GOLDEN IPOIfi. A Coo'TKY Stoby. a terrible prickino and needles" when â- that I got drowsy, â- mlwred I was lying er and sister sitting y ' "fjged out in a lii; ' according to is tne idea at first, girl ill a hundred 1 ill that wayâ€" at incepts â€" and I'll i{;aii}- to decide, if cumstaiice of h:s -haired Benedict. swan " 'Squire Freshwater clapped his ' i ' ni wamus pocket and jumped up so f^l ' 1^. t^iat tlie little family of Plymouth â- ""wVliered about his feet fled shrieking ^^^is^oxher who was prospecting content- '•"y.. Rlack Prince's manger. "I clean manger, that's the naked V tiiat letter; now â- "'"•â- Dee-elai e I didn't mean to forgit the '^Xy way. Most likely she's out in the r*_' jjouse: it's churnin' day. So I'll take t 'here: she'll want to read it right ofif." ^iVnute later he tiptoed away from the Iffiiouse. silentand unseen. "GoodLord!" •f" j^ taking great strides down through '^^ orchard. "Good Lord! I never'd a believ- 4metaing seemed tol ail the squire .^liav. His wife noticed it. Mattie, "^caught him looking hard at her at the ^jf table. "Well, father," she askedgood- jjjly. "is my hair done wrong?" â- "•Your'hairVNo, 'taint your hair, my gal, ijjntvourhair."" Mattie started a little at this, but forgot • aininu*elater. Tiiatni"ht after the rest had gone up to j,^. he went over and shut the stair door tirefiiUy. ., â- I say, Marthy, he began, running his trtCT lingers through his hurricane of white jiL' "(lid you ever think â€" did you ever no- nce an\thiiig wTong about our Mattie " I; was out now, and he wheeled round ad faced her desperately. She looked up ,i iiim through her silver-bowed glasses with i rtntle stare of amazement. â- •Mattie 'â- she said, "anything the matter »;t'a her ' What do you mean "" •i mean this, I â€" there's somethin' the latter with her â€" soul. I'm afraid she's an -xidel â€" a heathen â€" that "sit." A shade of alarm crept over his wife's :jC*. " â- You see," he went on, "I got a letter for ";6r lK?t night and clean forgot to give it to her till the middle of the forenoon, an' then snowm' she'd be in the spring-house, I took 01!! to her, that is, I went to the door, an' -n(w I'm a-tellin' the naked truth â€" our gal ..ere asta: din' there by the table. She'd ;.ale an idol, mother, a little idol out'n the V Iter, n she weie a-standin' there before •.. a w ishnpin' it. It jest minded me of the i lae! tei an' their golden calf. But, good jrd is it a thing to laugh at, woman? Are you turned heathen, too " f^e choked down her laughter in a min- :;eanil sat up in her chair. "I do declare, Sate, I never heard anything so funny in ill my born days '" •'Funny '" he began, with a sudden stem- 'ifss in his tone. •'But tv.ant an idol," she interpose'd â- '•hat's what's funny. It's your mistake. Vru see, Xate, when Mattie was down to E'lmwc.od to the high school, she took a L.reat fancy to wood carving and sculpture j;(i such things, and so once in a while she :.-:es her hand at it while she works over â- « butter." Tne squire put both feet squarely on the :Vr and laid his hands carefully on his i:.ees, inspecting them attentively to see â- ^at each was properly placed, and square in â- e middle. Squire Freshwater abhorred lything crooked or out of plumb. 'Marthy," he said, presently, "I'm a big â- f(l. Let's go to bed," dat in tlie fragrance and coolness of the â- p'inghouse. Mattie sang and worked in 'â- e fresli spring mornings. The spring "nhled up crystal clear in its dark slate- ^t(ne basin in the corner, and then slipped â- '..iv under the wall, and with a happy r""'gle at lieiiig free again, it ran otf singing â- â- i(! sparkling through bird-haunted orchard i--.d meadow. Outside the door, the apple i'l^sc.ins swung in all their pink and white 'tytlintss, and among them Robin hid him- -it. and sent out drifts of song through the '".