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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 May 1890, p. 7

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 ' ?^"«r to the f ,.„ I ^nd gravel led 'J 3'^f^o' twice h slacken his pace ' '^•â- Â« about iS, ;oon disappearei emamed with the ^i ^ve went arotin,! P«ared from view, 'follow him around ite, andjour engine â-  track alone, we and jetumed tu mt, some logical e, yet possible. Id is that he is )ecoiiie deranged, 3in tlie mountains his place, when s that a week or iiig to this man's th Valley, which orth of here. He I10I-, water, and th mentally and Late Cable News. nrdTT Calm in Eussiaâ€" Aa Anar- li^^^Sested in Paris-Emperor Wil- â- â- ^s Movementsâ€" Stanley's Acconnt A GBEAT MYSTEEY. Bcea Vmable t« ciiist-i WUcb ETcn Edlaon Has 8«lTe. With all the paraphernalia of the modem physical and electrical laboratory, the instru- ments of precision that will handle a million- th of an inch as readily as a laborer his pick I and shovel with all the evolution going i on through generations of scientists and the almost i^essant wresting of secrets from the bosom of nature, we doubt if science is any closer to the isolation or intenuation of the microbe of the magnet. It is absurd to sun- ,.o«red. in ^^^^' " ;«becommg pose that a primary energy i« impressed on ,ted that the young Giand Duke Con- a piece of hardened steel once for all. The •^ • „i^e,l up in these latest plots, transfer of that energy into actual work ^*'" I'emph vesterday brought two T°'jld destroy the m^netic power, yet such ,i tt-e te.efeiapii j ".,.,, I destruction not only does nottake place, but ,,;:;:]:;- stt^'if* about him, cue that he^ the very exercise of the power strengthens lie matle Minister of Public In- the magnet. A horseshoe of steel may be of Lione* the Forest Dwarfs. has quifcteu down aigain, so far as ^\ie view is concerned, but every day tracks of conspirators are being In some way it iffii -,11 the other that the Czar had stern- r ririmanded him and even meditated rfiirol alile tale of the two. r »ii of tiie hist three reigns has been .rjedhy a Censtantine of its .own who I ihe centre of a more or less open fac- ' .1 mutiny about the Russian Court. I -;, aoci-ssiwi c ._V, «,i.- markec' liy L.-^jiiLt ami c;;"y â- r'i.iw. to ijuell a hostile '-,.(j- "of liis lirother Constantiue. Thirty magnetized in ten seconds by the current of a few' amperes from a battery, a ridiculously small amount of energy all told,and such mag- ,{,,Eg him for having written a poem net can lift many pounds of iron in contact. ' LiUrnl k'??? This latter is the But without contact it may lift and hold a pound of iron easily. It will hold that pound ' for an eternity, and every second of that time without end the magnet is expending energy until it foQts up an almost inconceivable to- tal of actual power. Not alone that, but the magnet of one pound lifting power to-day may and will be stronger to-morrow. Where does all this really tremendous amount of energy come from By what in- scrutableprocess does the mere magnetization of a bar of steel make of it a machine for the transformation of energy Not a reactory or storage device, which, like a steel spring, honestly gives_^back approximately all it has received, put a perpetual transforming or converting machine. There is a hidden pro- cess going on of some kind energy is going into the magnet all the time it is doing work â€" energy in some form. Where does it_come from â€" gravity? atmosphere solar rays? earth currents Who can say It is a great prob- lem, worthy of a lifetime of indefatigable research. It is a microbe, and it will be discovered, and the discovery will make electricity the queen of nature's forces and steam will h)ecome a dim vision of the dark ages of the T^at. ^Electrical Review. a terrific fight with in St. Isaac's-square, demonstration B. Thirty Alexander 1-.