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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 May 1890, p. 8

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 Ni; I. B. L-WOMS. VABBISTEB, SOL.1CITOR, c, -of the firm of Bishop Lncas, Owen Sonad, at office of Every Friday. Wm. liucas in cbargje of office 'during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. DIVISICN COUBT CLEEK. Issner of Marriage Licenses, c. CommisBionerj in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate Be- en rity. ARE HALF SOLD. The commercial community has long ago recofifnized this fact and in no place is the trnth of this better ex- emplified than in the bUSy 8tOr6 o fW- J. McFARLAND, who is recognized as being the keenest, closest and best bayer in his particular line of business in Canada. Which fills my store with eager customers who know that they get a decided advantage by dealing with me. WILLIAM STUART, KlMi3EKLEY, Issae;' of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Jarm8 for eale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, -â€" GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, -Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Mnnshaw's Hotel Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th Seotember. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest no commission chai ged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, O. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars â- apply on the premises, or by letter to J, S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O MARKDALE HOUSE. MABKD.\LE. ONT. J. E. Marsh, PrjfM* R. J. SPROULE FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Ijender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and WillR drawn up andValuations marleon shortest notice- Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. W. C. RICHARDS BUILDER. CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. AND WHY NOT If you fiddle to most people and supply them with the right music they will dance to it every time* IT IS NATURAL. I have been a little -ever 25 years playing the one tune. I ought to know it, what is It hardly any need tell my customers. IS'This IS it, The Goods you want, prices low, quality right. I intend to stick to this tune aad play it without variation through Ml mmm, BI-lAW «0. 1, A By-law to raise the sum of $500 for the pur- pose of erecting a school house in Boman Catho- Mc Seoarate School, in Section No. 6, Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, and to authorize the issue of debentures therefore. Whereas the Trustees in the said, the Boman Catholic Separate School in the said School Section No. 5, deem it expedient to pass this By- law for the purpose of raising the said sum of $500 and interest for above mentioned purpose. And whereas it will be requisite to raise the several sums in each year respectively set forth hereunder. • And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Boman Catholic Separat' School in the said Section No. 5. according to the last Bevised Assessment Boll being the Assess- ment Boll for the Township of Glenelg for the year 1889 amounts to $40,715. And whereas the existing debentures debt of the said Boman Catholic Separate School in said Section No. 6, for principal is NU and foi interest Wherefore the Trustees of the Boman Catholic Separate School in School Section No. 5, in the Township of Glenelg, Enact* as follows (1 It shall be lawful for the Trustees of the said Boman CatJiolic Separate School for the gurpose aforesaid to raise the sjiid sum of Five undred ($500) dollars and to issue debentures of the corporation of the said school to the amount of $500, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, payable in the manner, and for the amounts, and at the times respectively set forth hereunder. (2.) The said debentures as to principal and interest shall be payable at the oflSce of the Treasurer of the Municipality of the Township of Olenele. (3.) It shall be lawful for the chairman of the said, the Boman Catholic Separate School Trus- tees and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said debentures, hereby authorized to be issued, and to cause the same and the interest, coupons attached thereto to be signed by ttie Secretary-Treasurer of the said school, and the said Secretary-Treasurer is here- by authorized to attach the Corporate seal of the said school to the said debentures. (4.) There shall be levied and collected in each year, by a