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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 May 1890, p. 1

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 ^. iVU^t»^^^SPT^ 1^ %i slay )r a while th,^ commenced *»P of hig *e thought ^P'ied...tbej», ,le, tlie sayiiij '"f loosens the lent Loan c©, *o their cos-' uphrasia, Hol- extension of wanting new 'f interest can ctly and con. 7 caMing at my roule's mansion 5y. appraisor, rent. a medicine made 3, and is the best la, constipaJion 1-0 all Uoodis- ^le to the wsKst Utor. iug and know- bring forth. s he runneth a u ear pnt on t the news the nd there la no Q cajoleth him tit puff for a lothers frown er their freck- 1 his ways are â-º'3 are full oC nee man set- oa tbewhold lie. 3lg. Meeting of rch was held and Wednee- comprised of IS, viz Mark- k MelancthoD, Hand Centre, )brasia. Tbe the Ministers one Lay dele- r. The Lay y during; the at lay reprea- 3ouf erence, in iach minister, or Markdale, 1 J. Lyons; )bill;oL, Ji.A., q. Dundalk, a, "^ev. Thos. le Eugenia, 1. B. Stoan ;awell and C. re, Eev. Geo. Anderwm 7. Sanderson Euphrasia, is. Morwood, Kev. Mr. bsent owing his children. batives to the )n stationing rydellâ€" Eov. ;ber member irtue of biff man. S. "• e and J. "• ates â€" C. 0. Armstrong rtoc; John S'ixon, Don- md Centre ent ^obA Markdal*. •ecommend-. iment, H^ ittached to id Plaasant with Lyon'» o be tftk«» ,t circnitto ision list* was warm- us expr*' ind aa»D»- attheeow* and are and i"»?S' red his ^J/ e bare P^ thel^?; â- riT^-il miLt*i1r J«B^:*-»^*;.Mai-' J. e. Trel^o^d, I MABKDALE. Agent tot all kinds "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' XEXT'H YEAK.â€" No, 507. MAKKDAXE, THUKSDAY, MAY 29, 1890. C, W. BUTIiEDaE, Proprietor. llEADNER CASSON DEALERS -I3iT- mches. A full line of Waltham, I Elgi.v, Columbus, Illinois, New Bates and other movements, with (Jou). Silver, Gold-filled, and .VicKtx cases. (locks, A large and varied assortment, jupnces from $1.50 up. One dozen Mckel alarms just received, with ' femiunus and common dials. Eedac- hd prices. \jeiveller/f in the latest and prettiest feigns. Grand assortment of 50e. snd 75c. brooches. Quality guaranteed. Silverivare, in this our stock is com- plete prices as low as ever. Violins, large assortment, ranging from .52.00 to §20.00. Big supply of moiitb organs on Land. Stationery, we are wpII stocked in all kinds, writing paper, tablets, school books, account books, etc. Wall-Paper, large variety to choose from. Prices lower that the lowest. Liberal discount allowed on all lines for cash. MARKDALE, ONT. a 11 h W a n to y z TO THE TXTorlrizigr e will guarantee you money in pocket by calling on as. d u i m m 1 13 1 "3 111 iJ D "3 D"l [) i .5 m ft li • â- 2o i ti It ^1^ •^g H aw -XO- FARIVTERS â€" ANE â€" r We solicit a share of your pat- ronage and will do as well for you as any others in oar line, CHOICE GROCERIES. Local andOtber Items. Notices in these colnmnsintended to benefit any individiuil or Society tDill beeliarged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive cents a line each aubiequent insertion. IfOTICE.â€"Correspnndence. commnniea- tions,. Advertisements. £e„ nmst be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication tliat week. i |i P l »J j COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP^ aiENEia. The first sitting of the Court of Bevision iot the Township of Glenelg, for the year I89O will be held in the Town Hall on Tues- day the 27th day of May, I89O, commencing at 10 o'clock in ihe forenoon. And notice is hereby further given that the council will meet for general business at 2 o'clook in the afternoon of the same day. J.S.BL^CK, Clerk. Glenelg, May 13th, I89O. Original and onfy tefiable. Beiraze cf poor imitatiwifc Me. Will. Douglass is home from Toronto on a visit. Mb. Yan Loon, Real Estate agent of Toronto was in town this week. Miss Drikkwater, of Berkeley, spent last Sunday with Markdale friends. Messes. Frank Porter and W. J. Rowe were up from Toronto over Sunday. The Inspector of the Board of Health made bis tonr of inspection this week in town. Me. John Whitby returned on Mon- day after visiting his daughter at Oshawa. Rev. Me. Buggin