â- ^^ra^ m^mm WfW" Hi m f;" â- Nj. • J u n'f ' 61 i I ' ' â- li X K I I I ' i MS. sniiNiu cto, â- â- mai ciAW. siiBOBOKS, aooouoexm, Acâ€" Office mt Hanley's Dmg Store, vbere an cmllB day or night will be promptly attended to. T. S. SPBOULE, M. D. A. EGO. M. D.. Sc. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. R. C. P. s: EDINBURGH, Office at Stepheh's Druff Siore, lAte of the London Hospital. England. I». .^fcOnllousfli, 8ABBISTSB, SOLICITOR, Ac PFFICEâ€"OVER McFARLAHD'S STORE. MABKDALiE. 'IWEoney to Lioan. C H E OFFEES, and Teas extra fim â€" orâ€" AMS and Herring witliook brine â€" ^yes â€" XTRACTS, flavor the very best for -and â€" I. B. L.UCKS. BABKISTEB, SOI^ICITOB, Ac, vkl the firm of Bishop Lncas, Owen Sound, at office of •yWm. LUCAS, ai. Co.. ' Kvery Friday. Wm. Lucas in charge of office •luring -week and legal matters will receive prompt attention. A PFLES, (driied) that will meet with you* favor PICKLES, Peaches, Prnnes and Peels at prices that will make BBOWV. DrVISI.CN COURT CLEBK. lasaer of Marri ige Licenses, Ac. Commissioner} in B. B. c. Conyejrancing in all its branches promptly Attended to and carefully executed. N. B' â€" Money to Lend on B^al Estate se- carity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMUERLEY, Issne.- of Marriage Licenses. Money to I^n on Beal Estate at low rates. Wl few Jfarms for enle. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. BADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOIi of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Slarkdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of "ocb'tnonth and also at Munshaw's Hotel Flesher- con, the day following the third Wednesday in uacb month tor the practice of his profession. Commencing qn the 7th September, MONEY TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- -uess Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, O. frmTfor sale. c A s you kick up your heels. ONFECTIONERY, and spices and nuts to no end, â€" Kaisins â€" ND currants, the best to be found â€" also â€" Ihnm BoTOB. Uuoh 81.â€" The %riQg Am^m Court opened here to- day, Jastice Bobertson presiding. The docket contains six crimiufir and wx civil cases, Mr, Victor Lang, of Neustead, was elected foreman of the Grand Jury. True bills have been re- turned against Joshua Miller, Fred. Blackman and John Miller for larceny. The latter two pleaded guilty ^nd iwait sentence. The cRbe of Charlton V. MeDermott. an action arising out of a dispute coucemiiig the luase of a pasture field, is now before the Court. The Crown is represented by Mr. Alfred Frost, County Crown Attorney of Grey. The Assize Court before Justice Bobertson resumed to day, April 1. The Grand Jury returned a irue bill against Michael Smith for seduction no bill was found against Adam Holly for arson in the action before the Court yesterday, Charlton v. Me- Dermott, a verdict was given for the defendant. Free v. Pearce, an action for slander, verdictof $100forplaintiff. If yoa itre goii^' to do aBjUiing do it^ proDHUy. The longer you nMmben be if*^" a committee to «nd investiitate the propertr J" mtepa^rew neediug dE?f*^ moniciDahtv and ra^.^ '^^ij^ monicipahty aud report to*ue„ Haskett-BrowurThauK' of this council to pay ji a u for his services as village conS. ^^" reacinded.