DBS. SnUNMLE A EM, â€"FBTBZCIAHB, BUBOBONS, AOCOTJCBXBS, Acâ€" e Office At Manley'a Drag Store, where all ealla day or night will be promptly attended to. r. S. SFROULE, M. D. A. £60, M. 0., Ac. BY-LAW »0.1. BABBISTSB, SOIilCITOB, c 9fnCEâ€"0YER McFA/tLAHD'S STORE. MABKDALiS. M.*ney to ILiOa.n. I. B. 1-VOKS. HABBISTER, SOI1CITOB, *c, ot the firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Sound, at office of â- Wxxt. I^UCAS. «. Co.. Every Friday. Wm. Lncas in charge of office during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. DrVISICN COURT CLERK. Issoerof Marriage Licenses, Ac. GommisBioner; in B. R. e. C onveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and oarefolly executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issner of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few rarms for EMde. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. A By-law to raise the sum ol $800 for Hie par- poae of eraeting a aefaool house in Boman Catho- lic Seuaiate B^ool. in Section No. 6, Township ofQlenelgiinttaeCoantyefOrey.aodtoaatboriae the issue cadebentores therefore. ' Whereas OieTnistees in the said, the Boman Catholic Separate School in the said School Section No. 6, deem it expedient to pass this Br- law for the pnipoae of ralaing tibe said sum it $500 and intereat for above mentioned pozpose. And whereas it will be requisite to raise the several gums in each year respectively set forth hereunder. And wh e r e as the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Boman Catholic Separata Sefaool in the said Section No. S. accordingtothe last Bevised Assessment Boll being the Assess- ment Boll for the Township of Olenelg for the year 18B0 amoonts to $40,715. And whereas the existing debentures debt of the said Boman Catholic Separate School in said Section No. 5, for principal is NO and for intereat is AiB. Wherefore the Trustees of the Boman Catholic S^iarato School in School Section No. 6, in the Township of Glenelg, Snaeu as follows (1 It shall be lawful for the Trustees of the said Boman Catholic Separate School for the enrpose' aforesaid to raise the said sum of Five undred ($500) dollars and to issue debentures of the corporation of the said school to the amount of $500, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, payable in the manner, and for the amounts, and at the times respectively set forth hereunder. (S.) The said debentures as to principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Municipality of the Township of Olenelg. (3.) It Mall be lawful for the ahairman of the The Markdale Standard Ib isaaed every Thursday, by cm RUTLEDGE. Markda.e, Out, TiBHSâ€" fl per year in advance; 91.50 if not paid within six months. WuckiUla OoioiBUi llio ates of first meeting of the Coort of Kevision for the village cf Markdale, held ia the council chamber the 26th day of May, A. D. 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m. .-, Members present â€" The Beeve and Frofessionid and business cards one inch ^;o„npi]ior8 Brown and Haskett. The â- paoe and mider, per year, 94. 1 TB. 6 HO. 8 HO. Whole column.... ..fSO 00 t27 50 |15 00 Half column 27 00 16 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. 16 00 10 00 6 OC Twoinchapaoe 7 00 4 00 Threeinchspaee .... 10 00 6 OO Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per live each subseqneni insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c, advertised 3 weeks for SI No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. JOB PRrN^TE^G. Thx Standasd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. KHH orders filled with dispatch. Beeve in the chair. Brown â€" Haskettâ€" That this Conrt do no«r adjourn until Monday the 9th day of June. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. B, C. Bbtdem, Cleik. • DENTIST, GBADUATE OP TOBONTO SCHOOIj of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third "Wednesday of each month andalsoatMunshaw'sHotel.Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesdaj; in «ach month for the practice of his profession Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. said, the Boman Catholic Separate School Trus- tees and he is hereby authorised and instructed to sign and issue we said debentures hereby anthcHised to be issued, and to cause the same and the interest, coupons attached thereto to be simedby the Secretary-Treasurer of the said school, and the said Secretary-Treasurer is here- fby authorized to attach the Corporate seal of the said school to the said debentures. (4.) There shall be levied and collected in each year, by a special rate on all the Taxable pro- perty in the said section liable for such rate a sum sufficient to discharge the several instal- ments of principal and interest acruing due on the said debt according as hereunder set forth. (5.) The said debentures shall be made payable in annual instalments within five years from the date of issue thereof at the office of the said Treasurer of the Township of Glenelg, such in- stalments of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year during the period of five years shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is-piiyable for principal and interest during, each of the other years of such as herein particularly The said debentures shall bear intere LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for farther particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. set forth. int«:«st at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the date of issue thereof. Whichsaidlinterest|shallbe(payable on the first day of June in each year, at tne said Treasurer's office in the Township of Olenelg, and such debentures shall be in the form pro- vided by the Act respecting Separate) Schools, with coupons attached, signed by the chairman of the said Trustees and by the Secretary- Treasurer of the said Separate School. (6.) That during the five years the currency of the debentures to be issued under the authority of this By-law the sum of one hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty-four cents ($118.54) shall be levied and collected in each year on all the taxable property in the said School Section, liable for such rate for the payment of the prin- cipal and interest onthe said sum of five hundred dollars in the years hereinafter mentioned, namely 'TEABS. 1891 Markdale G. 0. 0. F. No. 78. meets evei? alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Rae's block. Yisitirg' brethren welcome. Markdale A. O. U. W, No. 141 meets in their Hall, Rae's -block, every alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from brethren of peighboring lodges solicited. MabkbaIieL. 0. L. No. 1045 meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each Month. J. H. Carson, Master; TT. J. Blakely, Secretary. Victoria E. B. Preceptory, No. 228, meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodie W P.: Thos. Ulliott. Registrar. z- o. a-- a:. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets evflry Monday in Haskett's Hall, Markdale, at 8. J. E. Matson. W. C. S. McBride, Sec. 1893 1894 1895 PRINCIPAL. $88.54 $93.85 $99.48 $106.45 £111-78 INTEBEST $30.00 $24.69 $19.06 $12.09 6.76 TOTAL $118.54 .â- ?118.54 $118.54 £118.54 $118.54 MARKDALE HOUSE MARKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh. Profi' R. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, licases and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPROXJIiE, Money Ijender Postmaster. Flesherton W. G. RICHARDS BUILDEB, CONTRACTOB, ABCHI- TBCT, Markdale. (7.) That the debentures to be issued hereunder may contain a provision in the following words "This debenture or any interest thereon shall not "after a certificate of ownership has been en- 1 "dorsed thereon by the Secretary- Treasurer of "the Boman Catholic Separate School under "whose authority this By-law has been passed "be transferable except by entry by the said "Secretary-Treasurer in the debenture Begistry "Book of the Corporation of said»School." (8.) This By-law shall take effect and come In- to operations on, from and after the 19th day of April, A. D. 1890. I Dated at the Township of Glenelg, in the I County of Grey, this nineteenth day of April. A. D 1890. i- .