-irrant air. Mamd and round went the handle of the ycilf'w churn, "che-clurg, che-clurg" and by ' â- :'• '.ly. after a few satisfied peeps and il«s.'ics ofcold water, the golden lumps were Iftd out into a big wooden bowl '"wn in the "south patch," htr father ' .L'ht. now and then, snatches of her sing- ' -.and leaned on his hoe to listen. â- s'ti-ckrel ' he said with a satisfied "Ic. "It makes me feel a powerful sight 'â- tttr, now that's the naked truth, to know '•â- ^ all right, I thought sure she was a- â- w.i^iiupiu' that butter ligger likethem Israe- riy and by the song was hushed. Over "â- â- : I'Vi-r. aiiil round and round, she worked â- yellow mass then with skilful touch â- â- ; it began to shape, and she stood be- "'â- â- : it, rapt and eager, changing and shaping was perfect and com- and boueht another cow, not a fnU-blooded Jersey because her father thomdit thev "wan't likely to be as healthy norXas weU aapart Jeraev." The red cow, Ckeiry. befonged to lier also little Spot, that sfie had begged from her father when in its calf- hood It had gone lame and been condemned to death. Careful norsing had brought the litUe creature through, and now she was as ' 'peart a creature as there â- was on the place. " She made some chicken coops for her big Plymouth Rocks to go to housekeeping in «^ gave a dozen more of them nests full of big brown eggs to brood over. One Saturday, she had harnessed Black Prince to the buggy and gone to the city on a secret errand, with a mysterious wooden box on the seat beside her. In the box was a roll of the new little Jersey's butter, hard and yellow, wrajpped in a snowy cloth and lying in a nest of fresh, green grass, and on top of the roll was the prettiest of apple blossom sprays, carved that morning in the springhouse. They were delighted with it at the Woman's Exchange, and .promised to take all she would bring; so, when she turn- ed homeward, there was a little triumphant sparkle in her eyes. In due time, the little dwellings in the orchard were filled with peeping, downy fami- lies, and she wasbusy as a bee, too busy to see Dr. Brook when he rode by and bowed to her. Hosts of new ideas came flocking down to her in the spring-house, and one day she carried out a new one: and when the last touch was put on there Were twelve little golden lions on individual butter plates. It was never warm in the spring-house, so they kept firm and hard. Next day she drove to town in the early morning. There happened to be a young woman at the Exchange looking for some of this very butter, the "Freshwater butter " having already made itself a name at the Exchange, and when she saw Mattie's box, she spoke quickly and said she was very sure her mistress would buy the little lions because she was going to have her friends to lunch. Thus Mattie disposed of her little family of lions. Summer went by. The chickens lost their first fluffy prettiness, and got themselves cunning little gray â- wings. A thieving hawk captured two or three, but the rest grew up happy and cheerful, playing "hide and*seek " and himt the grasshopper all day in the long, lush grass, and at night creeping under their mother's wings with sleepy little "che:e-p, che-e-p," which the mother answered with a soft, deep- voiced crooning note like aluUa- The little new cow proved a regular "daisy, "and Mattie christened her "Daisy." Daisy was the pet of the farm. When the county fair time came, Mattie was fuller of mysteries than ever, only she took her father into her confidence, and he brought home mysterious somethings in his wagon, wrapped in old carpets and packed in boxes, and on Tuesday he drove oft to the fair -with a great wooden box in the wajon. The rest were all curiosity, but Mattie only shook her head. One of the prettiest exhibits in the Farm Products department was the display of but- ter. It was in a small glass show case, that had been paved w-ith crystal blocks of ice, and on this crystal foundation was a castle of tears. Then she slipped noiselessly from hCT seat and vanished through the open kitchen door. Some Way, after prayers, he found hi8 way oat to her, whereahe stood ^tly onflined against" the pitchy blackness of the wmdow. And then and there, in the soft gloom and shadow, sweet and bumble, she gave her hand into his, and the golden idols were dethroned. When momiag broke, clear and shining, ^th blue skies and jubilant song of birds, Mattie peeped into the pantry where her mother was at work. " J '*°" ^^*P chickens and cows in Elm- Wood, mother, what am I going to do about Her mother look tip with a quick, pleased glance. " So you are going to marry Dr. Brook!" Gmis and Their Use. BY MAT7KICE THOMPSON. The best rifle for boys is a 32-calibre breach-loader, which uses short metal shells. Such a gun, if of good make, will be quite accurate at any range within 150 yards, and •will kill any