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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Apr 1890, p. 8

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 â- "â- â- ^f^^m' K'Si i At\ lii^i m DRS. SPROULE A EfiO, â€" PHTSICIANB, SlFBaEONS, ACCOXJCHBB8, C'â€" Office at Mauley's Drag Store, where all calls day of Bight will be promptly attended to. r. S. SPROULE, M. 0., A. EGO. M. 0..C. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Offi/ce at Stephen's Drug Store, Late of the liondon Hospital, England. P. icOviiioiifirii, BAREISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAHD'S STORE. MARKDALiE. IMoney to Loan. I. B. I-UCKS. BARRISTER, SOL.ICIT0R, c, of the firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Sound, at oflSce of â- HTm. LUCA.S, S^ Co., Every Friday. Wm. liucas in charge of oflBce during, week and legl matters will receive prompt attention. New Goods JUST AEMVED AT GaM9aL.S.Traii8itGo's (uuited) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTE. Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. TuMmmgmr and, Tmat Ttvight Une, tmxrjiag MnMMiamtr'm M»Us. aUR OTTAWA LETTER S. S. CAAMOMA, Capt. F. X. LaFbance. 5 S. CAMBRIA. Capt. Neil Campbsii CONSISTING OP D" WK. BBOWK. klVISICN COURT CLEEK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner} in B. E. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMiiEELEY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to Xioan on. Eeal Estate at low rates. A few JJ'arms for enle. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GKADUATE OF lOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. •Commencing on the 7th Sentember. MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM~~FQR SALE. Wall Paper, School Books, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, School Chalk. LADIES' GENTS' Pocket Books, c. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT â€" OF â€" New Jewellery. w^, sail daring the season of 1890 from Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie every Taesday and Mday, on the amval of the Canadian Pacific Evening Train from Toronto and points East (10:30 p.m.), calling at Killarney, Manitowaning, Sheguiandah, Little Current, Eagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish River, Buswell's Mills, Serpent Biver, Algoma Mills, Blind Siver, Thessalon Biver, Bruce Mines, Hilton, Bichards Ijanding, Garden Biver, thence to Sault Ste. Marie, calling at the above ports on the return trip. Tickets and Freight Rates can be obtained by applying to MAITLAND BIXON, at their new warehouse, on West side of river, where all goods for this Inne will be shipped, free of wharf- age; also at the office of EDWARD TODD, Poulett Street, JOHN CHISHOLM, and at the Company's Office, Maitland's Warehouse, East side of nver, on Biver Street. O. J. MeCKTTBE, 501-00 Managing Agent. Call when you are examine my stock. in town and FeiinloaFi I) S. BREADNER, Je^veller. u OT No. -24, con. 4, N. D. E. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payiBent, for further particulars .apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S, BLACK, IflO-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. EMursh, Prop R. J. SPROULE FLBSHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up audValuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. PRESERVE YOUR SiQHT BY WEARING THE ONLY FRANK LAZARUS [La.te of the firm of Lazarus Morris.J Benowned Spectacles and Eye-Olasses. B W. G. RICHARDS UILDER, CONTEACTOE, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. flflrrai for Spring Goods AT THE â€" Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tablrs, common; Extension in grrat variety "Waslistande Spring Mattress Wool Mattress «f all kinds, aud ill fact everything that is kept in a first-class shoo. Call aud get quo- tati'ins. Also Funeral Furnishings â€" 'Coffins, Caskets, Fyobes, Linings, (iloyep, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Thanking my uamer 0U8 customers for past favors. Yours respectluUy, J. W. Sproule. Tables, These Spectacles and Rye Glasses have been used for the past US years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are the Best in the World. They never tire, and last many years without chaufje. For sale by SAMITE]^ BBEASmSB, practi- cal Wateiimaker, .Jeweller and Engraver, dealer in all kinds of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Wall Paper, Stationery, School Books, c. Particular