-Carried. °°"'"»tl9,be Council adjourned. fi. C. Bbyd] wait and *^"»k, mg oi council, viz th«p aboutit.and dread it. the worse it B?own and the mover ?.?" will he. r i r " Be on hand. Life is a great deal pleasanter to the person who prompt- ly does what he is required to do. Don't beep your frienda watting. You have no right to waste the time of other people. If you are one-half boar behind time in fdlfilling an en?, fjagement, yoii may cause a dosen other parties to break engagements, aud untold perplexities and delays may come out of just that little shortcom- ing ofr yours wiiieh you look upon as such a trifiiug thing' To an active, energetic, wideawake person there is nothing moro trying and more annoying than t'j be made to wait. Brace up and make an effort, yon shiftless, indolent, always behind- hand folks, and see if yon cannot come to time I If you have agreed to be at a cer- *N, Clerk, There was also a counter action in j tain place at a certain time, be there, this case for assault verdict for de- unless you are sick or dead. In either for baking â€" that will- â€" UGAKS and Syrups and Sodas i*??'"*- ^^^1^ ^^ cents damages and ' *^ J $10 costs. A true bill was also re- turned against George bbeehy for rape, but the defendant, who was out on bail, did not appear, and his bonds were estreated. His Lordship Justice Bobertson entertained the members of the Bar to a dinner this evening at the Seldon House. IIEAL your sick stomach and stop your head aching. BOUND ginger at prices ground down G R ^J Grippe â€" yes â€" AlSINS and Bice the best im the town Lemons for La RANGES and -also â€" ^% HEESE and Crackers for supper when out late â€" to be sure â€" EVEBYBODY is pleased with good weight Nature has lavishly provided cnr«s for all the disease flesh is heir to, but the proper preparation of many of them has not yet been discovered, In Wilson's Wild OLerry we have a cure for CouRhs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup and Icmdrea ailments, prepar- ed Irom vegetable drugs, in a pleasant and concentrated form, and which invariably gives prompt reUef and effects a speedy cure. Bold by all druggists. w LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg^, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars â- apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. fARKDATE"HODSE, MAEKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Proj»* R. J. SPROULE FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills irawn up andValuatious made on shortest notice. Ciiarges very lo'w. Applv to li. J. SniOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. -Plesherton. R â€" and â€" E MEMBER to hang this «p high â€" in- ^#OUB memory and never go by. T. ^W. BUTLEDGE, THB Clieaia Cash.»Grooer. A BBILLI.\NT EECOBD. ILL soon end if not supported iy genuine merits the success of Burdock Blood Bitters is founded on merits and approved by trial. It purifies the blood, and cures dyspepsia, ccnslipation, biliousness, sick headaches and all similar complaints. B. B. B. 18 ptirely vegetable. Notices of Birtns, Marnages,and Death twenty five cents. DEATHS Deavxb â€" In Holland on the 29th March, Mr, John Deaver. aged .52 years. White â€" In Glenelg on the 2«th March, Robert, son of John White, aged 12 years. 