(JWatKJafe J- G* T^elfoi^d, Xudwan lUxohant, MAEKDALE. Agent for all kinds J ^fandat) "HEW TO THK LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. TETH YEAK.-KK 609. jBEADNES CASSOH DEALERS â- lOiT- ^tttches. A full line of Waltham, EiGiN. Columbus, Illinois, New Batem and other movements, with Gold, Silver, Gold-fillejb, and Nickel cases. Clocks, A large and varied assortment, in pnces from $1.50 np, Ooe dozen Nickel alarms just received, with Inminous and common dials. Bedac- ed prices. Jewellery, designs. in the latest and prettiest Grand assortment of 60c. and 75c. brooches. Quality guaranteed. Uverware, in this our stock is com- plete prices as low as ever. Violins, large assortment, ranging from $2.00 to $20.00. Big supply of mouth organs ou hand. Stationery, we are w41 stocked in all kinds, writing paper, tablets, school hooks, accoiint books, etc. Wall-Paper, large variety to choose feom. Prices lower that the lowest. Liberal discount alloTred ou aU lines for cash. MARKDALE, ONT. MARKDALE, I'HUBBDAT, JUNE 12, 1890. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. N«ncx8 in tfc««« eolurmuintended to benefit aity individual or Society wiU be charged ten eenU a line for the first insertion and five eenu a line each w b$t^uent insertion. ifOTtCB.â€" Correspondence, communica- **0Tu,. Advertisements, £c„ mnst be in this office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. Canada LS. Transit Go's (limitsd) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTL Owen Sound and Sauft Ste. Mane. AMsenger and Tuat Vralglit SOn*, csaaying Z«r MajMrt^'s Halls. 9. S. HAAMONA, UST. F. X. laFBAHOB. 5. S. CAMBR/M. Capt. KmIjCaMPHKI.Ti Va/jxiL sail dnrisg tbe •" Owen Round to Sanlt Ste. Marie BeaMn of 1890 from .. every Tuesday and Fridaj;, on the arrival of th« â- Canadian Pacific Evening Train from TorontB wa points East (10.30 p.in. calling at EiUamey. Mauitowaniug, Rbeguiaudah, liittle Current, Kagawong, Grore Bay, Spanish Birer. BnawJBirs Mills, Serpent Kiver, Algoma Mills, Blind Bivcr, Thessalon River, Bruce Bfines, miton, BicharAs i^anding, Garden Fviver, thence to Sanlt Ste. Marie, calling at the above pcurts on the zetora trip. Tickets imd Fbeiobt Bates can be obtained l)? applying 1» MAITLAND A BIXOM, at their aew warehouse, ou Westside of river, where all Soods for this Line will be«hippea,tree of wharf- He; also at ttie office of EDWABD TODD. mleU Street, JOHN CHISHOLM. and at the 'MJtnpany'E Office, Maitland's Warehonse, Eart side of river, on River Street. O. J. Maa,VMm, SOl-08 Mnnimlntr Agent. Desirable Business Opening FOR SJiLE^ TO LET. The Lome Hotel Bhck, Rockfyn, Coaprising Hotel. Store, Ae. Well known *o be one of the beet-paying country locations in Northern Ontario. The hotel is the only one within a racliaa of many miles, and ia |he only licensed-one InEaptussia township. Ae Bocklyn post office is kept in the store. 1'be premises are conveniently arranged in â- *7^ty respect, and the buildings a» aaDstam- "«i, fiomparativ^ new, and in firet-dam *«ndition throughout. I PREFEB TO SEU., and offer the property â- ^EAP. There is no encumbrance, and terms ^f payment will be made to suit pnrohaser. 'tf sale is not eSeoted within • nasMiabla time the hotel and store will be lewed aepar- "^tely or togetlier, aa »ay be desired. Early »Pplication, either to buy or rent; ia te- ••niested. Further information cheecfolly ftmiiahed, ^d personal inf^jeotioo invited. Afply tO: W. H. D(H)BOK, 408-tf Postmartar. BocUyn. WILSOirS FliY paS#^ 1*1 Boose IVeaia ONaafe, oieasdy and aSaetai Willie Noble is home from Chesley. Miss Sabah Steeb aocompsnied her father on a visit to Chicago. Mbs. Dumdas, of Hamilton, is visiting her daughter here, Mrs. H. Mercer. W. J. Manley, of Owen Sound, was in town this week for a couple of days. Mb. G. S. Bowes, Real Estate Agent of Tfxonto, spent a few days in town this wed£. Db. Ego is away to meeting of Ontario Medical Association in Toronto this week. Me. a. Hamiltok arrived home safe at Diamond, Mo., on Monday, the 26tli ultimo. Mb. and Mrs. Rutherford, of Owen Sound, spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Walker's, Miss Annie Steer left on Saturday morning for a months visit with friends in Toronto. Mbs. John Bonnell, of