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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 May 1890, p. 8

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 m .41 \.i »« I- i DBS. SraOULE EBO, _PHTBXCI1KS, SXTBOEONB, ACCOTTCHBB8, ftO.â€" Office at Manley's Drug Store, where all calls day or night will be promptly attended to. T. S, SPHOULE, M. D. A. EGO. M. D., Ac. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. B. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Office at Stephen's Drug Store, liate of the Iiondon Hospital, England. I*. 31cCiilloiigli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OIWICEâ€"OVER McFkRLANDS STORE. MAEKDALiE. Mloney to Lioaii. mm s H, JBWELLEES. Haying retorned from the city with a large and well chosen addition to their stock, are prepared to give even better value and lower prices than ever. All of our stock is new, and has been carefully chosen^ with a view to suit the taste, fancy and purses of our numerous customers R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, "^Fi^rMnTTWnR^fFDS ENGLISH MELTONS. TROWSEBlNCzB rnlllTfe^d^ngTdes.'^SHIR^^^^^^^^ UNDEBWEAR. TIES. I. B. L-VOKS. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c, of the firm of Bishop Lncas, Owen Sonnd, at office of •Wm. LUCA.S, S.. Co., Every Friday. Wm. Iiucas in charge of office during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. DrVISICN COUBT CLEBK. lasaer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner} in B. B. ic. C-onveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and oaref ally executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Inarms for eile. Terms easy. â€" IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW^BLLBRY, -AND â€" Keeps a select Stock Of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS. JNGLISH and FRENCH WORST m all the leading grades^ ^^„ -„ ,_ COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS. c..c. j^^ ^.^^. hu^^f :S^rrt:^r£tt5r%?r"e?rrT^^^^^^ Jan have the^ "^^""Tgent foTparkbb-s dye works. Tailoring done as usual. Custom work wUl receive careful attention. Good work and neat fits. _^ _^ y. ..^ his confidence as totfiiR The renewal of the M Vivendi for auotlier ve«. i "aJih panied with the ^*«'"t.-^ conditi, CeadaLS-TrimsitCo's (LIMTtED) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTE. Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. Puiseaffer and Fast Freifflit Une, ataerriBg Her XajMty's XallB. 'S year's statute, but the C "f Ivt eral m Couueil shall niafi^W lions. This will pat ^1" fishermen on their good £N Mr. Charlton hj^^^^- motion for a return 8howCf"» and religion of BessiouaC^'" ent messengers audLibrarv^'^»«- On seeing tliia Col. Amvou?'"?* of a motiou for a statement „ ""' race religion aud salaries of mside civi service at Ottawa Many thiak that ..ror?'" not arrive till the 24tL of M " *iil weeks yet. There are alU? "' " subsidies to be Ivr.,,!,. 'I*^ ^^ny SILVEB^WABE, S. S. CAAMONA, Capt. F. X. LaFbasce. 5 S. CAMBRIA. CAPT. NEnjCAHPBEUi J. p. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, OBADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month andalso at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- toa, the day following the third Wednesday in eacli month, for the practice of his profession, (jommencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM FOR SALE. we have a large stock and will and guarantee well assorted satisfaction in every case. A full line of School books, Stationery and Fishing tackle on hand. Our repairing branch is still growing and as before, we guarantee a good j ob an d future satisfaction To saye money go to BREADHER CASSOI. \A/iLiIj sail dmring the season of 1890 from VV Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie every Tuosdl^ and Friday, on the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Evening Train from Toronto and points East (10:30 p.m.), calling at KiHaniey, Manitowaning, Sheguiandah, Little Current, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish Eiver, Buswell's Mills, Serpent Biver, Algoma Mills. Blind Biver, Thessalon Eiver, Bruce Mines, Hilton, Bichards ijanding. Garden Biver, thence to Sault Ste. Marie, calling at the above ports on the return trip. OUR OTTAWA LETTER Ottawa, April 29.