special rate on all the Taxable pro- perty in the said section liable for such rate a sum sufficient to discharge the several instal- ments of principal and interest acruing due on the said debt according as hereunder set forth. (5.) The said debentures shall be made payable in annual instalments ^^ithin five years from the date of issue thereof at the oifice of the said Treasurer of the Township of Glenelg, such in- stalments of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year during the period of five years shall Vie equal as nearly as may be to what is pxyable for principal aud interest during each of the other years of such as herein particularly set forth. The said debentures sh^ll bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the date of issue thereof. Whichsaid!interest|shali bejpayable on the first day of June in each year, at the said Treasurer's office in the Township of Glenelg, and such debentures shall be in the form pro- vided by the Act respecting Separate Schools, with coupons attached, signed by the chairman of the said Trustees and by the Secretary- Treasurer of the said Separate School. (6.) That during the five years the currency of the debentures to be issued under the authority of this By-law the sum of one hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty-four cents ($118.54) shall be levied and collected in each year on all the taxable property in the said School Section, liable for such rate for the payment of the prin- cipal and interest onthesaid sum of five hundred dollars in the years hereinafter mentioned. JOSEPHINE JOTTINOS. It is s privilege to recommend Hagyard'e Yellow Oil. It is a sure onre for chapped hands, gweilings, sore throat, croup, etc. Mrs. Geo. Ward, Josephine P. 0., Ont. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam loosens the phlegm, coring coughs, colds, hoarseueps. croup, asthma, hronohitii and all affections of the throat and lungs. MARRIAGES. McLouGHBTâ€" Bowesâ€" By Eev J. W. Sand- erson, en the 28th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Wm. McLough- ry, of Artemesia, to Miss Marion £., eldest daughter of James Bowes, Esq., Beeve of St. Vincent. Hall â€" Gibbbbt â€" At the residence of A. C, Wells, Ktq., Chilli wack, B. C. by Rev. Mr. Hall, on the 8th May, Mr. W. B. Hall. ' formerly of thia place to Miss Elizabeth Gibbert of Chilliwack. DEATHS BI8TRICT Dots; The Wiarton Echo g not be far astray if h s^^' 'ojlj town was better lighted IV »' coal oilthan at present withor"K» Wbile A. M. Tyson Of wC out fishins cue day last w l black bear came "aloug T," S much desired his ^„n •: ^.^^^^vtn fishing rod for the uui3bil??f ft; had to grii) andheHr wl,S,'""'6 grinned auJ walked off. "«liear To Fort Wilu..m.--W,i.i. n ,, once foromau on the Her«^^ "^»" has been ruuning a frmce-v "^- Markdale for the past fc '"" '" Since leaving us he worked w"'""*- time on the Fort Wiliia^ p' Sometime ago the proprietor of i!' Lcho died and now his J5 Hamilton â€" In Glenelg on the Slst May, John Hamilton, aged 69 years and 10 months. Scottâ€" In Markdale on the 26th inst.. Gar- net Wilby. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, aged iLmonths and 26 days. Bell â€" At Budston, Yorkshire, England, on th9 gth April. Mr. Bobert Bell, brother-in- law to Mr. Frank Burton, Holland town- ship, aged 66 years. BEarkdale Karketa. Wednesday May 21, 1890. Fall Wheat #85 to$l 00 Spring Wheat 85 to 1 00 Barley 35 to 40 Oats 28 to 28 Pease 51 to 51 Butter 14 to 14 Bggs 9 to 9 Hay 6 00 to 00 f otatoes, per bag 40 to 50 Wool 20to 25 Beef 4 00 to 5 50 Pork... 6 00 to 2 20 s widow Jicho. offering him $14 peTtp?!? "' are mforrued that WilL ha, „!,"' the sitnatioii. prised if Will, made offer and became a concern. Of course written for Will, to cotre and"n,"n 14 per 11: has accepted ^^â- e shouldn't h,Z tl»e widow au partner in the that there is any probabilitv°)f .J? thing, but one good turn l^^' another, and stranger things have W pened. Success Will your Tpil nees and industry deserves Rucce? Dundalk Herald. namely TEARS. 