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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Mar 1890, p. 8

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 Qses good conversing ^°^»Mi "anypeoT.l.L*"«K, .«« wonderful^- J ' their po^' quilt done bVh^^ ' ^- 3. Cattle. ng, member forC l-he department;.- to grant the denJ- for equal faciliS;; little from the UnS He also asked wheE '»tc.l States catt » providing for tSf ^•heve they were lanS Tlie.1 that the uS "ct'o'fW^!^^!' ^tt ot 18,8, and that restrictions could no-: " ^ail, 47 cattle c-s affected with pwf ived in Engia; ^nrt. As 21 a bull suffering fron, I'een landed at Dept. k. Communications i-, nieniof the provision, re still proceeding with venunent. ke a Hero. "oronto says :_0u .Sai- ilf !mi:.!red3 of youiv^ skating on the lay, i )t knnv,-n broke througli south of the York strw. great danger of drown- Luneil Rol)ert Bailey, of lunged in to save hiin. it became apparent to iiig on that Bailey wm I Irowuing than themal| :ittijnij)ting to rescue, nanieil 'riioinas Milk, Itdii street, leapt in to :ink, however, kfnre I 11(1 dro-A-ned. The ,x u'elock the same iiiglii lis, ami al present lia in I tht r lv'.) Dien who were I â- escued after some dilti- 1 •J(} yoard of iige p.r.d wa [v. His father livfi in Iv relative in this i;oiiii-| VMO lives in Whuiipe^' taWil. orniiig I A clear Miisk hooting to the flakes -then nilliing the diii»| n a tliinpled flush V tiie sliimlrous hush h uf breezes; iiiomiiij| and throstle wakes When the herh islushl :l!e le^ el gleams of ligh*| to a wider round Morn the stir, tln| ng being, Avith swcci| the i,'(dden heigiit and earth is summer-| ' A. Dawsox. isks Ktin. ;,lled in reference t« for a type-writer •' I advertised for i It Iwasinhopeslnug' u cook' ,es. "' )er""' o out unless obliged there, please- 10.1 iiou^li for That 'lltmmadaUthew'j _No;Iain'tmaden^| Compliment. •. Wer rescuer- J TnotiS"""l ttly turned. "^erative Rail' ^^ th^placeforaf** nder. that i^l have ft crack 't"" bt" -;j^i;33 OF_TflE SEAS." Concerning Brlt- Pillnv F;i I u0f '"""'"^^"preparlng for the next Sla- »â- ' "'„irc»-Tfie»wCrnIser"Speed. ,tl«sarB*rt ' ' ;. .,;!!•- use of high-pr-3ssure steam l"*;'^r M-^o- i'ri-^i--':! engineers say that j:-*'" '^t „â- â- ;. 11 -ri tlieejouoinicaladvantages .jie;";-'^;' •â-  ,., jj^ „^y have always been ' '"" ,1 1'v ihe uitfieulty of procuring a '"p""uar'ne boiler to withstand the high- I ?^"'"'^L/withoiit undnly increasing the â- ' • of the swell plates or reducing the â- "" It ^vas at iirstjthought that the •â- ^'""'^â- .glioile; would answer for marine "'f Vut the two principal objections to f rk â-  " )jj^\.!; of I^oiler afloat are that â- -""' Hire tlie purest water, and, owing to ::;'ilmt^.i steam space, they arejery apt THE LATEST JOKES. are very ,â-  In a paper read before the iorth- ...prini^-^^ jjj^'fitiition of Engineers and Ship- "i'^«"\fr " 1' Casebourne proposes the .â- "'â- ^" ',r'.| iiKuine boiler having an outer ' i'"!.' i'lia-' '-ii'li- "^^ object of havmg a " l,e'weeii tiie l«o shells is to provide a " " Li-)i'lviiig iineutralizing or balancing ' th'f iiTiiershell. The space inclos- hells is to be tilled with steam ;re than that generated with- wliich is thus relieved of 'll iir'--^i"!e of steam w-ithin over the '"' ' te:ini between the two shells. that this type of boiler ...jSure I" ' ^jlKu-ueiitl^ ";,lo«-trpres!:ix iiiiier.snell. .-.jiure" tli'-\ • invtr.t'.r ' .j..ii-^- ;i,Iapt^ade for steam ot^yUpounUs ".^ur. and e'nul'i be inaile large enough to ..'"'t. .â- '!,•,.., ,â- ,..;. lilv cleaned, examined. liUil „f !.^: ..1 leiLlily cleaned, examined, of JJritish war ships for â- A ivii.- â-  i!cxt i'lmual nii'.na'uvres has, it isreport- Keii si. :idily uoing on for some time past. i\'i;htiie'e\eeiitiin of the Inilexible and the '•i 'hinii, all tiiL- "-hips at Poristnouth likely â-  uiic part jn them have been coaled, and â- â€¢liae i» a state of cdinparati"e readiness. •^i/t::)u^lii that, shouhl the plan of opera- in'ii!-i""e ti:e '^traits of Gibraltar, saveral ,--,|iHs;iia!i!r .