IWEAir A- ItlOUs 5 lftrtif;; WOBKS. :U/tE$ DYSPEPtik yjREs orsPEPsii ^Iffi^S DYSPEPSli Mr. Keil UcSeil, ot Leld ;;t., â- frrites: j:iEATi Sins,â€" For years i \ars 1 Ktui'erefi from dysper its wor;it forms, aaii lii^ yiug all means in my pow ' no purpoBo I was persiia^J .- frionrls to trj- B.B.B., whi? ilid, and after nsiagSboa" was coi! f pletoly cured. 9s coNsimm res CONSTlPAm rea CONSTlPAm Bapld Ztecovery. De.mi Sibb,â€" I liava )ur ii.B.H. with great iucci r constipation nJ paiul y head. The second d^ ide uie ever s,o niucli bett( y bowTsU now more fre' fi^ the pain in r.iy head 1 't !:ie, and to everybody w 'iamo disease Irecoaiiaal li. K. MiM F. WrtiiiA-rs, Ji," i;ioor St., Torod rss BHIOUSm res BIUOUSHE^ ros SILIOUSHt^ Direct Prool ^THs lT.'a^troub!er!j ",rs v ;th Ijiver Cot- f ;od a. v'reit deal of U'.!:a^ ;h .IkI i.ie no goc'i. ^Jj r I ti-fe^ Burdock sA â- r^. After te^'.fS /• r.t!85 I am nowfe. ij orecoi-.iiiieuaitfor.aeo- {:i/;es HEADACt Cures HEADACa .i.tor-m-law-^^^t Zi^^TBAD^^ ures BAD BLi uresjAOjli =ad Blood ;5°»Ie*^ f^osToS^^^'7 ,fulOU8 80rt^^^^^__J â€" â- â- i •• 70 ^r •• 3.5 to • • .jo ti' â- •â- 515"..j ••• lii" â- •• lSt' ••• GO"y! â- •• 31)t'^J •••.4DOW er, B. ing cai od. le ESD. poori ^^f TAWA LETTER -The Parliament- from under the sceue which ftll oiei). ffork Ottawa. April 1.- Slclock tower the 5er their gaze ^vaB one wintry ex. ^ge of SHOW looking more Jike bt. ^eatme's Uivy than the eve of Easter. L kgifilatoi s were a tired body of "f bey liad had a hard week's a lively and important week, Ibeic i*- ^^'^^ """ "°^^' Wednesday a-'be^an. Many of t^iem, however, Mt'ail "1m1^- Weiiuesuay and half of TfanrEiIay. 22 hours in soseion without â- break.' 'iiie reef upon which the ^ip of Stare was temporarily stuck na a littl^' item li $5,500 in the Estimates for immigrntiou agencies in Kurort^- '^^^ Opposition uemauded .^formation wiiicii lion. Mr. Carling laiil be ccnldnt give but referrwd them ,,j Sir Cliaries Tupper's annual report jjjicij was iu the printers' hands per cent. Seed corn, for ensilace. is placed ou the free list, a concession to farmers. Salt and Iresli meats, now bearmg a duty of one cent a pound ure raised to three cents. Bacon, ham pork, now taxed one cent per pound, are raised to one and a half cents, and prepared meats from two to three cents. Tried Jard, now two cents is raised to three, and untried lard from one and a half to two cents. I^ive cattle, hogs and sheep are raised from twenty to thirty per cent. Home ground cornmeal is to have a rebate of duty of 90 per cent, of the original duty paid. Molasses, now bearing 15 per cent., is lowered one-half and a duty ot 1^ cents per gallon is imposed whea imported direct from the place of pro.iuction. The duties removed two years ago from fruits, trees and slarubs are reimposed. Sir Richard Cartwiight in his replv ntPTirlorl fliof +1-.. ~„ .. .1 T ^- po^'ended that thtre was great distress Tbftu the Opposition clecliued to allow j i" *1^« country and iliat tlieae changes the item to pa.ss until Sir Charles ^^uld increase it. He was followed s rcpoit was in their Lands,i°y Hon. Mr. Colby and Messrs. Patter- • •â- son, Peter White, Charlton, and Fer- guson of WelUnd. Mr. McMuUen resumes the debate today. The annual dinner of Tapper gskiD" that the item should stand over i few-dHjtJ. Sir Hector Langeviu, fflio, in the absence of the Premier, sader, refused to accede that the item must go was acting auJ (lecliired â- LroJf'h, pi omibiug however that they cuull discuss it ou coucuireuce. To this objeclious were raised and on all the Doiutfc dihcucsiou took place. Sii Hector Laugeviu leaned calmly back, closet! his eyew autl let the Opposition fire avray. They had most of the tiilkin;7 to themselves as they usually Jo vj Committee -of Supply, but Dr. Sjujiiic refustcl to sjt still under, the cli.iii^es Lurkd across ilie flocr by JJttjrij. McMulien, Mmock, Watson, Liit-r, I'r. Wilfion and Patterson vi Biiiiit. 