\rorae Tban Xarciaye. ^ff!s sitting alone m hi8 room J toes with the gout were selling ijd bis face was o'erspread •vrith gloom. little ones' shouts disturbeil him, From noises the house was free, {act, ftoi" '1^® """' " cellar '"(^43 'quiet as quiet could be. cn medical aid was lacking ' Ilie servants aiisweied the ring, tepectfully heard his oiders, inil supplied him with everything. M stiil there was something wanting, Somethiug he couldn't command Tbe kindly words of compassion, ihe tonch of a gentle hand. inilhe baitl, as his brow grew darker, â- And he rany for the hireling nurse, "ffell, iiiarri:H;e may be a failure. But this is a Dlamed sight worse." known they were felse because the old and cranky. ttansaetiona ot the Society are all a matter of record and may be inspected by any one.'and if he ws not'posted regarding them he should have been before resorting to the low. despicable level of slandering the Agricultaral Society and its officers who are com- posed of gentlemen with heads and hearts far too large, as well as the hner pensibilities, of aU the elements of true gentlemen possessing loftier christian principles than to degrade themselves by giying expression to such cowardly slanders as Mr. Irwin adopts toward said Society audits officers. I defy him to bring one jot or tittle of proof to sustain anv one of the insinuating charges he has made regardmg the said Society or the gentlemen whose pockets he claims ,, c, v,w are affected. If you think this ques- EihtorStanumd. tiou has not been discussed enough, Sibâ€" lu your issue of last weak we why don't- yon and your co-Trustees find tiiat another of our trustees, so in misery call a public meeting and called, in tiio person of Hy. D. Irwin go over the ground again and if you lias undertaken to unburden his inno- think the respectable majority of nme cent Eoully much mua-sli;iginst at the is not sufficient, or that there was iiiofi^nsive head of Eatepayer. Mr. anything wrong in the manner which Inviii, why are you not consistent it was obtained, appoitjt another day Yon btart out by admitting that "Mr. to ballot and the people will more Biowus letter was not what it ought than doublu the majority, or, if you to have beeu, " and nlniost 1:1 the next bave the least spark of hcnest man- seutence you are disjjusted with Eate- hood, grit and gumption left in your paver for diuiuj? to stiggest that the petty souls, resign and see if the peo- afoiesaul letter of 6ec. Browu eman- ple will elect you^ again. T. L. M.'s atei] iroin a poor little brain, and I letter in last issue clearly and most might appiopriately add just here that forcibly points to resignation as the the brain jower that produced Mr. only way out of the unhappy dilemma Hy. D.Irwin's letter of May 19, judg. in which you find yourselves. Dare iDg it from the manner he handles the you do any of these things No sir, school site question, is remarkable You have not the true manliness and only for its stirility and absence of courage to face the people because straightforward truthfulness. In no you well kn.)W they would condemn way in my letter did I ailude to Mr. you as no longer worthy of public Brown's character, nor to that of any trust. Lastly, you undertake to bol- of the other four self-appointed auto- ster up your untenable position with crats who call themselves trustees, iiiore dirt. Having exhausted your Can't you discern tlie diiference be- narrow vocabulary of adjectives, mar- tweeu i criticism of a man's character shalling your puny forcea for a last and his capacity Up to the day the agonizing effort, writhing in the des- vote was polled for the school site the peration of your own wrath, your- respective cbaract:^rs of the four rebel trembling hand, guided by a distorted lious trustees were, so far as we know, brain and an unholy rage, flings more spotless, but if they persist in the «i"d and some grass at the humble, course they are taking 'tis hard to say inoflfendmg person of Katepayer. The how their fellow-men will look upon last piece of subterfuge and disgraceful them in the future. Men are judged sham, behind which you seek to hide, by their acts, if they run uijon lines is found in one of the closing para- consisteut with truth and righteous- graphs of your letter where you have ness tbey are called good men, but if the bold eflfrontery to censure the they are ireonsistent, untruthful and