-ilujis which formed a portion ,last voai's llotilla will lind noplace in this Vitiiiiuis ji:-' igiamnie. It is thought that it !. i,i,i in- a iriiiiil idea to carry out this year's ,,:iiiuvri in the Mediterranean, and to â- ..X thi etiV'tiveness of Gibraltar as an out- ii-tM'i eii:di:ig 'Station with the present iiis and sv-ieni of varfare. This idea, it -(hoUL'ht. «-i'i;lii i/.vini/ rdii]) I'ltr. aiid li • â-  •Mtmivn; that aiso afford a means of em- of recent types than any â- . iruth of Lord Brassey's â-  ;ibraltar without a dock ..f little use t'l the navy." Tlif i'.:iti.-h .\diiiiialty have materially ,;;iT('i llie regululions affecting arrest and lutiiic;' tion jI deserters and stragglers. The Litimisi.eiv.cen the civil and naval a'dthori- v:* ,i:vi^Ei.r.' eleiulydetined and accentuated, lie whei-eliv cases of mis- almost im- ii-'i I :i IS nu'.ilc wiici-eliy '.ilv are remlerei it i^ :.;i"rt;:l anotlier competitor ill 'i 1 .â- â- :.! d' '•-â- ' va; lis for t-'.e construction lii;:~:i vi. !â-  sr.ips is about to come into |-\i4ci:-.:' ui'.l aj)j)ear at Soutluimpton. ^l\•'.^• of the Southampton iNiv.d Wi-rk.: 'i'i:;ij;uiy (Limited) this firm :.-.-iifi;ri.-.i \\\r promises of Messrs. Oswald, ilnnia;:! V iC i .r. v,:m during the past six- .-.uvia.s '-:â-  T'.ei'caiiout, have carried on an tr.rii.-(Vf ^--a;iiin;tu!ii;g business at the port. T':r iau:-:e:i';- (if the new company is Mr. J. I H, liili-:. the .lesigner f ihe City of Paris, the Ilia I'l.ui ill •. and HI Destructor, who, for â- dal \(\u-.- jiast, has been with J. G. ii'niiisii:i. ii:i liie Clyde. British otHccrs say a! "ll!! li-i :A mvlsitect who has produced â-  Ia,i:i iiir;v::vntile steamer and two of 1 ini,:' .â- â- ;;. ii-n: vvar cruisers in existence y v'.;.-;l â- :â-  'iir.ktd upon as a tower of hiinself. The formation of this â- :viy;!: ^lii]iaii\ â- rti'iK- â- 'iated n.. 1 erei \u- t; l:a- i.L' in "â-  -lef ii- li ^^ Hllalpli 1 ai! elii of the greatest im- iiiiL'land. esijecially so since it is I lie Hnglish Channel. ;-' LTiinboats Cockchafer and ll' '.;';ivod. at Colombo, report 1 ki!i man-of-war Eizegroul is i'-;:pi':e Harbor, and has been r last tv, or three months. She li p.iy the port dues, and has •._'h money to buy hhi, coal to enable â- rt(ipro.ced to Jajtan with the decorations !thc .Mil-.ailo witli which her Captain is • .trusted. I L- would almost seem as if she 'id nci aiiiinjiiiition, for the compliment to â- "•â-  jH'it ); IS never been paid, and the 'â- I'vernnr ii:is. in consequence, given orders I 'at tire Ki/eir;iul is not to be treated as â- Han-dt-w.u-. It is understood that the Ccip- 'â- :i is still waiting foi- remittances from the â- '"tic. Tlii ilisgr:i'ceful state of things, it is •'lugiit. K.uld hardly in connection "â- ^.h.-iny Kiinipean country except Turkey, â- â- t*iKh t!iii!ai have happened to ships of 'â- â- iw uati.iiaiities for instance, a Spanish ^^!Ot--,vaiv SI line yeai-sago, was kept waiting â-  -^goiiy it arbor" for about three months, •nng 111 I juouey and almost less credit. Hie British cruiser Speedwell was recently " "in of ])aven|)ort for the first of a pro- IPtsive si-iirs of steam trials under forced â- Wigln. liie Speedwell is said to differ "•11 iier :^ist.r ships in being structurally ".tongei. an.l .slight differences have been "â- -de in ihe engines and boilers. The "d ill i"i:;-e.[uence of the repeated fail- -â- Â« of tin- typu. was deemed sufhciently im- â- ;5tant dcinind the presence of Mr. W.H. lite. l)i rector ,of Naval Construction, â- 'Mr. l);;r.ston. the engineerin Chief of the "^T- -^. report of the trial states that there I 'isiiukh less vibration than in the other --sels of the class, but as regards the 'j?ir.e trials there was no break in the mon- â- ^JUe of fidlure. The Speedwell made a ^tistiictniy run to Portsmomid, but ;*, t^iiti.n;- ^1, i;^anv leakages were de- -idptd ill tiu' boiler t;:!:^v5 that it was neces- ;-â- â-  til roll about •." o: ri-e-n in the dock- '_^J U-r..i, .proceeii -,g on me trial. ^â- ;t;'t power of the engines v/it'.i e is â- t,.")0O horses,but it was Ui;: n- .; â-  ' piess them at this trial lieyond S,- â- , "â-  t heiiig al)out the power at which ;;-â- '-â- â- â-  -e^. displayed themselves at prcvions Seagull type