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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Apr 1890, p. 1

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 •Bip was Mr. SO uii 3bu8 '«t»«ge, and c^ •eigbborSoT^m one yearf Tui «"d reasonable.*.; t« enter heartuJiJS a committee wL ?? ^attbeycoa l^e number of ^^J ^er meeting ^i,Tj! fevoraWe to elect BY A COW badly hooked byTSJ' yard'H Yellow Oil clyuN "edy should be i„"eZ^ ts sprains, bruises, b^ ches in man or beast G DISCOVESy '"ralgia and obtained no vised to try Hasv.r.?^ nedy also for bums, gore ism^ Mrs. F.Cameron, w., Toronto. », March 20, 1890. think a short explana- 3 to why two Institute illed 80 near one time- It WJ.3 agreed at the- at Flesherton that a. be held at Thombnry eould be secured, to. k consented to send .9 wrote me about the lying that Prof. James leeting of the Institute 1 the 7th of Marcl^ ne mpil 1 received a iog it to the 14th in- Iso notified Mr. G. F. ury, for the 7th bi^ io the 14th, The tima Ir. Marsh, upon con- J. Hunter, concluded the 7th. The uinates y meeting of the TSt arrangement betwteQ :., and Mr. Marsh."' )thing of. I showed the Pres. and was a- tbe bills printed foF vite speakers. Bncb carried out. I regret made as it doubtless mcnt to many, Yours truly, J. 1. Gbahak. 'S SUFFERING. Lh dyspepsia for six years.' t abottleof B.B.B.from John Peaiee, of Pm^ isidered completely owed le symptoms about fiw was promptly removed )f another bottle, and I did in my life. Maiy Jarbor. Ont. ook Only aa Su* ch 24.â€" A flhootiiif lere Saturday night r ended without loss »en named William Tucker, who had not of terms of late, met n tb© evening itfj re coming to blows Jt Ijourn to a imeter md settle the matt* v several frieadstha dintoiVictoria-^* bedthataaasoitaWft aid no. it waj^ gan puUmg off^ r drew a revolrtf' is opponent's Wjr struck Fox ia«»* pieces. ^, xpowered^d^ ided man was »JT now on t^/TT quarrel is .^ to have «»'«'r^ f with whoiB 1^ those who 1^^^ herry, "'*^Si^ nfortheaoxeo*^^ litis, Wlia^*^^ use icx t**"^, [e mediaine to p' tait9, a»d 18 from ' 1 by all* eri ' y\ I -, wâ„¢^i»^^^^^^ ^^^^^f?!^^" '--â- â- ^- M â- ' 'â- â- â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢'" i i r 1 i tY*" " ""Vfi i L i ' CAl^U ONâ€" I next door to Muileyfa diM stqce, liaifedale. aad intnrttftthk) wgauidwcOlMMirted stoiskctf Haramtre, fttorea mnd'Sawan Paints land Oila. Ftompt *t- teotianto reptiring and mt*-. "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE OHIPB FALL WHERE TEEY MAY. 'tP^th YEAR.â€" N6. 499. MARKDAIiE, THTDBSDAf APBIL 3, 1890, C. W, BtTTLEDeB^ Proprietoi. y and Qther Items. eTi « ^-^^ eolvmns intended to benefit '^fjiridnnl or Society rcill he charged ten t for the first insertiov and five each suhseqvent insertion. eommumea' 'f,fjCE-â€"Corrffpfndence, ' 'â- â- kertiierx'ents. d-c„ mxint be in thU T'-^mn oil Tuesday to imure publication 5[;,.AB making comes slowly. iViNTEE lingers in the lap of spring. 7o.Borrow (Friday) will be a public lioliiJ?-}- The ic'hool site fever is prevalent in l^larkiiafe. Cii; load ef v,'heai, just arrived at I Ford's ffiill. A, w. WADr: takes the "bun" for inak- jugood bread. Me. Isaac Stinsok and family have I jioved to Oregon. Haspsoms Trail papers at M. E. Doug- |js3' fancy goods store. Feaxe Graham sells the M«3sey Imp- I lHneiit=. Tliey are world beaters. "WriKits and sleighs have been on the [od in about equal numbers this week. Hats Hats Hats !â€" Felt and Straw I Hats for sTerybady, cheap, at Mcrces'a. Thl lolbr riuk will be open to skaters to-mcrrow (Friday). Everybody come. 200 tons old iron wanted at the Matk- Jale foundry, for which cash wiH 1)6 paid. Icp. vTounda, burns, scalds and all fMn diseases, nse Mauley's Carbolic Oiat- fflent. The SxANrAED will be sent to any ad- dress the balance tf 1690 for seventy-flve cents. A SPAS of good yonng horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnston, Markdaie. 392-tf. Wanted.