'ir. Bowell came to the as- aiiftutice of the Minister and protested Tig:!inst what lie termed the badgering ot Mr Carliiig, to which Mr. Lister retorted that when in Opposition Mr. Bofffili had been very good himself at 1 the Press Gallery came off at the Russell House Saturday evening and was a great suc- cesH. The journaliste and their guests numbered sixty or seventy. Several of the Ministers, Mr. Laurier aud many Commoners were present. SE8TITT7T£ DAKOTA. A V/ARMNG to CANADIAN 6KTTLEB9. The Governor of South Dakota ac- companied a deputation from that State which visitf-.d St Paul last Wed- nesday, for the purpose of securing aid for the destitute farmers of the State. The deputation met tlie St. Paul joint relief committee, aud among its speak- ers was Judge Holdriuge, of Miner county, who said "Those who represented there was ,, ,,, abundance in his section of the badyum-aiidtheMmisteroftu8tom6ij,o,„,t,y ^.^^^ certainly egregiously did uoUeiiy It. I mistaken. He had lived in Mimr Xhoui two G clock Dr. bproule was ^.^..^ty ^jj-^ ^.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ in it, aud spoke with perfect knowledge Fel inlo a RL Very few people covet the experience many would far rather fall into a pit, But the customers of "Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a fit every time, they w^onld rather not fall into the hands of a Bjiight of the Scissors and Needle w^hose turnout would fit them, like rolling into a pit. Fits they want, fits they get, and he wants 1000 men and boys who want fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, Room over McFarland's store. Have you a Cough Take Wilsou's Wild Cherrv. Haveviua Cold? Taise Wilsou's Wild Cherry. Have you Bronchitis Take Wilson'.s H lid Cherry. Have you lost y.nir Voice Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you AstLma? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you a cold in the Head Take Wilson'fi Wild Cherry. The old reUable cure for all diseases of the Throat. Chest aud Lungs. Sold by all druggists. E LECTRiC LIGHT -^-OK MO ELECTRICiLIGHT -THE- BEST PUCE TO GET YOUR TIMO^B! Clover See -IS Al- ealui! to order for asserting that Mr. .McMuUon wTt-s '"insolvent" and the Opposition demanded that he be made take it back, at the same time twitting him wiih designs on the portlolio of Agriculture. The Doctor said Mc- Mullen was insolvent and declined to i ^^^ bushel to the acre, corn one bushel witi.draw the expression. Dr. Hickey Lyd flax one bushel. There were was acliug chairman and several practically no oats at all, and potatoes the Opposition yel- ayem-ed ' only ten bushels. Grass. of the situation. The county com- missioners had devoted nearly all of tiieir time gratuitously to this matter. Statistics showed that last year wheat raised in that county averaged only roused i'rom his bed gown and white "scents ensuec liiig "v.-ithdraw," "witlidraw,'" and iJr. Sproule continuing some indign- ant remarks wluch were inaudible in the uproar. Afterwards Mr. Cook jailed Sir. Cockburu a "landshark" ;tiid withdrew the expression, adding, however, "tlie cap seems to fit very "^â- eli," Iu-. SprLiula was caught a secLiid time and in obedience to the req!;est of C'hairmaii Wood withdrew tht! .f'uiisive ezpressiou adding, "but I believe it all the same." At three o'cicck Casey insisted ou appealing to :he Sj-eaker ou a point of order and ill. Spepoktr w^as and Ua silly glovo? came inter the Chamber rubbing his i-!eepy eyrs. Clerk