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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jun 1890, p. 5

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 arties wishing- ^n have thenn j)iamond, Mo., May 29, 1890. hm Standard. â-  Sib,â€" I ^^' endeavor to give you idea of liow crops are looking here. I^nterwheat was all headed out some -measo ^^^ promises an abundant â-  ' jjt. Oats are from sis to ten Uheshigli and looks as if they would seexcelleot- Corn is growing nicely Lweofitis knee high, while some are only fronc three to four I relies li'S'i owing to the time of JjjjjinfT. Some have new potatoes IL, Garden vegetables have been J ance the first of May. Strawberries lUebeeu m the market two weeks liiid are in abundance now. Other jjjiof berries are yery promissing. Pai^hes will be scarce. AH kinds of |,»35san(;l clover is Grasp Vi beef is being used on the market J is very nice. Grass fed sheep are ^50 being butcliered, while the spring |;iiickens furnishes a more dainty dish. rii are Laving beautiful warm weath- Lr with a nice rain occasionally, so Lat everything at present is encour- Yours truly,. A. Hamilton. THE POLITICAL SITUATION Has not materially changed -within the last Imi, bnt V/ilson's Wild Cherry is becoming (ittter kuown every week as a cure for Jinghs, Colds, '.Vhooping Coush, Croup, |ln5S of Voice and other affections of the llhroat. Chest and Lungs. For twenty years Itiis reliable medicine has been used in scores ]:i families with the greatest success. Sold j-T all druggists. Get the genuine in white Irappers only. tiiitor Standard Dear Sir. â€" with the coming of the liarm Rummer days also come the Ismmer visitor some of whom are :ost heartily welcome and others we upon with feelings of indescrib- |al)le repugnance and a hatred born of jloQg suffering. Some of the more Iroiainent members of this latter class lire the sportive potato bug, the corner loafer, the slippejred feet of a lady lihiieout upon the street, who isother- |we faultlessly dressed, the weary 311 party, and our mothers in-law Itc. And some of the former class powe greet with gladness are "our Incles, onr cousins and our aunts" and Im American cousins, especially the J4ir ones with the dews of Brother iouathan's continent still sparkling Ipou the bloom that has so richly jiinted the womanly lovUness which lie so cleverly and delightfully repre- «Qts, then comes the straw berry iort cake, here we draw the line, the attain falling upon our midsummer feams leaying us in a state of unuter- Jlile bliss. Nativ?. The resalt so far shows the gains of each party as follows Conservative Gains. Kefcrm Gains. Grey. N. Grey, S, Hastings, W, Norfolk. S, Perth, N, Victoria, W.â€" 6 Elgin. E. Essex. N. Hamilton, Lincoln, Ontario. N. Prince Edward, Simcoe, E, Welland, Benfew, N, Algoma, E.â€" 10 The Government however, have the benefit of the new district of Nipissing created last session to give them an extra follower. The parties will stand ill the new Parliament as follows Ministerial. Algoma W, Brant N, Brant S, Brockville, Bruce C, Bruce S, Cornwal' Durham W, Efrsex S, Glengarry, Grey N, Grey cJ, Haldimand, Hastings W. Huron E, Huron W, Huron S, Kent E, Lambton E, Lambton W, Lanark N, Middlesex N, Middlesex W, Monck. Nipissing, Norfolk N, Norfolk S, Opposition. Addington, Algoma E, Bruce N, Gardwell, Carle ton, Durham E, Dnfiferin, Dundas, Elgin E. Elgin W, Essex N, Fronteuac, Grenville, Grey U, Halton, Hamilton, Hastings Ej Hastings N, Kent W, Kingston, Lanark S, Leeds, Lennox, Lincoln, London, Middlesex E, Muskoka, Northumberland WNorthumberland E Ontario N. Prince Edward, Renfew N, Simcoe E, Simcoe W, Toronto (2). Victoria E, Wellandâ€" 37. HOW DYSPEPSIA IS CURED. I suffered from dyspepsia, and was weak tad miserable with what the doctor eaid was Krvoas dubUity. Seeing Burdock Blond 6j«ers aivertised I tried it, and after taking 'fee bottles feel perfectly restored to health. Mrs. J. H. Snideb, Kleinburg, Ont. DISTRICT DOTS. Last Tuesday night's storm did ItODsiderable damage throughout On- UlO. The next sitting of the fifth Divis- !»Q Court for the County of Grey will held at Flesherton on Thursday lli6l7thof July. The