.*,:-*«-. /Si-j^w ,.t*,-i- â- -=â€",-. l-.^v â- 1 '•:f kl 1* â- »â- â€" Us ' mis^m:^sh C W. Butledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, APEIL 24, 1890. SCHOOL ELECTION. The yoting on choice of site, and election of a trustee to fill the vacancy, took place on Tuesday last. The yot- ing was by ballot and everything in connection conducted honorably. Great interest was manifested, each location having apparently an equal support. In order not to split the vote between the Brown and Bowes site the former was abandoned. The Agricultural grounds are located about forty rods £com the post office, or centre of the village, on the west.whUe the Bowes site is about sixty rods from the same centre on the south side. Both are handsomely located and in every way very suitable and indeed superior sites for a school. Very little interest was taken in the trustee ques- tion. Following is the result For Agricultural grounds 91 For Bowes site 82 Majority for former 9 TBUSTEE. J? or C. W. Butledge 105 For Wm. Brown 67 Majority for former 38 IBUSTEE HEETZNG, After the election a trustee meeting was held. All the members present, viz John Lyons. Wm. Lucas, H. D. Irwin, E. Butledge, W. A. Brown and C. W. Butledge Mr. Lyons, chairman of the Board, and W. A. Brown, Secretary-Treasurer. The insurance claim was finally settled, the board accepting $2,200 for their claim. A committee was appomted to have the Agricultural Hall fitted up at once for a summer school, also a committee to procure information and sketches of plan as to a new school building, to be laid before next meetmg of board, on Saturday next. Every effort will be made to have the school opened on Monday, May 5. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Nayigation has opened at Parry Sound and the Soo. â€" The Windsor Evening Star has suspended publication. â€" London South Monday decided by ballot to amalgamate with the city proper. â€" A Quebec despatch says the elec- tions in that province will take place June 14. â€"The Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount from 8^ per cent, to 8 per cent. â€" There were 1,678 deserters from the United States army during the past nine months. â€" It 18 calculated that 600 miles of railway will be constructed this season in Manitoba and the Northwest. â€" The Scott Act was repealed Thursday in that part of St. John. N. B., which was formerly Portland. â€" London, Out., has decided tocel* ebrate the St4th of May on Monday, instead of Saturday. There ought to Da Provincial unanimity about such holidays, to facilitate visiting among frieuds and for conyeoience in ar- rangiug railroad excursions. â€" It seems strange to read that there is a bill before the British Parliament to provide that jurymen shall be given refreshments in the case of extended caseii. Canada long aco abohshed the relic of barbarism which consisted of starving jurymen into reaching ft verdict. -^ A recent Chicago market report announced that **po7k was in sytn^tby with wheat." Now,, if it had said tiiat pcffk was in syn^wtfay with cabbage or beans it wealS ti^o! ^eea itelii^ble, eyen thonghii-ia jiiifiiQalt in any case ta look npoa s side (rf bacon as a.yery iH -^Pupil-farmers have suddenly be- come prominent through the shockmg murder of Ben well, the young English- man, near Princeton. It there is a band of clever rascals associated for the purpose of bringing young English gentlemen to Canada under false pre- tences and theB fleecing them, it is a satisfaction that no Canadian is mixed up with the crime. â€" Systematic fJEirming maps out in advance the work for the season. Bain or shine something has been marked down to be done without any waste of time. If sunshine and fair weather this thing, if raiu and storm then that thing. An alternative something to be done is always ready and the work that teUs goes quietly on. System implies intelligence, and systematic intelligent farming implies success. â€" In relation to proposed U. S. tar- iff on Canadian eggs, the Toronto Tele- gram beautifully observes; As a nation (Canada is either fit to Uve, or it is not. If it is fit to live, a drop in the price of eggs and hides will not spell ruin to our beloved country. If the favors of the United States are commercially the life-blood of the nation then we cannot live. And Canada will occupy no proud place in history. Nations have been annihilated before this Dominion of ours was born. In such cases it was the habit of the able- bodied sous of the subjugated country to die