â- » THOS. MEAGHEB. THOMAS MoASET, Chairman. Secretary-Treasurer. MAEKDALE, The P. 0. will be opened from 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz C. P. E., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7 p m " South, 3:30 p m, and 7 p m TRAVEESTON and LAURISTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12:30 noon HARKAWAY. Fiiday, 12:30 noon. ERSKINE. Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m Minutes of second meeting of the Conrt of Bevisioh for the mouicipality of Markdale. held the 9tti day of June A. D. 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m. Members presentrâ€" The Beeve and Councillors Brown and Haskett. The Beeve in the chair. Communications â€" From Dr. Ego, Wm. Stoddart and the assessor. Brown â€" Haskett â€" That the follow- ing names be added to the assessment roll for sums opposite their names, viz., Dr. Ego, tor income, $8 Wm. Stoddart, for income, $2 George S. Mathers, for income, $8, and that George Walker's assessment be changed from ^. B. to the Besident roll, and Johnston Wade be assessed as joint tenant witli Us son, and that the following parties be assessed for dogs, viz George Noble, Wm. M. Hugfaps, Jos. Sproule, J. E. Marsh, Wm. Douglas, John Lyonn, Oswald Walker and Eobert McBride. â€" Car- ried. Brownâ€" Haskettâ€" That tb© Beeve and Clerk serve new notices on the several parties in whose assessment alteiations haye been made, and also notify these whose names have been placed on the roll, at the same time notifying them that adjourned meet- ing of Court of Bevisioo will be held to hear their remonstrances in refer- ence thereto â€" Carried. Court adjonrned until Friday, the 18th inst., at 7:80 o'clock p. m. B. C. Bbtoen, Clerk. CONSCIENTIou,S â€" "Ki l ^ake you read s^cons^t;;; yon see, mamma, next 9 years old, and I niuat book before then, for, y,„ 'For children of 6 to 8 J:::,/.; Nevee FoEGAYE Ix.-'.Xhat gettbi tui, evidently your enemy hJ "Hewas formerly ^y^" "And you did some act S^" his regard?" Yes, heJl'^t^'jo. toeDgageinapieceoffoUy^tS" have resulted in his ruin T"" prudently interfered and sav^hii^ Who weeps when you aro laughs when yaa are 2 l^*^ when you are mad? ^Ch^^^ has to be both kind and wi^ft^ Ihardly ever) Hes, and Itnt? creates surprise? The editor owns a heart as well as cheek, p;sj of spirit, yet is meek, and liv!^ cents a week? The editor. ** Xethodist Conierence. Following is the final draft of stafe„ Markdaleâ€" R.Da\ey. Fleshertonâ€" A. W. Tonga Dundalk-G.H.Cobbledick,M.A,Bj) Melancthon-W. H. Bielby. Eugeniaâ€" J. H. Watts. Priceville- R. Husband. Holland Centreâ€" J. Pepper B A Walter's I'alls-J. W. Sanderson! Euphrasiaâ€" T. R. Fydell. Conference will meet next yeo in Berlin on the first Thursday in Jnnft LEFT A LEGACY. LAST winter left a lega«y of impute blood to many people, causing tired feelinn lack of energy, indigestion, constipatiMi' biliousness, etc. From 1 to 4 bottles of BniQoek Blood Bitters never fails to cure any of the foregoing diseases by nnlockinj the secretions and removing all impnritiea from the system. NOTICE. Notioe is hew by given that a By-law was pass- ed by the Trustees of the Born an Catholic ^Por registered letters and money orderB fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P O. will be open on Holidays from 9 Xo 9-30 a. m., and half an honr after mails arrive. " W. J. McFablakd P, Separate School in Section No Olenelg, on the nineteenth tlay of April, A. â€" ofd. • 1S90, providing for the issne 5, Township of [)f April, A. D., ebentnres to the' IMerton Greebonse. To our customers around Markdale We take this opportunity of thanking yon for your support m the past and hope for a 'Continuance of your patronage this year. We have a good variety of greenhoupe plants, also Bedding and Perennials for garden planting. In vegetables we have Cabbage, Celery, â- Cauliflower, Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper Plants in their sea'^on. Please send in your orders they will be promptly attended te. I have the honor to remain Yours truly, 501-14 JAMES BEECROfT. amount of 9Sda for the puniose of erecting a new School House for the said Separate School, and that such By-law was registered in the Begistry office of the South Biding of the County of Orey at 10 o'clock, on the 8nd day of May, A. D., 1880. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months trotn. the date of Begistration and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 19th day of April, 1890. THOAfAS McABET, Secretary-Treasurer. M. iHxrJt^atif CIntirrIt mttt%9t^. Minutes of the 6th meeting of the municipal council of the village of Markdale, held the 9th day of June, A. D. 1890, at 11:40 a. m. Members presentâ€" The Beeve and Councillors Brown and Haskett. The Beeve in the chair. Communication from Mrs. Stephens re defective sidewalk, on which the council decided to take no action. Council adjourned. E. 0. Bbtdrn, Clerk. Aa AwfU Chaxire. a. m, m, aJLxjz^ -A.I' •s PRESERVE YOUR SIRHT BT WEABING THX ONLY FRANK LAZARUS TLate of the firm of Lasams Morris.] Vanowmad Sp«etaelM aad ZTS-OlasMS. These Spectacles and T!ye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in eveir instance unbounded satisfaction. They are the Bbst nr ths Wobu They never tire, and last many years without c hange. For 3ale by BBBASVSBftCAMMOT.pnusti' cal Watchmakers, Jewellers Engravers, ctealers in all kinds of Gold and BUver itches. Clocks and Jewellery, WaU Paper. Stationery, Sefaool Books, «K. Particular attention paid to repair- ing fine watches, Ac, with neatneaiaiid.de^w^ MABKDAIiB. OKT. fiMIDIM Picinc â- â- 1. OTEMB TABLE. l^arkdale Station' 18-10 pjK. Ooixa Somra. ChMaaNoam. and get a grist exchang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best satisfaction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- ing FX-iOTTK call and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W. FOR D. ONLY PEBFECT mHJg^ WOVEN WIK FEXCING PBESBYTERIAN CHUBCH. Services every Sabbath at 10'30 Sabbath School at 2:30 p. „ Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Bev. L.C. Ernes, Pastor- A McEarland, 8. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHUBCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and UL.Za,^7k J^' S"*^*"« Incnmbent. b^tath School2:80 B. Coleman, Superin- METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting eve^ Thursday evening from 8 to I! Supermtendent. Ladies' Aid S. S m con nection Mrs. T. Hill. Secretarvr V^^"\^ and visitors always welcome. W- Bntledse. Pew Steward. VABKDAUB TILlioE OmciAI,S. Rr„-« \1^' i' ""land Councilâ€" Wm. K A^^-i Geo H3,kett and Angus "owes. K. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Toum ^easwer; Fred. Sarjeant, Pound-ke^Mr*.* Bobt. Askm, pohce constable. ' Public School Trustees Wm. Lnoas J COUHTT OmciAlB. ' n^' « ' ^â„¢' ^^«° Sound. cK T ^f^'^y-iâ„¢^*â„¢"' 0. Sound. Clerk, John Bntherford, Owen Sound. ;?'«»" S. J. Parker. Owen Sound County Warden, Chas. Moffat, EdST^Hill Begistr^, N., B^ McKnight, iV^lcS i. D.. Xhos. Lauder, nurham. M P • vA -L" ^^^on. Owen Sound. OTCT." ""'•^« I*nderkia.M.D.,ttm. IL P P" ?^^?- P"'^^*"" Toronto. »• ^. P.. Bouth. J. Blyth. Onward. BXVnnW COVBT 0I.KBK8 I^OBNBURT, June 10 This usually quiet town is to-day seeihiu^ with excitement over the sensational story j of hardship and brutality told by Emma Gardner/ the 17-year.old adopted daughter of Samnel and Mrs. Friepd, Friend, who for years has occfipied the position of town constable IS reputfld to be wealthy. He owns a blacksmith and carriage shop, and holds mortgages on several farms. Ihough married for some sixteen years, he had no children, and four years ago adopted Emma Gardner the daughter of a widow who resides at Clarksburg, a vilhige a mile distant. A young man named James Goldsmith, who works in Friend's blacksmith shop, has boarded in the house for two years past. Mrs.