Orangemen of Molancthon l^istrict will celebrate the 12th of July |»' Homing's Mills this year. Mr. Thos. Chambers' tender of 1^,550, being the lowest, was accept- '1 for the erection of the new High thoolm Meaford. The Tug Mcintosh was seized on 'unrsday for carrying passengers with- "U lieense. The passengers were 'Ws from some of the fishing stations f P the lake. he Owen Sonnd Presbytery will meet ' Erskine church, Meaford, on Tues- ^y. Jane 24th. The ministerial ciation of the Presbytery will meet he afternoon and evening of the Previous day. The evening meeting be open to the pnbhc. Ust week Mr. Donald Beaton, of rlenelg, raised a fine large frame bam. Ontairo S, Ottawa, Oxford N, Oxford S, Parry Sound, Peel, Perth N, Perth S, Peter boro' E. Peterboro' W, Prescott, Eenfew S, Jttussell, ;^^ Simcoe C, Toronto, Victoria W, Waterloo N, Waterloo S,~ Wellington E. Wellington W, Wellington S. Wen t worth N, Wentworth S, YorkE, YorkN, York Wâ€" 54. This shows a Reform majority with the Speaker in the chair of 16, as compared witn 26 at the last general election, including the new district. Some of the majorities on both sides are very small, that is Prince Edward, on the official return, being only one. Some on both sides are likewise very large, the highest being that of Mr. Brouson in Ottawa, 1,401. Vin DMtrojreaat WUrfeOB. WiAHTON, June 5.â€" Young's mill l^f ^^I'y destroyed by fire early this l^'orQing sapposed incendiarism. $4,000; insured for $1,000 in I'^ncashire and City of Loudni. A amauM BUM la OnagtmUm. OaufOBvnxB, June 9. â€" A fire broke out in the second storey of the Campbell block on Broadway occupied by W. H. Dame, photographer, at 11 o'clock to- night. The firemen responded promptly to the alarm, but the flames spread with fearful rapidity and the entire block was soon enveloped. By hard work the firemen succeeded in eonfinmg the flames to the bailding in whid^ they originated, but not until the second and third storeys had been badly damaged. The stocks of Crosier A Fleming, general store G. A. Campbell, boots and shoes, and T McAdam, grocer, suffered severely from water. It was foand necessary to remove the library of the mechanics' institute to a place of safety. The office of t^e Bell Telephone Company, in whieh'ue public reading roam and library were sitaated, was also damag- ed by fire and water. The firemen had the flames under eontrol at 1 ajn. The loases wwe all eovored by insor- anee. The new block of W. T. BaQy on the west side, occupied by J. B. Dodds, druggist, and C A A. E. Bosenbeiger, bakers, and the Hill block on the east ^e, oeeai^ed hy Stevenson. Arnggist. as wall as other important bbeks. were in great dang«. CAN TOU DO BETIBB l^^.a^Mked byeroop, soie throat, cdds, |;;^«?betterthaa we Yellow oar Itiaa |lu^« vhich never fnb to Rt^sstkbetioB. Cu^HPod in its power over pup. maiM **« remedy i^M^ioieiieM sod iollaai- A. Mid m»j Umdbtmtadhf lad attmk of CnN9. WflMtt'c Wld Cbmxj gnet in- mediste nlier and «nd(b^mes utoi9. WhoofiM Oooch, ohitteaBanmibri ke0fttintbeiMaM,tt IifewitfeMdoM ia that ehJUTCB For CooBhr i«inl. Getllw CoUste _- â€" iB^its Head. Bmb- Otti a b otfle mi iMa itlsee ik^ifosTnv. Vature Clothes the Country, but McFar- land clothes the peo- ple in it. My heart's â- uneasy in the Spring For Fashion's call I must obey, I feel new pangs my bosom VTring And I must throw old clothes away. The warmer days have come to stay, My heart at last begins to reason, My old plug hat has had its day. My winter suit is out of season. Good clothes they say do make the man And I must bow to what they say. All Nature too adopts the plan And is putting on her new array. To lag behind when all things advance, To be sure it would be treason, My lady love might seize the chance To say, John, you look rather out of season. NOTICE! eiUPER TMU EVER I GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS Cabbage, Tomato, Celery, Carrots, Beet, Parsnip, Cucumber, Melon, Badish, Parsley, Lettuce, Melon. O 80 Id a z S- M To be sure she might, and this is why An love at last gives place to reason, So if I w^ould I cannot stay, I'm off to buy my suit for the season. "Where: The largest assortment shall I find. The