.â€" Loais Lemon^ Qley Sand^tBou, WickhaEtt, Bryon lock, Claia Kiag, Walter, Walter f, Arthur Caswell, e Barker, Eddie ink, Sophia J. Bonnell, Maggie s attended everjr' R. H. Olmstead, Campbell, Willie son, Percy Bro WD, Brown, Ollie r, liillie Shnnk, p Walter, Stanley- Lemon, Charlie Emily Walter, Barker, Maggie an W^illie Waltes;. Taylor. for the month 57 pBT. Mamin, Teacher. S[ov. 26, 1889. lion Agent, Winnipeg- have desired no lent re my ex* I willingly corn- time to say any. ranprers a better ID try than tliey ON- next door to Manley's dmg store, Harkdale, and inspect bis Urge and weU assorted stock of Haidware, Stoves and Tinware Paints and Oils. Prompt at- tenti(m to repaizing and eave- tmn ^hing "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY/ fE?sTH YEAR.â€" Ko. 500. MAEKDAI^E, THTJESDAY, APBIL 10, 1890. C. W. BTJTIiEDGE, Proprietor. teal and Other Iteis. 'x, ncES in tjfzse cohimnsintended to benefit J-iindiridttnl or Society will hviharged ten tints a ttitti a line for the first insertion and five line each siihiegvent insertion. SOTICE- â€" Correspondence, ctummunica- ,:,^„i, Adtertisements, etc.. muxt he in this ..•;i\\i nnun ov Tuesday to insure frablicati on thiitrrefl:- ^^ Eggs are dovra, Thev went down on Easter. ^KYDEN has a barrelful of ufbnej to kad. A. ^V^- Wade takes the "bun" for mak- inc good bread. Handsome wall papers at M. E. Dong- ]a53' fancy goods store. Revs. Ernes and Buggin exchanged palpits last Sunday evening. Me. and Mrs. Andrew Hill, of Orange- viUe, spent Sunday in Markdale. Frank Graham sells the Massey Imp- lements. They -are world beaters. Mr. S. H. Hill, of Toronto, spent a couple of days in Markdale this. week. Mu. U. S. Bowes is up from Toronto preiffliing to move his family to thecity. Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. Hats! Hats! Hats !â€" Felt and Straw Hats for ever-^'body, cheap, at Mercer's. 200 tons old iron wanted at the Mark- dale foundry, for wMch cash will be paid. Fot wounds, burns, scalds and ail skin diseases, use MaaJey's Carbolic .Oint- ment. itss De Lamatter, of Owen Sound, was the guest of Mrs. E. L. Stephen this week. A SPAN of good young horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnstoa, Markdale. 392.tf. Me. J. Charest, of Montreal, will be in llarkdale to buy work and carriafife horses on Friday, 11th April. Me. Wm. Dickie, 11th line Euphrasia, had a rib broken while chopping on Itlonday last. Millinery, fuHy opened for Spring season, at M. JBicbardsoG Go's. Fleshertou. L.ADIES, Misses and Children's foot- ^are in best makes, and popular prices, at il. E. Douglass' Boots Boots Boots â€" All sizes for young and old, ajid cheaper than the •cheapest, at Mercer's. Oil Cake Herbagfeum the best known Cattle foods in the world at Mauley's Drug Store. Sateen Prints, beautiful goods for Spring dresiwear, at M. Bichard- son- Go's., Jblesherton. For loss of appetite, mdieestion, sick hfiadache and heartburn, use Masley's Blood and Stomach Bitters. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Maniey, Druggist, Markdale. Me. Waltee Douglas, of Euphrasia, l^appened with an accident one day last Week reeulting in a broken rib. Herbagecm increases the quantity of Biilk by one-half and at the same time iieeps the cow in better condition. Mesceb has the cheapest and best line of all wool, silk finished, Henrietta cloth in town. Ladies call and see. Hardware, stock very com- plete and at lowest competing prices, *t M. Eichardson Go's, Flesberton. Orchard Grass, Italian Bye, Meadow Fescue or Sweet Ckass' Perennial Rye and Kentucky Bine Grass at Stephen's I^nigStore. Parties from the country are inyited to visit McNally's carriage weeks, when iQ town, and inspect his fine display of J»ter vehicles. PcRiFY the blood and thus fortify Hbe system agamst the attacks of diseases W Qsing the great Rejnrmator Bitters. Sold by Smith, the barber. BtixBhooldbe m ereiy hooM. •eafy times its Mrt. 8«Ukgr It Jotton Ponyees, equalling the silk in finish and texture, for summer wear, at