teâ€" That the dak as. Dudgeon, patbr eas'jn why lie gaye- ate labor for part of 1 E. G. JR., as there iu Lis return for the ed. on â€" That tlie appli- Eankin Martin be :|75 to open up town !. 5 and 6, on coudi- im grant an equivE- )sterâ€" That Byla^r irpose of appointing^ ways, Pound-keepers rs for the year 1890; le. â€" Carried, jpterâ€" That By-law ad a second timo. â€" ilbraith â€" That this )rder to the clerk for for the year 1890.â€" â€" That the Seeve ch receive $1.50 ' rer's statement for nâ€" That we adjoom • M»y, then to meet sion.â€" Carried. s P. Base, Clerk. -iâ€" CAI»1» ON next door to Manley'a drag atoTB, Maikdale, and inapeethis brge and w«Il aasorted stoek of Haidwaie, Ktoves and Tinware PaintB and OUs. Prompt at- tention to repadzing and eave- tronghing. " HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' TEI^TH YEAB.â€" No. 501. MAKKBAIiE, THUBSDAY, APRIL 17, 1890. C. W. EUTIiEDGE, Proprietor and Other Items. ^^f^^ZTi^^theseeohivinsintended to btnefit "Zitidnal or Society icUl be charged ten " ;iB« for the first insertiov and five l^luliineehch subsequent insertion. '^i^frCE^CyrreK'P"ndevce, commumca- Z Ai"'rthement..d-c.,_^st be in this S'by ""O" "" """^^ toinmne publication (jjttrffi' ... â- ^iss nearly dry. Beal spring weather. The farmesrs are aow httstling. He. J. G. Ievino, of GaK, was in town }liisweek. Mb. Taggakt, of Dnndalk, was bare on 8 short visit last week. Read the advertisement of Mr. James Beecroft, the Flesherton Greenhouse man, in another column. ZrsxL and Edith Caesar spent a few jays with friends in the Qneen City, relurning on Tuesday last. We would direct the attention of our readers to the Canada L. S. Transit (Jo's adv., in another column. Messes. Pickett, Mitchell and F, Mc- I Carrol, of Berkeley, spent Sunday «fter- I noon last with friends m Markdale. McCoix's "Lardine" is the leading I oils in the markets for all kinds mash- iaery. .Be sure and get it. Sold by J. E. Trelford, Markdale. He. Joseph BeaS'y, Orange Valley, Artemesia, recently pressed and shipped 1 4" tons of hay, and "Mr. Y/m. Galbtaith tons. Jit. Robert Cornet, of Dundalk, I is the buyer. On Friday, April 18, at 1 o'clock Mr. I Iffi. Stiuson, con. 11, Euphrasia, will :ell by public auction his farm stock, I implements. c., on usual terms. Geo. Joble, Auctioneer. If there are any who delivered wood I for the Standakd -and whose address has not been changed they will please call and let ns know so that tbe I error can be rectified. Route Bills. â€" The Standard office is noted for neat v/ork and promptness in 1 ffiiua orders. Over a dozen excellent cuts to choose from for Route I Bills. Leave your order in good time. Markdale Lodge, I. O. O. T., marched io nniform on Sunday ni^t last to the Presbyterian church wheare Rev. Mr, Ernes preached a rousing temperance sermon to a large and appreciative audi- 1 CDce. Lv giving a repoTt of an "Hospital Concert" last week the Owen Sound iiTertiser spoke highly of W. J. Benson, parkdale's Irish comic, and compli- I aented the committee for securing such Uent. Me. McGill, Chatswoith, was in I low yesterday. He solicits sm order ]!« school desks from the trustees of I ilatkdale school. McGill's deslffi *re in I â- T«y respect a fine article, strong and Idtable. I FYO XJOWEF ORYOURP APERP AYU P .AND IIrs, Joseph Irwin wishes, I Plough the Standard, to thank those pioifere instrumental in rescuing their pd from the well into which she had I Jlen last Saturday, and especiaUy to I ill' Dandas for his daring and heroic Pduct, and Mr. Rodman who gave the |«atsi. *^ entertainment given in Haakett's on Monday evening l^ist under the '"*« of the I. O. G. T. was quite ^*«*il. The hall was crowded to ""'â- and a lengthy program was in an efficient manner. The ij^ "ce address by G. J. Blyth, 1^ Lecturer of the Order, w»s ^ed to with much interest, and his