Walter's Falls, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John McEenna this week. A YOUNG son of Mr. James Bell's caught a mud turtle in the lake this week weighing 40 lbs. Mabkdale- Court of Reyision sits again in the Council Chamber to-morrow, (Fri- day) evening at 7.30 sharp. Miss Pelton, of South Norwal, Con., and Mrs. E. N. Fillow, of Bethel, Con., are vimting at Mr. George Walker's. lOiGHT or ten head of cattle were impounded on Sunday morning for entering one of Donald McDuffie's fields. Tbe gentlemen having the track in charge are grading sanie and putting it in first-class shape for the races July Ist. Mbs. Steinboff, of Duudalk, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. J. Halbert, and left on Monday on a visit to friends in Owen Sound. Tbb recent storm did a lot of damage at Orangeville and Woodbridge, and caused severe washouts along the Owen Sound branch of the C. P. R. Mb. Hall, of the Dundalk Herald, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday in the absence of Bev. Mr. Buggin, who- was at conference. Among the newly elected members to Ontario Legislature we notice the name of Mr. Glendenning, North Ontario. Mr. Glendenning is a brother of our Head Teacher. A MATCB game of baseball will be played at Markdale on Monday next (weather permitting) between Dundalk and Markdale senior teuus on the Agri- cultural grounds. Mb. Altbed Hall is here from De Pere, Wisconsin, on a visit to his home. He is looking well and reports favorably. We also notice his brother Herbert from Owen Soimd in town. The annual pic-nicof the Ebenezer (South) Sunday School will be held in pic-nic grounds opposite Mr. Ijomas' on June 18th tion is extended to all. We are glad to know that our genial townamaii, Mr. Lacas, who has been confined to bed tor some days, is con- mJeaoent. We hope to soon aeaui see his f ftmili^r faoe at the Bank. Oar villaiiie council will let by pablio trader on Satoraay the 14th inst., the fidtowiDg rowl jobs, vis (1). Cotting down hill between station and tannery, «lli«g iqp boUow, Ac, and fipcvrdling load ttam railway crossing to Azm- â- tMQg'B oseek. (2). Gradinff and ^VfaUing Sydeobsm skeet from the to limit ofTillBRa. (S) jobs Vben te be i^Knn.. descend copiously RaI^ continues to daily. Mb. JoSi^ LtOKs returned on Tuesday from conference at Stratford. Revs. Buggin and Fydell and Mr C. W. Rutledge returned from Stratford on Wednesday. Mb. William Millson, lot 23, con. 11 Euphrasia, has a fine thoroughbred Durham Bull for service this season. See bills for pedigree. Terms |2. The Reeves of Markdale, Owen Sound and Collingwood have gone to inspect Industrial poor houses, county York and county Wellington, and report at June session of our County Council. Mb. John Faluce, oi the 2nd and 3rd cons., Glenelg, had his large new frame bam struck by hghtuing on Tuesday mght last and was burned to the ground. We have been unable to learn whether he sustained any further loss or not. The Flesherton Advance, last week, drew our attention to the fact that the elections were on. Judging from the handsome (?) majority the member in Centre Grey rolled up it is evident that the great influence of the Advance was felt in the Riding. Miss White, from Gait, who has been the guest of the Miss Bensons for a week or so, returned home on Wednesday morning. Miss Bella accompanied her and will spend some weeks at Gait and other iilaces. They will go to Gait just in time for the Carniyal. On Monday eveniug last the committee of arrangement for sports on July 1st, held a meetiner and arranged an elaborate programme. The prize hst is a good one and the prizes are large, in all being about three hundred dollars. This will insure the presence of hrst-class com- petitors, both in athletic games and in the horse ring. At a meeting last Friday held at the City Hotel, to arrange for sports on the 1st of July, Mr. F. Sargent was re- elected president. Wm. Haskett, Jas. Sproule, Dr. Irwin, R. L. Stephen, Geo. Noble, Wm. Lyons and John B. Mathews were chosen a committee of arrange- ment. These gentlemen will make the celebration a success. Edward A cordial invita- 'â- ^" ^- .. .. We are informed the goyernment fish commissioner has detailed two detectives for the