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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Apr 1890, p. 4

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 â- ^â- J"'4w^ â- T^^'P^- '.J^^V-* " ,«;-l|lLlJJI!t '-TTKiEgst-i ' ?:, f- -n:^' •a â- '-v' 'â-  l! I ' if;' C. W. Batledge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, APBIL 10, 1890. HEALTH. Spring: time is here, and a word on :the sanitary line may not be amiss. The past winter was mild, and more than an average amount oi siokness prevailed. La grippe visited almost .every family, causing much distress and leaving many a vacant chair. The dregs of that disease lingers in the system of scores, and if timely pre- cautions are not adopted our village and community is liable to 6u£fer from a visitation of diphtheria, typhoid -fever, measles and other ailmeuis which are developed by the want of proper sanitary conditions. Every family should take a course of bloo.1-purifying medicine, from the oldest to the youngest then eveiy yard should be thoroughly cleaned, every closet disinfected, every room in the house ventilated and eyery sleep- ,ing apartment supplied with fresh air by the window sash being lowered at the top during the night. If common aense and our better judgment were allowed to act m the matter of ventil- ation for sleeping apartments, there would be less sickness and more vitality. Prompt action in regard to those simple sanitary matters may preyent untold suffering and expense. CORRESPONDENCE. A good reliable correspondent is a valuable adjunct to a newspaper, while a staff of correspondents who supply the news of the surrounding district in an intelligent, spicy manner, with- out personal offence to any, is a pow- erful aid in the success of a paper. A correspondent should always ex- ercise his judgement in writing the items of his locality so as to promote the best interests of the paper for which he writes, and eyen then, the editor has the right to exercise his judgment as to whether he will pub- lish all he receives from his corres- pondents. The correspondents have also rights ^nd privileges which the publisher is in duty bound to respect. We often have a batch of news by way of cor- respondence from other persons where we haye a regular correspondent, and have to declme publishing same, simply because tnat would be en- croaching on our regular correspond- ents territory. Very interesting and well written news items are frequently consigned to the waste basket in that way which we would otherwise gladly publiah. There are other features which we may refer to at a future time. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Waterford had a $75,000 fire on Monday. â€" ^Farmers in many parts of Mani- toba are seeding. â€" The Ontario Legislature was pro- rogued on Monday. â€" Hamilton is building a new school at a cost of $19,000. â€" A protest has been filed against the election of Dr. Montague of Haldi- mand. â€" Thirteen Chinese were arrested Sunday night in fm attempt to cross the line between Mexico and the United States. â€" ^The by-law granting the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway $275,: â- OOO was carried by the property-own- ers of Hamilton last week by a vote of 3,697 to816. â€" ^A Commisnon has been noom* mended by the U. S. House Commit* tee ou BaSwwys and Cftoate to make a defiipt».liBN^ for ^keaaal s^oaad â€" Some of the Reformers of Ontario seem to have adopted the very unre- formed theory that the Government officers exist for the good of the per- sons appointed to them. It is practi- cally impossible to get this idea out of the heads of certain classes of the community which have an undoubted gift in the way of scheniing for places at the public crib but it is altogether beneath men who wish to be counted as Liberals to make the demand that the places in the public service be re- served for any class of men, even though that class include all Canadi- ans. The Crovefnment, however little it may understand it, has only one duty in the matter of civil service ap- pointments, and that is to do as any private employer would do, get the best man he can find for each position wherever he can find him. The bill to limit the Civil Service to Canadians may aim at a certain sort of advantage to Canadian office seekers, who are after all a limited class, but it is direct- ly against the interests of Canadians generally, who in this matter are