A5. Richardson Go's, Plesh- erton. Money to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, biisinftss strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Foe the best Seed Drill, Broadcast Seeder, Cultivator or Spring Tooth Harrow, go to Jackson. Terms easy and prices right. Repairs cash. Mhs. F. W. Bhooke, of Odaiwa, is spending a couple oi weeks with her parents and friends in town. Mr. B. also spent a day or two here this week. Mk. Alex. Beaton leayes this week, together with his family, for British Columbia, there to join part of the fam- ily gone before. They have our best vwishes. " ' ' If you would like to see as good a looking person as yourself in a picture, life size, and handsomely framed, just leave your measure with Hamilton, the photographer. Messes. Will. Lyons and Seth Math- ers, of this place, returned from the Toronto Veterinary College on Saturday last, and are now full fledged "Vets." Congratulations. Mrs. Bowler, the old lady, and Mrs. Robert Bowers have been seriously iU, even »t the point of death apparently, but we are pleased to learn that both are now out of danger. To THE FRONT. â€" The Eagle sulkey. cultivator of Brantford, Hoosier seed drill, Spriag tooth Harrow and Plows together with a full line of implements. F. Graham, one door north of Markdale House. The Central Spring Show at Walter's Falls promises to be one of the best, if not THE best in the county. Large and attractive postdl^ are out announcing $70 in cash prizes. Remember the date, April 18. On Tuesday next, April 15, at ten o'clock a. m., a meeting of the Markdale school section will be held to elect a trustee, and further consider the question of a school site. There should be a large attendance. Mb. Andrew Beattie left this week for British Columbia, taking with him his two stallions, "Just in Time" and "Lucky Lad." He intends disposing of them and doing some prospecting in the western province. We vdsh him success. Puzzle â€" Ify onw antat ip t open po fte ayo umu stbu yita tru tl edg e'sg roc ery. â€" What nonsense. Explained â€" ^If you want a tip top cup of tea yon must buy it at Rutledge's grocery. â€" As plain as daylight and no nonsense whatever. Mb. J. W. Shephshdson, of Walter's Falls, went to Brampton last week in search of something superior in horse flesh and i«tnmed on Monday vrith a fine Carriage StaUion. The animal is a beautiful bright bay. Name, "Duke of Cleveland." On Thursday of last week while Mr. Alex. Boles, of Euphrasia, wch chopping in the woods a hmb fell from a tree top striking him on the head, making a severe scalp wound, fxoin. which he nearly bled to death. Medical aid was procured, and we are pleased to learn that he is now fast recovering. Auction sale of valuable Furniture and Hoosehold effects. â€" The subscriber will sell by auction on Tuesday, 22nd April, at 1 o'clock p. m. all his House- hold Furniture. and effects prior to his removing to Toronto. Terms â€" ^TJnder 15.00 cash, over that amount 9 months credit on approved endorsed notes. For particulars see posters. O. S. Bowes. pBOOBKsavE farmers ace giving great- er attention to stock raising every year and we are pleased to leam, with h^h- ly satisfactory results. The Canadian Live Stock and Farm Jonmal, published by tiie J. E. Briant Co., Toronto, is a mcmtiily jonmal that snch ianmers can- not afford to be without. It is aUy omodncted, neatly gotton np, and eannot il to prate proffitaUe ana iat ar M tifiK to «varT BidiMriber. tlpocTW. Gw •ofaMritoaftlinB ' by Bprlnff Tootb KarrowBl The best in Canada west. Sold Jackson, the great Implement man. Special Meetlag' The members of Court Markdale No. 135, Ci O. F., are requestea to attend a meeting at the hall on Friday evemng first, 11th. as business of importance must be attended to. Broadcast Seeders. Jackson sells the best Seeder with Harrow and Grass Seeder attached, in the wide, wide world, manufactured by the wide awake firm of J. 0. Wisner, Son Co., Brantford. Flows I Plows I For a Floury, Wilkinson, Gowdy, or McGill