-The Senate, as ao^wdies to be brougU down ..â-  a divorce machine, is every session 2»«PPlemcntary listiaiates lor jao, sinking more and more into disrepute, ^^^ special railwaT i,;n. "^\ Up to a few years ago that body con- fined the cauae for which they would pass a divorce bill to one cause, adult- ery, a cause which, altering and de- stroying the status of the marriage relation, is everywhere a valid froiind for divorce. In the petition of Emily Walker, however, there was no charge of adultery. The girl, when married in Dundas, Out., was twenty years] and five months old, and states that she knew well what she was doing but that if bbe had known her husband was not in receipt of the lucume he bad represented she would not have married him. Immediately after the clandestine ceremony the girl went she has I home to her mother's where TicKBTs and Freight Bates can be obtained ' ever since remained, and the chief LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. I). R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of jiayment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O lARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE. ONT. «/. £ Marsh, Pro^' MAEKDALE ONT. R. J. SPROULE FLESHEETON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills â-  drawn mi and Valuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. In the Matter of the Estate of JoIiD Ritchie, Deceased. The creditors of John Bitchie. late of the township of Holland, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of January, 1890, and all oth- ers having claim against his estate are hereby notified to send by post, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, solicitors for the administratrix of the estate and effects of the said deceased, at their office in the Village of Markdale on or be- fore the • 22iia DAT OF KAT VEXX, ttieir christian names and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof, and immediately after the said 22nd day of May the assets of the said John Bitchie, deceased,- will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which .notice shall have been given as above required. And this notice being given under the provisions of the Eevised Statutes of Ontario the administratrix will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her or bis said solicitors at the time of such distribution. BISHOP ft IilTCAS, ' Solicitors for Administratrix, Markdale. Markdale, 9th April, 1890. by applying to MAITLAND BIXON, at their new warehouse, on West side of river, where all goods for this Line will be shipped, free of wharf- age; also at the office of EDWABD TODD, Poulett Street, JOHN CHISHOLM, and at the Company's Office, Maitlaud's Warehouse, East side of river, on Biver Street. a. J. IScC^TTBE, 501-00 Managing Agent. FiintoaFi 111 Fleslierton Greenioflse. To our cu.itomers around Markdale We tnke this opportunity of thanking you for your support in tlie past iind hope for a continuance of your patronage this year. We have a good variety of greenhoii.'e plants, also Bedding and Foreuuials for garden pltiriting. In vegetfibles we have Cabbage, 'elery, Cauliflower, Tomato, Cacomber and Pepper Plants ill their sea -on. Please send in vour orders they will be prompUy attended to. I have the honor to remiin Tours truly. 501-14 JAMES BEECROFT. T-LAZARt^ PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT B1 WE.\nrXG THE OSLT FRANK LAZARUS [Late of the firm of Lazarus «fe Morris.} Ssntnmed Speotaclea and Eye-Olaasas. These Si^ectaoles and Kye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every instance unbouuded satisfaction. They are the Ukst IK THE Wor.T.D. They never tire, and laat luauy yeais witho ut cha Bge. For -tale by SaJCVVb SSUtASlTSB, piraeti- cx\ \Vat«hmiikPi% .lewrtJerand Bngraver, dealer in all kiuds of (rold and Silver Watches, (^oeka: 9nd Juwellorv, TVall Paper, Stationery, School -Books, Ste. Partieulai' attention paid to npair- idngjuu w4Keli««- .