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 (7.) PBINCIPAL. $88.54 $93.85 $99.48 $100.45 illl-78 INTEREST $30.00 $24.69 $19.06 $12.09 6.76 TOTAL $118.54 $118.54 $118.54 £118.54 $118.54 Dry Goods Groceries, That thedebentnrestobeissuedhereunder may contain a provision in the following words "This debenture or any interest thereon shall not "after a certificate of ownership has been en- "dorsed thereon by the Secretary- Treasurer of "the Roman Catholic Separate School under "whose authority this By-law has been passed. "be transferable except by entry by the said "Secretary-Treasmer in the debenture Registry "Book of the Corporation of said School." (8.) This By-law shall take effect and come in- to operations on, from and .after the 19th day of April, A. B. 1890. Dated at the Township of Glenelg, in the Coiinty of Grey, this nineteenth day of April, A. THOS.MEAGHER. THOMAS McASEY, Chairman. Secretary-Treasurer. monthly Fairs. OrangeTilleâ€" The second Thursday in esob month Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Qrangeville. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orangeville. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orangeville. Carnamâ€" Third Tuesday in each montti. Chats worth â€" Monday before Durham. HoUandCentreâ€" SatnrdaybeforeChatsworth Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Dorham Waifs. • ^^^^^^ Prettv girls like wild clier ries Because they make you pucker up your lips. The difference between a blonde and a locomotive is. that cue has alight head and the ntlier a headlight. " Girls sliould 1)0 careful liow tbevare vaccinated witJi virus taken from a lover's arm. One at Montreal has taken to swearms, sitting cross-legged, and Bmoking a brier 'root pipe. A Muskoka woman who saslostin the woods for three days savs sbe didn't suffer so very much, but was greatly annoyed by her absence of mind in not bringing along a small looking-glass. A Minnesota preacher fainted away after marrying a couple, and bad to be worked over two hours before be was restored to consciousness. If it acts that way on the iircaclier, just think of the poor bridegroom! A Toronto man contrived to teach Going South. goims nokth. 6.55 a. m. 12.10 p.m; 4.34 p.m. 8.54 p. m Flesherton Greenhouse. To our customers around Markdale We take this opportunity of thanking you for your support in the past uud hope for a continuance of your patronage -this year. We have a good variety of gieenhoupe plants, also Bedding and Perennials for garden planting. In vegetables we have Cabbage. Celery, Cauliflower, Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper Plants iu their sea o:i. Please send in vonr orders they will be promptly attended to. I have the honor to remain Yours truly, 501-14 JAMES BEECEOFT. Hats, Caps, Millinery, Boots Sc Shoes, Beady Made i Ordered Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Notions, c. The departments are fall of new goods bought for spot cash in the lowest and best markets. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT BY WEABLNG THE OXLT FRANK LAZARUS [Late of the firm of Lazarm Morris.j Senovmed Spectacles and Sy«-Olaaa«a. These Spectacles and Fye Glasses have been used tor the past a5 yoai-s, and given in everv instance unbonuded satisfaction. They are the Best ix the V/orld. They never tire, and last mtwiy years without c;haT"e. Jw i^l" "^y "*=^°?f=a»CASSOH,practi- calWatchmakers.Jijwenei-s EnKraver8.dealer8 m all kiu.l.^ of G.-M «.nd Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewellery. Wall Paper, Stationerv, School JJooks, e. Particujai- attention paid to repair- ing fine watcbc-. fee, with neatn iss and desj^fch i:Ar.KDAIiE, OXT. 1O0O L3S. OF Fl l\Eo Reliance placed on anything to sell or re- commend these goods but the goods themselves. Above me stands no competint; stocks Below me lies no competing prices. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a By-law was pass- ed by the Trustees of the Boman Catholic Separate School in Section No. 5, Township of Glenelg, on the nineteenth day of April, A. D., 1890, providingfor the issue of debentures to the amount of S500 for the purpose of erecting a new School House for the said Separate School, and that such By-law was registered in the Kegistry office of the South Biding of the County of Grey at o'clock, on the day of A. D., 1890 Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months from the date of Registration and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 19th day of April, 1890. I THOMAS McASEY, I Secretary-Treasurer. AUCfJON"^! OF- Yalnable Farm Property IN THE Township Of Holland. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a S^^'ir^^i'Sage from Mary and John G. Irvin" to the Vendors, will be produced at time of sale" and on default being made in pavS of ?he moneys thereby secured, there Will be offered gr sale by Public Auction, at the Markdale House, in the village of Markdale, on '^^'^^" rSZDAT THE 30tll DAT OF MEAT, 1880 Sime1y:"""'P-'""°°°'*^^^°"°^"»K Property! twtSf*^'"'y*'""?P*?'