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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 May 1890, p. 3

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 f haven of ^f*" P*^ted«n2f* three H informed* o^f.* fc^« as the ?!'" Ly four year,^ g«d P has escaped thei^ he W^ persons, the sigxiers of £ ta^or of sending a vernnient su»°t* dressing the S's r the outrages f-m which he says "ssiawiUbejusti te sent toitinre- tlie exiles with a Jie attention of the brutal sknghter tciiellstown lome -d that the report ween Russia and he contrary, it ission recently ac- •iiment to organize I and the official on Mohrenheim, t Pans, in honor 3 that the entenlc IS undisturbed. i further stated is and artificial dip- t upon the per- iling a European at has been proved ore by the war- fVilliani at Kon- writter. a letter 1 which he says ny iutermediary •porters, and he langist National it journals pub- iking any com- iaver drove tro, lid and grow jeen, lulled the next fabric stoat, Tiarred for aye was dropped Ian ges roU. it can inite whole, eb, ebb. the stitch is threads have rue intent aster meant. COOLIVGE. cake, says i)_Toiiiiny, id get mo s hurry J pay for it 5 little one aying At ave I to ry meekly you W*W rmyc«k» [on^r." 11 five hf dim* iOi^ 7BEATSmP'SST0EES ft^B l»e Steward's DepartmeMt Im theCityotrtatg. vncv season the City of Paris car- " )!, t 550 first cabin, 250 aecaad H nd 650 steerage passengera. There |»i'Vin the ship's company, including I** orinters, boUer makers, six bakere, '•^^"h'tcbers, seventeen cooks, hydraulic, '"" d and other engineers to the num- l""^^irtv-two, 148 stewards, and eight l«^" j^=ijf So there may be about [..«»rdre6sea. '^.trithstanding the fact that many of I '"laseneers are seasick from the time 'j!fP^ Sandy Hook until Fastnet is 'â- â- ^Jthey manage to consume in one '=^ methiDg like 13,000 pounds of fresh ' "^^SOOO pounds of corned beef, 4,000 ic'of mutton, 1,000 pounds of lamb, ?1 pounds of veal and pork, 15,000 ' i, of bacon, 500 pounds of liver, tripe, ?»usages, 200 hams, 300 pounds of fish. ^fCiOeggs, 17 tons of potatoes, 3 tons of "'„ vegetables, 3,600 pounds of butter, rfiO pounds of cheese, 600 pounds of coflfee, !^ pounds of tea, 100 pounds of icing sugar, i'i pounds nowdered sugar, .670 pounds of .."sugar, .3000 pounds moist sugar, 700 *^ads of salt, 200 pounds of nuts, 560 ^l':sis of dried fruit, 20 barrels of apples, "t/i(' lemons, 20 cases of oranges â€" and other '^.^in fruit in season â€" 300 bottles of pickles, iVi i'ottles of ketchup, sauce, and horse rldsb. and 150 cans of preserves. "fnat are also quantities of poultry, oys- â- ers. sardines, canned vegetables, and soups, •ieear, pepper, mustard, curry, rice, tapio- sai-'o, hominy, oatmeal, molasses, con- iensecTmilk, "tinned" Boston beans, confec- oBerv, and ice-cream. Fifty pounds of ice I'tam are served at a single meal in the first cabiB. â-  Thirty tons of ice are required to keep the storerooms cool. Eight barrels of flour die used daily. The bakers are busy from !i;:'.vn of day. They make 4.000 delicious Parker House rolls for breakfast every mom- I1J2. T'iiirty eight-pound loaves of white bieail and 100 pounds of brown bread are baked each day also pies, puddings, cakes, pto. Eifht barrels of common crackers and a lr:nhed tins of fancy crackers are stowed away ill the storeroom, together with 100 jrf^i'.iids of wine and plum cake, not a crumb if which is left when Liverpool is reached. Six tiiousand bottles of ale and porter, 4.200 bottles of mineral waters, 4,500 bottles of wine., and more or less ardent spirits are drunk inside of six days by the guests of this i;;!ge floating hotel. About 3.000 cigars are sold on board, but many more are smoked. Two liundred pounds of toilet soap is sup- plied by the steamship company. One of the odd sights to be seen on the liouble-decked Inman pier soon after the airi-.-al of the "queen of the ocean grey- hounds" is the great stacks of soiled linen which are being assorted by about a dozen stewanis. Here is the wash list for a single trip Napkins, 8,300 table-cloths, 180 sheets, o,600 pillow cases, 4,500 towels, IC,200, and dozens of blankets and counter- panes. Although the list, is very short, it requires four large two-horse trucks to carry the wash to the Inman Company's stfeiiln laundry in Jevsy City. In less than a week it will be back in the lockers of the linen rooms, which are in charge of a reg'.ilar. linen keeper. There is no washing (1( ne alx)ard. Many of the ship's conipany have tlieir Avashing done in New York, but tlie greater number have it done in Liver- pod. General Col. Brewster, the superintendent • â- f tiie Inman line, whose kindness and lourtesy have made him a favorite with ocean travellers for the past thirty years, i the man who manages this big business. 