â€" 200 cords ^wood cut .»nd 2,000 rails g?lit. Apply vto' James Bell, Bell's Lake. Me. rR.ANCis 'Waekeb «nd family, of Glenol;;, moved this week to Toronto, there to reside. On yVeduesday evening 16th, an "At lomo" will beheld at the residence of Bexey Fctee. L\Di:-s, Misses and Children's foot- vare in lest makes, and popular prices, atil. E. Douglass' Boots 1 Boots Boots I â€" All sizes for young and old, and cheaper than the 'Cheapest, at Mercer's. on Cake Herbageum the best known Cattle foods in the world at Manley's Drug Store. The law requires all partnerships to ie registered within six months, under penalty of a fine of $100. For loss of appetite, indigestion, sick headache and heartburn, use Manley's Blood and Stomach Bitters. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Semedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. ^anley, Druggist, MarkdaJe. A CTJMBEB of C. P. R. employees met -«t Berkeley last week. They report a leasant and enjoyable time. Hkrbageuh increases the quantity of milk by one-half and at the same time Iteepg the cow in better condition. MxRCEs has the cheapest and best lineof all wool, silk finished, Henrietta doth in town. Ladies call and see. Tee snow is said to have been deeper io the woods sinee last Friday's stoim than at any previous time this winter. Ket. S. I. and Mrs. Hoaking, of Wood- 'ord, were in Markdale last week on tboit way to visit frienda near Drayton. HiBSBs Mabel Maihewa and Minnie lHa);hMs returned last week from tangeyille where tiwy bad been viait- iORfriendi. Ha. BoBT. McLou^nor haa compleied ii8 first term in Tonmte Vaterinazy ^(^oQege and will firaetioe witii J. J. Inrin, Y. S of MarkdAle for «be in- tarrouDg montha oafal .the fidl eoUe({e t«Rn,whenhewiflntani to eo nipirtB ^oonwe. LADIES in qnest of something neat, fashionaUe aod new in MILLINERY, will not forg€4 to visit the SPRING OPENINGS at W. J. McFARLANDS TO-DAY and SATURDAY, AprU S 5. OscHABD Grass, Italian Rye, Meadow Fescue or Sweet Grass Perennial Rye and Kentncky Blue Grass at Stephen's Drug Store. Pasties from the country are' inyited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. PuKiFT the blood and thus fortify the system against the attacks of diseases by using the great Rejuyinator Bitters. Sold by Smith, the barber. Money to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expensbslow, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. nows I nowBi For a Floury, Wilkinson, Gowdy, or McGill Plow, Jackscm keeps them and repairs too. Two-Furrow ang Plows, Iron Harrows, Land Rollers, and every Implement the farmer wants, AerdKMO. The man who wrote the following had a level head â€" Don't expect an adver- tisement to bear fruit in one night. You can't eat enough in a week to last you a year, and yon can't advertise on that plan either. People who advertise only once in three months forget that most Ieople cannot remember anything long- er than seyen days. If you can arouse curiosity by an advertisement it is a great point gained. The fair sex don't hold all the curiosity in the world. Quitting advertising in dull times is like tearing out a dam because the water is low. Fob the best Seed Drill, Broadcast Seeder, Cultivator or Spring Tooth Harrqw, go to Jackson. Terms easy and prices right. Repairs cash. Mb. Hamilton Ebbnet, of the 6th line Glenelg, died in Toronto General Hospital on Saturday and his body was brought home on Monday last. If you would like to see as good a looking person as yourself in a picture, life size, and handsomely framed, just leave your measure with Hamilton, the photographer. To THE FEONT. â€" The Eagle, sulkey cultiyator of Brantford, Hoosier seed drill. Spring tooth Harrow and Plows together with a full line of implements. F. Graham, one door north of Markdale House. The Central Spring Show at Walter's Falls promises to be one of the best, if not THE best in the county. Large and attractive posters are out announcing $70 in cash prizes. Remember the date, April 18. Can yxju lend me twenty dollars said one Congressman to another. "It would be a great pleasure. I'm glad to hear yotPsay so. But, old man, this is Lent and I've made up my mind to deny my- self all luzxuies." Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on April 9th, ior a school site, within the corporatioii of Markdale, to contain not less than two acres. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Brown, Secretary. Mb. G, J. Blyth, editor of Chatsworth News, was in town last week and tjave the Standabd a friendly call. Mr. Blyth is an earnest temperance worker, and is D. Lecturer for this District in the I. O. G. T. He will deliver a lecture in the Coaocil chamber, Markdale. under the auspices of the I. O. 6. T. on Monday eyeoing the 4th Apdl. See posters for further particulars. No man, whether he be rich or poor, can foretell with safety just how he will leave his family when death overtakes faim. Life insurance was instituted to vripe out this uncertainty. Perhaps the poor man will live long enough to be- come rich, and the rich man long enongh to squander Us wealth. In either case, a policy of life insurance on the assess- ment plan will be worth conndezaUe more than it coats. •pzlaff To«th HMTOwal The best in Canada west. Sold by Jadcson, the great Implement man. Jackson sells the best Seeder with Harrow and Grass Seeder attached, in the wide, vride world, manofactored by the wide awake firm of J. O. Wiaaer, Son ft Cou,Brantford. SbM to AjlvsrtlMn. Be brief. Talk ciomaai aenae. Pro- miae notfaiiig yoa cannot pecfwm. Left yoaz bnsinesa atand on ifta metita, and daat mn down aaoftber. Dont afcontyonz integrity. CbangayoivadT, oftsB. AdvartiM ooa Bna «k a Do nel eranrd jon spaee, bo* naka ywaaaw. look «« w p M o it al^ good dir ifiti^. Denrt iy ywalMca wlHn K «t bitoynoit.,faâ€" ai»iB DISTRICT DOTS. A blacksmith in Wiarton recently pulled a tooth with a pair of iron tongs for a citizen m that town. Wiarton public school has five de- partments and is still over-crowded, the fifth department haying over 90 pupils. Mr. John Sheeby has sold his hotel at Proton Station to Mr. B. H. Middaugh, sou of Mr. H. J. Middaugh of Durham. Owen Sound had another fire last week, when A. B. Dick's shoe store on Poulett street was burned, together with his entire stock. Durham is to have a lock-up built to the end of the town hall, and the Chronicle editor offers a special notice to the first inmate â€" free gratis, mind you. â€" Duced clevah. The Wiarton Echo says "We know of nothing so generally unsatisfactory as the electric light. It may work well enough in the larger towns and cities, but lor small towns and villages it seems to be a failure." Robert McNaught, Esq., ex-Reeve ot Sarawack and ex- Warden of the County of Grey, was presented with a gold watch at Owen Sound last week as a mark of esteem: by his many friends on the eve of his departure for Manitoba. ' Meaford Council has passed a By- law granting $12,000 to their High School. There was danger of it being defeated if submitted to a y'ote of the ratepayers, and having power to make the grant independently, the Council thought it wise not to run any risk. An addres^. and presentation, at Mfc. Forest recently, to a gentleman who was about to leave that town, which address staited off thusly "It is with regret we learn that the happy re- lations between us are about to be severed, it mny be tbroughnot an end- less eternity." Where can he be going to The New Englanders are agitating for a post office to be located at the residence of Mr. Wiley flr. The neiirh- borhood is now supplied by Eimberly P. O., the only routs to which is that afforded by the monntainous 6 and 7 side road. To stand at the foot and survey these precipitcns heights is euongh to bring t«rrdr to the bravest of us. Those who have once clambe- red npthe meandering roadway never want to repeat operation,and they can imagine the difficalties with which these good people have to contend weekly or oftener. It is surprising that their patience bi^ held oat so long. Tlie new office should be er-ta- Uished, without delay. â€" [Boeklyn earrespondenee in Mirror. WaMw'a XUla. "EpUtolarum Commereium.