of vessels. After its lad been slowly worked up to ^â- â- "V'-r-d munber of revolutions, the three â- ; trial w;is beguii with an air pressure /;â- â€¢â- ,•"â- "' a ludf inches, but it was soon per- ^â- '^« uliat it was unlikely that ths reduced \^y^' ^^â- â- 'I'-ld be realized. When the trial I'^tT^'"' to within five minutes of the spec- I "" ^hree hours" steaming the tubes of "the I 'fi,- '^*"' leaked to such an extent that r^^^^'i further could be attempted. The I ' J^as abandoned and the vessel returned •-'0 liarljor. Women are invariably clothes observers of their sex. Ducks are a good deal like brokers. They live on margins. Love may be blind, but he knows when the parlor lamp is too high. Too much "set 'emupagain" is what brines a great many men down. The song of the city about next July "Drink to me only with thine ice." Many a broadcloth husband owes his posi- tion to the fact of his marrying a gingham girl. The tailor-made girl is said to be going out of fashion. The ready-made jgirl is good enough for anybody. No man, says a temperance paper, can properly attend to his business if he doesn't keep straight. But how about the contor- tionist It was an ingenious boy who explained his muddy clothes by saying he had been tryuig to put a potato patch on the seat of his trousers. What the world wants, says somebody, is a new religion. We doubt it. Some people are not willing to pay for what they're get- ting now. Ponsonl)y â€" "Do you think Siedy married for blood " Squiggs â€" "No, but I reckon his wife did. They say ghe has the temper and claws of a cat." The season now is close at hand When the umpire with his gall Will close behind the catcher stand And then cry out "Play ball " O'Flynn (reading a death notice) â€" "Poor J im It says he left a wife and two children. " Mrs. OTlynn â€" "Och, ye might know that. He was too mean to iver take them anywhere wid him." Failure is not such a bad thing, after all. It is acknowledged to be a profitable thing to fail in business, and we • know some men who wish forty times a day that tliey had failed in love. Mrs. Figgâ€" "Is ilr. Peck at the lodge this evening?" Mrs. N. Peck â€" "No; he's down- town getting drunk. I always let him have this day for his enjoyment. It's our wedding anniversary, you know." The present riding habit for ladies is more becoming than that for gentlemen," says an exchange. Well, we would just say so The gentlemen's riding habit, we believe, is to let the ladies stand up. "Look here, these eggs you sold me the other day were all bad." "Well, it ain't my fault." "Whose fault is it?" "Blamed if I know. How should I know what's inside of 'em. I'm no mind reader. " Young Mr. O'Donovan (native born, to his father, of foreign extraction) â€" "Don't yer go deceivin' yerself by thinkin' I'm a cryin' cause yer licked me, for I ain't. I'm all up- set at lieiii' struck by a furriner, an not be in' able to strike back "' The Pev. Mr. Wilgus^ â€" "Yon should not complain so, lirother Figg. \Miy not be content with what you have " Figg â€" "Oh, I"m perfectly satisfied with what I have â€" so far as it goes. It's what I haven't got that I am doing all my kicking about." A church choir in a neighboring town a few Sundays ago were singing. "A Charge to Keep I Have" to the music of the Prima Donnawaltz. Alady, observing thata strang- er in lier pew had no hymn book, politely handed him one. "Thanks,'" said tbe gentle- man, with great suavity, " I seldom use a libretto "' A young minister, not long since, -supplied a pulpit for one Sablxith in a thriving manu- facturing town eaft of the Hudson. He w'as the guest of a deacon, and as they walked to- gether after the morning service, the deacon said " Pe haps you do not know that -vou preached to eighteen millions of dollars to- day "' "No,"' said the minister, " Ididnot; Imt you will go to hell, all the same, unless you repent." The Irsod :!!,â-  -r (.. irj' "^® ^^"ithout suffering would be like a I *toT ^^"'""t shade. The pets of Nature, lot "*^' liimw what suffering is, and can- |5ts/n it, have always a certain raw- ttf^ " focdish landsmen who laugh at the 'sith' '^^ ^^^' ocean, beciuse