P-, 11 -m'v ""•"^^^(•pi '^^'^4 5.' v! cufaera, Ac. lulactupodbypa^,^ Uons; parties wishing Clemen, cau have tW WOBKS. i?e careful attention. Hood Bitters e componnd.possessiiic wer8 over all the orgsnr eontrolling their aeoift' the blood that it d diseases, from a oon- rst scrofolonssore, anl 3 unrivalled regalstingi ying influence on tl)» ir, kidneys, bowels and [tailed as a coxe for all ttles will core boil* ttle rash, scurf, tetter, orins of skin disease. les will cure saltrheim ervsipelas, ulcers, â- « ,and all skin emptiMJt mfferers from skin ;ravated by intoleiaj* ckly subsides on »• sbyB.B.B. Tasm lent diseases, snoliis bumors and )roof that from "J mallyandbyontw«»» the skin ifl broken)* 1 effect a cure. B. is to regulate" and blood, to ooi»» tion of thes'T!*; ,-vay8 0f thesy^ â- ndandnn?nT0W»^ thnatoaidwciw^ i/rottawa 1 «i April 8.â€" Leaving Pariia l^^twbaeinthe "' • groundless tho' in some instances Lis decsiona had been reversed â- 1^1 77," I mi .^•"®^ illustration of Mr. luiddieot tbej Blake tryiug to lead when Leisuot «*ipr»' debate, let n e glance at the leader was afforded. Mr. Laurier re- ,uiiueDt accessory to the House iphes to the Premier mildly takitur no "".. ..Press dallery The ground but leaving the Kniment ,E, the of the Gailei-y changes than that of any tho House. Mli I 2, raore rapidly r Ixxiy 1" or about 'ggilery is in two parts â€" Upper •Lower. ^^^ Lo-^ev (rallery being ^^ jjportaut ore devoted to the daily **' ^ben I first occupied a seat r^3 Gallery, eight years ago, Carrol the well kuown Irish journalist toct, wa« President. McCready corresponding for the Toronto L jingsmi'l for the Mail. "Boh" uj'for tlie Montreal Gazette, and (jormau for the Montreal Herald, leadiug papei«. Of a!l those in Tgjjiery then only fix remain :â€" inr Wallis of the Mail, A. C. â- jflipbell of tlie Globe, GormanJunies Lston of the Ottawa Citizen, Fred BCstLe old r;hablo correspondent Enfflisli, Canadian and Americau ;rs, and your h'lmbje servant. be President of the Gallery this is Mr. J. S. Willisou, the Globe ial fiorreepoudent. He is not a old member of tho Gilleiy but is fery popular and able one and has jefall cocfidence. I understand, of [erllnjesty's loyal Opposition. rue oldest and one of the most lented mf^mbers of the Gallery is tiinr F. Wallis, Toronto Mail cor- eut. He. is well informed and ._ who is in neither the secrete the Government or Opposition his Iv comruentH on Parliament are mrate and reliable. Beside his Jlery correspoudencj Mr. Wallis' nrk may be seen daily in the editorial ilnmcs of bis paper. I would like to Jijnst one tbing more that the ablest lember of tbe Galle'-y is also the lost nnnssumlng man in it. The Empire has no Gallery man in le sense referred to above but its iijeawake and large staff seldom gets icooped" in matters of news. The reegrpat Toronto dailies have each mrmeD here, and each of tl:e Mou- b1 morning papers, two. The Montreal Gazette's corretpond- itthis session, Mr. Fred Williams is iclear Leaded and ii^dustrious young iter and will be heard of in the ilnre. These references to the Gallery are iiled forUi by the recent annual iqnet wben instead of being enter med the scribes were the entertaiu- bviDg. among other guests present srAdolphe (Jaron, Hon. Mr. Bowell, Mr. Laurier, and the poet impman. Tlie Pivkert case is over so far as '^taking of evidence is concerned, w after Hon. Wm. Macdougal's mmiug up of Mr. Rykert's defence aweek tiie Committee will report ttieHDuse. The Brumuer fur special committee also ready to consider its report. It '^foregone conclusion that they wdl ?wt as proven that this man's furs Jfre confiKcatod and distributed by «• Midaietou, and that the loss. I"" ?4,000. should be made good! Middleton testified in his own "aif nnd admitted ordering the !jMiau of the furs at Battieford to â„¢ two cases of. them for himself a case each for Hayter Eeed. Iq- Commissioner, and Mr. Bedsou, »en of the Manitoba penitentiary. said be never got the furs altho' V fere shipped to him on board the '"qnis which transported the Jal ana his staff from Battieford "irnipeg. He said also that he r^i lie bail a right to seize the oecause be imagined Mr Bremner yebel. Hon. G. A. Kirkpatrick Jmbei- for Froutenac who repre- «i "Iiddletou on the Committee, NsaH â- ' ^1^930 facts as proven Lv»i ,°"^y remained to appraise b f °f tbe furs and nay for them. •jSem'" *^^ Government' wiU ksi?