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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 May 1890, p. 1

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 ^^1 J. G. TrclfoM, MABKDALE. Agent for all kinds HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' TENTH YEAR.â€" K^o. 506. MARKDAIiE, THURSDAT, MAY 22, 1890. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. iimu CASSON DEALERS â- IIT- Dfotohes, A full line of Waltham, Elgi-v, Coll'mbus, Illinois, New ]jiVi-\- fiiid other movements, (jOLi*. Silver, Gold-filled, ^iaii.h cases. with AND Clocks, A large and varied assortment, iupncts from $1.50 up. One dozen Kickc-1 alarms just received, with larnin )iu aod comoion dials. Reduc- ed jirk-iS, Jeweller/, in the latest and prettiest l£#if;nfi. Grand assortment of 60c. iuidToc. brooches. Quality guaranteed. Silverware, in this our stock is com- plete prices as low as ever. Local andOtlier Items. Notices in tliese eolumnsintended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten eentt a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each aubseqvent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, eommuniea- tions,. Advertisements, dtc„ mxust be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to iiuure publication that tpeek. ims, large assortment, ranging from 3:2.00 to §20.00. Big supply of moutb organs oa hand. Stationery, we are well stocked in all kinds, writing paper, tablets, fifbool books, account books, etc, W a! I -^ Paper, large variety to choose from. Prices lower that the lowest. Liberal discount allowed on all lines for cash. MfJKDALE, ONT. B.A»IS3-.A.II^S. 10 a a (0 a IL z TO THE â- ^N e will guarantee you money in pocket by calling on us. " o o u o o u H 3 ft i 6 a cs • « m TJl Ph M o p? o .SH p -TO- FAItiVfERS -ASE We solicit a share of your pat- rona(2e and will do as well for you as anv others in our line, i i i CHOICE GROCERIES. COURT OF REVISION. TowM8Hip~OF aiEwaa. The first sitting of the Court of Revision tor the Township Of Glenelg, for the year '89O will be held in the Town Hall on Tues- ^y the 27th day of May, I89O, commencing 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And notice is hereby further given that the conndl will ^eet for general business at 2 o'clock m the afternoon of the same day. J. S. BLACK. Cledc Glenelg, May ISth, I89O. Original and oofy reMaUe. Beware of poor inutalioofc Me. Edward Davis and family have moved to Harovcr. Shoebiakers should die well. Why Because they are faithful to the last. Dr. Sproulk, M. P., arrived home on Friday last, parliament having prorogu- ed. Saturday the 24th is a public holiday when all Markdale stores will be closed as usual. Miss Hartley, of Holland Centre, was the guest of Mrs. R. W. Ennis this week. Master Wilfred Benson is from Toronto visiting his Uncle Joseph Irwm' Markdale. Me. Jahks Hamilton arrived from St. Johns, Mich, on Friday last, making the trip in 18 hours. John Ore is this week burning a Kiln of hme which will be ready for deUvery on Monday next. Rev. a. J. Parker of Lyon's Head pre- ached in the Methodist church on Sun- day evening last. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for service. Terms, %\. Pedigree for in- spection. R. Mercer. Dk. McBride will be at his old office, Stephen's drug store, on Wednesdays from 7 a. m. until nooL. Mr. Chalmers Singleton, of Portland, Leeds Co., has been visiting Mr. John Whitby, and returned home on Wednes- day. Mr. Thos. Mathews has purchased the livery business of J. J. Irwin Co. of this place, and has now thirteen horses. John Blyth, M. P..P., will address the electors at Norris' school house, Glienelg, on the evening of the 24th, Saturday next, at 7:30. Mr. John Blyth, M.P. P., was in Markdale a week ago. He is pushing his canvas vigorously and with good pro- spects of success. Mr. Samuel Walker, 8th line Eu- phrasia, fell from a load of furniture which he was moving one day last week breaking his collar bone. The prize list for East Grey Agri- cultural Fall Show is out and a copy to hand. The get-up of the pamplet reflects credit on the Advance office. House cleaning is about all done, but gardenmg operations have been much delayed owing to the wet weather aiid is now the order of the day in town. MiLUE RuTLEDGE arrived from Fort William on Friday last after spending the winter with her brother, Ed. S. Little Mona, her cousin, came down with her. Three Methodist Annual Conferences will be in session on the 5th June, the day of the Ontario elections. This will hinder close to 1,000 votes being polled, chiefly by lay representatives. The Markdale Star Baseball Club has re-organized, and we presume they are now anxiously awaiting challenges. There is good timber in the club, and we will expect results accordingly. Mrs. W. R. Fali-is, of Haldimand visited her sister, Mrs. H. D. Irwin, recently and left on Wednesday for Moosomon, N. W. T., there to ioin her hnsband who went up in March. The Dominion Woman's Enfranchise- ment Ass'n of Canada will hold a Con- ventioa in Association Hall Toronto June 12 and IS. Rev. Annie Shaw, National