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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Apr 1890, p. 1

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 •ably the oldest pjeee of sixes to afriaud.^. ble-lookmg table »sh« old is ft?-, asked C four huDdred y«^.. s nothing. I ha^g er two ttiousand vaa«, '" "Yes^themnl^ Jral Balsam cures coMha, bronchitis asthma. wZ^' all bronchial and hL c. per bottle, or 5 for ll!^ yndence. avi8 liaa been very ill »ast with a lowmalaml an attack of la grippe, •y little hope was enter- recovery, but she is a present, ipsofl has left here and his farm near Daa»- has left here- and rent- le town line. I.\NT EECOBD. nd if not supported by erits the success of Bardbek founded on merita tm.i It punflies the b'ool, and constipation; biliousness, td all similar' complaints- yegetable. 49* « ssion of WyoxnlsjEr- and gratitude of alF- esentatiye government- memb rs of Congress^ be admission of Wyom- stitntion that secares- •ig^htsfor all itacitizanSr as men. tirae in the history of at Btich an event has 3 application of the the consent of the 1 crep slowly along, •ch members, then to s, then to poor whitfr jgroes and last of all, irs, of peaceful rtsTO- ilication of the same omen gets the first 1 the National Hoiwe res. il fact will ptand oW te alongside of the tion of Independence, marking as Jmpo^ and crowning- Witt names of the men VJ 3 eloquent deffflice we Vyommg wm» » J" DongressoftbeUniyd srnment of tbepe^Pf*' id by the people. LuoT 9ftot», Take V'Uson's Wnattjg :ake WUson'BVWMttjW- oice? TakeWUaon*^ Take Wilson's ^«« the Head? T»ke 3tn»B foraUais«520(*? mgs. Sold by •"""â-  â€" CA.UU OM J. e. Trelfoi^d, next door to Uaoley's dmg Btora. Markdale, aiid inspecthis Uige and weU asterted slock of Haidware, Moves and Tinware Painta and Oils. Prompt at- tention to repairing and eave- "HEW TO THU LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." TENTH YEAE.â€" 15^0. 502. MABKDAIE, THUKSDAY, APKIL 24, 1890. C. W. BUTIiEDaE, Proprietor. Ijcal and Other Items. •-7 Z^^^i^sese columns intended to benefit 2Sividml or Society will hechargedUn ta line for the first insertion and five line each suhiequent insertion. ««(««_ -^Qjj(j£.-Correspmdevce, communica- J^ idvertisementK. dtc„ must he in thi* Jfjb^ noon on Tr^^^day to insure publication (jutveek. Seeding is progressing rapidly. 5lE. Hugh McKkb, Glenelg, lost a valuable luare last week. Miss Shears, of Dundalk, spent a few dsyg recently with friends here. Mrs. W. J. McFarland and daughter are this week in Toronto visiting friends. Miss Rombough and Miss Shears, of Durham, visited Markdale friends this Mk. Ro3t. Hammill, of HoUjind, sold fonricen head of three year old steers the week before last for $750. The brass band serenaded the editor of the Standard Tuesday evening on the occasion of, his election as school trus- tee. The Misses Minnie Lane and May Crawford, of Owen Sound, were the guests of iliss Amelia McFarland re- cently. A COPY of January session of the County Council minutes is to hand. It was gotten np at the Mirror office, Mea- iord, and reflects credit on that office. The twenty-fifth semi-annual meeting of Soutli Gicy Teachers Institute will be holil in the Model School, Durham, on lhur.%(lay and Friday, May. 22 23. il::-si;s. S. Breadkee and C. W. Casson havo this \\-cck entered into partnership • and are at present in Toronto bupng their spring and summer stock. See their advertisement in next week's Standard. Mr. Bowes' family moved this week to Toronto, all except George (J. who will rcir.ain in Mauley's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. B. will be much missed especially in counecciou with the Meth- odist chnrcb as both were indefatigable workers. The best wishes of the com- munity follow them. Mi3S HKyRiETTA Benson returned on Monday last, after spending nearly a year at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and will forthwith organize a class in instrumental music. Miss. H. B. is naturally gifted in this direction, and it is but reasonable to expect that with