6 PER CENT, Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at owest rates of interest. Apply to K. J. SPBOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Fleeherton. W. C. RICHARDS BUILDEB, CONTEACTOB, ABCHI- TKcr, Markdale. New Aj-oods JUST AE8IVED AT EADNER'S JEWELLERY STORE CONSISTING OF fiurrali for SpringGoods -»T THE- Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, JBeds Bedding, Sideboards. Tablfs, common Extension Tables, in grei^tjrariety \yaslistands Spring Mattress Wool.M^ttreFs nf all kinda, And iu fact every tiling Uiet 'u kept in a first-class shop. Call and get q«o- tations. Also Funeral Fnmishingeâ€" ' Coffins, Caskets, Bobes, Liningt, Gloyeii, Crapes ot all deeonptions al- ways in stock. Ibanking my noiiMir 4ms eastomer* for past favors. Yours rMpaetiillly, â- -' â€" r- L I i ihhJm,. i i'-ii ,,. BtixaiMiaWbe -^' ^VSTaU Paper, School Books, Note Paper, Envelopes/ Pens, Pencils, School Chalk. LADIES' GENTS' Pocket Books, c. ALSO A LABGK ASSOBTMENT ' .;- â- - -o»- New Jewellery. PBESBYTEELAN^ CHUECH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2;30 p. m! Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Eev. L. C. Emes. Pastor A. McFarland, S. S. Superintendent. CHBIST CHUECH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Bnv. Mr. Graham, Incumbent. Sabbath School 2:30; B. Coleman, Superin- tendent. METHODIST CHUEGH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. ra and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Eev. Geo. Bnggin Pastor; E. W. Ennis- S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con nection: Mrs. T Hill. Secretarv. Strangers and visitors always welcome. Parties desiring sittings vrill apply to C. W- EutledKe. Pew Steward. I- o. a-- T. • JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets evprv Monday m Uaskett's HaU, Markdale, a1 8. Jeffrey Artley. W. C. F. Stevenp. Sen- case you might be excused, but not otherwise. If you are a man, don't keep your wife waiting dinner for you, unless there is some good and sufficient cauce and generally there is not. Waiting a dinner spoils not only the dinner, but the temper of the woman who i.s managing it. If you are a woman, and your hus- band says he will be ronud at four o'clock to take you to drive, be ready for him. Have your bonnet and gloyes on. Don't keep him dancing on the sidewalk for half an hour clinging t3 a fidgety horse, while you leisurely get on your -wraps and look at your back hair in a hand-glass and hunt up yonr gloves and yonr parasol and wonder wbetheryon had better take an extra shawl r not. Have all these attend- ed to and decided on before the time he has fixed. A little system and a good deal of determination will help you to be prompt and after you once get into the liabit of it, you will like it. It is relreehing to do business with one who is always on time, and who, you know, will be on time. He be- gets courage and confidence in every- body with whom he comes in contact. He is a power in society. He is a blessing to the world. When he dies he will be missed. Teach the children early to be prompt. Teach them to respect a pi'omise. Bring them up to tell the truth and stick to it. A broken en- {;agement is a lie. Sometimes it is worse than a lie, and may cause a great many more unpleasant compli- cations tlian a lie. Be careful m mak- ing an agreement, bat when you have once agreed, stick to the terms of the agreement. vibsu- And if yoy follow out the prompt, punctual, persevering method of doing everything when it needj? to be done, there are uiuety-hme chances iu a hundred that you will he successful in life aud if yo'i are not, you will have the delightful consciousness of know- ing that you have deserved success, and you will not be contiuually beset by the remorseful thought that if you had only come to time, if you had only been on hand, you would "have achiev- ed success instead of failure. â€" New York Weekly. WaltCT' Fall. Pniaio 8olw«. The following is tho Honoi. p.ii S. S. No. 1, Holland and E^^^'D. for the month of MarcJ. v """*« order of merit. "^^ ia IV. Class.