,rediM*» others- â€" taio«^ J. €. Trelfoi^d, Kardwaz* KMtfhast, MABKBAXiB. Agent for all kinds Standat) "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAY." YEAKâ€" No* 511. MAKKDALE, THTJBSDAY, JUNE 26, 1890. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor: IMERGASSON 0EALERS A fnli line of Walthah, IbVt CoLUHBUS, Illinois, New Uffta. and other movements, [iu, SiLTXB, Gold-filled, [jiiiL cases. with AMD mks, A large and varied assortment, Ijipnees from $1.50 up. One dozen â- Kitkel alarms just received, with IliaiDoafi and common dials. Beduc- |«dpiise8. Local and Other Items. NoTicxBtn these eoltimntintended to benefit any individnal or Society will he charged ten cent* a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each aubsequent insertion. NOTICE. ^Correspimdence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, die,, mxut be in this office by noon on Tuesday toinsure publication that week. Uewelkry, m the latest and prettiest IMgns. Grand assortment of 50c. I indTSc. brooches. Qaftlity guaranteed. Mmware, in this our stock is corn- prices as low as ever. hiins. large assortment, ranging from 1^2.00 to $20.00. Big supply of fflootb organs on hand. {Stationery, we are well stocked in Nl kinds, writing paper, tablets, Echool books, account books, etc. \M-Paper, large variety to choose i from. Prices lower that the lowest. Liberal discount allowed on all I iines for cash. lARKDALE, ONT. e XCUBSIONS TO Boot OZSX r AXBT MACKINAW THBOTTH THE 30,000 ISLES OF GEORGIAN BAY STOFFDia AT Wat Pobts. IM, Board, Waahiaff and 850 lUlaa Da- llrhttal :Lake Travel for Six Says. $12,00 From O'WEN Soumt, (corresponding low rates from all other stations), by the staunch, swift, upper-cabin, electric-lighted, side- wheeled pleasure steamers. CAMBRIA CARMONA â€"OP TUB â€" Ma IS. Transit Co's (limitbd) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTL Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. Passenffar and Fast PxMght Zdiie, eaxz7lx« KarlEiOMrtar'B Vaila. 5. S. CAAMOMA, CtfT. F, X. IiaFbamce. 5. S. CAMBRIA. Capt. Nbil CahpbeiiIi /^TTLL sail during the season of 1890 from ' ' Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie every ^csday and Prlday, on the arrival of the ^-wiadian Pacific Evening Train from Toronto »ad points East (10:30 p.m.), calling at Killamey, 'aoitovaning, Sbegniandab, Little Current, ^awong. Gore Bay, Spanish Kiver, Bnswell's "Ills, Serpent River. Algoma Mills, Blind Biver, Thessalon Biver, Bruce Mines, Hilton. Bichards ^ding, Garden Biver, thence to Sanlt Ste. *uie, calling at the above ports on Qm tetom oip. I^CXBTS and Fbeiost Batxb can be obtained ^T applying to MAITIiAND ft BIXON, at their wardiouae, on Wwt side o( rlTer, where all «oaa for this Une win be ataipped. free of whazf- %e; ^bo at tlie ofBoe of BDWJLBD TODD. ^^Itt Street, JOHN CHISHOIilf and at fbe V^Paaf B Office, MaWand's Wardtoow, Bart *^ of river, on Bivcor Street. SBl-OO Maoaciiig Agent. HOW DT8FBI«tA 18 CUBED. ^â- offend from dyqpepsia, aodmuiweak d nunrriile with what Uie doctor eaid «u "l^nu debility. Seeing finrdoek Bkkxl "en advertiaed I tried it, and after takii« *^^ bottles ieel perfeetly rastoied to healtti. Mbs. J. H. SuDBB, Kkinbug, Ont. Read McFarlands list of priz^. DoHiNioK Day promises to be a "big day" in Markdale. Obanoeville Presbytery will meet in Orangeville July 8. Owen Sonnd Presbytery met in Mea- ford on Tuesday last. Messbs. Mitchell and Eddy Reynolds were in town last week. Mabkdale Voters' List for 1890 is now in the hands of the Clerk. Mabkdale school closes on Monday next for the summer holidays. Mackinaw excursions commence next week. Bead adv. for particulars. A Motoage sale of farm proi)erty is adyertired in another column. Read it. Stbawbebbies, Oranges, Lemons Bananas, Ac, at Benson's for 1st July. Read adv. Mr. T. p. Beown and wife of Belle- yille are the guests of W. A. Brown their brother. Ei^TRAMCE examinations will be held next week in Markdale, Dnndalk, Durham and Hanover. W. A. Bbown has returned from a business trip up the lakes. Read his change of adv. this week. Mabkdale ratepayers will haye to pay $1 per day for Statute labor if not paid on or before Monday next. Mbs. Jas. Mercer and family left on Tuesday last for Chilliwack, B. C. there to join her husband who went last spring. W. T. Jackman, Harry Cornett, the Miss Leslie's, and Miss Lu'^s, all of Markdale, spent Sunday last vrith friends in Dundalk. Mails at Markdale post office at present close as follows, G. P. R. south 4:40 a. m. and 7 p. m. C. P. R. north 11:40 a. m. and 7 p. m. Mb. and Mrs. Fillow and Miss Pelton returned to Connecticut on Friday last after enjoying a pleasant visit. Miss Lizzie Walker accompanied them to the south. The Fifth Annual Convention of the Sunday