|10608»8( 888 12981 U " 8252 5 686 00 « It t( 20 OQ 1088 «| 652 g(y 121 68: 1202 45 1U50 62 as 1 885 47 f 10608? 38 I Aaditors, haTe e Revenne and year 1889, aa n of Conncil, Rolls ot 1888 ue of 1889 ex. same year, lo- se accnnat [q auary J, 1889, be County KateB )f 1889 twd m. ire of 1889 ani ilance of $385.- e detailu state ""[Audi tors. Aa XKetropoUa. Qg, gimps, paB3- nd gallooaa ia th imd in. the-. lacttcs pTodlgsiity,' ns they are not: aaDiity far some *â- .sely trimmed rs popular ibau arst spring open- re made in Tery and are trimm- !, galloon fringp, le light colored dresses are ^â- ear. Thfij «e street, althongli loru for proaien- than likely to be e careless of the jities in dress, light or dark. All oar em- t away jacket* which are often -fitting fronti. Iseen m panels. ler capes, and .asses ot trim- are coverteu ehoulders to aost styUsb of I the lace- woven laduatea stiipe* ling laoe. The Maltese 1»» or some of tl»« I garniiure [bricandisseeo upon ground* The arrange- a very wide faduated stripe- iw smatt flw' 3, or tiny r*^ Lorration^ ft;; fife whit%,^ Its or bud* lsseeno«many Ifftbncs. 1» j; ujterJBrf?* 3ilk.wroa^» Irioas O^*^ L in gre^S If the eo»«" |wlM.tber -5(,j |lv oi^^ff] fabi-H S ::^ry. ttti frr- â€" • J. e. TrelfpM, next door to Ibudey'B dmg â- tare, liarkdale, and ioapecthis large and well assorted stookof Hardware, Rtoves and Tinware Paints and Oils. Prompt at- tention to rqtairing and eave- troubling. rfEKTH YEAR.â€" No. 498. "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." MARKDAJLE, THTJBSDAf, MABCH 27, 1890. C. W. BTJTIiEDGE, Proprietor. LM and Other Items. Notices in these etlumiuintended to benefit any individual or Soiriety mil be charged ten eents a line for the f^rU imertiov and five ' Ctnts a line eac h eubie^fOau insertion. ifOTICE.â€"Corretpnttience, eommmica- "^^- â- Advertisements, ttv„ mvut be in this offige by noonon Tuesday to insun publication theft week. A voice from TJncle Sam at 'Washingtoii "I ain goiaag to clap 5 cents per doz. duty on the fruits of the Can- adian Hen." IJtD W. A. Brown's adv. If you want a good f oot-bU cheap go to Manley's. 3 days sale, Cash ot credii, jour own pritses. W. A. Brown. PcBiFT your blood by ustag Ifanley's Blood apd Stomacb Bitters. Pbints Prints Peintb !â€" For good, reliable Prints, go to Mercer's. Master Robert Thompson returned home to Edgar on Tuesday last. 200 tons old iron wanted at the Mark- dale foundry, for which cash will be paid. The STAurABD will be sent to any ad- dress the balance of 1890 for seventy-five cents. I A SPAN of good young horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnston, Markdale. 392-tf. Better than ever are the pLotos tttTiied out at Hamilton's Art Gallery, Markdale. liEAN a Utile toward eyetything, com- mit yourself to siothing. A pohtician's advice to his son. A voice feom tlie male representative of the Canadian Hen ans"wers defiantly hack " Fire away, TIncle Sam, and vsrhen yon get tired paying 5 cents per doz. extra for yonr eggs, come over and see hov7 tired we are; on the contrary we intend to double the quantity of our output this year Sc if that does not bring yon to time we will lay golden eggs next year. We have still good friends and true inCan- ada yet as you will see ^ythefoUowing: WANTED ^0,000 doz. Eggs ^01 which the highest 5Jace,trade or cash,wiIL be paid, CANADIAN ONLY. ' U MoFARLAND, habkdalb. A. W. Wade m not liable to set the town on fire, but he is liable to make excellent bread. The latest acquisition to the Stand- ard's excellent staff- of correspondents is from Irish Lake. Wmerk did you eet that Hat? At Mercer's. He sells the cheapest and best Hats in town. Glergvhen may not amount to much as carpenters, but they make the best joiners in the world. Oil Cake Herbageum the best known Cattle foods in the world at Manley's Drug Store. The assessor is about the only person who people complain of as having too high an opinion of their worth. M. BicHABOSoN Go. are openins up Twaeds. Coatings, Clothing, Prints, Dress Goods, Boots, Hats, c., c. In England a "pony" is a five-pound bank-note in America, a small glass of brandy in the dictionery, a small horse. The most complete stock of Boys Ready-Made Salts in town at Mercer's all sizes from 22 to S5 inches, from $2 a suit up. Pabties from the country are inyited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of wintex vehicles. Ptjbift the blood and thus fortify the system Against the attacks of diseases by using the great Rejuvinator Bitters. Sold by Smith, the barber. MoNBY to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, ot current rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. For the best Seed Drill, Broadcast Seeder, Cultivator or Spring Tooth Harrow, go to Jackson. Terms easy amd prices right. Repairs cash. Wall Paper.