â€" Margaret L Ca\ •. Frank Sanderson, Wilh'p' qI!,!""' NeUie Deleree, Ollie Browl^'^aj?!'?. Bonnell, Annie Walter, 'lho7^ o^ bell, Percy Brown, Bertie Carev Coleridge, Lottie Krown, Geo Sr* m Class, Sen..Div.-lwi£"'lF- Lennan, John H. Coleridge. Id, u Carney, Hannah Caswell, Rosp Taylor, Lilhe Shunk, Martha ^i^' Geo. Caswell, Albert Tkylor "' Jun.-Diy.â€" Annie M. Shunk. Tho« i King. ""us-i. II Class, Sen.-Div.â€" Louis Tom„ Philip Walter, Stanley LS Catharine McLennan, Lizzm t!^"' Emily Walter, Lizzie wtkhau, t Jun.-Diy.â€" Freddie Walter, Walter Lemon, Charlie Barker, Arthur Caswell Charlie Taylor, Atlie Barker, Eddii Brown, Nellie Shunk, SopbiJ j Shepherdson, Nettie Bonnell, Masrie Findlay. ""^i8« I Class, Part 11. Sen.-Div.-Aubrev Dayman, Willie Bassett, Catharine Liaycock. Jun.-Div.â€" Thos. Mower, Phoebe Caswell, Lettie Sheplierdson, Robt King, Willie King, Jabez Mower. Part I, Sen.-Div.â€" Grace Deleree, Kenith Laycock. Jun.-Div.â€" Alex. Findlay, JfiUie Mower, Willie Walter. The following pupils attended every day m the month :â€" R, H. Olmstead, N. K. Walter, Thos. Campbell, Willie Bonnell, Frank Sanderson, Percy Brown, Jane Lemon, Lottie Brown, Ollie Brown, Annie W^alter, Lilhe Shunk, Hannah Caswell, Philip Walter, Stanley Sanderson, Walter Lemon, Charlie Taylor, Lizzie Lemon, Emily Walter. Nettie Bonnell, A Hie Barker, Maggie Findlav, Aubrey Dayman, Willie W-altei, Nellie Deleree, Albert Taylor. Average attendance for the month 57. RoBT. Mamiv, Teacher. ICarkdal* ConncU. Call wlies yea are •annine Bfetoek. in town and S.BRmil£R, Jewellev. FARMTOMENT. KABSDiLE VHiLAGE 0FWCUL8. Beeve, W. J. McFarland Councilâ€" Wm. Brown, Jno. Lyons, Geo. Haskett and Angus Plewes. ». C. Bryden, Clerk; W. L. Young Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper- Bobt. Askin, police constable. ' Public School Trustees Wm. Lncas j Lyons. Edward RuUedge, H. D. Ir^' J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. COUHTT OFFIOALS. Jalge, 8. J. Lane, Owen Soand. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong. 0. Sound. Clerk, John Butherford. Owen Sobnd. Treaaorer. 8. J. Parker. Owen Sound. County Warden, ChM. Moflat. Edge Hill Begistrar, N., B. McKuight, Owen Bound* /• S., Tbo8. Lander, Durham. BevMinR Barriater, North. Jodge Lane Beyiuiig BarriBter. South ift East, Jadee I«oe, Owen Boosd. M P.. North. Jaa. Kaaeon. Owen Boond. JJ' S- f^/JA*- SF«»le. M J).. Markdale M. P.. South. Geo LaiMkgckin.M.D.,Uan. M.P.P..H«4li.D.CwMit«i.Tonmto. M. P. P., Eaat. Cut. l^ke, Clatksbon lf.P.P^Boiith.j:Bjth.OMhaid. BivmoB oomr oLBaia He. ^, B«o Alkn, CHmb Suooa. •• 4. Ikoe. J. 'i»K.f?j-rf* siriii^-i, â- ,, Mmutes of 8rd meeting of the mnni- cipal council of the village of Mark- dale, held the 26th day of March. A B. 1890. Members all present the Beeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read aud confirmed. Communicationaâ€" From Waterous Jugine Works Co. petition of F. J. ±titchie k others re sidewalk Clerk's acct. for the quarter. By-laws JSo. 29 and 80 were intro- duced and read the Ist and 2nd time. l-lewesâ€" Lyonsâ€" That the Clerk's •ccount 01 in.42 be paid.â€" Carried, nf J 'h:^y°°^^'»»t the petition *f** 1^**®^" *°^ oti^ew be referred to the Sidewalk committee for their consideration.â€" Loek of James Bitchie and others be con- Mdered mx months hence.- Carried ?:°f,^°fi"n.«?. and that the Waak K^ed op with the earn of onedoUar S«Sfe' •^' member' attendance MMcb Feiice-Tiewere.