Bourinot pre- yaik-: ou Casey to let ilie point drop, and iho Speaker was at liberty to re- turn to plambsr. At four o'clock Casey Cloved tlrat the Committee rise. Sir .iohii Thompson was asleep iu his seat aud Sir Hector Lange.viu had ouly one eye open. The other leaders on ooth s!de.4 were absent. A division was tak'm showing a^ Ministerial ma- jority of 1-1. At length day broke and still they talked on. About ten o'clock ThHrsJay morning tliose members who Were iu llieir beds all night began to cane in. Then the night's proceed- ings were rehearsed, contradicted and fea;£.?;ted. Finally the Premier which was depended on for fuel by many, Avas almost it total failure also. The people are poor. It was owing to the contributions from the outside that the people lived through the winter, and m the teeth of all statements to the contrary he declared that if it had not been for the gener- osity of the outside people and the railroads, and if they had an ordinary cold winter, hundreds would have perished by hunger and cold. Not one farmer out ot five has seed, and they don't know where to get it." RUNNING SORES HEALED. I had a pain on my left side, which broke out in running sores. Burdock Blood Bitters was the only medicine v-liich gave me relief, although I tried many others. My Ride is all healed up row, aud 1 am able to go around after being iu bed for over a year without relief. I also use Burdock Pills, aud find them the best I have eyor taken. Mrs. B. Maddis, Mount Pleasant, Out. STEPHEN'S DEUG STOHE. It's easy to dye "With Diamond Dyes Because so simple* It's safe to dye -with Diamond Dyes Because al-wrays reliable* It's economy to dye â- with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest* It's pleasant to dye "writh Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. Where will we get our GARDEN SEEDS? Echo answers iSTEPHEN'S DRUG STORE, WHY â€" Because every package of seed 18 put up by himself â€" He cau offer freshei* seeds, aud more in a package than those put up by outside men â€" as he don't have to pay them a profit lor putting up. You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes. Because they are bect» Melita, Man., Mch. 20, '90. Editor Standard Deak Sir,â€" I arrived home safe, after visiting VVingham, Brampton, Toronto, Peterboro aud Ottawa Jis triets. While at Brampton I went out to the stock farms of Messrs. .J. G J. C. Snell's. Alter looking through their stock I purchased a Berkshire ,B0W, one year old, from the gold medal iigreta to let one item of the immigra- ^^^^ ^^ j q. gngH q^^^^ ^i^icb •ion estimates st.j.nd over ur.til TuD- 1 ^^^^ ^^ another addition to the thor- oughbred stock of the Melita district. I induced Mr. William Ferguson of Pet-erboro, to, purchase a Clydesdale Stallion, imported by Mr. John Millar the noted stocK man of Brougham, Ont. Business is good here now, fine mild weather, temperature from 21 to 40 above in day time. Best wishes for the friends at Markdale. • Youfs truly, Geo. L. i)o0DS. estimates stand over until Tup ler's report was printed and reserved to the Opposition full liberty of dis- -ussiou. He made it evident that Sir Hector Langeyin had made a mistake bat he said he could not allow the aainoruy to humiliate the majority and his proposal \^(!uld let the Opposi- ^iou walk out with the honors of war. ihia was accejited at one o'clock after â- continuous session of 22 hours. Tiie Budget and tarifif changes are '^owii at last. The speech of the Miuifter of Finance was much briefer than latt year's. The revenue for the 'â- 'â- "'"'•cnt rear he estimated at $89,200,- 'JPt' atid the excenditure $36,500,000, 'eaviug a surplus of ^2,700,000. For '^fxt ypar, beginning in Julv, 1890,.be ^^fim-ited a surplus cf $2,500,000. the tariff elianges are numerous •^cd tDfiuy of them important. I'he 'luty of fifty cents a barrel on flour is iiicre.isod to 1' cents as additional [â- rotection to iniilers. An additional ' "tj 'f il cents n pound is placed on woollens." as Mr. Foster paid that ia- -nsrry was not prifSperoutj. M,in'i"f? 