leayes on Friday (to-morrow) for Conference, which meets in Stratford. Grand Trunk at f.)urhamâ€" Leaves at 7 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Arrives 3:25 p.m. and 10:40 p.m. Mr, Will. Buggin arrived from Buffalo on Monday last and will remain a week or two. Mb. and Mrs. McEenna and daughter returned this weeR from visiting friends in Owen Sound. Andekw Fogarty has improved his premises by planting a number of fine shade trees in front. We failed to site the portly form of our former head teacher, Frank Porter, when he was in town. Mb. W. H. Ferguson, of Toronto, visited his cousin R. H. Boyce, of Barr- head Mills this weeK. Me. and Mrs, J. T. White and "Daddy" Stewart, of Hamilton, spent the Queen's birthday in Markdale. Db. and Mrs. McCullough, of Walter's Falls, took train here on I^'riday last to visit friends at Georgetown. Mb. James Johnston and family, of Meaford spent the 24th vyith his friend Mr. S. Breadner of this plabe. Tenders for the erection of Markdale's new school building are called for by advertisement in another column. Mb. W. C. Vance and his mother are up from Albion visiting their friends, H. B. McGay and family, this week. A NEW stock of delphware, handsome designs, just opened at Rutledse's grocery. They are selling very cheap. Miss Thompson returned to Edgar this week after a three months' visit with her sister Mrs. A. Plewes, in Mark- dale. Mes. Frank Bueton will please accept the thanks of the editor for a basket of fine large eggs of the Brown Leghorn variety. Me. Sam. Douglass returned from the U. S. recently vnth his vyife and child. We regret to learn that Sam. is in very poor health. Will. Mathews, late of the Standard staff, left on Monday last for Dnndalk, having accepted a situation as foreman of the Herald. Wb regret to learn, through the Chronicle, that Mr. James Brown, form- erly Clerk of Glenelg, has been very ill for three months. The adioumed meeting of Markdale Village Court of Revision will be held on Monday, the 9th June, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. B. C. Bryden, Clerk This week has been more favorable Wk sincerely thank Messrs. W. B. Hall and John Mercer, of Chilliwack, B. C. for five years' subscription to the Standabd each. They sent the needful down with W. L. Tonng, who arrived here a week ago. Oh Tuesday, June 10, Mr., Geo. Richardson, 9th line Euphrasia, will sell by public auction horses, cattle, imple- ments c. Sale at 1 o'clock. For further particulars see posters. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. Mb. W. B. Halt, of Chilliwack, B. C. has been taking unto himself a partner in hfe, as will be seen by our marriage notices. Many around this part will remember "Billy Hall" and will join us in well wishes for the happy couple. KTiiieeal. We are more than pleased to be able this week to record the marriage of one of the most respected and affable bache- lors of our community in the person of Mr. Wm. McLoughry, of Artemesia. The happy event was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, James Bowes, Esq., Reeve of St. Vincent, on Wednesday, May 28. The Standabd offers congratulations and best wishes to the amiable couple for present and future happiness and prosperity. Trustee Eleotlon. Considerable interest was manifested in the election of school trustee on Wed- nesday. The poll opened in the morn- ing and continued until five o'clock. Messrs. S. Hill and P. McCullough are both respected citizens and each are possessed of the faculties and capabili- ties for an efficient trustee on the pres- ent important occasion. When the votes were counted at the close of the poll they stood as follows Hill. 73 McCullough..... 