** Walter's Falls came in for its share of last Friday's storm. BudneaB was brisk on Saturday owing to the return of sleighing. Mr. Jno^ Murray commenced his duties this week as mail-earner on the Meaford route. The Misses Irwin moved into the village last week and occupy a house owned by Mr. S Caswell. The "Dauntless" Football Club is to be reorganized this week. Al- though some of last year's "eleven" ^ve left the vicinity, it is hoped that a good team can yet be placed in the field for the season of 1890. The Central Spring Show will be held here on Friday the 18th April. Particulars given in posters. Mr. G. McWhirter left on Monday en route for Minto, Dakota Ty. Mr. Wm. Norton, reeve of Holland, is moving this week to Holland Centre, where he intends to make his abode in future. Freddie Walter, a nine year old child of Mr. R. Walter has been very sick for about a week. Dr. Mc- (3uliough is in attendance, and there is still hope of his recovery. SPKING! SPBING TIMOTHY, CLOM â€"ANDâ€" GARDEN SEEDS AT THI â€" BELFAST HOUSE, get qaotations from as before yon puiehase. Crockery GIttfwart, the best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. KuweU. Standard Correspondence. C. McD. Williams still holds the "Fort." His deal with Mr. McAleer has been declared off. The "Emperor" of the world paid our town a visit on Monday, March 81et, or I should have said he claims to be Emperor of the World. We think he came one day too soon, and should not have made his appearance till April 1st. â-  We have had good sleighing since Friday's blizzard, but .it is beginning to get pretty soft now, and will soon be gone. Fresh Groceries, Fresh Groceries^ TaYraffn \i e have in stock a Japan Tea for 85 cents that peddlars and other merDhauU sell for 35 cents, call and get a Rample. Kaxkaway. Mr. back Qtemdard Correspondence, Mr. John Elliott has leased Brown's farm. Welcome John. Mr. Brown's sale was a huge success. Mr. John Johnson has purchased Mr. Robert Artley's farm north of here. Now ior that better half Johu. Mr. Artley has leased his brother Jef'sfarm. Mr. Boragardner has left for Gait. Halbert Bros, haye purchased another thoroughbred. Success. After a prolonged visit Mies Wilson has returned to her home in Brampton. XrlAXrfike. Sumdurd f}9rr«tpcmdmet. Mr. A. Johnson has the eontraok for the milk dimwing on ^iiut rontei Mr. (). Wariing dnnn «»' one of tiM HarUafo tootet. lir. t Jobnaon )aim itDtad Mr. tttoMOB's tem on tiw ttfa )iw Aad â- tovMl »waif tMltorteg^^ SLakottllMflfiUU Standard CoTretpondmee. What we may expect i^'ine weath- er and sugar-making after the big storm last week. Miss M. C. O'Hearri left for Owen Sound last week. Mr. James Walsh pulled his stakes and took the early train for Dumfries last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Eelley took their departure for Toronto last week where they intend to reside. Mr. John MoGrogan is very ill at present bat we hope he may soon recover. Mr. James Kerly refused three hnh- dred dollars fur his horses. Not a bad offer Jim. Quite a number ol those noted peo- ple called tramps are visitiog the vicinity. Mr. Chas. Byan has purchased Mr. James Eelley's farm, on which he in- tends to erect a house and barn this coming summer. Flour ti Feed Bran, Bhorts, Oat and Corhmeal and every- thing else kept in a first-olass provision store and for prices we can make them all take a back seat. We have a positive cure for the "La Grippe' Benson's Bnm, Gin and 5 and 7 year old whiskey will knock it out of yoa in one night- Gome and see us, you can save money by baylnfryoor goods from us. R.H.BENSON Si CO, B. H. Benson. W. J. Bensok. 18 YEARS AT THE TRADE. Fine work a Specialty, BEST TOOLS If the proposed United Mates tariff charges go into effect, and Canada still otmtiDilea to send eggs, barley, cattle, hay and other form prodaots to that conntry, taking last Tear's trade retnma M a guide the aifferenoe in daty roald unpont to $4,SlS,f74 in stMd of m094M8 M BOW, Ik ia •YiAlttit Oaifiiiia ttiist «Kt«ii| ISttr trade rata^ana viftb ojOior oovntrtta if die sMUiii to ftad • ml6tSulukj voA n- MATERIALS USED. Prices Low W. A. BBOWN, nCWBIiIiSB. GOTO .: W.J.-i M 1^' n f i I' f

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