county whobo duty it shall be to watch the lakes and streams in the iMunty and prosecute all parties fishing with nets in our lakes and rivers. If Mr. Detective will quietiy take a look around some of the beautiful lakes in this yicinity they will bag plen^ of big game. The battles of the elements and the battles of the politicians daring the past week were seemingly vieing with each other in vrild turmoil and strife and the face of nature has here and theve been 'torn and twisted out of jts normal condition and the politicians faaye, in accordance with time honored customs, been moved and worried and goaded until the last crack of the political whin is dead in the land and peaise and quiet- ness again reigns supreme and the country still is safe. Junior Football Clnb, MazMato. A junior Football Club has been organ- ized in this town, with Messrs. J. F. Sparhug, Captain^ and B. Bae, Secre- tary. The rank and file of tiie Club possesses the mettle, vim, and action, of which athletes are composed, and we bespeak for them the ooidial concdder- ation of the older heads of the town by lending substantial aid in procuring a suitable outfit for the Baaaoa'acampugn. JabUaat. Our Reform friends m town felt pcond, and jnstiy so, at tiie tea^ ef the elec* tions. Not only for the gMteial result bot more ecpedally foe fhe ranit in North and East Qtvy w«ra they qoite jubilant. The demonsfaoiiioito hen wero not in the maunar of tlwold tfaae tnmh- light prooearion hot took mdnfieyek fittm« f ozm at a iipdiinf^ «Ko»nion. Tim i^tHtmeasf of tiie^paliwK nithK bnke 1^ sad ibuitoiml whai'^BiwHwBB'tNiiud 'kidi iTttiiti" Ooacxatnlatiatia. The Standabd offers itscongratlations to Mr. Will. Douglass who has success- fully passed the examinations at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. We wish our friend Douglass the same success in the future as has crowned his efforts of the past. lIoBBtaxVieOriol A basket pic-nic will beheld by Centre Grey Farmers' Institute at Kimberley on the 26th day of June, 1890, commencing at 10 o'clock. The following Speakers haye promised to be in attendance, viz Dr. T. S. Sproule, M. P. R. W. Phipps, A. J. Macmillan, and Others. A good time is expected, and all are welcome. VlMUM Bzcnsa Vs. Everything seems to have together conspired to prevent us from getting any news this week. 1. The editor has been away at conference. 2. The ex- changes give us no news but elections, therefore the old reliable "scissors" have been at rest. 3. Our correspondents have been so much taken up with elec- tions that they have not contributed the usual budget. For these reasons we beg our readers'to excuse the drouth this week. Tbe Three Oreya. In another column will he found a full general report of the Ontario elections. As our readers are more interested in the home and neighboring Ridings, we give below the majorities, as near as at present reported, for the three Ridings of Grey: North Greyâ€" Clelland, (Ref.), Creighton (Con.), majority for Clelland 405. South Greyâ€" Huuter (Ref.), Blyth (Con.), majority for Hunter 153 (?). East Grey â€" ^Rorke (Con.), Dr. Hunt (Ref.), majority for Rorke 69 (?). Matter from B. C. In a letter received from Alex. Mercer of Sardis, B. C, last week, he incloses $1.00 as renewal of subscription to Standabd, also a large head of barley, which shows conclusively that the growth in B. C. is far m advance of the provin' of Ontario. He also further states that the grass is two feet high and cherries and strawberries are just about ripe. 'Tis a littie hard on us, Alex., to hold up such rare delicacies to tempt our long suffering palate, however we congratulate you upoa having them within your reach, and long may yon luxuriate 'midst the good things of the ?olden sunny Pacific slope. Tarrlfio Tbimda ratof i u a. It is extremely rare that we are called upon to chromcle the occurrence of a storm m Ontario that is of any import- ance. During the last days of the past week a series of terrible thunderstorms have swept over this and adjacent sections of the Province almost surpass- ing in severity and destructiyeness anything within the honest memory of the oldest inhabitant. The all-potent s^eep of the rushing waters has plowed -wide channels across the track