Jjnsfor total abstmence, espedrily ^^ for the respectable citixens ^moderate drinkers, were logical J; 'onsefuL Mr. W. Q. PickeU ooca- with grace and d^pii|y* DIAMOND 8000 eggs wese shipped last week to Toronto hy J. E. Richards for Easter. C. O. O. F. held their quarterly meet- ing on Monday evening, April 7th, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing quarter, viz :â€" F. Maidment N. G.; Wm. Flesher, V. G. S. Sargeant, Sec'y R. 3. Rae, Initiation Master W. J. Benson, Warden A. Kay, Conductor; A. Kay, W. J. Benson, R. Mathews, Auditors. Mb. Glendennino, our hed master, took adyantage of his holidays and visited friends east last week. He has resumed Work teaching his senior class, preparatoiry to the examinations for third class certificates, haying opened his private residence for that purpose, rather than await the tardy movements of the trustees in providing a room. An application from the public school board for tbe use of the basement of the Methodist church for school purposes until a new school building is erected, was coQsided bv the church trustees at a meeting on Monday last but not accept- ed. There being other available places, the trustees, or at leaat a large majority of them, did not feel by any means in- clined to open their beautiful premises for a public school, however much they would like to accommodate che section. Betozned. Fred. Stevens is back to our post office as large as life and just as natural. We are pleased to see our esteemed young friend again in his old situation. We understand be is not "all broken up" on Toronto, while Mr. McFarland realized bis value as an employee after be bad gone even more than when he had him, hence the return. Don't lie Too PosUive. "Do you eyer receive contributions written on both sides of the paper " asked a gentleman entering a newspaper office. "No, sir; never," emphatically rephed the editor. "All right. I was going to endorse this cheque to your order, but I don't want you to break your rules." Then he went out leaving the editor in a deep green study. Honor to Wliom Honor. At tbe Royal College of Dental Sur- gery, Toronto, J. P. Marshall was re- cently awarded the degree of Master of Dental Sureery, and is now one out of only five in Ontario who has secured that degree. Mr. Marshall visits Mark- dale every two weeks and enjoys a largo practice, and his many customers will be pleased to learn of his honored success. Ihito tlie Kord. Under the above caption an article appeared in the Flesherton Advance last week which was a plausible attempt to make black appear white, and by distorting figures, the editor plays the roll of the Pharisee admirably. He ex- tols the Christianity of Flesherton Methodistsiby selecting one connexional fund, to which Flesherton people had contributed more for the part conference year than did the people of Markdale or Dundalk, and thus endeavors to create an erroneous impression. Why not give the whole truth Simply because that would eulogize his neighbors at the ex- penseof his own vicinity. Following are the correct figures as regards Flesherton and Markdale: Mem^rshipâ€" Flesher- ton 270, Markdale 268. Amount raised for all church purposes, Flesherton ♦1,590.08, Markdale ♦1.772.87. Differ- ence in favor of Markdale ♦181.89. Amotiiit per member for Flesherton ♦S.TS and a fraction, txst Markdale ♦6.50 and a fraction. Take the previous year, if you please,' and we find the foUowmg, aU taken from the official conference reports: Membership for Flesherton 278^ tor Markdale 266. Total amo^t raised by Fkdierton ♦1,865.64, by Mark- dale ♦2,187.78. Difference in favor^ Markdale ♦772.24, or in otLer worto ov« ♦ per member for Markdale and less than ♦ per member for Flesherton. Xl-ge are the correct figures without anr attempt to miriead, and yet we fiul .1 M ««rn«aiJe boasting of Bastardly Act. Some vile