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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Apr 1890, p. 8

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 y^^^W^f â-  i -^iz-c- m ;^J \V!' a* i â-  F',!) Mil i =i DBS. SPROULE â€" PHTSICIAIfS, SUBB«ONB, ACCOtJOHEKS, Câ€" OfBoe at Manlej"8 Inig Store, where all calls â- day or night will be promptly attended to. r. S. SPROUL£, H. D. A. ECO, M. D.. Ac. C, A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Office at Stephen's Druff Store, Late of the Loudon Hospital, England. I*. McCiiiiougrii, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE. MABKDAIjE. IVIoney to E^oa,n. I. B. L-UOKS. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, dec, of the firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Sound, at ofiice of â- V^m. LUCAS, 8, Co., Every Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of oiHce during week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. c H E OFFEES, and Teas extiafine â€" or â€" AMS and Herring withoat brine nMOMxtcm. XTRACTB, flavor the very best for â€" an .1â€" m PPLES, (dried) that will meet with youp favor -or- P ICKLES, Peaches, Prunes and Peels at prices that will make yon kick up your heels. D" W. BBOWN. klVISICN COUET CLERK. Issaer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. II. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Keal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issue:' of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Eeal Estate at low rates. A few iarms for cde. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. (^KADUATE -DENTIST, OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of eachmonth andalso at llunshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day followiug the third Wednesday in each month for the i^ractice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. ONFEGTIONERY, and spices and nuts to no end, â€" Eaisins â€" ND carrants. the best to be found â€" alsoâ€" r " c A S ni your head achins: UGAKS and Syrups and Sodas for baking â€" that will â€" EAL your sick stomach and stop Standard Correspondence. R. H, Henderson, of Toronto, paid his friends of this place a brief visit last week. Mr. H. has iuat retarned from a tour through British C«lumbia where he met with a great many old Outarions, among the number he spent a Sabbath with Rev. John Chisholm, formerly a pastor in Osprey. and well known here, who entered the mission field in Kamloops about three years ago and has since erected a magnifi- cent church and is now the respected pastor of a very large and flourishing congregation. tt u The entertainment m the Mail ol the Division of the Sons of Temper- ance, given by that Society on Wed- nesday evening last, was a very enter- taining and pleasing affair. The pro gramme rendered was well sustained i Wl tor »rltlflJi C^VanMti. For some weeks past a lew enter â- prising citizens have been selecting from the best stocks and herds of the province a cargo of thoroughbred horses and cattle for British Columbia, and, having secured a shipment of nine animals. Messrs. W. h. Young and Jas. S. Mercer left on Tuesday last for B. C. with the valuable cargo consisting of the following, viz: 1 ive-year-old Imported Clydesdale Stal- lion, "Home Ruler." This splendid 1st prize at the Toronto Holland CDcncil met Centre. M^reh 27th iftS transactiou of business ' J Members all preBeut";Beev.-' chair. ' "^veut Minutes of mestingof Pi • read, approved and si-^Qed Communications were re'adf, following :-G.S. Bowes .H reduction of 80, con. l,E.r.t,.K. -c w asking for tbe same OH ion'q for- 1889; Assessor of asking for reconsuleratii by local talent_ ^.^ g years old, J?BACTUKED LiMB. â€" On jriday las-i ' •' animal took o Industrial for the best Clydesdale bial- asking tor recoi.suleratin,, 7"""i^ lion with five of his progery, besides tjou of U.S S. 11 Holl.„ i """2»- carrying off the laurels at numerous i,, no action taken '•"I'^J"' less important Shows. He is a super ^^^ Wilkino.-n Ploil-r], r ' W ior horse with short legs and massive (j, j_ jjjytij ^^^ ^^ ^^ ' • aect.