62 Majority for Hill.. ..11 Oone West. T. W. Rutledge, grocer, has accepted a remunerative situation as manager of the Fort William Journal, and left on Wednesday last to enter upon his new duties. Will, is a young man of exemp- lary character and genial disposition and we regret to lose such from our village. We trust, however, that abund- ant success will attend him in his new field of action. The grocery business will be carried on by his father, Mr. Edward Rutledge, and we have no doubt that its customers will find in the new proprietor the same courtesy and integ- rity which characterized his son. She Ball and Bat. A meeting, for the jiurv'ose of re-organ- izmg the Markdale Star Baseball Club, was held in the City Hotel on Friday evening, May 16th. A goodly number were present. Dr. Ego was appointed chairman, and after a lively discussion the following officers were appointed to undertake their respective duties tor the present season W. J. McFarland, Hon. President; Wm. Lucas, President; W. J. Benson, Vice-President Wm. Stin- ' son, Sec-Treas. R. L. Stephens, Cap- ' PiBo's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. Soap Soap I Soap I â€" ^If you want Soap at right prices go to the Cheap Cash Grocery. Rutledge's yoo know. Hamilton's art gallery is the place to get a good photo. Bring your girl along and see how nicely a pair will look. Wanted, 400 cobds Tambabk. â€" I want 400 cords Tanbark dehvered at Mark- dale or Berkeley. Price 98.25 per cord cash. J. D. Morgan. Pabties who have anything to do in moving buildings will do well to write to or see James Johnston of Meaford who is an expert in that line. 507-9 Monet to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rated, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Heebageum and Oil Cake are the cattle foods that are required in the spnn«{ and fall. OH Cake has no equal for calves. Manley's Drug Store. Hello Thebe 1 â€" For a first-class Buggy, Democrat or Waeon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. Notice. â€" All watch, clock and jewel- lery repairs left at J. E. Richard's store, Rocklyn, will be promptly repaired by Breadner Casson, the leading jewellers of Markdale. Maekdale Cabblage Works. â€" R. Mc- i Nallv has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right, i ed. A call soUcited always glad to I show my work. R. McNaUy. Klid GJ-loves, Silk, Taffeta A POINTER! -TOâ€" THE PUBLIC. You will buy your gcods where you can (ret the best value for your money â€" ^Wou't you Eobo answersâ€" Yey 1 Well then the place to get them is at the BELFAST HOUSE. There you can see the best assorted stoek, and freshest line of goods north of Toronto. Buy your Turnip, Muigel and Carrot scieds from us, all fresh, cheaper than any other dealer in the country. Buy your Flour and Feed from us, you can saye money. We keep a first-class pro- vision store, all kinds of Meals Bran. Shorts,. Chop, Ac, kept in stoak. When yon come to Markdale to buy Long Clear Bacon, Hams. Smoked Bolls, Bologiia, c.. make a bee line to the Belfast House it is headquarters for Bacon. Just received 2000 lbs., which will be sold at a small ad- vance on cost. TEA TEA. TEA TEA 1 TEA e have come to the conclusion that the best advertisement that any merchant can place before the public, to draw nade to his store is tea. Eyerybody drinks tea and if you can get a run on tea it helps to sell other goods and good trade increases our trade. We are bound through time to dc the tea trade of the County. We are sellin? tea from 5c. to 10c. per lb. less than other merchants, and we find that we sell four chests now for one we did a year ago, people are getting their- eyes opened, when they buy from us once they come back. We will positively give you better value than any house in Markdale. Fine lines of Blacks, Young Hyson, Japan and Gunpowder, drop in and get a sample. Canned goods in endless variety, best brand of canned Salmon (Horseshoe) only 15 cents each, canned Peas. Beans, Plums, Peaches, Pears, Marmalade, ^y c i,^» v,x x^« ..^fe» prices away „ idown to cope with tne times. All work warrant- f Buy your Confectionery and Biscuits from us. Oranges, Lemons, Bannas, Pine -Apples, Cocoanuts, Almonds, Filbirts, BrazU. c., always in sto3k. Our goods are all fresh. We don't keep and Lisle Threads in colors to match; any stale goods, they don't lie long enough new Dress goods, an extensive stock. W]'^^^?^^!'"^^ *» 8?