VP" ^p mmm BRS. SPROULE A EBO, â€" PHY8ICIAII8, BUBaBORS, ACOOXTCHEBB, â€" -Office St Mauley's Drug Store, where all eftUa day or night will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPROULE, M. D. A. EGO. M. D., Ac. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, (Mice at Stephen's Drug Store, Late of the Iiondon Hospital, England. JP. ^tcCullougrhi, BABRISTBR, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAHD'S STORE. MARKDAIjE. iVIoney to ILioa,ii. New Goods JUST AREIVED AT I. B. LUOT^S. BABBISTER, SOL.1CITOB, Ac, of the firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Soond, at office of \Km. I^UCA.S, Si. Co.. Every Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of office luring week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. BROWX' DIVISICN COUKT CLEEK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner; in B. B. c. C onveyancing^in^aU its branches promptly attended to and oiifef ally executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEBLEY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Jfarms for etle. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. ^dentI|t, graduate of toronto school of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Uarkdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesdajf in each month for the practice Oi his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MOMY T0_ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM~FOR SALE. JEWELLERY STORE CONSISTINO Of. "Wall Paper, School Books, Note Paper, Envelopes^ Pens, Pencils, School Clxalk. LADIES' GENTS' Pocket Books, c. ALSO A LAKGE ASSORTMENT â€" OF New Jewellery. Call when yen are examine my stock. in town and S. BREADNER, Jeweller. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDALE. ONT. J. £. Marsh, Prof^' R. J. SPROULE FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon'shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. W. C. RICHARDS â- OUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ABOHI- r) TECT, Markdale. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT BT WEABING THE ONLY FRANK LAZARUS [Late of the firm of Lazarus Morris.] Beaowned Spectacles and Eye-CHasaea. These Spectacles and Kye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are the Best in the Wobld. They never tire, and last many years witho ut cha nge. For sale by SAXCITE^ BBEASAEB, practi- cal Watchmaker, Jeweller and Engraver, dealer in all kinds of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Wall Paper, Stationery, School Books, c. Particular attention paid to repair- ingjflne watches, ice, with neatness and despatch MABKDALE, ONT. in the Matter of the Estate of John RitcMe, Deceased. There is • place and an opportunity not to be despised for the country newspaper work- er, and with this, as with %ll large opportuni- ties, |a serious obligation to careful, thorough honest work, writes Edwin A. Start in the New England Magazine. It is not too much to say there is no bettw field for an intelligent well-eqaipped man of large symathies and vigorous peraonaUty tban the editorid ehair of a country newspaper, nor is there a position which places on a man greater duties to the community in which he lives. The editor of the great metropolitan newspapers rests on the heights of impersonal journahsm flinging their thunderbolts with a freedom born of almost entire personal irresponsi- bility; and while the thunderbolts are in great pait shattered on the rocks below, the country editoi walks with the multitude in the valley, gives the weight of his personality to the impersonal words of his paper, which comes to the people like the warm handclasp of a friend, measures his words in accordance with the peculiarities -of his constituents, and influences the thought and feelings of hundreds where the thunderbolt of the un- approachable Jove strikes one. It was a successful country editor in a thriving Massachusetts town who once sagely remarked that, if he were a candidate for I ofQce, and must take his choice between the combined support of the metropolitan diiiUea and that of the country press, he wpuld choose the latter, and accept with equAuimity the hospitality of his city brethern. Every countty editor knows that he was right The great dailies, so-called, are received in the abstisct as vendors of the world's news. Their resources in this direction are great and cannot in the nature of' things be rivaled by those at the command of country papers of limited circulation. But the country paper comes nearer to the hearts of the peo- ple at large it is more thoroughly read, and it has an influence all the greater because it is one of those subtle, unrealized every-day forces of life. It is neld rigidly to account for the honest and fairness of its utterances It cannot palm off on its leaders what are well known in the slang of the newspaper fraternity as "fakes " it must be reliable first of all. Neither can it violate moral decency to any marked extent and prosper, as can its city neighbors. In ^most communities its constituency is largely fpund in the churches, and will not tolerate vulRaiity. The country newspapers stands to dwellers oatside the large cities in the place of a friend and home visitor, and it is essential that it maintain the good charactei and pood breeding that are required of other friends, if it would keep warm its welcome in the home circle. Canada L.S. Transit Go's (limited) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTE. Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. Passenger and Tast rreiffbt Uae, caxryliiir KerUmesty's Kails. AH nOPOBIAKT LBXTKB ntOK A FOBMSB nkasTOMUH.. KWGSTOK. AprU JO.â€" M. J, Matopey, who studied several years in Kingston for the priesthood, but who is now a notary public in Ghicaeo. writes an important letter on separate schools to the News, from which the following is taken Now,lefe;n8 look at the question as reason- able men, not as blind fanatics. The Catholic ratepayers cannot afford firstrclass teachers in their schools; they cannot hire teachers with first and second clajs certificates. This the lamented Father Stafford admitted with pain and regret. The KiugHton faeparate school board cannot hire any such people to teach in their schools. The consequence is the teachers are religious people, unacquaint- ed with the condition of things prevailing in the world. Their mind is bent on religious ideas and the best methods of attaining re- ligious perfection. I do not wish to reflect on, or derogate from, the teachings of those conducting the separate schools of Kingston, but 1 claim, and justly, too, that the world of to-day requues our children to be ekilled in science and art â€" more of the profaut sub- jects in our sohools, less of religion. Now, let me ask what inducements has a boy or girl to study for teachers' certificates m the Catholic schools I know joung ladies in Kingston who graduated from the Catholic schools with honors, even went through the convent, and of what benefit to them has been the polished erudition they possess? Can one of them obtain a position as teacher in a public school in their native Kingston? No because the public school board said empatically they did not want Catholics as teachers in their schools, and they were right in saying so, because only the children of taxpayers in these schools can claim such benefits. The Catholic people ignore these schools. They claim that only Catholic schools are fit abodes for their children to be instructed in, and they must take the conse- quences. Can the ladies to whom I refer obtain a position at a reasonable salary in the separate schools Now, the result, as can easily be seen, is. had we but one school â€" the public school â€" all would grow up. on the same footing of equality; all would be cit'zeus and no power on earth could prevent a (.Catholic in such s coniition of things from teaching in the public schools. The Hon. C. F. Fraser is a clever man, but he knows no honest reason can be adduced in support of not having the separate school trustee election by ballot, and he knows further that the intelligent and ii liberal- minded Catholics of Ontario favor the hold- ing of the elections by bnllot and believe the separate schools could be dispensed with and their abolition not injure reliKion or morali- ty. To say that the rights of Catholics are threatened by those who demand properly Mb8. Dokxkixt is np f^ ,. ttus -week visiting her man t^ ^ia succes8or.""Jj* hae seen ' A SPAN of good young ho-^. Apply to Charles John^ton^' 892.tf. HKKBAGEUM increases the milk by one-half and at the keeps the cow in better condirn" Abtoby is told of an old k^ refused to be comforted by h *** assurance that the Lord wonM ^^' better pastor as ' " na," she said, "I changes in the ministers since T the^prk, and every ane Las beln tban anither." â- *'"«ii»»iit "Thai- improbably the oldest weoe„, furniture in t^ngland," said thee! w of antique curiosities to afrfej ingtoa ^enerable-lookiBg tabl^ "'"'• «poke. ..How old is ^r 2^^ friend. "Neariy " "Pshaw 1 that is nothing, wo th( Ye^ the How old "Nearly four hwulreTyei,,,, have u, two thonsand yete nml^li. Arabic table over old." "Indeed " cation table." Ha-yard's Pectoral Balsam cnrM .