game that boys are privileged to hunt. I say this because game that is large or dangerous should never be followed by the young or inexperienced. If, however, a boy must shoot large game, let him have a gun of large calibre. For deer, antelope and the like, a .M-gauge is quite heavy enough, but for bear and all large and dangerous animals the guns to be used are extra heavy express rifles which none but strong men should try to handle. QUEER PLOEIDAJTEAMBOATmG. I BURIED ALIVE IN A STEAMER. Weird 81|»ta by Nla^t trmn KtTei' 8te •m •cUawaha â- r^ ^... ,-.,, The river is 300 miles long, and its source is at Okeehnmkee, near Leesburg. Wind- ing down with a four-mile current, the riv- er empties into the St. Johns, twenty-five miles south of Palatka. The greatest ^jhar- acteristic of the Ocklawaha is its crooked- ness, there not being a stretch in its en- tire length over 300 feet, while from bank to bank the widest i»rt is not over fifty feet. The land on either side is swamp land, and there is hardly a dry spot between its source and Silver Spring, so noted for clear water, which reflects as a mirror. We left Palatka on Monday morning on the Okeehumkee, which runs between that point and Silver Springs. Our boat, which is built speciaDy for the Ocklawaha, meas- ures seventy feet in length by thirty in width, with stem wheel. The cabin is comfortable and roomy, admirably adapted to tourist travel. The crew is composed principally of negro deck hands, whose busi- ness it is to take a pole and shove the steam- er oflFfrom the bank, should she run into it which is very often done. When the little steamer turns her course for the Ocklawaha, leaving the great St. Johns in the rear, one thinks that she is to run into the woods, but on nearing the mouth a creek -like stream is noticed, and she ploughs along, and is soon surrounded by trees, from which branches lap over and meet, making the scene one of weird grandeur. As the little craft rounds the bends you wonder if she won't run into the woods, but For target-shooting at short ranee a 22- ^!j !^8°*^ ^.*^^ engineer checks its slow calibre or even a smaller rifle may be used, ^P *o^*.°^«ti«° t^a* i* almost a stop and ' â- ' " J ' thepomt is gamed, when we pass.on. The exhaust from the smoke-stack echoes in the 11 Xorible SoffimngB of Tvalva Japanese Stowaways. and these small guns are very efi'ective for squirrel-shooting in low timber or for killing rabbits. The rifle may be used for shooting at mov- ing objects, but it requires great expertness and there are few who can attain to success in it. In choosing a shotgun, the chief thing is to get one of excellent workmanship, and to do this requires some knowledge of the parts of the weapon. Of all the parts the barrel is the most important, though for that matter nearly all the reputable makers turn out good ones and no other sort. Order a gun with Damascus or laminated steel barrels and rebounding locks have the left barrel "choked" and the right with cylinder bore. A choked barrel is bored so that it throws the shot very close together and with even distribution. The cylinder bore is of the same diameter throughout its length, and it scatters the shot over a large surface. Boys will find a gun of the size called 20- gauge the lightest and best for shooting all game not larger than quail. For all ordinary inland shooting, however, the preferable weapon is the 16-gauge, weighing about seven, or better, six and a half pounds. Let the stock be as straight as you can well use, and the barrels should be twenty-eight or not under twenty-six inches long. I have used a gun of the heavier weight mentioned for years and have found it just the thing for all small game, and have used it success- fully on wild fowl. Still, for shore and boat, when water fowl are flying high and fast, it ""'i^V^lff " ^°^**r ^n"^\" '"""" f "*^ "^^^y is much more satisfactory'to handle a heav- and battlemented wall, all complete, with j^,, rmn 'J the little model plirte. A nioiitli before, young Dr. Brook had â- '•'iiier that he loved her. After the first â- " ' tied heart-throbs, she had said that she 'night every girl ought to know how to t;-:!i a living, and that she had never proved " -St she could. "Rut can't you trust yourself to me?" he '^â- '1 asked, and then went on to tell her how • waited till he could get a little home, 'i H little store laid by to begin on, and "*ihatit -was accomplished, he wanted '"and wanted her very soon. ' he young lady- had some very decided "^pi-ifins, and this was a pet theory of hers W,i cue that she had much advocated of late, ' be shut her red lips very tightly, and sa:d she wouldn't marry him till she had pre vtd that she could be independent, if â- "f essity demanded. "Rut I've waited so long,"he said •with his *y** shining even in the dark, "and now, yt â- •â- say I must wait again. I'm afraid â€" I otiieveâ€" I have heard it said that women '•f«^ false, but I thought I had found a true "re." 