the employers and not the employed. With the tremendous pressure being constantly exercised by Oanadians for these appointments one would think that tiie danger of the Government giving theia uuadvisedly to strangers would be infinitely small. â€" The Congress of the United States cannot now, in dealing with the tariff, be expected to have any regard for the interests of reciprocity between Canada and the United States, and if it de- cides to adopt retaliatory measures it has in the Foster tariff changes cnly too good an excuse. The duty on egge, the increased duty on horses, on barley and on sheep, proposed in the first dratt of the Ways and iilfcans Commit- tee's report can now hardly fail to pass and if the imposition of duties upon fruit, in violation of the statutory offer of reciprocity, and the new pork and lard duties du not provoke general re- taUation, then Canada may count herself lucky. The Ways and Means Committee, without, of course, taking either the interests or the actions of Canada into the account, have embod- ied in their completed report some changes in duties that will be decided- ly for our benefit. The duty upon pine lumber has been reduced by fifty cents a thousand, that upon timber by fifty per cent., and wood pulp for the manufacture of paper has been put upon the free list. If these changes should carry, the lumber interests of Canada will be benefited, but it will be a long time before the wood pulp business is of the importance that the endangered egg trade now is. Btmdalk. atandard Corretvondence. Mr. p. McGregor met with an acci- dent the other day. He was working around the mill, when he fell and broke several of his ribs. The iJrass Band was entertained to an oyster supper at the residence of Mr. Geo. Nixon last week. The Library of the Mechanics' In- stitute opens with a nucleus of 230 volumes, with the prospect of about 200 more being added before long. The Village Council very Uberally made a grant to it of $50. ' Word has just arrived, that J. W. McCullough, a Dundalk young man, has been declared the "Gold M^alist" at the Trinity College medical examin- ations. Well done, J. W. 1 last Saturday eleyen men in Proton out down, sawed and split 36 cords of wood from nine a. m. to six p. m., with an hour and a half rest at noon. Good work they consider. DISTRICT DOTS. The new C. P. B. transfer steamer is beujg taken to Windsor this week from Owen Sound and at once go into service. Mr. Qias. Bellamy and Ch'as^ Mosier isXi a bde tree near tlie JritUle^Uui Monday.' A section ~of '{he XnQ how reclines in Mr. Bcdlamy's yard. The b«e8 are alive" uid Mr. B. intend* to leeo tliBSi;«%Br-^GFl«aheit(n Ad- vaoee. -t0 SPRING! ImDOiialioDS @yiMaXM!LYj) â€" ^AT â€" W. J. McFARLANDS. JUST RECEIVED! Buy The Best $c b e Happy i If you are in need of any luiplementvin yonr rtspectiye lines ju^t cai, GRAHAM, THE LIVE IMPLEMENT MAN of Markdale, as he sells for the leading ilaun.acturinR Companies of Canada as loUo The Massey Mf»,' Co., Toronto. Riuilers. Harvesters, Mowers and Sulky R,v The Noxon Bros. Hoosier Seed DrilU. â- ^ "«»â-  The Patterson Bros. Spring Tooth Harrows aind Piows nnd Steel Harrows The Frost Wood Spring Tooth Harrows and Sulky Plows. The Eagle Sulky Cultivator and Seeder. Eiie Iron Works. Plows. Wilkinson Pattern. L'in.l Rollers, Scufflerg.ftc The Monarch Minnesota Ohief and Climax Separator, mauulactured by p Pberson Horey, of Clinton. Ont. •»"n,5fc Also the Waterons Engine Work« Mill Machmerj' Bepair-s always on hand at Trelfords Hardwaie Store or at Ware-roonia «« north of MarkdaJe House. ' ""« ' COUCrbOHHOflM, bfOHlBttt. asttlM, R. S. RT^E, MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGi L and FEENCH WORSTEDS, ENG^LISH MELTONS. TRoWSERTvr? in all the leading grades. SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR Tlvc COLLARS, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS. c., c. ' '^^^^ Special attention is invited ti the l?lailiifactui-c of Buttons; parties irisl- buttons of same material as their garments, either ladies or geutlenieu, can have tl' made m a tew minutes while waiting. ' AGENT FOB PAEKEB'S DTE WORKS. Tailoring done tis usual. Custom work will receive careful attention Good work and reat fits. 13, S, E.A.E, Per SteamsMp DeYonia 5 CASES COTVVPRISING -THE- LATEST NOVELTIES -IN- All the leading materials and fashion- able shades for Ladies* Dresses with Trimmings to match in either Braids or Combinations. j CASE, 24 DOZEN LADIES PARASOLS, In Zenilla, Alpaoca and Silk, with either Long or Medium Handles. The laigest and best assortment ever shown in Markdale. I CASE, WHITE AND CREAM I ^U[cg i :CURTMIiS.) Spring Gooiis. SPRING DRESS Goods â€" AND SPRING SUITINGS to suit the people. Come early and secure a good selection. "WM. BBOWN, Toronto House. FORD'S and get a grist exchang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best satisfaction of any mm in the county. If you intend purchas- ing S^X-.OTTI5 caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W. FORD. NoScETOCRiiTORS D. B. D. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable componnd,posaessB; perfect regnlating powers over all the orgaw of tile system, and eontrolling their aecit- tions. It 80 purifies the blood that it CURES AH blood hmnors and diseases, from a eoifr mon pimple to the worst scrofoloas sore, ant this combined with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence on tto secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a cure for ail diaetiBes of the SKIN in French, Guipure, Chintille and Nottingham Lace. Beautiful goods at very low prices. I CASE, Sateen Prints. These goods cannot be surpassed for quahty of texture and beauty- of pattern and are warranted i»erfectlT fast in color. It will pay every intendinf? pur chaser to spend an afteruoon SHOPP- ING and look through my importa^ tioM. Choods shown witti j^easore. Wi mmm, â„¢' '^^JSB^ ^arsiL'SJii Axm goods op XAUBXCB SUIiAXr SECXAaJBD. Notice is hereby given pursuantto B.S 0. Chapter 110. that all persons having cUims upon or against the estate of Maurice Dulan. late of the townshipof the county ^ly'^y\^"J^^r"^iiodiiiA on or aoout the thirteenth day of April, A. D„ 1857. aro on or before the aOtt DAT OP MAY. A. ». 1890. to send oy post prepaid or deUvered to the undersigned Solicitor for Thomas Dulan the Adnunistratorfor the said deceased a sta^- Zam, "ting of their names and audr.s^ and full particuhirs of their claims and toe nature nf all securities (if apjjheld by them And notice is furthe/giTeu that aLr the trator wUl proceed to distribute the assets °* *^« ^aid deceased among the iWn! clams of which notice shall have b^en given Sjl^otMf*'"'"' '^°'ltJ««^d Administrate S* thi^ fsponnble for the assets or any part theieof so tbstribnted to any person of cerv^ at the time said distribatiou is bo 4.d';?8?0.""**^^«* ^^ ""April. Tnm one to two bottles will cure boiK pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles wiU cure saltrhe^ or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, '"ce"" sceases, running sores.and all skin erupnons. It a. noticeable that sufierers from skm DISEASES Are nearly always aggravated by mtole«* itching, but this quickly eubsides on »« remov^ of the disease by B.BB. P" on to graver yet prevalent diseases, sncnw aor^uous swellings, humors and SCROFULA We have undoubted proof that from S tosixbottlea used internally andbjoutwa" appUoation (diluted if the skin is broKen/ the aifected parts, will effect a cure. great mission of B. B. B. is to «e°'r^ Urer, kidneys, bowels and blooi,to^ ' acidity and wrong action of f«^'°"i^ and to mien the sluice-ways of ""tfLre- to carry off aU clogged and imp°re^ tions. aUowing nature thus to aid i«»» and remove without fail BAD BLOOD wri' Liver oomplaint, biliousness, ^y^J?*^ lehe. dropsy, rheumatism, ano P. McCULLOUGH, Solicitor lor Administrated. headache, dropsy, ^^^ â- pedes of disease ansmg from (^' Kver. kidneys, stomach, bowels »na^ We goarantoe every ^^?°ljLjiBBl Shotdd any person be dissatrfed »*^.j, the fint bitSe. we will rdanithem^^ â- pplioationpensoDallyorbyletter- ^ij. •too be glad to send testimom^f^j, ^^ --' formation proving the effects ol '^â- ^g^ ^Mr' **' the above named diseases, on 'â- VKTr ^V^rin â- pplioationpensoDallyor by letter. ,.^ •too be glad to send testimom^f^j, formation proving the effects ol ^*^^ the above named dfeeases, on fVKTr to T. MILBUBN CO., Toronto^^ RUNNING SOBES ^^^W*] I had a pain on my l*"" «'« ' Jp^ I" -out in mnning sores. """Ljiieh «?f filters was the only medieme J M; me nliei. althongh I tried ra^J^ir^V^^ •ideis^hraled up row. and '^g,»ri Momd'aftir inai g in ^i* ' ^p8l»-?r idthont relief. I idM use Bwj^T^ |* JpkljUim the be-t I have ey« f^ .. AClfcddia^ Mount Pleasant, 0B»- mil iMMM .^^^^i^^~^i^-^^,^^r.^::;^.j,MiLtl^^ .,iijt^^v.

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