Editor of this paper because he fails, not strictly upright they are called by as you say, to keep his "promise to the world ac large bad men. If a man cease opposition when once they fixed promises to do a certain thing he is the site." Now, m view of the notor- bound by every human and every di- ioas fact that you and three others of vine law, unless such act is criminal, the "self-sacrificing" laborers upon to do it, is he not Mr. Irwin, when the Trustee Board have so completely a man makes a bargain with you and disregarded and failed to keep your agrees to do certain thinge, you expect promises in this matter by which you him to. do as he agrees, do you not are legally and morally bound, is it to And von hold him legally and morally be wondered at that your bad example fo a strict fulfillment of Jiis covenants, apd the Editor's short association with 'o^v, sir, dici you net covenant and ' you upon the Board has led him agree, aiil the otJier Trustees as wsU. slightly away from his hitherto path to leave tiie settlement of the location 1 of rectitude. You may accuse ua of of a school site to the voice people of this section livery one of you most solemnly agreed to this, J-rth by vonr repeated public utterau- 'e3 and vour subsetjuent acts ratifying }â- ' ur proDijses and agreements in'this i'egard. Xow why do you not adhere t' your agreement Why do you not i^eep your promises sacred? Why, as honest men, do you seek to repudi- ate your promises You have eon- »fssed your weakuets as voiced in Mr. ^rowu's letter and in the next breath you have exhibited the shameful arro- gance of insinuatingly vaunting your «^n abilitie:, and boasting of your own ansulhed reputations. This dodging about from one horn of the dilemma ^^^ otlier is a hypocritical sham Which we, the people whose servants S ""' '^^'P"^- ^^' If'win says I aid not put the question m its true 4ght" but sought to m'slead. What *»oes he mean by this? he simply pieaus to evade the real question at '5s«e. I stated facts only which were relevant to the issue. True I did not go into the merits and demerits of the respective school sites, as neither of !u v^° ^tGd for are, in my opinion, ,f best that could be selected, because of the I bad taste and a lack of knowledge of that part of the question was most [°^Jj fliscussed in the public meetings neld before the day of balloting, hence *e have only to deal with the agree- «ent made by the Trustees before the pallet and their most dishonorable i»d demorahzing conduct since. ^-verv aliusioa Mr. Irwin makes re- garding the Agricultural Society is ^^e. It 18 now and ever has been *ince its origin upon a paying financial -^-/r. Tbe MarMale Standanl Is issaed every Thursday, by ' C.W. RUTLEDGE, Markda.e. Out. TsBxs â€" 91 per year in advance; 91.fiOif not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch space and under, per year, S4. 1 TB. 6 HO 3 MO. Whole column $50 00 $27 50 »15 00 Half column 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter column .... 15 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space ...... 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 00 6 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per lire each subsequent insertion, noniareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c. advertised 3 weeks for $1 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. JOB PRESTTE^G^. The Standabd office has a isplendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders filled with dispatch. Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78. meets everj alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Rae's block. Visitirg brethren welcome. Markdale A. O. U. W. No. 141 meets in their Hall, llae's block, every alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from brethren of peighboring lodges solicited. Markdale L. O. L. No. 1045 mee(s in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each Month. J. H. Carson, Master; IF. J. Blakely, Secretary. Victoria K. B. Preceptory, No. 228, meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. O. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodie W P.: Thos. Elliott. Begistrar. I- o. a-. "T. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets evnry Monday in Haskett's Hall, Markdale, at 8. J. E. Matson, W. C. S. McBride, Sec. MARKDALE. The P 0. will be opened from 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz C P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm •• •• South, 8:30 p m, and 7 p m TRAVEBSTON and LAURISTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12:30 noon HAEKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EBSKINE. Wednesday and Saturday 2 p. m NOTICE! 6HEIPER THU EVER i GARDEN AND FIELD SEED8I! Cabbage, Celery, Beet, Tomato, Carrots, Parsnip, Cucumber, Melon, Radish:, Parsley, Lettuce, Melon. CO O CO J! Ill a z 5. FIELD SEEDS. Large White, French Saved, Seed. Large White, English Saved, Seed. Long Orange ar Bed. New Improved Short White. White Vosiges. Improved moth. Selected Red. Mam- Long For registered letters and money orders fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P 0. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:30. a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McFablahd p. M. betti Its prospects than on any to-day axe MX er than on any previoofi year. J-rue there is a small mortenge u^ «e land of tbe Society but the land *ii» sell any day for more than the ^°i^gage. I can name a reapoMible ^aa who will pay more than the *monnt of said mortgage spot caaltftt "• Now Mr. Irwiu not oa^ nM^e l^se statementt in h» iiilranlpgly °^°ftting mann«r regaicUiiff iiie ^cultural decency or charge us with being au agitator, but coming as they do iro m a man who fails to regard his promises as of any importance, and from a man, who, without cause has made false insinuations about his neighbors and the society they represent, simply to prop up his own lost cause by falsly degrading them, I say coming from such a source it falls flat and harmless. And you may repeat your aforesaid accusations but. sir, you cannot charge us with dishonesty or point to a single act where we have failed to keep most sacredly every piomiee and covenant we have ever made. Very respectfully, A Ratepateb. Sowiaff n m Voztaffa Plains. Mr. J. A. Donaldson, city freight agent for the C. P. B., spent a few days at the Portage last week on busi- ness. While there he made some en- quudes concaming the farming oper- ations of the district, and ascertamed that nearly aU the farmers are hurgely increasing their gram acreage this season. Ho made a oarticular note of the following acreages sown by toe farmers named A. Spomgstein, 1,- 200 acres; W. Smith, 600; McLean h McBobie. 2,000. an increase of 700; Wishart, 700; Sorbie. 900â€" of this 700 acres is new land, and the remam- inir 900 has only been under crop one yeir Campbell Bros.. 1.600 IMd- tjK Bro6.. 1,100 P. Cameron. «»; Brown ft Carrath. !.«»; ^f "J^' 800 A. A B Smith, 1.600 at Portage snd 600 at GriswokU In addition to the above, there are many ^^^ era who are sowing from 200 to 600 Mres. Mr. Donaldson says the Port- aae temets nndewtand tfanr bnsiiies^ «y eddrsie their toiid*iid sow their SSs ii a ««»«r that tWM^rfmost t^o^ insare ft«tod 4aop.â€" Winnipeg .Fcee3?iew« " sne 10 to ao dnn^ «l PRESBYTEKIAN CHUECH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2.-30 p. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesdav evening at 8 o'clock. Eev. L. C. Ernes, Pastor A. McFarland. S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHUECH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Eev. Mr. Graham, Incumbent. Sabbath School 2:30 B. Coleman, Superin- tendent. METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from H to 9. Rev. Geo. Buggin Pastor; R. W. Ennis- S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in eon nection Mrs. T HiU. Secretarv. Strangers and ' isitors always welcome. Parties desirinK sittings will apply to C. W- Rutledce. Pew Steward. gltrerttfirtf* CO CO Q u III CO White Eye Mar- rowfat. Black rowfat. Eye Mar- Sutton's, Bangbolm's, Skirv- ing's. Carter's, Marshael's, Ab- erdeen Yellow Top, Aberd^3en Purple Top, Improved Grey StJue. All fresh and reliable seeds. It pays to keep good seeds, and we do tlie business in this line. 'to «u» â- "•P^ T«D0«OildB .bat%maat^^TO thwat*"**^^^**** jntfltm^aBd mbOa KABKDILE VILLAOE OFnCIAI.B. Reeve, W. J. McFarland Council â€" ^Wm. Brown, Jno. Lyons, Geo. Haskett and Aniens Plewes. R. C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Tonng, Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper Robt. Askin, police constable. Public School Trustees Vita. Lucas, J. Lyons. Edward Bntledge, H. D. Irwin, J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. COUNTT OFnCIAUi. JuJge. S. J. Lane, Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sound. Clerk, John Rutherford. Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker. Owen Sound. County Warden, Chas. Moffat. Edge Hill. B^:isurar,'N., R. McKnigfat, Owen Bound. '• S„ TboB. Lauder, Durham. RevisinK Barrister, North, Judge Lane. Owen Sound. â- ' Be*Ti8ing Barrister. Souths East. Judge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., North, Jas. MaraoD. Owen Sound. M. P., Bast. T. S. Sproule. KJ). afarkdale M. P..Son)th,Geii Laaderkin.H.D^ Han- over. M. P. P., North, D. Crdf hten, Tanmto. M. P. P., East. Capt. Botke. Oulmbing IL P. P.. Sontiw l.ntfflt. OaAanL DlViaUHl OOUBT No. 1. Ben Alkn, Owm • S. David JadaKui,Iai1iMi4 •• S. llHM.nnikett.lfmteC » 4. Bw. J.Bariier ir ii ll ii i i i i in .-' "„ ».,«. -W. AuMtMn^flariMEtoD.. e. jTolm Iti^eaakL Cli lsi mt tu, " 7. Dnaeaa Hiji m^m Bape Seed, Buck- wheat. Beans. Potato Onions, Dutch Setts Horse Tooth Corn, ENSILAGli!. In fact anything you raay want in the Seed line we can supply you. OILCAKE, oiij cake. ITothing nourishes calves like Oil CjEik^ mixed with a little of Stephen's Condim^it. Another supply pf the latter on haticL i, n^mm. ernes DYSKPSIM. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. PROMOTES DIBESTION. Mr. NeU MoNeil. of Leith. Qnt, writes: IEAB Sirs,â€" For yean and y«az8 1 suffered from ayspepsia m its worst forms, and uter trying aU means in my power to no purpose I waspersoaded by friends to try B^3:, which I did, and after using 6 bottles I was completely cured. fures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION ACTS ON THE BOWELS. Deab Sibs,â€" I bave tried, your B.B.B. with great success for constipation and pain in my head. The second dose made me ever so much better. My bowels now move freely and the pain in my head has left me, and to everybody with the same disease I recommend B. B. B. Miss F. WtLiiiAHS, 445 Uloor.St., Toronta Burdock I iliOOD BlTJERS' REGULATES THE LIVER. .Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS, 'Cures BILIOUSNESS. Blreet Vroo£ Sms,â€" I was troubled for five rears with Liver Complaint, used a ^eat deal of modicino which did me no good, and I was getting worse all the time nutil I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I am now well. I can also recommend it for the euze of Dyspepsia. Mabt A. E. Deacon, Eawkstone, Out. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE REGULATES THE KIDNEYS. A Ihfompt Onve. Deab Snts,â€" I was very bad with headache and pain m my back; my hands and feet BweUed so I could do no work. My sister-in-law advised me to try B.B.B. With one bottle I felt so much better that I got one more. I am now well, and can work as well as ever, Amrm Bubqess, Tilsonburg, Out. 3looi SiTTERL PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Bad Blood may arise from wrong action of tne^ Stomach, Ijiver, Kidneys and Bowels. B. B. B., by regulating and toning these organs, removes the cause and makes new rich blood, removing all blood diseases from a pimple to a scrofulous sore. â€"IT PAFS TOâ€" AND THAT IS THE Ueri Bidiesi â€" ot The best and most practical coarse of study. The bust teaching talent. The best aerommodation for students. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that instruction after, students eraduate. For annual annonncement giving particulars regarding the coui-se of study, terms c., address C. A FIjEMINOj Prikcifai.. ^WIND MILliS Having pnrccased tbe Markdale Pump boai- neaa I wish to announce, to the puUic that I am prepared to fill orders 'or all kinds of pumps. JH WeU TeoBpe, npe,- ' also to mahnfactUTB Wind JMBUs, ^ther for power or pumping purposes. And. being a, prkeCleal meebauic, I feel oonfldent-of tnrning'OUt work IPovee Viunps, OlsteeA ipe. ete. HTIad MfJim Will also continue Bepalrinjg Orders fxooi a that cannot fail to give satistaetion. done. All work pnttranteed. OrAtt distsarae will reeeire. paarttenlar ana pntrnpt- atteatien. CaU oiMV^address, JEFJiffiT. ABHiBY, Ifartdale. QtriCK *iELIBFPOI^JBSi|^ilCHE Had KffkiKiti wiA. Jie»d«afa9- iu4 tri«l mtfayiiuaK t. .oonld tbinkof wi|bort~idb«l. aatil I tt^ed B-inloek Bhooi BittMn^ vMdi raisived marvl^wigr. tatHI^m Jtom fr^, •iMrkftblj walL .AnaJB. Tfimvmiitt Mm, ;AlaMiwi.Qoe. 'â- ;â- t â- â- \ •! 'Hi^ â- | i: 1 â- :â- ?.' ri â- If] â- 'I in ^y .M -^^'â€" "^^^^^^'^â- ^ ,i^tMs^a.^sm^ •Mfttimmmmimi«iiW!«mrmmmAw"