^^ later, when the young ,-iB ti reiuai, his brother Constantine in â- -"ii was tor years the focus of the elements •mittil to tlie Czar's liberal policy, and is i!n lieiieved to have subsidized the first ;M:pt P!i t!ie Czar"s life. Tiiis man is now along in yeai-s and too •; h 'jcfupieil with his personal comforts â- ,l,iiversicins to Ije dangerous, but his son 'titantine is only thirty-two;, he is active, ;.Kilar anil the best educated of the Rus- v;a PrinL-es. with a good knowledge of Mce anil broad political opinions. It is tsiirpiisini; therefore that the public sus- T.;"ii slidulil connect him with the present ii;'tctiiin, anil it is not improbable that he ..lltwntror later play a big part in Mus- vite politics. Tiic linh ji' ml'inrr Beli/e has secured from -• .:ik-V a most interesting series of letters, :•. l,ik (if wliicli deals largely with the naif trib'j (if the forest. He says they are .I.' fililesi aristocracy in the world, with r.-:ituti(ins dating back fifty centuries. ::,-v ale rukil by a Queeu, a beautiful, )..;.!iiinL' little woman, who was exception- ;iv kiiiil t(i Stiuiley and his comrades. He i.Miieil til bring her to Europe along with ::..r liwarfs. bu't she was so ill oh the road â- :.r.: sii- luid ti bv sent back, and the others • 1 whfu ti;i-y emerged from the forest to â- :.;i.liiii 'I'Iri-l- are numerous photographs •';,-:ii, hiiwcver. and. Stanley makes the â- ;:;'tii a cmispicnous figure in his book. of olive complexion, remark- 1 Polo. While polo is particularly adapted for play on prairie land and on the ranches of the North- West, it is strange that there is not a single club in Canada. In fact it is from the ranches that all the ponies are got with which the game is played in America. ' And polo is without exception the most an- cient of all the forms of equestrian sport now in vogue. Its origin is shrouded in mystery. Over a thousand years ago the Princes of the Mikado's family were accustomed' to play it in the vast grounds of the Imperial Palace at Kioto. At a less remote epoch the British conrj[uerors of India found that polo waMhe favorite pastime of the Rajahs, who wagered their finest jewels on the results of the game. It soon found favor in the eyes of the English nit.lli-C!it. ingenious artificers in iron officers. Inter-regnnental matches were play- mi probably the only mono- ed, and the game became more and inore pop- .srui lace in Afriea. Al'ieiie'i court has just sentenced to fif- ii mi'iiilis ami a fine of ?^4(X) one Anarchist n-iie '.vim. has been laboring to import ;:â- ;«• and i apiiie into this vague popular .â- ;:,i-ir.n. He was living by means of an :â- ^.â- ;;le weekly jiapev. in Paris in which he :-itii;,!!y urged the sacking, of the princi- dibiulevanrand sliops on May Day and :.e ;is,tvsiiiation of the Rothschilds and :.•!«â-  vultures of finance. The exemplary .n'iling iif this gentleman seems to have :-?i'iei:ilily abated the enthusiasm of his .ItllgiltS. ti!l mule eilectual perhaps have been the rKirt-: of the leevption accorded to ^1. Car- ' in the Smith, where Bishops and old li'les vied %\ ith magistrates and official nt•tien,irie^ in extending a cordial i e .;eption â- ' '.ht Pre..-) dent of the republic. Nothing â- ';mi-ifiieT(.ry has happened since the down- '.iliif Bnulangism, and the French people 'â- 'r txtraetin.: a good deal of justifiable plea- •â- '.re fidiif tlie episode. ^oung William, having s;iid and done 't ling fn;- upward of a week, suspicion is â-  nning that he has changed his mind and â- :i'Ee fiti on another tack. Much astonish- "rtit hasiieen created throughout Germany y the news that yesterdaj' the teaching of â- "I- PelK~h hiiiguage in all the public schools â- 'â- '1' city of Posen was suddenly suspend- ii'tit warning. This gives an uneasy 'aprivi's views on the subject of liinie ]ieople, and there are rumors chiug measures against "Give Him $2, and Let ffim Guess." We once heard a num complain of feeling badly, and wondered what aUed him. A humorous friend said, " Give a doctor $2, and let him guess." It was a cutting satire on some doctors, who don't always guess right. You need not guess what ails you when your food don't digest, when your head aches every day, and you are languid and easily fatigued. You are bilious, and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets will bring you out all right. Small, sugar-coat- ed, easy to take. Of druggists. It is at this season of the year that the careful Congressman works the Agricultural Department and sends lota of old seeds to bis constituents. All Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADEN ciBXJUE, oily looking skin, etc. are all sjrmptoms of nei-vous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all dieases peculair to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease the symptoms of which are f auit spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc. canpositively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. "V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto. Ont. A. P. 499. YOURNAMC on tnis Fen and Penc ' jwitb bottle of ink aod case, tac. ^1 'to $o per day eatfOj made by Kve agtB. Send 2ac for sample and tenns f Tms Caijadian Rubber 9rAMP Co., 1 Adelaide St £.. Toronto. Metionpape» ms PLATE ARIMCIiL UPS For Cirenlar Addresa J. DOAN SON, Northcote ATe., Toronto. Delivered anywhere in Canada. Stock. Lowest Prices. Largest Tie Aleit Tr.ilet Soap Coy' datmeal Skin Soap McCausland Son, 78 to 76 King St. West. Toronto. THE CONBOT CARRIAGE TOPS t,..::^ lAB* THE BEST KNOWN MAKES THE HANDS SOFT I AND THE COMPLEXION BEAUTIFUL. 9ee t'niEt the Coy'n same I: Stampt'd on tbeSoap and o8 tke Wrii|i:e j Beware ot Indtattoaa^ To the Furniture Trade AKD TEH POUNDS IX TWO WEEKS I THINK OF IT !i ular. Moreover, it was regarded with "the ut most approval by the Government, which re- alized that a game of polo, stiffly contested, i did more to improve the horsemanship of, its cavalry officers than months of work in the riding-school. About twenty years ago polo was imported into England, the tirst Tiiatch beingplayedatShornclifle, by cavalry officers i just home from India. It quickly became ex- ceedingly popular, and its fame soon spread to the Continent, M-here it is now played by Frenchmen, Germans, Russians and Italians. It was introduced into America in 1873 by Mr. James Gordon Bennett, and took root at once. The game, which we herewith take pleasure in commending, would prove of great benefit to the North- West Mounted police and to all to whom a good seat in the saddle, with perfect command of a horse, is a. necessity. As a Fiesh Prodncer there can be no qnestioii but that SCOTTS wi ;i'ii I -l-r Seventy-Six and Sixteen. Vr.'./er, a Scotchman 70 j'ears of miner and argonaut of './er, a " a -old A Dying Man's Vision. An impressive incident occurred years ago in Hartford. The man who related it was so profoundly impressed with the reality of a supramortal meeting and recognition that he never forgot it. He is still living in a West- em State. On this occasion he was a watch- er at the bedside of a dying man â€" a printer. He is a very " practical," hard-headed man and one of the last to be given to fancies. For half an hour, he said, the dying man had been sinking. The breathing, growing more labored, became slower and fainter. The watcher tliought the man was dead, when the Jews ' suddenly his eyes opened with a glad look of wonder and joj-f ;il recognition he threw up his arms as in an embrace and his whole face was illuminated as he rapturously exclaimed " Why, mother " The same instant he fell back "oead. " Nothuig will ever convince I me," said the watjher, relating the occur- â- â- lif.irniu. married in Burlington, rence years afterwards, "that that man didn't .liiilton. Out., on Saturday to his actually see his mother then and there." 1 nifce. Ajrgie Barr, aged 16. The i .„ ' 'Had Been 'Worried Eighteen Tears." It should have read "married," but the proof-reader observed that it amounted to about the same thing, and so did not draw his blue pencil through the error. Unfor- tunately there was considerable truth in his oljservation. Thousands of husbands are constantly worried almost to despair by the ill health that afflicts their wives, and often roljs life of comfort and happiness. There is but one safe and sure way to change all this for the better. The ladies shpuld iise Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "See, lowly at thy feet I lie " sings a poet. We have no doubt he does. Men I usually do when it comes to that point. A Tremendons Sensation would have Ijeeii created one hundred years ago by the sight of one of our modem ex- ' ^1 as tin ee years old and well growni. The ' press trains whizzing along at the rate of K. -," "n^'ht "tlie animal by the horns with ' sixty miles an hour. Just think how our I '^s hands and butted it between the eyes, grandfathers would have stared at such a •^!aii their iieails came together the noise spectacle! It takes a good deal to astonish 'J-Uil ]:fs heard a block away. Four times in people now-a-daj-s, but some of the marvel- ^^pii] succession the colored giant's head ous cures of consumption, wrought by Dr. â- !i;ek the ox squarely in the forehead with j Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, have •-ir, W_ " :ii I -ui H ;."""' 