â€" You cannot get the real American patterns and designs in wail papers, borders, ceiling papers and eomers excpet from W- J. McFarland. Ma. John Hamiltoh has been very ill, but we are glad to learn that he is now improving and likely to recover. Bron- chitis and heart disease is the trouble. Boys, some good trading Watches will be offered at my sale. Get one. Jewel- ler Brown. Mb. R. H. STnraoM, of the 9ih line, Euphrasia, has leased hU farm and moved to St. Vincent townahip where he win direct his atteataoa lazgdy to sto^k and dairying. Mr. Stinaon i» a pMgte»v8fKiB« anddemraMecitiwn, and we w^ him evoT Mb. and Mrs. Joseph Atkins, of St. Vincent,oelebrated their golden wedding on the 8th inst. They have been resi- dents of St. Vincent township for 50 years. House clecming will shortly engage the attention of female citizens general- ly. M. £. Douglass has a fine a^ort- ment of wall paptts. See her stock be- fore purchasing. We very much regret to learn that Mr. Joseph Blackburn, of Fledierton, has been suffering from a severe relapse of la grippe. We hope soon to hear of hia complete recovery. The most complete stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and Panting in town at Mercer's. Also new stock of Ties, Collars, Cuffs, c. Young men want, ing nobby goods, go there. Ali Gator, the stranger which \re mentioned last week as having been "roasted alive" in Benson's Uquor 8tor», 1 has been stuffed, and is now on exhibi- tion in Breadner's jewellery store. Engenia, March 3rd, '90. MR. J. ABTLEY, Deab Sib. â€" In answer to your enquiry asking how I liked yonr Pump you put in my well 50 feet deep I must say I am well pleased with it. It works so easy that my little girl 7 years old can pump with it. ]j. J. WXLUAUBON. M. Richardson Go. will haye their Spring Opening of Millinery and Dress Goods on April 1st. Their importatkns of Dress goods direct from English manufacturers are extensive and very fine value. On Saturday morning last about 8 o'clock a frame house on Ehzabeth St. took fire from a defective chimney. The fire was subdued before very serious damage was done. A family named Scott are the occupants. Miss Maud Richardson has just re- turned from Toronto] where she has been for some weeks preparing for the Spring Millinery, she will be pleased to meet her friends and show a very fine selection at M. ^Kchardson Go's., Flesherton. The failure of crope, the low markets and the emigration to Manitoba are each named as reasons for the decline in the price of real estate during late years, but there is another cause of depreciation in value â€" the appearance of the assessor. Mrs. Rooee, in company with her daughter Virginia, returned home to Toronto on Monday last. Miss Rooke has been seriously ill during the past five weeks with la grippe. We are pleased to hear that she is recovering, and that she is none the worse for her trip to Toronto. A pleasant and profitable evening was spent at Mr. John Lyons' residence on Tuesday evening last, being the second At-Home of the season, under the auspices of the Methodist Ladies' Aid Society. The weather was most un- favorable yet there was a good attend- ance â€" ^Receipts ♦12. Me. J. P. JllAkSHALL, Ji. D. S., of Shelbume, took the degree of Master of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Dental Surgery, Toronto, two weeks ago. Mr. Marshall visits Markdale on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday ot every month and is yery popnlar as a good dentist and is still determined to rise. McFarland is showing the following new goods Ali wool silk finished Henriettas in all the leading shades Sateen Art Prints in beautiful colorings and patterns Scotch Ginghams, wuranted to wash, TJc. to 12|c. Gents Snitings and Pantings, best quality, latest patterns Gtents Hats, Caps, Ties, c., styles new and correct. On Sunday ^ast a large gathering of children and friends met in 70 school house, Holland, for the purpose of organizinga Union Sabbath School when the following c^Soers and teachers were appointed â€" ^Si^erintendent, R. Jamie- â- on aaaictant Snperintendent, J. Smith; Treasner, Wm. Savgaat; Secretary, S. StephMis Idbtarian. Wm. Ewiwt Teachetaâ€" Mis. Wm. Sarguit, Mrs. E. Ewart, Mia M. J. Walker, Wm B, GiUaqiie BiU» fim» tetcheca, Mias Oliver aiid Mb. Builh. There are some men to whom a loss of their reputations wonld mean mighty good luck. "AvcTiON Sale," fine goods, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, W. A. Brown's Jewellery Store. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, MarkdaJe. It was not many months at(o that two lawyers who were trying a case in a Court in Washington Territory bulldozed and blackguarded each other until vituperation and insult lost their sting, and each drew on the resources of his hip. pocket. Five times they banged away at each other and nobody was hurt. They prepared to reload, but the Judge, who had been an excited spectator, sprang to his feet and yelled â€" "By Heavens, gentleman, if you shoot again and don't kill each other, I'll haye I you both arrested for contempt of CourtI' Flows I Plows *r For a Floury, Wilkinson, Gowdy, or McGill Plow, Jackson keeps them and repairs too. Two-Furrow Gang Plows, Iron Harrows, Land Rollers, and every Implement the farmer wants, riwd JaaiMon, Oeneral Blacksmith, Horse-shoeing and all kinds of repairing promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a trial, Markdale carriage works, opposite the Markdale House. Xnslo. Miss Benson, who has been attending the Toronto Conservatory of Music since midsummer, will return dext month and at once commence teaching. Miss B. is specially talented in this hue and we bespeak for her a large class and un- bounded success. Clip This Ont. The Canadian Permanent Loan Go. requests me to announce to their cus- tomers in Artemesia, Euphrasia, Hol- land and Glenelg, wishing extension of their Loans, or those wanting new Loans at lowest rates of interest can have their wishes strictly and con- fidentially attended to by calling at my residence opposite Dr. Spronle's mansion Markdale. John Whitby, appraiser. Also farms for sale and to rent. Snooessftil Xastlsc. Centre Grey Farmers' Institute held a very successful meeting at Thornbury on Friday, the 14th inst. The meetings of this Institute appear to become more interesting each year, and it is very en- couraging that such is the case. Mr. John I. Graham is an energetic secretary and leaves nothing undone which would further the interest and bentfit of the meetings, while Mr. Eells, the president, is ahve to the prosperity of the Institute and the good of the farming community. miUssry Openlnr. I wish to intimate to the people of Markdale and surrounding vicinity that my Milhnery Department will be open and ready for inspection Monday Slst. when Miss Breadner, now in charge, will be pleased to see you and take any order you may favor her with. As in the past you will find the goods tasty, fashionable and cheap. Other branches of my business will be found replete in every line. Thanking you for past favors I would soUcit a continuance of same. S. Hill. Worfhx of Xsntlon. The unassuming, yet faithful studious individual, attracts but little attention, and may fail even to receive that high appreciation justly due, while others of greater pretentions and less real merit gain the laudation of the public. Mr. H. Glendeoning, the principal in onr puUic school, is one of the former class. His persevering devotion to the welfore of his piqils, his superior ability m im. parting instruction, in a my that is easily grasped by the yoothfnl mind, and his untiring zeal in school work both in and ort of school boms has won fof him golden opinicms, and is bearing fruit in the laiga omnter of rtmoewfal stodentsfromlussehooL ffiscoUsagaes, Mrs Glendemiing and Wm Biduurdson, are also worthy mention as being thoroni^ sad efficient tsaebcn in tiisir xeopectiTe SPBING I SPBING TIMOTHY, CLOYER â€" ANDâ€" GARDEN SEEDS' • â€" AT THE BELFAST HOUSE, get qaotations from us before you pnrohaBe. Crockery Glassware, the best selected stocV to choose from in Markdale. Fresh Groceries, Fresh Qrocerles, \4 e have in stock a Japan Tea for 25 cents that peddlars and other merehafits sell for 35 cents, call and get a sample. i XoiigrcLEARiBacoii] Flour $t Feed Bran, Shorts, Oat and Commeal and every. thing else kept in a first-class proTisiou store and for prices we can make them all take a back seat. We have a positive cure for the "La Grippe" Benson's Biun, Gin and 5 and 7 year old -whiskey will knock it out of you in one night- Come and see us, you can save-, mone; by buying your goods from us. R. H.BENSON CO. B. H. Benson. W. J. Behsok-, 4th ANNUAlr Clearing Sale â€" ON MarcU?, 28 and 29, AFTERNOON EyEN/NG, 2 AND 7:30 O'CLOCK Without reserve following goods offered â€" Cruets, Butters, Baskets, Beiries, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Nap. Rings,, etc., m fine Silverware. Yiolins, Boxes, Bows, Acsordeons, c., in Musical goods. Gold, Gold-Filled Silver Watches witii fine American movements, Ladies and Gents sizes. Koll-Gold Chains, Seals, Cuff Buttons, Tie Fins, Ladies' Brooches and Bar Pins, all best quality plate warranted. 6 Nickel Alarm Clocks, also Walnut and Veneered Spring Clox. Other lines also reduced. My extremity is yeur opportanity to pfocare genaine goods at yonr own prices. Am persnarted that these goods and method of disposnre will attract many bnyers. Termsâ€" Up to $11.00, cash over that, ap^oved notes at 6 months withoot miereit, or 5 per eMit« dis* oouot. See big posters. Bememter time, place and tenoK. W. A. BBOWN, U ' /â- !'â- â- % Q M ' t V r-1 1 'ii (I i ik ,â- • ' .•â- !•!! ^5^.-?;. K • 'V *^f t ' ' i HiiiMiiwili r^xOa FAFBB "imi-.T^^jiiiii^-i