they have rWr ^^P^'^ience enc"t;-li to know what \(,^ "â- Qrsare, nor bra;,! enough t» imagine LeaTC hope beliind. All ye who enter here So ran the dire w^arning which Dante read on the portals of the Inferno. So runs the crnel verdict of your fi-iends if you are overtaken by the -first symptoms of that terrible disease, consumption. " Leave hope behind; Your days are numl)ered" And the struggle against death is given up in despair. But while theic is life, there is hoi)e Dr. Fieice's Golden Medical Dis- covery has cured hundreds of cases worse than yours and it will cure you, if taken in time. But delay is dangerous. No power can restore a wasted lung the ' ' Golden Medical Discovery," how-ever, can and will arrest the disease. Be slow to promise and quick to perfoi-m. After smoking use Adams' Tutti Frutti Gimi, it wdll purify the breath, and is recommended by the most eminent physi- cians. Sold by all Druggists and Confection- ers. 5 cents. The longest life is but so many moments. AUMen, young, old, or miiidle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfubiess, deposits ill the urine, loss of will power, tenderness pf the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipationi dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surroimd- ed with LE.\DEX cikcle, oily looking skin, etc. are all symptoms of ner^'ous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring. or ^-ital force ha\Tng lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who "through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send you, address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. K, Toronto, Ont. Books stnt free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip Ijeats, hot flushes, rush of blood to Tiie head, dull pain in the heart with beats stroi:/, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the fiist, peun about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cnreds No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 5« Fr»«t Sta^t E|rt^I»r- *OMt»,01lt. A Dream of Fair Womai. Tennyson in his exquisite poem, dreams of a long procession of lovely women of ages past, "rhis is all very well, but the laureate would have done the world a greater service if he had only told the women of the present how they could improve their health and enhance their charms. This he might easily have done by recommending the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Health is the best friend of beauty, and the innimier- able ills to which women are .peculiarly sub- ject, its worst enemies. Long experience has proven that the health of womankind and the "Favorite Prescription" walk hand in hand, and are inseparable. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive ffuarantee from the manufac- turers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guar- antee has been printed on the bottle-wrap- per, and faithfully carried out for many years. Deeds are fruit; words are but mere leaves. The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of how long standing, is pemmnently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. "Do you see that man over there?" said one rural visitor m the House gallery to another. "The one who was jest speakin' " "Yes. He was once a famous Know-Noth- ing." "Well, he don't seem to be clean ovtr it yet." A. P. 493. Bermuda Bottled. "You most so to Bcrmutla. If| you do not I will not ite responsi- ble for the consequences." "But, doctor, I can afford neither tbe time nor the money." 'WeII, It' that is impossible, try JH* I ^VB^V^V TespeetJuewcH-k tor men and women. Addren T. li JlannnK THE TRUSTS CORPORATION CAPZTAX;. SUBSC^raXD CAFITAX^ For $2,000 cash I -will sell a one.c'oarter inter- est in an old-established, profitable citv busi- ness. This is a rare chance. Investigation in- i President, vited. References exchanged. Principals only. For particulars address^ P.O. Box 266. Toronto P.O.. Out. PLATE Delivered anywhere in Canada. Stock. Lowest .Prices. Largest OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIV£R OIL. I sometimes call it Bermuda Bot- tled, and many eases «f CONSyMPTIOE\!, Bronchitis, Cou^h or Severe Cold I haro CURED with it; and the advantaare is that the most sensi- tlve stomach can tahe it. Another thins which .oommendn It is the i stimulating properties of the By- pophospliites trhicli it contains. You will find it for »n\c at your Drugrsri^c's, III Salnif!