^ Gardner states that when she allowed her daughter to go with the JJ riends it was with the understanding that she should be treated as one of the family,, and that she should be sent to school during the dav. For months Dame Bumor had be^n busy with the names of Friend, his wife Md young Goldsmith, and Emma Gardner has been in consequence abnnned by all the young girls of the village. Nothing of a defi Jite nature, however, was known untU yesterday when Emma was seen flying from the house, and, upon being questioned, il. T^ *,l»°^»We story Jf repeated assaults and outrages that at fiPst her chMges staggered belief. The girl's t^nl • T" ^^"^8 0* tb« affair, rest now. Both are luder ar- COMING EVENTS. w^?i^°h:^ss°i;ir^^»?L* chest, etc. Amat it.\I!!Zl **â- *" â„¢ *^« taking. Hagy^/p^LTSS^* «?.«¥ M •• Wa. Brava. pygjiij, chest. "eterini^L'^^^ail^ « *be tJdiig £gyaSv, pSIS?^ atonwW never fiOTewJoiS^^S'T" " « A « WW «a»ft„ lOmmmm, nSSS faJ "*i' S^^L^*" Sound. .. !• S"fe'^n.Bnrham.j Business i^ocals. Wade's for good bread. Hats, Hats, Hats, for everybody, cheap, at Mercer's. Say I have an idea that Hamilton's is the place to get your photos. M. E. Douglass is the place fw wo- men's, inisses' and children's boots. Pabasols, parasols. For the cheapest and best parasols go to Mercer's. 011 Tron wanted at Markdale Store Foundry in exchange for cash. Take your Butter and Eggs to Mercw'B. Why Because he sells goods the cheapest. Db. McBbide will be at his old office Stephen's drug store, on Welnesdays from 7 a. m. until nooL. Boots and shoes, to work in or wed in, at Mercer's in the greatest yairiety. Prices the lowest. Wanted, 400 cobds Tanbark.â€" I want 400 cords Tanbark delivered at Mark- dale or Berkeley. Price $3.25 per coti cash. J. D. Morgan. Pasties who have anything to do iu moving buildings will do well to wnt to or see James Thompson (rf Meaford who is an expert in that line. 507» MoMT to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Hkbbaoeom and OU Cake are the cattle foods that are required in the spnn^ and fall. OU Cake ha? no eqnal for calves. Manley's Drug Store. HxLU} Thebe l-1?or a first-cl" Buggy, Democrat or Wagon caUon Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display » choose from. Prices to suit the times. Notice.â€" All watch, clock and jewel- lery repairs left at J E. B^'^a"^jJ'f' Rooklyn. will be promptly repaired by Breadner Casson, the leading jeweUe» of Markdale. Mabkdale C'aebiage W0EKS.-fi-J^ Nallv. has now ready a lot of fine «J for sale, prices right. All work warrt" ed. A call solicited always gW show nay work. R. McNally. TuBNiP Seeds at Manley's Ding St J â€" Bangholm, Garters, Skirvii^- ton's CbampioD, Purple Top, »« Abeidoen, Green Top Aberdeen. » Globe, Grey Stone, and the best" The Steel Bros, selected Purple w«" sold only m sealed packages. UB^ UVKOIII AFOOL'S-^ ^^ Many neglect slight symptoms j* ^y^ hoping that nature will ^^°Zt^^ Tn» aatnre wiU aid. but she ""^J^ fkM fefy ndng Bordoek Blood BiWf 1 •• S bottlea of whioh is Baffi'»*?id. «*" •ay odinaiy trnrn of mfiao^rj0i[ 4itaUt|,«ts. we a «11 kinds, writinj school books, accov lOwen Sound and ter and 7a .^S.i.^AAMOIfA, I "CttT. F. X I^aFbance. IW" sail daring fli _. ' Owen Sound to S a«rt»y and TtUmt, 25»«^ Pacific Evemn I ?^P»uit8 East (letas pjD 5«itowamng, Shegniar Wawong, Gore Bay, Bpi l2SS"'„'?«^en Kiver, I J^T' """g at the abev I b»'^??^ " Fbbight fSJSP'y?**" MAITIiAS laSrf^^^J^^' on Wests 1 22?^5ff" **" I-ine will be •"PWs Office, Moitla: " or nver, on Biver'Stn ». J" ng HoKei; store tk n^ °' *^® best-payii |.^*^m Ontario. T "Tj2â„¢^n a radius of j |li T' hoensed one in E |-n!22r^y° post office i rr""^^®" "® conver '/i«q)ect,andthebn |«o„l;**Paratiyely new, J jT^^thronghont. IflfTZwll "*® is no encni I P^nt WiU be made t:^* M not effected v 'r^^otel and stores e*.w gettier, as may cather to bi I Files i ^^ttssidy and effect W4vi;i-K.