Plow, Jackson keeps them and repairs too. Two-Furrow Gang Plows, Iron Harrows, Land Rollers, and every Implement the farmer wants. Free. Jubilee Lodge, No. 128, Independent Order Good Templars of Markdale, will gi've an entertainment in Haskett's Hall on Monday evening next commencing at 8 o'clock, consisting of readings, recita- tions, songs, and instrumental music also a temperance talk by Mr. Geo. J Blyth, editor Chatsworth News. The entertainment will be free and all are invited. Mabkbale sports committee have de- cided that, owing to the a^ricultural grounds being m a crude condition caus- ed by the recent addition to the speeding course, they will hold their celebration on the 1st July instead of the Queen's Birthday. Ihe liaster Vestry meeting of Christ Church, Markdale, was held in the school room of the church on Easter Monday at 7 p. m. All the old officers were re-elected as follows â€" ^Rector's Warden, Benjamin Coleman; Thomas Brady for the people Messrs. Thomas Elliott and Solomon Hill, Senior Sides- men Walter Turner and Thomas Cole- man, Junior Sidesmen Benj. Coleman, Lay Delegate Messrs. J. Osssar and S. Hill, Auditors; R. D. Bigger, Vestry Clerk. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Miss Ford, the organist, and members of the choir for their valuable services during the past year. Meeting adjourned until Tuesday evening, April 29, at 7 p. m. to receive the Auditors' report and for other business. Chatswoxth. SPBING! SPBING! TIMOTHY, CLOVER â€" ANDâ€" GARDEN SEEDS -AT THE Walter's Falls. (Cor. in O. S. Adveriiser.) Any man who has property, no matter how young he may be, married or single, should have his will made, Somepeople may think tbis ridiculous, but it is good, sound adyice all the same. Life is very uncertain no one, no matter how strong he may be, knows what accident may strike him down in an instant and leave his worldly affairs, be they great or small, in confusion. There is perbapE more law and expense, more trouble and quarrelling, over people dying without having made wills than over anything else. The families are very few and far between where everybody doesn't grab nil he can it he gets the chance. The trouble, too, is apt to be multiplied ten-fold when strangers marry into the family. Then there is the danger of dying and leaving a young family nothing can be done with the property till they come of age, at least without endless trouble. In that case a will of a few words leaving the property to the wife, either absolutely or on con- ditions, would have saved all the trouble. Then there is the still worse case of a man dying and leaying a large family some of whom are of age and others not. The case is complicat- ed still further if one of the family has died leaving a young family surviving him, Uf course they come in for his share, but nothing can be done till they come in turn of age, at least without great trouble. And so on, case after case, even increasing in} complexity, till an ordinary layman gets hopelessly lost in the law relating to the matter. Many a good farm has been swallowed up, many a large estate has been sunk, and many an unseemly family quarrel set on foot, Bran, Shorts, Oat and Cornmeal and every, all on account of neglecting to make a (^^^Jps else kept in a first-class provision store simple, short will. Even men who .*°^*°'Pâ„¢^«^V„'^1^.!^^*'^«°»^ ^ke^a have been in frail, uncertain health BELFAST HOUSE, get quotations from us before you purchase. Crockery Glassware. the best selected stock to choose from in Sfarkdale. Fresh Groceries, Fresh Groceries, raiYfEiiYfEA' We have in stock a Japan Tea for 25 cents that peddlars and other merehants sell for 35 cents, call and get a sample. Flour %(. Feed back seat. "JBpwtoZarwTO Commercium." Sap's runnin' so we hear. Those who like ta% better take an early op- portunity of visiting friends in the "suburbs" who own sugar-bushes. Mrs. Hiram Bonnell left the village on Wednesday last to spend a few days with relatives in Toronto. We are glad to leam