^!i -vtmppcr. Be sure you get the f?cE:«!2»c." SCOTT At BO'wXE, Bonevlllc. WATPU79 CnCir lO"*) absolntely free to introdncc nnilinLt) rilui.. Gnrgonds. Write and be coaTinceo' o Canadian Watch Cc, Toronto, Can. try Olive BK.\NCii, me dcsd remedy known for all female complaints. Sample free. J. Trotter, a llichmond St. W., Toronto, Can. THE SniTII XEEDLE 1.4('KA;E. Bcrit thing out- Agents make $5 per day. Samples by maU, 2oi. OleSient Co., 36 King St. E., Toronto. and Tumor Specialist. Private Hospital. Xo knife. Book free G. H. McMichael,M.D.,No. 63 Niagara street, Buffalo, N.Y. McGausland Son, 7% to 76 MiBg St. West, Toronto. JOY FOR PAIN.: Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Pains in Breast and Kidneys for years very bad: When I stooped I could scarcely straighten up, felt miserable. After three months' drinking St. Leon Water I found rest and perfect relief. No pains or stifling sensation after eating. I recommend St. Leon daily. Others find it all I state. W. HIGGINS, Empire Laundry. 823 Queen St. W., Toronto $1.00t^MO. flM^OOO. OBIre Vaults, 93 Toronto St., Toronto. Hox. J. C. AiKnfs. Vice-Preeidents P°^' "f** Adam Wilson. Knt vice fresiaents ^hon.R.J. Cabtwright.kcmo IMaxager, A. E. Plcmker. This Company is approved by Order-in-Council of Lieut-Governor, and is accepted by the High Court of Justice for purposes of such Court. This Company acts ais Xzecntor, Adminis- trator. Beeeiver, Goardian, Uqnldator. Assi^ee, c.. Trustee underDeeds, Wills by Appomtment or Substitution, and acts as AJsent in all Financial business. Investment of Money, Collection of Rents, Interest and Income, and Countersigns all Bonds. Securities. c. I 5* O 58 Address WHALEl' SOYCK A CO., 15S Yonsr Street. Toronto. Send for Catalogue. THE WONDER OF HEALING I CUBES CATABBH, BEEUUATISII, ITETT- BALaiA,SOBSTnBOAT,FtLES,WOin:n}S, BUBNS, FB^ALE COMFLAIITTS, Ain3 HSyOBBHAaES OF ALL SIHSS. VtedlntemaHyAExttrtitaiy. I'rlceaBOo.%1^1.75 POUS'SESTBACTCClTew^ t tsUnitn Thousands of Dyspeptics No. 3234 HAVE USED iHOINll fiUUIIQiBiBBH "WITH BENEFIT. Easily Digested. Very StrengtheniiLg. THE CONBOY CARRIAGE TOPS ARE THE BEST KNOWK. i GANGER â- â- 'iLu^lrhATn/t^' WOOD engraver; i, puRPO,s^.Sr: ©•. TORONTO, Cmi^Df\ ARTIFICUl Um For Circular Address, J. DOAN SON, Northcote Are., • Toronto. The (ireat Ottoman Blood Bemedyi Guaranteed to cure all diseases of' the blood whetherbrought on by indiscretion and excess or arising from hereditary causes. Will remove pimples and blotches from the skin and by it« invigorating .action on the blood restores failing powers and builds up the system of those suffer ing from wasting disease. Price ?1 per Tttottle. Address, Ottoman Medicine Co., Mail Building, Toronto. THE BOILER MPECM AND INSURANCE CO., OF CANADA. Established for the prevention of steam boiler explo.sion by proper inspections. Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., Lieut. -Gov. of Ontario, President. Hend Oflire, « Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont. Consulting Engineers and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS Geo. C. Robb, Chief Engineer. A. Eraser, Sec. Moulders' Apprentices Wanted TWENTY-FIVE young men who have had one or more years' experience at iron moulding in country foundries, as improvers. Application must be made at once by mail, accompanied'by testimonials as to character, ability and general health, hei.^ht and age. Wages paid to such as are accepted will be sHfHcient to meet reason- able living expenses for unmarried men. The E. 0. Gnrney Co., Toronto, Out LLAN LINEsirakl!