'f' -Mr. Alraiiani, Presbyterian minister, "it(:il. much against his will, as he had iposeil the marriage. Subsequently there -.-a weditiiig supper, which was interrupt- â- y a i:;ing ot men and boys bent on a 'â- '•A 'Ui auil iirmed with tin pans, trumpets 'i !i'i-ks. The best man bought the crowd ti'i s."i ami there was no further trouble. ' ..lU'.eiit Vnidegroom has had an eventful •-}ti. He was a gold miner in Australia, -ii; later on in California, and is reputed to "^«' made and lost half a dozen fortunes be- "'f lie came to Hamilton. Frazer is said to Very fond of the girl and has been impa- â- *"tly availing until she attained her 16th Agi;ie also claims to be much in love '-ar. Of Pure God Liver Oil and Hypopitospltites Of Lime and Soda is without a rival. Many have g-aincd a ponnd a day by the use of it. It cures CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- EASES. AS I'ALATAliLE^ AS SULK, j jGenuine made bySccti BownR.Bellevin°.Salmon! Wrapper; at all Druggists, 60c. anJ $1. DC. Dealers in Furniture iUpliolstered Goods We the imdersigned beg to inform the Retail Trade that we have a full line of Furniture and Upholstered Goods, also a well assorted stock of Walnut, Parlor, Lounge, Sofa, Easy and other Chair Frames, The goods are well finished and made of the best seasoned woods. Orders solicited. $neen City Mannfaeturiog Co'y, Ltd. 117 King Street W., Toronto. Their increasing popularity is a proof of their superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on your buggy. 1164 QUEEN STREET EAST. Please iriention this paper. ^iWif RDUilDlBJBEie A Perfect Food for Children Supplying Xourishment for FLESH, MUSCLE INB BONE. UllTAUre CBCC i"" tsolatelylrce to introance nAlbntS rllCC. onrgoodik Write and be c -mTlnead. o Canadian Watch Co., Toroiito, Can. Never Failing St Leon 'p to three years ago Dyspepsia, tliat horrible senKation, wretched pain and choking. Tlie very thoughts chill me. A friend got cured with St. Leon; urged me. to drink. I did. The choking lumps got softer and softer. I was cured and remain in the best of health. St. Leon Water will cure when all other mixtures faiL George G. Wilson-, Victoria Square, Montreal THE WONDER OF HEALING! OUSES CATASBH, BHSITIIATISU, KBTT- BAL»A,SOBE TEfiOAT,FIL£S, WOmm^ B7NS, FEUALE COMFLAIITTS, i^ EEMOBSSAQES OF ALL EINSS. VseaintertusKyAExtemaEy. iViKsS0c.$l,$1.1f POND'S EZTBACT CO. New 7ork ft London LINK-BELTINC BEST SAWOUSI COHVEYOR, ma CHEAPEST. All Sizes and Capacities. Send for i 30 Page C'-iti •â- â€¢g-ue 0.1 Link-Be.ting. JMPROVE YOOR POWER BY USING THE Pickering Spiin^ Governor. SENS3T1VE. QUICK. RELIABLE. CHEAP. Easily adjusted to any Eiigiue. Special facilitiesfor male. iu^j has red need priced Waterous Engine Works Co.. CRANTFORO AND CANCER and TXntfOR Specialist. Printe Hospital. No knife. Book frea. G. H. MCUICHABL, M. b.. No. 63 Niaeata St., Buflalo, N. Y. THE SMITH NEEDLE PACKAGE. Best thing out. Agents make ?5 per day Samples bv mail, 25c. Clement Co., 36 King St. E., Toronto. PIT Bookkeeping. Banking, Penmanship. Dl^ Shorthand. Typwriting.etc, at Canadian Business University Shorthand Institute, Public Libiary Bldg. Toronto. Circulars free. Thos. Bengough, Manager. Fr liprâ€" The Cheapest, Stron^estand Best CilUC Fence for Farm, Garden, Orchard or town lots. Prices fronV45c. per rod (I'Uft.) Send for px-ice list. Toronto Picket Wire Fence to.. 331 Klver St., Toronto. •k men aoA tNNURt Mfiditmt.U.r AOataid* BtoMt W«fc AMoatOk I ENGRAVING '^Q} J^ L.JONES, -OF ALL V WOOD ENGRAVER. -3^ --;• TORONTO, CANADA I STONEMASONS WANTE (Both Cutters and Builders) in Toronto at New Biological Buildings, also at New Parliament Builuings, Queen's Park. Wages 321c. per hour. Apply, JOSEPH YORKE, Jarvis St. Wharf, Toronto. WANTED Han with One Thousand Dollars to take charge of warerooms. Security or interest in business given. Apply BOX 310, MAIL OFFICE. Tk Alliance Bond andlnTestment Go. of Ontaiia CAPITAL Sl,000,000. Incorporated February^Yth, 1890. General Offices, 27 and 29 Wellinfirton St. E., Toronto The Company will undertake agencies of every description, and trusts, such as carrying out issues of capital, for companies and