Oq^anizer for the National American Woman Sufferaige Association, "will be present and many other distingoished speakers from the United States will oontribate to the interest of ilie taunax- Me. W. L. Young arrived from B. C. on Wednesday. He locks robust and hearty after his trip over the Rockies and reports fair snccess financially by the speculation. We had a friendly call last week from Mr. Henry Silver lock, of Holland, who was almost fatally injured by an accident durmg the winter. He is not completely recovered but is able to be about. A few of our correspondents have been taking a rest, and no doudt recup- eration. We hope to hear from them forthwith, and that the colums of the Standard will sparkle with their renew- ed energy. Mr. Alexander Hamilton arrived from Carthage, Mis., on Saturday last. He had just buried his wife, who died on the 8th inst., and hurried to the old home to see his father, Mr. John Ham- ilton who has been very ill for some weeks, and has since passed away. At the nomination of School Trustee On Wednesday very few put in an appear- ance but those who attended appeared deeply interested. P. McCullough was elected chairman and C. W. Rutledge, secretary. The following were nom- inated, viz P. McCullough S. Hill B. Coleman W. J. McFarland Wm. Brown and Wm. Douglass. Messrs McFarland, Coleman and Douglass re- signed, and a poll being demanded yot- ing will take place next Wednesday. BunnesB ijocals. "Who inyented the steam engine " Watts is name. A GOOD viohn for sale cheap. Apply to Smith, the barber. What is vinegar without a mother It is orphan very poor. Why is a sneeze like the Niagara Because it's a catarrhact. Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. Durham Bull for service. Terms $1 cash. R. McBride, near Barrhead Mills. 503-5 Why is a locomotive like beefsteak Because it is good for nothing without it's tender. Stanley's photograph engraved .on the back of the best 200 page 5c Scrib- bUng book at Manley's. Why is the early grass like a pen- knife Because the sprinp brings out the blades? Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. Allow me to move a vote of thanks to the pubhc for liberal and increasing patronage. A. W. Wade, Baker. Good Advice. â€" ^If you have any re- marks to make about a mule it is safer to say them to his face. Soap I Soap Soap â€" If you want Soap at right prices go to the Cheap Cash Grocery. Rutledge's you know. When is the most dangerous time to visit the country When the trees are shooting, and the bnll-rushes out. JPa.i*sols Grloves â€" Special Value in these lines and a large stock in at M. Bichardson Go's, Flesherton. Monet to Loan on Mortgage Se- cnrity, at cnrrent rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Herbageuu and Oil Cake are the cattle foods that are required in the spring and fall. Oil Cake has no equal for calves. Manley's Prug Store. Hello There 1 â€" ^For a first-class Buggy, Democrat or Wapon callon Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. A POFULAB conundrum among the anti-Chinese of California is, "Why is a Chinaman like a vegetable garden " The answer is â€" ^Because he cocombers his head. Ladies who are troodled with ronghness of the skin or cradced. should keep a bottle of Farinaa BalmiBthe hoaw. ikis ^aijgiitr, folly pafonuid and w^tens, hssla and beantifiM the skin. Or. Biacflalr'B Visit. Dr. Sinclair, the popular and well known specialist of Toronto, will he at the Markdale House on Wednesday, June 4th. Let the. suffering call on him. Consultation free. lOQ-7 Now IS a favorable time to have your picture taken. Call at Hamilton's art gallery and secure some of those sun- beams, cards, cabinets, or any other kind. Buy your 24th of May Suit at Mc- Farland's. The largest assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing and Gents' Furnishings in the county. Straw Groods â€" In men's hats of every description. Ladies' and C^isses' sunshades. New Millinery for May, just in at M. Bichardson Go's, Flesherton. Markdale Carriage Works. â€" R. Mc- Nally has now ready a lot of fine rigs for salej prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call solicited always glad to show my work. R. McNally. Fongee Oressg-oods, Yard wide, in new shades, texture .finish like silk, only 18 cents De Laines 12 cents to 25c per yard at M. Bichardson Co's, Flesherton. Wool Wool !â€" 3,000 lbs. Good Wool wanted for which I .^vill pay the highest market price in Cash.