latest styles and fit combined. The wearing qualities defying moth or rust. Where: Shall I find all these for the least dust P AT MoFARLAND'S, He fills the bill in all these points And still has somemore to add sbs joints In Grents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Ties. Immense assortm.ent, all opposition he defies, Boots Boots t the best, rU boot yon If you say a wont agin* it. ^or Nature cdcy^bes the eoiHitzy,, BtitMeS^aiifiiia el^M taieipeclapii ill S^ «o FIELD SEEDS. Large White, French Saved, Seed. Large White, English Saved, Seed. Long Orange or Bed. New Improved Short White. White Vosiges. Improved Mam- moth. Selected Long Bed. White Bye Mar- rowfat. Black Eye Maj?- rowfat. u u 3 I- Sutton's, Bangholm's, Skirv* log's. Carter's, Marshael's, Ab- erdeen Yellow Top, Aberdeen Porple Top, Improved Grey St9ne. All fresh and reliable seeds. It pays to keep good seeds, and we do tbe business in this line. Bape Seed, Buck- wheat. Beans. Potato Onions, Dutch Setts, Horse Tooth Corn, ENSILAGE. In fact anything you may want in the Seed line we caji supply you. OrL CAKE, OUi CAKS. Kothlng nourishes oal^es like Oil Cake 4: n^ed with a little of Stephen's Condimet. iUi0ther sapply of the lattur QB. lli#B^. COKS DfSPePSi/l, CUBES DfSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. PROMOTES 0I6ESTI0N. lb. N«a HxiSM, of Iiaitta. Ont, wxitM: IBiji Smi.â€" For TMH aad TMnlaofferadlroinaynMpBU ui its wont forma, and iiner trying aUmoaim in my power to no pmpoM I WMpenaad«d br friends to try B3^_ which I did, and after nsingSbotllM I waa oompletely ouzad. Cures CONSTIPATIOH Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION ACTS ON THE BOWELS. Dkab Bxbs,â€" I have triad your B33. with great sncoeea for constipation and pain in my head. The second doaa made me ever so much better. Iy bowels now move treelj and tbe pain in my head has left me, and to everybody with the same iHnwaso Ireoommend B.B.B. Ibas F. Wiujiira. 445 Bloor St., Tocooto. [Blood- Bitters RE6ULATES THE LIVER. iCures BIUOUSNESS. Cures BIUOUSNESS. hures BILIOUSNESS Slreot ^roo Bibs,â€" I was troubled for Atb years with Iiiver Complaint. I used a ^eat deal of medicine which did me no good, and I was getting worse all the time nntif I tTMd Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I am now well. I can also recommend it for the«uxe of I}yBpepsia. MABY A. E. Dbacon, Bawkstone, Oat. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. REBULATES THE KIDNEYS. Dbab Bibb,â€" I was very bad with headache and pain in my back; my hands and fe«» BweUed so I could do no wo^ My sister-in-law advised me to try B. B. B. With one bottle I felt so much better that I got one more.' I am now wellt and can work as weU as ever. Amam Bubskbs, Tilsonbnrg; OnlL Cures BAD BLOOD. Cuns BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. PURIRES THE BLOOD. Bad Blood mav arise from wrong action of the Stomach, liiver. Kidneys and Bowela, B, B. B.. by regulating and toping these (xgans, zemovaa the caoae and makes new rich blood, removing aU blood diseases from a pimpto to a sorofnlona sore. WIND MILL S I»lLT]vrF»s. Uav lUg p.u-cnased the Markdale Pump busi- ness I wish to announce to the public that I am prepared to fill orders tor all kinds of pumps. 0« Wall Zhinpa. Foroe Pumps, Olataxn Vnmpa, eto. Wind XUla Will also continue to manufacture Wind Mills, either for power or pumping purposes. And, being a iracticiU mechanic, I feel confident of turning out work that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Bepalring done. All work guaranteed. Orders from a distance will revive particular and prompt attention. Call on or address, JEFFBEl ARTLEY, Markdale. FettinloaFil Very few people covet the experience. Many would far rather fall into a pit. But the customers of Will. Stoddart covet the e:xs perience of a fit every ume, they wouldrather not f^ into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle whose turnout would fit them UkeroUing into a pit. Fits they want, fits tliey get, aaKl he^ 1000 mm OH ' \ii r: i t. I M^ f: 1^. â- Ml. ' i -J ,1 (:: ni 'M k .-.--^jy^Sis^^fe^afc^ §tm '----- " â€" '

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