of Owen Sound branch of the C. P. B., stopping traffic and the transmission of the mails for nearly twenty-four honrs. At Barrie the flood-gates of beayeU seemed to have opened and the waters rushed down some of the streets like rivers, pouring into stores, hotels and other buildings causing thousands of dollars damage. Tha Hook aad Xina. The Saueeen river, which nearly en- drcles onr prosperous Tillage, we can justiy say has been one of the prandest sporting rivers in Canada. It is the native haunt of the speckled treat and, although hundreds of pounds of these beantifal fish are each season mthleesly taken from this great natural breeding ylace and sold to the city hotels yet a tux day's spoirt may be had in the mcnthof May. Deleting tills stream of these gamy fish for tiie porpobe of an odd paltry dollar is abe rfot e lj r wrong andshooldhe skq^ped at onoe. Why do not some of our aportsmen take this in hand wiacb, if properly attended to and some limit pot upon the catoh in five yean tlBshiatorieal stream wooid Bopply most xaafnaaOpeak troot fifSOag fOKaaCaaadftudimkis sometfabg is A POINTER! â€"TOâ€" THE PUBLIC. Ton will buy your goods where yon can iret the best value for your money â€" Won't yon? Echo answosâ€" Yey Well then the place to get them is at the BELFAST HOUSE. There yon can see the best assorted stock. and freshest line of goods north of Toronto. Buy your Turnip, Mangel and Carrot seeds from as, all fresh, cheaper than any other dealer in the country. Buy your Flour and Feed from ns, you can save money. We keep a first-class pro- vision store, all kinds of Meals Bran, Shorts, Chop, c., kept in stock. When yoa come to Markdale to buy Lour Clear Bacon, Hams, Smoked Bolls, Bologna, (fcc, make a bee line to the Belfast House it is headquarters for Bat-on. Just received 2000 lbs., which will be sold at a small ad- vance on cost. TEA TEA TEA 1 TEA 1 TEA \4 e have come to the conclusion that the best advertisement that any merchant can place before the public, to draw tiade tu his store in tea. Everybody drinks tea and if yon can get a run on tea it helps to bcII other goods and good trade increases our trade. We are bound through time to dc the tea trade of the County. We are seliinfr tea from 5c. to 10c. per lb. less than other merchants, and we find that we sell four cheetfi now for one we did a year ago, peoplo are getting their eyes opened, when tbey buy from us once they come back. We will positively give yon better value than auy house in Markdale. Fine lines of Blacks, Young Hyson, Japan and Gunpowder, drop in and get a sample. Canned goods in endless variety, best brand of canned Salmon (Horseshoe) only 15 cents each, canned Peas, Beans, Plums. Peaches, Pears, Marmalade, prices away down to cope with tne times. Buy your Confectionery and Biscuits from â- ns. Oranges, Lemons, Bannas, Pine -Apples, Cocoanuts. Almonds, Filbirts, Brazil, ::., always in stock. Onr goods are all fresh. We don't keep any stale goods, they don't lie long enoiiph on the ' shelves to get stale. We buy for /cash and take pur discounts. We have to \pay no rent, we have no clerks to hire, we do ' all onr own work and if there is a store undc^r the sun to day who can sell you cheap goods we can. Our Wine and Spirit iepartment is tilkd with the choicest brands of liquors Canadian and imported goods. Fine bottled Ail $1. 2' per doz. Draught Ale, Draught Porter, fine Cider. Jobbers in Cigars. Thanking you for past favors: We remain, B. H. BENSON CO. Wholesale and Betail, Grocers and Spirit Merchants. B. H. BaxsoN. W. J. Bensok. N.B* â€" Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods at market price. "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" §1^ BIG SPEX. Watch stock complete in lices from $2.75 to $48.00. ciJcig i jii6oX fiWwi50 â- • teftf« See my Weight Clock at $3.00 net. Full stock of "Lazarus Morris Spex" Optically fitted. Varied assortment of Jewellery and iSilverware. Fine Stock 18k. Rings. MUSICAL GOODS. Fishing-:- Tackle. Bepairing in all branches â€" Watches, Clocks, etc. â- ,• Telegraph and Daily Papers. Bottom pricea aad liberal termo.' .^ W. A.^l0W»; awKUJ»;Ki'^xnus. "â- '!,•' .1- 'â- t .If ' !l i'--iil r i n I r" i i-\ ' :. .. f i m. Pi 'â- â- • if it" â- :'i'