'latie drew away from him a litle haught- "â- *• "Am I the less a true woman because '^^ "nis?"' she asked, with a sudden flash in • eyes. "But you know how lonely I am, howcom- I" -less my life is, and you will not come " :ne. You don't care for me!" Oh, 1 do I do " she cried. And then he had gone back to the very â- ^ginning with arguments and persuasions •"t' coaxing words. The end of it was, â€" *^e wouldn't. That is, she would only give '•^e very uncertain promise of "Sometimfe, Perhaps, when she had proved certain I'^mgs," and -with that he nad to be con- tent. His boarding house at Elmwood had never ^pied so dingy and comfortless as itseem- " ui the months that followed, nor his room dark and dreary. Mattie had gone to work in earnest, fflie •^sw her fifty dollars from the ci^ Unk two tiny sleeping lions at either side of the entrance. The card on it bore Mattie Fresh- water's name, and late that afternoon a gay red card was tied on the corner. The chickens flourished, the cattle throve and the little golden lions grew in great demand. Four months later, when she cast up her accounts, she found that she had an even two hundred dollars, besides the cows and the thirty hens, and she annonnced the fact with a gleam of triumph in her eyes. Dr. Brook fared badly next time he saw her. She had grown so very independent that she had almost decided not to marry any man. Women who didn't marry were better off nowadays anyhow. But when a few minutes later she stood at the sitting-room window and heard his horse's hoofs go tear- ing down the frozen yard, she turned and ran up the stairs and never stopped till she was in her own i-oom with the door locked. When the clattering of the hoofs had died wholly away in the distance, she turned and threw herself on the bed and neither moved nor spoke for an hour. With the coining of winter days, the spring- house had been deserted, and the butter had to be made in, the wide, shining, farmhouse kitchen. When next churning day came, there was no singing and lingering over the task, no toying with the golden mass, but a sober persistence till it was done and put away out of sight. Golden idols had lost their charm. The March night was shutting down, cold and gloomy. There was no sunset, but a S'wift, down-swooping darkness that blotted out the world with sudden night. The Squire had been having "a tech of fever," and Dr. Brpok had stopped to see him. Be- fore he was ready to go, the evU promise of the day had been fulfilled, and they forbade his venturing forth. So he sat down again to wait till the fury of the wind and storm should spend itself. But the do'wnpour was continuous, the steady rush and roar of waters did not cease. Great thunderous gusts of wind, in grand crescendo, swept up from the far reaches of field aiid meadow, and hurled themselves against the house till it shook and trembled. 'The great maples outside writhed and twist- ed in the gale the rain dashed heavily against the window and caught the firelight's flimmer as it streamed down the ^ass. tut within was peace. The pleasant fire- light flickered and did merry battle with the soft brown shadows there â- were friendly voices a face in a shado^wy comer half re- vealed and in and out, through roar of incoming 'winds and soft rain-filled silences, the words of an old song sung themselves over and over in his brain. "And her face it is the fairest That e'er the sun shone on, That e'er the sun shone on. And deep blue ia her ee. And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay me do'wn and dee." .Bed time came, and the storm still raged. Squire Freshwater, after a brief survey of the 'windswept outer world, came back re- marking that 'twas " the worst ekinokshul storm he ever