„„ i colds, l.oarsensss. bronchitis a£"Jf'"' ing cough and all bronchS T^J*""^- troubles. Pr ice 2oc. i erbotde rLS!S Grocer, Markdale. Keaforfl Boatt. Standard Correspondence, Mrs. J. M. Davis liaa been veryill for some time past witba lowmalaml fever following an attack of la grippe At one time very little hope was enter- taioed of her recovery, but she is a little better at present, Mr. D. Tbompsoa has left here and gone to live on his farm near Dm- dalk. Mr. A Holly has left here-and rent- ed a farm on the town line. The thanks and gratitude of all friends of representative government are due to the members of Congresj who voted for the admission of Wyom- qualified teachers for the separate schools if Mng with a COnstltntioD tliat secares tneir abolition be impossible and that Ctho- A BRILLIiNT BECOED. WILL soon end if not supported by genuine merits the success of BarM Blood Bitters is founded on merit! ani approved by trial. It purifies the bloo i. aiii cures dyspeosia, constipation; biliousness, sick headaches and all similar complaiiit!, B, B. B. 18 purely vegetable. The Admission of Wyomii^. S. S. CAAMONA, Catt. F. X. IiaFbancb. Hnrrali for Spring Goods tt THE Markdale Furniture Wareroom, Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth. Sxiits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tablts, common; Extension Tables, in gn at variety Washstands Spring Mattress Wool Mattre.'s "f all kinds, iiud in fact everything tlipt ie kept in u 6rst- class shop. Call and get quo- tHtiouH. Also Funeral FuruiBhipgs â€" Coffins, Caskets, Eobes, Linings, Glo^en, Crapes nf all descriptionii al- ways in stock. Thanking my uumer- t)UB castomers for past favors. Yours respectinlly, J. W. Sproule. 5. S. CAMBRIA. Capt. Neii, Campbell W"i^ »il during the season of 1890 from •LLil*®' "^J» Sault Ste. Marie every Tneiiaay and Friday, on the arrival of the S5»^, ""sifle Bve^ Train from Toronto The creditors of John Bitchie. late of the ^^^^nl^n^ 8hl^'iVSdkl?"SISl^^^^ township of Holland, deceased, who died on or Ka«awong, Gore Bay, Spanish Biver Bn^pli'a about the 23rd day of January, 1890, and all oth- Mffls, Serpent Biver. AlJZaMUlJ[ Blind ers having claim against his estate are hereby notified to send by post, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, solicitors for the administratrix of the estate and effects of the said deceased, at their office in ttie Village of Markdale on or be- fore the 2Sna SAT or XAT VBZV, their christian names and surnames, addresses S^J"*^:^" B2«« Mines. HUt^^Mchwds landing. Garden Eiver, thence to Sanlt Ste MMie. calUng at the above ports on the return y.^^"^^ *?** Fbeight Bates can be obtained by applying to MAITLAND REXON, attW S'^rSf«^^?A^ °5_«:?t'«i??of river, VhlreaU and description, the full particulars of their Koodsfor this Line will be shipped, free of wharf- claims, a statement of their accounts, and the' S?*" */^ ** *he office of EDWAKD Tonn JonJett Street, JOHN CHISHOLM, and at the S°d?rr?;irfav^?^S«.« War^ho^nirVa^s? nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and in default thereof, and immediately after the said 22nd day of May the assets of the said John Bitchie, decease^, will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which notice shall have been given as above required. And this notice I being given under the provisions of the Beviaed I Statutes of Ontario the administratrix wm not te liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her or his said solicitors at the time of snch distribution. exa-oo J. XeCKVBZ, Managing Agent lOVftVCAB, Solicitors for Administratrix, Markdale. Markdale, 9th April, 1890. LA.BOB ITE^S. Saddffli accidents often befell •rtixaus, farmers and all who work in th^ open air, liesides th« «-xpA#nra to coti and dam]^ pc«- dneing riKonwtiam. lame btMk, stifl foiata^ Ismennw. As- Telloir Oil is • rcaJT ttmm^ for aU pock troablea. It k baady mad «• Flesherton Greenlionse. To our customers around Markdale We take this opportunity of thanking yon for your support in the past and hope for* continuanee of your patronage this year. We have a good variety of greenfaoiiro plants, also Bedding and Perennials for garden planting. In vcrgetables we have Cabbage, Celery, Cauliflower, Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper Plants in their sea on. Pleastf send in your orders they wUl be promptly attended te. I have the honor to remain ,^, .. Tours truly, fiOll* JJIMES BEECBOFT. into a Fit. iod n/is :Vf i^i^ ";fv. 