thorough training in the best school of the province she will prove herself a pro- ficient teacher. Me. J. GiMBYâ€" now Dr. Gimby â€" brother of Mrs. T. Boland of this village, spent a few days in Markdale this week. Mr. J. was head teacher in Markdale school a few years ago but has been studying medicine late years, and graduated last week at the Medical School of the Toronto Umverity. He purposes studying for a term this summer in the Old CJonntry after which he will locate. An ingenious swindle is being worked in several counties, in which a fountain pen with a double load plays an import-/ ant part. The pen carries two kinds of ink, one of which will fade, the other will not. The superfluous parts of a contract are written m the ink which fades, and the farmer's signature vrith the permanent, and the document finally figures as a note of hand, which is discounted at the nearest bank, and the farmer has to pay. Xtmaraa. It is vdth regret that we an- nounce to our readers that Messrs. Mc- Beth have finally consented to remove their business to Chesley, Co. Bmoe. During their stay here they haye made many friends and althoogh we Wed to restrain them, they had became imbued with the idea of "Westward, ho " Our citizens will feel the 'Void of sociality in a keener da- 8tee than we can pietare them soffioe *o say â€" •wbereivet b7, go. onr beat wishes attend than. If yon want to get cheap flour feed, c., read Benson's adv. tliis week. "At Borne." The last At Home of the season under the auspices of the Methodist Ladies Aid was held on Wednesday evening, April 16 at the home of our hospitable citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster. A very sociable evening was spent, all apparently .thoroughly enjoying them- selves. Xdfflit Tlstgtan. On Thursday last a lad of thirteen or fourteen years called at the house of Mr. John Stedwill, two miles from this village towards Flesherton. He had shoe laces and other trinkets which he offered for sale, but shortly after he left Mr. Stedwill's watch â€" which had hung on a nail by the clock â€" ^was missed. The lad was pursued to Markdale and it was found that he had called at the Reyere Hotel and traded the watch with WUUe Hughes, the landlord's son, for a revolver and had left. A warrant was then taken ont for his arrest and Constable Noble overtook the youth at Berkeley, bring- ing him back to Markdale where a magistrates trial was held the following morning, when the lad confessed the theft giving his name as Will. Chambers. He was sent to Owen Sound there to stand his trial. Business Xrfcals. Bbeao for the million at A. W. Wade's bakery. Young Durham bull for sale cheap. B. Coleman. A GOOD violin for sale cheap. Apply to Smith, the barber. House on Sydenham street to rent. B. Coleman. Wanted! 10,000 doz. Eggs and any quantity of good Butter at Mercer's. Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. McNally, the carriage maker, has the best make in road carts for sale. See them. Never say dye to your old dress when you can get a new one so cheap at Mercer's. The people say that Miss Douglas sells fancy goods just as cheap as they do in Toronto. Fob service, young bull from thorough- bred Ayerhire cow and Durham bull. B.Coleman. 502-4 The original unabridged .Websters 1281 pape Dictionary for $3.75 at Mauley's Drug Store. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. Don't forset that we put np our own garden seeds and it will pay yon to buy them. Mauley's Drug Store. F'ifteen felt hats sold in twenty min- utes on Saturday night at Mercer's. Styles and prices must be right. Pawnee Purifying: Powd- ers ^^^ manufactured and for sale only at Manley's Drug Store. Hamilton, the photographer has taken thousands of good photos, but still he keeps right on improving all Hie time. Obchabd Grass, Italian Bye, Meadow Fescue or Sweet Grass Perennial Rye and Kentucky Blue Grass at Stephen's Drug Store. I'eAS, Teas, from India, China, Ceylon and Japan, wholesale and retail, at M. BicUardson Co's, Jjlesberton, Direct Importer!. Monet to Loan on