* stale. We buy for 1 J ,1 • 4. Ti/r T;„i,„.jf°*^"^°^**'^® our discounts. We have to prices low and all sizes at M.Richard- \pay no rent, we have no clerks to hire, we da son Go's, Flesherton ia31 our own work and if there is a store under v^ r,. ^^ sun to day who can sell you cheap good^ TuBNip Seeds at Manley's Drug Store we can. â€" Bangholm, Carters, Skiryings, Sut- ton's Champion, Purple Top, Yellow Aberdeen, Green, Top Aberdeen, White Globe, Grey Stone, and the best of all. The Steel Bros, selected Purple Swede, sold only in sealed packages. Manley's. IVfillineryâ€" New goods this week. A stock of Ostrich Feathers bought at 20 peir cent, below current prices Flowers, Bibbons, Laces, Parasols, at M. Bicbardson Go's, Flesherton. Dr. Blnelatr'B â-¼istt. Dr. Sinclair, the popular and well known specialist of Toronto, vrill be at the Markdale House on Wednesday, June 4th. Let the suffering call on him. Consultation free. 105-7 Clip Tliis Out. The Canadian Permanent Loan Co. requests me to announce to their cus- tomers in Artemesia, Euphrasia, Hol- land and Glenelg, wishing extension of their Loans, or those wantmg new Loans at lowest rates of mtereat can have their vnshes strictly and con- fidentially attended to by calling at my residence opposite Dr. Sproule's mansion Markdale. John Whitby, appraiser. tain D. McLean, J. Sproule, A. Plewes, Also farms for sale and to rent, W. J. Benson, Managing Committee; Wm. Dundas, W. McFarland, R. Benson, S. Coleman, Field Committee. W. H. Stinson, Sec.-Treas. Business Zrfeals. Wade's for good bread. M. E. Douglass is the place for wo- men's, misses' and children's boots. Old. Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. Thoboughbeed Durham Bull for service. Terms, $1. Pedigree for in- spection. R. Mercer. Db. McBRmE will be at his old office, Stephen's drug store, on Wednesdays TVind-ow Grlass â€" 100 ' cases, direct in portation from Germ- I any Table and Pocket Cutlery from I Sheffield, Rogers, Ellms and Butler's manufacture Cordage and Binder Twine, all just in at M: Bichardson's Hardware Store, Flesherton, for gardening tOian the past three or four from 7 a. m. until nooL .li'4 and considerabls progress has been made besides some odds and ends of house deaning. M188 RooKE came up from Toronto last week, speiiding a few days with friends in Markdale. We are pleased to see that she has almost: fully recovered taan. her late serious illness. V â- â€¢â€¢ -â-  "• â-  The undersigned can famish pasture for a limited number o|oows the present season' Wm. Brown. 507-8 SO color's in Henrietta Drdss goods and a large line Black goods in plain and fancy stripes, from dOe. to $1.25 per yard ai^ BiohfirdiMBfc Cos, Fle8herton.^v^Jiv ' A Farmar's Mysterious DisiappeaxsiiAe. CoujKGWooD, Out., May 17.â€" Peter Currie, a farmer liying a few miles from CoUingwood, went to that town on Thursday with his team of horses, putting up at a hotel. Carrie/ imbibed freely during the day, and finally was put to bed at the hotel intoxicated. The hotel people not hearing Currie moving around yester- day morning went to his room and found he bad aia!ipeared with nothing on but bis pants and shirt. As his team is still at the hotel, the sttppositiou is that Cqcne awoke daring tlie night, climbed ostofthe window and fduiid^hirway to ttie lake and was droirn^. f!t»' Iraes of tl)0 bodv lias been found. Our Wine and Spirit iepartment is filled with the choicest brands of liquors Canadian and imported goods. Fine bottled Ail $1.25 perdoz. Draught Ale, Draught Porter, fine Cider. Jobbers in Cigars. â-  Thanking you for past favors: We remain* R. H. BENSON CO. T^olesale and Retail, Grocers and Spirit Merchants. B. H.Bbnson. W.J. Benson. N.B- â€" Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods at market price. "GOLDSMITfl'S HALL" §1^ BIG SPEX. Watch stock complete in lines fronk $2.75 to $48.00. CLOCicg l JMiSO^ ^^ See my Weight Clock at $3.00 net. Foil stock of "Lazarus Morris Spex" Optically fitted. Yarieid assortment of Jewellery and Silverware. Fine Stock 18k. Rings. MUSICAL GOODS. Fishing-:- Tackle. Repairing in all branches â€" Watches, Clocks, etc. Telegraph and Daily Papers. Bottom prices and liberal terms. i En^f^ge Corn, ijlorse To^lh, dlant Pfcfliffe f'^-Ji-iini â- .â- Â£ ' :^^S^^ls-:.\j: 'X JvJ '.:'*«-gi X'v- â-  I- HI â-  ;â- . v.r^f ^, tP «• i. i ' M â- â-  â-  1 â- m 1 I "fvl -1 t |.:| m w .?'*•

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