School Association of the Deanery of Grey, Church of England, will be held ih Christ Church, Markdale on Friday, July 11. All parties indebted to Miss Burch are hereby notified to pay the same to M. E. Douglass on or before the 1st day of August next or such will be placed in Court for collection. Ws notice in the Hamilton Spectator the name of Miss Bowes, formerly a teacher in Markdale pnbUc school, having succeeded in winning a gold medal for best sophomore at the Wesley- an Ladies' College, Hamilton. Mb. Walteb Tubneb of this place has entered into partnership with W. J. Manley in the druggist business in this place. Walter is one of our most popular and respected young men and the SxAMDABn vrishes him success in his ventnre. situation as teacher in a High School, after he spends two months ata trainmg school. He will write in Jidy on the senior matriculation. J. H. B. is a Btddent of i«re ability and his suocesa will be learned with gratification by his many frioidB. Mb. Jobh MoKat, of Holland while leading hia Inble in the shade of a tree on lui fann laak Suiday. was soiioviaed to find a xartec-anake cosily coiled upon his lap. The old f^entleman having one Mind eye doohtlesB had something to do with the reptile seonzmg SDch a siteation mmotioed. His fin* tlioai^t was the aacpani in the Gaiden of Eden. A coHMuncATioN cune this week to hand for pnbUcation in reference to something which appeared recently in a neighboring paper. We find enough to do to keep clear of such entanglements without interfereing with that which does not concers us, and therefore decline publishing it. At a meeting of the Synod of Huron held at London last week a resolution was introduced to give women a vote at the church vestry meetings Uvely discussion the motion was with- drawn owing to the time at their disposal being to limited to fully discuss the merits of the question. The hot weather seems to have had the effect of softening of the brain on the part of our Council. The jobs let on Main Street appears to have been let for the sole purpose of opening a clear view from the vicinity of the post office to the railway. That will be very desirable, no doubt, but then it is no practical benefit, and costs considerable money. Next Tuesday will be Dominion Day, and a great throng is expected in town from the country and villages surround- ing. Let every citizen show his loyalty to his country and respect for Markdale by taking some part in the celebration. Adorn your business place or private residence with flags and bunting. Every one can do this, and it will add wonder, fully to the appearance of our progressive village. Following is the vote given recent elections in Centre Orey Hunt Artemesia 177 CoUmgwood 321 Euphrasia 170 HoUand 218 Osprey 151 Sullivan.... .234 Markdale 34 Thornbury 65 Total 1870 Maj. 148. Mb. Fannino moyed last we^ from HoUand Centre to Owen Sonnd where he intends to reside. Miss Fanning will be missed by her many friends at Holland Centre, especially by the Presbyterian church where she has for some time presided at the organ, which position she has ably and successfully filled. She has had under her training a juvinile choir, the progress of which reflects much credit on both leader and the members. They regret very much her removal from among them. She carries with her the best wishes of her many friends. â€" Com. Lovers of Ron, Gun and Canoe, should not fail to secure copies of the book "Fishing and shooting," issued by the General Passenger Department of the Canadian Pacific Railway, for the season of 1890. It is bound in conyenient pocket form and contains a vast amount of reliable information concerning the best locaUties for game and fish in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Assinaboia, Alberta and British Colum- bia, and the states of Maine, Michigan and Wisconsin; the whole embellished with numerous handsome illustrations. Covering as it does, the haunts of game and fish from the Atlantic to the Pacific, it should prove invaluable to the followers of Ninrod and Walton. Copies .furnished free upon application to W. K. Callaway, District Passenger Agent, 118 King St. West, Toronto, ortoD. McNicoll, General Passenger Agent, Mcmtreal. BMaped. The two bnxglars who were arrested xecraitly at Orangeville, and convicted at Barrie on four charges of larceny, were taken to KinfgBton to serve a sentence of three and five yeaa xeapeo- tnrely. escaped fniai Hie pdiee cells at Kingrton where they wen being kept over night, and have not been^aiptiired. It was the sane two that wcttt thzoof^ Mr. Trimble's state a* FkdieclOD weeks ago. VawShoa Bbop. Mr. Sandy Kay has this week opened a shoe shop in Haskett's block where he will be glad to|serve all who favor him with their patronage. Special