Mortgt^ Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, bnsiiiess strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lncas Co., Markdale. Fob the best Seed Drill, Broadcast Seeder, Cnltivator or Spring Tooth Harrow, go to Jackson. Terms easy and prices right. Bepaixs cash. Stbatsdâ€" Into premises of nnderagn- ed, lot 46 Sydenham St., Markdale, on 18th April last, one abeep. The owner can have it l^^ 'ptirving prope r ty and paying chacgei. J. T.X^rasi,. The sidewalk committee inspected the sidewalks yesterday. Gentlemen, if you want the best and cheapest pants you ever sat in, go to Mercer's also see his Ready-made.Suits for men and boys' Great bargaiiis. Hello These â€" ^For a first-class ^^ffgjt Democrat or Wapon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. IMillinery â€" Latest novelties m Hats, Eonnets, Laces, c., and a big stock of Parasols, direct importa- tion, at M. Richardson Co% Flesh- erton. The Eagle Sulky Cultivator takes the lead, for it adapts itself to uneven ground. Every tooth works mdepend- ent. Farmers see them before purchas- ing. F. Graham. Spring- Suitiiijsrs^ Scotch EngliBh and Canadian Tweeds and Worsteds. For finest goods at close quotations try M. Richardson Co., Flesherton. "Ugh 1" exclaimed Brovra, "I believe I shall freeze to death but I've got to die sometime," he added, "and I might as well die that way as another." "Much better," replied Fogg, consoUngly "you'll have such an excellent chance to thaw out on the other side, you know. Cai*iets, Oilciotlis, Window Shades, Curtains and Poles, Wall Papers and Ceiling decorations at low prices. M. Bichardson Co., Flesheiton. Sprlntr Tootli Harrows I The best in Canada 'west. Sold by Jackson, the great Implement man. rress GroodsJ â€" English Brocades and Serges, French and English Henriettas and Silks, all the new shades at M. Bichardson Co's, Flesherton. "Captain, we are entirely out of ammunition," said the orderly sergeant of a company of volunteers to his Irish captain at a late review. "Antirely out " said the captain. "Yes, entirely out," answered the sergeant. "Then sase firing," said the captain. Broadoast Seeders. Jackson sells the best Seeder with Harrow and Grass Seeder attached, in the wide, wide world, manufactured by the wide awake firm of J. O. Wisner, Son Co., Brantford. Builder's Hardware â€" For the inside track on prices m Nails, Hinges, Window Glass, Felt, Fitch, Plaster, Cements, c., go to M. Bichardson Co., Flesherton. Flows I Plows I For a Floury, Wilkinson, Gowdy, or McGill Plow, Jackson keeps them and repairs too. Two-Furrow Gang Plows, Iron Harrows, Land Rollers, and every Implement the farmer wants, "Just listen to this, Martha!" ex- claimed Mr. Jarphly, who was reading his evening paper. "One of the dogs in the London prize show is \alued at $50,000 I Good gracious That's more money than I ever expect to be worth in my life." "Some dogs are worth more than others, Jeremiah," quietly remark- ed Mrs. Jarphly, and Mr. Jarphly eyed her for a moment, and said she need not sit up for him that evening. Fabmebs, See Hebe. â€" For the next three months I will sell you a Dog Cham Power for twelve dollars cash at my shop. Don't miss this chance. The nsnal price is 116 bnt I want money to meet a payment and must turn these articles into cash to help me ont. J. H. Hamilton, Thomhury. 501-3 "Oh, dear " sighed a farmer's vrife wearily, as she dropped into a choir i^ter a hard day's work, "I feel jnst as if I were going to be sick. My head throbs and my hack aches dreadfolly, and â€" " "By gosh," intrampted the. farmer, starting np and seizing his hat, "that reminds me. I forgot to give tibe DISTBICT DOTS. to-night, an' he's been a wheering all Amjt" and he honied to the bam. Jamee Foy. ni Eophrasia, a timber driver, liaU a tiiM into Beaver irif ax lac* S'tidaj evenkig at Tboniteuy ai^ diovMd. The body waf»ieooT«ni« Mrs. Walter Hunter has been ap- pointed post mistress at Clarksburg. The Beliance Eleotrio Light Co. are putting in a dynamo in Wiarton, Mrs. A. L. Morrow of Oweo Sound, visited her parents in town this