^S^s A THE PIONEER CANADIAN LINE and stiU to the front in regard to the provision made for the safety and comfort of its customers. Weekly sailings between Ijiverpool, Glasgow and the St. Lawrence, and fortnightly service from London during summer months. Mail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland via Halifax during winter. Glasgow steamers sail throughout the year to Boston and Philadelphia, calling at Irish ports and Halifax en route. For rates of pass^e and other information apply to H. BOURLlEll, cor King and Yonge Sts., Toronto H. A. ALLAN, Montreal or to the local agents in your county. Their increasing popularity is a proof of their superiority. Be sure and got a Conboy top on your biTggj-. Agents Wntsd Eiferywhsre Ting offer 19 pood for 60 days and is made to absist us in securing t;ood aj;eiit3 to introduce our V.'arches and Jewelry, We re- quire everyone ordering, to cut liis advertisement out and send with their order, agreeing to try and make 8.iles from our mammoth catalogue wbich id Edit free with every watch. On receipt of fifty cents in postage stamps. as a guarantee of good ' faitli, Ave will send the watch to you by ex- press. C.O.I)., subject to examination. If found perfectly satis- factcry and exactly as represented yon can pay the balance £S.S7 and take the watch.otherwii* you pay nothing. The case is warranted solid Goldoid.acom* position meta! which. CJ.U not be told from pure gold, except by experts it is richly engraved, with Bolid cap, solid bow and crown .importedFrench "iBtal and is warran- 1 for 20 years. The movement is a genuine iported expansion bal- i, quick train, hand adjusted and recolated, warranted, with fair usage will last a lifetime. Tbia icyonrlast chance, to Rcta $30 watch for $5.87 and one free if you sell 6. Canadian Watch Jewelry Co., 69 71 Ar»r,LAiDE St. East, Toronto, Can. Whenever goods are to be Fent by mail, cash in full must accompany the order, as no goods can be sent by mail, CO. D. Where cash in full accom- panies the grder, we sendfree a fine gold platedchain. (Zonfcbcvution ORGANIZED 1871, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free troia all restrictions as to residence, travel or occnpation. P«id-ap Policy Rod i'unU !$urrenlor Valnc Ciaaranteed In earh Policy. AFFORDS ABSOLUTK PROTECTION' AGAINST Provides an INCOME in old a^e, and is a good INVESTME^ItT. Policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of tvvo full annual Preminms. Pi-oflts, whicli arc unexcelled by any Ck)nipany doing business in Canada, are allocated CTery five years from the issue of the jolicy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. ProfitH so allocatrd are abHolate and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any rature time under any circa ntHtances. Participating Policy HoUlers are entitled to not less than 90 per cent, of the profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years ha ve actrtally received '.lo per cent, of the profits so eartied W. C. MACDOXALD, J. K. MACDONALD, Actuary. Managing Direct or tOM\l S\SRi.ViM CURED TO THK EDITOR :â€" Please inform your readers that 1 1 ave a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permajiently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully. T. A. SLOCUIW. M.C., 186 West Adelaide St.. TOROMTO, OC4TARIO. ESCRIPTIOIIS The Allieit Tcilet Soap Coy'r datmeal SUn Soa^ MAKES THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXION BCAUTIFUU See Aftc the Cey*a â€" le la Stwo*'** the See* •â- Â« es tte WnppeK Having Special Facilities for boiler work we are prepared to tender for anything in that lineâ€" Tanks, Burners, etc. AUTOMATIC ENGINEf new design, economy and regular speed guaranteed. Waterons Engine Works Co., Ltd., Brantford, Canada. I.CURE FITS! TH3fiSAllDS OF BOWLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. \Vlieii I say Ou»« I do aot nean merely to stop them for a time, and then /CE^. • \«tADICALOURIt- I have made the disease of ni% or noili^ di^eneeii 4Jife-loc^ sbaAg. I m ar ran t my lemedr to Ourtt tlie «rorst caies. Becaose otijerr. hzy failed is no ceeaqiifor not aew ceccMiKa Onto. Seed at oacefora treati^ aat a «rwe ;««ttiu of my llifeliaia RMUMiy. C Post Office, l- 'i-i£s yoz aorxunn: for a trial, and it iriU cue von. Aodni MtSv •ranch Ofiicoi 186 WflEaT ADBtAiPS aTMUET, TORONTA luve tbtmretnni ROOT» • 1 i t '^^^^-^C^^ iMi mm 'iMmn â- ii wmm

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