attention to fine work. All business strictly cash. 511-14 nzstClanB. Ont of five students who wrote at the University Exam's m Toronto for First Class B, J. H^ Brovm, son of Wm. (Brown, Esq., of this yillage, was one of After a 'yjg three who were successful. Master Herbert has successfully passed every examination as they came to him through his course of studies, and tho' yet in his teens is prepared to take a Forward Mareh. Only one more month in which to secure members for Glenelg Agricultural Society at 11 each. This should be the largest Fall Exhibition in the county being so central and every other natural advantage. We understand the directors are determined to make this the largest and best show yet. Let there be vigor- ous and systemetic work through July in the sale of tickets. Every citizen for miles around should invest a dollar and then give the Society a practical good- wish. Wm. Haskett, Sec.-Treas., will take your dollar or any director or member. Collisloii. A couple of young men driving a horse and buggy ran into a cow which was lying on the road near Inistioge last Sunday night. The cow was thrown into the ditch, the buggy capsized, the horse and gallant youths throvni into a heap, while confusion and consternation was only equalled by the dense fog and impenetrable darkness of the night. With the aid of a lantern, procured from I a neighboring farmer, the fragments were put together and Markdale reached in good time for work Monday morning, no serious damage being done â€" that is, if the cow recovered. Carlow at »«. y i' m^»*«»iff On Thursday night last a large New- foundland dog accompanied his mistress to prayermeeting in Markdale. This species of canine are proverbial for their intelligence, and Carlow appeared anxious to take some part in the service on.this occasion, so during the opening prayer, which was being led by the pastor, the dog walked up softly and unnoticed and standing in front reached up his head and touched the minister on the nose with his tongue. Opening his eyes in surprise the parson beheld the large black animal in froiit of him waging his tail good naturedly. The deyotions were however proceeded with without interruption, and none. but the minister knew what had occurred. FIRST JULY! FIRST JULY! When in Markdale on Dominion Day Be sore to call at Benson's Belfast House. at the Rorke. 249 168 288 270 217 286 60 60 1618 )\ IKaoIily Concamed. The editor of the Flesherton Advance appears deeply concerned about the course pursued by his neighbors of the press. As for the Standabd, we have always had enough to do in attending to our bvm business, and can attribute largely the degree of success which the Standard has attained, to this practice. We are not selfish, how- ever, and will offer no serious objections to the Flesherton man taking a "leaf from our book" in this respect. PoUti- cally, our patrons know just where we are, hence there is no need of bearing testimony through the press from week to week. The Advance man tells his readers that he supported Major Rorke in the late cunpaign, and that in this election he followed his own convictionB. Who would have doubting his sincerity Those loud professions, however, appear significant, but we will delegate the question of his true poUtical hearings to ue popular ZVtbMiaf furthermore, it is truly refreshing, after learning that the editor had taken so mnch pains to show the extreme smallneas ol the recent vote pcdied in Coitre Gxey.tobeaasoDedthat all the Advance sahscribera voted. GOMINa BYENTS. CoBiinx eoBsamptkm is fofediadowcdbya hacJring aoqt^ aic^t sweats, pain- in tin dust. eie. Armt its progress at oms bj taking Hsgrsri's Peotoral Balsam, whieh never Isils to ems eoof^, eolds, tswaehitis, ale, and even n9 eonfbmed eoB- aflasdBffsWalTCliaC â€"IN STOCKâ€" Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, Pine Apples, STRAWBERRIES, c. Cheapest and best place to buy your groceries in town. R. H. BENSON CO. B.H. Wholesale and Betail, Grocers and Spirit MerchantE. Benson. W.J.Benson. "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" §I«^ BIG SPEX, JUDIGIOnS BUYERS Will find it to their interests to inspect my fine stock of WATCHESrCHAm Wedding Rings â€" ANDâ€" Wedding Presents, 1 have new goods in all lines, and at "PEIOES" that insures "VALUE' to eyery customer. A call solicited. Spex carefully fitted. *fine watches honestly and practically Repaired. Telegnf^ and Sail} Fkpfltf. Bottom inieea and liberal torms. W. A. BBOWN, JEWELLER, MABK0ALE. |. i M ;4 4 ai f.!.! â-  lair; .-^^£^ Strictly Pure Paris. Green, White Hellebore, Dalmatlon and ^ersbih Insect Powder at ^M â- â- â- ^â- "â- ^'^•- â- iMuiiMiiMaaiiliJHii â- liiMiiliiiiil gl_g^

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