1 VI. Brewster is a little man, but he ranks a.';Kng steamship superintendents- as the city of Paris does ainong ocean racers. Hot Dismayed. Aramantha (to her lover, who has just proposed) â€" "Before I give you an answer I luKveaaeGxet.toix^put." Loverâ€" "What is it, dearest V Aramantha (blnahing and stammering) "Myâ€" my teeth wre fake." Lover(heroicany)â€" "No matter I'll mar- ry yon in spite of your teeth." Birds During Courtsliip. .A.t the season of birds' courtship, when the conditions of life are most favourable, vitality is at its maximum, and naturally it is then that the proficiency in all kinds of lUi-ncing antics, aerial and terrestrial, ap- pears greatest, and that melody attains it highest perfection. This applies chiefly to birds, but even among birds there are ex- ceptions. The love-excitement is doubtless pleasurable to them, and it takes the form in which keenly pleasurable emotions are hiibitually expressed, although not frequent- ly with variations due to the greater intens- ity of the feeling. In some migrants the ;iiiiles arrive before the females, and no soon- 01- have they recovered from the effects of tlieir journey than they burst out into rap- turous singing these are not love-strains, since the females have not yet arrived, and pairing time is perhaps a month distant -.heir singing merely expresses their over- ficwiug gladness. The forest at that season is vocal, not only with the fine melody of the true songsters, but with hoarse ca wings, jiiercing cries, shrill duets, noisy choruses, drummings, boomiugs, thrills, wood-tap- pings â€" every sound with which dififerent species express the glad impulse and birds like the parrot, that only exert their power- ful voices in screamingsâ€" because "they can do no other" â€" then scream their loudest. "iVhen courtship begins it has in many cases theefi'ectof increasing the beauty of the performance, giving added sweetness, nerve, and brilliance to the song, and freedom and grace to the gestures and motions. â€" [W. H. Hudson, in Longman's Magazine. CANCER yd TTOiCat aiwcMlM. M*aM BMTtoL Itofcalfo. BMlifew. "•••JWifBHlJi,, BiaUotH,T. •US rAcmACK Beet tMi« oat Ainrts nudMrS^per flky Sunplesby mail, SSc C3lbiieiit tc Co., 36 King Bt. £., Toronto. "AEoaiingFarce," is the term we often hear affiled to the modem trial-by-jury. The trial of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, by a jury of thousands of women afflicted with "female complaints," has been no farce, for it has established the fact that this remedy is a specific for all chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. The only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a posUive guarantee, from the manufacturers, Chat it wiH give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Heâ€" "Nice night, isn't it " Sheâ€" "Yes, good night." Nothing Like It Every day swells the volume of proof that as a specific for all Blood diseases, nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery. Remember, this is an old established remedy with a record It has been weighed in the balance and found fulfilling every claim It has been tested many years in thousands of cases with flattering success For Throat and Lung troubles. Catarrh, Kidney disease, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache and all disorders resulting from improverished blood, there is nothing like Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery â€" world-renowned and ever growing in favor. A good-sized sinking fund will help to keep a corporation afloat. flow's Yonr Liyer? The old lady who replied, when asked how her liver was, " God bless me, I never heard that there was such a thing in the. house," was noted for her amiability. Prometheus, when chained to a rock, might as well have pretended to be happy, as the man who is chained to a diseased liver. For poor Pro- mentheus, there was no escape, but by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel- lets, the disagreeable feelings, irritable tem- per, constipation, indigestion, dizziness and sick headache, which are caused by a dis- eased liver, promptly disappear. The quail-hunter's sport begins when the game is up. AU Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from exces :or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad (Ceams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,- deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire'for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with lEADZN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all dieases peculair to man. Address M. V. LUBON; 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed. Heartdisease,thesymptomsofwhich arefaiut spells, purple lip, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc. canpositively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for -book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto. Ont. A. P. 503 RI7 iv^*Pi°S£_^^^™«' Penmanship. Dlib Kuntluuid, 1Vpwzitiiig,ete., at "»"'^«»» Bnrinow University Shorthand Institute, PabUo Lilwaijr lads. Toroato. Ciieolan free. ThoB. Bengongfa. Manager. WOOD F. NCRAVLR EGGS WANTKD-Wm pay lOJc (ten and a I „ half cento) per doien, tab. your nearest ' station, shteped by freight in our oases during May, in tote K five cases and upwards M^teif '^u :«rant^ cases. JOHN HAWLBY, No. fs. youw «MBtf B EATER LIIHE STEAMSHIPS. Sai ling weekly between M*IliimBAIi and UYEKPiML SaloonrncketeHO, £(^uid«eO. Return Tickets, $80. 