'aichiuny, manufHctured-in Canada, Our new bnt-t " Successful Home Dyeiag" Giving full diiectionsfor all uses of Diamond Dyes, sent free on applicr.iion. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere, or any ciilor niaileil on receipt of price, lo cents. Wells, UiCHARUsoN Co., Montreal, Que- .««.!W Ooia Watrh fur^liKr. iiut:!li..e $dA waich in tbe world. ccl tinKkreiii-i. Wur- ,rauieil. l!cftv]P SoiiU OlIiI \l-iuut'.apOiuel. bulti Udiev* iaait gttuu' uzes, vritb workf k uud ciiArs of equal valu (one Persoo in e«ch lo* ' citttiv can sccare on* frrc^ ovetlier with our Irge and »al- lu-ola i:n cf Xlbuaehold Satziplc*. These baropUs, â- â- vreU as tlie wat'.-h. we tciiA Pme, and after 70a haTO kept JhfTii in 'onr home fnr O months and ahown them to tbote who luayliave coiluj, Ihi y ht-Mii-.e roar own prcpertT. T^ose V -uo write at once ran be f »re of receiving tbe VVateh in.; Snini'les. V/e piy lUl etpr.». flrelirht. ete. Addraai ALL IN A HEAP. Malarial fever left mo with my blood in a tenible state, with boils bieaking out on my head and face I v,as too weak to work or even walk, but after t:ikincr a quarter of a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters 1 was.abJe to work. The bods all went away iu a heap, as it were, and my strensth fully returned before the bottle wasdoue. Fied. W.hayues, Winoua, Ont. Just Arrived BARREL OF GLAUBER SALTS. 1 BARREL OF EPSOM SALTS. 1 BARREL OF SULPHER. 1 BARREL OF SALTPETER. -AT- STEPHEN'S DRUG STOREi:. o"cri3 Eutrophy CoMiment â€" OB â€" «M Mart 8««eMtfU Beaiedy erer dis- covered, as it it certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. orncEor CHARLES M, SNYDER. BKBSOBK or BUVEUUID MY AND TMTnM IKD HOMEt. Elmwood, Iu., Nov. to, 1888. D«. B.J. KehdallCo, Dear Sirs: I have always purchased yotur Ken- dall's Spavin Cnre by the half dozen bottles. I would like prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the best liniments on nrth. I have used U in my subles for three years. Yours truly, Chas. A. Smvder. KENDALL'S SPWIN CURL BROOKI.YN, N. Y., November 3, 1888. Dr. B. J. Kkndali. Co. ' r Dear Sirs I desire to give yon testimonial of my good opinion of your KendaU's Spavin Cure. I have used it for buneneas. gtUT Jolats aad Spavlna. and I have found it a sure cure. I cordially recom- mend it to all horsemen. Yours truly. A. H. Gilbbrt, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Sant, WintonCoi;ntv, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1888. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. Gents. I feel i t my duty to say what I have done with your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-five horses that had 8p»vllit, ten of Rinc Bone, nine afflicted with Bis Head and seven of BlK Jw. Since I have had one of your books and followed the directions, I have never lost a case of any kind. „ Yours truly, Andkkw Turker, Horse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price Si per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drue- gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprie- tors. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Hvwitir, '.•.•.â- T- -i; fit,. M •.!; I a.;, pan*. 'â- ; *) i; r iii.-i- l:in" Ifwhrrv lb** pf ti. v will »!en'.i I'im" i«. in*? t:t RrW ir.j--mftchini: msi'tr hi tli«' wuriii. v.i;li ill: tnc airac-.inciii' \Vc wilt ' S" f »-df j'\»C»n c-v. r ;. .