%*., with neatness and fluipiiiii UABKDAItE. ONT. Hnrrali for Spring Goods â€" AT THE â€" Markdale Furniture Wareroom, Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, common Extension Tables, in great variety Washstands Spring Mattress WoolMattrees of all kinds, and in fact everything that is kept in a first-class shop. Gall and get qao- tations. Aiso Funeral Furnishings- Coffins, Caskets, Bobcs, Linings, Gloyes, Crapes of all -descriptions al- ways in stock. Thaukiiig my numer- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectfully, J. W. Sproule THE OUn^V^RFECT •EST STEEL WIRE Very few people covet the experience many would far rather fall into a pit, But the customers of Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a fit every time, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle whose turnout w^ould fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits they want, fits they get, and he wants 1000 men and boys who want fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, Boom over McFarland's store. It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simple* It's safe to dye with Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. WOVEN WIRE FENCING 64 cfa. ptr Rod aiut Upward. i: "S J Rope 8elva««; â- â- Â» «P«M. InfematioDflrieaL Write Tht^OWTARIp WIRE FENOiMQ OO. tPUHiok or tooar â€" liiiliiili] ^fâ€", "Wtn Con JTaifcCoM^, OuT^UTB^pfc; OhvtettaiiMN, p.£:i, ran â- a It's economy to dye with Diamond Dyes strongest* Because the It's pleasant to dye with Diamond. Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes» Because they are best. Onr new book' .5^S«- •^JV-Q- -« .. Suocewful Home Dvebe" si*kiv •m diTBction. for all uses of Kamond JW^MmftZ oowUeation. DiMond Iy« a« «« ^„^ W^ »^ " « r««pt „r price. l^Zl â- â- .«-4 1- reason urged for the granting of the divorce was that the marriage had never been consummated. He had visited her several times after the coremony at her mother's. The Sen- ators seem to have sympathised with the young and fair girl and granted the divorce, but the Minioter of Justice challenged their action, was supported by bo'jh sides of the House of Com- mons and secured the defeat of the Bill. Mrs. Walker will have to remain for the balance of her life a wife, if not a matron. The Banking Bill has occupied the attention of the Commoners the great- er part of the last seven days. There have been one or two important changes since the introduction of the Bill in which the public have a keen interest. The Guarantee Fond to be deposited with the Governmenc by the banks for the protection of every bank note issued and circulated in Canada was originally to be kept at its f'lll amount by an assessment on the banks immediately any bank failed and its notes had to be redeemed by the Fund at Ottawa, but accordmg to the change now proposed the impaired Fund is only to call for an assessment of one per cent, per annum on the banks. The full amount of the Fund is five per cent, of the average circulation about $1,500,000. Suppose a financial disaster in which one important bank or two smaller banks were to go under and the Fund should be wiped out in the liquidation, instead of at once mak- ing it up the Banks would only do so at the rate of one per cent, a year, and it in the following year another small but badly niannged bank should fail there would be no Fund or no suffici- ent fund to take up the notes. In this way it may be seen the security to the public is greatly lessened from what it was in the Bill as originally drawn. Of course no one anticipates such dis- asters, but yet within a few years we have had three or four considerable banks go under and in one case at least the bills were not worth carrying. An amendment by Mr. Ellis of St. John, N. B., declarmg that the Gov- eminent should be m no better posi- tion aa a creditor of a bank than any other creditor was rejected. A dele- gation of bank managers are closely watching the Bill. The Eailway subsidies, cash and land, will be brought down to-day or to-morrow. The bill amending the Franchise Act was made the ocoadon by the Opposition of moving for the repeal of the whole Act, for a wage earning quahfication of $260 instead of $800, and for a one man one yote amend- ment. All of these were voted down. A clause of interest to newspapers throughout the Dominion giyes the prmting of the supplementary volers hsts to the