see." When he opened the big family Bibleforprayers,hehappened to choose the fourth chapter of Hosea. Slowly his brown finger crept down Hm page-and his deep voice followed it. Dr. Brook listened idly, with hia eyes on the shadowy ce. " Ephraim is joined to his idols, "read the Sqmre, " kt him alone." Vr. Brook saw a sudden light sweep anst the downcast ce, and her eyes met lus, full ler gun. The safe range of a shotgun loaded with small shot is from fifty to sixty yards at the greatest, though you 'will hear men boast of their fguns killing every time at much greater dis- tance. About forty yards is the more pro- bable limit of safety for light guns, loaded with, say No 8 shot. The pellets go with great force when they first leave the gun, but lose speed rapidly as their distance from the muzzle increases moreover, they spread apart or scatter as they fly, soon getting so 'widely separated that there can be no cer- tainty of their hitting the object ainieii at. A Lively Place. Drummer (wearily) â€" "There dosen't seem to be anything going on in this town. "' Patrick (rebuking)â€" "Not'in' goin' on? Sure there's fufteen big stroikes goin'onthis vury minute." Why he Didn't Accept It. First Tramp â€" How did you fare at that house. Bill? Second Tramp â€" The lady ofiiered me a suit of clothes. "Why didn't you take it " "I can wear most anything, but I think a minister's clothes look a little outtpf place on me, the vest especially."' A Wise Clerk. A stylishly dressed woman was recently brought before a Toronto city magistrate on a charge of stealing ribbons in a store. The chief clerk had observed her talking freely with her counsel, and was puzzled bgcause she looked at him blankly when he asked her name and residence and replied 'with a shake of her head. "She is French,' explained the la'wyer " and doesn't understand English. Put it do'wn 'Marie Latouche. ' " The clerk frowned incredulously. " 'What age is she?" he asked. "Twenty- two," replied the lawyer. Then the clerk's eyes tMrinkled as he said softly "Thirty-two?" "No, twenty- two " snapped the fair pris oner. Umph " said the clerk, "you can speak English, if you don't understand it " dim distance, through the thick forest, while an occasional wail or screech from some 'wild birds adds to the music so romantic, peculiar to the surroundings. Hours pass and seem but as minutes. On the forward deck the sightseers gather to "take in " everything. An occasional alligator is seen to s'wim just across the bow or rest upon a dry spot in the broiling sun, slumbering and fearless, for it has long been the rule on Ocklawaha boats never to allow passengers to shoot off a gun or disturb this great curiosity, so famous on all Florida streams. With reluctance we give up our sightseeing position to answer the supper bell, and hurry through the meal that no strange sight will be lost. When we again reach the deck darkness has clouded the skies, and the echo becomes louder as the stillness of night grows deeper with the fleeting hours. The pilot house is on the hurricane deck. Two negroes stand at the wheel, while the Captain sits on deck smoking a cigar, with "eyes front. " On top the pilot house is an iron vessel, resting on legs that free it from the deck. In that ves- sel a glowing fire is kept burning all night long, with pine knots for fuel. The dusky darky who acts as fireman is noticed only occasionally by the grin on his face, which is made all the more plain by the ap])earaiice of his white teeth. One would think that a locomotive headlight would be better on these steamers. The Captain informed us that the light must shine .in all directions, hence the use of a pine fire. The bends in the river are so short that a locomotive light could not be used quick enough in casting out its reflection, that the pilot might see which way to steer his boat. A night on the Ocklawaha is a sight worth living to see. The first night out there was a party of us en the upper deck. The little steamer ran so close to the river bank that the tree l)ranches raked off our hats. The nego on the pilot house spied two cranes roosting on a limb, and picking up a light- 'wood knot killed them both at one lick, w-hen the birds fell ot our feet. More than once did the' steamer in trying to make a short bend run into the woods, and have to he poled off by the deck hands. ^^'}leneve^ this was the case there was a lively scramble to see which 'would get into the cabin first. One hundred miles up the Ocklawaha we came to what is known as the "Sisters," two large cypress trees grown up opposite to each other directly at the water's edge. Here we squeezed through with only about one foot on each side of the boat 'with which to get through. Life in Toronto. Mr. Nubbins â€" "Well, my dear, did you succeed in matching that ribbon " Mrs. Nubbins (tired to death and mad as a hornet) â€" "The next time I start out shop ping 'with an empty pocket-book youll know it." Mr. N. â€" "But, my dear, you said you wanted only a little change to get some rib- bon, a mere thread to piece out 'with, and you asked for ten cents. I handed you a doUar." Mrs. N. â€" "WeU, and I had to go fifteen or twenty places before I could get what I wanted, and when I finally found the rib- bon I couldn't buy it, because the miserable little dollar had idl been used up in car fare." Heeded No Bemtader. The lightning calculator looked out over the crowd. "Is there any other gentleman present," he said, "who would like to know the day of the week on which any event took place My friend," he continued, addressing a mid- dle-aged man in front of him, "if you '«'ill give me the day of the month and year when you were married I Can tell you instantly what day of the week it was." "I don't need to learu," replied the mid- dle-aged man, whose name was Enpeck. "I was married Wednesday, but" â€" and he took off his hat and wiped his bald head slowly and thoughtfully-^"I was born Friday." She Beminded Him of the Sea. Mr. Gay Lant â€" '"You are fond of the sea, I presume. Miss Butie " Miss Butie â€" "Indeed I am not, I was once sea-sick." Mr. G. L. â€" "I should have thought you were fond of the sea you remind me of it. " Miss B. â€" "I remind you of it. How " Mr. G. L. â€" "Why your teeth are like pearls, your lips like coral, your ears like pink tinted shells and your eyes like the deep,.unfath(»nable ocean." Miss B.â€" "You flatterer." Then something followed 'which was not entirely 'without maritime associations. It was a little smack. They sga Toeether. Stem papa â€" " Ah, going " lAte goer â€" " Yes, air. 'Yoor daughter and I have enjoyed a feutt of reason." Stem papa (moving his rigllt foot with great velocity)-â€"" Asm now you have a flow of sole." Biz of One and Half a Dozen of the Oth^. Collectorâ€" "Mr. Hardup in?" Mrs. Hardup â€" " No, he's out collecting." C. â€" " That's what you told me the last time I 'was here. " • Mrs. H.â€" " Yes." Câ€" " And the tune before that.' ' Mrs. H.â€"" Yes." C. (sarcastically) â€" "He don't seem to have much success." Mrs. H. (as she slams the door in his face) â€" " Seems to have as much success as you have." A Idberal Oorporatioiii Grateful Citizen â€" "I was delighted to read in the papers that you had refiued to nose the pnoeof ice." Brasidentloe GiwqN^iy-^-'That is true I Tern Clrls, aa •!« W«H«a, amd « Mast Secrete' TkeauelTca Belew Beckâ€" Wke« â- ^â- â- daWecklAterBlidkt Were I»ea4. The steamer Gaelic, which arrived at San Francisco from the Orient the other mom* ing, brings a shocking story of the death o£ eight people on board the Japanese steainer which left Na^isaki on March 21 and arriv* ed at Song Kong four days later. Foe some days an odor had been noticed in the engineers' mess room, which gradually grew worse and was attributed to dead ratsb After a long search it was traced to a com- partment above one of the tanks alongside the engine room. On the manhole being opened, some naked bodies were seen. The coal in the main hold was quickly removed to get at the sliding door to the tank, and when this was opened a horrible sight 'H'as revealed. Eight dead bodies and four still alive were disclosed, all completely naked, their clothes having been discarded on account of the intolerabk heat. The compartment is about three feet high and two feet wide, and extends across the ship. It is used only for the purpose of getting at the tank for ex- amination purposes. In this cramped place twelve persons, one man and the others women, had been stowed for a week. Japanese 'women are not allowed to leave their own country wit! out ofl^cial permission, but the demand for them for immoral purposes is so great that frequent attempts are made to- smuggle them on board