-rt Liiac ot our c*!-*!!* and T;ihinl:i^ *« Jsatrnt'l"-*^- I" rt'iurn -Tve Q.*.k ii;:H y-'X '.•how wlinl vi- Kvinl. to lho«p \\1^» iv r^ii '»' juiT hi-iin'.and .•'!;jr r3 ini'jnlh^uli fii.Tii tx'-nmr y-.ttr \v-» ipptprrM" 1 hi piund niml:;'n» \s -hich I.J-.** nm cut: iM-fure niittu « run t,\\\ il »bid forfftUSi, \vi;)i thM iii!i:« liiiirnrn. ai\t\ imw 5fIIs tur ^:f|lAO,'I{eKt.stroiif;f»r.i»ot iii!w 'ftil mai-hiiir in Ctic worKl. All M â- Free. No capital requirrti. Plnln*. brl^f Initractioas given. Those who \niie to oa at omc cnr. »*•- cure flre^ the beat sewinfr-machinn in the worM. a*»l th« flneat 11n«of works of htph art ever shown tocr'-thi tn .\nffVirik TA VK A CO.. JSox 740. ^usUMi^ ALoixM. -IT PAr» TO- AND TtlAT IS TIIE nt |s owk:v HOiTiNr.. The best aud most prairiital course of study. The lu.t tuacl.ii:f; taleiit. Tho best o,c' I'r.'modatio!! for students. Tl'.e best iiiutliods of iiistruc-tion. The best rc-^nlts from that instruction after student.-^ t,'raf'ui.ate. For ami;:a] anMouiicenieiit givinR pxrliciiLirs: regarding the course of study, terms ic, addrut^f C. A. FLE.UlNti, I'mNoiPAii. Owen Sound Nov. 1st. 18N«. "WIND MILLS Avoid Selleate Salrjeetsi. In his speecU a* Tavistock Mr. Mowat said, "1 am going to discuss J^rehibition here." He watJ as cautious as ^ihe colored preacher who said to a white brother who was to occupy pulpit one Sunday morning. ' be jest a,s wfll to mako no allusion steahn' in de sermon dis mo'nin' 'kasa it might frow a data per on do meetin.'" TWO MEN TESTIFY. \^ C-^ ENTLEMEN.â€" One bottle of Hagyard's j T Yellow Oil cared me of lumbago after j Ml ete fulled- Feter A. Watson. Foui 'a Yellow Oilfor croup this winter his •It will to ' to l-e admitted iroe of duty fur three I ^nd must Bay I find no better reme^ for it. --aii-, thus removing the dnry 6f thirty t3v. J'.arii'luii- I â- .:!.;! '.,iisi- nijss I v.ish x.'.i aiiiK.r.i'.C: ti tl'-- IKil.lir tiiat 1 at:! I'i i-i H;..rl to t"j cfiriii 'i.rn' i 'ii'lK jf X' ii'.iw. c VTfW PoiTips, Pore Pumps, CSstern Ptuupt, etc. WindlCl-B: vvwi aifo coutiuue to mauufacturfi Sviml Mills, either for i?o« ci- cr pumping lurposes. And. liciug u iiractieal luec.-iuic, I feel, confident ot triniui; out -.viaii that ci.nrot f:; ii to Kivo fatit tai tion. Keiwii iilj,- done. ..^)1 -n-ork snarantui d. Orders trriiv u distiiTioii â- Viili re'.i!\fi i articular and i-rouii'l attention. Call on or adiri ss, JEFFREY ARTIiEY, .Vliirk'Jsle. the great Horse, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry Spice is taking the lead. More;Nutriti6nSi Bett- er JiCilk|G-enerator, Enr riches the Butter, Great Flesji Producer: If you have not sed it, try it, it .Will astonish Xsors, I. L QANAOIAN p flCiFIC R B. TIME TABLE. â€" IVIcti'lidLale Station â€" Going Soctu. i UoiNO NOETH. 6.5.^ a. ^cx^, 12.10p.Lti. â- 1 34 I'.m. 8 ?A p. ni. EMORY Hmd mnderin^ mrwl. BnoV« I»nm»d ID one re.-ciing. "Geetinionialfifropi uil' parts of the f;Iube. Pnwpeetns I'nsi: FBKB, w**nt on J-.^plSi--it»*m" V Prcf. .. A. UiiaeUe. 3» Filth Av^s, Swu Turk. ,9Cords^S»)J!SE Buns Easji; NO BACKACHB. OlTKlfl Friie for doRcripttve cataloyria â- ars eqataininff testtmonlale trom kimiireiift tt iMsp.i v.-ku kMinndirniAta 9wrfa " fujtlj^Qa^^ JlMr^y' exB' 13_ knoyj A KW:IMBTiq|l tor eiipR 4»ws seot fno 4 to 9c«nls 4iUT. 23.000 BOW Biicees.v be had waere tbeie is a STEPHEN. with each â- aatlwi'br ttaenae'lMtllis toot-teveryoodr «aa file their crtta sawa nOw and dottbMt^tban tho t r eate t ezpeit can witboiit.it. Ad'aptt^ to all BitM»«iK aawt. Bveiy one who own»a svr shou'd kveone. la^atjtepanjreBiiaafMlartlal'uiadi. As-K Zonr dealer or ~wrlteVoi.llX6 t«AWI't» MA^^ tnuiTB o«., SM t* sii 8. Cbtici St., c:^;is«. iiu^ â- i A '^-'^â- '^iX^^