990 and tllO, according to steamer and accommodation. IntennediateSSOl Steerage f20. Apply to â- . K. MVKKAT, Gen- eral Manager, CaiuidlaM Skip^Kg Co., 4 Cus- tom .House Squabe, Montreal, or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. May Time. 'Tis now the base-ball blooms, and bats grow The poet of the Spring sprmgs mto type. The Lord of Mountain Taverns comes to town To see if Fortune sweet ioth smile or frown. The sea-side beaches now are neatly scrub- bed and swept The calm awakes, his winter vigil's kept. In checks and strips quite zebra-like the dude Comes forth, and into soft desuetude Now sinks the oyster filled with jq^oiis glee. Vociferously glad â€" for him â€" that he Hath 'scap^i the sauce tabacco, and a trnJoe Is called hy him who wields tiie lemon juice. Indeed, the whole world's glad to reach the day When dates do change irwn April unto May. White sash curtains *A dotted or«p^Ksd muslin or lace tied back with white ribban bows, are the fad itf the FifUi »Teinie «gaw this spriBg. I took Cold, I took Sick, I TOOK SGOTTS EMULSION VmVM LDRS Vor carealar AddreM tl.DOANASON, Northcofe Ave., • Tormito* WorkMoney It yon want both, so to Gfl»«t VWla. Hon- tena, and help build the Great Half MDIfam S?JJf" JP^ f^oes the Missouxl. the Two Million Dollar Smelter, or one of the Three New Lines at RiOlwayâ€" Nlchart line, Letbbridge Line, and Pacific Coast Line, all being builtby the Great Northern Ry. (St. P., M. «.' 18JD00,000 of free farming lands along the line For particulars send postal card to J. IC. HUCKZNS, Can. Pass. Agt, 4 Palmer House Block, Toronto. IeUveNa[aayiibflm1buuiia. Largest Sioak. Lowest Piioes. MoOaualand Son, y« to 7« Kiac St. West, Toronto, THE ALBERT TOOET SOAP corf t» lwft eo*L or any ToUe' .Soap in the ooui ry on apoount of tm uni- formly ex allent. delicate and firaff* rant aualities. For a No. 1 Roadster or Business Machine, see the " COMET SAFETY." We guarantee all our [achines. Cataloinie free. T. FAflE CO., Mlanufacturere, Toroi\to. THE CONBOY CARRIAGE TOPS •ABX THS VEST KNOWN Their increasing popularity is a proof of. 'the superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on your buRgv. Hever Failing St. Leon Up to three years ago Dyspepsia, that horrible sensation, wretched pain and choking. The very thoughts] chill me. A friend got cured with St. Leon; urged me to drink. I did. The choking lumps got softer and C softer. I was cured and remain in the best of health. St. Leon Water will cure when all other mixtures fail. George G. Wilson, Victoria Square, Montreal ^-m -i «.-nn gg, gOHO MACHINE WOKKS, TOKO\'TO. CANADIAN AGENTS FOR I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOTTIES CIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not mean Epiiepsir or F»llinar Sickneaa a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cura the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason fornot now recehring a cure. Send at SwrS:* **«f**^ S" » '2? â- Â»**•••( "»y Inftilllblo Remady. Give Express and Post Office. It coste you nothing for a trial, and it wUl cure you. Addrass :â€" H. Q. ROOT. M.C, Branch Office, IM Wkirr ADELAIDE STREET, YORON^r """t. .5jft-«,^-?/j Extracts are Simply the Flavor of Meat, ContaininK slightly stimulating properties, but, void of all nutrition. Johnston's Fluid Beef Is the only meat preparation that fulfils all the con- ditions Of a Perfect Food, containing the Albumen and Fibrinc, the flesh-forming qualities of meat, i ENIINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS. I WATEB0X7S ENGINE WORKS OO, ' BRANTPORD AND WINNIPEG. ONE OF MANY BATTERIES QF BOItERS PURNISHEb LUMaREMENf BBSS FOB CIRCULAR9 HIS CSTIMATCr- Tne Alliance Bond and Investment Do. of Ontario, Limited. Incorporated February S7th, 1890. CAPITAL $1,000,000. Oeneral Offices, 27 29 Weilingrton Street East, 34 36 Front Street East, Toronto This Company undertakes agencicB of every description, and trusts, such as carrying out is- sues or capital for companies and others, conversion of railway and other securities, will give careful attention to mana;gement of