attention paid to repair- ingjflne watches. c., with neatness and despatch MAEKDALE, ONT. In the Matter of the Estate of Jolm Ritchie, Deceased. The creditors of John Bitchie. late of the township of Holland, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of January, 1890, and all oth- ers having claim against h-- "state are hereby notified to send by post, or jrwise deliver to the undersigned, solicitors foi uhe administratrix of the estate and effects of the said deceased, at their office in the Village of Markdale on or be- fore the 22na DAT OF IKAT IFEZT, their christian names and surnames,- addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof, and immediately aftei the said 22nd day of May the assets of the said John Ititehie, deceased, will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which notice shall have ' been given as above required. And this notice being given under the provisions of the Bevised Statutes of Ontario the administratrix will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her or his said solicitors at the time of such distribution. BISHOP ft I.UCAS, Solicitors for Administratrix, Markdale. Markdale, 9th April, 1390. Very fe^^ people covet the experience many 'would far rather fall into a pit. But the customers of "Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a fit every time, they ^^ould rather not fall into the hands of a KJaight of the Scissors and Needle 'Whose turnout "would fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits they want, fits they get, and he wants 1000 men and boys who want fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, Room over McFarland's store. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitationi. LABOR ITEM^S. Sadden ncQidents often befall artizans, farmers and all who work in the op«n air, besides the exposnre to coli and damp, pro- dtietng rheamatifim, lame haiA, otiff iotnta, lam^nASK. Ac YeUow Oil is a ready remedy for a'l f!n( h troables. It is biuidy an^ re. liaUe, and can be used internally or atemally. Flesherion GreenlioDse. To our customers around Markdale We take this opportunity of thanking you for your support in tiie past and hope for a continuance of your patronage this year. We have a got^l variety of greenhoupe plants, also Bedding and Perennials ior garden plajiting. In vegetables we have Cabbage. Celery CanliHower, Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper Plants !u their sea- on. Please send in your orders they will be promptly attended to. I have the honor to remain r«, .• Yours truly. oOl-l* JAMES BEECROFT. It's easy to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because so simple* It 's safe to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dye â- with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest. It's pleasant to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. RUNNING SOBES HEALED. I had a pain on my left side, which broke out m nmning sores. Buidook Biood Bittere was the only medicine which cave me rehef. although I tried many others. My aide IS allheuied up row, and 1 am able to so around after being in bed for over a yemr without relief. I also use Burdock POls. W find them the best; have erer taken, Mn. B. Mitddis, Mount PlMuaht. Oat. ^^ You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes. Because they are best. Our new book "Successful Home Dyeing" rivine full dTccnons for all „3« -.f Diamond Dycs.semTef on application. Diamond D-es are sold or any color mailed on receipt of Wblls, Richarusok Co, everywhere, price, 10 c«pts. Montreal, Que. th?l-°™^'^r.'^y provided cur«8 for all the disease flesh is heir to, but the proper ^paration of many of them haT no^^ been discovered. In WUson's Wild Cbem ^„^'*.!L~" '**! 9"°«"" Colds, WhocS t^ngh, Vttmp and kmdrea ailmenta niJ^ ed Irom vegetable drugs, inV^SkSr^d «w-»itrated fonn. aod wU^^^ Ottawa, April 22lâ€" There is never too macb modesty displayed Uy Niobo- las Flood Davin, but Ms ambition and love of dramatic display must have been satisfied when he occupied nearly one whole day the attention of the House of Commons. He first discus sed in an intelligent way some of the needs of the Ilorthwest, guch as irri- gation, a precaution against prairie fires, a grant of land aud half breed grievancdi. All his motions were voted down and theii the prairie poet literateur, linguist and statesman re- sumed his attack on Mr. Herchiman, Commissioner of