that Freddis Walter, whose serious illness was mentioned last week, is rapidly on the mend. Mr. J. B. Wickham, the popular teacher of Orange Valley, spent his Easter holidays with relatives in the yillage and neighborhood. Our own teacher, Mr. B. Martin, had a trip home during the holidays. The bran-duster of the roller- mill broke on Wednesday night of last week. Owing to the promptness and energy of our miller, everything is again in running order. Mr. Clarke started for Toronto on Thursday morn- ing and returned the same day with the apparatus necessary for repairs. The "Dauntless" F. B. 0. is again a "living reality." The officers elect- ed tor this year are as follows: â€" Captain, John McQuaker Field- Captain, Fred Wickham Sec.-Treas., F. Olmstead Committee-^W. I. Sea- brook, B. Clarke, B. Martin. As soon as the weather is suitable the commit- tee will take steps to procure a suitable praetioe-gronnd and then the usual cnmbo: of sore shins, sprained ankles, etc., eto., may be expected. â- i «» « Nstoie has laviBhly provided enrtw iar all Qm disease flecih is heir to, bnt the proper pr^wntion of tuay of tbem baa not yet been diMoreEed, In WOson's Wild Cherry w» liave a en* frar Goo^is, Ccdds, Whooping Coa^ Oxcmp and kmdraii aibnents, pvqati «d from vagiii^ drttgSj insjpIeMut sad for years frequently neglect this pre- caution indeed, perhaps in the majority of cases they do so. Then there are good, well-educated business men in other • respects who neglect it â€" men who would be pained to think of their property being swallowed up in law costs, and grieved at the thought of a disgraceful family quarrel over it after their death. Perhaps not three per cent of the propertied men of the country have their wills made, when every one of them â€" yes, even the reader, if he has property â€" should have them made. It is a common remark that a will doesn't shorten a man's life, yet men act as if it might they seem to have something like a dread of it, as if they were likely to die immediately after making it,^br at any rate, felt themselves ready to die. The consequence is that too often it is only when a man is on his deathbed and the King of Terrors is staring him in the face, when he is sure be is going to die and eyen a will cannot hurry him off any faster, when his senses are bedimmed, and bib hand paralyzed â€" it is only then that he. can be pre- vailed upon to make a will. This is a pretty strong picture, but there are few readers of this paragraph who will not be able to recall instances of it. And sucbt a will I Instead of being made when the intellect is clear and unclouded it is now made in the midst of shadows, perhaps at the dic- tation of some one interested in what it contains â€" with the probable con- sequence, eyen then, of a law suit, to set it aside. People too, setfm to for- get that a will can be ckimged every day. They seem to think that once it is made it settles everything. It of course does nothing of the sort. On the contrary it is of no earthly effect while the man lives, but with his last breath it oomes into full and immediate operationâ€" not till then can it be proved, reg^tered or anything else done to it. These are Tery common- place remarks bat yoa oome aeross scores oi people, birly well informed otherwise, woo are not aware of the truth of (bem. Yoar correspondent accordingly doses tbis item ss he opened it by repeating the sound bot very mno^ nigleeM nd^e that, "Anj JOBm vbo bu progatj, no awttir liop fnng Jw may m* anmed We have a positive cure for the "La Grippe' Benson's Bum, Gin and 5 and 7 year old whiskey will knock it out of you in one night- Come and see us, you can save money by buying your goods from\is. /?. H. BENSON C0. R. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. 18 YEARS AT THE TEADE. Fine work a Specialty, BEST TOOLS -AND- MATERIALS -:- USED Prices Low W. A. BEOWlSr, JHWEIiIjSB. r I'l ""-^^^ --.• 1:11 â- \ â- .v..» i; :(*• â- 9 I y: â- 1-" M Vrf t/^ h Vil -^-^^^' ^â- ^.£.afcAa:i..ia^»,,.'.,..v..;^ -.^