estates, collection of loans, rents, interest, dividends, debts, mortgages, debentures, bonds, bills, notes, coupons and other securities. Will act as agents for issumg or countersigning certificates of stock; bonds or other obligations. Receives and invests sinking funds and invests moneys generally for others and offers the best terms therefor. Every dollar investedlwith or through this Conipany earns the highest returns and is abso- lutely safe. All investments are guaranteed. h'^Z'T*^ ""ESTJtEKT BOKDSof the company are issued in amounts of $100 and upward and oirer unparallelled inducements for accumulative investments of small amounts, monthly or at larger periods for terms of years from five upwards, and the inrestor is not only absolutely pro- tected against loss of a single dollar biitcan rely upon the largest returns consistent with security. Correspondence solicited and promptly replied to. WS^, STOME, President. • ej. F. POTTEK, M.inasiiiK Director. First-class General and Local Agents can obtain remunerative contracts by applying to WM. SPARMXtt. Snperiiiteinlfnf^ Confe6eration %iU ^, ORGANIZED 1871. CD The demand for Foot Po-wer Machinery is increasing every year. No Carpenter can afford Foot Power Rip and Cross Cut to be iwithout â€" â€" â€" â€" r- â€" Saws, Former, Tenon Machines, etc., etc for catalogue. Send -pi i; GREAT EPKOPEAH nyTjl RESULT: I take My Meals, I take My Rest, AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING 1 CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; jretting fat too, for Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod^ Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Limeand Soda not only cured my Incip- ient Consumption but built ME UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I TAKE IT JUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK." Scott's Emulsion Is put up only In Salmon color wrappers. Sold by all Druggists at SOc. and $1.00. J SCOTT ' BOWNE, Belleville. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free firom all restrictions as to residence, travel or occnpation. Pald-np Policy and Cash Surrender -Value Guaranteed in each Policy. AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST WITCHES ^^VL\SS^S'^^'!^^SS^SS. o Canadian Watch Co^ Toronto, Cah. Fr |iArâ€" The Cheapest, Strongestand Best CnuC Fence for Farm, (Jamen, OrchMd or town lota. Prices fromltSc. per rod (IQtt.) Send f oi* price list. Toronto Pleitet Wire Fence Co^ ««1 Klver St.. Teront*. iio-qoMi VnetuUtd fbrStekaen ud Betttj of Colotiag. ' They are the onlt stes that WILL NOT WASH OUT I WILL NOT FADE OUT I There is nothing like them for Stieugtb, Coloiiog or Fastness. naPKktceSaVALSTVOetaByothetByeintkiBuM. If joa doabt it, try it I Your moner will *• r«- fonded if you are not convinced after a tnaL *my- f onreolor* are made in TnrldM Dyea, emuaj^ aU new ihades, and othen are added as aoon as ^ey become faahioBabl They arewamatea to Oya more goods and do it better than any other Dye^ SameTrioeas ZaftxiBrD7«b 3.0 ots* I Canada Branch: 481 St Panl street, Montreal. StmitQtMforSamgUCvriaiidBooktJlMtniaim*. Pond's Extrali ProTldes an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTMENT. Policies are non-forf citable after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Profits, which are unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated'every live years from the issne of the policy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. Profits so allocated are absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future time under any circumstances. Participating Policy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per cent, of the profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years have.actually received 95 per cent, of the profits so earned W C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD, Actuary. Managing Dikectob GOHSUVFYVO* TO THE BDrrOB:â€" Please inform yonr read«« that I have a positive remedy far tli» above named disease. By its timely use thousands of h6peless,cases have been peraanentqr cared. I shall be elad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers iHio have eoa.. somption ifthey will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Retpectfnibr* Ti A. " gkOi ISO W«mt AtHOmHtm Ot. TORONTO, OMTARIO. THEWOMpai_ HEAUHQi CAVTIOIIâ€" WekaTeaMMTtained tfeatinsmaewctioaeoraeetNwtrv ire beewseinigM Bosen' Peerletw, M oil not numifii^Bved T«7 urn* taiilBrl«i 10 «i« i»M«i|w PeeriesB in mudit]^ We i Win â€" il $g f â€" y yerion wg tng ylgiti^ expotfri^ gw*.fMlMfe ju^ to nvote^onr tmGmmen win wmBttmmm •â- â€¢ • eilil i t ItjijUtt tf 'I*' Hi m 1- ' ' i- i » ' â- m\ .1 A [I m I i i\ i .â- k J •^ ' ^K i " " I xni- .M i- tim ^- I S.Siif «»«Ji: jiiieM

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