^;*^'^^^'^^^^^ matter occupied iv r^°» of the House the other Ml'iant r '°'" Flood Davm, the Nder ' ^â- ' "^Peached the com- %k,\f '" Northwest Mounted '•» force 1000 strong, of which to settle the matter with their own supporter. Mr, Daviu. Mr. Blake then rose from his seat beside" Mr. ijauner and suggested to the Premier to appoint aDepartm^'ntal Commission to investigate Mr. Davin's gerious charges. This suggestion was such a good way out of the little difficulty taere always is when a goyemmenr cannot accede to the motion of a sun- porter that the Premier told Blake privately, when the Speaker left the chair, that when Iho debate was re- sumed he would adopt it. which may be flattering to Blakes desire lo lead the House in non-party matters, but it made many Liberals angry and they are not slow in showing it. The death of Mr. Perley, the'senior member for Ottawa city, creates a vacancy in the Commons which wiU probably be the means of bringing Mr. C. H. Mackintosh, ex-M. P. and journalist, back into Parliament. Twenty-five members have spoken HI the Budget debate which will be resumed to-day. Pwe^ 1000 strong, of which iHm If '^^'ei rtcentlv at P^egina. I^n^ • '^*"' applied this fine l^ption :_ "w?^"'?°"°^«' statues fit, i And snuT.f "J^argers champ the bit, t snub tile sunlit air." S ^^^ T^ry severe on Mr. Wliat Ken Ciks In Wom«a. There is a certain something which for want of a better name, is called womanhness, and it is that which makes women attractive to men. A great many virtues go to make up this one great possession, and they are what men like in women. Men like, in the first place, amiabil- ity m a wpman. They like a pleasanl appearance. They like the doing of httle things that are pleasant to them. They like the courtesy of the fire side They like women whose lives and faces are always full of the sunshine of a contented mind and a cheeriul disposition. They like an ability to talk well and a knowledge of the vurture of silence. They line a motherliness big enough to understand the want of the older, as well the younger hoys. They like a disposition to speak good rather thau evil, of every human being. They like sympa:hyâ€" which means a willing ear for a tale of sorrow or (riaduess. They like knowledge of how to dress well, which, by the bye, doson't mean conspicuously. Men are most at- tracted by good material, plain draperies and quiet colors, not by showy colors or designs. They like intelligence, but they prefer tht;t the heart should be strong- er than the brain. They like a companion â€" a woman who has sufficient knowledge of the world and its ways to talk well with them, who is interested in their lives and their plans and in their hopes who knows how to give a cheering word, or to listen quietly and by a tender look express the grief which the heart is feelina:. They may sometimes say that children are a bore and a nuisance, but a man shrinks from a woman who openly declares her dislike of them. A man expects the material instinct m a woman and is disappomted if he does not find it. They like women to be affection- ate â€" there never was a man yet, no matter how stern, no matter how cold, no matter how repressive as far as bis own feelings were concerned, who did not like a loving squeeze of the hand, or a tender kiss from the woman near- est to him. These are some of the things tbat men like in women. â€" ^Ladies' Home Journal. Pel inh) a