Mounted Police, whom he charged with high crimes and misdemeanors. In proof of his incompetence au a soldier he alluded to the manoeuvres before the Govern- or General at Hegina last ear. Hon. Mr. Dewduey told the House that Davin was riding round the Governor General in a cayeuse aud Lad to be led away between two Sergeanfs. The House was so amused at tliis that Davin struck back viciously by eaying he was not for ten years pickinij the eyes out of the country like Dewduey and couldn't, like Dewdney, a£furd a carnage obtiained in an improper way. At this Dewdney flared up angrily aud told Daviu if he did not withdraw the statement he would make him. The Minister of the luterior is the greatest man in the Government, but as his face flushed and his eyes flaslied Davin quailed and took it back. Duriug the debate there were a series of encount- ers and contradictions between these two. Alluding to his refusal to accept his leaders suggestion of a depart- mental enquiry into the charges Davin compared himself to Aj ax defying the lightning and added that the Premier's frowns were terrible because of bis afi'ection for the Premier. Davin's motion for a Eoyal Commission was defeated, the Opposition voting for it. Most of the time of the House for tile past week has been spent in Com mittee on the tariff changes. They have talked much and sat late till be- tween one and two in the morning. The Minister of Fiuance has announc- ed a number of further changes, some increases and some reductions, a few additional being placed on the free list. The duty on salted meats has been reduced from three to two cents and the duty on spirits increased from $1.75 to $2.00 but with the standard of strength 15 degrees below proof in- stead of at proof. The Bremner Fur Committee met again on Friday and asked Stuart Henderson, Bremner's Ottawa sohci- tor, to produce certain papers. Hen- derson declined as it might prejudice the inlerests of his client. lu this he was upheld by Mr. Lester, the mem- ber for Lambtou, Ont., who said he would, iu Henderson's place, go to the Tower first. Deputy Minister of the Interior Burgeas testified that the Half-breeds Claims Commission had valued the furs stolen from Bremner at $5,800. The Committee will likely report the facts without assessing the damages. The Committee unanimous- ly agreed that the evidence estaolished Gen. Middleton guilty as to seizing, appropriatmg some and giving away others of these turs. The Committee meets again to-day (Tuesday). The most interesting evidence yet given m the Eykert enquiry has just come out in the testimony of Dalton McCarthy, M. P., and Wm. Laidlaw. a Hamilton solicitor. Wm. Laidlaw 13 brother to Robert Laidlaw, one of Mr. McCarthy's constituents who ap phed, through Mr. MeCarthv, for 140 square miles of timber limits at Cy- press Hills. Nearly a month after- wards Mr. Eykert applied for 100 square miJes within the sane ar^a Eykert got Laidlaw to act in concert with him and Laidlaw, hearing that the Department would only grant 60 square miles to each, agreed to a joint survey. Mr. McCarthy swore that he saw the Deputy Minister draw up the report to Council containing the exact description af the limit applied hr by Laidlaw. but when theOrder-in-Coun- .^^\ 'i^°^^ ' contamed an alto- gether different description, giving to Laidlaw a wortblean section without a tree on it lying just south of the lit-it he had applied for. Eykert was at the Department nearly every day and the result was that the Order-in CouncU issued to Adams, Mr Eykert's client gave him Laidlaw's limit contammg all the valuable Umber. fifty square mUeB. Dalton McCarthy stated tSal he characterized the transaction at the time as a gross fraud, and Mr. Laid- law swore he was never able to get an expUnatiouof Ufrom the Department. To show that Laidlaw aud Adams were gwng mooks iu this business Mr Eykert put in a highly amusing letter. w«.^„ .. May, 1882. on! toons are coming on and ti. howlmghkedemons. ft-.^i.- electionsgocHibyetoourH They will cancel then, IBIS'S to the Grits, 'f"^-- • "' '"*i°!!!L^'*«:â„¢w^V 'â- ^^atisiijej,; our possession at ouce'b!fn""*^k ernmentconldresigaeloS* tions-God forbidll^'^.He; Th,s letter was receive?"!,? K of laughter. Letter^ ^^l' ' from Mr. Eykert in wS^P•« that the Cover â€" â€" " "eUo-. granting thesi '6 hmitg hoi V"' make tijeui yield, and itT ^^ TheCoa.i;tte;w,72r.