wretch struck mth a stick the plate glass window of R. S. Rae's gents' furniBhing store in this village about two o'clock on Wednesday morn- ing last, breaking the glass, the stick going through. Mr. Rae heard t^e noise, being in bed, but did not think any dam- age was done until morning, Tchen he found a ^27 hght smashed. This kind of rowdyism should be ferreted out at any cost and the recreant punished severely. A Cold 91p. W. J. McFarland, Reeve of Markdale, owns a vacant corner lot opposite Haskett Bros hardware store, and on this M there is a well forty feet deep with oyer ten feet of vrater in it, which has not been used for some years, yet it had ho covering save a few loose boards; neither is there any fence around the lot. Village children play here as well as anywhere else, and indeed it seems natural for youngsters to prefer the most mischievous and dangerous spot for sport. On Saturday evening last the kids were scampering about this "dead fall" when a Uttle three-year-old daughter of Jo. Irwin dropped in. The alarm was given and not knowing whose child it was consternation ran high among the mothers around the vicinity. Will. Dnndas, a clerk in Mercer's store close by sprang across the street to the well and throwing his limbs about the old slimy pump shot down in double quick time but nothing was to be seen but a child's hat which floated on the water. After some grappling among debris which also floated he found the child underneath, and calling for a rope it was hurriedly elevated, taken to its home a few rods distant and medical aid summoned, and we are pleased to say the little one is not much the worse for its unenviable experience^ It was certainly a close call, and W. J. Mc- Farland can thank his stars that it is not more serious. A small doctor's bill and a suit of clothes for Will. Dundas â€" ^who completely destroyed his every garment in his speedy descent down the filthy pump to the rescue â€" will be the extent of the damages, all of which we are sure our generous Reeve and Post- master will cheerfully make ?ood, as well as secure properly the well against further mishap- Bnsinesi Jjooals. to W o* any of onr ?^?P»ebqas*uig yiS^ baye #o?!» o! Wittling othew Bbead for the milUons at A. W. Wade's bakery. A GOOD violin for sale cheap. Apply to Smith, the barber. Cows for sale, either giving milk or not yet calyed. Geo. Ireton. WaittedI 10,000 doz. Eggs and any quantity of good Butter at Mercer's. Old. Iron, wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. McNallt, the carriage maker, has the best make in road carts for sale. See them. T. W. Bntledge, the Grocer, Markdale. Nevbk say dye 1)0 your old dress when you can gist a now one so cheap at Mercer's. The people say thlrt Miss Douglas sells fancy goods just as cheap as they do in Toronto. Socisn NoiB.^-T-The lady who wore a low neck dress and forgot to take the porous plaster off her back attracted much attention. If yon tvaut good spring med^ne for impure blood, scrofula etc., Use Manley% Blood Stomach Bitters. Piso's Core for C»8amptioB and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J, Manley, Druggists Markdale. Ih two weeks the fishing season open so get your lines, pedes rad hocdu at Manley's and be ready in time. 3^^alnt», 21 diflisreni c4ora ia pints, quarts, lidlf and faU gallons, ready mixed, fine goods, at Bicbstd- ,8011 A Go's Qaidware Stofa, l^dier* f,ga»wi«fc:';«in2:^- r« â- ^SSfv'iT-'Kfr" '*l U re-it kt f -fit? .-J; n B^ SK-e: iit, "0 t:l'Hihef- If. ju^iif, vii^ )». Fifteen felt hats sold in twenty min- utes on Saturday night at Mercer's. Styles and prices must be right. !