^ flat bone and good feet, weigns abo-it sealioucrv tiect frnj' T,? ^r't^*' 2,000 lbs. and is a splendid mover f„r 3;ii^'r^„ ,.? ,, '"^^ai 2'Bp»n heavy drauifht brood mares 1 Durham Bull, 14 months old 2 j,„^^ ^^ j,,,,.^ ^^^^ audi heifer, il j and KvflnnUftm ...'"lanj »nli lor §i5. rent of Hall for T^ Co.rt Mus.v.. Rankin .UW '°* phed to liHvc the i and ISydoMhara, J^EACTUBKDLiMB.-Un^naay las^^i -^j^ all with registered pedi- Messr. Lta^Tc aTd li, Mrs. John Portes '^^""^^d^ a blow from :^ .^ ^^ undertaking invoiv- Euphrasia, Sdre ll^f^' one of their young horses o" the leg R ^^ ^^^^ ^j^^^ y,^ I ^sossmonf of cansmga bad fracture of the large ^ff^^^essful, other shipments wil^fut j HolkuLnaS^^^^^^ ROUND ginger at prices ground down MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- .ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, J190 " Pomona, P, O. FARM FOR SALE. G R ^J Grippe AlSINS and town ^yes- J Rice the best in the -or- RANGES and Lemons for La â€" also- CHEESE and Crackers for supper when out late â€" to be sure â€" EVERYBODY is pleased with good weight â€"and â€" REMEMBER to hang this up high -m â€" LOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. E. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, IftO-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh; Prop R. J. SPROULE FliESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeou shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Plesherton. W. G. RICHARDS BUILDEE, CONTRACTOE, AECHI- TECT, Markdale. '%#OUR memory and never go by. T. W. EUTLEDGE, THE Clieap Cash. Grocer. causing bone at the ankle. Dr. Carter wad called and set the broken bone. Rev. W. Ayers, of Gome, is this week visiting his daughter, Mrs, Joseph Blackburn of this place. W. M. Clark, of Toronto, has again returned with bis wife to this village. They will occupy the dwelling lately built by Joseph Strain, sr. Cattle fair day here last Monday was a busy day. The rewere a large number of people out. A lot of money changed hands. Our township fathers inet and were kept busy in the council chamber all day Monday last. A very interesting Easter Song Service was conducted b}' a full choir in the Methodist church on Sabbath evening last, interspersed with short addresses by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Emes. Presbyterian pastor- delivered an excellent and impressive discourse to his afternoon. Mr. Emes has just com pleted his first year's pastorate here and enjoys the esteem and warmest affection of his entire congregation. Miss Damnde has been elected lead- er of the Presbyterian church choir. J. Rinstedler, Esq., has returned from Waterloo and commenced opera- tions in the egg pickling establishment in this place for another season. optijfd for iOUEciltt. l-S.S.2, low by the same trio, Messrs. Hugh Mercer, W. L. Young and Wm. Lucud. Foster ^Hh (t. J. Blyth, torassessmeatE EnpUrasla Oonncil. Qxey Assizes Hurrai for Spring Goods ».T THE Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, common Extension Tables, in great variety Washstands Spring Mattress Wool,Mattre^'s of all kinds, and iu fact everything that is kept in a first-class shoo. Call and get quo- tations. Also Funeral Furnishings â€" Coffins, Caskets, Robes, Linings, Gloyes, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways iu stock. Thanking my numer- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectfully, J. W. Sprouie. New Goods JUST ARRIVED AT mmii JEWELLERY STORE CONSISTING OF LABOR ITBMS. Sudden accidents often befall artizaue, fumersluid all wbo w»k in the open air, Iteaidea the expwaie to eoli and damp, pro. dudng rhaiBiiHiBa. lame back, stiff ioints, luaaaaw. te- Yallovr Oil is a rtady rame^ foipU mikttvmm. It i« baiidjr and m- Wall Paper, School Books, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, School Chalk. LADIES' GENTS' Pocket Books, c. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT â€"OX' â€" New Jewellery. ')wEN Sound, April 2. â€" At the As- size Court to-day the case of Tyson v. Abercrombie, an action to recover $300 under covenant in a deed, was first passed to be tried before the Chancery sittings on the 80th April. Josh Miller, for stealing, was sentenced to 23 months in the Central Prison. John Miller, Frederick Biackman and Henry Miller, of Brooke, for stealing, were sentenced to a week each in the county gaol. Michael Smith, of Dur- ham, was found guilty of abducting Ellen Darly, a young girl under 16 years of age, also of seducing her in the Town of Kincardine. His Lord- ship, in addressing the jury, com mentert very severely on the crime of which the prisoner was indicted. Sentence was deferred. The Grand Jury, m making the usual present- ment to the Judge, commented on the desirability of the county taking ad- vantage of the recent Act passed by the Ontario Government in regard to the erection of poor bouses. They also recommended extensive altera- tions and repairs to the county build- ings. The Assize Court for Grey conclud- ed April 8. Only two cases remained to be heard when the Court rose last nightâ€" Campbell v, Vail, an action for ejectment, and Rutherford v. Price, an action to recover possession of property. Michael Smith was con- victed on the two charges of abduction and seduction of a young girl fourteen yenrs of age, and was sentenced to 28 months in the Central Prison. Call when yon are examine my stock. in town and £ BREADNER. Jeweller. FARM TO RENT. fiO a«ras, near Markdale, good boildiiigt, «dlwaiMed,flMdonliMd. l«mt BMdmSt! «*-' imL Baofni « PRESERVE YOUR SIORT BY VZABINO Tmt ONLT FRANK LAZARUS [Late of the firm of Lazams Morris.] â- pMtaAlM The council met pursuant to, ad- journment on March 28th, 1890. Members all present except Mr. r Stuart. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. The clerk was ordered to furnish each township officer with a copy of certain printed By-laws. The clerk was instructed to purchas? two copies of Harrison's Municipjil Manual (latest edition) for use of connjil. By-law No. 432 carried through the different stages and passed. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to Messrs. Rowsell Hutchison, To- coiigregation in the ronto, $28.46, stationery. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz â€" James Reekie $1.50, two stone hammers George Lawson $7.00, re- lief for J. Hethers, indigent R. Dun- lop, clerk, $40.00, part salary for current year W. Charters $4.00, re- pairing bridges C W. Rutledge $24.50, printing By-laws. The following named persons were appointed pathmasters, pound-keepers and fence-viewers, viz Pathmasters â€" J R Rawlings, J Raby, G Emery, R Lee, T Dookes, G Booth, D Prentice. I Henderson, D Campbell. D Bath, C Fawcett, G Bath, R Conn, J Pepper, J Fawcett, H Lougheed, W Dales, A Dawn, A Goudv, R Bell, J Kenney, W Humbertson, W Kernan, C Wier, J McClung, J Boyd, J Conu, H White, W Cooper. W T Ellis, T Hortop, J Smith, H Hurd, A Burns, S McCort, S McKnight Esq., G Gil- mour, E Boyd, J B Winter, C Wick- ens, J R Fawcett, R J Sturgeon, S Proctor, W Welsh, W McConnel, A Taylor, R Thompson, J Alexander, A A McConnel, P Harris, R Bennett, W Scott, J Morwood, J Knott, A Burns, T Donnelly, R Gardher, J Falls, S Gilmour, J Dunlop, J W Best, J Hutchison, R J McAfee, J Saul, J Lougheed, N Clark, G Hutchison, R J»Irwin, W Irwin, R M Dunlop,' J McArthur, J W Knott, H Breadner. J Boyd Esq.' J G Perry, W Wright, C Clark, W J Richardson, R Erskine, R Mathers. A Clark, J Paterson Esq., J Nelson, C McCutcheon. A Bole?, H Simpson, J A Hawken, Joseph Ei-ead- ner, Jamee Breadner. D McLean, R Sparling, W Marshall. J Struthers Esq., J McCallum, J Erskine, T iMux- low, J Burchill, J Elliott, J Myers, J Lyons. T Wilson, J Thompson, D Smith, J Molnnis, R McCullougli, T Rennie, W Rennie jr., J Richardeon, R Elliott, R J Halbert, D McLenan, J Lemon, W Dayman. Pound-keepersg-G Procter, A Vick- ers, J M Thurston. J B Winter, J WUey, J G Perry, W Richardson, R Dunlop 9th line, W Stinson, W J Morrow, J Richardson, J Dyce. Fence-viewers â€" J B Soul, A Mc- Kewen, J Vickeis, R Dales, P Mo- Aaslan, R Thompson, W Ellison, J K Kerr, T Abercrombie, C Knott, E Parker, J Gougheed, D R Ellis, F Burch, J Cook, J Anderson, T Nelson, g Walker, J W Patton, J Mick, W Brady. J Hawken, J Manary, J Curry, J Walker, R Elliott, T King, M Lay- cock. Council adjourned until the lait Friday in April next. RoBBBT Dunlop, Tp. Clerk. amon.tmgt.o$9.70,bepaij,.ca^7 Slmte- Foster -Tbat the 2 wrTte to Mr Iiowe8.tlut we c^ ne',Tihhavo to settle mth the CottDt, Treasurer as wo have m report luji, Pathmaster's lists givi-g hjaj ^^^ for work performed for any of 4 three year-s rQeutioned in his com. munication. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Shuteâ€" That the clerk communicate with Adam Clark, paft. master, to give reason whv he gave no acconut of statute liibai- done for lot 19, con. 11, on his roaJ list for 1883. â€" Carriod. Hamptonâ€" Sbateâ€" '"hat the clert correspond with Jas, Dudgeon, path. master, to give reas-jn why lie mi: no account of statute labor fnr part of 3rd division of 3, 1 E. G. P, as there is no account of it in Lis return fur the year 188G. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Hamptonâ€" That tk appli- cation of Messrs. llankiu Martin be granted by giving §75 to oiieu np towD line between cods. 5 and 6, on condi- tion that Sydenham graufc anequivE' lent. â€" Carried. Foster â€" Gal braitli â€" That we pay the bill of John McDonald for rent of Hall for Division Court purposes, amounting to $15, and that the clerk ' notify Sullivan to pay its sbare,- Carried. Hampton â€"Foster â€" That Sylai No. 4, for the purpose of appointiaj Overseers of Highways, Pound-keepera and Fence-viewers for the year M; De read a first time. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Fosterâ€" That By-te No. 4 be uoT read a second time.- Carried. Hampton â€" Galbraith Tbat this council grant an order to the clerk for $30, })art salary for the yaar 1890.- Carried. Shuteâ€" Foster â€" That the Seere and Treasurer each receive $1.5Dfoi preparing Treasurer's statement 6r 1889.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Hamptonâ€" That we adjoim to the 27th day of May, then to meet as a Court of Revision.â€" Carried. James P. Ha3E, Clerk. ThMe Spectacles and Olamea haye been OMd for the past 3Syean, and givenln ev^ iiutance nnbpiuided Jattslkctlon. Th^-liSTE? roBij). Thay never tbe, Tbey are the Bbst nt THX Wi maQy yean For aale by â- Ami«.' »wa«»M â- Â» .... .,, in allMndigl Oold and Silver w 5Si!^' ^gg AUi IN A HEAP, Malarial fevwr left me with my Mood in a headaadftee I *a« too weak to work ot eraa walk, In^ after takins a quarter of a o?J£»»2? BJ^SKtia^lSTafa: to wwk. •Jliel»il.«Uwwit»w«y in » h«». Zrish Lake. Standard Correspondence. What wb may EXPBCi.-Spring » to begin soon. The foxes to. cross W fields without being tracked, a- Charles Ryan's saw-inill to do arnsu- ing business this spring. ' We are pleased to learn that ai. John MoGrogan is able to be arooui j again after a short illness. Miss Nellie Quirk, teacher 01°. Mary's school, accompanied bj m M. A. Ryan, spent her Easter hafiaaJV with her parents at Glascott- Mr. Hugh MoGrogan pui^^l^ visit to Owen Sound last week. Messrs. Patrick Walsh and j^ Quinlan have performed tl^jiw" of the timber business witu m- .andJCi!l»«^ McMillan. Messrs. James Healeyi-^ Ryan were employed of '• Ryan last week sawlogiDg. We are glad to hear tuat ftir- Connor is much better alter and severe illness. Have you a Cough? Take ^^%i^ Cherry. Have ycu a Cold? Ta« 9^ Wad Cheny. Have """^lost J* WUBon's n ad Cherry. J»7« £. B»» Voice? Take WUson's WUd Cfiff W jou AatLma? Take WJsons «" ^j Have you a oold in the Head ?i»^ f/gi Wild Cheny. The old relwbU cj diseaaes of the Tliroat. onen Sold by all draggists. A BWLUANT ^^^.\f] WILL soon end ' °°iJS5**J Ronuinemeritsthesa^^r' Blood Bittera is ioxvaieij^^^* approved by trial. »F?" Me. Joseph j.Tteinesia, rec §47 tons of hay \tlO tons. Sir. R( s the bayer. On Friday. iTTin. Stinson, I jell by public I implements. Sx ^oble, Auction If there are I for the Stanix I label has not 1 J please call and I error can be re ..â- /?!^

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