^"e5 dayJTuesday), Sir Joh7" â-  IBNTH YE. SirHectorLaugevia.Siru!nH â-  If- son, Mr. Launer Mr, •TohnTiji Mr.Co8tigan-allt],;seie2^' attendance at the Commits. "« Prorogation is not now Ui until the middle of lUylr It ' Following is one of the "W,» Prize Coâ„¢etiM„„ ston' ,*" wmtenb,as„b».6„uj,2 The ta^Ie which I am abnnt f„ was told me by au old Sh J? who with his wife ana tots children, came to, tLis.eountrv K forty years a«o. IwillStrJ; the story m his own words. Mvwife one morning told me that I J soon have to go to the mill as tb fln„; was nearly out. Upon this I resold to go as soon as I could get readj As I had no wood chopped fur I house, I went off to the bush tk morning, chopped all day aud tW went home. My wife and I stayed an all Eight preparing the wheat for the mill, I flailing it and she seiving it through an old seive as I flailed it, there being no fanning or threshiax mills in the neifrhborhood. We had it all ready at about one o'cloclj when we at last retired to rest. At day- break we were up and I was ready to start for the mill, which was about 20 miles distant. We got safely to the mill and, having got my grist.'l staii. ed for home at about nine o'clcck a! night. When about half way home a pin came out of the ox-bow and, finding themselves free, the oxea galloped off. I immediately started iu pursuit and after a chase of about two miles succeeded iu catchiuf; the tail of one. by raeauG of which I scrambled to his back. Having thus stopped them I rode them back to my load, hut upon finding that the pin was lost 1 ffi'as in a dilemma. As I had no knife with which to make an- other, I at last hit upon the plaa of gnawing a small limb to the proper size. Having done so I hitched the oxen to the sleigh and again stated homeward. We had gone some lailes further when I heard a sonnd wuieh curdled my very blood. It was the cry of wolves in pursuit. Wolves were then very numerous, but none had ever before pursued me. All lie horrible stories of tliem which I had ever jread came back to me with stwt- ling vividness aud I erew sick with fear, but remembering that they ware very jwardly, 1 took courage and urging the oxen, who seemed to to sensible of the danger, to their utmost speed, I snatched up a ch^iu, which I had with me, attached it to the sleigh and prep; red to throw it among them when they came near. Meantime thJ terrible pack was coming rapidly near to me though the oxeu were almost flying and I was still urging them forward As they came on I threw the chain amongst them with a crash, they stopped in surprise, and at thw moment I saw a light at my stable and drove franticallv through its opeudoor which my wife closed securely behind me. There was a covered way between the barn and the house and by it « went to the house, around which tn» wolves were howling terribly. ^J^J^ reaching it I was so exhausted thJti fell fainting to the floor, and my bw" wife dragged me to a bed, from ff JJ I did not rise for six weeks i» wolves left at dav-break. My â„¢ afterwards told me that slie, hs^j heard the wolves and feariugtbat^^^' were pursuing me, went to the st* and received me in the wav descriK • I may add that though I b*^« J" lived here for forty years I kave nev had such an exciting trip since. By Mabjoby h4'ff»- r«*^. i-Md -2;l ran «»i«ieUang Uke tW.: Ic^Jeki wSS^^oS: Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam ^jZ,iioiir colda, hoarseness, bronchitis, asf"â„¢" im ing ooogh and aU bmnotoal .0. troubles. Price 25o. per botUe, or » «» ALL IN A HEAP. Malarial fever left me with roj W*^^ p, terrible state, with boUs bre«k«'«°"^jfk head and faoe. I was too weak w ^i » even walk, bnt after takini? » "?^»U«to bottle of Bnidoek Blood Bit»r« 1 " ^^ work. Ihe boils all went s"^*?, ' j^^ani' u it -wore, and my â- tWK*' " -iir injr** before the bottle was don* Fieo- «• ij^e commercial lloag »go recognized t go^aee is the truth lo fW. J. JWCFAJ i jg r(cogniced as beii I closest aud best buyer line of business iu Cai Wtdoh fills my sto cnstomers who know (.deoided advantage by c It yon fiddle to most pc I them with the right n I have been a little I playing the one tunc bow it, what is It hs [tell my customers. I^This IS it, The G I prioOT low, quality ngl stick to this tune and [variation through ^departments are bought for spot ^«Dd best markets m auytiiing to ttiese goods b '»'• â- taods no compe e Jiet BO oompetiB 'â- â€¢*^f,:jif ;vifvv._-* ..' /\^ .^f.v Lg^i^Ar?

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