^a.ils, a carload direct from factory just receiyed at M. Bichardson Co's Hardware Store, Flesherton. HAHII.TON, thcphotographerhas taken thousands of good photos, but still he keeps right on improving all the time. X^nce Oa.rt;a.iiis« new and elegant designs, from 50 cents per .pair np, at Bichardson Co's, Flasberton. If stacks of goods at low prices will command trade this summer, J. E. Richards Of the noted cheap store, will get there. Obchabd Grass, Italian Rye, Meadow Fescue or Sweet Grass Perennial Rye and Kentucky Blue Grass at Stephen's Drugstore. Spades^ Slio-vels and garden tools, a large stock jnst in at Bichardson Co's Hardware Store, Flesherton. Monet to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Foe the best Seed Drill, Broadcast Seeder, Cultivator or Spring Tooth Harrow, go to Jackson. Terms easy and prices right. Repairs cash. Gentlemen, if you want the best and cheapest pants you ever sat in, go to Mercer's also see his Ready-made Suits for men and boys' Great bargains. Eastern lawyer, not in high repute, to old gentleman "Do you know that I am a direct descendant from Miles Standish " Response: "Is it possible What a descent 1" Ii*ess Grood-S. another large importation direct from English mannfacturers all the new shades in Henrietta clo'ths at M. Bichardson Co's, Flesherton. T. "W. Eutledge, the Grocer, Markdale. A Spaniabd, in the first pages of his English grammar, desiring one evening at the table to be helped to some boiled tongue, said "I will thank yon, miss, to pass me the language." X^ixiens imported direct from makers in Belfast ;^Table Damasks, Towels, Table Napkins, Handkerchiefs c., FINE VALOEs, at M. Bichardsou Co's, Flesherton. The fall of Man. â€" Miss Parsons â€" "And so Adam was very happy. Now, Willie, can you tell me what great mis- fortune befell hun " WiUieâ€" "Please, Miss Parsons, he got a wife." Carpets, M. Bichardson Co., Flesherton, carry a very larga range: Hemps from 12 cents up; Tapestry from 86 cents up • All Wools, Unions and Brussels. Bpriaff Tootb Hazr««8l The best in Canada west. Sold by Jackson, the great Implement man. Fashebs, Sbb Hebx. â€" For the next three months I will sell you a Dog Chum Power for twidve dollars cash at my shop. Don't miss this chance. The usual price is ♦lO but I want money to meet a payment and must turn- these articles iato cash to help me out. J. H. Hamilton, Thombury. 601-3 BroaftiMUrt Baaden. Jackson sells the best Seeder with Harrow and Grass Seeder attached, in the wide, wide world, manufactured by the wide awake firm of J. O^ Wisner, Sob a Co., Brantford. Tlamml n»wa I For a Flcnry, Wilkinson, Gkwdy, or McGill Plow, Jackson keeps them and M^^adrs too. Two-Pnrrow Gang I%ws, Iron Harrows, Land Boilers, and eyety Implement the fanner wants, An!rnoH safe of, valtuUirfe Fomiture and Household efiecta.â€" ^The subscriber will m/Pi hy aaetion «n Tuesday, April, st 1 6'dodc p. m4 all his Honae- ]^d F umi t w eand effects pricv^toliis remoyliM; to tvcmato, Tenopâ€"fUBdec '• cMidh m,»{i|co««d (iuaoMd liB^' ifat %«. SPEING SPEING r TIMOTHY, CLOYER â€" ANI GARDEN AT THE- BELFAST HOUSE, get quotations from us before yon purchase.. Crockery fteiassware, the best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. Fresh Groceries, Fresh Groceries, ®®® \t 6 have in stock a Japan Tea for 25 cents that peddlars and other merchants sell for 35 cents, call and get a sample. l X0iiG^ I ^CLEiB)(MC0i Flour $t Feed Bran, Shorts, Oat and Commeal and every- thing else kept in a first-class provision store and for prices we can make them all take a back seat. We have a positive cure for the "La Grippe' Benson's Bum, Gin and 5 and 7 year old whiskey will knock it out of you in one night- Come and see us, yon can save money by buying your goods from ns. R. H. BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. 18 YEARS AT THE TRADE. Fine work a Specialty, BESTTOOL-S -and- MATERIALS -:- USED Prices Low W. A. BEOWN, JSWSIjIjSB. i* ' i 4 i .* r 1^: i i-ytC-:' •.,u r If- ' â- V i i: ' '1 :.; 1'*^ :4' l\ '-*-**'=**iMifriatfrihfe^~'""-â€" ^^ •â- ^'â- ^-»~^