â€" Carried. .J^^â€"^f^^-THiitA the tax on JXif-^SSS! *°^ «» WWi- two »«. M^ini WJa now tmul^ MiFEiiTlli^lMm ftimwiEEDa at mahley' Glenboro, Nov. 26, 1889. T. Bennett, Esq., Dominion Imaiigraiion Ageut, Winnipeg,. Dea3 Sir, â€" As you have desired ne to give you a statement re my ei- perience in Manitoba, I willingly com- ply heiug glftd at any time to say any- thing that will give stranfjers a belter concepiion of the coaotry than tlief seem to have By birtli I am an Englishman, hav- ing been born in the great metropolis, and came to Manitoba m the year 1882; I worked at my (,rade, etc.. until 1884 this year I went west and took up a homestead end pre-emption, but meeting with a series of misfor- tunes ol one sort or another I had to abandon hem in 188( One accident a broken arm, compelliug me to re- main almost idle for over a year. In 1887 I carue with my brother to this village and started a business of onr own -^vith very little capital. Since that time we have done well, having a good business well established, and more than recovering from thereverses of 1885 and 1886. I believa that m almost any other conutry, being plac- ed as I was, it would have been tm7 hard to get along, especially to have made so much progress. For basideJ the store, my two brothers baye ewu a homestead of 160 acres, and I cave a homestead and a quarter section « North West Land Cos land, together with a httle live stock. This is noUJ| ing uncommon, for farniers aw merchants who started a few y ago with nothmg, are in many caw» worth thousands of dollars. With regard to this prp"f. "J. are, for the most part kind and iit»P table but as elsewhere one wji ii" the unscrupulous who are vrait»8 take advantage of the new-comers, caution need be used. ., gj. I would heartily recommend b»^ toba to mechanics, unless "«? -^jp a comfortable and permft°en J^^i^ at home, and to farmers. \^\^^^i. come should be sober and W ing, not to be discouraged u »" ^^ not make their fortunes in one y even do as good as they expw"jj^ •eoretof suooessis •'P*^*""^::-- bestiime to come is in tbespow-^ Any turiher hjform«"ou ^^ gladly give to th-se wlw know more. I remain, i^^- BMwd'a Peotond Ba»^ KoBiea* eat** g^^ li r III UUii^£i eoU«.1owaMH». bronchitis. -^ J# I^RUG STORE. ^BNTH •ffoncKS in tim ^iniividualc fg^a Um for ffftt a lint '""' NOTICE.â€" tion*,' Advertise* oj^eehynoowoni that veek. •Egos are do\ 'iHtr went d .^aVDKK has lend. A. W-WXDE in" good bread. Handsome wj 1138' fancy gooc Rkvs. Emes pulpits last Sue Mb. and Mrs. ville, spent Sun Frank Geaha lements. They Mb. S. H. Hi iceuple of days ii Me. G. S. Bo-? predating to mo- Old Jro ;Stove Foundry Hats! Hats! Hats for everybi 200 tons old ii dale .foundry, f paid. Fofi wounds, I diseases, use M ment. Jtes De Lah, was the guest of week. A.^PAN of goo Apply to CLarlei 392-tf. Mb. j. Chabes in Markdale to I horses on Fridaj Mb. Wm. Dick had a rib brok Xoaday last MUlinei Spring season, Go's. Fleshertoi Ladies, Misses ^are in best mal at M. E. Douglas Boots! Boots young and old, «heapest, at Mer Oil Cake the best knovraC at Manley's Dru for Spring dres wn*Co'8.,iJlet Foe loss of apj '^fi'daclie and he Slood and Stoma **»8o'8 Cure J^nedy for Cata, "â- "fey. Druggist JI». Walter D •"•Ppeaed with ai *»Are8ultmgin SSSBAOEUM UK J^ by one-half ^•'P" the cow in IhacsB has t ™»»faUwoo],si **u»town. L J5«5aatlowe â- * «• •nicbardsoi ^WAtoGraaa, 2f*0' Sweet !?â- Kentucky Bli ^Store. .T^*«8«romth •^McNallys ^•^^ the bloc *ffun8tth( rttie great '8Bttth.tb f ^^"â- ^-^'