week. A cow belonging to Mrs. S. Gilmore Euphrasia, gave birth to two calves on Sunday, April IS. Bevs. Mclntyre and McBae, Presby- terian evangelists, have commenced meetings in Wiarton. Mrs. Thos. Davis of the 2nd coo., Glenelg. near Duiham, fractured her arm by a fall recently. The name of the post office, at South- ampton has been changed firom Sau* goen to Southampton. Mr. Wm. Fawcett, Euphrasia, bad his stock increased by seyenteen young pigs from one sow recently. Bev. Duncan Morrison, of Owen Sound, has had the degree of Doctor of Divinity conferred upon him. Creemore school boys take loose planks from the sidewalk and make rafts to sail on an adjacent pond. A. H. Watson, who recently became proprietor of the Blyth Standard says he belongs to the sticking plaster bri- gade and therefore came to stay. Jesse Eetcbem, leather dealer, Orangeville, recently made an assign- ment, and his creditois have accepted 0. compromise of 75 cents on the dollar. FARMERS! FARMERS! If you want to save money buy your FLOUB, FEED, OAT AND COBN MEAL, CBACKED WHEAT, BOLL- ED WHEAT, GBAIN FLOUL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, c., at B£NSON!S We will sell you cheaper than any other grocer in MAEKDALE. CHOIC© Breakfast Hams, Boiled Spices, Bacon Bologna Sausage, Long Clear Bacon, at rock bottom prices, parties want- ing anything in this line will save money by calling on us. Potatoes. â€" Mr. M. Scully, of Owen Sound, who has bought about 30 car load of potatoes in Sbelburne this season for shipment to Montreal, re- quests us to ask the farmers of this section of country to plant only the Rose and Hebron varieties of potatoes, as they are the best kinds and will bring higher prices in the market. Mr. Scully says "the Eureka potato is of no use whatever." â€" Free Press. At a social in Owen Sound last week by the Young Ladies' Aid of the Pres- byterian church, a debate was the chief attraction of the occasion, the question being "Besolved, that it is better to marry for money than for loye." The debate vfab conducted by four young ladies and was considered to be the best eyer given in the Hall. The decision was left to the audience, who awarded the victory to love as against money by a small majority. FRESH GROCERIES in Walter's Tails. Central Spring Show of Stallions and Bulls was held in the village of Walter's Falls, on Friday, ISfh April. The weather was fine and a good at- tendance. The following are the re- wards For the best Imported Clydesdale or Sburo Stallion, 1st Wm. J. Sbepherdson, "Modem Type," 2ud Donald Bobeitson, "Prince of West field." Canadian Heavy Draft Stallion, 1st. Jacob Shurk, "Youne Modern Type," 2nd. Wm. Garbutt, "Farmers Help." Best General Purpose Stallion. 1st. Wm. Fawcett, "Lord Landsdowne." 2nd. Phillip Connell, 'Young Ensign.* Best Blood Stallion Thoroughbred, Begistered Pedigree, Thos. McCarroI, '"Lexington." Best Carriage Stallion, 1st. Thomas Tuck, "Eddie F," 2nd. James Henry. "General Boston." Best Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 2 years old and upwards, registered pedigree, David Beid, "Arthur Fritz Ingram," 2ud, James Bobertson, ••Lord Geprge Ingram. Best Thoroughbred Darhatn Bull, under 2 years old, registered pedigree, 1st. John Thorn, " Sir Bobert." Best Grade Bull of any age or breed, iBt. Wm. Milson, "Bloomfield," 2ud. John Westherhogg, "Tom." Beef Boll of any age, Diploma, two year old ccdt his oondititm powder Datid Beid of Bbgaor, '*Ajrthnr Fritz no stale goods arriving daily, close business, you well. stock, goods attention to Give us a call we will use R. H. BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. 18YEARS AT THE TEADB. Ingrain Judges woreâ€" James Hohnes, MeaKd P. O. Alex. Pringle. Ghats- worth P. O. Aohdw Biasinofe ThorabtMy P. 0. Peter IXguMtan, i "WoieajEurd P. O.â€" Cqh. ... Fine work a Specialty, BEST TOOLS -AND- PISHING TAQKI. FMliPCIirUfRES.lN^RE 11111109 AHI MATERIALS -:- USED Prices Low W. A. BEOWN, JEWELLBB. AT MAI|L|Ey*S. â- ^ -â- .,^..j.^Ji^ki: ,::\r;^M£^C4^i^^MwfM

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