'â- â- RUNNING SOBES HEALED. I had a pain on my l^i side, whieh broke out in mnniiig sores. Burdock Blood Bitters WBs the only medicine whioh gave me relief. alOioniUi I tried many othen. My side H ^healed op row. and 1 am able to op anmndaftyr being in bed for oyer a year !n*lMii rilkC laisp use BordofBk nils, s^ Very few people covet the experience many would far rather faU into a pit, But the customers of WiU. Stoddart covet the ex- I)erience of a fit every time, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle whose turnout would fit them like rolling into a pit. lies be giyen the ballot in their school elec- tions, is ridiculous. It is a scheme hatched by Messrs. Mowat and Fra;er to wheel the Catholic electorate into line in support of that Crovemment â€" a marketable article in the eyes of the Grit political hucksters whidi is saleable to the highest bidder. Mr. Fraser hopes m this way to consolidate the Catholic electorate on the side of Mr. Mowat and his clique, who have done the Catholic ieople of Ontario very scant justice indeed, and to whom the Catholic people of Ontario owe little, if anything. A glance at the good positions in Kingston awarded by the Gov- ernment will tell any honebt man that not one is held by a Catholic. I oppose the drag- ging of religion into national politics. The Mowat Government know their past record is bad they have grown corrupt in office the public good demands that they be thrown out of power. The keen-sighted Fraser sees a golden opportunity of retaining power by stirring up the school question and setting the adherents of the Catholic church on the warpath against the majority of the province. May such an e£fort be frustrated, and for that end I hope the Catholic electorate of Ontario will be men, and show that they cannot be hoodwinked by a man who holds a position in the Mowat Cabinet because he is a Catho- lic and has no more oonoern about the intarests or welfare of his oo-reUgionists than a hoodoo ha« for the welfare of the American republic. equal political ngbtsfor all its citizens, women as well as men. It is the first tirne ia the history of this country tliat such an event hss occurred. The application of the principle of "the consent of tlie governed," has crep slowly along, first to the church members, tben to property-holders, then to poor wlute men, then to negroes and last of all, after forty years, of peaceful reyo- lution, the application of the same principle to women gets the first majority vote iu the National Honse of Representatives. This historical fact will ftand ow in coming time alongside of "i^ original Declaration of Independence, equaUy honored, marking as impor- tant an event, and crowning wit" equal honor tbe names of the men oj whose brave and eloquent defence the new State of Wyoming won » W trinmph in the Congress of the UniWi States for a goyernment of the people, for the people and by the people- Have you a Congh Take Wilson »J^A^ Have yon a Coll? Taie W fo°»SaS Haveyou Bronchitis? Take Wilson sW^^ Have you lost your Voice Taie WJsons « Cherry, Have you Asthma? Take Wilson bwuo^I, Haveyou aCiold in the Head? !»«« "" WUd Che Jerry. The Old Bbuablb Cube for?" "^S^nffli* ThHi*t. Cheat and Lungs. Sold by »U «r»s*" Throat, Chest and Lungs. T. W. Butledge, the Grocer, Markdale. Blopara SrowBoA. t^ iU" ,^J!i^^*"' Q«®- Ap"i 8.â€" On March 28th a man named Belan- ger tried to elope with another man's wife, a Mrs. Laframboise, both reai. dents of the town of Laticaster bns nrpem^- while trying to cross over to ' Porf rotomed, according to Vj i,, tli» ♦,7 I *^r ^^^^ drowned in the Boath ^:t'it8 they want, fits t^i±!^L^!r±^^-T^y^- NOTICE. Noiice is hereby giyfJi^^jS brss fie Gregory, a youth of 16 ye«J'-i^ home, at lot 19. con. 9, ^^^Tji on Tuesday last, April 15. j^ small of his age, dark coopl^ clad with fuUcbth suit. Jbe was procured from the ^i*°y-^:j{ \f London, seyen years ago*""" f if taten. Mn. ^oys 10(50 men and who want fits. ^mJL.noopt^ thgrget, MldhewaSts ^Se^°^'"' »»ve not yet bwn «. or- C â- Ail â- -1" .fW." --5.10 'tor â- ":;â- /-•â- :-, •â- â- â- :'^Jft-i^:-' •.:â- â- â- •. Home. Any infor°»»*if ..fJiirti whereabouts will be thankfaliy John MAKi**^^ (,^ JtJBILEB LODGE. No- ^^'^Lt^t t.nrfe. Moffat. W.C. M**-* fTEN^ {(oncBs t« 0M individv f0tt a liff SOTICE. Qimt veek. Seeding i Kb. Hug valuable ma Miss SHEi days recent] Mrs. W. J are this weei Miss Boki Durham, vis week. Mb. Eobt. fourteen hea the vreek bei The brass of the STANDi occasion of 1 tec. Thk Misse Orawford, ol ^ests of Mii cently. A COPT of County Couni •was gotten uj ford, and refl The twenty of South Gre^ he held in the on Ihursday Messks. S. B lifive this wee] and are at pi their S2)ring! their adyerti Standaed. Me. Bowes' to Toronto, al wUI remain Mr. and Mrs. especially in c odist church a workers. Th munity follow Miss Hknei Monday last, year at the Music, and i «I«88ininstrur 8 naturally giJ it is but reasoj tJwwough traL I ^province sL fident teacherj Mr. J. Gi btotfaer of MrsJ spent a few di Mr. J. was hos 1 8d»ool a few I studying medi leradaated last] I School of the IPnTposes atud^ j«ninmer in the] I^WwiUiocate. ANiDgenionsI |ffl several coun j ' witii a doQt "*part. The I one of whic not. ontract are •'es.and the Pcnnaoent J»y fignres w. Jfiaconntedatl tJttDier has is -with I to oar 1 'have f their st frioids •***B8train| With • Oor •wei -Vdiere^ il «*r«' ^-tttM ' h, â- ' m â- kMiafiM* ^i^ jl^ii, V