E Very few people covet the experiencd^ many would faj? rather fall into a pit, But the customers of "Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a fit every time, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle whose turnout would fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits they want, fits they get, and he^wants 1000 men and boys who w^ant fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, Room over McParland's store. L ECTRICILIGHT -THE- B£5T PUCE TO GET YOUR TIMOTIY Glover See[ It's easy to dye vlth Diamond Dyes Because so simple* -IS Al- STEPHEN'S DBUG STOBE. »» »â- It's safe to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dye vith Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest It's pleasant to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. Where will we get our GARDEN SEEDS Echd\answers eevarad, u it it certain in its affieta and does not Milter. Raad ^oof below. Of "c« o^ CHABtESA, SNYDER, BinoKsor •unuin MY MD TnnM hid NOttOL Blmwooo, bJUt Not. ao, 1888. Da. B. J. KniSAU. Co. Dear Sirs: I have alwaya poieiiaaad yoor Kaa- dall'a Spavia Cnra by tlta half dosen bottlea. I wonld like prieea in larger qnantitj. I thiolc it ia one of the best Ifaiimenta on eartfi. I have used it in my stables for tliree yaara. Yonra truly, CsAa. A. SNyosa. KEIDU.L'S SPAVIN CURL BaooKLTN, N. Y., Hovember 3, x888. Da. B. J. Kbndali. Co. Dear sirs I desire to i^ve yon testimonial of my good opinion of yonr Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have used it ibr bUBeBoaa, 8tlir.fol»ts and Spavins, and I have found it a sure cure. I cordially recom- mend it to all horsemen. Yours truly. A. H. Gilbert, ' Manager Troy Laundry Stables.; KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Samt, Winton County, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1888. Da. B. J. Kkndall Co. Gents. I feel it my duty to say what I have done with your KendaU'a Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that had Bvnvlna, ten of Ringr Ben^nine aflUcted with Bl* Benil and seven of BicAw. Since I have- had one of your books and followed the directions, I liava never lost a ' case of any kind. Yonrs tmly, AnDnew Itoi He IRKKB, Doctor. KEHDILL'S SPAVM OORL Price $1 per tiottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug- gisu have tt or can get it for yon, or it wiU be sent to any address on receipt of price by theproprie- tors. Da. B. J. Kcmdali, Co., Enosbnrg^ Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Tk 1 .1 lit i.i(ve f » I .. !â- I if it I f _, iritfif in »:* pitna. *»» ri T' p IT l-l.i.aiir our iiih. iMi;-. 1 XIiJIJ tuul fotn' w Wn- the pmiA^ rp;, «»« v^ Ih'-ni. w* will tend iVoc uxtikj Ct^un ill caih lornHty,tlM) riy €^l •en-tntr-miir-hinc muda lii " |.ih^ wurl(l,\iiili all tU« aiUrlmnnr*. Wn tviltalM mikI f Vee n rontpl-'fl. » Jineofour *r,ii|y and volinNW si,' lutinplct. Ill rt.-iiiro we ask tlsar %.â- «.* \huvr v/hnt vfv prml, to thoiw i%-|h mny call lit rmir hmiip.aDd mfmr SS* iTnnnthM all chilli brcuniR your uwn Iprnpeny. M i rrnnd snarhiutf ia I miidp n iWr Ih" KlUKfr patenta, ^H hirli L^ro run out befnrc parrnta ntu nut ii «uld for 9V:k, with tlia ifurnchBiRorM. and iu»w sctU fur AfSO. It4*Nt,atronfrear,init um* ' marhine in tbe world. Alt la jj. â€"J- No capital requirtil. PlMln, civan. Tboae wbowriM lo ns at onre can a.â€" • ..1.** the beet aewtn^-Bwchine in the wt.rld. and ita jMeettoeofworkaofhtehartCTtrehowii toir*fhirin Anivririu VSUB A H»- Box 740. Aii«iwt« MUOam. m^ Itflail mtllu i n glwn. TEom « WHY- You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes* Because they are best* Our new book " Successful Home Dyeing " giving fiili directions fjr all uses of Diamond Dyes, sent free on application. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere, or any color maiied on receipt of price, 10 cents. Wells, Richaru.son Co., Montreal, Que. DRUG STORE. -Becauhe every package of seed IS put up by himselfâ€" He can oifer freNlici- seeds, and more in a package than those put up by outside menâ€" as he don't have to pay them a profit lor putting up. -IT PAWS TOâ€" CSkI* Solid Q«ld Wtlrh. £»ldfaraiCW.iiBtill*i Bc^t $S5 waick la Ih* world. iTKfKt liaekniKT. W«r- faaMd. BwTX SuUa UaU |Htt»tUn Cum. Both ladio' land (mtt' sins, with woit* •Dd ciMi of oqyal nlM^ I One Peraoa ia oaeb lo. oltlr csa noaro oaa ftc^ tsfother wifh oar lacgoaad«ml- oablo Uae of B»aaehrtd Saaiplea. Tkcw ksaiplM, •• woll as tbo watch, ws ttad ~â€"^-^-â€" PreeiaadaftaryoahaTOkoiit Mimi in Tcor home (br 9 noaths aad ahowa them to thua who mmy have culled, f her becoiae voar own propeitT. Tbofo who write at once can be aino of te eeWln n the Watell citl Anmplea. Wepa.T all eapcMj, fcrtitht.ett. tiliuson C- .. Box aVj,P«rtUuta, ' Notices of Birtlu, Diamaget, and Death ttcenty five cents. BIRTHS. BcTB^fsiDK â€" At Markdale, on. April i. Mrs. Bobert Bumfdde â€" a sou. ««, oo *SSr^ H^liiinc. ^^^ ^^^ severe on Mr. ).,To«itfe|^^*_^ â- ^eh.rgeri Commissioner, whom IjiSitvS! ^^' overriding the law, h,ir"yaiii mjustiee. He moved K u7,"â„¢mittee of enquiry. Sir Hsnof.,. '"" poiuted lo Davin's 'Ibr if ""i ^**® Herchimer fnH ^*jiniVi ^* 'â- erased the conti^l^ fci'"jf tlat most of tliecl ^wchimer had beeifc WnrkilaT XMrkvt*. WxDXESDAY April 9, 1890. Fall Wheat c f 70to 82 Spring Wiieat 70to t2 Bairl^y ..- .â- •• 35 to V/ftiiS .*.*..*•*•.**•*•.••••. ^O vO^ JrGftife. •••.•...•.••..•.•••*• ox to Bntter ,..•...••••••••••••"• I'sto Gggs ...^, ....... ...•••••••' 9^ 9 Hay :..• .- 6 OOto U» rotatoel, perteg. 40to Kl Wool ,...: 30to 22 Beef............ 4 (lOto H W jPork..... .....v...... Ptrto 5 86 4() 26 51 14 Just Arrived 1 BARREL O ^eUlUBER^ALTS. t BARREL OF EPSOM SALTS. 1 BARREL OF SULPHtR, 1 BARREL OF SALTPETER^ AND THA.T IS THE Men Bw Me;! â€" trâ€" OWKJV SOXTI^O. The besfcand Biost practical oourae of study. The beatteaching talent. The best accotumodatioti for students. The best methods of iiistraction. The best results from that iustmotion after students graduate. For annual announcemont Riving pvrticulars regarding the coui-se of study, toruis c., addiesa C..\.I'IiEMIXG,PiiiNciPAi.. ' Owen Sound Nov. Ist, l.«a. ^ST^IND MILLS' -AT- STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. AXrs. PXJivrr" OTTK Eatrophy Condinient THE ONLY PEKFECT rENCfe; WOVEN WIBE FENCING 64et*.^KodaKdUpmajr€. CTOR ARTLEV mrPR » .MTEWTtC.P^T. latTt -^OB â€" the great Horse, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry Spice is taking the load. "^^vT 22-2- P More Nutritions, Bett- er MilklGenerator, En- riches the Butter, Great Flesh Producer. If you haye not sed it,. j^lt, i^. WiU. astoidsh you. Uuviiiv i)iLic I sed the JIarl'ln !• I'lmi/T l'i:»i- ni.w; T v.iK]i tu i iioi.i pe to ti e jii Mic tliat I niu p,-e; n?fi to »',11 o.'-i i is nr ' 1'lK}g of !HT1II:':. £'uroo Fnmpa, CJetsru VunpB, ate. Wind IS lis: V.^;i Si^^r i-outiuue to mauul'acturn WinuM.'ljF, eiflHi-frr power or pumpiiig purposes. And, Uiii'g n iirnctifpl mechanic, I feel confident of tni nJnp out work that cannot fail ti tpv« Hatiffact'cn. I\eiai.rinf; done. All woxk guwa:ito-Tl. Ordfis from a distantie will receive particular and prompt attention. Call on or address, JEFFBEY AKTLEY, MnrkdaliB. EMORY iHindwaDdarincenTed. Bnoks Iranifd in one readme. Teetfanonials from all parts of the aloba. Pmapactaapoar aent «b jgipHeatfam to Pmf. Afu. HewToik. [9 Cords Buns _. rirO BACKAl 1,1. MDta^te t4Mtlmonlal« flom laa d jgC ar 'AKaate aMMaat br ttewaot ttaiaMi «aa •!• tbair own aawa n«w ana do KM 9imm. wtpm .eaiji wiMwt It. A ^** â- â- •- â- aa»*igi.w»i M5hii i III IMT l i ri y «r wHM Mlpus •ik' "-rHh:*«* TWO 2I1SM TBSTIKt^ 'LKilEK,-0»ebotleo£_^..,..„ '{ci\itJtii\ cured Mu* • I. li^Wjii)(o «*• ' a „__. 'I m«4 tui^iiw^yi fir miti^ Ate ' #*i ' ' '!• 155 t 'II Id I .1 J â- I ' !!,: if (:• .-.-*... ^,-^ »- "'^^