*°^ ^°* number 16, in the twelfth concession, m the Township of Hol- land contaxning 62i acres more or less, about 35 of which are said to have been cleared andnnder cultivation. On the premises are said to be a hewed log house and a bam. «» oe a Terms 10 per cent, at time of sale, ^nd for the, For further particulars apply to MESSRS. Vni. LUCAS CO., Markdale. MMADiaW P aCIFiC B- B, TIME TABLE. ^^^ p^^^^ ^^ ^^jj, ^^ ^gjj ^,^^^ j^^ ^^^^ â€" iVTai-lidale Station â€" to pay $1,000 damages because the birJ slandered the cLaracter cf a lady in the neigbborhcod. He ousjht to present the bird to a sewing society. '•Yes," said the practical wife, "I'm looking lor some dashing sort of a girl to coax my hnsband to elope. He'll probably stay away two weeks and so be out of the way until I can get all through house-cleaning. Amelia 'You may talk about your city fellows, but give me a boau from the country." Juliet: "And whydo you want a country beau, I should love to hear " Amelia "Becan^e, sis, he's very likely to become a Ihm- bandman." "BRUCE." A resfistered pedigree Ayershire Bull, will be for service this season. Terms 81. THOS. ELLIOTT, Maikaale Cheese Factory, 507-U Tenders Wanted. o ,^. Makkdale, May 27, 1890. Sealed tenders wiU be receive^ np to June 10th for the erection of a Public School buildmg m Markdale. Plans, specifications, etc., can be seen at Wm. Lucas Go's bank- ing office. The lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. ^. A. BROWN, Sec. P. S. B not 507-8 'S Obltoarjr. or to UOSS. BARWICK FRANKS. Vendor 8 Solicitors, Toronto. Dated 12th day of Jlay, 1390. W. J. MgFARLAND, MAKKDAIiE Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that the Court of ^n *K °,1 ^^\ *•"" Township of Euphrasia. wiU hold Its first faittings for the vear. at the Township HaU,m the Village o"f B^klyn! oS May, Isjo"" " "" "^^' *^" '" ^^ ROBERT DUNLOP, Township Cleirk. and get a grist exchang- ed and you willsay that Ford gives the best satisfaction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- ing 2^JL.O-Crie caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W. FORD. THE OWLY PERFECT VTBSte^ WOVEN WIRE FENCINC S4etM.p» Hod €uut UpwunL COUGH NO MORE. i„Jâ„¢"'.K°""" T^ "^^ "«»e of the I â„¢ ri 'm.**" "" '**'8l«5t it- Wilson's WJd Cherry v^ cure it qsickly and effectu- ^ly. For CoWs, Ci-onp, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis Lo8.s of Voice, etc., no medic^e -q^ Wdsou' Wild Cherry, ia th^Ss teatity. Sold by all druggists. We learn with regret of the death, in far away Dakota, of Eva, wife of Mr, Thomas Bell, and dangbteroftbelate Joseph Gim by, Esq., of Biookbolra. Mrs. Bell was peculiarly attracJivo and winning, botb iu person aad character, and outside the circle of her immediate friends here, there are many graduates of our Collegiate In- stitute who will hear with paiu that the gentle life of their former favoritb fellow-student has been so early cut offiu a distant laud. Mrs. Bellwas a victim of consnmptiou. To her relatives here who have within the- past few months sustained a double bereavement we extend, siucere sym- pathy. â€" Owen Sound Advertiser. STIX. The strength of this article is extraordinsry. After being cemented Price 15 cents from druggists. ONE LITTLE PIGGIE. I owned a litter of pigs. They throve well until a month old, wlieii tlieir throats swelled, and spite of all reme'iies they w died except one, which was nearly dead; Laughingly I ssid I would try Yellow OU. and gave it a thorough application. o» improved at once, and soon was all ngM- William Windsor, Brinsley, Ont. NATURE'S REMEDY., FOR COUGHS, COLD5,H0AR5ENt^^ THROAT a.LUNG.'GOMR.LA-lNl^ I N I A NT R IT.Ib F- "P.OSOTt CURt- aflEe; Th* ONTARIO WIRK FENOIMO (W â-  "-!ineB at ool „_ eon.' i^5^^ss:^E?""x Double TRt*Ti«'"' IM CACH P*c»ao« NE GROUI^D OIL CAKE JUST TO HA«|D* COmC Southern ASTHMA CURE ASTHMA AND BROr^CWlTlS BY MAIL ON RECMPT Or r^S'CE j SAItKCS, 2Se. ReoUUAR SiiE. S'"' FULTORD CO., r^;ocr.V!»-ts._».^ i*i in t plete prioee as k large assorl $2.00 to $20.Q( mootb organs ca we «11 kinds, writie isebool books, acoo^ item. Pnees lowc Liberal disconn lines for cash. W-P.X.LAnuBat. lUj sail daring t Ow«t flonnd to I Swadian Faeifle Bir^ BtsaMt^loaop. -VaaiBg, fttiegiiii l»«pBg,Oo(«Bay. B lif*^ OvdMi Bive: «da, €alUas«fe«M ab I »_--â€" «^ Mid FBXiaBI ^iJWjjtoftoMAITLi CHEAP AT MAN LEY'S ^nm

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