fighting. The flames burning capitals have lit the funeral pile of many a conquered nation. A less painful and picturesque fate has been reserved for Canada. Warsaw's last c^iampion will not stay to see the ruin of all our hopes. Nor will Ireedom shriek when our Kosciusko falls. The nation that survives the ruin of Little York is to perish when Congress turns the guns of high tariff upon the hen houses and hind yards of Canada. The country lived while an alien army was battling for the fairest portion of Ontario, but it must die on account of the low price of eggs. And poor Can- ada IB to go down the flume of time as the only nation in all the ages that perished miserably from the face of the earth because ot unsatisfactory fig- ures for fresh eggs and salted hides The Secret of A Xionir Idfe. You sometimes see a woman whose old age is as exquisite as was the per- fect bloom of her youth. She seems condensed sweetness and grace. You wonder how this has come about you wonder how it is her life has been a long and happy one. Here are some of the reasons She know how to forget disagreeable things. Slie understood the art of enjoyment She kept her nerves well in hand, and inflicted them on no one. She believed in the goodness of her own daughters and in that of her neighbors. She cultivated a good digestion. She mastered the art of saying pleasant words. S^e did not expect too much from her friends. She made whatever work came to her congenial. She retained her illusions, and did not beUeve that all the world was wicked and unkind. She relieved the miserable and sympathized with the sorrowful. She retained an even disposition, and made the best of everything. She did whateyer came to her cheer- fully and well. She never forgot that kind words and a smile cost nothing, but are priceless treasures to be discouraged. She did unto others as she would be done by, and now that old acre has come to her, and there is a halo of white hair about her head, she is loved and considered. This is the secret of a long life a and happy one.â€" Ladies' Heme Journal. JBBglUhBatlay The govenuooent, for eonvenienoe oi prompt distribution, has placed a few oars of prize prolific two-rowed burled, just arrived fcom^niflaud.wifii' The Steel Bros. .Co^ip^any, of Tqji^to, who are prepared to ship it promptly, freight prepaul. ib i^ wlo |^mit'£em $4 per bag, Ea«h bag eoBtouur im poondfl. and pmeluMers «m 6bti^ toj uamber ol bi^ i«aiin«clv^ Adib«M, "^^eBteel Btoi* QH To*oi«»."â€" .i,^i^,j^.i^ ^£ SPRING ImporlatioDS -AT â€" fK J. McFARLAND'S. JUST RECEIVED! Buy T^ Best " â€" «â- • â- â- â€" i^lKiSliiiil If you are in need of any Implements ia your respective lines JOst call. GRAHAM, THE LIVE IMPLEMENT n^^ of Markdale. as ha sells for the IcadinB MamifaotnrinK Companies of Cgnadaagf i, The Massey MfR. Co., Toronto, Binders, HarveBters, Mowers andSalkvB i. ^\ The Noxon Bros. Hobsier Seed Drills. •^J'«»ie(.. j The Patterson Bros. Spring Tooth Harrows and Plows and Steel Harrow. The Frost Wood Spnng Tooth Harrows and Sulky Plows. ^• The Eagle Sulky Cultivator and Seeder. Erie Iron Works. Plows. Wilkinson Pattern. Land EoUerP, SonfflerB I The Monarch Minnesota Chief and Climax Separator, manufaetwed b. p ' Pherson Horey, of Clinton. Ont. "'mi.n Also the Waterous Engine Works MiU Machinery. Eepairs always on hand at Trelford's Hardware Store or at \^are-rooing north of Markdale House. R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHJNC STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANAI^AN T WEEDS ma^^.^ and FEENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTOSS. TEOWSeS 1 m all the leading grades. SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAE iS COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, c.. c. "' ^^8. 1 Special attention is invited to the manufacture of Buttons; parti buttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or gentlemen, can W tiZ made in a tew minutes while waiting. â„¢n AGENT FOB PABKIER'S DYE WORKS. Tailoring doise sis usual. Custom work will receive careful attfinhon. Good work and r eat fits. • Per SteainsMp DeYonia 5 CASES COTU^PRISING -THE- LATEST NOVELTIES -ni- AIl the leading materials and fashion- able shades for Ladies' Dresses with Trimmings to match in either Braids or Combinations. I CASE, 24 DOZEN LADIES PARASOLS, In Zenilla, Alpacea and Silk, with either Loner or Medium Handles. The laigest and best assortment ever shown in Markdale. I CASE, WHITE AND CREAM 'uceXoubtmns.) in Prench, Gnipnre, Chintill« and Nottingham Lace. Beaatifal goods at very low prices. Spring Goods. SPRING DRE88 Goods -ANDâ€" SPRING SUITINGS to Biiit the people. Come early and secure a good selection. "WM-BBOWN, Toronto House., FARMERS and MILLMEN ARE USING WITH PERFECT SATISFACTION McColl's CELEBRATED LARDINE AND NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED McCoU Bros. Co., Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS '"' ^SrSSSS-iS?