various Returning Officers acting under instructions from Ottawa This means that a portion of the work taken from the newspaper offices and pven to the Printing Bureau here isi to be restored to them. The BiU also declaree there will be no revision of the hsts this year. Sir John Macdon- ald said there would be another session before dissolution and Mr. Laurier feared there might be t«o so as to en- able the Government tb bring in au- retorted rh» Gofwaar QineMrt special railway c mtroduced, a Labor measure j" respectmg navigable waters '^i" rence in several hundred items?"" ply. the Northwest bill wn^ McCarthy's Separate ScboUn*"" ment. Mr. Blake's motlu 2?" the judicial reference of Sf matters, Mr. Charlton's mott specting the Jesuits Estates AcU number ni Government and „.k public bills and other matters A It may be the let June befora tir!*! through. Debit's Case Berlvel The notorious Dobbiu'case, vhich It will be remembered caused sacha sensation m Presbyterian churcii cir cleE, bids fair to be revived in the courts. Mrs. Dobbin the wife of the minister who was declared guiltlessol foul charges made against lum ket year, has entered an aclion for §5,0(J) against Alexander Cranston, of Albion Peel county, for slander. She alleged that Cranston circulated tales against her good name. The trial will pro- bably bring out many points k re- speet to the origion of the accusan against Pie.. Mr. Dobbin, and the people of his former parish are waitinit with interest the outcome of the pre- sent proceeding. » »» 1 Centre Grey LlQoor Licensei. The Board of License. Commission- ers for Centre Grey met at the Lome Hotel, Kocklyn, on Tuesday. The Commissioners are Dr. Kent, Clarks- burg T. B. White, CoUingwood and P. McCulIough, barrister, Markdrie. Dr-. Kent was chosen chairman, and Mr. McCuUough acted as secretary. The inspector, Mr. James of Clarksburg, was also present, Licenses were granted to the follow- ing applicants â-  Artemesia â€" A. Munshaw, Flesher- ton Jno. Baniff, Eugenia AngOB Mclnnis, llesberton Station Joseph Cairns, Priceville, and Mrs. Atkinson, Priceville. CoUingwoodâ€" Mrs. S. MnUer, Clarksburg S. C. Eowe, Clarksbnij, (Beer and Wine.) Euphrasiaâ€" W. H. Dodsou, Rockl^. Thcrnbury â€" Thomas Low, J. M. Beynolds. Markdaleâ€" J. E. Marsh, Donald McLean, W. M. Hughes, W. J. Benson, (Shop.) Hollandâ€" J. CampbeU, Cbatsffortt; M. J. Somers, Chatsworth; Elisba Hanbury, Walter's Falls; hm Connor, Williamsford Jno. McCutBh' eon, Holland Centre; Mrs. Sarat Allen, Berkeley. Osprey- John Newlove, Badgeros; Edward Blacketock, Singhampton Edwin Linley, Maxwell Neil al^ Lean, Mclntyre Geo. C. i5t"f«' Feversham. „ ,,, ,, Sullivanâ€" James T. Sewell, Uat«- Tortli. f „_|, The application of Mr. josj Squires, Clarksburg, was withdrawn. and those of Messrs. Joh° S^*"' Eavenna, and J. P. McNab, Des^; were deterred. The only new m cation was that of Mr. B. al. Bf P^^ Markdale. It could not be entertj, ed because of the fact that the poPT; ,tion of the village does not, under provisions of the Crooks Act, W8r«» the granting of another license. The following resolutions were adopted: „i^ni» That if any hotel-keeper to wfl" wine and beer license has been g^ be conyicted of selhng If "' "^^ mitted by such license, ^^^^"^...^ refuse to grant him any hoense « next year. ugt^ That having loafers f'XffJ.^i, selling to minors, habitual druD and Indians, and gai^blmgoj'^j^. for liquor or money, wiU oe « sufficient cause lor witboldutf' by this Board. moAt^ The Commissioners wiU ^^A ftt Clarksburg during the a.Wf r May. ^^ ^^ "Ladies who are t^udled^* "^S* f lakiaaroneked. sh^old^^Jjg Babniathe honBe Ml and tlMjkis. }^ j^he comnaercial coi tw,o reco^ized thi ,p!»ce is the truth of than in the b ognized as being bsestsnd best buyer ii l«f business in Cane fills my store iitomers who know th ied advantage by de [you fiddle to most peo em with the right mi dance to it ever^ ' have been a little o ^ying the one tune, ow it, what is It bar I my customers. •This IS it. The Go BomIow, quality right ck to this tune and pi nation through Q^nts Furn I departments are ««lit for spot 'iMtdkestmadcets. '^fi-\ £S:J. -i«.-:-A.v./

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