^ I have a good stock of Blankets and Flannels on haad which I will also exchange for wool. "W'indo'W Shades, De- A POINTER! â€"TO- THE PUBLIC. Yon will buy your goods where you can Ket the best value for your money â€" Won't yon Echo answersâ€" Yey 1 Well then the place to get them' is at the BELFAST HOUSE. There you can see the best assorted stock. ' and freshest line of goods north of Toronto. Buy your Turnip, Mangel and Carrot seeds from us, all fresh, cheaper than any other dealer in the coimtry. Buy your Flour and Feed from us, you can saye money. We keep a first-class pro- vision store, all kinds of Meals Bran, Shorts, Chop, Ac, kept in stock. When you come to Markdale to buy Long. «lear Bacon, Hams, Smoked Bolls, Bologna, c. make a bee line to the Belfast House it is headquarters for Bacon. Just received 2000 lbs,, which will be sold at a small ad- vance on cost. TEA! TEAl TEA 1 TEA I TEA! \v e have come to the conclusion that the best advertisement that any merchant can place before the public, to draw tiade to his store is tea. Everybody drinks tea and if you can get a run on tea it helps to sell other goods and good trade mcreases our trade. We are bound through time to dc the tea trade of the County. We are selling tea from 5c. to lOc. per lb. less than other merchants, and we find that we seU four chests now for one wc did a year ago, people are getting their eyes opened, when they buy from us once they come back. We will positively give you better value than any house in Markdale. Fine lines of Blacks, Young Hyson, Japan and Gunpowder, drop in and get a sample. Canned goods in endless variety, best brand of canned Salmon (Horseshoe) only 15 cents each, canned Peas. Beans, Plums, Peaches, Pears, Marmalade, prices away coiated Wall Ceiling Papers, Cornice J down to* cope with tne times, polef. Curtains, Carpets, House furnishings in newest goods at M. Bichardson Co's, Flesherton. Last summer she was eating green corn by gnawing it from a cob, when her Buy your Confectionery and Biscuits from us. Oranges, Lemons, Bannas, Pine -Apples, Cocoanuts, Almonds, Filbirts, Brazil, Ac, always in sto3k. Our goods are all fresh. We don't keep any stale goods, they don't lie long enough on the shelves to get stale. We buy for teeth became entangled with a corn silk, r cash and take our discounts. We have t "Oh, dear 1" said she, impatiently, "I P^^ "^^ ^^'^*' ^^ '^^'^^- 1*" clerks to hire, we do wish when they get the corn made they would pull out the basting threads." Olieat* Jr*ocl£er*yâ€" 85 piece Dinner sets averaging less than 6 cents a piece, "Tea Sets, Toilet Sets Glass table sets averaging 5 cents per piece, at Bichardson Co's, Flesher- ton. House Fubnishing Department. â€" Complete stock, of Carpets, Lineoleums, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Lace Lambre- quins, Fancy Plush Draperies, Wal Papers, CeUing Papers, Corners, Fres coes, at McFarland's. My sincere thanks are due and hereby tendered to the ladies of Markdale and surrounding country for their hberal patronage during my six months in business. Hoping to merit a continu- ance of your custom, I remain respect- fully yours, M. E. Douglass. Dr. Ego begs to announce to residents of Markdale and vicinity that he has re- moved to the office in Mr. Mathews' block, formerly occupied by Dr. Brodie, where he will also sleep at nights after this date. Any message left with Walter Turner promptly attended to. 503-6 "Job, my dear," said his wife, wreath- ed in smiles, "I wish you had been at church this morning. Mr. Goodwill was very interesting and when he prayed for the absent ones"â€" "Well, that ac- counts for it, then. I havn't caught such a string of fish for a year as I did this morning?" Turnip Seeds at Manley's Drug Store â€" ^Bangholm, Carters, Skiryings, Sut- ton's Champion, Purple Top, Yellow Aberdeen, Green Top Aberdeen, White Globe, Grey Stone, and the best of all. The Steel Bros, selected Purple Swede, sold only in sealed packages. Manley's. Little Ddtebencb and a Great Dif- ference. â€" To the general public it makes Uttle difference where they buy their cheap steawand linen hats, but it makes a great difference when they want to buy a good hat. They.all always go to HEAD QVABTEBS FOB ALL KINDS OF Hats. W. J. McFarland. QUICK BELISF FOB HEADACHE Had suffered with headache, and tried eveiything 1 oeald think of .without effect until I nsed Burdock tilood Bittns, wfaidi lakiiTrd me rig^t away, and I flm now le^ msrkaUy weB. tamm Xotsiwean, Qk^ Almond, Que. all our own work and if there is a store undsr the sun to day who can sell you cheap goods we can. Our Wine and Spirit department is filled with the choicest brands of liquors Canadian and imported goods. Fine bottled Ail $1.25 per do2. Draught Ale, Draught Porter, fine Cider. Jobbers in Cigars. Thanking you for past favors: We remain,, R. H. BENSON C0. Wholesale and Betail, Grocers and Spirit Merchants, R. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. N.B- â€" Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods at market price. "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" mM BIG SPEX. Watch stock 'complete in lines from $2.75 to $48.00. CLdCKS^jiisK rO^ JMLSO See my Weight Clock at $3.00 net. Fall stock of "Lazarus Morris Spex" Optically fitted. Varied assortment of Jewellery Silverware. ancF. Ensilage Cont^Morse To^. Giant fH*llflc8w«^Aiige^«rf^^^ and Fine Stock 18k. Rings. MUSICAL GOODS, Fishing-:- Tackle. Bepairing in all branches â€" Watches, Clocks, etc. Telegraph and Dail Papers. Bottom .prices and liberal termsi W. A, BBOWN, ;,vi.«J«-.' i-;^' l\\\ \^\\l i-. II i Ai'J ".â- *l^ f 'i» rife-.v/?. b-s«t ^;:s.*~ 'f(. :-^. •t..*?;;|*£EJ iumt^maMmm k

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