^** •**"» GOODS OP lEAirBXCE Sm^AV 9SOXASD. Notice is hereby Riyen porsaaut to R.S.O. Chapter 110. that all persons having claims npon or against the estate of Mrtiirioe Dulan, late of the township of Grlenelg, in the county of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the thirteenth day of April, A. D., 1857, arc on or before the I CASE, Sateen Prints. These goods cannot be surpassed for qaaUty of feextore aaid. bMitt^ of pattern and ar« warranted |ietfeettV Ai9t in'«o!or. It idll tay ;8?erv ijateiaaiiift |mr ojiaserrfc^ afei)4 %» afiei^Qoa fiSbf ^| â- ING andcicwk tiuoagb- a^-^impetta- twDB. #ood9ti»im inth'^pin.- aOBi DAT or HAT, A. D. X880k to send oy post prepaid or deHvered to the undersigned Solicitor for Thomas Dirian the Administrator for the said deceased a state- m«it m writing of iheir names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the iiature of all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is further given' that after the said last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator wiU proceed to distribnte the assets 01 the said deceased among the persons entitied tnereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as abovt jeqtrired, and the said Adminirtrator WiU npt be reaponeible for tti© assets or any pwrt theieof so iliBtribnted to any persra of whose olaim notice sfaaU not have been re- ceived at the time said distributitm is so made. A. o'Jtsao'*^"'" *^ l8t day of April, 1 P. MoOULLOUGH, '• • Solicitor tor AdmiHistrak*. wn^ oNiT rmitj^m WQffN WIIE FQiaNC M ate. jMif Mmi Vmiml •â- • r â- «: NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thatWiUim Gregory, a youth of 16 years left bis- home, at lot 19. con. 9, Eapbrasis, on Tuesday last, AprU 15. He a small of his age, dark comFl^i""' clad with fallcloth suit. Tb yo"' was procured from the Gathrie Some. London, seyeu years ago and must bfr returned, according to agreeioent. "J not wanted, or if required by W^ Home. Any information 88 to 1* whereabouts will be thankfully receive JohnManabei, BockljBf FORT'S and^etagristexchaj^ edandyouwiUsayt^^^ Ford gives the d satiBfaotionofanyi^ in the county. iaaa^getjour prices, ^^ :^pej?xor wheat w*. and can afford to J^ i ;ii :i:«mall ^^^ n.Vj. ee. •^^Jj foir Friday IsttiMto'i Corretpondend^ I Quite a number froij lunded the Walter's Fal iBj^y speak weU of Ma| joM-L-af. Iiit 80, Dougald, llien in love with a Ml Some talk ol weddif lon't beheve it. Wbat we miss this I ney's social chat, andl jhonie with the boys. I Yoa were mistakei jjpoiident was not gon« I Slid. I Anight school wo a li^preciated in this vici I by those troubled by ii J On account of the « lone of our north end cl [two of the boys home I the rest of the family I on the Lord's day. I Sunday's boil will I What say you, Mr. Ec MKECHANT I'd rather take yonr woo 111 take the trees from t CUSTOMEB Well, make the woman's And at your place we wU ZrlaHbtk |8taiidarf Oorrespondence. Miss Nellie Nash is lent with a severe attac j.We hope she may soon Mr. James Kerley, H I around again after a h grippe also Mr. Hug I few days illness. Mr. Gillon. surveyor J Falls, wap employed las I of the farmers of this ' I ing theur land. Messrs. James Kerk Byan, Jr., were haulii lait week, and while th off the load the horses ened and ran away, up bat otherwise did very The roads being i places causes travellei I the fields. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvet theur departure from 1 \m. Berkelej StendorJ Correspondeti Our station is in ful oar agent, Mr. F. Mci jy«»angnianandyerya j ""ess, also yery obligi ^tand everything «IaB8 order. We hope • permauent resident wirti him every succes The Berkeley saw oga^tion, running da Mr. Morehouse Mi I JfMn for a few week i «« back and looking j As the fine weatl P^t time there wa 1 2^?^' business as il «^m Main street t •f^joke stumbling »5 after night. ^«t 18 on the sick Wwon be able to and Mrs. Oh ^. 6, ^d Messrs. i Jg^f Markdale, m ilsk«re recently. "i-lWilson, of ' I Borne after vi w«.Lund. *« «re all alive ' ^iie weathe: ikffBboomin ^*^ _A BBIUJANT ""'•owj end if l^.: mmMmasM^ii^suM iiiiiiiiii