steamers. That appears to have been the object in the present case. A party of ten girls, in charge of a man and an old woman, were stowed away in the hole, where there was neither ventilation nor light. They had a supply of food and water with them, so that starvation -was not added to their other sufferings, but that any of them should have survived a week's confinement in such a place is simply wonderful. The man was one of those who succumbed, but the old woman survived. The survivors were in a shocking condition. Their bodies were swollen and covered with prickly heat! They at once received such attention as those on board were able to give them. Warm baths were provided and clothing was supplied. The story told by the three girls is that they were induced to leave their homes by the man and woman Viy promises of obtain- ing good situations in Hong Kong. On their arrival at Nagasaki they -were put on board the steamer. They got into the com- partment by the sliding door from the hold before the cargo was fully loaded, and until the door was closed they had no idea of the suffering they w-ere to undergo. Afterward they found themselves literally buried alive, without any power of escape or of attracting attention. It has been impossible to ascertain at what particular time the eigiit deceased persons succumbed, but the survivors say that the heat of the iron plates became so great that the li\-ing lay across the bodies of the dead in order to secure relief. Capt. Runisey view- ed the bodies and they were afterward buried. The four survivors were sent to "i ung Wah Hospital, â- where they are de- tained under orders of the Registrar- General. Proud of the Eelationship. "Oh, Mr. Dusenberry," cried her little- brother, "I'm so glad you are going to be kin to me. " "Ah,Johnny, is that so "' he gasped, a look of happiness flitting over iiis face. "How did you know? Come here and sit on my lap and tell me all you have heard." "Sister's other feller come here last night," began the boy after he was safely in the arms of the young man, devouring a quarter's worth of candy, "and I heard them talking about you." "What did they say?" "He was mad," replied the terror, ""cause sis goes with you so much." "And what was her reply to him?" con- tinued the young man, the look of happiness spreading further across his features. "She said," began the youth, again, "that he needn't get mad 'cause you come to see her, as you was a soft snap and -was saying him lots of money that would go to fixm' up their house after they were married." The look of contentment on the young man's face gave way to the pallor of despair, as he gasped "Well, how is that going to make me kin to you?" "Oh," went on the boy, "I'm coming to that now. She said that when you proposed to her she would be asister to you, and won't that make you my brother?" As the child picked himsplf off the floor he beheld the form of the young man flit through the front door. His Ezoiue is a Perfectly Valid e; She Was the tjrpical country schoolma'am ' She had a youthful, engaging look, and an evident interest in what went on in the neighborhood, despite the responsibility that rested on her shoulders. " WiUie Smith," she said, "you are late' again." "Yes'm." " This must be stopped. I have a great mind to punish you, and I assure you that if you allow it to occur again you 'will not es- cape lightly. What is the cause of your tardiness " " MiE 8 Jenkins' beau." " Who that young man from town. " " Yes'm." " Does he go to see Miss Jenkins often " " 'Bout seven times a week." " Tlie idea Do you know whether they are e going to get married " "No â- " " "" ot exactly, but I know that they talk mighty sweet to each other, and he gave her a ring." " Poor fellow You'may go tf your seat, Willie." Blood on the Moon Wife â€" " My dear, that horrid man next door has killed the dog.' Husband 101 Wifeâ€" "But he killed Well, never mind, my dear j tyonjuaother one some time." it wasn't my Fido that I killed it was your huntine dog." Husband (wildly)â€" " Whw^s my my gun »'» r^ n [f â- " i- l 11 'I • If ii â- i I 1:^ Special festivities are under conridention We aball make no chiusge in the price. Xhe.| for the weloomingof th» Ihike and Ducheas only diaag« will lie is toe Intaips.^ I of CoDBsnght at Windsor i y 'Gsstle. ^^'"^^^' jg^ HiMiBiiiaMillii MMiHiiliinttHiii