others, conversion of railway and other securities, give care- ful attention to management of estates, the collection of loans, rents, interest, dividends, debts, mortgages, debentures, bonds, bills, notes, coupons and other securities act as agents for issuing or countersigning certiflcatcs of stock, bonds or other obligations, will receive and invest smking funds and invest moneys generally, and guarantee Hncta Inveslntents. Will loan money at favorable rates. The Company will sell Xou-fi»rfeltabIe Bonds in amounts from $100 up- wards, and for any term of years from five upwards, to investors Who can pay for the same m small instalments. W.H. STO:ke, President. «. F. POTTER, .Wanaging Director. First-class General and Local Agents wanted throughout the Province, apply to WILLIAM SPARLI.\li, Superintendent. I CURE •'h the old man. a wager of So, " Big Six," a brutal 'i^" pugilist of considerable local repu- 'ii^uiii Hinningham, Ala., a few days ago " to have butted an ox to death. The '^tth ami. ran his head against that of the known remedy for it. If taken at the right "^vith the force of a battering-ram. The 1 time^-which, bear in ;;'inial fell to the ground and m five min V \^*^® i^ead. So the story goes. Big Six o^'^Ks in a brewery. He was for a time em- '^^^^ driver, but was too brutal. If a ~x or horse angered him he would knock j' animal down with one blow of his big fist. ili*,^^ost impossible to believe that such "^â- il brutes liv^ mind, is not when the lungs are nearly gone^it will go right at the seat of the disease and accomplish its work as nothing else in the world can. It is the only medicine or its class, S4jld by druggists, under a positive gvaratUee that it will benefit or cure in all cases of disease for which it is recommended, or money paid for it win be frva^lj refhndvd. Work Money If you want both, go to Great Falls, Mon- tana, and help build the Great Half Million Dollar Dam across the ISIissouri, the Two Million Dollar Smelter, or one of the Three Xew Lines of Railwayâ€" Xichart Line, Lethbridge Line, and Pacific Coast Line, all being built by the Great Northern Ry. (St. P., M. .i., 18,000,000 of free faniiing lands along the line For particulars s end p ostal card to J. M. UUCKINS, Can. Pass. Ag't., I Palmer House Block, Toronto. .riOUSANDS OF BOnU^ 3iVEN AWAY YEARLY. mt Whr..i I say eu»tt I do nek laea^ '-* nsr%(vtost:oo theinforatime,aadthee» nave them re^Jr^ again. I fWEAm A KA040Ai "iU^tcr â-  h^r? mad j tb«: disease of IVta^ »spilep«» or r jiClinK Sicknress a li.e-.onj stuj* .ra"'ar»i aiy remeciy to Cwr* ttob worst cas«». lecause others have laixa ji .lo asot'or i.dc now receiving a snre. Seodak. once for a trea^ist and a Fi-»c BottiM of 3jy I%fai 9.-;ii ftemsdy. Oive EaJ WMM faj ' Post Office It co«»s yoii nothing for a irtai, 'jirt it wiil ;url you Vddress iâ€"tu «U tKOQfW M.C.. Bra»c»t OiAofi. «se •*'«.«T ADELAkoe srttEETj Q;ONTOk Confefeeration %itc HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ORGANIZED 1871. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free firom all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Patd-np PsUcy and Cash Snrrevder Value Cnaranteed in each Policy. MiMM^/V iwi j-iny'X' AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST I^*oyides an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTXEirT. Policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Profits, which are unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated every five years from the isue of the pobcy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. ProOU so allocated are absolmte aad not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future tiMe nuder any eircuuwtanccs. Pariicipatinq Policy Holders an entitled to not less than 90 per cent, of the profits earned for the past seven years havejactually received 95 per cent, of the profits so earned J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director in the class, and W. C. MACDOKALD. ACTUART. TO Tax XpXIOBtâ€" Pieaae U- above oaaMd Ascase. Byitstiaidynsel Isball be 1^ to a«id two bottles of i ifthey wffl SMid aw their r yqor raaden Oat I have a peritlva remedy ibtflia laads of nopdess cases hare been penoaaeiiffir cnrad. roaethr PRKB to anyoCyonr raadcri who ba* iBiPM[MI|MAdd||PMfc R»igecthHy,TAi ' I i.i ill'

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